३ सप्टेंबर, २००८

Live-blogging night 3 -- Sarah Palin alert! -- of the Republican Convention.

5:43 Central Time: I'm just setting this up so you can get started talking and to let you know that I'll be here -- on what is obviously a very exciting night.

7:48: I'm just settling in for some serious blogging, and the first thing I notice is this open mike eavesdropping on Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan. Peggy: "The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives... Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it."

8:11: It's Mitt Romney. He's got a peppy, plastic style. It's hammy in a way that might work from farther back in the room. Down with the "eastern elites"! It's time for sun to rise in the west -- in Arizona and Alaska. Now, he's getting an audience chant going: "It's liberal!" "We need change all right. Change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington." Liberals don't understand business. They grow government and dependency. It's "death to initiative." Fight dependency "like the poison it is." "It's time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother." He does a pretty good job of sharpening up the line between conservatives and liberals and making the conservative side seem better -- especially in economics.

8:28: I'm watching on CNN, with a TiVo assist. I'm keeping up with the speeches. But I pause when a speech ends and then scroll through the commentary when it's time for the next speech. Are the CNN commentators interesting? I don't have time for it all. Let's stop. Here's Jeffrey Toobin saying that bitching about the news media is hypocritical coming from John McCain, because they always used to love him. How come suddenly they seem "hypocritical and biased against him"? Huh? What's hypocritical? That sounds like they were always biased, but they just aren't supporting John McCain right now. What the hell kind of a defense of journalism isn that supposed to be? I mean, I can see why McCain is pissed about it. But it's an embarrassing defense.

8:33: Candy Crowley snags Mitt on the convention floor. She poses a hypothetical. Hey, what if John McCain drops dead on day one, huh? What do you think about that? How is Palin up for it? Mitt responds exactly the way you'd expect: Well, Obama, if elected, would be Prez on day one and how's he going to do it? Yeah, you don't even need a death scenario for that, you know, Candy. Mitt-quote: "The question about experience raises a lot of questions about Barack Obama."

8:36: Now, Mike Huckabee is up. He admits he's disappointed not to be the nominee. But McCain was his second choice, he says. He's got "the character and the stubborn kind of integrity that we need in a President." He thanks the MSM for uniting the Republican Party. Obama "will elevate our taxes and our risk in a dangerous world." He's got a chant he's trying to get going: "You want something to change." But don't forget about the things you don't want to change, like our freedom. He mocks "Barack Obama's Excellent Adventure to Europe." We don't like "European ideas." We like our freedom -- in other words, we don't like big government. This is the anti-dependency message again. It's not what government will do for you, it's what you will do for yourself if government gets out of the way. "The only soap we ever had in my house is Lava." That's a great line. "I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich. I'm a Republican because I didn't want to grow up poor waiting for the government to rescue me." Hey! This is an excellent speech. Much better than Romney's. Nice rhetoric and delivery.

8:46: The digital backdrop -- a flag, I think -- is, on these closeups, just a throbbing red. It's hard on the eyes. They need to blue it up, like normal TV. [ADDED: When Sarah Palin speaks, they just turn if off and have a black background.]

8:51: Huckabee ends with a long, folksy story about a teacher with a lesson to students about how they could "earn their desks." Veterans carrying desks are involved. I respect respecting veterans, but don't really see what's so wonderful about taking little kids and lengthily instructing them about what men have done in far away wars. It's a little too Captain-Koons-Hello-Little-Man for my taste.

8:58: I just corrected a typo in the 8:11 entry. I'd written "It's hammy in a way that might work from father back in the room." My son John emailed me about the typo, and I indicated that maybe it was Freudian, and I really wished I could have Mitt Romney for my dad, and John sends me this pic...

... and reminds me that he always said that Mitt looks like the dad on "The Donna Reed Show."

9:05: It's Rudy Giuliani, and this should be good. He was great at the RNC in '04. (Closeup on Cindy McCain who suddenly has her hair curled. Did the memo go out to soften her up?)

9:07: Rudy is saying that electing a President is basically hiring someone to do a job. He recites McCains résumé. Then we have another man. "He worked as a community organizer." He pauses. Mutters "what?" The audience reacts. Rudy repeats: "He worked as a community organizer." "Maybe this is the first problem on the résumé." And: "He immersed himself in Chicago machine politics." (That's an important line that could take a lot more play.) The audience boos Chicago machine politics. On to the Illinois state legislature where he couldn't figure out whether to vote yes or no. "It was too tough!" "I didn't know about this vote 'present' when I was mayor of New York City." And Sarah Palin couldn't vote "present" as Governor of Alaska. Being able to vote "present" means you weren't in an executive position.

9:17: Barack Obama has never led people in times of crisis. "He is the least experienced candidate for President in at least the last 100 years." He's never led people in anything -- "nada, nothing." Hey, that's unfair! He led the Harvard Law Review.

9:19: And don't forget: He led his campaign for President.

9:23: Rudy says Obama talks about change, but it might be the wrong kind of change. We want the right kind of change. Like, we should drill for oil. The crowd is all: "Drill, baby, drill!"

9:24: The Dems worry that it's politically incorrect to say "Islamic terrorism." They're afraid of insulting terrorists. The big digital screen is used to show a big skyline of NYC.

9:26: The surge was right. McCain got it right and Obama got it wrong. John McCain has taken unpopular positions and political risks. When, Rudy asks, has Obama ever done that? He was for an undivided Jerusalem for one day, only one day, when he was in Israel. The idea is that Obama is a man who played it safe, ingratiating himself in one way after another.

9:31: Palin has had "more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined." He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together. He mocks the Dems for mocking her for being a mayor of a small town... where they cling to religion and guns. And now she's the most popular Governor in the country with an 80% approval rating. "You never get that in New York City." She fought corruption. She stood up for what is right. She and McCain "are going to shake up Washington." And "how dare they question whether Sarah Palin has enough time to spend with her children and be Vice President. When do they ever ask a man that question? When?!"

9:36: And now! It's her! Sarah Palin! Black skirt. Silver jacket. Oh, when do they ever say that about a man?

9:37: Huge cheers. Cute kid closeup. "Thang-Q. Thang-Q. Thang-Q so much."

9:38: She introduces her family -- her son, who is going to Iraq, her 3 daughters -- the cute youngest waves -- and the baby Trig, the special needs child. And she looks out directly on America, as though she sees all the people who have special children in their families -- and pledges that we will have a friend and advocate in the White House.

9:48: She tells us about Todd, the fisherman, her "guy," and don't forget that Yupik ancestry. She's got a Native American husband.

9:50: She praises small town Americans (like her!). Don't disrespect them! They are the salt of the earth.

9:52: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer... except that you have actual responsibilities." And in small towns, they don't know what to make of a candidate who "lavishes praise" on them when he's around and then, behind their backs, "talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns." Don't talk about us "one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco." Ouch. John McCain is the same man wherever he goes.

10:00: In power, she fought corruption and government excess. "That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." "Nearly half a billion dollars in vetoes."

10:11: She's laying into Barack Obama. What is he, once those styrofoam pillars are dragged off the stage? It's all show. And the real plan is the old tax and spend.

10:13: "The American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery."

10:19: She retells the story of John McCain, with the emphasis on character and authenticity. Elect "a great man" as the next President, she implores... to fabulous applause. We see the newly-curly-headed Cindy in the audience. She's pumped. The Palin family files out onto the stage. Trig is awakened. No baby would understand what the hell is going on, but he's gazing around at the lights and colors. The pregnant Bristol is there with her hunky hockey boyfriend. And now McCain trundles out. He raises his arms as high as he can to wave to the crowd. His tie is the color of the pantsuit Hillary wore for the DNC. [ADDED: He's sending the secret tie signal.] "Don't you think we made the right choice for the next Vice President of the United States? And what a beautiful family." He leans over to respond to something the little girl said. He shrugs. I guess he didn't know whatever it was that she didn't know.

10:32: Maybe it was: "Are you the next President?"

७३९ टिप्पण्या:

739 पैकी 1 – 200   नवीन›   नवीनतम»
vbspurs म्हणाले...


reader_iam म्हणाले...

"I'm as high as a flag on the Fourth of July"

Ron म्हणाले...

Vic, you are on it! My Point Palin Blogger!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Loudly I'll sing about flowers and spring for their jugulars.

chickelit म्हणाले...

let's roll some blog for this one, man

अनामित म्हणाले...

She's going to get up and say that she had an affair; that she's a member of some crazy, radical church; that she wants Alaska to secede from the Union; that she is a bad mother; that her daughter is a terrible person for having sex before marriage; and that leftists are correct when they say that women have no place outside the home. She's also going to point out that, unlike Obama, she is not qualified for the vice presidency, a position which calls for substantial experience and credentials.

Unknown म्हणाले...

So, what do you think of Noonan's and Murphy's "hot mic" admissions that they believe the Palin VP pick to be a total disaster and that McCain's chances are "over"?


Intersting to see conservative pundits unmasked as the pure propagandists that they really are.

Eli Blake म्हणाले...

I want to hear what if anything she says about Israel.

The issue that has been raised today is that 1) she attended and event with Pat Buchanan in 1999 (see 1992 election for examination of his past anti-Semitism); and 2) two weeks ago on August 17 she attended an sermon in her church in which the speaker talked about terrorism in Israel being due to God's judgment against the Jews for not accepting Jesus Christ as their savior.

So I am wondering: What exactly will she say about Israel? Because if she says nothing about the Israel, or makes only a boilerplate reference to it, that would seem to confirm that maybe the fears that she may be anti-semitic herself are not without merit.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Eli Blake said: Because if she says nothing about the Israel...that would seem to confirm that maybe the fears that she may be anti-semitic herself

So...if she says nothing about Darfur, would that make her a racist too? Let's get the rumours out right here and now.

Robert म्हणाले...

Downtown Minneapolis is a nuthouse right now. I'm on the 19th floor of a building and I can hear lots of commotion. FYI, for those who don't know the layout, lots of conventioneers stay in downtown Minneapolis and take shuttle buses over to St. Paul. There seems to be a lot more energy than the first two days (well there was no energy one could sense before). Even during lunch people seemed jazzed up. All anecdotal, of course, but if the mood is any indicator, tonight will be rockin....

Unknown म्हणाले...

Palin must explain her association with an anti-semitic church, that only several weeks ago hosted David Brickner, the executive director of Jews for Jesus.

Among other things, Brickner and Palin's pastor believe terrorist attacks on Israelis are God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity.

Brickner has been quoted as stating:

"Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It's very real. When [Brickner's son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can't miss it."

Palin MUST expressly disown and renounce her pastor, her church and Brickner.

Otherwise, how can Jewish voters ever trust her?

Paddy O म्हणाले...

So, what do you think of Noonan's and Murphy's "hot mic" admissions that they believe the Palin VP pick to be a total disaster and that McCain's chances are "over"?

I think they're wrong.

Pundits often are. But they are also often good at slinging words together. Which makes them money.

Why would the fact that someone says something be at all a scandal? I would think that the many 200+ comment threads on Althouse would be a better indication of the interest.

And honestly, I would also care more about the opinions of commentators here.

And I'm not entirely sure who Mike Murphy is.

Does my Right Wing membership card get revoked?

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Oh, and...


chickelit म्हणाले...

andrewspam said:

So, what do you think of Noonan's and Murphy's "hot mic" admissions that they believe the Palin VP pick to be a total disaster and that McCain's chances are "over"?

less than 4 hrs to go!


अनामित म्हणाले...

Andespin -- You are very late with that gotcha. The next loon who comes over and posts it ought to be shot on principle.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Chickenlittle beat me to it, Eli. That is a disgraceful meme being pushed and one which apparently, has no bearing on her pro-Israel sympathies.

Perhaps you haven't seen her little Israeli flag in the Governor's Office in Alaska?

If it seems spurious and inconclusive to mention it, I have a reply.

Why not a Palestian flag then, as proof of her supposed anti-semitism?

In liberals' minds, being a Conservative Christian like Palin automatically means you are or are comfortable in being around anti-semitic people.

Given the fact that Conservative Christians form one of the most solid PRO-ISRAEL blocs of support in America today, whilst the Democratic Party and left-wing liberals around the world harbour huge amounts of anti-semites due to the Palestinian cause, it is a laughable conclusion.


अनामित म्हणाले...

Where-oh-where is Cedarford? This is all you, pal. Your very own scandal has arrived. I look forward to your opus. I won't read it, but I look forward to it.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Hey Robert, thanks for the update! Fox News has been doing the best job of the three cable shows so far, in showcasing Minnesotans, the Fair, and the vibe around the convention centre.

They go to participate, not as Chris Matthews did right now, to pretend to listen to views like a prima donna with a mic (he had the same high-handed attitude when he came over to the Univ of Miami for the Presidential Debate in 2004. I was there and stood inches away from him).

Paddy O म्हणाले...

how can Jewish voters ever trust her?

Um, Lieberman answered that question last night.

Unknown म्हणाले...

"Andespin -- You are very late with that gotcha. The next loon who comes over and posts it ought to be shot on principle."

Wow, Seven. Pretty tough talk. You must be a Christian.

Unknown म्हणाले...

"Andespin -- You are very late with that gotcha. The next loon who comes over and posts it ought to be shot on principle."

Wow, Seven. Pretty tough talk. You must be a Christian.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

And he's truly follows his Jewish faith being Orthodox.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

Over-under on comments on this post? I'm going with 1000.

JAL म्हणाले...

Y'all are hilarious. 22 comments and AA hasn't done anything but open the thread.

Masterasia म्हणाले...

Many of us here are electrified by the choice of Ms. Sarah Palin for VP.

As people living in Asia tired of corruption in government we are impressed with the credentials of the Alaska governor as a reformer.

While we admire Senator Obama's banner of hope and change. People here who meet in the coffee shops couldn't take for granted the fact that she has effected concrete and real change, while the other three candidates talk nothing but abstract positioning for the past two years.

I couldn't believe how a few days worth of happenings changed a lot of things. Seven days ago it was just Obamamania, right now people here are split between Governor Palin and Senator Obama.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Over-under on comments on this post? I'm going with 1000.

Something tells me Ann won't let it go up that much. I'd say 700, then she opens a new thread overnight.

That will be 800. ;)

Dave म्हणाले...

We Alaskans know that Palin is a good speaker and is going to do very well tonight. But we know not to judge candidates based on the quality and delivery of their scripted speeches, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin in her office with a small Israeli Flag.

अनामित म्हणाले...

But we know not to judge candidates based on the quality and delivery of their scripted speeches, right?

Yep, we also look at their record of accomplishment, and well, she has one.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

"based on the quality and delivery of their scripted speeches, right?"

Of course. Personally, I'm waiting to see how well she can field dress a Biden.

John Stodder म्हणाले...

Just so everyone can be clear about the significance of the National Enquirer's latest scoop, here is what the article actually says concerning the alleged affair:

Another incredible allegation emerging from the family war is that Palin, a mother of five, had an affair with a former business associate of her fisherman husband, Todd.

“Todd discovered the affair and quickly dissolved his friendship and his business associations with the guy,” charges an enemy. “Many people in Alaska are talking about the rumor and say Todd swept it under the rug.”

The ugly family feud stems from a three-year battle between the 44-year-old governor and her former brother-in-law, state trooper Mike Wooten.

“Sarah has many enemies in her hometown – but a lot of them are in her own extended family,” a source close to the Palin family told The Enquirer.

Family members loyal to Wooten are now waging a campaign to drag Palin’s reputation through the mud.

The sourcing here isn't even their usual "friends say." It's "enemies say." Actually, I like the honesty of that kind of sourcing and wish the MSM would adopt it.

This is so weird. I really didn't think I would be passionately defending the VP nominee of the Republican party. I assumed it was going to be Mitt Romney, who I loathe. But I want everyone to know, what I'm passionate about is not Palin's politics. It's the way in which she's been the target of this concerted campaign to discredit her, with the active participation of the media. On and off, I'm a journalist, and it nauseates me to see journalists jump like this at the behest of politicians or a party they happen to like.

And: I think it's what's killing the audience for newspapers and broadcast news. If the bigfoot media would just dial it down to reporting facts, lots of facts, facts regardless of where they lead, but only facts, I don't think the Internet would have been able to drag them down to the point of near-extinction.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Personally, I'm waiting to see how well she can field dress a Biden.

I'd pay to see that, if you're being literal, that is.

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

I see from Eli Blake and "andespin" (new to these parts?) that the new talking point-slash-slander is antisemitism. Let's throw that one out there and see if it sticks, because even if it doesn't, it just adds to the mayhem.

And that's a really good idea, to attack her for what her PASTOR says. That one's not going to come back and bite you -- no way.

And no one will notice that of the two major parties, one seems quite a bit more willing to support Israel than the other -- and that's the party that Palin belongs to. She's just one of those pro-Israel antisemites. Inscrutable bastards, those.

And after that slander is disproven, or better yet, while the other side is still busy disproving it, we'll throw out accusations of Satan worship, running a brothel out of the governor's mansion, beastiality, and anything else we can pull out of our...fertile little minds.

I really feel sorry for this woman, for the pressure that she now finds herself under. I'm all for civil discourse on the issues, but I'm really getting sick of this coordinated Kos-talking-points continuous stream of unfounded accusations and smears.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

But we know not to judge candidates based on the quality and delivery of their scripted speeches, right?

Not to go all Anjoli with you, but Sarah Palin needs to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan tonight.

She has to be nothing less than stellar. It's high pressure stuff, but honestly, I don't believe it's unjust either. She also accepted this position, with all its attendant negatives.

The American public, Republicans, and others DO need to have something to go on, than just a wing and a prayer about her.

I personally am not looking for some policy paper lecture given at the JFK School of Government, as Eli hopes it will resemble. I just want something to judge on her on, even in my own mind.

@Masterasia, what a coincidence! I read a Phillipino editorial piece on Sarah Palin, only last night. I chanced on it, whilst researching something else. The editor was MUCH MORE pro-Palin v. Obama, than any editor would've been here in the USA.

Good luck!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Of course. Personally, I'm waiting to see how well she can field dress a Biden.

Palin is just Biden her time.


Robert म्हणाले...

vbspurs: your wish is my command. For fun stuff about town, there are protesters on the overpasses on pretty much every freeway, not just the ones going to the Excel Center but, unlike Monday when "anarchists" were throwing cement bags from them onto the convention buses, there are police cars on every bridge to monitor it. The police presence is very heavy today, I suppose since McCain is here.

I'm stuck at my office because cross traffic downtown has pretty much been stopped by the police. The routes feeding into 94, going eastbound over to St. Paul, are being favored for the shuttle buses, so traffic for us schlepps going in every other direction is completely stopped.

And it's quite chilly today. Independents and Dems will be glad to hear that our southern friends are FREEEEZING today because it is "only" in the 60's (down into the high 40's to low 50's last night). By comparison, Monday was over 90. Gotta love Minnesota.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin: A Clear and Present Danger To the American Left

Even by Noonan’s standards, it’s a
dynamite piece.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Robert, even when Minnesotans post on blogs, they can't stay away from mentioning the weather!!

I feel so at home (being British). ;)

Good luck, and please do be careful. I'm off for a while to dine, so catch you and others later.

Dave म्हणाले...

It's funny how only people outside Alaska are impressed with the governor's record of accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, we like her a lot, but wow. There's a reason we're all shocked by this.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

I hope you're right Victoria. I figure if it goes to 1500 it will have been one hell of a speech.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Because if she says nothing about the Israel, or makes only a boilerplate reference to it, that would seem to confirm that maybe the fears that she may be anti-semitic herself are not without merit.


Paddy O म्हणाले...

Palin is just Biden her time.

While Obama is Biden his nails, methinks.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) म्हणाले...

Judgment currently suspended.

Maggie Goff म्हणाले...

Dave, what is the reason you're all so shocked about this?

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

Dave, doesn't she have the highest approval rating, within her state, of course, of any governor in the country?

In other words, what in the hell are you talking about?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Grusinskaya (bursts into their suite, with a vein pulsing in her neck): What have you done you stuttering strumpet? I notice everyone is whispering your name in the hotel lobby.
Miss Peggy Noonan (cowering on a settee, holding a whimpering dog): I fear a private conversation was overheard. I was talking to a friend and mentioned that the Baron's new choice of companion was most unfortunate.
Grusinskaya: What new companion? I had not heard of this. Answer me you simpering suck up.
Miss Peggy Noonan: He has chosen a woman to help him rule the Baronery. A fecund strumpet with an idiot child. She rides in men’s breeches and shoots the moose. It is most unladylike. I just said I thought it was bullshit. Pardon my frankness. I just had to say it.
Grusinskaya: He would never choose such a person over me. I am his muse. He is devoted to me. To me do you hear! Ever since he was shot down in the war and held prisoner by the Amies, he has loved me. This is just a lie.
Miss Peggy Noonan: So I said. Although he does like the strange. I remember the sultry days we spent as he thrust into me as he whipped me with his swagger stick…. And the day he pinned his medal on my bare bosom and licked each line of fresh blood away…..it was heavenly.
Grusinskaya: You blowsy bitch, I told you never to mention those days again…I will show you (She jumps across the table and begins to throttle the albino opinion maker)
Miss Peggy Noonan: Thisssss isss bullsssssshhhhhhitttttt!!!! (Cough, gasp, rattle)
Grusinskaya: Shut up you pervert…you know you are enjoying this
Miss Peggy Noonan: Yooouu onlllly hurtttt meeee cccaaauuuse yoooouuu loooovvve meeeeee (She falls unconscious as her nipples come fully erect and her shift becomes damp).
Baron Felix von Geigern dog; Woof!
(Grand Hotel, 1932)

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Ha! From the speech tonight (as posted on The Corner):

"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities."

Revenant म्हणाले...

It's funny how only people outside Alaska are impressed with the governor's record of accomplishments.

Yeah, none of the 80+% of Alaskans who approve of the job she's done as governor think she's accomplished anything significant. That's entirely believable I'm sure.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

For those that seem to want to make a big deal about the so called open mic comments. Here's a news flash--the bubbleheads, as Ms Noonan herself refers to them are the insiders. They have their political affiliations and they flog those who dont abide by theirs.
If you wish to consider Ms Noonans comments then by all means tell us why we shouldnt listen to Carville, Begala and the Clintonistas on Obamas candidace-
Apologize for the tu quoque argument but it is really relevant

Both parties have different camps within. Should you choose to deploy those arguments they cut both ways. I wont take the Clintonistas arguments about Obama to heart if you don't take the Disparate wings of the Republican camps arguments to heart.

Are you really this stupid? apparently so.

अनामित म्हणाले...

It's funny how only people outside Alaska are impressed with the governor's record of accomplishments.

She took out Murkowski, that alone gets my vote. Then she tried to take out Rep. Young, and almost pulled it off.

I don't think you fully appreciate how despised those people are by some of us in the lower 48.

For me, those two represent all that is wrong with the GOP. Anyone who has the guts to take them on deserves and will receive my vote.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

Paddy O -

Freaking awesome line. That place is going to go nuts.

Should've put a SPOILER tag there though ;-) Wanna go in fresh.

XWL म्हणाले...

the GOP's Vice Presidential candidate for 2040

(never too early for an introduction to our future leaders)

अनामित म्हणाले...

I am hoping against hope that either Sarah or Todd will give us a demonstration of how to field dress a moose, using Garrison Keillor as the stunt moose.

And that Todd Pahlin will finish the job Zell Miller wanted to start with Chris Matthews four years back.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

it is quite clear that Gov Palin has gone after the corrupt republican political establishment in Alaska--and Senator Obama has done the same in Chicago and Illinois? Oh no? someone is bullshitting, and its Obama.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Amazing assertion: "everyone who supported or voted for Pat Buchanan hates Jews".

Someone had better tell Frank Luntz he actually worked on his campaign.

Unknown म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
somefeller म्हणाले...

Hello everyone! I've been pretty busy this week and haven't commented on the convention nights, and I probably won't comment much tonight. I don't have the patience to go into 500 comment monster threads. Plus, tomorrow I plan on seeing McCain's speech with some GOP friends, so I more than likely won't comment then, either.

Prediction - Palin will do a great job with her speech tonight, at least as far as Republicans are concerned. Matthew Scully (ace Bush speechwriter) is supposedly the one writing it, so the wording should be good, and she will deliver it well.

That will be a short-lived victory, however, because of all the stories coming out about her, primarily from the non-political press like US Magazine and the National Enquirer. Mock them all you want, but they sure did a number on John Edwards, didn't they? I'd rather have Time Magazine after me than them.

McCain will get a small convention bounce, but Obama will still be ahead by about 4 points by the middle of next week, more than likely. Then the real fun begins.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Maggie/Pastafarian, if I may address this with my thoughts.

Dave, I think you come from the "who us?" tradition, which I saw so vividly reflected in South America. They were at once proud whenever one of their countrymen achieved anything of note, but like you, a little flummoxed by it all.

Alaska doesn't have a strong presence on the national psyche, unlike Hawaii due to Pearl Harbour and its tourism. You guys must be grappling with this fact on many levels, today.

All I can say is, welcome to the national discourse. It's about time.


Unknown म्हणाले...

So, what do you think of Noonan's and Murphy's "hot mic" admissions that they believe the Palin VP pick to be a total disaster and that McCain's chances are "over"?

Makes me want to cut her nuts out.

Greg Toombs म्हणाले...

Seven Machos said...

"She's going to get up and say that she had an affair; that she's a member of some crazy, radical church; that she wants Alaska to secede from the Union; that she is a bad mother; that her daughter is a terrible person for having sex before marriage; and that leftists are correct when they say that women have no place outside the home. She's also going to point out that, unlike Obama, she is not qualified for the vice presidency, a position which calls for substantial experience and credentials."

Followed immediately by, "NOT!"

Then Sarah rips the Mainstream Tabloids a new one. It's a Saturday Night Live skit that writes itself. Starring Tina Fey.

If only...
5:52 PM

Ben Morris म्हणाले...

I didn't think Peggy's comment that it's "over" meant she thought the race was lost. I thought she was trying to calm down Mike Murphy who was getting heated that his preferred candidates weren't picked. I.e., the choice has already been made, etc. She does then go on to explain that she thought it was about narrative, and the Republican's aren't very good at that, but I don't know that it means she isn't at least somewhat optimistic (as you would think from reading her column).

Idunno, maybe I'm just too charitable to Peggy Noonan to think she would be so cynical.

अनामित म्हणाले...

It strikes me that Palin is getting the full brunt of a media attack that was problematic and riskey to point at John McCain the POW.

She's taking the full force where he was spared because of his history.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

I'll sit out this discussion and just watch this convention on my own. The company will be 100% more intelligent and pleasant.

But first I'll have a click on Ann's ads, then all of you dark-spirited bitches can just piss off. You're all on vanish.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities."

YESSSSSSSSSSSS. I want her to be strong today.

It's one of the unjustices of life that good-looking girls can be steelier -- much moreso than plainer or older women, because a lot of men tolerate it better without the label of "nutcracker".

So go Sarah! Go Alaska on Obama's ass!

अनामित म्हणाले...


Dave म्हणाले...

Whoa there. Ease up. Take a breath. I'm not slamming her; I voted for her, and I approve of her job as governor. But we saw her as national-ticket material in another four or eight years, after she had put together a more substantive record. There's a difference between being popular and having a large record of accomplishments.

You've got to understand a few things about Alaskans. We just got through with Governor Murkowski, a corrupt and unpopular leader. In comparison, anybody would be better than he. So part of Palin's popularity comes simply from being Not Murkowski, not necessarily because of things she's done.

We also love pork projects. This state is built on pork. That's why we keep electing Ted Stevens. Honestly, we need it. We'd shrivel and die without it. Governor Palin ran on promises of getting us more federal money, including money for our bridge to Gravina Island which outsiders have come to scorn. So that's another reason why we're shocked -- McCain campaigns against earmarks, and this state can't survive without them. It's the cold hard truth. Palin has cut back some on the amount of pork that comes in, but if she cut back too much, she'd cease to be an effective (and popular) governor of this unique state.

We also know that she doesn't deserve as much of the credit for ethics reform as she's getting. That was a legislative project that she was receptive to, so it was as much our legislature as it was the governor that got it done.

We've got more tax money from oil revenues than we know what to do with, thanks to the high price of oil. Fair or unfair, she doesn't get much cred in the state for creating a budget backed by such a surplus.

And I know this will rub some people the wrong way, but she's only been at it for 19 months. It's just not a long time. [refraining from comparing to Obama]

Sorry for the length... you asked.

Unknown म्हणाले...

We've got more tax money from oil revenues than we know what to do with, thanks to the high price of oil.

And so you need federal earmarks why, then?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Hey Dave, thanks for that lengthy insider's view! Your moderate tone is what this country lacks -- it's entirely too shrill and partisan, and this is why Palin's support has come as a life-line to so many of us who are not Obama supporters.

I love your Governor, and more importantly, I admire her accomplishments.

Hope you enjoy the evening's festivities!

section9 म्हणाले...

Okay kids, watch this science experiment:


If McCain should happen to resign, or pass away in office, and Palin takes office as President, she will make ONE, SLAM-BANG, GUARANTEED, HOME-RUN, APPOINTMENT....


You heard it here first. Get your reservations now for the Biden/Schumer/Kennedy vs. Althouse smackdown NOW, while there's still time and the seats aren't warm.

bleeper म्हणाले...

Ok, I can take a lot of misspellings of the American language, but dammit, it is Pearl Harbor, not Harbour. It's in the US, not some colony. Next thing you'll tell us is that Captain Cook was somehow involved in mapping it or something... sheesh!

rhhardin म्हणाले...


Radio Japan interview on economy class syndrome, in slightly-off English, in which the interviewer is informed that you can die of it ``even at the desk.''

``Oh,'' she says, ``even at the desk. It's so careful and risky.''

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Your moderate tone is what this country lacks -- it's entirely too shrill and partisan

"Go Alaska on Obama's ass!" but on his record.

An important clarification, as my reaction has EVERYTHING to do with the disgraceful, almost evil events of this weekend.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

Dave: I echo Victorias kudos--thanks for letting us know where alaskans are

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Heh, bleeper, sorry about that. Reflexive spelling. I do the same with Ann Arbour!

kentuckyliz म्हणाले...

Is anyone watching the Daily Show?

Very funny...covering the convention as if it were the superdome post Katrina. Food shortages! (I haven't received my box lunch yet.) Other supply shortages! (The bar is out of merlot.) People have no clue of the prosperity that is affecting people just miles from this site.

very funny

goesh म्हणाले...

Regarding Israel, is Mrs. Arafat still alive for her to kiss???? smoochy smoochy really scares Jewish voters, la la la

Unknown म्हणाले...

Agree x3. Despite my reply, which I'd still like to hear about, I think the more important point you're making is that Palin was a willing participant in Alaska's earmarks.

Richard म्हणाले...

Benjamin said: She does then go on to explain that she thought it was about narrative, and the Republican's aren't very good at that, but I don't know that it means she isn't at least somewhat optimistic (as you would think from reading her column).

Idunno, maybe I'm just too charitable to Peggy Noonan to think she would be so cynical.

Um, yeah, Ben, I think you could say that. Yes, she "explained" what she thought about the narrative. She said it was bullshit. Kinda hard to put a happy spin on that.

Her WSJ column today convinces me that Miss Peggy is just another of the cynical, inside players.

Don't get me wrong. I hope that Sarah achieves shining success and Peggy Noonan has to eat shit for a year.

Dave म्हणाले...

Fair question, mcg. Any governor that took away our Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) checks would be thrown out of office. Yeah, that's the "free money" we get just for living here, and it comes almost exclusively from oil revenues. If we had to pay for our own roads and bridges and airports, I wouldn't be getting $3,200 from the state next month. (To be fair, we pay for some of our roads and bridges and airports, just not all of them.)

Alaska is a weird state. I really can't wait for the rest of the country to get to know it better.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

mcg said:
"And so you need federal earmarks why, then?"

Exactly. And in the interviews I've seen of Gov. Palin that was her point as well. Alaska is rich in resources and shouldn't be taking more than it is giving to the nation at large. Hopefully those who follow her in office will continue that trend.

Greg Toombs म्हणाले...

Michael H - "Garrison Keillor as the stunt moose."

Beautiful, Mike. I'd pay the taxidermy tax myself to see it.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Dave, I hope you understand that your answer isn't likely to engender much sympathy :) But I appreciate it.

Ben Morris म्हणाले...

Man, Republicans are losing the expectations game here. All 3 cable networks are setting this up like her speech is going to be Obama 2004 squared -- or else be a failure.

Host with the Most म्हणाले...

Unlike many of my conservative friends, I didn't particularly like the Nation Enquirer/Edwards Story. There are some publications, like there are some drugs and like there is prostitution, that you don't want to dignify.

The Enquirer put out a rumor with no supporting evidence - so what's new?

While the anti-Palin's on this blog seek to stir up as much trouble as they can, just remember that - like the Enquirer, some drugs, and all prostitution - they are the dregs of American society, the worst America has to offer.

अनामित म्हणाले...


We understand she hasn't been at it long, that's why she is the nominee for VPOTUS, not POTUS.

She will learn a lot in a short amount of time as VP, and then she will be ready to be the first female president in American history.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Palin's church can't be any weirder than Obama's, and if she is a Pat Buchanan Republican I feel safer. He is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being "Israeli occupied territory" years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it. But, I'm in the minority of liberals who like Buchanan.

Methadras म्हणाले...

Dave said...

We also love pork projects. This state is built on pork. That's why we keep electing Ted Stevens. Honestly, we need it. We'd shrivel and die without it. Governor Palin ran on promises of getting us more federal money, including money for our bridge to Gravina Island which outsiders have come to scorn. So that's another reason why we're shocked -- McCain campaigns against earmarks, and this state can't survive without them. It's the cold hard truth. Palin has cut back some on the amount of pork that comes in, but if she cut back too much, she'd cease to be an effective (and popular) governor of this unique state.

As I understand it, the governer of Alaska has a line item veto and considering some of the slashing Palin has done in the budget, which has obviously pissed off state legislators, in the face of oil windfalls, it seems more politically prudent to look like you are a reformer with money in your coffers already instead of having a pork laden budget to rely on instead. Also, in terms of national aspirations it would look bad to be a spender when you run on a ticket of reform.

Methadras म्हणाले...

garage mahal said...

Palin's church can't be any weirder than Obama's, and if she is a Pat Buchanan Republican I feel safer. He is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being "Israeli occupied territory" years ago friggin hilarious, with some truth behind it. But, I'm in the minority of liberals who like Buchanan.

It's always about the jews with you guys isn't it?

John Stodder म्हणाले...

That will be a short-lived victory, however, because of all the stories coming out about her, primarily from the non-political press like US Magazine and the National Enquirer. Mock them all you want, but they sure did a number on John Edwards, didn't they? I'd rather have Time Magazine after me than them.

The "number" they did on John Edwards was like a tree falling in the forest for over a year, until they got pictures. The political response was partly rage at Edwards for lying about this affair for months while running a presidential campaign, taking people's money and time for what he should have known would be a doomed effort.

US's headline claiming "lies" is weird. What lies?

RR Ryan म्हणाले...

I was hoping she would face it head on; I love the line about mayors having actual responsibilities. Please, about forty more minutes of the same.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

He is about the only sane Republican I've heard these past 8 years. An truthfully I thought Buchanan's joke about Washington D.C. being "Israeli occupied territory" years ago friggin hilarious

Curiously, I find him disgusting, and stopped watching Fox News during his recent little sojourn.

As much as I deride Neo-Conservatives for their facile ideas of nation-building and cross-cultural expectations, I have nothing but contempt for the isolationist, anti-semitic Paleo-Conservatives like him.

Zachary Sire म्हणाले...

I am live blogging too...


And Victoria...I promise not to be too hard on your girl. Despite disagreeing with her on everything, I think she's pretty cool. At this point in her life, she'd be great as a mayor of a small town or maybe a governor of a small state!

Unknown म्हणाले...

Peggy Noonan's explanation of her remarks.

No, it is is not a complete walkback, though she says that her "It's Over" comment is not, in fact, about the election itself.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

ZPS, best of luck! I have live-blogged events in the past, and it is absolutely draining.

At this point in her life, she'd be great as a mayor of a small town or maybe a governor of a small state!

I think Obama is actually a smart, elegant guy! I just hope his return to the Senate in November won't ruin his Christmas.


अनामित म्हणाले...

I have nothing but contempt for the isolationist, anti-semitic Paleo-Conservatives like him.

Pat went off the deep end a long time ago. I used to be a fan about 20 years ago or so, but the above behavior/beliefs drove me away.

I haven't listened, watched or read Pat in years.

Host with the Most म्हणाले...

I'm just wondering:

With all of the concern about Sarah not having enough time to spend with her special needs child:

Why do the people who wish that Sarah Palin had killed (aborted) her unborn Down's child feel that they now get to tell her how to raise it?

somefeller म्हणाले...

MCG - Well, that's about the best Noonan could do in the circumstances. And I'm with her as far as saying "why not her" about Kay Bailey Hutchison. She's been a great Senator for Texas (largely because she understands she's there to work for Texas, not the Bush Administration like John Cornyn), and is underrated. And I'm saying that as a partisan Democrat.

And John, I haven't read the US article, so I don't know what they are talking about. What I do know is that when you are a politician who becomes tabloid / celebrity magazine fodder, as a rule major trouble awaits.

Peter Blogdanovich म्हणाले...

Here come de judge. Here come de judge.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

It's always about the jews with you guys isn't it?

Who's "you guys"? If you read my post it said nothing about Jews. I see no reason why an American President or candidate has to take a unconditional solemn oath of undying support and love for any foreign country. Why is that so hard to understand for "you guys"?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

If Mort was awake he would say that that remark was racist.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

I love the double standard of the Liberals and the Democratic Propaganda machine. Hillary's family and her own life were off limits. No one was allowed to question her total lack of experience and accomplishment. Bill was off limits. Chelsea was to be left alone under penalty of national disaster.;

Obama was to be left alone. His family was off limits. His associations were to be celebrated instead of criticized.

Sarah Palin; open season. She was to be viciously smeared and dragged through the mud. Then two days later, oops, families are off limits. Yeah, right. The Democratic Party and the Obama campaign did a nece hatchet job on this women.

goesh म्हणाले...

- they even have their ears glued to their transistor radios in Darfur over her

bleeper म्हणाले...

VB - I know. I trust you know I was just kidding.

Keep writing "in ____ Street, in hospital, in university, maths and gone missing. We believe in diversity here, and we find your accent, even in print, charming.

Tibore म्हणाले...

"As much as I deride Neo-Conservatives for their facile ideas of nation-building and cross-cultural expectations, I have nothing but contempt for the isolationist, anti-semitic Paleo-Conservatives like him."

V, this is yet another reason why I must marry you.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Host said
Why do the people who wish that Sarah Palin had killed (aborted) her unborn Down's child feel that they now get to tell her how to raise it?

Peter v Bellla said
Sarah Palin; open season. She was to be viciously smeared and dragged through the mud. Then two days later, oops, families are off limits. Yeah, right. The Democratic Party and the Obama campaign did a nece hatchet job on this women.

Because, unlike most people with a developed sense of right and wrong, they are not constrained by the basic moral codes that have restrained civilization's worst impulses. The ends justify the means for these people. Winning the war is the most important thing, and, as Lenin and Stalin and Mao have preached, it's o-kay for to sacrifice a few for the "good" of the many. Or, as it's come to be known today, the philosophy of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. It's the only truly consistent thing about them.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Hanging around Althouse for Victoria must be like being a cute girl at the Star Trek Convention.

KLDAVIS म्हणाले...

Why is everyone calling the Palin pick cynical? It seems to be the buzz word, but I don't get the implication at all. Calling the pick cynical strikes me as far more cynical than the pick itself.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...


I lived in Alaska for 3 years and yes it is an interesting place to visit.

Greatest place on earth to be in the summer, but man those winters suck.

I loved my permanent fund check and the fact that when they did road work they really got on it. The worked 24/7 and the job would be done before winter set in. Unlike the lower 48 where it can take years to improve a road.

And the fishing spoils you for any puny freshwater fishing in the rest of the nation.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Is that Michael Strahan I see back there?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

No it's that just that ugly chick from blogging heads. They have the same teeth.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Enough with the previews let's see the main attraction.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Let me rephrase that. It is one of the ugly chicks from blogging heads. There are quite a few to choose from.

"Sound and Furry" as William would say.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

You think she's a romosexual?

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

HMMM, Mitt is up to bat.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Well if she is, you know that Jessica Simpson will not want any part of that.

Hey did you see were Chad Johnson legally changed his name to Ocho Cinco.

What they didn't tell you is that his middle name is Hussien.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Why don't any of our presidential or vice-presidential candidates or twentieth century presidents have any love of culture? Does Sarah Palin read Kierkegaard? Does Obama get jiggy with Bach? Sorry. It just slipped out. Hard to be a proud American philistine 24/7.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Hey that's a cute pooch you got there. Was he properly vetted?

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

He sorta looks like Keith Olbermann if you squint and sneeze at the same time.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

"I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives... Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it." Nonnan.

There goes her boss, Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

I'm actually wearing my Lt. Uhura uniform in case of interest.

(Tibore, mwah! Bleeper, hehe).

BTW, I just came back from picking up my dinner at a restaurant.

Given my wont about asking random people I know, from all walks of all, about their views, this is the conversation between the carhop server (a nice woman, around 20-22) and myself.

ME: "I know you're working but will you be watching the RNC tonight?"

HER: "Oh yyyyeah. on TiVo later. What did you think of Hillary's speech?"

ME: "She was awesome. I can't imagine why Obama didn't choose Hillary, or why she wasn't the candidate instead. What is your impression about Palin? I have to say, it's an unusual position for me to be in, not being a feminist, but I do like that she's a woman."

HER: "You saw how they went after her and her family though?"

ME: "I know! It's like living in an alternate reality."

HER: "She'll be fine. She's got her act together."

Not once did I mention my Party or leanings, nor did she tip her hand about hers.

I loved this exchange. Just two American people, talkin'.


Methadras म्हणाले...

Romney is doing great. I wish it was him for VP, but we can't have it all and Palin is a good viable subsitute. Talk about the long knives coming out for Palin and having the left trying to undermine her.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Paddy O. said...
Of course. Personally, I'm waiting to see how well she can field dress a Biden.

I hear those hair plugs are a real pain to get out.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Ocho Cinco, isn't that a rum and tonic drink they serve at Harrah's?

rhhardin म्हणाले...

So, the model has to be the crippled guy who shot a flaming arrow into the olympic torch to start whatever olympics it was.

Described as grace under pressure.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Over 100 comments and still no 'real' Titus!

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Mitt's roaming!

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Mitt will be good in McCain's cabinet. Secretary of Interior? Wadda you think?

rhhardin म्हणाले...

And remember Erving Goffman's advice : the speaker who says he's tearing up his prepared remarks to speak to you extemporaneously has torn up the wrong speech.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

Mitt's trying to hard to seem relevant.

If this is his kick-off for 2012 I kinda feel sorry for him.

otoh - His economic message is right on.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Let's keep Al Gore's private jet on the ground.

Mean but effective.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

"Let's keep Gore's private jet on the ground."

Ooooof. Good one.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

"And remember Erving Goffman's advice"

Was that the writer who sweats a lot and can't hit his free throws? I thought he was retired?

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Drudge: Cindy: coverage is sexist

It's coverage playing to what women are interested in.

Soap operas are sexist too.

The non-sexist part is that guys like her.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

He went after Michelle?

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

KLDAVIS said...
Why is everyone calling the Palin pick cynical?

Because they cannot admit that it was right. She is the right person for the job and no one wants to admit that. She makes the Democrats look like what they are; empty suits.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

Mitt should be Treasury.

Or preside over the dismantling of Education. *BIG HIT* *cough*

s1c म्हणाले...

Remember as Olberman says "she has only been in office 21 months and holed up in her hotel room for days to present this speech"

Nothing like Olby to start me smoldering.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Never retreat from evil extremism.

You mean you don't want to negotiate with them?

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Mitt left me waiting for more.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Anyone catch Michael Steele's not-so-subtle dig?

It's about [John McCain']s understanding that associations do matter, and that America, though flawed, should not be damned for creating a place so many want to call home.

Romney was mediocre. It's a shame, he makes a good government nerd.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Btw - the DJ fell asleep again.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

Peter -

I think that the important question is: what does Governor Palin's selection mean for the RNC?

She's the right pick, I agree.

But how come she's a surprise?

The RNC has a long, long road home to travel yet.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Rhhardin, I love you! Erving Goffman's "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life" is one of my favourite works.

The cover photograph is astoundingly funny.

I'm sure that's how Sally Quinn sees herself, and her friend, and the woman to the right is how she views Sarah Palin.


rhhardin म्हणाले...

Goffman is a dead sociologist. Wrote with irony. Very entertaining reading.

His obit mentioned that he was hell to go out to dinner with. He could not resist creating incredibly awkward social moments.

The man loved his job.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

And you are definitely wearing a Yeoman Rand outfit. She was a blonde too! They had the one on yesterday where Kirk split in two and horny Kirk goes to her room and puts the moves on her like Bill Clinton at the White House cafeteria. When they put him back together and Kirk gives her the RH Hardin, she looks like "Hey where is horny Captain Kirk." Even Spock was laughing.

Tibore म्हणाले...

"I'm actually wearing my Lt. Uhura uniform in case of interest."

And yet another reason! What are you doing to me, V???

rhhardin म्हणाले...

vb, I'd say Asylums is the great work.

Various tidbits at this page, scroll down to Goffman.

Omnium gatherum since 1996.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

s1c said...
Remember as Olberman says "she has only been in office 21 months and holed up in her hotel room for days to present this speech"

Nothing like Olby to start me smoldering.

Olbermann should be forcibly dragged off to the nearest hospital for rabies treatments. The he can go back to being a second rate sports reporter and baseball card collector.

jeffmacguy म्हणाले...

Here's Peggy's explaination for her MSNBC off-air comment

AlexC म्हणाले...

This comment section is interesting.

Although, Victoria you monopolize it too much.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

I thought Althouse said we could only comment if we are only wearing our underpants?

No one said anything about costumes.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

NPR is reporting from the floor, on the radio. Hasy live blog -

"On the stage, diversity is ... okay.

But on the floor, well, just damn. Twice as many MEN as women. And they are all - ALL WHITE. But for TWO percent who are black.

And the latinos here and there. BUT NOT VERY MANY.

But such TROUBLING NUMBERS for the Republicans. Lowest African American representation at a national convention for the REPUBLICANS in ten years...

How, oh HOW are the Republicans EVER supposed to be thought of as COLOR BLIND... Back to you, Biff...

now the reporters are explaining the Republican platform as if they are anthropologists in an Amazon basin village..."

Jeez. You can't make this stuff up.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Oops, who let the Klingon in?

s1c म्हणाले...

Olbermann should be forcibly dragged off to the nearest hospital for rabies treatments.

wwspd - I think she shoots rabid dogs.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Yeoman Rand AKA Grace Lee Whitney born in 1930. Dam, older than McCain!

Unknown म्हणाले...

Oh, this is interesting. Supposedly, John McCain was talking about Palin in, um certain circles in June.

What circles were those?

Disgruntled Hillary supporters!

From Cavuto's show:

CAVUTO: Alright Harriet, I have heard from other Clinton loyalists who say this is a patronizing attempt on the part of the McCain folks to reach out to us and it is very transparent. We see through it. What do you say?

CHRISTIAN: I disagree with that. If you remember, back in June, Senator McCain met with 70 of us in Virginia and we had an opportunity to talk to him about his plans and who his running mate might be. And I’m happy to say that one of the names mentioned was Governor Palin, and he came through for us.

CAVUTO: Really? At that meeting, she was mentioned?

CHRISTIAN: Yes she certainly was.

(h/t RedState)

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Hey, it's Gomer Pyle.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

The Huck's on!

AlexC म्हणाले...

Republicans can't dance

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...


Trooper York म्हणाले...

It's his only time in the spot light.

Sort of a mercy Huck.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Huck looks fat from the side. I guess once you're that big you really can't hide the evidence.

AlexC म्हणाले...

Republicans can't dance

Unknown म्हणाले...

Oh, SNAP. "Tackier than a costume change at a Madonna concert."

rcocean म्हणाले...

Its the Huckster. The man who gave McCain the nomination. Why didn't you give him the VP McCain? (You ungrateful bastard).

TmjUtah म्हणाले...


...tackier than a costume change at a Madonna concert...

Referring to the elite media.


Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Ok that's more like it.

"I want to thank the media for uniting the party behind Jhon McCain"

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Olbermann's head is gonna explode one day. I would love to see him and Limbaugh chained together like Tony Curtis and Sidney Portier were in "The Defiant One's."

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Rh, thanks! I have an eldery bachelor uncle -- Uncle Ballard. He makes a point of discomfitting those around him, because he wants to puncture the hideous self-importance of life. So he jumps on his desk when you're chatting to him, or when he comes out of the loo in chichi parties, he makes sure his fly is open. I dislike him a lot, but the man is a brain...

Thanks for the tip about the book, too. :)

P.S.: Al Franken is still running for office...speaking of complete noodles with horrible attitudes.

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

That tribute to Obama took the wind out the room :(

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

Oops, sorry. I'm on the radio and heard Pawlenty mentioned last.

Don't like Huckabee.

But I like him better than I did about five minutes ago, and that's a fact.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Barack Obama's Excellent Adventure to Europe! yow!

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

I'm sorry but the Huck sucks.

Jason (the commenter) म्हणाले...

The speakers so far have been pretty boring. Do the Republicans think they can't talk about emotions and the economy at the same time?

America's Next Top Model is doing an election episode and it's WAY more interesting.

Also, I think the speakers have been told to avoid anything anti-gay. Romney barely touched on it with his "mother and father" comment. Much better than the last convention. But weird.

I could do without the use of the word "liberal" so much. It needs to go the way of "weapons of mass destruction" and such. Romney's not picking up any independents with his speech.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Barack's excellant Adventure to Europe.

Stuart Varney would agree, we don't want to be like Europe.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

I use Irish Spring.

AlexC म्हणाले...

Mitt Romney, venture capitalist from Mass going off on eastern elites.

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

Didn't want to spend the rest of my life waiting for the government to rescue me.


TmjUtah म्हणाले...

Not a bad speech. I got all the rh...EHtoric I could take last week, thanks.

"Defiant Ones".

That's great!

Unknown म्हणाले...

Oops. We just lost LoafingOaf's vote.

reality check म्हणाले...

All you will see tonight is rather or not Palin can deliver a speech that was written for her by Republican speech writers. There has already been an admission today that the speech had to be re-written because the speech writers wrote something not feminine enough. So pardon me if I tune out on all the hyperbole that she "Hit it out of the ballpark etc etc etc." All we will actually know is if she is a good Thesbian. (That's a Th NOT L and b.)

Unknown म्हणाले...

SUPER SNAP! She got more votes running for Mayor of Wasilla than Joe Biden got running for President of the United States.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

OUCH!!!! Mayor of Wasilla got more votes than Joe Biden got for running for President. LMAO.

AlexC म्हणाले...

What the hell is that picture in back of Huckabee

Lem Vibe Banditory म्हणाले...

Palin got more votes for mayor than Joe Biden got for president

Now that's more like it!

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

AlexC said...
Republicans can't dance

Democrats can't play hockey.

Come to think about it, Democrats can't do anything.

Methadras म्हणाले...

AlexC said...

Republicans can't dance

Dear God. So true.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

"Venture Capitalist"

I always thought those were folks who plumped money down on a deal and waited for either profits or just sold off the parts.

Mr. Romney is an active executive. Returning a profit is good. Putting your own money in the pot, and then returning a profit is even better.

I watched him save our Olympics. So I am ... not biased. Informed. And governing Mass and not ending up with a room at Club Fed has to count for something.

VariableSpin म्हणाले...

Huck knows how to make a speech that's for sure. He must be a heck of a preacher.

Unknown म्हणाले...

I think it's fair for Huckabee to reiterate what Fred Thompson said about McCain's arms. After all, the MSM networks were talking over Fred's speech.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Dear God. So true.

I have no sense of rhythm at all. I look forward to my 5 children.

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

The Religious Right has proven they are mentally ill. They have now canonized Sarah Palin to Sainthood. No one can ask any questions about Saint Sarah at all, and they obviously don't give a shit whether she's actually qualified to be Commander In Chief of a superpower that is currently at war. Well, we will ask these questions and go over her with a fine-toothed comb. And they will whine about being "victims" of the media. And when McCain goes down in flames Saint Sarah will be their martyr.

Althouse has a weird affection for Sarah Palin as well. This is the one politician she fails to ask one serious question about. Who knows what's going on with her. We know she's dependent upon links from InstaPundit and the like, but this is getting ridiculous.

The Religious Right is playing reckless with my country. It turns out all they care about is that Sarah Palin didn't abort a down syndrome baby.

It would be too long to list all the troubling shit that's come out on this trainwreck of a VP choice. How sad McCain didn't go with his first or second choice and instead picked a religious nut he knew almost nothing about in order to please the Religious Right.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

You know, I think Loafing Oaf went through the transporter and the evil Oaf is on the bridge. I bet he's got the normal Oaf tied up in the engine room or something.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

loafingoaf -

Your insightful commentary has intrigued me. Do you have a newsletter that I may subscribe to?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Saint Sarah

Hurricane Sarah, you absolute laughingstockoaf.

LoafingOaf म्हणाले...

Note to Freeman Hunt (who was comparing channels last night to "bust" liberal channels for potting down the sound of the crowd and butting in more than others): MSNBC has been showing the Republican speeches tonight while FOx News' O'Reilly felt it was all "bloviating" and he'd rather just chat with Dennis Miller on the air.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Do any of these candidates ever feel they can't go on, can't put up with another minute of their horrible prosaic lives without the relief granted by Beethoven's 5th Symphony, 4th movement?


I rest my case.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sort of a mercy Huck.


Trooper York म्हणाले...

You know I can't help it, but everytime they mention the Obama is half white and half black I think of Frank Gorshin in that episode where he hated the other guy because he was the opposite, half black and half white.

Maybe Rudy will mention that. He is a big Star Trek fan.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...


I HIGHLY recommend the NPR coverage. Better than Milton Berle between the speeches.

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