October 4, 2008

"... this clown's blog, stating more or less that Palin gave him an erection? Little starbursts my ass."

Andrew Sullivan cannot get enough of needling Rich Lowry for writing:
I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it.
Now, of course, that's rather silly, but certainly no sillier than Sullivan's endless murmuring over Obama's attractiveness.


Fred4Pres said...

Or no less pathetic and disgusting than Sullivan's obsession with Trig Trutherism.

Fred4Pres said...

Lowry deserves some mocking for that particular post (I liked the Whiskey Sour reference by Sully's reader). But from Sullivan? Professor Ann is dead on about Sullivan's fauning over Barack Obama.

MadisonMan said...

Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?

Buford Gooch said...

"Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?"


Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan - "erection? Little starbursts my ass."

Andy is just jealousy of Sarah Palin's ability to captivate an intelligent, handsome young man like Rich Lowry.

MadisonMan said...Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?

Martin Van Buren was known to wink quite a bit on the campaign trail.

He didn't earn the nickname "Mr Winky" for nothing.

Unknown said...

Sullivan's obsession with Trig Trutherism is so creepy--he now DEMANDS to see the amniocentesis results. Mr. Sullivan: we all know the amnio revealed trisomy 21. Does Sullivan think the baby does not have Down's Syndrome and the Palins are lying to America?

Mr. Sullivan: Please stop including the Palin children in your posts and please stop demanding information from Sarah Palin's obstetrician/gynecologist.
There is a limit to your "right to know""

SGT Ted said...

Oh yes, God forbid that an American Presidential candidate be somewhat of a ordinary American. Give us more narcissistic pathological liars like Joe Biden and black Jesus.

SGT Ted said...

Ands Sullivans obsession with Palins family is the mark of a bigoted nutjob, as he no doubt defends O!s family being off limits to any sort of scrutiny.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

He wants to deliver the next presidential child, and he's afraid Palin will do it instead.

MadisonMan said...

Sorry if this was covered in the 1000-comment marathon, btw.

I try to imagine Margaret Thatcher, or Golda Meir, or Indira Gandhi winking at the audience during a speech. I fail. If Sarah Palin did this to charm me -- apparently it worked on some -- she does not understand one bit what I look for in a leader: someone to lead.

I guess winking just equates to juvenile behavior with me.

George M. Spencer said...

During the debate, fertility goddess Palin made me cringe. It was like listening to the weather gal from some obscure TV station.

With the exception of her remarks on energy, everything she said seemed like boilerplate. Whereas McCain and Biden know everything about every issue, both she and Obama seem programmed.

But I am glad she's had at least five weeks experience.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I am sorry, MadisonMan, but maybe with the exception of Marge, the other too could wink, and the dogs would howl. I admired them all, mostly Meir and Thatcher (Indira was tough as nails, but a totalitarian) but one has to recognize that pretty they were (one still *is*) not.

Anonymous said...

"Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?"

I think it's a bit much too. Unless and until she develops a serious statesman persona.

Chris said...

"Sullivan's endless murmuring over Obama's attractiveness."

Huh? Examples, please - and in sufficient number to justify the use of the word endless.

Godot said...

MadisonMan said:
Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?

Maybe it bothers you that Palin doesn't look and act like "all those other presidents on those dollar bills".

Fred4Pres said...

Podhoretz on the Beagle Blogger, Virtually Unspeakable

Beth said...

Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?

By golly, no, ya aren't! Yer darn tootin', that's a downright odd thing ta do!

Chennaul said...


Any of you chicks remember when you were young and they would show girls shreiking and fainting at Beatle and Elvis concerts or your friends would bring their Shaun Cassidy or Donny Osmond lunch pails to school and embarrass the hell outta you?

This is like that-except who knew guys could be even bigger doofuses...

Oh wait...none of you are chicks but you should still get the point so far the regular jelly kneed school boys aren't here yet...

You know actually I should have een this coming with the mindless internet guy phenomenon over Malkin, Coulter-and oh ya-

Althouse. Heh.


SGT Ted said...

Whereas McCain and Biden know everything about every issue, both she and Obama seem programmed.

Biden talks real purty but showed that he is either clueless about alot of what he talked about, or he is a pathological liar counting on the Obama cheering press not to expose him for his serial dishonesty in that debate. This guy is an alleged "Constitutional professor, but didn't know which Article deals with the executive duties of the VP. Theres like 24 easily documented lies and misstatements that spewed forth from this ignorant mans mouth and the press is only harping on and scutinizing Palin.

Wince said...

Whew, all I know is that I'm thankful the debate didn't last more than four hours... or I would have had to call a doctor!

Chennaul said...

You know so far she hasn't been able to work her magic on the Canadian-American Conservative Commentariat-Krauthammer, Frum I wonder if they are immune to the accent thing-they've heard it before...

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Is this a serious controversy or another fabricated one? I mean, seriously, if we are going to get that silly, I am protesting the AME Church minister tone that The One (PBUH) has been using all the time for the past few months. It bothers the hell out of me, mostly because by comparing it to previous speeches, one realizes that it is fake. However, I can get over that, and look at what matters. Apparently our "intellectual elite" cannot. That says a lot about them (and to be honest, some of you as well)

Anonymous said...

You know, everything is about sex for Andrew Sullivan. What a very strange person.

Ann Althouse said...

"Am I the only one who finds a Candidate's winking during a debate a little bizarre? And very non-Presidential?"

It's similar to lip-biting. What did you think of that?

Wince said...

Oh, and Biden's incessant pawing of women and children is normal?

Why doesn't Andrew or his reader ask if that gives Biden himself an erection?

Plus, wasn't "my girl" Sarah giving a shout-out specifically to her parents in the audience when she winked to them?

I think a wink is a nice touch when you are acknowledging a sub-group while still addressing the entire audience.

Essentially, it multi-tasking.

Larry Sheldon said...

Is three a way we can get Sullivan into the prison with Simpson?

That would solve a lot of problems for everybody.

I am really tired of hearing about either of them.

section9 said...

Can we all just agree that Andrew Sullivan most definitely did not get an erection when Sarah Palin winked at him through the big screen?

"Little starbursts my ass." is a statement that is pregnant with great meaning, coming as it does from Andrew, whose adulation of Obama borders on manlove.

....waiting on Cedarford to show up with some snarky post that bashes both Andrew and the Jooooooos for fronting their puppet Obama to the gullible Goyim.

Larry Sheldon said...

And why is Sullivan's pedophiliac fixation on Trig Palin not raising alarms anywhere?

Trooper York said...

No decent person should ever read the odious Andrew Sullivan. This latest digression into the Palin family medical history puts him beyond the pale as it were.

Christy said...

Ah, leaders who wink? I can see Bill Clinton winking to the audience during a speech. Can't you?

I get that Obama can win elections. I don't get that he is a leader. I don't see where he has lead in the past. He strikes me as Bonnie Prince Charlie - immensely popular, charming, and totally without judgement. A man who grew up without a deep knowledge of his people but who has been told he is the One.

Ann Althouse said...

I've never winked at anyone in my life. I wonder how one comes to have that gesture in one's repertoire.

knox said...

Too bad Palin's not as articulate as Barack.

Now THAT was Biden's biggest whopper.

Fred4Pres said...

Ann Althouse "I've never winked at anyone in my life. I wonder how one comes to have that gesture in one's repertoire."

Too bad. Winking well is actually a gift. I would have guessed you to be a winker.

knox said...

Winking's not that unusual. Both Bush and McCain do it quite frequently, don't they?

It does seem like something reserved for Grandfatherly types, though: Here, sonny, have a Werther's! *wink*

Fred4Pres said...

But virtual winking, such as ;) is not a gift or winking well.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse winking is not part of one's repertoire. It comes naturally to most people.

It is just a sign that someone has real spirit and a sense of humor for God's sake.

Godot said...

I can see Benjamin Franklin winking all the time. Of course, he wasn't a president -- but he is on the $100 bill. And Franklin was a Founding Father and Framer, so that's better than most presidents.

Maybe Sarah is more Founding Father-ish than presidential. Or Framer-ish. Maybe Palin is a Mason (cuz, wink-wink, you know those Framers). She is good at working with her hands -- even when her fingers are broken (is that presidential?). Maybe that's what Masons do when they are too far away from each other to give the secret handshake.
They wink their secret wink.

Woodrow Wilson is clearly winking on the $100,000 bill. His wink communicates a shared and unspoken knowledge: "Hey! Gold Standard see? This bill is actually worth something. What'cha got in yer pocket?" Or maybe "Hey! isn't that Sarah Palin? Hubba-hubba! Twenty-three skidoo baby! Sorry I'm not alive enough to give you the secret Mason butt squeeze!"

Unknown said...

Good lord, Ann.

This comment was from a READER, not from Sullivan himself. Can you spend some time actually reading instead of jerking your knee? I know you two have tweaked each other over the past year or two, but sheesh, get it RIGHT, Althouse.

It's pretty funny that your snark is directed at Andrew Sullivan, when indeed it SHOULD be directed at Rich Lowry, especially given the McCain's camp cries of SEXISM! when a Democrat called Palin ATTRACTIVE.

Instead, you go after Andrew, and I'd sure love to see you link to posts where Andrew posts about how "Starbursty" Obama is.

Again: Get it RIGHT, Ann.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse winking is not part of one's repertoire. It comes naturally to most people."

Maybe they were winked at when they were babies. I don't think anyone I know winks. Where is this natural winking style learned? Seriously, I'm impressed to see someone do it well, because it strikes me as awkward. You blink your eyes together so often, that it feels unnatural to de-coordinate them.

Kensington said...

Sarah may be a winker, but Andrew will never be anything but a wanker.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...I've never winked at anyone in my life. I wonder how one comes to have that gesture in one's repertoire.

Biden seems to have developed the skill by watching pirate movies.


Christy said...

Once I stopped taking myself seriously I found myself winking at people. Shocked me silly! Didn't know I had it in my repertoire.

Cedarford said...

MadisonMan said...

I try to imagine Margaret Thatcher, or Golda Meir, or Indira Gandhi winking at the audience during a speech. I fail. If Sarah Palin did this to charm me -- apparently it worked on some -- she does not understand one bit what I look for in a leader: someone to lead.

Margaret Thatcher probably did her share of winking, coming from England, that jolly land of winkers and wankers. Golda Meir probably did her share of winking to AIPAC audiences when she described the "so-called Palestinians" who were "actually Arabs from elsewhere who settled in the empty desert the Zionists made bloom". The winking of course, being at the inside joke of lying to American audiences....

Indira didn't wink. She was a totalitarian stiffass and a Soviet stooge. Good riddance to her, though her son, Rajiv, also assassinated, had high potential.

Many people do not get that Lowry was mocking the Obamagasms coming from the Oprahs, the university Obamabots, the Chris Matthews "tingling in my thighs", and Excitable Andy's gay crush on Black Messiah. (Probably better than Sullivan's CHristian phase, where he no doubt wished Jesus was gay and would ride him bareback when Andy's AIDs ravaged intellect&soul reaches heaven)

Section 9 - waiting on Cedarford to show up with some snarky post that bashes both Andrew and the Jooooooos for fronting their puppet Obama to the gullible Goyim.

Given the loyalty of Jews to Obama - from his original 3 Jewish billionaire sugar daddy&momma families that backed Barry and Michelle for 20 years, the largely Jewish Team Axelrod running his campaign, and the red carpet treatment he got from Jewish media and intelligensia, I expect him to equal or exceed Clinton's staffing of the Executive with progressive Jews.
New Jews, for the most part, as those who stayed loyal or are suspected loyal to the Clintons are on the outs...

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Cedarford, when was the last time you ate a bagel?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I've never winked at anyone in my life. I wonder how one comes to have that gesture in one's repertoire.

Undoubtedly a cultural learning.

I've use a wink during seminar presentations when I want to lighten the mood, to indicate irony or if I am using hyperbole and don't want the audience to take me so seriously.

Anonymous said...

So when is he going to ask for proof for the other 4 kids? Or does he just want to play politics with the Down's kid? Oh wait no - that's his accusation right?

Sully had always been a great writer. Trouble is he's always been a misogynist lunatic as well.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I think AS is going nuts, and I am quite serious in that contention.


blake said...

It's similar to lip-biting. What did you think of that?

Ba-zing. There was some swooning over that lip-biting, IIRC.

It's all part of the microscopic analysis of Palin. This will probably not server her enemies in the long run.

blake said...

Greg Gutfeld blogged the VP debate:

Dang - Sarah's sentence structure is making no sense to me. But she's getting back on track. DId she just wink? I think she winked at me! That's it - we're getting breakfast.

and then:

Crap!!! Palin just winked at me again. I'm sending her a drink!! she's like the flight attendant at a hotel bar in Pittsburgh! And she only works three days a week! I'm getting lucky!

So, Biden spends a lot of time at Home Depot. What's he buying? Hair gel? Grout for his teeth?

I thought it was amusing.

blake said...

Sgt Ted--

Are we up to 24 errors/gaffes/lies for Biden?

But no, let's talk about winking.

Trooper York said...

Meet the new Jews,
Same as the old Jews.

Jeeez Cedarford, seriously it the Jewish holiday's can't we give it a rest.

Larry Sheldon said...

I can imagine the Queen of England winking.

But more interesting is the fact that of all the things one might find fault with, we are down to pronunciation and other conversational tics.

Trooper York said...

The history of winking is a long and storied one. The first person to have documented as having winked in public was Nell Gwyn the famous mistress of King Charles II. She was reputed to have winked at the King as she was standing in a rope line outside the Globe theater during a revival of one of Ben Jonsons lesser known plays. The king noticed her and had his henchman bring her back to the palace for a tet a tet. There he discovered an interesting fact. A woman who could wink also had the ability to flex the muscles in her vagina in much the same way leading to an indescribable sensation that he could never get enough of as long as he lived.
(A Wink and a Nod, The History of the Wink by Wink Martindale, St. Martins Press 2008)

Trooper York said...

It was an established fact that Dolly Madison first caught the eye of the diminutive Congressman James Madison at a soiree in Philadelphia where they were introduced by Aaron Burr. It seems that Dolly was wearing one of her many eye catching outfits which included an expansive décolletage as well as her trademark turban. The tiny lawmaker was abashed and did not know where to look. So he kept his eyes down. But he notices something incredible. The sultry widow had rearranged her dress in such a way that a man of such short stature could actually look up her petticoats. As he began to blush and thought about making his excuses, she winked at him. He looked up at her face. She winked at him again. Only this time with her eye. They were married six weeks later.
(A Wink and a Nod, The History of the Wink by Wink Martindale, St. Martins Press 2008)

dbp said...

Two things:

Ann Althouse said...

I've never winked at anyone in my life. I wonder how one comes to have that gesture in one's repertoire.
12:52 PM

Having seen your mannerisms on Blogging Heads TV and in your vlogs, you are the sort of person who could really carry-off a wink. Maybe you could experiment with people who know you well like close friends and family, before deploying it on others.

I recall seeing Jack Kemp winking, a lot, back when he was running for VP. I found it kind of creepy.

Trooper York said...

The most famous winker in the nineteenth century was of course Emilie Charlotte Le Breton who is known today by her stage name of Lillie Langtry. An incredibly beautiful and vivacious woman who was born on the isle of Jersey. She caught the jaundiced eye of the Prince of Wales Albert Edward who was the heir to Queen Victoria. He arranged to sit next to her at a dinner party where she proceeded to pout and wink and make such a sweet moue of longing at the portly prince to the point that she drove him wild. She became his principal mistress and proved once again that woman who was adept at winking also had an extremely strong command of the muscles of her vagina where she actually milked the rotund roué of his manly juices. She developed this ability during her career as itinerant player on the boards in England where she would often take gold shillings off the bar without using her hands. This gave her and unusually strong degree of control to point where she could suck up a half pence from six feet away. When Lilly went on her grand tour of North America, poor Bertie became so distraught that he began the series of murders that were laid at the feet of Jack the Ripper.
(A Wink and a Nod, The History of the Wink by Wink Martindale, St. Martins Press 2008)

Anonymous said...

Seriously though, who the hell reads the Daily Douchebag anyway? I certainly don't know anyone...

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Winking has most often been the province of women but it had also traveled into the world of the love that could not speak it’s name. Just as drag queens would often exaggerate the behavior of sexy woman, what became known as “wink” queens would ape the behavior of the famous female winkers. The most famous of these was of course Hans Winkler of Holland who won the Silver Skates award in Amsterdam in the 1869 underground World Homosexual Fair. He was able to wink his anus to such a degree that he was awarded the coveted prize by Judge Oscar Wilde who was quoted as saying “Illusion is the first of all pleasures, but nothing is as sweet as a winking hienie.."
(A Wink and a Nod, The History of the Wink by Wink Martindale, St. Martins Press 2008)

Simon said...

rossi said...
"This comment was from a READER, not from Sullivan himself."

That's so cute. You think that all these "a reader writes" that Sully posts are actually emails from readers!

After Sullivan's demands about Trig Palin's parentage he's the last person who can resist the criticism that he doesn't make these emails up himself. Nevermind the amniocentesis reports, Sully, let's see the header information from this "reader's email"!

ricpic said...

Judging from the perpetual smile on Todd Palin's face Sarah Palin is a winker who delivers.

AlphaLiberal said...

Winking also means "what I'm saying is not true."

Hey, to the topic of the actual thread, James Wolcott rocks:

Good thing Palin didn't blow a kiss at the camera or Lowry might have fucking fainted. I'm not a licensed psychotherapist but when you think the people on TV are addressing you personally and directly it's often a sign of incipient dementia.

hee-heee.... and this...

I confess to being immune to Palin's contrived charms. Everything about her strikes me as phony--she possesses about as much depth as aluminum siding.

Palladian said...

"Judging from the perpetual smile on Todd Palin's face Sarah Palin is a winker who delivers."

According to Andy Sullivan there's only one thing that Sarah Palin didn't deliver: Trig Palin.

Trooper York said...

The most famous winker of the silent film era was Theodosia Burr Goodman who went under the stage name of Theda Bara. A direct descendant of Aaron Burr, Theda Bara had learned at the “feet” of her grandmother the secrets of winking. These arcane arts were original taught to Theodosia Burr the daughter of Aaron by Dolley Madison in gratitude for her father having set up Dolley with James Madison. This was a secret series of exercises that had led to a strange and marvelous ability of a woman to control her man with a mere wink. Theda Bara winked her way to the top by seducing Charles Fox the head of the Fox Studio that produced many of her hits including the infamous “Cleopatra.” No prints remain of this film as the Legion of Decency had burned every copy. The most legendary film of the silent era, this epic tale postulated that the Egyptian Princess seduced the noble Roman Julius Caesar by the simple expedient of winking. This simple plot would seem innocuous but eagle eyed censors realized that it was not only her eyes that winked. In fact her gossamer costume left nothing to the imagination and led directly to the Motion Picture Code and the Hays office which took all the fun out of movies until the 1960’s.
(A Wink and a Nod, The History of the Wink by Wink Martindale, St. Martins Press 2008)

Anonymous said...

Given the loyalty of Jews to Obama - from his original 3 Jewish billionaire sugar daddy&momma families that backed Barry and Michelle for 20 years, the largely Jewish Team Axelrod running his campaign, and the red carpet treatment he got from Jewish media and intelligensia, I expect him to equal or exceed Clinton's staffing of the Executive with progressive Jews.

The presence of the gun toting Christian lady is driving any undecided Jews into the Obama camp.

It's hurting McCain in Florida I'm sure.

Fletch said...


This comment was from a READER, not from Sullivan himself.

Says who? Andi?

I have heard that every e-mail that Andi posts is actually written by his especially talented ass-gerbil.

I think Sully should be compelled to post the "full headers" of this alleged "emailer", and I also think a polygraph test and an interview with sodium pentothal would be appropriate.

After all, I'm just trying to establish the 'truth'...

Palladian said...

"The presence of the gun toting Christian lady is driving any undecided Jews into the Obama camp."

Wow, who knew that Christian women with guns were scarier than Marxist Muslims?!

Synova said...

Did anyone mention yet that she didn't wink at the audience she winked at her brother's third grade class. Possible I'm wrong about that and it was her father, since I'm going by memory, but finding something wrong with winking at third graders and promising them extra credit is just a bit much.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I mostly like the grammar used by Alcee Hastings (Hating?) They smarter...they says...*wink*

walter neff said...

Sometimes people communicate by pulling on ears. Carol Burnett did that for her grandmother on her old variety show.

Of course President Clinton did that with Monica’s ears and we had a big mess.

Let’s stick with winking.

Kurt said...

Oh, for heaven's sakes, surely other gay males would agree with me that Sarah Palin is much more attractive than Barack Obama! I have no idea what Sully sees in him!

Ann Althouse said...

I didn't say Sullivan wrote it. I said he enjoys needling Lowry.

Perhaps Trooper will tell us the history of needling.

MadisonMan said...

Re: Lip-biting. That kind of tic I hardly notice. Winking is very noticeable. I guess the question is: voluntary or not? I had a friend in college who would always wink while talking. It was involuntary and completely distracting. My assumption is that Sarah Palin's winks were voluntary.

Of course, it's not the worst tic in the world. I had a student who would adjust himself while talking. Last time I saw him, he had grown out of it.

le Douanier said...

Did anyone catch all six winks?

Palin must have learned (through positive feedback) that winking was an effective way for her to communicate with folks.

My guess is that most winkers drop this characteristics as they age. Or, maybe they limit their winking to casual circumstances. I interpret it as playful, coy, and childish.

But, I'm sure that Palin's fans (including Lowry) will continue to positively reinforce her winking and all the other folksy stuff so we can expect a lot more of it from Palin.

Here's what the experts say.

Did folks see the Newsweek piece about Biden? No winking, but some interesting behind the scenes stuff.

AlphaLiberal said...

It's all about a wink and a nod.

Palin routinely traffics in dishonesty. Palin lied about supporting divestment from Sudan.

Is nothing sacred? How can she play politics with genocide?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

From the same article:

'The bill's Republican co-sponsor remembers things differently. "I know she was very strongly behind this," said Rep. Lynn. Asked why, if Palin supported the bill, one of her administration's officials would speak against it, Lynn demurred. "We don't all work in lockstep here," he said. "People have different opinions," he added.

Lynn said he and Palin agreed to re-introduce the bill next January, and push to pass it then. He declined to consider whether stronger support from Palin would have helped the bill survive this winter. "I'm not going to do this what if, what if, what if," he said. "These are hypotheticals."'

Plus the entire text of the propose bill.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...


"Two months later, at the end of the legislative session, the administration softened its position. Appearing before a Senate committee which was considering a companion measure to Gara's bill, Palin's Revenue commissioner, Patrick Galvin, stated the administration supported such a measure, though it hoped to amend the bill to allow for investments held indirectly, for example in index funds."

So, she did supported it. It is a rather pointless article designed to make people like you foam at the mouth, and let some Demo partisan hack get 15 minutes on a national medium. Go fish somewhere else.

AlphaLiberal said...

Her finance staff person spoke AGAINST the bill at the hearing. At the end of the legislative session, WHEN IT WAS TOO LATE, she said she'd support something in the future.

So, she supported it when her "support" was meaningless and opposed it when her support could have made a difference.

That's a distinction with a big difference.

I wonder how many Sudanese were killed, raped or maimed in the meantime.

AlphaLiberal said...

Plus, her "support" is hedged to promise a watering down of the bill to be specified later.

le Douanier said...

But, maybe she had her fingers crossed during the debate.

So, then it's not lying.

And, even if she didn't have her fingers crossed, she did have her toes crossed. So there.

Wink, wink.

Maybe she was annoyed, so that's why she didn't speak up when it mattered.

Makes perfect sense.

Synova said...

And if she fires the guy that didn't get with her program, you'd really hate that wouldn't you, AL? It would mean she's vindictive and demands loyalty and crap.

And then you'd tell us all about how it was *really* about her ex brother in law and not because someone was countering her direction about budgetary matters.

And you'd call it something like Troopergate.

Synova said...

And I do, really, find the liberal's going-on about Darfur sort of puzzling.

The only thing that stops genocide is a sword.

All else is moral self-pleasuring and the killing stops when the people are all dead.

The same as if the hand-wringing never happened at all.

devonfinny said...

Synova: Stopping genocide is one thing - I think we all agree that the governor of Alaska is in no position to do that - but contributing to it, or at least trying not to is quite another.

Face it - she massaged a past legislative non-winner into a debate response, upshot notwithstanding.

This one won't get traction, so you might as well own it and let it go.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

You know, all you libs are a bunch of hypocrites on this issue. You, with the exception of some NPR correspondents, completely ignored the issue FOR YEARS, until some mindless celebrity took his head out of his ass for a second and spoke against it. Then, you all found Darfur, while many non-libs were already well aware of it. Even I posted about, and a lot of other people did as well. If you doubt it, do a search at Instapundit, for example. All of you were too busy crying about "Bushitler" to care about a bunch of black muslims being killed by other muslims. Go cry somewhere else.

MadisonMan said...

You know, all you libs are a bunch of hypocrites on this issue. You, with the exception of some NPR correspondents, completely ignored the issue FOR YEARS, until some mindless celebrity took his head out of his ass for a second and spoke against it.

Exactly how is it that you know I've ignored this issue?

Sean Kinsell said...

Yeah, good thing Sullivan's never given us TMI about his primal responses to a VP candidate:

"Well, I could easily be wrong, but I have a feeling Cheney will crush Edwards tonight. The format is God's gift to Daddy. They'll both be seated at a table, immediately allowing Cheney to do his assured, paternal, man-of-the-world schtick that makes me roll on my back and ask to have my tummy scratched. (Yes, I do think that Cheney is way sexier than Edwards. Not that you asked or anything.) Every time I've heard Edwards talk about foreign policy, I've winced - not because he's some kind of U.N.-style liberal, but because he's obviously winging it, hasn't thought much about foreign policy, and seems miles away from thinking about anything like, er, strategy."

That, mind you, was before the relevant debate. At least Lowry wasn't indulging in anticipatory arousal.

Floridan said...

"Palin must have learned (through positive feedback) that winking was an effective way for her to communicate with folks."

I think once you get beyond the PTA, winking is counterproductive, doggone it!

Kazi said...

Will you people get a life? Ronald Wilson Reagan was one giant, walking campaign wink fer cryin' out loud!

Plus, I'll bet you any amount of shekels that Golda Meir, who spoke no english when she started school in Milwaukee yet ended up valedictorian of her school, had no problem winking on the campaign trail.

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