৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৮

Republicans for Obama.

৬২টি মন্তব্য:

TMink বলেছেন...

$100 says this was shot before the speech. This is old news and no longer applies. Watch for the Obama campaign to shift tactics. The world has changed since the speech.


Simon বলেছেন...

Ex-Republicans for Obama. To declare yourself for that man is to estrange yourself permanently from every principle and auxiliary tenet of the Republican party.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Wait. This can't be true. You mean there are Republicans who support Obama? That's impossible! There must be something special going on here. I mean, crossing the aisle never happens.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I don't think these people seem as though they'd change because of Sarah Palin... although I do think this video is very much designed to appeal to women... or somebody's idea of what women are like... which is not like Sarah Palin.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Like I said. Crossing the aisle never happens.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

ok--i'm convinced--I am voting for team Obama--this sealed the deal.

BJK বলেছেন...

Clicking the video, my first thought was "Seminar callers for Obama." That wasn't really what the video was, but it strikes me that the clip exudes weakness.

"I don't want to be a widow at..."

...is quite the tonal shift from McCain's mantra of "serving a cause greater than self interest."

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Recent polls show McCain has the support of 85 percent of Republicans, I guess she is among the other 15 percent.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

My heart goes out to families who have loved ones in Iraq. I understand why they're voting for Obama. War, death, is it worth it? Same reason the draft drove the anti-war election years ago.

IMO Obama tho is not going to "bring them home" any quicker than a Republican. I believe it's a cynical ploy to get votes. And people will die. They may save an American life, yes, by working for Obama but thousands of Iraqis will die in civil war. It's a moral quandary, I agree, but I agree with Powell: you break it, you fix it.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

They're Republicans like Pelosi, Biden, Kerry are Catholics.


Bob বলেছেন...

I'd like to see some voter registration cards on these "Republicans." Especially on the black guy, since blacks vote Democrat in the 90 percentile range.

The MSM has pulled this crap too often for me to be taken in by it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And there are democrats who haven't voted for a democratic presidential candidate since LBJ.

Daddio বলেছেন...

Reminds me of the old Steve Martin bit. "I was born a poor black child...then one day I heard my first Montavanni record."

These folks were never Republicans based on the issues, methinks.

Eddie বলেছেন...

OT: I don't know if this video spoof has made the rounds here yet (I'm unwilling to wade into 700 deep comment sections), but it has something for everyone.


Eddie Thomas

Unknown বলেছেন...

I'd like to see some voter registration cards on these "Republicans." Especially on the black guy, since blacks vote Democrat in the 90 percentile range

I frankly don't see that as productive. Don't get me wrong, I'm mocking this little vignette myself, but not because I don't believe there are people who have genuinely called themselves Republicans, and even voted such, in the past who are planning to vote for Obama. I'm mocking it because, well, it happens all the time, and is far less "telling" than the Obama campaign wants it to be.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Eddie: Yes, that video was created quite awhile ago...and guess what, Sarah Palin is in it. That "last-minute pick that nobody had heard of" meme just keeps gettin' a smackdown, doesn't it.

Rich B বলেছেন...

I wonder how effective this ad will be. It's an argument from authority - these folks are Republicans like you and they like Obama, so maybe you should. What about Obama's meager record and known political views would appeal to a Republican? I mean other than Jim Leach?

UWS guy বলেছেন...

This thread is obviously full of conservatives "looking for converts" instead of "casting out heretics" obviously...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"The MSM has pulled this crap too often for me to be taken in by it."

Me too, but not Althouse apparently. These types are about as "Republican" as she is.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Written to appeal to women. ``These people think at the level you do, being a women.''

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

I would bet that soon there will be videos and organizations of Democrats for McCain. This stuff happens every election cycle.

Robert W. বলেছেন...

Effective ad and I'll give the Obama peeps the benefit of the doubt that the people are real Republicans. But as others have said, this must have been shot pre-Palin (that almost sounds geological!)

What always bugs is when the MSM turns a news story into an opinion piece by selectively choosing to include the interviewees who happen to agree with the reporter's / editor's / station's agenda.

I see some of this going on with interviews up in Alaska now. Governor Palin reportedly has an 80%+ approval rating yet you wouldn't know that with the selection of Alaskans brought to you by the MSM.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...

I really loathe the infantilization of the infantry.

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES! Every time some self important yob starts nattering about "children" in Iraq, my blood pressure heightens another notch. The first part of respecting the military is recognizing that they are grown men and women who have made an adult choice to sacrifice their time, their blood, and sometimes their lives. To call them children is indecent.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Well this fits with the idea that Republicans are idiots.

Donn বলেছেন...


I completely agree. A while back the San Francisco Chronicle had a front page story on women who claimed to be lifelong Republicans but were leaving the Party because McCain was too conservative. I wrote the reporter an email telling her the story said more about her views than it did about Republicans.

Brian বলেছেন...

Nothing makes me laugh more than hearing someone call a talk show or write a comment that starts with, "I am a Conservative Republican but..." and everything that follows is a laundry list of liberal talking points.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

It appears that the video's been pulled from YouTube. I don't suppose anybody's saved it?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

... McCain was too conservative.

That cracks me up. I've seen similar on the message board for a moms' group I'm a member of. Several of the moms have said they'd like to move to Canada if McCain is elected. McCain! If you didn't leave the country while Bush was around, what is it about McCain that suddenly pushes you over the edge?

Bryan বলেছেন...

@UWS guy:

Obviously, you're obviously right.

Peter Blogdanovich বলেছেন...

Down the memory hole already? Must be they already got busted on this one. Oh well, time to try some other crap. Is this how Obama would govern?

Unknown বলেছেন...

It's been made "private."

Donn বলেছেন...


This will crack you up. Back when I was a young California radical, I registered Republican so I could vote against Reagan when he was running for Governor. I also said I would leave California if he got elected, which of course, I never did!

Orinoco বলেছেন...

I voted for Hillary in the Dem primary so that makes me a Democract for McCain I guess. Dang!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

McCain and Obama will both bring the troops home. McCain in victory and Obama in defeat. The dead unfortunately will still be dead but at least under McCain their sacrifice would have been for something good as opposed to Obama they would have been sacrificed for nothing.

No republican would switch to a half out of the closet communist. A conservative democrat, yes, but a far lefty, I call bullshit on this.

Unknown বলেছেন...

It's astounding that Ann Althouse would fall for someone claiming to be republican, yet saying they will vote Obama. If you ever hear anyone pull this stunt, ask him why he voted republican, and how exactly Obama would be better. None of these jokers can answer that. I mean, I thought everybody knew this years ago.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hmm...sounds like pro-choice Catholics, or some other such oxymoron.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

I have a "Republicans for Obama" sticker for one of my five (like a good R; one for each day of the work week) cars.

The Palin speech (and the other issueless vitriol peddlers) didn't do it for me. Of course I am "in the tank."

So, the question should be; how did I go from a solid Ronald fan to a certifiable Clinton-hater (and vitriol peddler) in the nineties to an Obamican who can't stand the GOP this year?

Of course, many of y'all will recite the obvious (as you see it) explanation for my support of BHO; Koolaid. That is, there's something wrong, irrational, unthinking, demented, etc about me. That name calling stuff is insightful, though not in the way you think.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Uh, where did the fake video go to? Either way, if these people are really Republicans, then they signed up for the wrong party.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

1jpb said:

"So, the question should be; how did I go from a solid Ronald fan to a certifiable Clinton-hater (and vitriol peddler) in the nineties to an Obamican who can't stand the GOP this year?

Of course, many of y'all will recite the obvious (as you see it) explanation for my support of BHO; Koolaid. That is, there's something wrong, irrational, unthinking, demented, etc about me. That name calling stuff is insightful, though not in the way you think."

Please enlighten us because nothing you have said provides a clue.

Palladian বলেছেন...

Anybody ever hear of "Jews for Jesus"? Same deal.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

So, the question should be; how did I go from a solid Ronald fan to a certifiable Clinton-hater (and vitriol peddler) in the nineties to an Obamican who can't stand the GOP this year?

Of course, many of y'all will recite the obvious....

Actually we were hoping you would. How a solid Ronaldus Magnus fan switches to an uber-liberal is simply beyond my comprehension. Try us, maybe some of us will see the light.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Anybody ever hear of "Jews for Jesus"? Same deal.

Well not exactly Palladian. Jews are also an ethnic group not necessarily defined by thier adherence to Judiasm. There are Jews who are atheists but are hardly less Jewish.

UWS guy বলেছেন...

The irony of all these posters above me is that Ann Althouse herself is a mirror of these women, she's a democrat who is interested in voting for McCain.

Why do you find it hard to believe the opposite is true? I voted for bush twice, voted for the first time for bush 41 over clinton and voted libertarian (brown) in the 1996 election.

yet...I'm probably voting Obama.

but go ahead...stop looking for converts.

UWS guy বলেছেন...

Because you like the Chicago Bears doesn't make you a defensive lineman for the team.

None of you are "republicans" you vote for republicans. You "affiliate" with those people just like you're a "fan" of SF 49ers.

The last time I checked the only people with (R) or (D) after their names were politicians, not citizens.

Orion বলেছেন...

"I am a mouse. And I am voting for the cat. Because I can trust the cat. Because the cat is looking out for ME!"


And you know, as a US Soldier about to deploy, if I *EVER* see any of my loved ones on TV talking about how they don't want me to do the job I volunteered for and am excited and pleased to do, I'll stop talking to them permanently.

And yes, I've told them this.


runfreddtrun বলেছেন...

Of course by broadcasting weakness, Obama puts our troops on the ground in greater danger. McCain and Palin have enlisted sons who serve on the ground over there. And this woman actually believes that Obama cares more about the safety of our troops than McCain and Palin?

poor thing

TMink বলেছেন...

"None of you are "republicans" "

UWS, you are correct that I am not a Republican, but you are wrong about Simon, who is a Republican. I bet he has sent money to the Republican party just because he strikes me as a standup kinda guy who would put his money where his mouth is.

Some of the people here are completely identified with a party and deserve that D or R. I hope they wear it proudly. As soon as I find the Conservative party, I will send them some money and earn my C.


TMink বলেছেন...

Orion, I bet they listen to ya!

Thanks for what you do pal, your country is in your debt. Stay safe and get back home quickly.


Swifty Quick বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Swifty Quick বলেছেন...

Hey, Tuh Ray Suh Heinz Kerry was a Republican too.

Brendan Steinhauser বলেছেন...

Who is the REAL Barack Obama?


john বলেছেন...

Although all you conservatives are still running off, agog over Sarah Palin, this video should be your wake up call alerting you to the magnitude of the mass defections of LIFELONG REPUBLICANS. Forget about Zachary's uncle (we always had doubts about him). Think about all those New Hampshire lifelong republican women NPR found by just waving their mike outside the church steps. And today, this from excitable Andy:

A reader writes:

Every now and then, my lifelong Republican evangelical Christian calls me with his take on politics. He usually fancies himself an independent, but obviously is not, until tonight. His words to me, verbatim: "I'm sick. I'm done with em [the Republicans]. They can't think we're that stupid."

There will be more of these, a trickle on the evening news now, a flood of lifelong republicans by electiontime. It's over, I tell you.

(BTW, the video seems to have been taken down.)

john বলেছেন...

How to tell a REAL LIFELONG REPUBLICAN from a fake one:

When he/she is quoted in the MSM, the quote is always verbatim. Concern for accuracy is paramount.

Revenant বলেছেন...

In 2004, 11% of Democrats voted for Bush. 6% of Republicans voted for Kerry. There are always people who cross party lines to vote for the other side.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...


Recent polls show McCain has the support of 85 percent of Republicans, I guess she is among the other 15 percent.

On the other hand, George W. Bush carried 93% of Republicans four years ago. So even if Obama is only getting 15%, he's doing twice as well among Republicans as Kerry did, which is already a significant improvement.

His willingness to continue Bush's faith based outreach may also have something to do with that.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...


Ex-Republicans for Obama. To declare yourself for that man is to estrange yourself permanently from every principle and auxiliary tenet of the Republican party.

It's sad that you think that way. I'm a partisan Democrat but even I am willing to consider voting for Republicans (though the last one I remember voting for was Arizona Governor Jane Hull in 1998, a vote which I soon came to regret.)

Believe it or not, in 2000 I even seriously considered voting for Bush (I actually bought into that 'uniter not a divider' line) and didn't make up my mind to vote for Gore until about two weeks before the election that year. Of course by mid 2001 I was already sure I wouldn't vote for him in 2004.

Elliott A বলেছেন...

A republican (at least someone who thinks they are)can vote for Obama. A conservative never could. There is just about nothing, and nada which he believes that I do. Since I am older, I have more belief experience! He has the socialist vision of a different America, and I don't want to live there

Revenant বলেছেন...

On the other hand, George W. Bush carried 93% of Republicans four years ago. So even if Obama is only getting 15%, he's doing twice as well among Republicans as Kerry did, which is already a significant improvement.

As of two weeks ago, McCain was supported by 87% of Republicans, while Obama was supported by only 77% of Democrats. Kerry got 89% of the Democratic vote in 2004.

Revenant বলেছেন...

It's sad that you think that way. I'm a partisan Democrat but even I am willing to consider voting for Republicans

You've conflating willingness to vote for Barack Obama with willingness to vote for Democrats.

I'm entirely willing to vote for Democrats, provided they agree with some of my values or are at least willing to compromise; I voted for Clinton in '92, for example. Since Obama's positions are entirely left-wing and his track record gives no reason to suspect he's willing to meet his opponents halfway, though, I'd have to be crazy to want to vote for him.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

mass defections of LIFELONG REPUBLICANS

Were this true, I would expect to know some of them, as I do know a lot of Republicans. But I don't. Of course, the Republicans I know I generally conservatives or libertarians. I guess you could have some crossovers from the Rockefeller types.

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