These items exemplify what the NYT says is "her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she sometimes calls local opponents 'haters.'"
Throughout her political career, she has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and sometimes blurred the line between government and personal grievance, according to a review of public records and interviews with 60 Republican and Democratic legislators and local officials....Comments?
Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy.
६५ टिप्पण्या:
My comments on the article are here
(In summary, I dispute that secrecy and ensuring loyalty among subordinates should necessarily be considered a bad thing.)
A vote for John McCain is a vote for four more years of Hillary Clinton?
Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy.
And that would be different from any politician exactly how?
She is an effective politician?
If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times you little pundit, you, to get off of that computer and stop that blogging! You bloggers are driving me crazy with all this posting of yours. Go outside and play! Who elected you anything? I've had enough of this ClubPenguin! Get some fresh air. We live in Alaska, for crying out loud. Go outside and shoot your rifle. Chop some wood. Play with the seals. Eat muktuk. Get in the plane and fly somewhere. That's it, you so-called journalist! You're losing your blogging privileges. Just you wait until your father gets home from the ear-pull and knuckle-hop Olympics....
As Tina Fey so aptly put it (though in reference to Clinton): "bitches get things done".
the NYT makes her sound just like hillary clinton. And didnt they endorse hillary before they went with Obama?
Obama comes out of the Chicago Democratic Machine. He is a product of that machine. It is a machine that demands loyalty and secrecy and cements them with patronage hiring.
It is a machine that pratices the Eleventh Commandment;
Thou shalt not get caught.
Palin has a very high approval rating. Still, I expect you can find 20% of Alaskans who don't like her. This article apparently did that.
She's supposed to be a reformer, you know. Maybe these are some of the reformees?
Maybe she is the daughter of Darth Vagina (aka Hillary!).
"Palin hired friends and lashed foes"
Oh noes! She's a politician!
We all know that the most effective government comes from having your staff oppose your administration's goals.
Really, is this article in the Times going to lose even one voter who likes Palin?
Tina Fey put it best last spring on Saturday Night Live:
"What bothers me most is when people say that Hillary is a b**ch. Well, yeah, she is! And so I am I. And so is this one (points at Amy Poehler).
You know what? B**ches get stuff done! That's why Catholic schools use nuns as teachers and not priests. Those nuns are mean old clams and they sleep on cots and they are allowed to hit you. At the end of the school year you hated those b**ches, but you knew the capitol of Vermont. So I'm sayin' it's not too late, Texas and Ohio, Get on board!
B**th is the new Black!"
Change the name of the article to "Once Elected, Hillary Will Hire Friends and Lash Foes" and I would still say so what. Isn't that what politicians usually do?
how bout them cowboys?
Sarah Palin hired high school pals for positions of high responsibility. During Katrina, we've seen the damage incompetent cronies can do.
Sarah Palin uses personal email accounts to hide discussions on public matters by public officials that should be an open record, even while she claims to be in favor of transparent government. (Cue the L-word).
Sarah Palin puts loyalty to her above loyalty to the government. Same as George Bush. As we've seen vividly illustrated at DOJ, this can lead to corruption and incompetence.
The people are very poorly served by these tactics and such leaders should be rejected.
These are not difficult issues to figure out and it's telling Althouse can't muster the slightest criticism. If it was a Democrat, she'd be lobbing bombs.
With an 85% approval rating. Clearly she's horrible.
BTW, this morning McCain's camp is now claiming he invented the Blackberry.
That interpretation is as accurate as saying Al Gore claimed to invent the internet.
Alpha Liberal, to be fair, Althouse is doing a poor job of hiding her support of McCain... as well as many of posters on this blog... its kind of funny as their hasnt been a real analysis of Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson...
the fact that her governing style doesn't concern them is a bit frightening... I guess the Bush years were good for some *shrugs*
she does have an 85% approval rating... altho a lot of that may have to do with the tax refund she gave her constituents... I remember when Bush did the same way back when..
AlphaLiberal said...
"During Katrina, we've seen the damage incompetent cronies can do."
Sure. But the problem with Brownie was that he was incompetent. If Bush had appointed someone we could ungenerously but fairly called a crony, and that appointee had in fact performed superbly in the role, it wouldn't be a problem that s/he had been appointed for insalubrious reasons. As long as Palin's appointees are competent, it doesn't trouble me how she knows them to be so.
This is the "big scoop" the NYTs time found after all the money & time they invested scouring Alaska for dirt.
If Ann is ever up for anything, I'm sure the NYTs will interview Doyle, Alpha and DTL to tell us who the "true" Ann Althouse is.
It's becoming more and more difficult to tell the New York Times from The Onion.
Although I'd like to see Palin actually lashing some foes, since this is Talk Like a Pirate Week....
Actually, my first thought when I read the NYT piece was "WTF, Ice Cold Frozen Alaska has AGRICULTURE????"
Repeating statements when you're wrong and you've been told you're wrong is lying.
I'll never be able to read another of Alpha's comments without remembering the above gem he posted a couple of days ago. Yep, he's got a handle on the republicans and their shenanigans alright.
Heem's World said...
"its kind of funny as their hasnt [sic.] been a real analysis of Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson...."
Try this one.
Alpha Liberal--
I like you. You make me laugh.
Palin lashes foes? Does that make her qualified to write for the NY Times.
Like the "Maybe McCain had an Affair" story, this has the ring of a story that made the paper to justify the wasted time of the reporters that investigated it.
Hillary Clinton and Palin have more in common than we thought.
That would have been my lede.
A woman who runs, hunts, plays basketball, lashes foes, fishes, snowmobiles, looks great, has a sense of humor, tans, wears lipstick and grills mooseburgers. And she's a good earner.
I'm sweating.
Could someone please point me to a comparable article dissecting Barack Obama's experience and management style? I'm really interested in learning more about that aspect of his life.
Also, while your at it, could you find me that interview with Sasquatch where he discusses his views on the flat tax?
During their investigation of her relations with the public library of Wasilla, the NYT discovered that Gov. Palin had had not one but three books checked out beyond their due date. She had paid the overdue fines, but the fact remains that they were returned late. The Governor had vowed to uphold and obey the laws of the state. This includes small laws as well as large laws. The Governor does not get to pick which laws she will obey and which she will abuse. There were other readers in Wasilla, perhaps not so rich as her, perhaps not so able to laugh off overdue fines, who wanted to read those books. The NYT was unable to find any incident of book banning, but in many ways this is so much worse. Book hogging is a way of banning books for the poor and giving them to the rich. The fact that so many are willing to shrug this crime off is proof how debased the Bush regime has left Americans. Congratulations to the NYT and other members of the media for alerting us to the depravity of this woman who would be President.
Next we will hear Obama promise to appoint only people he does not know.
Yeah, that makes sense.
How can you hire someone in Alaska that you don't know?
And the new governor is a hell of a nice guy who has had more affairs with his underlings than Henry VIII.
They don’t have to be good looking either. He wouldn’t know the difference.
The people are very poorly served by these tactics and such leaders should be rejected.
So, since Obama has all the same traits you accuse Palin of having; product of political corruption, part of a secretive machine that values loyalty and patronage, and punishes critics, he should be rejected by you right?
HA. She has even bigger balls then just about ever girl who calls himself a liberal or a leftist. Bring on the hatred.
Oh, Oh,
She lashed foes? Was it torture or was it pleasure? Did she commit some form of human rights violation or is she just another dominatrix into S&M?
The people have a right to know.
This just in. Barney Frank has identified himself as a 'foe' and has demanded to be lashed.
The problem is, Alpha, that she's only just beginning to climb the fame curve. Indeed, she will get her comeuppance eventually. Right now, eighty zillion working Moms (and Dads) identify with her.
You've got to find better issues to get her with or hope she makes a really awful faux pas.
What do you think? I just don't think the penny ante stuff goes anywhere, and time is running out.
LOL throughout this thread & the one above. This election has become so amusing-- pratfalls by the media all over the place. (The ratio of entertaining to incredibly vexing is up for me, at least today.)
Even if she is a ruthless bitch behind the desk in Juneau, at least she's our ruthless bitch.
Michael_H said...
"This just in. Barney Frank has identified himself as a 'foe' and has demanded to be lashed."
Take a number and get in line behind the rest of us!
And the new governor is a hell of a nice guy who has had more affairs with his underlings than Henry VIII.
What, are you saying Paterson is fat?
If Mort were awake, he'd call you a fatisct.
As long as Palin's appointees are competent, it doesn't trouble me how she knows them to be so. you very well know, Alpha knows for a fact that Palin is incompetent therefore anything she does is filled with incompetence including anyone she hires. Q.E.D.
What's "The New York Times"?
I can't argue with that logic! :p
PatCA said...
Next we will hear Obama promise to appoint only people he does not know.
If you count the people that aren't who Obama thought they were, he could probably do it.
Richard said...
What's "The New York Times"?
I saw this on "stuff white people like." I think it's something that they have on one of the coasts down in the lower 48?
AlphaLiberal said...
BTW, this morning McCain's camp is now claiming he invented the Blackberry.
You LIARS should be lashed!
Fen said...
This is the "big scoop" the NYTs time found after all the money & time they invested scouring Alaska for dirt.
You notice that their financials are not so hot? If they fall, will the economy go into a real tail spin? Will the government bail out the NYT to save the nation?
Trooper: And the new governor is a hell of a nice guy who has had more affairs with his underlings than Henry VIII.
Peter: They don’t have to be good looking either. He wouldn’t know the difference.
Wow....I mean wow. Hey Peter, hear that construction sound? That's that new level of Hell that they're building for you. ;-)
BTW, this morning McCain's camp is now claiming he invented the Blackberry.
McCain said Black Barry.....? That'll be trouble.
She hired "a" friend and fired people she didn't like and excluded people who then felt excluded?
Someone better inform Barry that if he gets to be president he's not allowed to hire any of his friends, fire any of those he doesn't get along with, and has to include in his work meetings anyone who might feel slighted at being excluded.
You know... I'm not at all convinced that Sarah Palin puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy. I don't think anyone has successfully made that argument no matter how many times they've made that assertion.
She seems to have gained power by truly ticking off a whole lot of people in her own party and in the other one. It is reasonable to expect that she'd be dealing with a bunch of bruised egos. But is the fact that the people she put out of power find it frustrating not to get their way and she hires some people she knows and likes and fires people she can't work with evidence that she puts a *premium* on loyalty and secrecy?
It's a pile of moose patties, really.
Just two years ago we had Elenor Clift waxing poetic over how strong and wonderful Pelosi was going to be as Speaker because she out and out *said* she was going to expect loyalty and toeing the Dem line from her junior house members... or else! Wow, what a strong woman! And then she followed through by denying the best committee assignments to those on her own side who didn't say, "Yes, Madam Speaker" with the right amount of fervor.
I wonder what the NYT reported in that case. A comparison would be interesting.
You mean the reform candidate, once elected to Governor of Alaska, actually did fire the old guard of the prior administration? Shocker!!! [/sarcasm]
I'll bet you anything that no matter who wins the election, most of Bush's cabinet will be gone. Will that be because of some vendetta?
Should there be a scandal if the next President chooses not to keep Condi Rice as Secretary of State? No.
John Adams made the mistake of keeping most of George Washington's cabinet in place when he took office. Most of them were scheming behind his back, being primarily loyal to Alexander Hamilton.
She seems to have gained power by truly ticking off a whole lot of people in her own party and in the other one. It is reasonable to expect that she'd be dealing with a bunch of bruised egos. But is the fact that the people she put out of power find it frustrating not to get their way and she hires some people she knows and likes and fires people she can't work with evidence that she puts a *premium* on loyalty and secrecy?
If you had never heard of Sarah Palin, the above description would remind you of Hillary Clinton. Except that it would be part of a laudatory article.
Sounds like what I'd expect Alaska establishment insiders to say about a reformer.
"Once Elected, Palin Hired Foes and Lashed Friends."
Now that would be a real story.
I just want to know if she lashed her foes with a bull whip or cat-o-nine tails. Or did she use a Malaysian cane reed across their buttocks. And did she do all this lashing while wearing thigh high leather boots and a thong.
Now thats what I need to know. In detail. Today.
Heh. Well put, Der hahn.
Why would you think anyone would want to comment on Sarah Palin?
All that in the NYSlimes and still Gov Palin has an 86 percent approval rating. Life sucks, NYSlimes. I mean if this is disqualifying against Gov Palin, then what about the Obamanation's attempting to sic the US Attorney General on one of his critics, and his twice attempting to shut down critics being interviewed on radio. If the NYSlimes is interested in someone who really has an enemies list, perhaps it should investigate the Obamanation.
Yeah, and pixies with fairy dust live on the moon.
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