8:11: After they blame each other for the financial crisis, Obama tells us we don't want to hear them blaming each other. We just want to know how to stay in our homes and pay our bills. McCain sounds a little shaky and winded. He's wearing a shiny dark suit and a pink and red striped tie. Obama -- in an unshiny suit and a blue-purple tie -- seems relaxed. He's got a casual way of sitting on the stool.
8:20: The first 3 questions have been about the crisis, the third being, quite sensibly: How can we trust you guys who let us get into this trouble in the first place? McCain points to his record, and repeatedly tells us he's reached across the aisle. Does that make you trustworthy? The 2 men seem mainly to be recycling their old talking points more than speaking directly to the crisis.
8:28: An old woman emails in her demand that people be asked to make sacrifices. McCain repeats his ideas about cutting spending, and makes a second reference to an overhead projector that Obama procured for the Chicago planetarium. Again with the earmarks. What was the dollar figure on earmarks? I heard $1 billion. That seems like nothing compared to the $750 billion bailout. And what is the sacrifice? Not getting more earmarks? Obama reminds us of the way Bush told us after 9/11 to "go out and shop." Bush, it seems, could have demanded sacrifices, but Obama doesn't say what we should have sacrificed then or now, though he does advise us to be energy efficient. It's really not too inspiring, but I think Obama is trying to seem cool, solid, and not at all exciting. In the background, we see McCain writing, awkwardly, on a note pad, and maybe some of us think about McCain's sacrifices.
8:37: Tom Brokaw is in control! Obama will not be permitted to say something about taxes because "it's important." Ha ha. As I was writing "it's important," O said "it's important" again.
8:41: McCain thinks he's making a big funny by saying "I'll answer the question!" Because, you know, Obama didn't want to go on to the next question before. No one laughs, but he looks so happy with his wisecracks. "Too many lobbyists workin' there," he says, and I think he's trying to sound Palinesque.
8:44: McCain's plan seems to be to sound passionate and caring. And to say "Lieberman" frequently.
8:46: Jac is live-blogging too: "9:30 - Cringe-inducing word choice from Obama: "A lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11..." He can safely assume we all remember."
8:47: I love Brokaw. Watch the damned lights! He finds it hard to believe the candidates aren't watching the lights. Obama pops up and says he's just trying to keep up with McCain. In other words, he did it first! That seemed a little dorky and childish.
8:50: I was just admiring Obama's elegant gestures with his long, thin hands, when McCain positioned himself in the background and made a hand gesture that can only be described as holding an invisible grapefruit in front of your chest.
8:55: Obama says that health care should be a right. (McCain called it a "responsibility.") Obama seems relaxed and smiling but also oddly pissed that McCain has been "throwing a lot of things out there."
9:01: We've finally arrived at foreign policy, and McCain seems very relieved. Obama takes the subject of Iraq and ties it to the economy: Iraq has a surplus, so why are we spending our money over there? He's made this argument many times, but it has more resonance this week.
9:05: What is Obama's standard for when we should intervene for purely humane reasons, where there are no American interests? I hear no statement of doctrine. What is McCain's doctrine? We should intervene whenever there is a genocide if we have the means to improve the situation. (That's why he stood up to Reagan about Lebanon.)
9:14: Obama says McCain has called him "green behind the ears." Some sort of moss or fungus?
9:27: The question is how we would respond to an attack by Iran on Israel, and McCain makes a strong connection to the military man in the audience who asked the question. Obama's answer recycles material about energy independence. He talks about negotiations and diplomacy. Okay, and then? What if there is an attack? Will you be there? I can't tell.
9:30: "What don't you know and how will you learn it?" A cute question. Cute and disturbing. Obama decides to just deliver his prepared closing statement. The last 8 years sucked. Can't get
9:34: I began this live-blog with a big mug of lapsang souchong tea, but about 15 minutes ago, I switched to cognac:
9:42: Wow. Over 600 comments! I'll need to go in there and see what you folks are saying. For now though, let's do a little poll:
9:55: I was scrolling through my HDTV recording, looking to photograph the "invisible grapefruit," and I noticed that Obama was wearing an earpiece. I photographed the freeze-frame and have set up a new post to display it.
10:09: I reconsider the perception of an earpiece. I don't see it in other frames. I'm sure a real secret earpiece would be way less visible, inside the ear canal.
11:21: I'm reading the comments, and the general opinion is that the debate was very boring. It was boring to me, because they were saying things I've heard before. Maybe some people are listening closely for the first time, and for them, it might have been interesting. But it should have been new and exciting for all of us, given the events of the past week.
6:55 am: When I woke up this morning, I decided to concentrate my mind on the question which man won.... Ah, what am I doing in this old post? Making a couple corrections. My new morning perceptions will be in new post.
८४१ टिप्पण्या:
841 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Go John!!!!
Just explain Fannie and Freddie clearly - how Obama and a Democrat majority Congress covered for them when it was John McCain that warned about them and wanted to fix them.
That alone will turn the tide and we can watch Obama shrivel.
Given the way that the numbers are pointing, we need something extraordinary and serendipitous to take place in the next month or else brace ourselves for the long cold night of an Obama administration and its aftermath. Obama falling flat on his face tonight would be a start. But let's be honest: is that really likely?
Host, did your neighbor accuse you of racism when you put a McCain sign in your yard, or do they reserve that slander for unnamed McCain supporters in the abstract?
You're right, host with the most, if McCain continues his lies people like you will continue to support him...never mind how McCain tanked the early bailout negotations with his bull-in-a-china-shop antics.
Go'bama, Go'bama!!!
This thread to 2000 comments! Thought it's doubtful because McCain/Obama are a lot more boring than Palin/Biden.
Can you really be taken seriously with your Scalia sensei avatar?
Also, doesn't calling a judge "master" contradict your party's War on Activist Judges? Put another way, should the people be their own masters?
Mixalhs said -
This thread to 2000 comments! Thought it's doubtful because McCain/Obama are a lot more boring than Palin/Biden.
Maybe her kids will be sitting around the base of McCain's podium. That would be something.
Othewise I agree: GO Tide!
Mixalhs: Lies??? what about Obama saying "oh, Ayers is just a neighbor." Now it comes out that he not only worked for/with him, but continued to do so even after he learned of Ayers past. Hmmm, talk about lies.
On the plus side, if McCain loses the odds of an amnesty for illegal immigrants passing go way, way down.
I think McCain is going to do very well tonight.
It might be a loooong night with the comments so far.
Or a short one.
Let's get Ann her 2000 hits.
God, I can't believe he just said that!
What the hell was he thinking? How does he think he's gonna get away with that?
Everyone knows that's not true! I predict a sharp drop in the polls and a rout on election day!
What? The debate hasn't started yet?
Oh, ok. Just hold on to this for a few minutes.
I'm nervous again. I don't drink so I'm trapped. I was nauseous before the Palin/Hair plugs debate. Didn't watch it but read the Althouse live blog and comments the next day.
I just know McCain is going to come off looking too damn old, too Yosemite Samish, too defensive.
We live in the age of American Idol and youth as king. When do you ever even see old people on TV?
McCain and Palin need to focus on what they can do for people NOW and in the near future in two key areas.
First they need to highlight the fact the McCain can work with Democrats for the good of the country against the wishes of partisan Republicans. But that he will also stand up against the excesses of the Democrat congress. McCain needs to convince people that a 100% Democrat party control of Washington would be an added disaster.
Second they need to talk about Alaskan oil wealth. Here we have the Alaskan governor on the ticket and almost no talk about the hydrocarbon gold mine in Alaska.
They need to talk about the need to get OUR oil out of the ground and to use that revenue to pay for the huge expenses of the debt, bailout and any health care legislation.
And point out that by using our oil resources we will reduce our direct and indirect contributions to the treasury of Putin, Chavez and I'm a dinner jacket.
But I'm not hopeful.
Mixalhs said...This thread to 2000 comments! Thought it's doubtful because McCain/Obama are a lot more boring than Palin/Biden.
No way. Sarah Palin is a star, like her or not. More people tuned in to watch her than McCain/Messiah.
Forget about the Eagleton/Dan Quayle nonsense. The woman is a young Elvis.
They said Elvis couldn't sing. Didn't matter did it.
cookasia said...Mixalhs: Lies??? what about Obama saying "oh, Ayers is just a neighbor." Now it comes out that he not only worked for/with him, but continued to do so even after he learned of Ayers past.
CNN - Obama - Ayers relationship exposed
You think so? I've seen arguments to that effect, but if the Democrats in the Press and Congress continue to treat the GOP as their main enemy, what'll happen is amnesty will be painted as selling the country out.
Although amnesty does seem to be immune to that, to some degree. But I'm not sure how Obama's Presidency makes it any less likely.
I much rather see Palin up there against Obama.
Turn Palin loose!
Are we having a drinking game again?
Wait, better not, it will slow posting and we wont get to 2000.
Blake - that's funny.
Mixalhs - I didn't know you liked football so much. Too bad about the KY game, but they should kill Ol Miss, huh?
Lem wrote: Let's get Ann her 2000 hits.
I predict she'll hit 200 before the debate even begins.
The key to 2000... break up those longs post like it was Lehman Brothers... into smaller pieces.
I predict she'll hit 200 before the debate even begins.
The Dow does 200 w/o batting an eylash
Common people!
But I'm not sure how Obama's Presidency makes it any less likely.
I don't think there are any Democrats who would filibuster an amnesty bill. There are Republicans who would do so, but would they do so even when a Republican president was backing the bill? That seems unlikely.
The current Ohio Bicycle Commute Yard Sign Poll stands at
McCain - 14
Obama - 3*
*one the 4 Obama signs in the photo sequence is a repeat: removed at the lipstick on a pig remark, and later restored; evidently McCain revulsion overcame Obama revulsion.
No way. Sarah Palin is a star, like her or not. More people tuned in to watch her than McCain/Messiah.
People also stop to watch car accidents. Go to see the freaks at the circus. Wishful thinking, I watched because I think she is a hilarious joke.
If we post very short posts and lots of off topic stuff.....I think we can make it.
If we post very short posts and lots of off topic stuff.....I think we can make it.
Looks like Michael Moore showed up early for the debate.
Aaaaaaand ....if we accidently double post, we really can do it.
If we post very short posts and lots of off topic stuff.....I think we can make it.
Palin would get us 2000.
Would you rather Ann get 2000 and a McCain tie?
I don't think there are any Democrats who would filibuster an amnesty bill. There are Republicans who would do so, but would they do so even when a Republican president was backing the bill? That seems unlikely.
Didn't they, though? I mean, it didn't get to the filibuster point, I don't think, but wasn't it the Reps that killed the amnesty bills this term? I think there were some Dems in there, too.
Some of our elected officials--and I know this is going to sound wild--but some of them seem to have principles.
I'd trade a Red Sox World Series win for a showdown in the house of representatives.
It dosent look good for Mac right now.
Mixalhs said...
"simon, [c]an you really be taken seriously with your Scalia sensei avatar? Also, doesn't calling a judge "master" contradict your party's War on Activist Judges? Put another way, should the people be their own masters?"
Kudos for accurately reading the japanese, but a demerit for mistranslation. ;) While that might suffice as a crude if literal translation, as Inara said, there are nuances of meaning. In this sense "master" might better be translated as a respectful address for a "teacher," which is certainly how it is meant here. Moreover, why would acknowledging the respect due to Justice Scalia contradict any "war" on activist judges? The GOP has no beef with judges. Just activist judges, which Justice Scalia is not, unless one buys into the sophomoric attempts - that's Judge Luttig's description, not mine - of Cass Sunstein, Lori Ringhand et al to redefine the term into meaninglessness.
Lem said...
"Would you rather Ann get 2000 and a McCain tie?"
With all due respect to Ann, I hope she'll understand that if I had to choose between the one or the other, I'd rather McCain knock it out of the park.
Scalia's dissent on the University of Michigan admission's policy was a grand slam.
never mind how McCain tanked the early bailout negotations with his bull-in-a-china-shop antics.
If you call giving conservative Republicans a seat at the table "tanking the negotiations", then yes, he's guilty as charged, and thank goodness he is.
Where I live it's all Obama all the time. No McCain signs or bumperstickers at all. I think NC might go for the communist crypto-muslim. Either that or like me, most conservatives are concerned that our property will be damaged if we advertise a political position unpopular with the anarchist/nilist left.
In another thread someone lamented the possibility of a upcoming Camelot/Beatlemania era. The reality is, Camelot lasted from January 20th, 1961 until November 22, 1963. The Beatles, in terms of popularity in this country, from 1964 until '69 or '70. Either way, we can endure that standing on our head.
Those chairs! Ugh!
The Nixon-Kennedy debate had much better chairs. Buy one!
Obama falling flat on his face tonight would be a start. But let's be honest: is that really likely?
Well if he can be distracted long enough, maybe McCain can get someone to tie his shoelaces together.
I think an Obama administration will be good for the country because the homeless guy I have to step over every day on the way to work tells me Obama will help him. If he helps him enough to get him a shower I'll vote for him. I'm also looking forward to my tax cut. I don't have to drive much which means that more money I can spend at Mickey's Pub and the strip bar down the street.
I see good times ahead.
Are we having a drinking game again?
"Every time I call it a game, you say it's a business. Every time I say it's a business, you call it a game!"- O. W. Shaddock
I'm all business! (I started early...)
There is a lady wearing pink on the platform.
The debate has not started and they allready disrupting it ;)
The guy talking now is explaing how they got all the obamabots to sneak in.
Undecided my ..ss
Nice try, Mixalhs.
Your gigolo Obama fucked this country with Barney Frank and the other Dems - them's the facts, no matter how much you lie about it or the MSM covers it up or NBC tries to hide the SNL truth skit -
SNL Bailout skit - click here
Your master is responsible for the economic mess we're in. He should man up, admit it, and tell us why he's going to be different.
McCain doesn't have to - he already tried to do the right thing.
It's called experience. Someone who's actually gotten laid vs. someone still pulling on his pole. Which must be frustrating for you every time you and Obama are together.
I have time traveled to 10 PM CST this evening, and have now returned. I can report the happy news that your candidate has won the debate! Yes, he did!
You are now free to turn off your computer and resume a normal life.
By the way, Cindy McCain looked smokin' hot. Tom Brokaw still mumbles.
Gosh if this thing is anything like what is going on now...
Okay, and for those who are going to play a drinking game - your sobriety will end very early if you take a sip for every 'economy' or 'change'.
He's not mumbling, he has a speech impediment.
Roll in a pianno... have somebody warm up that crowd!
I'm waiting for John McCain to point out that Barack Obama, for all his lofty rhetoric, will essentially be a rubber stamp for the Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid Congress.
I don't believe the American people will walk willingly into a far left Legislature and Executive.
Oh, wait...we are not voting yet...never you mind...
Ann I saw Ann after she had 2000 hits. I think she was being escorted by Tommy Chong and David Crosby.
I will NOT grow up to be a devate audience.
oooh, Palladian, Mid-Century Danish design!
Lem, te va a crecer la nariz como a Pinocho
Hey the guy talking now looks like that Duke prosecutor no?
Simon: "Given the way that the numbers are pointing, we need something extraordinary and serendipitous to take place in the next month or else brace ourselves for the long cold night of an Obama administration and its aftermath."
And God only knows things have been soooooooooooooooooooo good under the current administration, supported at a 90-95% clip by McCain.
I honestly think some here are so completely delusional, so intent on hating Obama, they abandon all sense of reality.
Three weeks ago John McCain said the economy was "fundamentally strong." (Just today the market dropped 500 points.)
And you people support this fool??
I am live blogging this train wreck. Feel free to pop on by.
Host said -
It's called experience. Someone who's actually gotten laid vs. someone still pulling on his pole.
Excuse me? Is that my personal pole you were talking about? I took one, you know.
Back on topic, if Ann can beat her 10^3 comment performance, do you think she could lever an upgrade to her Blogger account so we don't have to perform these gynmastics to get past 200?
So, I forgot to buy tonic water on my way from work...it will be a night of gin on the rocks. I can't do this sober.
Lem, te va a crecer la nariz como a Pinocho
Why you say that?
Host with the Most: "Just explain Fannie and Freddie clearly - how Obama and a Democrat majority Congress covered for them when it was John McCain that warned about them and wanted to fix them."
Uh, he mentioned that in the last debate.
You know, the one he lost.
lem said...
I will NOT grow up to be a devate audience.
7:44 PM
There is that lady pink activist again
Zachary - I'll drop by if you order pizza.
That is a pink nod to her fellow travellers.
DATELINE: 07 October 2008
VENUE: Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Good evening.
I am Tom Brokaw, your moderator for tonight's second Presidential debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. The debate will last 90 minutes, and its format will be in Town Hall style -- but there is a twist.
We at NBC have decided to take the nation on a ride in our Memory Machine, so we can then fast forward to a relevant part of the debate where John McCain gives it to Barack Obama good and strong. We will then make this interchange go down the memory hole because it makes the Democrats look bad.
- Sounds of tape fast forwarding to minute 33:16 of the debate -
Pony Tail Gal: Senator Obama, the American public has learnt this weekend, through no less a left-wing rag as the New York Times yet, that you were a long-time associate of domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. Your camp brushed away such rumours as "fictious hogwash on the part of Rupert Murdoch's diseased mind", and I quote.
What say you about this today, now that even closet-case Anderson Cooper of CNN called you "a liar, but still a total hottie"?
Senator Barack Obama: L-lllook. I knn-nnow that the American people understand this election is not about me, my dubious past, my friends, or my Muslim faith, sorry my Christian faith. It's about the economy.
I've explained time and time again, that when William Ayers, who I have only met twice, and one of those times I was just minding my own biness when he was walking his dog down my street, was doing all those reprehensible things I was only 8 years-old.
Senator John McCain, interrupting: Senator Obama you were in Indonesia when you were 8 years-old.
Senator Barack Obama: What's your point, Tom, I mean John?
Senator John McCain: The point is that you were naive, even DANGEROUS when you were 8 years-old.
Senator Barack Obama: John, that's not fair.
Senator John McCain, interrupting: You know what is not fair, son? I'll tell you what's not fair. Being in a cage inside the Hanoi Hilton, being fed rat hairs and crackers for breakfast. That's not fair, son. (raises voice)
What I went through in that place, your precious William Ayers escaped without serving a single day in prison for defaming his country, making bombs to kill policemen and blowing up the Pentagon. On 9/11, he said he was sorry he hadn't done enough. (audience gasps)
But even if he had been caught, served time and then had been pardoned by President Clinton like he did those two other Weathermen, chances are you'd still have served with this scumbag if ACORN said you should. (flushes beet red)
You are a joke of a Manchurian candidate, son. America will know you for what you are! I will make your name known, I will make your name known!
Senator Barack Obama: John, I think America is seeing the real John McCain tonight.
Senator John McCain: You're damn right they are. (starts taking off coat) I'll show them who I am. (starts undoing tie, audience stirs) I suffered more for this country than William Ayers suffered in two decades of his. (takes off shirt, audience gasps) THESE ARE MY SCARS, Senator. I got them because I am an American and bad people who hated America did harm to me because of it. Where are your scars, Senator?!
I'll tell you where they are. NO WHERE. You sided with the kind of people who gave me those scars, but worse than that. They weren't foreigners, they were AMERICANS.
You had a choice.
Walk away from William Ayers, or schmooze in his living-room as he introduced you to dozens of America-hating people. Your choice, and YOU chose to shake the hands of the Benedict Arnolds of our time!
-- Sounds of rewinding, tape being deleted, going down the memory hole, returning to the beginning of the debate --
Tom Brokaw: The next question is from randomly selected audience member. Go ahead with your question, ma'am.
Audience giggles at the strange pinched faced woman wearing an all-pink baby doll from Victoria's Secret.
lem said...
I will NOT grow up to be a devate audience.
You got me ;)
While that might suffice as a crude if literal translation, as Inara said, there are nuances of meaning. In this sense "master" might better be translated as a respectful address for a "teacher," which is certainly how it is meant here.
It isn't even a good crude translation. Sensei is a term of respect given to one with superior skill or knowledge. It connotes authority in the sense that a lawyer is an authority on the law, not in the sense of "a person who can command obedience".
Tom and his cottom balls.
There is a lady wearing pink on the platform.
Is being totally fucking butt ugly a requirement to be in those commie protest groups? If those chicks would just get laid occassionally, they probably won't be so pissed off all the time. Ok most are probably carpet munchers but that's beside the point.
Did someone say something about a drinking game? I have half a case of Smithwicks and a whole bottle of Red Breast.
McCain can win this-he needs to lose the Army of One routine, try not to attack your fellow Republicans [because the electorate won't be able to find The Maverick Party on the ballot] and talk about the issues that the electorate care about.
No really earmarks isn't it.
Hey here's an idea - let's play spot the ringer. For each questioner in tonight's debate, Google their name and see if you can find evidence of their bias as they're asking the question!
The red carpet means they want to walk all over the red states.
I'ts up to MacCain to stop the Obamination.
I could not get tru this w/o a beer.
Simon wrote:
But let's be honest: is that really likely?
Get a grip, man! Anything can happen in the 29 days left to the election. A new scientific discovery for instant boners. Tina Fey coming down with a nasty case of mono. The Devil Rays winning the World Series. ANYTHING.
Seriously, what gives my fellow conservative Althousians? Politics is a game. We could land on Boardwalk any moment. Have freaking faith.
Is that Obama explayning Ayers just now?
I cant tell ;)
Then you won't mind if he keeps pressing the point, then will you.
4 polls today showed tightening. might be too late, but . . .
Anyway, i don't worry about the spineless, selfish drones who traded their love of country for their economic wellbeing - like you Michael. People like you will always put your selfishness before country.
The Colorado Election are wonderful and responsive. I emailed them last night and woke up to a response.
I wanted to make sure they didn't space out sending me a mail-in ballot. They're all saints, they are.
Ok, Obamabots. Let's put on our eyeshades, put in our ear plugs, you know where to put the cork.
Ayers and Jerehmiah are in the building!
It will be a miracle if we make 1000 :(
To ask the first question: ObamaGirl! To ask the second question: ObamaBoy! Wait, that's not a nice think to call Charlie...
Where's Dody Jane? Where's Carmela? Where's Joan? Where are the stalwarts like Ruth Anne, Peter Hoh, and Pogo.
We can't do this without you!
"oooh, Palladian, Mid-Century Danish design!"
I love Hans Wegner's work. I used to own some of his "Wishbone" chairs but sold them and downgraded to these little plastic elephants.
Tom Brokaw making with the jokes.
He said we can go crazy cheering, and whoopin' it up at home, and I'm taking him at his word.
Mac hit's Obama!
Oh and one more thing.
McCain needs to not mainline the anger. It's OK to get angry about the things that he cares about but save it for the important things for emphasis-like the war on terror, negotiating with Iran...
Acting angry about everything the whole night through and the electorate is going to be left wondering about his health, which would not be good.
Oh God, I remember why I rarely tuned into Tom Brokaw's newscast.
He's got this snuffle-thingie going on with this voice.
Obama goes on the stump
I went to a Congressional debate Sunday. It was run by the League of Woman Voters. There were maybe 100 attendees and about 30-40 submitted questions.
The League sifted thru them and picked the questions to ask. I thought they should have just picked 10-12 randomly.
The questions selected IMO were old and not topical.
More stumping
Looking back Obama
Obama leads with covering up for his democrat buddies in Congress who blocked regulation and oversight.
Acting angry about everything the whole night through and the electorate is going to be left wondering about his health, which would not be good.
Remember when Team McCain said that Palin would be very tough in her debate, and then she came out winking and Say-it-Ain't-Soing?
I want McCain to be strong too, but the country isn't looking for two pitbulls. He needs to be forceful, but Presidential.
Hey, Peter Blogdanovich, that's what Obama reminds me of!
I overwhelm as I approach you
Make your lungs hold breath inside!
Lovers break caresses for me
Love enhanced when I've gone by.
You'll feel me coming,
A new vibration
From afar you'll see me
I'm a sensation.
They worship me and all I touch
Hazy eyed they catch my glance,
Pleasant shudders shake their senses
My warm momentum throws their stance.
You'll feel me coming
A new vibration
From afar you'll see me
I'm a sensation.
I leave a trail of rooted people
Mesmerised by just the sight,
The few I touch are now disciples
Love as One I Am the Light...
Soon you'll see me can't you feel me
I'm coming...
Send your troubles dancing he knows the answer
I'm coming...
I'm a sensation.
"Failed economic policies of the last eight years."
* yawns *
interpretation: buy that, and you're all douchenozzles.
Tax cuts on top of defecit spending?
Obama is already kicking his first question down the road. He actually sounds like the Dem candidate I heard Sunday "it's Bush's fault"! Heh.
Time to turn this off. I think MMA fight should be on.
First answer to Obama:
Blah, blah, blah.
You have to vote for me because I'm not a Republican. I take you for granted, you mindless unpatriotic swills.
Obama making a stump speech. McCain approaching the question-poser. Remember when Gore went into Bush's personal space, making Bush nod his head?
That was great.
That "final verdict" line again...
And McCain whiffs on the response. WTF?! How can he just let that "deregulation" nonsense stand?
McCain would order the Sec'y of Treasury to buy up those bad mortgages. Yikes. Will it be expensive? Yes.
Well, okay, he's being honest.
McCains answer are more about fixing the systemic problems.
Oh and one more thing. McCain needs to [blah blah blah]
Still astroturfing for the Obama campaign, eh madawaskan?
I sent my students home early today, so they could listen to the debate between, as I put it, the next President and his opponent. That got a laugh. So did my follow-up -- or you can just ignore it.
My students knew that you can apply for a absentee ballot starting next Tuesday, so there's hope in this next generation yet. For a change.
McCain makes a bad joke. Nervous giggles. From me, I mean.
Brokaw's question: Who would you appoint as Sec'y of Treasury.
Meg Whitman! Yes, nice, I predicted that on my blog!
Sombody people could Trust... good answer
McCain first answer: actual concrete things. Doesn't take Americans for granted.
"Not you Tom". Good attack at the fucking NBC-in-the-tank-for-Obama
Obama - Mee too me too
Who will Obama choosse? Jim Johnson? Franklin Raines?
Obama - rich people are bad. Vote for me.
My students knew that you can apply for a absentee ballot starting next Tuesday, so there's hope in this next generation yet. For a change.
The "problem" with this MadisonMan, is that somewhere in the US, a more conservative professor made the same joke, and his more conservative students also knew that.
Like at Belmont University, perhaps.
Naughty boys - they went over
Brokaw: Senator Obama - thank you very m much (implied "fuck you" to McCain)
Who will Obama choosse? Jim Johnson? Franklin Raines?
Hey Dody Jane!
Tom Brokaw putting his foot down about, well, I don't know what. I don't think he does either. He's the Napoleon of the airwaves.
The One (PBUH) has been programmed with the sound bites du jour:
"middle class"
"not trickle down"
"last 8 years"
Brokaw's question: Who would you appoint as Sec'y of Treasury.
It is essentially impossible to answer that question without running afoul of the law. You can't promise a cabinet position to a supporter prior to the election, and what non-supporter would a politician tap for a job like that?
How can Obama give a tax cut to 95% of working Americans when 40% don't pay fed taxes?
Obama isn't interested in the economics, which is the trouble. It's like women and math.
When you securitize risk enough so that it can travel in a circle, I bet you get a system that has multiple stable states; so that careful analysis can predict it will wind up in one of the states, but not which one. In particular the value of underlying assets is no longer enough to say what happens.
When two such locally evolved systems then interact, they don't average, but rather adopt a winner-take-all result that's likewise unpredictable.
You want as few of those kinds of systems as possible.
Notice that I didn't mention failed Bush policies or pensions. It's possible to find the situation interesting all on its own.
Obama does not. He wants it for whatever he can get out of it.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why is that a problem?
Anyway, I didn't know that next Tuesday was the start date. It's always nice to learn things from your students.
YeS!!!!! Fannie ! FANNIE! FANNIE!
Fanny Mae and freddy mack we told you so!
I'm watching the debate online with the sound muted and listening to "Einstein on the Beach". I recommend it.
"I betcha you never even heard of this, before this crisis"
Read: Because you're middle-class, and government doesn't give you a helping hand unlike these other characters.
Obama smirks. I think he should return the money
That camera or whatever it is in the background looks like a giant carpet cleaner.
Obama got in tree years more than Kerry got in all of ten.
Dody Jane wrote:
If only you knew how funny this is in British English. ;)
How can Obama give a tax cut to 95% of working Americans when 40% don't pay fed taxes?
Reduce the SS bite? Dunno the real answer. But you know, politicians and math, ...
Press the Fannie/Freddie point!!!
Obama is responsible for this country’s economic problems.
Obam fucked this country. Now vote for him, you idiots!
LOL, Chip. I thought the same thing.
The Rug Doctor is in the house, and I'm not talking Joe Biden.
Yikes, I hope McCain makes it through the night. He's not sounding too good.
Obama is avoiding the Freddie/Fannie problem re: Barney Frank.
How can Obama give a tax cut to 95% of working Americans when 40% don't pay fed taxes?
Increasing the welfare payments made under the EITC, presumably. The usual "take from the productive, give to the unproductive" schtick the Democrats have been pushing for the last century or so.
Onbama blames deregulation, deregulation on the whole is a good thing.
deregulation made the internet possible!
Obama is lying!!!!!
He did NOTHING about the crisis.
McCain - shoot him dead
I hope McCain tells him why it wasn't passed
"Don't point fingers! Only We can do that!"
McCain should mention Dodd, Pelosi and Frank in every other sentence.
Damn should I stop paying my mortgage so I can get on the gravy train?
Oliver is asking about the rescue package?
"What's in it for you young man? nada zip nothing maybe your employer will keep making his payroll. "
I think the vast unwashed will like what Obama is blathering OMG
"Campaign Chairman Sperm"? Wha??
If only you knew how funny this is in British English. ;)"
Have you ever heard of Fannie Craddock?
Obama, please. You're up the ying-yang with Fannie/Freddy donations. You and your whole coterie of pals.
Fannie/Freddy are creatures of the Democratic Party.
Obama just got hammered by Tom
his is off balance!
Have you ever heard of Fannie Craddock?
Heard of her! Johnnie did me whilst she watched!
Obama want you to think deregulation is a bigger problem than Fannie May and Freddy Mac, low interest loans, and of course ACORN had absolutely nothing to do with it. Hey! Look over there!
Wait, what, Tom Brokaw is asking questions? I thought this was an audience-only questioning??
I wish McCain would set them straight about deregulation
Ouch...Senator Obama's name is not on that letter.
So far, the letters are doing the best in this debate.
Lem - you are not making much sense here. Proof your comments.
I did some reading on Brokaw's speech impediment - he either had a cleft palate or a cleft lip, and though repaired, he cannot pronounce the letter "L" at the beginning of a word. Lucky the leading candidate is not Lem.
VB - we have "learnt" nothing, except that the word "thingie" is too personal to discuss in public.
OOOO - He forgot to sign the letter
Obama doing his jutting jaw routine.
The economy is supposed to be the Democrat's strong point, but Obama can't nail it because of Barney Frank.
20th century regs don't fit 21st century GSE's invented by Barnie Frank.
McCain did not mention Barney Frank? His answers are too complicated.
McCain must bite his microphone in half when he mentions Dodd, Frank or Pelosi!!
Obama lied about the letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
McCain is not hitting him hard enough - which is why he can't win.
Obama just shovels it out. He's called for regulation of Fannie and Freddie? Where was his bill?
Shameless liar knows the media won't call him on it.
WOW she was articulate
Were did the preacher accent go??
Yay! Obama feels her pain.
Wow, is he ever understanding.
Fannie/Freddy are creatures of the Democratic Party.
Yes, but so is the news media. The chances of most voters realizing which party is really to blame for this mess are, therefore, pretty slim. You can call Obama a liar all you want, but he's almost certainly going to get away with it.
Ohh, Teresa is an angry citizen archetype.
Obama says, "maybe you will put off buying a new car". Any moment he will mention we should rotate our tires and change our oil.
dody jane said...
WOW she was articulate
8:19 PM
Wasn't she?
"McCain is not hitting him hard enough - which is why he can't win."
This is so so true - I am very blue
So if we have a deficit how can you offer tax cuts? Obama..
GW Bush isn't running this election cycle.
I like Teressa Finch's question... Patented answer from Obama "Look" little lady.
Obama says "remember a bit of history just not Bill Ayers's history".
He keeps running against Bush
Were did the preacher accent go??
That's only trotted out during "keeping it real" moments. When he's talking seriously, he does the white voice.
Just what is Obama going to cut that isn't part of the DoD?
McCain is going to have to do MUCH better than this. Guys, there's only the Presidency of the United States at stake. Let's have some ENERGY!!!
I want a new rule for these townhall debates. The person who asks the question gets to taser the candidate if the candidate doesn't answer the question. Not if the candidate gives an answer that the questioner doesn't like, mind you, but if they duck the question entirely, as for example both McCain and Obama have done with every question so far.
McCain want's to win on the merits. He's a good man.
OMG. This answer is putting me to sleep. I just realised something...
McCain rhymes with lame. Sigh.
I want to hear McCain say, "That just jacks my jaw tight!" then point to his jaw, and go,
Obama will reduce the cost of college and health insurance.
He is so wonderful - why is he stopping there?
How about diamonds and big thick steaks for breakfast for all of us? Make them cheaper too.
vbspurs said...
Were did the preacher accent go??
That's only trotted out during "keeping it real" moments. When he's talking seriously, he does the white voice.
8:20 PM
Yes - mention NO earmarks and RUB IN the spending
In British English Fannie is nearly as funny as Watergate buggers. Odd bunch, those Brits, always messin' about with our language until all rhyme and reason have gone missing. Bangers have more to do with mash than gangs. It's a wonder we can communicate with them at all.
McCain needs to get mad!
Just what is Obama going to cut that isn't part of the DoD?
I'm not sure what he's going to cut, but it is a safe bet it won't be "the bullshit". :)
Simon, LOL.
I'm sure Gwen Ifill wanted to taser Sarah Palin.
What I wouldn't give for that debate now. This is really dull.
BO - Net spending cuts?
With hundreds of billions in new spending?
The first one to promise he will execute every member of Congress on inauguaration day will win the debate and get elected.
Yes, Simon! I like that taser idea.
Obama: We have to fix health care. I won't explain how, but you have to vote for me.
It's a wonder we can communicate with them at all.
Nope, not a word.
Simon, you have the translator. Help!
How about diamonds and big thick steaks for breakfast for all of us? Make them cheaper too.
First things first. He can do that as soon as he finishes healing the planet.
Energy indepence is nice but he needs to get into a little more detail..
Where is Brokaw's accent from? Xconexity?
Here's who both candidates should be playing to:
Sorry to pimp my own blog post, but I think this is the key for both candidates, and the reason Obama has pulled ahead. The swing voters in the swing states are older, own their own homes and have investments. They are closer to retirement, thus the hit on their home prices and IRAs/401ks is putting them in a desperate circumstance.
These voters are normally more conservative. They watch Fox News. However, they've likely shifted heavily to Obama over the past 10 days. They are mad and scared.
McCain can get them back, but he's got to have an answer for the person who thought they were about to retire, thought they'd built a pretty good retirement nest egg, and all of a sudden are 30 percent poorer.
It's unclear if Obama really has any answers for these people either. But I think he's doing a better job of sticking the blame away from him and his party.
McCain's started out way too slow... what is it with Obama sending letters to people, warning them of problems... Why can't McCain say, "Is that the way a Senator solves problems, they write letters? No, they introduce legislation... sending a letter is the same as voting Present, covering your butt and doing nothing of note."
Fuck every "unbdecided" afterwards who says that Obama had more details - if they watched this debate and say that, they're brain dead.
Is McCain coming off as nervous and unsure, or is it me? I say this as a supporter and one who thought he would thrive in this format.
SS is a joke, a bad joke.
The person who asks the question gets to taser the candidate if the candidate doesn't answer the question.
Why limit it to town hall debates?
Did anyone seriously expect to hear an answer to a question? Pathetic expectation. This is all just the theater of the election cycle playing out.
I would prefer one-on-ones -- one candidate with an interrogator (questioner sounds too tame). Then the next night, same interrogator, different candidate. Maybe the same question, maybe different.
Surrounding the candidate are many people armed with tasers. Let's get some questions answered!
Host with the Most said...
"McCain is not hitting him hard enough - which is why he can't win."
I disagree. McCain can't win for a very simple reason - because he isn't willing or able to throw Bush under the bus. I thought he'd done enough in alluding to it obliquely in his acceptance speech, but it's now clear that he has to take on this "McSame" smear directly - "I will not be like that guy." It's either that or do something nuclear, something that yanks Obama out of the river and leaves him on the bank convulsing and dying.
nyet, 200!
The taser idea reminds me of that comic Gallagher, who said that baseball pitchers should be buried into the mound. When the batter came out, different pitchers would come up from the ground. Randy Johnson! Curt Schilling! Greg Maddux!
They'd never know who they would get.
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