September 12, 2008

Where am I?


ADDED: Wherever I am, have a drink on me, here in this place we call the Nun's Oath Alehouse.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Or is it Mackinaw (sp?) Island?

Simon said...

On a plane.

Peter V. Bella said...

In a hot air baloon over Lake Mendotta?

David said...

On a plane over The Low Country, somewhere in the southeast. I say Savannah.

Meade said...

To your health and happiness! Wherever the hell you are this time.


KLDAVIS said...

Florida, intracoastal waterway?

I'm Full of Soup said...

If you don't know, better put down the bottle of Nun's Oath Ale cause you're flagged :)

Trooper York said...

If you have Nun's Oath Ale on you, you must be standing next to Michael_H who spilled it on you.

You can't take that guy anywhere.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm guessing somewhere over Lake Michigan.

vbspurs said...

Since you took the photo with your iPhone (which means you didn't think it necessary to take your camera with you, i.e., not a weekend trip), I'm guessing on your way to Milwaukee to see your sis?

BTW, I thought about your LA photos, especially the one of the fashionable café crowd. I miss them.


Ruth Anne Adams said...

You're aloft. And so is my beer.

Does this trip involve a golf tournament or qualification for the tour championship?

Meade said...

Wish you were beer.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It looks like it's on an angle, so it's either coming down or going up.

This is near an airport.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a salt marsh in the middle, and seems to be occupying a barrier island very close to the mainland, like you get on the Georgia or S. Carolina coast. No landmarks to place it by, though. I might have a look in Google Earth just for grins.

vbspurs said...

Ruth Anne, you drink?

UWS guy said...

I bought an iphone today.

chickelit said...

Yahara River?

blake said...

Away, however temporarily, from the madness.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Away, however temporarily, from the madness.

Wait a minute. I see a pig farm ;)

Peter V. Bella said...

Lem said...
Away, however temporarily, from the madness.

Wait a minute. I see a pig farm ;

Is it the one next to the lipstick factory?

former law student said...

Near LaCrosse, WI?

Anonymous said...

I deny any involvement with beer spillage. Nun's Oath or otherwise.

ANWR? No trees may be a clue. Moose huntin', I'd bet. It's all the rage these days.

MadisonMan said...

Where is Cliff golfing?

vbspurs said...

Is it the one next to the lipstick factory?

No. Next to the Veteran's Association Computer Facilities.

zeek said...

You are about to sky dress a flying moose?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

No. Next to the Veteran's Association Computer Facilities.

No NO, Its a disorganised community ;)

Anonymous said...

Where am I?

I have no idea, but I'm getting an Admiral Stockdale vibe from that question.

Too much Sarah Palin mania. Get some rest.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Where am I? Why am I here?


Asante Samuel said...

My Dad and younger brother are moose hunting somewhere on the Kuskokwim River. Pops will be 80 in the spring. He's still drilling and killing. Right on.

blake said...

Wait a minute. I see a pig farm ;)

Is it the one next to the lipstick factory?


Goatwhacker said...

A møøse once bit my sister.

Ron said...

Ruth Anne! When you go back to the bar get me the brats,kraut and spatzen platter and a tankard of Nun's Oath! This one is Victoria's round...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It's somewhere over Chesapeake Bay.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Thats my final answer.

zeek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zeek said...


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah Lem I am guessing Atlantic Coast too. Maybe Hilton Head area?

bleeper said...

Flat land, many trees, mmm, trees...

Captain William Hilton saw that place in 1663, it was named after him, and he had many children. And his children had many children. And now we just sit around goin' "Damn, ya coulda left me an acre or two, would that have been so darned tough? Not talkin' right on the course, Bill, but you know, maybe inland, with a nice view." Did he listen - hell to the no!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Oh no. I was so busy looking for Ann, I missed Sarah on ABC.

What happened?

Easy on "issues" ;)

Peter V. Bella said...

Goatwhacker said...
A møøse once bit my sister.

You should keep your sister away form those conventions.

Trooper York said...

Bullwinkle has been at his wits end. He couldn’t understand how the party that he had loved all of his life could betray him. He had his doubts about John McCain. He didn’t like how he would always seem to compromise with the Democrats. Bullwinkle was a moose not a RINO. But he never thought he would have to swallow such a terrible Vice Presidential nominee. He expected another old white guy like Cheney. You know maybe that Mormon guy or the fat hick with the funny name. But instead they picked this abomination. This moose hunter. And the pity of it is, McCain found her on the internet. This young supporter, a Simon found her on the internets. On this site. MILF hunter. A MILF hunter found a moose hunter. THE HORROR!
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)

sonicfrog said...

I know where you're not - In Fresno, for the Fresno / Wisconsin game tomorrow!

Palladian said...

Speaking of pigs and lipstick, did you know many lipsticks used to contain lard?

Triangle Man said...

are you on approach to BWI?

Anonymous said...

Why am I? Where am I here?

Peter V. Bella said...

Hey Troop,
What does Rocky the flying squirrel think about this? Are the rumors true about Rocky and Bullwinkle? You know, their an item?

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

blake said...


ha! My folks went to Fresno to see that game!

Anonymous said...

Trooper, You've got it all wrong! Being from Minnesota Bullwinkle was always a Farmer/Labor moose. Republican!?? Ha! Bullwinkle was a personal friend of Hubert Humphrey.

So, the Republicans nominate a moose hunter? "Sounds about normal," says Bullwinkle.

Rocky, on the other hand, seems like a Log Cabin Republican, all prissy and well-behaved, you know. But Rocky was a stand-up squirrel when the time came, so don't be too hard on him.

And Dudly Do-Right was a Tory, but he had a soft spot for Lester Pearson, because he sounded a lot like Bullwinkle with false teeth.

sakredkow said...

The far flung Isles of Langerham.

Peter Hoh said...

Found it. I love Google Maps.

Hope you have a royal time.

Anonymous said...

Fun reference, phx. It must be in a hypoglicemics' world, since they seem to be floating in insuline.

Chip Ahoy said...

Where am I?

Dunno fershur.

* looks around *

Checks with the animals.

Goatwhacker said...

My guess is the beautiful fjords of Western Norway. One can almost hear the lonely call of the møøse, the splash of the salmon, the wind rustling through the majestic larch.

Trooper York said...

Bullwinkle was a broken moose. The fact that his party had abandoned him and left him to fend for himself was too much for him to handle. He couldn’t believe that this criminal, this murderer, this moose hunter was running for Vice President of the United States. He began to follow the campaign to protest. He built a shack outside of the Governors mansion to protest her murderous ways. He stacked hundreds of antlers in a field to symbolize all of his relatives that had been murdered by these filthy moose hunters. Eventually he was diagnosed with Doyle’s disease and declared criminally insane. He was institutionalized in a lunatic asylum outside Seattle where he was eventually smothered with a pillow by a catatonic Indian named Joe Charboneau.
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)

Peter Hoh said...

Another clue: Horse to the left.

KCFleming said...

Owner: Well, she's...she's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.

Mr. Praline: PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did she fall flat on her back the moment I got 'er home?

Owner: The Norwegian Blue prefers keepin' on it's back! Remarkable bird, id'nit, squire? Lovely plumage!

KLDAVIS said...

Are we really arguing over which political party Bullwinkle belonged to? As if it weren't obvious?

vbspurs said...

Did anyone watch Headlines News the other day, when they featured Admiral Stockdale in a "Worst Political Blunders".

AS: "Who am I? Why I am here!?"

Comic: "Oh, Admiral Stockdale. A Vice-Presidential debate is no place to have an existential crisis."

Hehe. That's hilarious.

As was Ross Perot's informercial with the voodoo stick some woman sent him.

"It's appropriate because we're in deep voodoo"

Comic: "First, what the HELL is a voodoo stick, and secondly, it's deep DOODOO not voodoo."

I'm Full of Soup said...


KLDAVIS said...

"AJ Lynch said...


She didn't have enough time to get to Scotland between posts...unless she queue some up before leaving, or scored a flight with wifi (highly unlikely).

"peter hoh said...

Found it. I love Google Maps.

Hope you have a royal time"

Port Royal, SC?

Ruth Anne Adams said...

You do something to me,
something that simply mystifies me.
Tell me, why should it be
you have the power to hypnotize me?
Let me live 'neath your spell,
Do do that voodoo
that you do so well.


Do I drink?

How the hell else am I supposed to stay hydrated?

Peter Hoh said...

KLDAVIS: yes, I'm pretty certain that Port Royal, SC, is in the upper left-hand corner of the photo.

Horse Island is on the left. Parris Island is on the right.

I'm guessing the plane was making a right turn toward the Hilton Head Airport.

KLDAVIS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

You do something to me,
something that simply mystifies me

Rrrrr. Why Lindsay Lohan, you do things to me too. *blush*

How the hell else am I supposed to stay hydrated?

Do what I do, hit the pool!.


KLDAVIS said...

I think you're right.

This flight was pretty much right over that spot when Flickr says the photo was taken.

Ann Althouse said...

Hey, you guys are good. The flight path was from Atlantia, via Cinncinati. And I'm here for a wedding.

KLDAVIS said...

Oops, this flight, then.

Might just be because my dad is a pilot, but I love this FlightAware site.

Latitude: 32.41
Longitude: -80.80

And, Google Maps says...

vbspurs said...

Hey, you guys are good. The flight path was from Atlantia, via Cinncinati. And I'm here for a wedding.

Mazel tov! Wasn't Hilton Head near the place where JFK Jr. was married?

I've always wanted to go the Renaissance Weekend, held by invitation only every New Year's.

I'm just waiting for the Clintons, or their buddy, Wolf Blitzer to invite me.


Peter Hoh said...

I think this is the actual spot on Google Maps

Latitude: 32.34
Longitude: -80.725

Ralph L said...

where JFK Jr. was married?
That was further south, on Cumberland Island, Georgia, near the Florida border, where Light Horse Harry Lee died. The Carnegies owned most of the island as a winter home. Nathaneal Greene owned a plantation there.

Athena DePaul said...

Victoria -

I clicked on your link. I don't know why I heard "Renaissance Weekend" and conjured from those two words an entire fantasy festival of really well-costumed wenches and squires, knights on horseback, and with a strict play-along policy where anyone who shows up in jeans to mock is summarily thrown out.

Then I read the article and saw that Bill Clinton and family actually went to one and I was even more excited. They must have a really huge budget for set and costumes and props!

Then I read to the end.

I am very disappointed. Please describe your links better for those of us mental deficients!!

LutherM said...

I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Ralph L said...

Lee was the wayward father of Robert E. Lee, Greene was George Washington's best general (and the first cousin of my ancestor, N. G. Kerr).

vbspurs said...

I am very disappointed. Please describe your links better for those of us mental deficients!!

LOL! Right-o, Athena. Sorry about the confussion. I totally spazzed that "Renaissance" may have a very different meaning, and might evoke visions of jugglers, troubadours, and wenches bearing tankards of ale.

Nun's Oath Ale, that is. ;)


David said...

Yeah, you guys are good. I was able to place it in the low country, but missed the Port Royal/Parris Island view. Shame on me, because I live in Beaufort. (On the other hand, I travel by car and foot, not plane.)

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