5:38 Central Time: Just setting up the post, so you'll know I'm going to do this again. Don't expect much for another 2 hours.
6:44: I just recorded a new Bloggingheads, with lots of talk about the convention. Now, I have the time to watch some things. Pawlenty is coming up in the next hour. Brownback. Hmmm.
7:07: Barack Obama gives a good speech, but the best sermons are lived, says Tim Pawlenty. He's trying to get the chant going: "John McCain put our country first." That was a little cheesy. Ah, but it didn't last long.
7:24: Brownback calls McCain "a history maker and a history breaker." That sounds like a line for the Steve Carrell character on "The Office."
8:01: Lindsey Graham says that everyone knows the surge is working. "The only people who deny it are Barack Obama and his buddies at MoveOn.org." Why? Because the Obama campaign is built on losing in Iraq, Graham says. McCain pushed for the surge, pushed against Republicans. It was unpopular. "Some said it was political suicide." John McCain "stopped the Democratic Party from losing this war." Strong stuff. Excellently delivered.
8:10: A little film about Sarah Palin. Co-maverick. "When Alaska's maverick joined America's maverick, the world shook." Some lovely pictures of people and landscapes. I especially enjoyed the shot of shelves of cut up fish meat to illustrate "hard work."
8:23: "It's not about talking pretty; it's about talking straight," says Tom Ridge, putting a lot of effort into sounding tough. "Let's call this maverick forward."
8:35: A nice film about Cindy McCain. Good works. Loving mom. And.... drift racing!
8:43: Cindy is speaking. She says we feel Abraham Lincoln's hand tapping us on the shoulder, then pauses, and it takes way too long for the crowd to pick up the applause cue. She makes a nice contrast -- a good liberal/conservative contrast -- between being concerned about what people in other countries will think and being concerned about what our forefathers would think.
9:02: "Obama to Dispatch Female Surrogates" -- NYT headline.
9:04: Excellent film presentation of the story of John McCain. Most notable is the idea that he survived the Forrestal fire because there was a plan -- God isn't named outright -- for him to do something more. Nice but intimidating contributions from Mother McCain.
9:17: McCain's speech. It feels rote sometimes and has an actorly passion sometimes. "I hate war," woke me from one of my dozes. "I've never lived a day, in good times or bad, that I didn't thank God for the privilege.... I was blessed by misfortune." The speech felt very long and had its ups and downs. After many diverse phrases, he got it together over the idea of service and the slogan "Country First." He spoke clearly and well about his early life, as a cocky selfish man, and his transition to a man in love with his country. Now, I'm watching the final waving, with the family and Sarah Palin. Where are the balloons? I obsess over the balloons. What if they never fall? Obviously, there is a huge balloon snafu. Finally, balloons. Why were balloons important? Ah, why is a speech important? The big idea is John McCain's life, and somewhere along the way tonight that point was made. It was made over and over. It's now for us to decide if we want this man to lead us for the next 4 years.
४२० टिप्पण्या:
420 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»first post!!
I predict McCain loses everything Palin won last night
The lines I wish were in John McCain’s acceptance speech, guaranteeing him the election:
“Our opponents claim to be worried about Governor Palin being able to assume the Presidency if I were to experience an early, unexpected demise. I certainly don’t expect that, nor does my mother. But in such an untimely event, there is no worry there, my friends.
The first phone call Vice President Palin would make would be to Defense Secretary Petraeus.
The second phone call would be to Secretary of State Liebermann.
The third phone call would be to Homeland Security Secretary Giulianni.
And the next would be to Secretary of the Treasury Romney.”
Althouse -- Don't let these first post people win. We have to have some decorum here.
Brent, I believe Simon said that's constitutionally impossible for him to do. He can't form a cabinet until he's been elected.
I said yesterday, before Palin's speech started, that I expected her to be STRONG. Folksy. Boy, did she deliver.
Today, I expect John McCain to be presidential. Funny at the right times too.
Win this one for the gipper, John, by channelling the Gipper.
Brent, I believe Simon said that's constitutionally impossible for him to do. He can't form a cabinet until he's been elected.
One can dream, can't one?
The MSM will say he's too old, too mean, too unprepared for the presidency. It won't matter to them, what he says.
You are not woman enough to live blog the opening of the NFL season where the WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS start to defend their title against those digusting Redskins from Washington.
Sarah would do it. She's a real American. She would do it while preparing moose stew and bringing the guys moose tartare on toast points. And beer.
Not listening to some old dude yapping....
You just don't know what is important to the American people.
Slightly off-topic, how ludicrous is it that Obama is criticizing Palin's speech as divisive while Obama's campaign is talking about prosecuting Bush administration officials for war crimes?
Hey Ann, you should try an embedded Meebo chat room on the blog. It might be fun and get people talking in real time.
Barack Obama is the Rocky Thompson of politics.
Sneak peak at McCain's speech:
I accept.
Now, united, let's watch Trooper York quarterback the Giants to another victory and then turn in early!"
Audience: Hurray!
SPOLIER ALERT!!! I obtaiend a copy of McCain's speech. This is a summary:
My friends, my friends, my friends.
Change, change, change.
Country, country, country.
Change, change, change.
Change, change, change
Cindy, Sarah, Cindy, Sarah.
Curiously, there will not be a single word about why we need change, why we need a "clean break"
from the Bush administration, what McCain will do about the health insurance crisis.....
Hey Ann, you should try an embedded Meebo chat room on the blog. It might be fun and get people talking in real time.
Goody, then you can see me type in real-time. It's scary.
(Oh, and I can trot out my languages!!)
Nobody's playing the "first game" these people need to get over themselves especially considering there's no such thing as a long standing internet meme about "first" posts.
no sir!
Dammit. I had to Wiki "Rocky Thompson" and it's only 7 PM.
John McCain is the Y A Tittle of politics.
Last night was truly amazing to behold, and today was even better.
Gosh, I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
***breaking news***
Republican congressperson calls the Obama's "uppity".
I look forward to the post decrying this.
Poor white women, always being "out oppressed" by them.
Obama is the Googie Withers of US politics.
Surely this scandal will finally stick, UWS. It has to.
Eli Manning is the Jeb Bush of football.
I remember when there was a health care crisis in 1992. Sixteen years later, we have another one.
McCain has too much hair doesn't he Trooper?
Yurenthal Abraham Tittle?
Brett Favre is the Bob Dole of football.
"Just from what little I've seen of her and Mister Obama, Senator Obama, they're a member of an elitist class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.
When a reporter sought clarification on the racially loaded word, Westmoreland replied, "Uppity, yeah."
Awful, because of the word often associated with blacks and as a Georgian he should know that, but he didn't call them uppity. He says they're part of the elite which thinks of themselves as uppity.
Joe Biden is the Rich Kotite of politics.
Obama is desperate.
Out of all the fully vetted and qualified choices of MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS Obama chose a political neophyte like FOX for an interview?
Obama's pick shows he's not serious. I have my doubts about the wisdom of Obama going on FOX ;)
Can't wait until the republicans call Obama's stance on more funding for the military as "niggardly".
vbspurs said...
"Brent, I believe Simon said that's constitutionally impossible for him to do. He can't form a cabinet until he's been elected."
It's not a constitutional problem - it's just illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 599.
I don't know if I'll be here tonight, folks - there's a bit of a McCain speech shindig here in town that I may go to.
Uppity is a word that no one should use in association with African-Americans because of the historical baggage of the word.
Besides, the truly uppity people are these Republicans who think they can win the presidency when the mainstream media has already decreed that Obama will win. He is, after all, nearly on a par with vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in terms of experience and credentials. Nearly.
So what that his policies will be radically leftist. So what that he wants to prosecute politicians criminally. So what that he wants to raise taxes absurdly. So what that he wants ginormous government programs that won't work. So what that his foreign policy will be a disaster for America and for the world.
UWS guy said...
"Can't wait until the republicans call Obama's stance on more funding for the military as 'niggardly'"
There's a broad difference between using the term niggardly - which has a totally different meaning and etymology to that of the N word - and saying that a black man is "uppity." The former is fine - but even I think that the latter is the sort of thing that demands swift apologies or resignation.
Obama is the Cade McNown of politics.
Which is a fine old Anglo-Saxon word.
I understand why you may be having problems with these words, though.
From the crowd that creates vocabulary like "Bushitler", established words must confuse them.
I will not lift a finger to elect Sarah Palin in 2012 unless I get a commitment to the one appointment that must come before all others:
I think both parties would be better off with more pictures of the constitution on those big screens and less giant flags.
Redskins' D-line is really having some trouble...Well they held on the third down in the red zone. Giants still look pretty strong.
By the way, before "SARAH!!!" is elected, she has to find a way to hunt down and skin John Huntsman alive. This is absolutely the worst nominating speech since Heydrich was nominated for Treasurer of the Nuremberg Chapter of Toastmasters.
This is damn painful. To think, there were movement conservatives who wanted this guy on McCain's short list.
section9 said...
"I will not lift a finger to elect Sarah Palin in 2012 unless I get a commitment to the one appointment that must come before all others: ¶ ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ANN ALTHOUSE!!!!"
I think there's a lot more chance of that under McCain 44 than Palin 45, considering the likely makeup of the Senate in the next Congress. Althouse has said that she wouldn't like it - too constricting - but if she wanted it, and in terms of likely jurisprudence, I think she'd be terrific, except for on Roe-Casey, and that wouldn't stop me supporting her.
It may be a fine old word, but I don't think I know of three people who could say the word "niggardly" without making me wonder how long ago it came up on their "word of the day" calendar.
UWS guy said...
"I think both parties would be better off with more pictures of the constitution on those big screens and less giant flags."
I think we'd all be better off if people in both parties would start by reading the Constitution - all of it. In recent years, the liberal Constitution has seemed to consist of the suspension clause, the religion clauses of the first amendment, an imagined "judicial oversight" clause, and amendments 3 through 27. The difficulty for liberals is that it's hard to put the Constitution up there on that screen when it's so totally incompatible with their party platform.
Methadras said...
"Hey Ann, you should try an embedded Meebo chat room on the blog. It might be fun and get people talking in real time."
I think it'd be fun and interesting, but I don't know that there's time to set it up tonight.
What's everyone doing for election night? If there's not going to be a string of Althouse meetups, a chat room would be very cool
(My comment above shouldn't be read to imply that there aren't bits of the Constitution that conservatives prefer to ignore - the establishment clause is low-hanging fruit, of course, but the criminal process amendments in particular.)
I'm up for an election day chatroom, Simon. Last election I was a pollworker, and missed the fireworks.
I also used to IRC, but stopped some 3 years ago.
(Ann's traffic would suffer if she installed a Java-applet chatroom so I don't think I'd like to chat regularly because of that)
Ann wrote:
Pawlenty is coming up in the next hour.
He did the rounds of the morning talk shows, and I was very impressed with his poise, native humour and eloquence. He is a Presidential hopeful, one day.
Problem is, you know, not terribly exciting.
Having that, I'd like to apologise to Governor Lingle of Hawaii again, because I rode her boringness hard last night.
She was actually very effective, even with her maxim gun delivery.
It's unfair that people who are bad public speakers, but who are fantastic, capable people, are usually never chosen to lead a ticket, and if they are (like John McCain), people can't get past it and look at the substance.
Fortunately, we do on the Republican side.
Don't expect much for another 2 hours.
Judging by the kind of horse shit you've been blogging lately, I don't expect much of anything at all.
dac whinnied: I predict McCain loses everything Palin won last night.
I predict your mother will blow the entire delegation from Mississippi.
WTF, man. Mothers, kids are off-limits. Troll.
Now, I'm off for the moment, but let me leave you with two thoughts:
Rudy did SUCH a great job last night (and few people mentioned it, which to his credit, he graciously didn't mind today), that his speech bumped the video on Palin's life scheduled to preceed her speech.
I thought that was a genius move, since the crowd were so pumped for Palin immediately. It also shows just how much the Republicans can wing something, and brazen it off successfully.
But will they release that bio vid, which supposedly was going to be narrated by Jon Voigt?
Of course, since Fred Thompson is an actor, and so is Voigt, the fact that his video was bumped prevents Democrats to whine about "celebrities".
But poor Jon Voigt. It can't be easy being a Republican, in Hollywood.
Catch you all later!
Solid, if vague words by Pawlenty. We need some substance. I'm a Republican, and I'm voting Republican, because I fundamentally agree with the economic and foreign policy principles of this party (Bush's intellectually lazy hijacking notwithstanding). But the Republicans need to speak to a wider audience. McCain needs to be less partisan and more specific on his vision for the presidency. Even if it's total BS, it needs to be there.
Victoria - I wouldn't suggest it for something regular, but as a special thing it might be nice. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing election night, but I think spending it with the folks here would be fun. Last time around, myself and a liberal friend sat in a bar and played drinking games.
Oh Lord! Bill Frist! Who let him in?
"John McCain put our country first."
Yeah right, until he put politics over experience and qualifications an picked someone who would not be ready Day One -- supposedly the most important criterion for picking a VP.
I guess he was for that, until he was not. Kinda like Palin's support for the bridge to nowhere!
Maybe some of the delegates got sick on a batch of hot dogs, and Frist is there to check them out and give them a pill.
Wow, da crazies iz out already.
Take it easy, d00dz. Have some blog.
But not too much...makes ya paranoid...
Simon said...
I think it'd be fun and interesting, but I don't know that there's time to set it up tonight.
What's everyone doing for election night? If there's not going to be a string of Althouse meetups, a chat room would be very cool.
I don't know how hard it would be to set up. I was thinking of test driving it on my blog (one I never touch, but I'm trying to give it another shake as soon as I get really really motivated).
I'm actually planning on doing nothing on election night other than reading and watching the hysteria via the media and the blogosphere as McCain/Palin take the white house contrary to popular opinion. I'm still not a fan of McCain, but I'm certainly an enemy of Obama.
A good chant needs to be pretty short and rhythmic.
And it's a fine line between stupid and clever, at that.
FWIW, I do have both Java and non-Java chats at my disposal, if we wanna do a chat thing.
Oh, heads up - Obama on O'Reilly tonight.
Another campaign blog evening.
Must make preparations.
Troll phasers set to 12.6 and primed. Check.
Wine set to uncorked. Check.
Beer set to chilled. Check.
Corn set to popped. Check.
Pajamas set to on. Check.
Carpal tunnel brace set to on. Check.
Snark filter set to moderate. Check.
New batteries in remote. Check.
Locked and loaded. Ride to the sound of posting!
I think it's perfectly acceptable to run a video reminding us of the challenges and tragedies that some seem so eager to push into the past.
And yes, there hasn't been a terrorist attack since 9/11. I'm sorry, but that doesn't happen as a result of years of failed national security policies. It's not all attributable to the actions of the Bush administration. But to dismiss his actions as meaningless and counterproductive is idiotic.
But will they release that bio vid, which supposedly was going to be narrated by Jon Voigt?
It was released and I posted it to my blog earlier today. You can watch it here.
I think both parties would be better off with more pictures of the constitution on those big screens and less giant flags.
Well, they were going to go with that plan. But the Democratic convention planners wanted to highlight the part that protects a right to abortion and the Republican convention planners wanted to highlight the part that says this is one nation under God. Convention time arrived and both groups were still stuck in the back room with a magnifying glass and a thesaurus, desperately scanning the Bill of Rights.
The flags were a last-minute substitution.
Oh, heads up - Obama on O'Reilly tonight.
I look forward to hearing from all the Democrats who were, a week ago, bitching that it would be "political malpractice" for McCain to so much as leak a rumor on Obama's special night. :)
When a reporter sought clarification on the racially loaded word, Westmoreland replied, "Uppity, yeah."
Ugh. Who opened the cage door and let this moron escape into the wild again?
What do we want from our masters?
What do they want from us?
To ferry us through disasters.
To give them if not love, trust.
I just wrote this long comment that got munched.
The point was: This is the starkest left vs. right election since, oh, 1900. Both McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden are candidates of their respective bases. Their only appeal to centrists like me is their winning personalities.
I like Palin. I was outraged at what the media and the Dems did to her. I'm glad she paid them back with an awesome speech. But still. She has tilted the Republican ticket very far to the right.
And Obama's acceptance speech removed the last vestige of his fading image as a candidate that will reach across party lines. He's saying we're not a good country if we don't go along with his big-government, high-taxes agenda. He's an idiot on the topic of Iraq, which means he's going to make big mistakes on foreign policy. He's too far to the left.
Where do the 20 percent of us who don't strongly identify with the ideological extremes go? Since neither is an incumbent, we can't say "ah, he's the devil I know." (As a voter could do in other left/right elections like 1964 or 1936.) We have to submit to this stark choice.
If it's going to be about who do I want to have a beer with, it's easy. I want to have a beer with all four of them. They're all charming in their ways. But which one to vote for? Neither ticket seems to even want my vote.
John -- In your heart, you know McCain is most moderate.
Catchy, no?
Stodder -
I appreciate your dilemma. I hope that McCain might give you some reason to side with him tonight.
Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Is this John Voight talking?
Where do the 20 percent of us who don't strongly identify with the ideological extremes go?
Usually with the lesser evil.
But what's the non-extreme position on, say, Iraq? Or abortion? Most of the big issues driving the parties are pretty much either/or things.
Good thing McCain didn't select Ridge or Graham as his running mate. Neither tests positive for kick-ass.
So has any Republican named the Democrats attacking Palin's family? Are are they still making hysteric claims of victimhoood?
Republicans are the best at playing the victim.
This is brutally boring.
Tom Ridge? Paint drying?
I am live blogging tooand I will make you less bored.
Is there any question that McCain have chosen the right running mate? Pawlenty was simply awful ...uninspiring.
Graham delivered an effective speech, even if he's no barnburner.
They should take this special needs thing and run with it. They have a legitimate basis to support it with Cindy McCain's work and Trig Palin. That's compassionate conservatism, and I'd love to see the Obama campaign try to paint that position as cynical.
Trooper York said:
"John McCain is the Y A Tittle of politics."
Just for that, Trooper, I'm sending a little something along in the mail.
Y A Tittle.
I just enjoy saying it.
Y A Tittle.
Y A Tittle.
Trooper's campaign speech?
Some people see the NY Giants as they are and ask Y A Tittle?
Some people dream of teams that never win and ask, Why Brett?
This is brutally boring.
Tom Ridge? Paint drying?
Having witnessed a virtuoso performance last night (Sarah Palin) everything else pales in comparison. I just hope that McCain doesn't also put us all to sleep.
John S --
Palin is running for VP.
McCain is the presidential candidate. The guy lots of people on the "far right" have problems with. (McCain-Feingold? Immigration? ....)
Remember now?
(Based on some of Obama's commenst today I heard in passing, seems he thinks he's running against her also ...)
John Stodder:
You wrote a long post and claimed this:
"I was outraged at what the media and the Dems did to her."
What are you referring to? Can you be specific? Who said what?
This charge has been repeated again and again. But I think it's false.
If you inspect this question closely, Mr Stoddard, you might find your choice a lot easier.
"This charge has been repeated again and again. But I think it's false. "
I direct you to Rep. Robert Wexler of Florida.
And this:
Obama advisers and surrogates have also linked Palin to conservative former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan. An Associated Press story from Alaska, dated July 17, 1999, states that Palin, then the mayor of the small town of Wasilla, was wearing a Buchanan button during a Buchanan visit to Alaska.
The Miami Herald this week quoted an e-mail from Obama Florida spokesman Mark Bubriski that stated: "Palin was a supporter of Pat Buchanan, a right-winger or as many Jews call him: a Nazi sympathizer.""
She supported Steve Forbes. This is well documented.
Plus that AIP nonsense.
Yeah, you know, that stuff about:
1. the fake pregnancy
2. membership in a radical secessionist party
3. the claim that she can't be president because of her kids
4. the claim about the affair
5. the claim that she is too inexperienced
6. the shocking claim that she did not write her own speech.
Remember all that stuff, and more? Just forget it. Move along. Nothing to see here. No bias.
Here's a suggestion: Let's simply not respond to Alph and Zippy tonight. It's a waste of precious blog resources and contributes to bloggle warming.
Seeing Cindy stumble makes Sarah's performance last night all the more impressive.
Cindy's getting stepped on a bit, but I like this speech.
We do need to hear about the economy. It's one thing to push it to the side, but ignoring it provides ammo for Obama and Biden. Flesh out plans to keep taxes low, to make competition more of a factor in health care, education, etc. We need to hear SOMETHING.
Cindy is very well spoken; a first lady I would be proud of.
Why is it unconstitutional to name the cabinet prior to the election?
Strikes me as a perfectly reasonable First Amendment thing to do.
Furthermore, as the candidates seek to advertise their campaign and communicate direction, it strikes me that they'll begin to share their initial slates.
Amen, Lem.
I am still not too keen on John McCain the politician, but I love Cindy McCain's style and gentility -- I love how, unlike Michelle Obama (forgive me, I must say this), her gaze is always gracious and welcoming, rather than looking angry all the time.
What makes the Palin situation so different from the Hillary one, is that Cindy McCain is so effusively generous to her. She looks in utter admiration at Sarah Palin, and that speaks beautifully about her character.
7 Machos:
1. the fake pregnancy
That rumor emanated from Alaska and spread through the net, left, right and media. Ann Althouse spread it. And a part of the rumor was true, that the girl was pregnant.
Republicans are the only ones still talking about this. Playing victim.
2. membership in a radical secessionist party
People asked questions based on reports from the party itself that she attended meetings. Turns out her husband was a member for years, but not her. This was all factually reported and the changed story from the AIP about her attendance was reported. That's fair.
3. the claim that she can't be president because of her kids
WHO SAID THAT? You guys keep repeating this but after repeated requests not one of you can produce a quote and a link.
4. the claim about the affair
Affair? What affair? Who said that? Where do you come up with this?
5. the claim that she is too inexperienced
What? People can't hold opinions? If you think that's a slur, you're pretty thin-skinned for politics.
6. the shocking claim that she did not write her own speech.
Oh, please. Toughen up a little bit. That's deep cry baby territory.
1) You seem to be saying your candidate can't be criticized. You're wrong. As Americans, we have a right to criticize candidates, on experience, ability, and positions.
2) You do not back up these charges of unfair treatment and abuse. It's all vague charges and this well-nurtured sense of victimhood.
Smitty, I was wrong, though it's still not possible to do so. Simon clarified:
It's not a constitutional problem - it's just illegal under 18 U.S.C. § 599.
The best Cindi line...
..the difference btwg the concern about what people in other countries think of us and thinking about what our forefathers would think of us.
Understated, but it packs a big punch.
Mark Shields' word of the day:
\PUR-suh-flahzh\, noun:
Frivolous or bantering talk; a frivolous manner of treating any subject, whether serious or otherwise; light raillery.
You may also remember it from "Topsy-Turvy".
vbspurs said... Maxim gun
You obtuse Anglophile :) Next thing you know, you'll be talking about how Pawlenty was as steady as a Vickers .303
Only Roger, Trooper and I will understand
Damn ...Sarah Palin looks especially hot tonight.
Drill Sgt,
If he was that steady, he would be steady as a Lewis Gun
Did you notice how Sarah despite the vicious attacks did not change her hair?
Thats moose hunting hutspah ;)
Understated, but it packs a big punch.
That was Reaganesque, and I have always personally thought Cindy was more instinctively Republican than her husband.
We don't deal with our forefathers, we deal with foreigners. But in dealing with foreigners, we shouldn't forget our forefathers.
John McCain is a "momma's boy?"
Didn't see that coming.
The National Enquirer wrote in its edition dated Sept. 15 that Palin had an affair with a business associate of her husband, Todd Palin.
7 Machos, is this what you're worked up about? Are you familiar with The National Enquirer?
Man, you guys really have it bad.
We don't deal with our forefathers, we deal with foreigners. But in dealing with foreigners, we shouldn't forget our forefathers.
Was that Ron?
This convention and indeed, election, is so WESTERN, even if it's just Middle Western sometimes.
Obama is from Hawaii and now lives in Chicago, where Hillary is from. Palin is from Alaska, and poor McCain came from all over, before he settled in Arizona.
Only Biden represents the Northeast, and none the South (first time in a while that's happened).
You know what? I like that. It's nice to see these States represented there. The USA is more than the Bible Belt, Texas, and the eastern time zone States.
live blogging McCain at the73rdvirgin.blogspot.com
Lem, no. It was me. :)
Cindy isn't an entertaining speaker, but she's done some good things and is a good person.
This was her chance to counter the 'ice princess' image assigned her by the media. Did she succeed?
Drill Sgt: Hiram Stevens Maxim was an all-American inventor. He emigrated to England because the competition here was too great. His son Hiram Percy, a pioneer radio amateur, founded the American Radio Relay League
Is this crap ever going to end? Get on with it already. I'm a big Republican supporter but as good as last night was this night sucks. How many times are they going to repeat the same story? I get it already. Enough! Please. I'm about to turn the TV off.
Only Roger, Trooper and I will understand
Heh, Drill SGT. Thanks so much. I even know the history behind the Maxim gun being an egghead and all. ;)
And I thank Roger and you for your kind info the other day!
Lem, no. It was me.
Nice going.... do you have an agent ;)
"I was outraged at what the media and the Dems did to her."
What are you referring to? Can you be specific? Who said what?
Do we really have to play along with this?
Those stories that contained falsehoods about her family didn't write themselves.
You've heard, I trust, of opposition research? "Oppo?" All campaigns spend a lot on it. It's the basis of negative campaigns.
Do they announce their findings in a press release? They do not. Slime about a candidate would not have the same impact if their opposition said it; in fact it would be counterproductive. No, what campaigns do is give their dirt to the media, preferably big media like the New York Times.
When they leak this stuff, do the reporters have the discretion to stand aside and say, "I'll not lower myself to this." Not really. Their access is at stake. This kind of stuff is not dumped on reporters' desks with an oh-by-the-way. They choose reporters carefully, based on who either agrees with their agenda or can be manipulated.
So while it will take a few years to find the culprits by name -- probably not til they write books bragging about it -- it is disingenuous to pretend they don't exist.
P.S. Republicans do it too.
Did she succeed?
Her look is too potent, and therefore fear-inspiring. I think the fact that she's so taken with Sarah Palin that it shows her in a better light.
And the mom-son Drifting reference was hilarious.
This was her chance to counter the 'ice princess' image assigned her by the media. Did she succeed?"
I think she came off as a compassionate and thoughtful woman.
Boy, I want whoever put together the Cindy McCain video to do mine. While speaking of her father, he completely skipped over his first two wives and his Federal felony conviction. Similarly, he skipped over John's first wife. Describing Cindy's charity, he omitted when she stole drugs from it to feed her addiction.
I thought Republicans liked to hear "The Rrrrrest of the Story"?
But Cindy is the first speaker at this convention not to seem predominantly mean-spirited and self-centered. I give her credit.
CBS has already aired the affair allegation. How long did it take to air the same one about Edwards?
Incidentally, Alpha, John Stodder, no Republican, has schooled you. Class dismissed, dude.
Every dog has his day, the saying goes. And today it's John McCain's day.
This is the day that sustained him in that little cage in the Hanoi Hilton, that gave him hope that he still had some ambition in side the body which was being beaten, and that propelled him forward.
So for that, well done Maverick. Enjoy your moment in the sun.
Notice the contrast btw mile high, distant and small and intimate, better suited for tv.
" Boy, I want whoever put together the Cindy McCain video to do mine. While speaking of her father, he completely skipped over his first two wives and his Federal felony conviction. Similarly, he skipped over John's first wife. Describing Cindy's charity, he omitted when she stole drugs from it to feed her addiction."
I know. I mean, I thought Barack Obama went to Harvard. But all his academic accomplishments were mysteriously absent...and that 20 years of that Wright guy...
Ugh, the green background again.
vbspurs, you are so very gracious.
Describing Cindy's charity, he omitted when she stole drugs from it to feed her addiction.
And the Democratic convention totally failed to focus on Obama's days as a coke-snorting pothead or Biden's numerous ethics and plagiarism scandals. Why, its almost as if they were trying to present these people in the best possible light or something.
I know. I mean, I thought Barack Obama went to Harvard. But all his academic accomplishments were mysteriously absent...and that 20 years of that Wright guy...
Did Ayers or his coke use make Obama's bio video?
Okay, I officially think the jumbo screen right behind the candidates was a mistake. We don't like backgrounds to change so much. It's disconcerting.
But Cindy is the first speaker at this convention not to seem predominantly mean-spirited and self-centered. I give her credit.
What a disgusting thing to say.
If anyone here had mentioned that the video of Barack Obama didn't mention his cocaine usage and the fact that he hung around with low-lifes half his life, there are many Republicans here who would've balked and chastised that person.
What petty people so many Democrats are. And people see right through that, and reject it.
C'mon, let the guy talk.
Interesting choice of tie color - tonight and last night. Perhaps eschewing the typical red/blue dichotomy in politics?
Was it really the worst attack in US history? He must be forgetting about when the British burned our capitol.
Apologies, to British visitors, just say'n.
Ann: Lindsey Graham says that everyone knows the surge is working. "The only people who deny it are Barack Obama and his buddies at MoveOn.org."
This is incorrect. On O'Reilly Obama has now decided the surge has worked "in ways nobody anticpated."
I think he meant in ways that he never anticipated. More thoughts here.
McCain's mom is a riot.
Thanks, Chip...
I'm off to watch this on my own. The spasms of fear which we have seen since last Friday has made the atmosphere nauseating online. I can't wait for November 4.
Was that Sam Elliot narrating the McCain video?
Gracious McCain!
Well, Alpha is back on his conspiracy theories again. Let's send AAA to him tonight.
God bless McCain's humble graciousness. A rare and subtle flavor, that.
"Was it really the worst attack in US history? He must be forgetting about when the British burned our capitol."
Most of the population had fled when the British set fire to Washington D.C. And the city was rebuilt. The attacks of 9/11 killed more people, and did more lasting damage.
We are going to win!!
(God I hope so)
brent @5:43, Palin's first call would likely be to next-in-line Pelosi.
Garry Owen, drill--I still like the M1; no experience with the Barrett but any rifle that fires a 50 cal has to be pretty good--still remember the serial number of my basic training m1: 1234294MSG Marcum, peace be upon him, taught me well.
thanks for walking FLS thru the intricacies of moving heavy divisions to remote places on the globe. you were kinder than I was.
How about that? That is straight talk on the realities of the campaign.
Oh Code Pink. You never cease to make yourself look stupid.
Somebody broke in the convetion!
Nice - the wink was great.
McCain handled it!
The proterster fired up the crowd doing McCaon a favor.
BTW ZPS--stop pimping your blog here--no one wants to read it based on what we have seen of you here--you ever get a job--and didnt you lose a bet recently?
The response to the code pinkos couldn't have been better.
"She worked with her hands and nose"?
Somebody didn't read this speech aloud before they gave it to the Big Guy.
With all of these examples of the Dems being horrible to Palin, why can't anyone provide a quote for who is saying:
...the claim that she can't be president because of her kids.
This is just one of many such claims. But this one should be easy. Who said it? (This search service may help)
Say what you will about me. When I make such claims, I include links and quotes. I back it up.
You've got me outnumbered, but you can't back up these claims of victimhood.
He's talked for way too long and not said one thing vital. He sounds so dated.
This speech...
How long has he been up there? He's just been thanking people, followed by a big cheer that only Republicans get.
It's also a little rich to talk about his partnership with Sarah Palin as if they've been campaigning together for years.
"He's talked for way too long and not said one thing vital. He sounds so dated."
Well, Obama seems to be re-running Jimmy Carter's campaign, so I guess it's a theme.
Dayum--these code pink ladies all fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down
hahaha mccain is shitting all over congressional republicans and they're applauding.
You go maverick.
I don't think congress is voting for McCain.
ABC News found an example of Sarah Palin being horribly, horribly treated:
The response I got was that Obama spokesman Mark Bubriski erroneously attacked Palin as a supporter of Pat Buchanan.
Call the Waaahmbulance.
All this talk of fighting the last week or so - I think the unspoken meme is "Obama is a pussy."
Nana McCain is like our very own Queen Mum, no?
I think that stretches it. She's old, yes, like QEII's mother. But she was never the most dangerous woman in America in Hitler's estimation like the good Queen Mother was in England.
He seems kinda passionate about fighting corruption...
Alpha -- Any number of people have made the claim. I'm going to give you a one-year subscription to The Google, though, so you can find the assurance you want.
You come on back when that subscription expires.
Democrat Protestors -
The Democrats are so afraid that their message can't win over voters, that they have to try and stop voters from hearing any other message.
Americans recognize the Democrat Party for what it is: the Party of Fear
so far the best speech of the four majors has been Palins.
The "corruption" theme kind of reminds me of when Dukakis said the election was about competence not ideology. He's saying it's about clean politics, not Republicanism. Everyone knows why, but it doesn't sell.
(ducks again)
He has to convince me that in the next four years, these Republicans will do better than those Republicans. He needs to talk about why Republican ideas can still work.
Iraq, okay. I'm with him there.
AL: Here you go, courtesy of Sally Quinn in the WaPo:
"McCain claims he knew about the pregnancy, and was not at all concerned. Why not? Not only do we have a woman with five children, including an infant with special needs, but a woman whose 17-year-old child will need her even more in the coming months. Not to mention the grandchild. This would inevitably be an enormous distraction for a new vice president (or president) in a time of global turmoil. Not only in terms of her job, but from a media standpoint as well."
You too can use that useful search function to find the full column.
It's not ra-ra. But so far, I feel it's effective.
I found his rave about Palin, followed y his pledge that
"change was coming to Washington" very strange.
Was he implying Palin will be the spearhead to the "change?"
She would be the V.P.
Is McCain now running on the Palin ticket??
The response I got was that Obama spokesman Mark Bubriski erroneously attacked Palin as a supporter of Pat Buchanan.
What that led to directly was Palin being called an anti-Semite and a Nazi sympathizer.
Which you know. Stop the crap, okay?
He's LECTURING republicans hahaha, brilliant devil.
"We let Washington change us" - key line, he had to do it and the convention is not responding well but *this* is why McCain was the right nominee and this is why he is the only possible Republican who could win this year.
John Stodder:
While you are watching the speech, everybody, as I am not, don't forget the left's central claim: Obama is slightly more qualified than Palin/
John Stodder: I take your point about establishment republicans--with any luck VP Palin can do to them what she did with Alaskas establishment republicans.
ugh - those new hampshire delegates gotta be feeling crunchy after that moment.
Alpha: to quote my hero, Foghorn Leghorn: go away boy, you bother me.
Huh....this speech, far from being inspiring, just seems to further demonstrate just how mindblowingly awesome Sarah Palin was last night. Maybe someone else should give John Mccain's speech for him?
Bite me. Sally Quinn, pffffft.
You are one silly guy.
Ok, he's articulating economic philosophy - let's hope he gets a little more specific.
I am shocked to hear that John McCain is giving a speech that is average or below. Simply shocked.
"We let Washington change us" - key line, he had to do it and the convention is not responding well but *this* is why McCain was the right nominee and this is why he is the only possible Republican who could win this year."
Absolutely. Our party messed up. We need to own up to it and tell America how we'll fix it.
So far, extremely disappointing speeches by both Obama and McCain--ronald reagan they aint
Is McCain articulating economic philosophy? I hope he gets more specific.
mccain is shitting all over congressional republicans and they're applauding.
Congress has something like a 9% approval rating. The idea that Congress sucks is less controversial than the idea that terrorists attacked the World Trade Center on 9/11.
The booing is tacky and childish. Pure pantomime. I don't get it.
Congress does suck.
Sorry about that. /blush
"Education is the civil rights issue of this century" - great line, key issue. I like him going in this direction. I hope he ties schools to the economy, the philosophy of which he articulated earlier.
Jobs that wont come back
With McCain you know who is going to keep it real ;)
Wait - I think he's articulating economic philosophy! But, he's not getting specific.
Why so few comments? Did everyone OD on Palin comments?
John McCain needs to let Sarah Palin do the talking from now on. :)
Alpha: to quote my hero, Foghorn Leghorn: go away boy, you bother me.
I hope you saw Jon Stewart's riff on Fred Thompson and Lieberman using Toons. It was hilarious.
The booing is tacky and childish
When a child communicates people listen ;)
please don't waste your time with AlphaLiberal:
He is being disingenuous in asking the question. This is a taunting game to him, not a true question.
He will parse every statement down to the dot over the "i". It's a game to him, and he has no intention of being open to proof. If Sally Quinn called him and said that she, a card-carrying member of the MSM, was responsible for attacking Sarah Palin, does anyone here believe that AlphaLibral would
admit he's wrong?
Get the point? He's the equivalent of the Democrat protestors at the Convention: He's afraid to to let you think for yourself.
peter h, I was just thinking that. Sarah's not the subject and all of a sudden everyone gets real quiet.
Come on! This guy is the Republican nominee! Show some enthusiasm.
I wasn't living and breathing campaign trivia today. I searched on this.
This is entirely talked about on right wing blogs.
I didn't say anyone "call Sarah Palin a Nazi or anti-semite."
Pat Buchanan was apparently charged of such sympathies. But, he's a whole different person.
Seven Machos, you guys are getting very angry over unfounded rumors. You can't back up these charges you keep making.
You do understand you lose credibility when you do that?
I love these comments:
peter hoh said..."Why so few comments? Did everyone OD on Palin comments?"
Uh...really poor speech perhaps?
Blogger Revenant said..."John McCain needs to let Sarah Palin do the talking from now on."
So, the guy running for President needs to have the person who's running for V.P. speak for him?
Does this not tell you something about the man you're supporting to be the leader of the free world??
Be honest.
Oh, now he's for wind power after never missing a chance to vote against it?
Or, to sit out a vote, like when he sat in his office instead of casting a filibuster-breaking vote?
Which McCain will show up on Jan 20?
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