२८ ऑक्टोबर, २००८

"Judge Carol E. Jackson overrules the law and allows child sexual predators to stalk the darkened streets Halloween night..."

"... looking for their next victim. Is your child next? Call the University of Michigan Law School at ... and ask them why their graduates want your children to be raped."

There's a new court decision blocking a state law that "prohibits 'all Halloween-related contact with children' and allows sexual offenders to leave their homes from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. only if they have 'just cause,'" and Happyshooter, a commenter at Volokh Conspiracy, spins out a spoof of the sort of attack ads that are aimed at the judges who must stand for re-election.

(Judge Jackson is a federal judge, with the lifetime job that will spare her any real attacks of this kind.)

IN THE COMMENTS: Bissage says:
It’s a sign of progress that President Obama will be appointing federal judges who have the empathy to understand what it’s like to desperately crave the unblemished skin, firm body and innocent erogenous zones of a child.

४८ टिप्पण्या:

George M. Spencer म्हणाले...

The notion that Halloween is the night when scads of children die from poisoned or tampered candy or are molested or abducted is one of the biggest urban myths.

Like global warming, it's a great example of collective fear or herd behavior. We're a lot less rational than we like to think we are.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

In Michigan, pedophilia is now just an alternative lifestyle.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Is today make excuses for commie liberal judges day?

ricpic म्हणाले...

Hey, child molesters are people, too.

I think that's the way liberals "think."

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Maybe the judge should mandate that the child molestors be Scout masters too!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

How can that judge rule against the law. It's for the children!!!

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Well one thing we know, Judge Jackson will be on the short list for the next Supreme Court Slot.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Yes Trooper, unless she smokes.

Only Obama will be allowed to smoke. Cuban cigars mebbe.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

(Judge Jackson is a federal judge, with the lifetime job that will spare her any real attacks of this kind.)

One sentence that sums up what is wrong with the legal system. Until this fundamental flaw is addressed, everything else is bullshit.

Simon म्हणाले...

I haven't read it, so I have no idea if the decision is correct or not, but this is exactly the sort of case that demonstrates why the model of electing judges is so deeply flawed. The federal model still seems the best of imperfect options.

AllenS म्हणाले...

This is just one more example of affirmative action.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

The legislature should address this important issue. How about they propose “Gacy’s” law that prohibits any discrimination against convicted pedophiles in employment as teachers, day care attendants, clergy, scoutmasters or sports team coaches. Or as clowns. Especially clowns. They should be able to put on face paint and big floppy shoes and entertain the childrens just like everyone else.

What are you a bigot?

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Today's theme so far is scary things!

But here's the problem I have with the law that was struck down: (1) It is ridiculously vague. (2) Its passage allows moronic state Legislators cover, meaning they can say they've "done something" about the overwhelming "problem" of sex offenders capturing innocent young trick-or-treaters who are out looking for delicious mallomars and instead get locked in a dungeon with a whip-wielding Tom the Tumescent Terror.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

You know I agree with you Madison Man. After incarceration, it is the wrong policy to shun and ostracize child molesters and convicted pedophiles. They should not be regulated or otherwise inconvenienced.

They should be disappeared.

Bissage म्हणाले...

It’s a sign of progress that President Obama will be appointing federal judges who have the empathy to understand what it’s like to desperately crave the unblemished skin, firm body and innocent erogenous zones of a child.

TMink म्हणाले...

Original George wrote: "Like global warming, it's a great example of collective fear or herd behavior. We're a lot less rational than we like to think we are."

Hey George, we agree on global warming and the myth of candy tampering.

Sadly, the research on child sexual perpetrators shows that they average 134 victims each.

I work with their victims, and they mess the kids (and later adults) up badly. They have also started organizing and have made some photo sharing sites unusable. They trade child porn and even victims.

Think cockroaches, it is the best metaphor I have come up with so far. Life in prison after the second conviction is all that justice should allow. Then we do not care where they are on Halloween.


KCFleming म्हणाले...

When will Obama Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclamation freeing child molesters from having to report their whereabouts?

walter neff म्हणाले...

Trey, are you saying that the blogging cockroach is a child molestor? That can not be right.

He does talk about that kid Tommy all the time.

Maybe we should check into that.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Trey, everything you say rings true -- but how does the law that was struck down prevent any of that? I will argue that it does nothing except give cover to weaselly legislators who vote for it, and ammo for people running against weaselly legislators who voted against it.

High on my list of things a parent can do to prevent molestation (assuming the parent themself is not doing the molesting): do not allow your child to be alone with one adult/teen.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

The best way to handle a child molestor is a very, very, very late term abortion.

UWS guy म्हणाले...

Christopher Hitchens wrote an article in which he mentioned that at boarding school it was expected that you had to navigate your way around headmasters with certain predilections and that it isn't/wasn't too big of a deal.

How odd that the greeks, the sea-faring british, clergy in most religious orders et al all had a hankering for boys and did place too much of a taboo on it.

I think America's problem is two fold. 1) our puritanism 2) failure to separate what the greeks called erastes Sexual love of young boys/men as opposed to molestation of babies/actual children.

In high school my younger brother pinched a girls bottom at homecoming. He was charged and very narrowly escaped from having on his permanent record as being a sex offender.

hahaha I love the statistic of "134" victims each. A quick google shows that california alone has 64,000 people required to register under megan's law.

134x64,000 =8,576,000

hahahaha really? 8.5 million people in the state of california have been sexually abused? One out of every four children have been raped by an adult?

EPIDEMIC!!!! or witch hunts for sex crazed religious fundamentalists.

Simon म्हणाले...

UWS guy said...
"In high school my younger brother pinched a girls bottom at homecoming. He was charged and very narrowly escaped from having on his permanent record as being a sex offender."

That's an example of liberalism gone mad - not of our "puritanism" or a failure to distinguish pederasty from pædophilia.

mccullough म्हणाले...

People who live in nice neighborhoods can force sex offenders out through vigilance (and higher property taxes).

Most sex offenders live in poor areas and the people who live there can't do anything about them.

Most of the people who defend the rights of sex offenders don't live anywhere near them.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

UWS, Trey's numbers are correct. The sex offender population includes migrants to an easier jursidiction, but the number of abused is extraordinarily high and not in the least bit funny.

Baron Zemo म्हणाले...

My dear friends, liberals love child molesters.

They will do all they can to protect them.

Just as they do for terrorists.

Perhaps some day there will be a test that determines when a fetus would develop into a child molester. Then we could have a choice.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Michigan's No Pedophile left Behind Act.

Too many jims म्हणाले...


It is not a Michigan law at issue.

TMink म्हणाले...

UWS, these are not my statistics, they were found through scientific research. Google the research and critique it if you wish and have the training to do so, but dismissing it makes you look foolish.

MadisonMan, I agree that this law is not particularly helpful. But it helps in developing a culture that abhors child predators and seeks to punish them.

Same with that insane attempt to "fix" child predators in Louisiana. I doubt anyone will get fixed, but perverts will move out of Louisiana by the busload!

Currently the perverts are organizing. They see themselves as the Gay Agenda II, as other "alternate" lifestyle. Not just NAMBLA, more than that. So the Halloween law is just a salvo in a just war.

And finally, to whomever was confused, it is easy to id the cockroach in my metaphor, unless you are one! 8)


TMink म्हणाले...

Madison Man, I do a lot of safety training. It is another way to make children more safe.

I talk to them about Good, Bad, and Secret Touch. Good Touch feels good and makes you happy, Bad Touch hurts, and Secret Touch happens on your privates and the person tells you to not tell and hides when they do it.

Privates are what we cover with a bathing suit when we go swimming.

The beauty of this system (which I did not develop) is that you do not have to talk at all about sex! 4 and 5 year olds can be made more aware and safer, and they will report on the perverts.

Win win I say!


TMink म्हणाले...

Finally for now, too many people are on the books as child molesters for getting busy with a 17 year old when the other party (usually male) was 18 or 19. Those folks are not predators and they should NEVER be lumped in together with the vermin who prey on children.


KCFleming म्हणाले...

Too many jims

I was making a funny, dude.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Trey has it right. Not all registered 'sex offenders' are pedophiles. Many were caught in youthful indiscretions. You know the kinds of things that our grandparents did that made that first child be a 5 month baby.

There really should be a distinction in the registry so that the really bad apples can be distinguished from the rest instead of all being lumped in together.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Dust Bunny Queen, alas, that sensible idea would require thought on the part of a bureaucrat and such a thing is not possible.

knox म्हणाले...


You list off populations and demographics who engage in child molestation (or tolerate it)... and then conclude that it is America's problem that we don't accept that behavior. That is a very, very weird conclusion to come to.

There are cultures who engage in all sorts of behavior that we consider unacceptable: cannibalism, slavery, human sacrifice--to name a grisly few. Some things cannot be excused even by moral relativism. Surely child molestation is one of them.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

There is a proper place for child molesters in our society.

In a shallow unmarked grave just outside the Vince Lombardi Rest Stop on the Jersey Turnpike.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

Evidently Judge Jackson is Obama's kind of judge who exercised empathy of sexual predators who want to enjoy trick or treating too.

BJK म्हणाले...

How has the SNL clip from last weekend - with the new neighbor dressing up for trick-or-treating as a registered sex offender - not been referenced in this thread yet?

I demand tangential non-sequitors!

Beth म्हणाले...

Evidently Judge Jackson is Obama's kind of judge who exercised empathy of sexual predators who want to enjoy trick or treating too.

That's an odd assumption, given Obama's reaction to Kennedy v. Louisiana. He said the court was wrong to prohibit states from executing child rapists. How do you go from that to opining that Obama loves child molesters?

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Beth, because he will appoint more liberal-leftist judges like Carol Jackson, that's why.

He doesn't love molesters. They will just be given their rights like everyone else under his administration.

walter neff म्हणाले...

"That's an odd assumption, given Obama's reaction to Kennedy v. Louisiana. He said the court was wrong to prohibit states from executing child rapists. How do you go from that to opining that Obama loves child molesters?"

He lied. Just like he does about gun control and the "middle class tax cuts" and not cutting the military to the bone. He lied. Just like the fact that he never heard what Rev. Wright said in his hate whitey sermons and the his radical buddy was someone he hardly knows at all. It is just a ploy to get elected.

knox म्हणाले...

He lied.

I used to not be so cynical about Obama, but at this point, I agree. We can always hope that he will be like Bill Clinton and govern according to the polls.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

One big problem here is that the article and the judge seemed to be talking about sex offenders. There is a big difference between sex offenders and pedophiles.

There are a lot of things that can get someone judicially determined to be a sex offender, and many of these are pretty innocuous. The example of pinching a girl on the butt is one. Many others result from domestic violence calls to the police. The one party (invariably the guy) gets arrested on some felony charge, it gets pled down to a misdemeanor, with time served (i.e. overnight), without always informing him that he would now be a registered sex offender.

I wouldn't oppose limiting convicted pedophiles on Halloween. But that wasn't apparently what the law actually did.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Also, note that the NYT article never mentions the phrase "sexual preditors", but rather just "sex offenders". Huge difference.

walter neff म्हणाले...

Is a sexual preditor what you get when Howell Raines gets horny?

Pax Federatica म्हणाले...

Most sex offenders live in poor areas and the people who live there can't do anything about them.

Sure they can... when a pervert moves into their 'hood, they can warn him to wear only certain colors of clothing, ostensibly so that none of the local gangs mistake him for a member of one of their rivals. Except, of course, that the colors they're telling him to wear actually are gang colors. With any luck they end up with not only one less pervert on their hands, but also one less gang-banging thug (assuming he gets caught and thrown in prison, of course).

knowitall म्हणाले...

This is sickening. These low lives shouldn't be allowed to come out at all, let alone on Halloween. This is the type of soft crime the left-wing illuminati politicians are pushing for.

Music Maniac म्हणाले...

I dare any nut here to provide one instance in the United States where a child was abducted or molested on Holloween Night.

You Can't.

So why past a law where no problem exist.....Oh let me see......HATRED OF OTHER HUMANS is Satans Dream.....We know who you people truly speak for.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Bissage blathered: "It’s a sign of progress that President Obama will be appointing federal judges who have the empathy to understand what it’s like to desperately crave the unblemished skin, firm body and innocent erogenous zones of a child."

Except that this judge was appointed by George H.W. Bush. Learn to read.

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