Is it really this bad? Check out the amazing gush of Biden gaffes at that link. (Warning: It's Rush Limbaugh, but you need to read the evidence.)
You know, when I hear all that, it almost makes me think that Biden is screwing up on purpose to set up an Eagleton move.
You may have noticed the big internet rumor, but I'd like to claim credit for starting that meme, here, recorded on September 5th:
I was yanking Jane Hamsher's chain, but these things take on a life of their own.
IN THE COMMENTS: JMH notes that Jim Geraghty predicted on August 29th that Biden would withdraw:
Picture this scenario...
One month from now, the Palin pick has proven a bonanza for the McCain campaign. A large chunk of Hillary's 18 million voters have been won over. Conservatives are unified and energized, and the previously-undiscovered "Maxim magazine vote" is suddenly giving McCain large margins among young males.
Joe Biden will disappear from the campaign trail, and we will later learn it was to see a doctor. A previously-undiscovered, vaguely ominous health issue will be discovered, and Biden will sadly announce that he cannot continue as Obama's running mate. With a sudden need for a new one, Obama will turn... to Hillary Clinton.
Call it the Torricelli gambit.
But why would Hillary accept it? Also in the comments is Dust Bunny Queen:
Why in the world would Hillary allow herself to be put on the ticket at THIS point? Seriously. If Obama kicks Biden to the curb, doesn't this bring up several troubling issues.
1. When the going gets tough, Obama throws people under the bus. Grandmother, Rev Wright, Biden.
2. What kind of decision making does this indicate on the part of Obama. Can't he get anything right? Does he have such poor judgement that he has to continually make excuses and blame other people. Does Obama have ANY loyalty to anyone besides himself? Evidently not.
If I were Hillary, and NOW you want my help after kicking me in the teeth, I would say "thanks but no thanks" a la Sarah Palin and gleefully watch Obama melt down. I don't think he would have a snowball's chance if he made this sudden switch.
If she runs on his losing ticket it will just brand her as a loser. If she stays above the fray and then runs again in 2012 she has a fighting chance. Basically she should tell Obama "fat chance loser."
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Well, can you imagine all the gaffes if Sarah Palin actually spoke to anyone, ever, and answered any question, ever, on the campaign trail?
I'll take my "out in the open" gaffes over complete seclusion and secrecy any day.
I agree, McCain and the press is getting weirder by the minute. Kicking out the press at the UN?
Oh shoot, wrong thread.
Wait, no thread? Dang!
Ok then Michelle is ugly and hates America. And Biden? Don't even get me started.
Well, can you imagine all the gaffes if Sarah Palin actually spoke to anyone, ever, and answered any question, ever, on the campaign trail?
I see the leftie trolls are still spreading that bullshit line about Palin not talking to anybody.
Biden leaving would certainly be new. Eagleton received electric shock therapy, something odd even today, though perhaps for different reasons. The guy(s) in New Jersey were all facing scandals. Here, we simply have a candidate who sucks. That's pretty ordinary. Is it a good enough reason to change candidates five months out?
Furthermore, and I'm sticking to this assertion until proven wrong, I still say it was Hillary Clinton who didn't want Obama, not Obama who didn't want Hillary Clinton. What could possibly have changed about that?
Finally, Zach, when are you lefties going to wise up and stop incessantly talking about Palin? It's killing you.
Five months? Try five weeks.
Dumb-ass conservatives.
OK you're scaring me again with that Hamsher screen grab.
Yeah pointing out that Biden's gaffes just make Palin look bad is a winning formula, so lets make sure that the media doesn't drop the ball.
I still say it was Hillary Clinton who didn't want Obama, not Obama who didn't want Hillary Clinton.
It is entirely possible that Hillary Clinton didn't want the job -- I wouldn't, in her position -- but the available evidence is that Obama didn't want HER, either. The key difference is that while Hillary's decision to stay off the ticket was smart, Obama's decision not to ask her was idiotic. His ego got in the way of his judgment again.
He should have gotten down on his hands an knees and promised her anything she wanted to get her on the ticket -- or at promised her enough to get her to publicly admit she didn't want to be VP.
Althouse only likes to put up the Hamsher grab again and again to make herself look hot.
Another edition of Blue-eyed Blond Middle-aged Hotties Sitting 'round Yackin' 'bout Politics. Brought to you by Jergens Lotion, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, and the good people of the Napa Valley Winery Association.
It's not a screen grab, it's a clip! Click and play. It's like 3 seconds.
Click and play! Ha! Tell that to Firefox.
Finally, Zach, when are you lefties going to wise up and stop incessantly talking about Palin? It's killing you.
I don't see it "killing" anyone. Her favorables have declined every single day since she's been in the public eye, because she's given one interview and then she talked to Sean Hannity.
On the contrary, Seven, I think you righties are the ones being killed. When are you guys going to man up and demand that she actually start talking to people? It might help her and I would think that would be something you would want. It's not looking good for our Sarah, especially after that disaster today at the UN. Ouch.
All these Obama interviews...
Palin is coming to my hometown, Orange County!!!
On Thursday, she'll be across the street from South Coast Plaza, at the Performing Arts Center for a fundraiser. I am so there.
It might make a lot of sense, if he then picked Hillary.
Biden isn't allowed to have his own opinions? Palin is allowed to differ with McCain, e.g drilling in ANWR.
The Obama campaign is treating Biden the way the nutroots want to treat everyone: We can hold any opinion as long as it is identical to the Obama orthodoxy.
9 Million dollars. That is the rift between Hillary and Obama. For some unfathomable reason, Hillary thinks Obama should help pay off some or all of her campaign debt (Susan Estrich reported on this two or three weeks ago, and agreed Obama should cough up some dough). My Sun Times today had a blurb about it too. I guess when the Clintons lose some one else is supposed to pick up the tab.
I do not see why he should give her ten cents. I think the Clintons are holding Obama hostage through their lackluster support of him until they get the money. It could be the reason she supposedly does not want the job too.
instead of biden packing it in, why not put jill out there in a miniskirt...
I was wrong. The Palin event isn't until October 4th. But I am still going.
This is why Palin doesn't talk to the media. From The Corner:
I think in the space of about the last 24 hours, Joe Biden claimed that the AIG bailout was bad, but then said it wasn't bad;
that we did not need to burn coal;
that his apology about the dirty McCain ad was, as they say, inoperative;
that FDR once went on television to address the nation after the stock market crash of '29 (that's a twofer that trumps Obama's Americans liberating Auschwitz);
and all but said that McCain took a $50,000 bribe.
Not a bad day's work — encompassing terrible energy policy, flip-flopping, historical ignorance, and slander. And this comes on top of Palin the "good looking" "Lt. Governor" of Alaska, Hillary as the better VP pick than himself, the patriotism of paying higher taxes, and so on.
And those in turn come on top of the primary remarks about Indians in donut shops, and "bright and clean" blacks. And those in turn come on top of . . . (Well, go back to the pilfered speeches and made-up bios.)
Something is very wrong here. While most forgive the silly slip like "Barack America" or asking the wheel-chair bound to stand up, I think the Obama staff must have gone from amusement to embarrassment and now to serious concern whether Biden is up to the job.
Had this been Palin, the election would now be over. (emphasis mine)
Flash: New press release! Obama just announced that he's got every faith in Sen. Biden and will keep him on the ticket until the end of time.
Obama's exact words, as quoted by Charlie Gibson, were: "Joe's a good man who believes what he says. So, he's taken an oath of silence for the rest of the campaign!"
Hahahaha, I love that expression on Jane Hampster's face. I can't decide if it's saying - You poor, sorry, stupid, bitter, clinging bastards, or if she's just ready to exhale her third big bong hit.
Is it smugs or drugs? Her left eye does look half-closed.
Hahaha, it looks like she set up her camera in the mudroom of her Lord's Manor house. Cinderella Hampster? Does her step-mother knwo she uses the computer? Hahahaha.
McCain is really a high stakes gambler. They will keep Palin at arms distance from the press right up till the VP debate. Assuming that neither Obama or McCain melts in their first two debates then he lets it ride on her. If she does well he gets a big bounce because all the "she's a freak and incompetent" looks like leftwing press insanity. And Biden just keeps sticking his foot in mouth so she will have plenty to knife Joe with. Obama and Biden are going to have to deal with a huge expectations issue. Lets face it, we'll all be shocked if Joe doesn't shove his foot in throat once or twice in the debate. If she does bad at the debate he's probably toast.
But he's, as we say in military, "shaping the battlespace". And ensuring huge numbers of folks turn into that VP debate. Where you watch it rather than the media telling you what happened.
If she comes across as competent then comes the real play. McCain can stand up at the midpoint of last debate and say "Sarah will now take my place because she's my VP. You have a right to know if I'm comfortable with that. Senator Obama, maybe you'd like to likewise have your VP finish the debate for you? Or maybe not." Then just walk off the stage. Put it all on Obama.
McCain has balls of steels and continues to shape the dynamics rather than play by the rules.
"You know, when I hear all that, it almost makes me think that Biden screwing up on purpose to set up an Eagleton move."
I totally agree! Question is, will this make him look desperate and hence unattractive and unpresidential?
Richard Ben Cramer wrote a book about the 1988 campaign for President. Included was the fight for each party's nomination. What it takes : the way to the White House offers a devastating portrayal of Biden.
PatCA--Obama already looks desperate and unpresidential--The guy cannot even control his own VP nominee. What a loser
Hamsher is the poster child for the smug condescension of the nutroots.
What's wrong with you people?
Judgaamunt is Obama's most touted quality.Can he risk that by tossing Biden into that crowd under the bus?
Guess he could toss Caroline Kenndey first before Biden.
Seven I am telling you it was Kennedy who screwed up this pick for Obama and he let her do it because Obama has such good judgaamunt!
Well, can you imagine all the gaffes if Sarah Palin actually spoke to anyone, ever, and answered any question, ever, on the campaign trail?
You're missing the point Zach. McCain is old and feebleminded so the gaffes are part of the package. Palin is a Bible thumping conservative and is automatically an idiot like all conservatives. Its called playing to the stereotype that liberals have created for conservatives.
Liberal Democrats on the other hand like Obama and Biden are supposed to be infallible and born speakers therefore, the gaffes are noteworthy.
Then again Palin has been interviewed multiple times already so you can drop the secrecy meme already.
Re the $9 Million debt of Hillary!'s, when Obama loses, Hillary!'s campaign for 2012 Prez will begin on Nov. 5. I bet they already have the hall rented for the announcement.
That piddling debt will be paid off by Thanksgiving with the gobs of money donors (with PDS) send in.
Clueless Joe just announced that he is totally against coal.
He will never let another kid get coal in his stocking at Christmas.
Well Holiday time since they can't use the word Christmas.
Clueless Joe just announced that he is totally against coal.
So much for American energy independence.
Clueless Joe against coal? Won't that put his Scranton relatives out of jobs? Heh.
Rosa Clemente is so much more competent than either Biden or Palin.
I really will have to go with McKinney and vote Green.
Hey Clueless Joe knows how to go after those white blue collar miners in the swing states you betcha.
Why in the world would Hillary allow herself to be put on the ticket at THIS point? Seriously. If Obama kicks Biden to the curb, doesn't this bring up several troubling issues.
1. When the going gets tough, Obama throws people under the bus. Grandmother, Rev Wright, Biden.
2. What kind of decision making does this indicate on the part of Obama. Can't he get anything right? Does he have such poor judgement that he has to continually make excuses and blame other people. Does Obama have ANY loyalty to anyone besides himself? Evidently not.
If I were Hillary, and NOW you want my help after kicking me in the teeth, I would say "thanks but no thanks" ala Sara Palin and gleefully watch Obama melt down. I don't think he would have a snowball's chance if he made this sudden switch.
If she runs on his losing ticket it will just brand her as a loser. If she stays above the fray and then runs again in 2012 she has a fighting chance. Basically she should tell Obama "fat chance loser".
You know the way he appeals to the Catholics by telling them nothings better than a good Philly Cheese steak sandwich on a Friday during Lent.
He's a man of the people.
This is not the Joe Biden I knew.
Ok class, here’s today’s lesson. Today, Joe Biden said,
“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened.’”
So what’s wrong with this statement? First Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t president in 1929 and second, television wouldn’t be available for decades.
What have we learned from this? Some say that Hillary is in the wings just waiting for Joe to be taken off the stage with a hook. But I think that Hillary is way too smart to shackle herself to such a loser.
If Obama wants someone to replace the partially demented Biden, he might check out Paul Rubens--ala Pee Wee Herman. At least he gets paid to act like an idiot.
No coal at Chri.. oops, sorry, Winter Solstice Pagan Ritual Holiday? Guess old Clueless Joe will get the kiddies vote.
Oh, yeah, they do not vote.
Paul Rubens is a good choice. At least he has been vetted. Sure, he was caught masturbating in a porn theater but, as with Bill Ayers, that was years ago.
Jim Geraghty @ Campaign Spot/NRO, 29 Aug 08
Hillary should let it be known thru back channels that she would take over the VP slot when the Messiah tosses Joe overboard.
And then, when the call came at 3 AM, have a headache.
How sweet would that be?
Funny remember all those smug liberal postings of a pool for when Palin would drop out days after being picked by McCain? Funny!!!! Hilarious!!! You think that's funny wait till Nov.5th.
Geno's cheesesteak at 2AM after a load. Gotta have 2 and eat them in somebody else's car. Don't want to get the grease on your own car seats. Heh.
Biden can come to - we'll tell Slow Joe it's really Saturday morning so he won't have to feel guilty.
Btw wtf will we talk about after the election and McCain is in the White House?
The Iggles or the Giants or Da Bears? or escalating suicide rate among liberals?
Geno's is the best. But what is the place in the trailer that was across the road from the Vet. That joint had some good shit let me tell you.
Hey phillie cheese steak guys! What makes Genos the best cheese steak? I've only had chain restaurant versions of this sandwhich and have never made it to Philly. What's the deal?
You may have noticed the big internet rumor, but I'd like to claim credit for starting that meme, here, recorded on September 5th:
As a blogger, maybe. But Rush Limbaugh went on the Greta Van Susteren show on SEPTEMBER 3rd and made that exact prediction then (that Biden would conveniently find an excuse, maybe medical, to drop out of the race).
I posted it on your blog real-time, as I heard Rush say it.
So you know, *snap*.
Well I'm certainly glad obama has gone on record to tell us how he runs his campaign is indicative of how he will run his presidency. His personal pick of biden as vp looks like a horrific blunder. No way of putting lipstick on this pig.
Bidden has no worries. Obama is behind him 1000%!
If he does pull Biden, we're going to see a lot of reruns of that Palin acceptance speech line suggesting Biden should "Get that Veep offer in writing". Very prescient, and brilliant speech writing. Good delivery too.
Having a brain cramp about the name of that trailer. But that guy has gone big time. He has opened more and more places.
Geno's is like Avis - it tries harder and the owner Joey Vento is a generous character. Pat's is where all the tourists go. The best cheesestakes are really in the neighborhood spots not in either of these two.
Jane Hamsher needs a whipped cream pie right in the kisser. She's just begging for it.
Looks like Barry's gonna ditch Jo cuz a the stuff she's been sayin' since he asked her to the prom. But I heard Hillary's gonna say she's gotta wash her hair that night, so he'll have to take someone, but Nancy won't be third, so who?
Poor Barry.
"Jim Geraghty @ Campaign Spot/NRO, 29 Aug 08"
Moi, @ 8:45pm above.
Rush's quotes are good, but here's my new favorite, both for execrable English and depth of thought:
Money quote - "Biden said that he's 'done more than any other senator combined' for trial lawyers.
'There are two people -- you've heard me say it before -- two groups that stand between us and the barbarians at the gate,' Biden said. 'It's you and organized labor. That's it.'
Kennedy -Eagleton
The Waterproof/Shockproof Ticket!
Since we've now moved on to important items, like Philly Cheesesteak, here's the best!
or, even better, make your own!
Maybe Joe will have a sudden medical problem, or just start sobbing ala Muskey, and Obama will nominate his typical white person grandmother. She was the first one under the bus so will be the first to be revived (there isn't anybody else left). It will save the white female vote and he won't have to put up with the Clintons!
If he does pull Biden, we're going to see a lot of reruns of that Palin acceptance speech line suggesting Biden should "Get that Veep offer in writing". Very prescient, and brilliant speech writing. Good delivery too.
The only problem Peter was that it was Rudy who said it, not Palin. ;)
I agree though. Beautifully delivered and based on Obama's tendency to throw people under the bus, it was a lawyer's mind at work.
"Get it in writing", indeed.
"Jim Geraghty @ Campaign Spot/NRO, 29 Aug 08"
Moi, @ 8:45pm above.
Ooh, wow, JMH! The link didn't work, but my goodness, that is impressive if you said that on the day of her announcement as VP nominee.
Even Rush wasn't thinking that then.
Biden has always said strange things. The thing is, no one cares now. The focus is totally off him. It's Palin, Palin, and more Palin.
Looks like Barry's gonna ditch Jo cuz a the stuff she's been sayin' since he asked her to the prom. But I heard Hillary's gonna say she's gotta wash her hair that night, so he'll have to take someone, but Nancy won't be third, so who?
As I've been saying, Obama had an one to two week window where he could've conceivably have dumped Joe without looking REALLY bad. Just bad, but salvageable given that the media would've helped to smooth some of the surprise over.
But NOW? And for any candidate other than Hillary? Inconceivable.
Would anyone here who is Democrat get excited about Sebelius? Come on.
Even the ghoulish harpie Joy Behar might concede that is too ueber-cynical "trading one vagina for another".
No, Joe stays now. And good luck to him.
Biden has always said strange things. The thing is, no one cares now. The focus is totally off him. It's Palin, Palin, and more Palin.
John, did you or the other Althouse commenters catch this magnificent thread over at Roger L. Simon?
Instapundit linked to it:
Is Joe Biden trying to sabotage Obama?
You guys have check out the comments section. It had me ROFLing in the bookstore, to my slight embarrassment.
Check this out:
I don’t know if it’s conscious or unconscious, but it sure seems that way. First there’s the flip-flop on AIG, which seems to have caught his running mate’s attention, and now there’s the senior moment of senior moments, implying FDR was President when the stock market crashed in ‘29 and went on television (???) to calm the public. [I thought McCain was the geezer candidate.-ed. It’s all in the mind… or mind-less.] If Palin had said something like that, the MSM would have sent her back to Alaska and frozen her in an iceberg with the wooly mammoths.
That's Simon, but these are some of the comments:
- My grandparents missed that speech by Roosevelt. After all, they were listening to their iPods.
- And they accuse Palin of reading from the New Testament, Book of Flintstones, when Jesus rode a brontasuarus into town.
- I’m guessing that something in Old Joe’s FBI file (as reviewed by Hillary in her White House days), has suddenly been quietly mentioned…after all, the 2012 campaign has already begun for some candidates!
- Never attribute to malice that which is explained by stupidity. No, there is no Machiavelian chicanery going on here. The simple fact is that Joe’s claim to elder statesmanship was based on a media thumb-on-the-scale that is just no longer operative. The weight of Joe’s bottomless imbecility has overwhelmed the hometown refs. This is another good example of how liberal media bias is actually HARMFUL to the Lefties on net. They were never told just how stupid Biden is and had to find it out the hard way. Why, he might even be nearly as stupid as George Bush! Can’t have that get out, can we?
- He’s getting in touch with his inner Grandpa Simpson:
“When I was a pup, we got spanked by presidents ’til the cows came home! Grover Cleveland spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions!”
- I’m heading over the ABC/CBS/NBC websites to ask them which one carried Roosevelt’s historic 1929 address.
(And my absolute favourite)
- Obama would have to be insane to dump Biden for Hillary. It would be like having the entire Borgia family as your second-in-command. There would be a wave of poisonings and “suicides” that would sweep the capital following Obama’s inaugaration, capped off by Obama mysteriously hanging himself after throwing himself backwards on a salad fork 53 times.
The press, of course, would decry the Republican attack machine to attempting to smear Lucrezia Borgi…, err, President Hillary Clinton.
And why ditch Biden? Obama's currently winning. There's no reason to. When did changing VPs ever help a campaign? It would just bring a lot of negative focus.
Oh, and Victoria, yes I saw it. The trouble is, the right blogosphere isn't very many people. I knew that Biden would be a gaffe machine, because he's been doing it since before I was born. It's just that if a gaffe falls in a forest, and doesn't get any media coverage, it makes no sound.
OBAMA: And I think -- and I think -- and I think, uh, uh, that in that situation I think Joe should have waited as well.
For God's sake somebody get that poor man a teleprompter!
Dumb Plumber said...If Obama wants someone to replace the partially demented Biden, he might check out Paul Rubens--ala Pee Wee Herman. At least he gets paid to act like an idiot.
Glad I get a chance to use this one again.
Obama/Herman '08.
The only way that Obambi can chuck Biden out and not have his judgment called into question is if Biden or someone in his family suddenly falls ill and he's thus unable to continue in his quest for VP. He could develop a William Casey-style brain tumor and have Bob Woodward catch his dying confession, which would be Rosebud.
If Hillary really wants the VP spot badly enough, she'll just trot out the ol' Vince Foster scenario to use on Biden. It worked once already, right?
That screencapture is getting to me, Ann.
That's because I finally figured out who Hamsher looks like.
Calvin Coolidge
With that pinched, Yankee face, aquiline nose, and self-satisfied WASP expression, she all but embodies the judgement passed on Coolidge by Alice Roosevelt Longworth:
(S)He looks like he was weaned on a pickle
Then again Palin has been interviewed multiple times already so you can drop the secrecy meme already.
It's late, but just so we're all clear: Palin has given one interview since being named the VP candidate. ONE. That's not "multiple." That's, uh, ONE. And, sorry, Sean Hannity does not count as an interview.
That's not "multiple." That's, uh, ONE. And, sorry, Sean Hannity does not count as an interview.
Ok Zach, at least were know where you stand. You make the rules and definitions of interviews.
And people wonder why it's pointless to have political discourse.
As some have alluded, so many have sarcastically predicted a Biden health withdrawal that even NPR couldn't ignore that if and when the time comes. So it won't come.
And what would a Biden withdrawal do to Obama's argument that the issue in the race is the candidates' judgment, rather than experience? I recognize he's backed off of that meme to an extent since conceding the success of the troop surge in Iraq, but it still gets repeated.
It would demonstrate awful judgment on Obama's part. So it won't happen.
I thought you Philly guys knew what time it is.
Tony Luke's, on Oregon, under I-95.
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