Oh, really? I was picturing something more like this?
And don't be telling me my tags are redundant.
IN THE COMMENTS: Seven Machos says:
Wile E. Coyote is really the perfect metaphor for American liberal elites. In the few cartoons where he speaks, he has this scholarly voice. We find out that he is a sooper-jeanyus. He makes these grand plans and spends vast amounts of money and time bringing them together in order to solve this unsolvable problem. Sadly, the hilarious cartoon laws of unintended consequences always destroy his schemes.Ha ha. I found one. You're right about the voice (although in this one he's only explaining why he cares so much about catching the Roadrunner).
१३८ टिप्पण्या:
Best laugh I've had all day. Thanks Ann!
Of course now I have to google more of those snippets.
I won't say anything about your tags. But you sure have become a GOP chump!
Your tags are redundant. Andrew Sullivan is a friggen joke.
"Hockey dad" is AJD, by the way. He's now trying to pass himself off as "respectable".
I now see Andrew as Curly Howard ("I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens!") in any of a number of Columbia one-reelers...
"Rasmussen finds that Palin is more popular than either McCain or Obama. Survey USA reports that voters reacted favorably to her speech. What does it all mean?"
It means she's more popular, Andrew! The hated Rethuglicans may win!
Great clip! Who hasn't had a day or two just like that?
I'm tired of non-citizen Sullivan nosing in on our political affairs.
And as for Wile E Coyote, did anyone else ever hope that he'd one day catch the fucking Road Runner and tear its heart out? I hate the Road Runner.
The only reason Sullivan isn't a US citizen is because he has AIDS so that's a bit harsh Pally.
Wile E. Coyote is really the perfect metaphor for American liberal elites. In the few cartoons where he speaks, he has this scholarly voice. We find out that he is a sooper-jeanyus. He makes these grand plans and spends vast amounts of money and time bringing them together in order to solve this unsolvable problem. Sadly, the hilarious cartoon laws of unintended consequences always destroy his schemes.
Obama= W. E. Coyote
Ex-Mayor K. Kilpatrick= rock
Maybe Hizzoner can get a community organizer gig after he exits the can. I hear they're hiring in Chicago. Can Kwame find someone in Hyde Park to write a grant proposal?
It will be absolutely delicious if McCain/Palin win. The high-pitched squeal that will belch out of Sullivan's throat will make Ned Beatty blanch. Sullivan will be so inconsolable that he'll try to off himself by eating an entire tube of his testosterone gel, which will instead have the effect of turning him into an actual man, rather than a leather queen in man drag. He'll subsequently become the press secretary for the McCain administration.
"The only reason Sullivan isn't a US citizen is because he has AIDS so that's a bit harsh Pally."
Sullivan doesn't have AIDS, UWS (at least as far as he's revealed). He's HIV positive with an undetectable viral load. Yeah, it's sad that he can't become a citizen, but as he has no sympathy for anyone he doesn't agree with, I have no sympathy for him. He'd play the same game if given the chance.
I don't know if saying that a non-citizen shouldn't be nosing in American affairs is harsh or mean UNLESS one knows ahead of time that said non-citizen (a) tried to apply for citizenship but (b) was turned down due to a disqualification that (c) is related to his disease and therefore (d) one is rubbing this fact into his face as a means to disqualify him from saying what he says.
I for one did not know that AIDS was disqualifying, so I wouldn't think the statement harsh or mean, just accurate.
Finding out that AIDS disqualifies him doesn't change the fact that he has no business nosing around in American politics. He can state his opinions of course, but he is as relevant to American politics as my thoughts would be to British fascination with the Royals.
That is, None Of My Business.
What a heartless law, that foreigners with terrible and infectious diseases can't become citizens.
“And don't be telling me my tags are redundant”
It doesn’t matter if your tags are redundant as long as they are not drooping.
That’s why should always sheath them in a lovely Prima Donna Bra from Lee Lee’s Valise. Available in sizes 32 A to 46F and everything in between.
Don’t let the girls get dropped like Barack Obama drops anyone who isn’t useful to him.
Don’t throw your bust under the bus. Get your ta-ta’s fully vetted and slip into a properly fitting bra. View our video on how to buy the proper bra to fit your cup size.
Available for mail order at leeleesvalise.com.
And as someone who used to read Sullivan regularly, I'm constantly amazed at how low he's sunk. Something screwy happened to him. But again, I have no sympathy. The shit he's hurled at Sarah Palin and family is unforgivable.
Ron said...
I now see Andrew as Curly Howard ("I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens!") in any of a number of Columbia one-reelers...
Andrew Sullivan has become the Rodney Dangerfield of the blogosphere.
Palladian said...
And as for Wile E Coyote, did anyone else ever hope that he'd one day catch the fucking Road Runner and tear its heart out? I hate the Road Runner.
Actually Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) actually did catch the roadrunner in one episode and he let him go. I was stunned by those two events.
He was actually calling for 500k additional troops back when everyone said there was no need for a surge...
right on some things...
Andrew Sullivan has man tags.
Andrew is very lucky--if he was in Cuba he would find his chubby ass quarantined and far far away from other human contact--and quarantine and isolation go a long way to explaining Cubas low hiv infection rate--arent communist societies wonderful? Liberals love their health care system to, so presumably they relish the thought of this draconian approach
Ann: LOL! Perfect.
UWS: AFAIK, Andrew Sullivan has not been diagnosed with AIDS. He is a carrier of the HIV virus. There is a difference. Have you read anywhere that he has been diagnosed with AIDS? As Sullivan himself admits, he pursued a life of unprotected sex years after the link between HIV and unprotected sex was proven and publicized. If Andrew Sullivan cannot obtain citizenship because of Andrew Sullivan's personal actions that is Andrew Sullivan's fault. It is also well known that Andrew Sullivan advertised looking for others to engage in unprotected sex with him after he became a resident of the United States, BTW.
My gosh!!!!!
Seven, palladian, ron: Best set of comments in memory!
Not be coarse, but I am LM*O! I cannot even stop to pick a best line, I just keep emailing and pointing everyone to this post.
You guys should be writing for TV, for a little-less-left-leaning Daily Show.
Or a non-left-wing New Yorker type mag.
I'm serious.
Well, that's an interesting statement.
Everyone knows that, in cartoon physics, you never fall till you look down.
Who's going to look down?
He was actually calling for 500k additional troops back when everyone said there was no need for a surge...
So he was only 460K off the actual number of troops required to do the job. Quite the military genius, eh?
P.S. I think the law is changing on AIDS, so maybe Andrew can finally get his wish and become a citizen of the country he so trashes.
I remember when Bush won in 2004, Peggy Noonan wrote an article with the one word refrain sprinkled throughout: "Savor." The feeling I will have when McCain and Palin win in spite of cro-magnons like Sullivan - I don't know if there will be a word for it. Bliss? Nah, too mild.
"What a heartless law, that foreigners with terrible and infectious diseases can't become citizens."
I've always been a supporter of people living with HIV/AIDS and I do feel bad on a personal level for infected people who want to become citizens but cannot. But public health policy and sympathetic feelings are two separate issues. There are legitimate public health reasons to limit the immigration of persons infected with communicable diseases.
I don't know much about US Immigration law, but I do believe there are exceptions and that HIV positive immi are not categorically denied US citizenship.
Peggy Noonan has one tag bigger than the other. She said it was from resting her hand on it while saying the pledge of alleigance, but I don't believe her.
"UWS guy said...
He was actually calling for 500k additional troops back when everyone said there was no need for a surge...
right on some things..."
Except for the minor detail that the US doesn't and didn't have 500k extra troops to deploy - hell, not even before Bush I/Clinton cut those 8 divisions from the Army. FWIW, they needed to cut 4 or 5 - 8 was overkill, especially the 7th Light which should have been the unit to occupy Baghdad.
said it on a previous thread but looney tunes is the greatest achievment of american cinema--I even own stock in the acme company. never lost a dime.
AIDS is terrible, and it's especially terrible because it has so inflicted one group of people in particular, gay men. That said, I don't think AIDS should be treated differently than other serious diseases for purposes of immigration and citizenship because it has affected gay men more than other people.
ROFL ...he is still holding out hopes for the Eagleton scenario!
Angie Dickerson has great tags. To this very day, still firm and perky. A really hot sexy blonde. Did you ever see Dressed to Kill.
Everyone should rent that.
Except you Simon. That might be dangerous.
I don't know much about US Immigration law, but I do believe there are exceptions and that HIV positive immi are not categorically denied US citizenship.
I'm not so sure about citizenship, but it is possible to appeal denials of permanent residency on humanitarian grounds. I personally know two who have done so, one from Cuba and the other from Panama. One could afford well-paid lawyers, the other couldn't. Both cases took about the same amount of time to resolve.
Trooper -- If you keep talking about Althouse's tags, she's eventually going to get offended.
Are you kidding, that's what she live for.
Seven--I was a bit snarky using Cuba as an example, but from a standpoint of good public health practice, hiv is an infectious disease equivalent to any other--and the best practice is to quarantine and isolate infectious disease--should we permit people with marburg or ebola enter the country? only difference with those is speed of onset.
You have to keep in mind: this is the same Andrew Sullivan who is today still talking about McCain dropping Palin from the ticket. Sullivan has coasted beyond ignorant, beyond even moronic. At this point, you have to assume that he's either (a) stirring things up or (b) taking powerful medication and thinks it's still monday morning. The guy has gone certifiably loop-de-loop.
Simon--as we both know there is no way Palin will be dropped. Biden? I am not so sure--Sullivan is projecting big time
Roger -- We agree. It's not an AIDS issue at all. It's a serious disease issue.
People with serious diseases (ones of a list, not some as some nebulous catch-all) should be denied citizenship if they don't already have it. There are many reasons. We don't want the disease to spread. We don't want to risk having to pay for medical care with public funds.
The problem, of course, is how to enforce the law. I don't know if there are blood tests for non-immigrant visas. There certainly aren't for most if not all temporary visas.
"the best practice is to quarantine and isolate infectious disease--should we permit people with marburg or ebola enter the country? only difference with those is speed of onset."
Sorry, but you're wrong. Ebola and Marburg are much more easily transmissible than HIV. HIV is actually difficult to casually transmit.
f said...
Bliss? Nah, too mild.
Ecstasy would be my word of choice.
You should only get someone with natural tags. The plastic ones are horrible. They may stay firm and all but they slip right out of your hand. And they taste funny.
I can't believe anybody in their right mind could rely on or believe a poll that says a woman 99% of the country hadn't even heard of one week ago...is more popular than Obama and McCain.
But I'll lay odds there are plenty here.
Is Andrew Sullivan really still promoting the Eagleton thing? (I refuse to go to his site on principle, the principle of anti-shrillness).
If so, that's hilarious. Hey, Republicans, don't keep Palin! I'm here to help. I have your best interests at heart. I haven't been in the bag for Obama for the last two years. Trust me.
Sorry, but you're wrong. Ebola and Marburg are much more easily transmissible than HIV. HIV is actually difficult to casually transmit..
That's true. While the law was originally promulgated in an atmosphere of unknowing fear, one could argue it remains in force due in part to high profile examples such as Andrew Sullivan behaving irresponsibly once resident in the United States.
I wonder what kind of health insurance Wile E. has?
Seven Machos said...
Roger -- We agree. It's not an AIDS issue at all. It's a serious disease issue.
People with serious diseases (ones of a list, not some as some nebulous catch-all) should be denied citizenship if they don't already have it. There are many reasons. We don't want the disease to spread. We don't want to risk having to pay for medical care with public funds.
The problem, of course, is how to enforce the law. I don't know if there are blood tests for non-immigrant visas. There certainly aren't for most if not all temporary visas.
Which is why illegal aliens with virulent TB and other contagious diseases coming over are such a problem. Even if you immigrate legally to the US, the system takes into account that your vaccinations are in order and if they are not, they are a requirement to be applied towards citizenship.
If illegal aliens were treated as a health issue, the CDC would and could issue statements to that effect. So far, to my knowledge they haven't because of the political fallout of finger pointing a specific group as being one of the sole sources of the reintroduction of diseases in this country that were essentially stamped out due to vaccinations.
Michael only accepts polls that indicate to him what he already believes to be true.
I trust everyone has noted the corrections regarding Sullivan and AIDS. The disease from which Excitable Andy actually suffers is Acquired Cartoonish Moralizing Epidemic, or ACME.
And, according to the polling:
The figures include 40% with a Very Favorable opinion of Palin and 18% with a Very Unfavorable view (full demographic crosstabs are available for Premium Members).
Before her acceptance speech, Palin was viewed favorably by 52%. A week ago, 67% had never heard of her.
Now, tell me who can believe that only 67% of the people polled hadn't heard of Sarah Palin before she was selected?
There's not a chance in hell 33% of even those polled had heard of her.
I just flat out do not believe it.
Trooper, do they run electricity through the underwires at Gitmo, you know, to not only get information on terrorist cells, but to provide some support as well? Just curious.
Are you actually trying to tell me Sarah Palin is more popular than John McCain?
After one week in the news?
With 67% saying they didn't even know the woman existed?
Even YOU can't be that gullible.
Maybe people aren't as stupid and uninformed as you believe, Michael.
Sorry things aren't breaking your way.
P.S. Michael, I don't really care who is more popular. You are the one with your tags in a wad about it.
This whole thread started when Andrew thought Acme was a division of Haliburton!
Can we have another cartoon depicting Iraq and Iran as Tom and Jerry?
God, Michael is the most boring new commenter/troll ever. I mean, even Lucy had that coarse obscene panache and Doyle has his trademark dyspeptic bitterness. They make hating fun! Michael is so boring that while you want to hate him, it's just not worth the expenditure of energy.
I have a time saving suggestion for you, Althouse. Every other day or so, your current fequency, just put up a headline that says, "Andrew Sullivan." Don't bother to read his crap, or quote his crap, or comment on his crap. To do so is patently a waste of time and energy for you and the people who comment here, who could of course continue to comment but on a higher plane. See how easy - and so much better for the eyes and mind.
As it is now I have to periodically delouse my computer to rid it of the little creatures that feed on the mountain of bullshit you quote from Sullivan and your other favorite braindead libtard sources. Exterminator expenses are becoming significant.
That is all.
I don't practice safe sex, but I do practice as often as possible. If ta-tas are perky, a lee-lee ta-ta bra-bra is redundant, no?
46F? What's that video link again?
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
The latest tracking polls have Obama leading or even with McCain, but unless I've missed something the election isn't until November.
As for this poll of Palin's popularity, I think I'll wait a month or so to see just how popular she continues to be.
I can't believe anybody in their right mind could rely on or believe a poll
The word "rely" is telling.
What do you suppose anyone's relying on the poll for?
Polls get a lot of flak because they're used--especially in the media--as propaganda. But most campaign people I know really do rely on polls, and need them to be honest and correctly phrased and comprehensive.
Calling is very expensive, in campaign terms. (We always used to check and double-check and get paranoid about it, since if we provided the wrong sample group, we ended up paying for the night of wasted calls.)
But the candidate wanted to know which way the wind was blowing. He didn't pay good money for an unreiable poll.
The rest of us? Not so much.
Unless you're working on a campaign, the only way you can "rely" on a poll, is if you're gaining some sort of emotional strength out of people agreeing with you, usually on a vaguely worded or leading question.
And that's just sad.
Palladian, You actually "hate" people who post here?
It's an overused term for sure, but using it in the context of a person who is merely posting comments makes me believe you have some bigger problems.
Maybe some relaxation exercises or perhaps a few more tabs of Prozac would do the trick.
Michael said...
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
The latest tracking polls have Obama leading or even with McCain, but unless I've missed something the election isn't until November.
As for this poll of Palin's popularity, I think I'll wait a month or so to see just how popular she continues to be.
Better yet, why don't you wait until November the 4th to get your say on whether you like her enough or not.
Sarah Palin has nice tags for a woman that had five kids.
I bet she's lactating right now even as we speak.
Of course that’s not a big deal in a Vice President. Al Gore used to lactate every time he saw a polar bear.
"Hockey dad" is AJD, by the way. He's now trying to pass himself off as "respectable".
Couldn't stand the fact that his initials are an acronym for a bovine strain of herpes.
Incidentally, Palin's popularity is within the margin of error of Obama's. So it's really not true that the poll says she is "more popular", and I wish the people that write these reports understood basic poll science.
But it is still interesting that her popularity has reached such levels only days after her introduction to the country, whereas Obama has had 18 months.
I guarantee you this: The people who run campaigns, who do much of the polling, absolutely do "rely" on specific results.
They fashion their future strategies, advertising and speeches on much of what they believe the polling reveals.
Semantics aside, I still think this specific poll was rather silly.
HIV is actually difficult to casually transmit.
Not that Andrew hasn't tried.
I don't like or dislike Sarah Palin.
I don't know the woman.
Andrew Sullivan is HIV positive. HIV is much more of a manageable disease today(for the most part) if the person takes the meds. HIV is defined as someone who has a cd4 of 200 or above. If you go below a cd4 count of 200 then you are classified with "full blown AIDS". If you go below 200 cd4 count you become a much higher risk of opportunistic infecions including KS, pneumonia and all kinds of other horrible infections.
HIV is very difficult to acquire.
Also, Andrew's viral load is undetectable.
Generally, when someone has a undectable viral load it is very difficult to transmit HIV from one person to another. Not impossible but difficult.
You know I remember when I was a kid I used to watch Wild Kingdom and Marlin Perkins was always back in the camp mixing up margherita's while Jim Fowler was out "tagging" a moose or a bear or something.
Who knew. He was running up to them and squeezing their tags. Kinky.
Palladian--you are correct about transmission, of course--Ebola and other similar viruses are horribly contagious, and HIV and H5N1 (pandemic flu) are not; but the consequences of HIV leading to AIDS results in very expense treatments to maintain, the consequences of pandemic flu are even more severe. So ease of transmission is of course a factor, but how should that be weighted. I hope you don't take my comments as gay bashing; they are not meant to be--trouble is that political considerations often trump public health practice and that makes it difficult or impossible to set any kind of objective standard for quarantine and isolation.
Wow, Michael. Those are some zingers. When I think of Palladian's refusal to toy with you, I am reminded of one of Shakespeare's sonnets:
They that have power to hurt and will do none
That do not do the thing they most do show,
Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,
Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow,
They rightly do inherit heaven's graces
And husband nature's riches from expense;
They are the lords and owners of their faces,
Others but stewards of their excellence.
What kind of health insurance does Wile E. have?
Acme of course!
Well, sure, it's silly.
Rasmussen is trying to gin up interest in people buying their services. They do this by provoking, and getting suckers (like us) to talk about this stuff even when, as mcg points out, the poll is being interpreted far too broadly.
Conservatives that I've observed believe that polls are generally biased against them, and are lukewarm toward them. Liberals that I've observed get pissed on election day when the polling doesn't match the reality.
And, I presume, the pollsters laugh all the way to the bank.
UWS guy said...
The only reason Sullivan isn't a US citizen is because he has AIDS so that's a bit harsh Pally.
"Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom"
"Today Jim is going to wrestle a python while being eaten by a tiger. Fortunately, he has Mutual of Omaha's Snake & Tiger policy...."
Seven Machos said...
Wile E. Coyote is really the perfect metaphor for American liberal elites.
Especially the end of this clip. Shit sandwich comes to mind.
dr kill said...
Obama= W. E. Coyote
Ex-Mayor K. Kilpatrick= rock
Maybe Hizzoner can get a community organizer gig after he exits the can. I hear they're hiring in Chicago.
Nah, we have enough of our own ex cons to turn into community organizers.
Also, Andrew's viral load is undetectable.
So he claims, from time to time. He also bragged about going off an anti-viral drug regimen for quite some time. (Do you know why most people stop the drug regimen?) And then, after being off anti-virals for an extended period and bragging all the while about how well he was doing, Andrew Sullivan announced he had a resumed taking anti-virals once again. Do you recall why he started taking them again?
Please, people. Let's talk more about tags and less about Andrew's load.
It's a real sausage fest in this thread...
The high-pitched squeal that will belch out of Sullivan's throat will make Ned Beatty blanch.
Didn't know a person could still scream after their head exploded. Must be like a chicken after its head has been cut off.
I can't believe anybody in their right mind could rely on or believe a poll that says a woman 99% of the country hadn't even heard of one week ago...is more popular than Obama and McCain.
Nearly 40 million people watched her speech, apparently they liked what they saw and heard, which explains why the Dems are working so feverishly to convince us that Palin must be dropped from the ticket if the Republicans have any hope of winning in November.
Does anyone find the name of sean pen's new movie as funny as I do?
Sean Pen's "MILK" is coming all over theaters near you!
Michael said...
I don't like or dislike Sarah Palin.
I don't know the woman.
Not my problem.
Maybe some relaxation exercises or perhaps a few more tabs of Prozac would do the trick.
You should leave sarcasm to the professionals who know how to use it. Sadly, that isn't you.
Michael said...
I can't believe anybody in their right mind could rely on or believe a poll that says a woman 99% of the country hadn't even heard of one week ago...is more popular than Obama and McCain.
But I'll lay odds there are plenty here.
But you an believe polls that claimed that a person with no experience, no qualifications, and enough ethical baggage to sink the Titanic is qualified to be President? Hillary Clinton.
Are you actually trying to tell me Sarah Palin is more popular than John McCain?
Not to take anything away from Palin, but this isn't surprising given McCain's lack of popularity within the GOP base.
I think I need to renew the tags on my car by the end of this month.
Renewed tags always make my car look better. Plus, the police won't be stopping me all the time, lookin' at the old tags and issuing tickets.
Trooper, remember playing tag when you were a kid? I remember, and played tag all the way through college, and then some. Sorta like those lebanese coeds play dodgeball these days.
Roger J. said...
Simon--as we both know there is no way Palin will be dropped. Biden? I am not so sure
There is a very good reason for this. You see, all the bus companies are owned by Democrats. If you own all the busses, you have plenty to throw people under. BTW, that is where the term bussing came from. :)
jroosh said...
I wonder what kind of health insurance Wile E. has?
The Olde Clintonian.
Who knew. He was running up to them and squeezing their tags. Kinky.
So that's why my parents wouldn't let me watch the show. I was a kid, I just wanted to watch the animals.
It all makes sense now.
The popularity of Sarah Palin COULD stem from the fact that her political positions match the base of the Republican Party, and that she comes across as fresh and honest.
Now do your best to destroy her. Start with the children. That's a winning strategy.
Turns out here in Texas you have to get your inspection tags renewed once a year. I'm just not used to that system. Registration tags in CA required a smog check (basically the same as a TX inspection) only once every 2-3 years or so. Anyway, my wife got a ticket the other day 'cause I let her inspection tags lapse.
In other tag news, there's a dude named Amal Graafstra who embedded RFID tags in his hands. Now he can open his house door, car door, and his computer just with a wave of his hands. Rumor has it when he masturbates to online porn, his computer can count the strokes.
The popularity of Sarah Palin COULD stem from the fact that her political positions match the base of the Republican Party, and that she comes across as fresh and honest.
Sounds like crazy talk to me.
blake said...
Conservatives that I've observed believe that polls are generally biased against them, and are lukewarm toward them.
Until pollsters reveal who they are polling in more specific demographics, i.e. 34-65, east coast resident, anglo, etc. etc. then yes, Conservatives will be reticent be more friendly to polling data. Especially considering the political bias of those that conduct it.
Liberals that I've observed get pissed on election day when the polling doesn't match the reality.
And, I presume, the pollsters laugh all the way to the bank.
Which is all the more reason to have have election results and exit polling blacked out until all of the votes are cast from east to west coast to prevent the undue influence of media organizations on people who would have normally voted. But because of exit polling data reports or the media forecasting and calling winners and losers sometimes votes aren't cast because people may think their vote won't change the outcome when infact it might.
Michael said...
I don't like or dislike Sarah Palin.
I don't know the woman.
Then why are you so obsessed with her popularity, unless...
Hey, hold on her boyo, you ain't
one of them stalker dues are you. Get the Secret Service, STAT!
I always wanted to yell stat.
mcg said ...
In other tag news, there's a dude named Amal Graafstra who embedded RFID tags in his hands. Now he can open his house door, car door, and his computer just with a wave of his hands. Rumor has it when he masturbates to online porn, his computer can count the strokes
That is a very dangerous and stupid thing to do. Considering the level of hacking that has been going on with respect to RFID, to be able to read his tags and replicate the data shouldn't be that difficult. But, I'm assuming he knows this already and if he doesn't, well then I hope his insurance is up to date.
Basic HTML tags
Flick Related Tag Browser
A really cool web site. Enter a list of tags, and it will pull up a gallery of pictures and let you "surf" to other tags that coincided with those you chose.
Mikey, I'm not attempting to put words in your mouth, but perhaps you are using 'know' in the Biblical sense.
I'm just sayin'.
This is funny. A few days ago, I emailed my brother that Obama was in the air, past the cliff edge, and had just looked down.
Neither "Andrew Sullivan, Cartoons" nor "Andrew, Sullivan, Cartoons" comes up with any images. But "Sullivan, Cartoons" yields this and several hand-drawn cartoons by the same author, including this.
Location Earth Dog Tags
Picture yourself lost in the galaxy...UFO sightings and Alien Abductions are on the rise...Will you return to tell the story? In case of alien abduction these dog tags may save your life. The crucial data an alien will need to get you back to Earth is die stamped into these dog tags.
Not being a follower of Sullivan, I didn't realize he wasn't an American. That little revelation reminded me Reason TV's take on the American Prayer video.
If you haven't watched it, you can view it here.
"Conservatives that I've observed believe that polls are generally biased against them, and are lukewarm toward them."
It's not just the Poles, my friend. It's the Czechs, the Hungarians and the Lithuanians as well.
"Rumor has it when he masturbates to online porn, his computer can count the strokes"
Well, I guess his computer can calculate his frequency but what about his wand..
er.. I mean wave length?
Which is all the more reason to have have election results and exit polling blacked out until all of the votes are cast from east to west coast to prevent the undue influence of media organizations on people who would have normally voted.
I think that would run afoul of one o' them thar amendments. One o' tha early ones.
I searched the Flickr tag site for "tag".
I'm so meta-.
But that was boring so I went with "teenage lesbian bikini jello wrestling".
The only reason Sullivan isn't a US citizen is because he has AIDS so that's a bit harsh Pally.
I don't know if that's the ONLY reason. After all, he'd been living here for nearly a decade when he was diagnosed; that's almost twice as long as it takes to naturalize. It would probably be more accurate to say that by the time he decided he wanted US citizenship, it was too late.
He was actually calling for 500k additional troops back when everyone said there was no need for a surge...
You mean "everyone except John McCain", right? :)
And I'm not sure if it counts as being right when you demand 500,000 troops we haven't got and the increase of forces that ends up winning the fight is a fraction of that size. If I say I need $50,000 to avoid bankruptcy and end up avoiding it with only $15,000, doesn't that mean I was wrong?
If you get $50,000 just by asking, it means your smart and some else is REAL stupid. ;-)
My view of Sullivan is now of Wile E. Coyote after having been repeatedly smashed top and bottom by boulders broken loose by devious machinations of his own design. Totally hoisted. By his own petard, as it were.
Please explain the epithet Milky Glutes.
So he claims, from time to time. He also bragged about going off an anti-viral drug regimen for quite some time. (Do you know why most people stop the drug regimen?) And then, after being off anti-virals for an extended period and bragging all the while about how well he was doing, Andrew Sullivan announced he had a resumed taking anti-virals once again. Do you recall why he started taking them again?
Clearly, Andrew Sullivan should release his medical records. It would also relieve any concern that he's the actual mother of Trig.
Thanks, Althouse. That was great. I remember that the best ones where Wile E. talked involved Bugs Bunny, who, of course, represents the cleverness and don't-tread-on-me attitude of ordinary, middle-class Americans.
Anyway, I couldn't find anything exemplary in my cursory search of youtube.
Incidentally, Sullivan is now pushing an affair rumor. Friends of the Palins filed for divorce last July, and Sullivan is hoping that it contains juicy tidbits about an affair. Alas, The Smoking Gun is on the case, and there is no "there" there. The Palins are not mentioned in the divorce filings at all. For some reason, Andrew hasn't mentioned that yet.
Tags not redundant, but you mis-spelled "buffoon"
In that last video, "Zip-Zip Hooray", I noticed there was no portion of the Road Runner that tasted like arugala. Obviously an error.
No, no, no!
Joe Biden is Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius.
You see Wiley Coyote was a community organizer who wanted to organize the desert creatures into putting in a strip mall develpoment. The Road Runner was the leader of the majority of creatures who detested development and wanted to determine their own lives and habitat.
They revolted. He single handely beat back the evil community organizer and made him look like the fool that he was.
And like Wile E. Coyote, Biden suffers from delusions of adequacy.
Sorry, UWS, but back when Sullivan was calling for and extra 500k troops, we wouldn't have known what to do with them. So, still wrong.
Not to mention the little problem of where to get all those troops, how overwhelmingly impossible the extra logistics tail would have been, yada, yada, yada...
Now regarding polls, I refuse to talk to poll takers on principle. Is that not effective enough? Should I fabricate and dissemble, instead, so that there polls become even less reliable?
Wow, mcg, those "basic html tags" look unattractively angular.
Here's the cartoon that contains Wile E.'s most egocentric, elitist lines. Joe Biden indeed.
(The cartoon also teaches you the proper use of a chicken head if you're being chased by a killer flying saucer. And that elitist snob at Action for Children's Television back in the 1970s, Peggy Charen, said Hollywood cartoons had no educational value...)
Ha ha. I found one.
Heh. In Spanish they call him "Papa Leguas", Father Leagues (as in the measurement). I'm guessing because he covers much ground?
And as for Wile E Coyote, did anyone else ever hope that he'd one day catch the fucking Road Runner and tear its heart out? I hate the Road Runner.
Oh, totally. I'm sure this feeling is crystallized by Moby Dick, too.
I really don't understand what's happened to Andrew. His anti-Hillary, and now anti-Palin diatribes make him sound completely unhinged. In addition, he seems to have lost his sense of irony - the other day he had something about the Republican party having a public nervous breakdown and all I could think was that the entertainment value of watching Andrew himself have a public nervous breakdown is the only reason I still read his site. If Obama doesn't win in November I truly fear for his sanity.
On Palin, purely anecdotally, I had dinner with some older family members last night and I have never seen them so excited about any political figure. They all absolutely adore her. She has a lot in common with our family - special needs child, working mother, teen pregnancy and marriage, love of the outdoors, etc. Obama supporters would do well not to attack her on related areas. The only democrat in my uncle's rural Iowa church has decided to vote Republican for the first time in his life because of her.
My aunt and I were talking and I recalled when my retarded son was seven or eight, and a real handful, I was a single mother working full time, going to school in the evenings, and still managing to keep my house cleaner than I do now, even doing several remodeling/redecorating projects during that time period. Hardly vice presidential responsibilities, but no one should underestimate what a woman with a lot of energy and ambition can accomplish. I look back now and wonder how I ever did it all, and feel ashamed that I am so lazy now ("all" I do now during the summer is work weekdays at my full time job and weekends at my seasonal concession, and my house is a mess).
Oh and one other irony that he seems not to notice - he was always condemning "Rovian" polital tactics and then he started promoting the nasty and completely baseless "Trig is Bristol's son" conspiracy rumor. I wonder how much longer the Atlantic is going to put up with his gutter "journalism".
I can see why the coyote roadrunner thing comes to mind when Sullivan thinks about Palin.
"I wonder how much longer the Atlantic is going to put up with his gutter "journalism"."
Like any liberal "organization", as long as he is a good idea.
And if he has a disqualifying, but voluntarily contracted disease there is a technical term for that. Tough [word for "feces"].
Just to clarify, if A.S. is HIV+, the virus is in his body, working in many compartments, including the central nervous system. AIDS is a government insurance word used to define when a person is available for Social Security Disability. AIDS is an arbitrary designation of having less than 200CD4 cells per milliliter or one of a list of 30+ "AIDS-Defining" conditions (parasites, fungal infections, cancers, etc.) HIV is measured from the blood, not the brain, kidney, liver, testicles, etc. The serum HIV level may be below science's current technology to measure, but that does not mean that the drugs he is taking are reaching all body compartments equally, or that the virus is suppressed equally in all compartments. It is not uncommon for a person who has been infected a long time to have no measurable virus today, but have significant loss of mental function due to longterm damage or longterm lack of CNS drug levels. A.S. has as much right influencing American politics as Osama bin Laden, AIDS Dementia or not. Butt out, wanker.
Chip -
Re: your inquiry as to the origin of the epithet "Milky Glutes"
I don't want to get too specific here on Ann's site out of respect for her, but the basics are this:
On a previous occasion where Sullivan decided that someone's private life was fair game (once again), someone did a little digging into Sullivan's. They found a tripod.com website that Sullivan had put up wherein he advertised for the type of person (people) he was interested in....ummm...spending some quality time with.
Suffice it to say that it is neither family-friendly nor does it tend to leave one particularly sympathetic as to how he contracted HIV.
I won't post the URL, but try googling "Andrew Sullivan milky loads" and I'm sure you'll be able to find it yourself.
Now compare and contrast his hysterical shrieking for his privacy following the finding of this website to his treatment of Sarah Palin and her family over the past week, and I think you can reach your own conclusions about what level of credibility to assign to pretty much anything that little dirtbag has to say...
Michael - fair enough, we'll see where Palin is in 1 month. She's def on a honeymoon with the American people ATM.
Bugs Bunny — not a lawyer — is my exemplar on the proper use of “Esq.”
The Road Runner, when he talks (which occurred only in the comic book), always speaks in rhyme.
I can't stand Andrew Sullivan either, but as a result of his experience with HIV he said something that in this era of faddish attacks on the pharmaceutical industry I think it's well for everybody to remember:
“Thank God for the evil pharmaceutical companies. One day, when the history of this period is written, I have a feeling we will look back with astonishment as we recognize that advances in medical science, particularly pharmaceuticals, were arguably one of the most significant developments of this era. And yet the people who pioneered these breakthroughs were… demonized and attacked. Baffling and bizarre. I'm merely grateful the attacks haven't stopped the research progress. They've merely slowed it.”
Revenant says:
I'm not sure if it counts as being right when you demand 500,000 troops we haven't got and the increase of forces that ends up winning the fight is a fraction of that size.
McCain, of course, had long sought more troops (a “surge”) for Iraq. I don't know if it was 500,000, but whatever the number he advocated was, the quantity actually needed (in that alternate history that never occurred) would have depended on the strategy and tactics, and until Gen. Petraeus was put in command, it wasn't clear what those ought to be.
Moreover, in the history that actually unfolded, where the “surge” didn't take place until 2007, the coincidence in time and clever exploiting of the “Anbar awakening” allowed fewer troops to be inserted than might have been needed a few years earlier.
As far not having the additional half a million (if that's the number) soldiers to project into the country, that datum depends on Rumsfeld's resistance during his entire tenure as Secretary of Defense, supported by George W. Bush, to such an increase (only lately has Bush agreed that American forces should be ramped up).
McCain during that same period strongly advocated increases in overall U.S. troop levels; thus additional forces would have been available and would be available now had his advice been heeded.
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