Photo by Gary Porter. Click here for the full size and to see the rest of the slide show. Here's the story in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
And here's the blog post by Headless Blogger -- who commented on my earlier post to say he'd gone to Cedarburg. Despite arriving some time after 9 for the 11:30 event -- an outdoor event -- he couldn't get anywhere near the stage. But he did try to figure out whether the women he saw were trying to wear their hair in the style of Sarah Palin.
Another commenter on the earlier post, M.E., said:
Headless Blogger, I was there, too! We arrived just before 10 and gave up on the line as it was easily a half-mile long, maybe more. However, we hung around an intersection a block or so from the rally site, and managed to see the motorcade go by.I like the small-town America backdrop they got at that intersection in Cedarburg, with a good-looking compressed crowd. Tough luck, though, for the folks who tried and couldn't get near McCain and Palin.
... I think McCain has a *chance* at Wisconsin. Without Palin, nothing, but with her ... anything is possible.
However, Bush spent lots of time here in 2000 and 2004 and never got Wisconsin to flip to red. We're blue-purple at best.
AND: One more story of trying and failing to get into the happening intersection in Cedarburg:
We walked for blocks and blocks trying to try to find the end of the line, yet as far as we walked, we could only see blocks of people stretching before us. The line curved all the way around the downtown Cedarburg area; it was easily over half a mile long but I couldn't see the end, so who knows? Could have been a mile.
२५३ टिप्पण्या:
253 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Ann - just come out and say you're voting for McCain. Why pretend otherwise?
Alex, she's netrual, as you might have seen.
"I think McCain has a *chance* at Wisconsin. Without Palin, nothing, but with her ... anything is possible."
I'd like to hear more about this from commenters in Wisconsin. How serious a prospect is McCain-Palin carrying Wisconsin?
Because I'm genuinely undecided.
Did you see my posts last February when I personally attended a Michelle Obama speech? And watch how I handle it when Obama or Biden come to Madison. Look back to '04 when I attended and took sympathetic pictures of a Kerry rally.
Electoral Vote's graph has an August 5th recent Rasmussen poll putting it at 46-41 for Obama. In 2004, Kerry won by less than 0.5%. In 2000, Gore by less than 0.3%.
Ann - ok, I just made an assumption based on your fawning over Palin.
Alex, I've fawned over Palin and Althouse, Sir, is no fawner by comparison.
Simon - the latest RCP average shows Obama down to 2.6% lead over McCain.
Just 3 days earlier it was 6.0%. I'd say Palin has had an effect beyond any imagination. The fact that she outdrew Barry "Messiah" in TV viewers was astonishing alone.
By the way - not to hijack, but rather to suggest a seperate thread - can we talk about the DemocracyNow "reporters" bleating about freedom of the press and being beaten up in St.Paul? Why is an openly partisan outfit being given press passes, and although I would argue that they shouldn't be credentialled, if it's decided that they are going to be, should those credentials be respected? I mean, what do you do when the difference between the protesters and the press is a video camera and a cellulose-encased badge?
The Code Pinkers are a disgrace to democracy, the way they disrupted the RNC. OTOH, no right-wingers did the same at Invesco. For the left, it's any means justify their ends.
I hope the Palin/McCain ticket wastes a lot more time here in Wisconsin. They don't stand a chance in Dairyland. Bush carried the county Cedarburg is in (Ozaukee) by a 2 to 1 margin 4 years ago. This year Obama has raised more money from Ozaukee county than McCain has. Every minute they spend here is a minute they waste by not being in a real battle ground state.
If you are honestly undecided Ann lay out the pros and cons of the two options for us. I am especially interested to learn how an undecided woman with a brain can't be completely befuddled by McCain's choice of Palin.
I hope the Palin/McCain ticket wastes a lot more time here in Wisconsin. They don't stand a chance in Dairyland. Bush carried the county Cedarburg is in (Ozaukee) by a 2 to 1 margin 4 years ago. This year Obama has raised more money from Ozaukee county than McCain has. Every minute they spend here is a minute they waste by not being in a real battle ground state.
If you are honestly undecided Ann lay out the pros and cons of the two options for us. I am especially interested to learn how an undecided woman with a brain can't be completely befuddled by McCain's choice of Palin.
3rd way - McCain does stand a chance with Palin. Anything is possible. I hope liberal Democrats like you continue to underestimate her and write her off. People like you did the same thing with Reagan in 1980 - good luck with that.
Alex, I think that Lorie Byrd called it, in a post Althouse flagged earlier in the week. The MSM spent every waking second after McCain's announcement a week ago trying to destroy this woman - not to perform a legitimate journalistic inquiry, but to destroy the instantly-recognized threat to the One. The concept of "professional journalist" has largely evaporated this week - maybe that's a good thing, but the media has rarely been so transparently and obviously a part of the Obama campaign. I think perhaps they just didn't have time to hide their agenda - the imperative was speed not subtlety. So, anyways, these vicious pieces of gutter trash, these evil cunts who have the self-regard to think of themselves as America at large, they spend days and days trying to tear this woman down, to perform a high-tech and low tech lynching, to rude around Palin county looking for a rope and a tree with a perpendicular branch, with scant regard to the dishonor brought on themselves and their profession. They pump out the slime. And what was the result? Americans know when they're being lied to. America wanted to know the truth. And after a week of it, all the media had accomplished was creating an audience who wanted to know who this woman was. And then she came out of the convention and told America at large who she really was and who she really works for. And I don't think that the MSM's philospohy dreams of a world where people don't care what they think.
"Because I'm genuinely undecided."
Mhm, keep telling yourself that.
Simon said...
I mean, what do you do when the difference between the protesters and the press is a video camera and a cellulose-encased badge?
Hit them, hit them hard, and keep hitting them. It is called stick time. Then lock them up. if you want to act like a criminal you get treated like a criminal.
Simon - I agree with your post but please don't use the c-word. It's unbecoming for our side.
To be sure, I think that the media are terrified that she spell the end of their dream of a return to a liberal Presidency. But that isn't the whole story. What the media are most afraid of, I think, is that Sarah Palin has about her the promise that she might show America a world without them. I think she'll be very accessible, that she'll be very communicative. But I think that she'll do it in ways that bypass the "professional" media. I think that if you could buy shares in C-SPAN, if McCain-Palin wins, the advice is "buy buy buy."
And for what it's worth, I hope the first act of the new administration is to seize the New York Times building and put that land to a real public purpose, because the activity on that piece of real estate certainly isn't serving a public purpose today.
simon - now you're sounding like a moby type. Real conservatives don't spout neo-fascist rhetoric like seizing businesses.
"And for what it's worth, I hope the first act of the new administration is to seize the New York Times building"
Yeah, calm down Simon. And anyway, the New York Time's creditors will probably do that long before any fascist Rethuglican administration does it.
Palladian - How about I use Dhimmicrat as well? Since you operate in the gutter.
3rd Way said...
"Bush carried the county Cedarburg is in (Ozaukee) by a 2 to 1 margin 4 years ago. This year Obama has raised more money from Ozaukee county than McCain has."
You're comparing dollars with votes; that doesn't work. How much money did John Kerry raise in Ozaukee county four years ago compared to George Bush? And even when we look at comparable measurements, it's not an easy task. I don't know Ozaukee county, but suppose you have a hypothetical county where you have a few relatively rich liberals and a lot of relatively poor conservatives. Moreover, generally-speaking, conservatives have hitherto been unusually unexcited this campaign season and liberals have been unusually excited. In that scenario, we would expect Obama to have wildly outraised McCain in our hypothetical county. But it would be a mistake to think Obama will necessarily win that county.
"I am especially interested to learn how an undecided woman with a brain can't be completely befuddled by McCain's choice of Palin."
How so?
"But he did try to figure out whether the women he saw were trying to wear their hair in the style of Sarah Palin."
When I was a little boy (I am younger than Prof. Althouse, but not by much), I used to think that Jackie Kennedy wore her hair in the same style as my mother. It was only much, much later that I understood how the process worked. I don't think that Presidents and their wives have the same effect nowadays.
Being a rabid left-winger means never having to say "I'm sorry". Witness Andrew Sullivan's smear against Palin earlier this week and no apology/retraction. If it had been a conservative blogger like Glenn Reynolds doing the same against Michelle Obama he'd been tarred and feathered.
Alex, I don't use that word casually. I chose it careully to bring to bear the full weight it carries.
You're making assumptions about Palladian, too... I thik you'll find his use of "rethuglican" is sarcasm.
You're making assumptions about Palladian, too... I thik you'll find his use of "rethuglican" is sarcasm.
8:18 PM
I'm not aware of his posting history. If he's just using it sarcastically he's forgiven.
I've often felt that local news coverage is infinitely fairer, bias-wise, even in it's photo layouts.
There may be a bias, but they don't go out of their way to print unflattering photos of the candidates they don't like.
BTW, is this photo the best, or what?
But pray, what flag (pin) is this being worn by the Governator?
I checked, and it's not Alaska, or in what might be a savvy political move, the Wisconsin flag either.
"Alex, I've fawned over Palin and Althouse, Sir, is no fawner by comparison."
Hey Simon that make her jealous thing didn't work in junior high and it ain't gonna work now. Just sayn'
There are no interesting state-wide races (Senator, Governor) this year in WI. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. Well, maybe Shirley is up for re-election.
Maybe it denotes her as a Blue-star mother?
Nobody is a bigger Palin-fawner then me. I double-dog dare anyone to prove me wrong.
Alex said...
The fact that she outdrew Barry "Messiah" in TV viewers was astonishing alone.
NO, that was ex[ected, given the press biold up.
What was amazing, was that the Old whote guy beat Obama the next noght as well. that wasa astonishing
Everyone is doing serious analysis in this thread.
I just wanted to say that looking at that compact crowd makes me feel claustrophobic. I don't think I could stand to be near the front. I would rather have been a motorcade watcher.
Real conservatives don't spout neo-fascist rhetoric like seizing businesses.
Yeah, but the Supreme Court said it was okay!
Yes, it is a Blue Star pin. I believe Cindy McCain wears one, too.
Hit them, hit them hard, and keep hitting them.
You forgot the other part.
hit em low.
Avoiding deadly head injuries, (bleeding heads make bad press) and being caught on video.
I believe vbspurs is correct. Gov. Palin does have a son in the armed forces.
Victoria, I'm pretty sure it denotes her as having a child in the military, which is why she's invariably (so far as I know) been pictured wearing it.
Trooper, who's the "her" to be made jealous? I'm just making a tongue-in-cheek nod to my being quite zealously for Palin, whereas Althouse has merely been quite positive for her.
I suspect many democrats who secretly never intended to vote for Obama, Palin is just the icing on the cake.
I just wanted to say that looking at that compact crowd makes me feel claustrophobic. I don't think I could stand to be near the front.
In 2004, I got to sit on stage when President Bush came to town for a campaign rally.
There were 5,000 people crammed into an airplane hangar and all I could think was "look at the human sardines!"
Blue star pins, very classy. shows you have a stake in the war.
I take the same advantage of my competition in certain settings
I never wear a Flag Label pin, but on occasion I do wear a Bronze Star Lapel pin. same Idea.
Been there, done that, got the tee shirt :)
I've fawned over Palin
I've fawn over Fawn Hall.
With McCain and Palin both having sons on the ground in Iraq, there goes the chickenhawk smear. Take that liberals.
I double-dog dare anyone to prove me wrong.
Triple-dog dare you to check out my blog.
It's wall-to-wall Palin. I'm thinking of renaming my blog from Sundries to Sarahies.
Okay, that wasn't funny.
BTW, I don't believe for a second that the blog smears that started Saturday morning against Palin weren't ordered covertly by Obama. That's exactly how the Chicago machine works, plausible deniablity by the mob boss while his underlings do the dirty work.
I think the govenor's son is off to Iraq next month. I'm not certain This needs some checking.
Alex said...
Being a rabid left-winger means never having to say "I'm sorry". Witness Andrew Sullivan's smear against Palin earlier this week and no apology/retraction.
Neither Obama nor Markos apologized either.
They found a venue to make HUNDREDS look like a big crowd. Woo-hoo. But it was *not* the thousands they expected.
I finally figured out cruel neutrality: cruel to Obama, neutral to McCain.
And now over-the-top biased in favor of anything Palin-related!
...plausible deniablity by the mob boss while his underlings do the dirty work.
Giving Obama a 'legitimate' chance at comenting and repeating the smears all over again.
Palin will not be doing ANY media interviews, you know.
Why? Because, even she is tough enough to go toe-to-toe against Putin, she is afraid of Cambell Brown.
I was there and was fortunate to make it in. My 13 year old daughter was really interested in the event, and the handful of teenagers standing next to us squealed like they were at a Jonas Brothers concert when McCain--not just Palin--took the stage.
I posted a few pictures here:
And for what it's worth, I hope the first act of the new administration is to seize the New York Times building and put that land to a real public purpose, because the activity on that piece of real estate certainly isn't serving a public purpose today.
Using eminent domain, claiming that the building is not only blight, but a pox on the land, and the land is needed by government to build the new Bush Federal Building in NYC. Then to add insult to injury they rename the whole area Bush Square.
Thanks for the flag pin confirmation, guys!
I just wanted to say that looking at that compact crowd makes me feel claustrophobic. I don't think I could stand to be near the front. I would rather have been a motorcade watcher.
Freeman, it looks like a sizeable crowd, but due to its Main Street USA look (The Chocolate Factory? Oh Sarah, are you speaking to the women of the US in code??) it softens the menacing feel.
Like you know, fearing being crushed up front like at Heysel.
I also want to mention that the variety of handmade signage continues!
I've been to Republican rallies before, and though all kinds of downhome signs appear, the look of the majority is "professionally printed" -- the crowd having been deluged with them by the campaign advance team.
You get the pro-McCain/Palin crowds are REALLY into it.
"Read my lipstick"? Oh man, awesome.
BTW, David Souter would approve.
Larporsena, not next month. Alas, Track ships out on 11 Sept. so Palin has a week with him. ;(
Take a break. Have another Red Bull ,a couple of Slim Jims, go upstairs and see if Mom needs her meds and turn off the TV while you're's paying havoc with your train-of-thought.
And now over-the-top biased in favor of anything Palin-related!
What on earth?
Take a gander at the ginormous 700+ back-to-back Althouse threads about Palin since last Friday.
I remember when we said if this would be the first thread to hit 300 in the blog's history. That's a laughable target now.
This "bias" is nothing more than giving her readership what apparently it wants to talk about, at least for now.
Good pictures, Wendy.
I hope this she peaking too early, but what an exciting campaign! I think we finally broke the dynastic family curse. The republic has renewed itself once more.
"Larporsena, not next month. Alas, Track ships out on 11 Sept. so Palin has a week with him. ;("
Thanks, Vicky. My head's still in August.
I've got to wonder if this (Track in service) din't play a decisive part in the choice of Palin.
Hey that's not the real reader_iam.
I call troll.
The real reader never writes in complete coherent sentences. How dare you impersonate her? Leave this blog immediately!
Must defeat the Palin dynasty! We all know Track and Piper will run someday...
I've got to wonder if this (Track in service) din't play a decisive part in the choice of Palin.
She's the complete package, Lars, so in that sense yes.
Remember that McCain has two sons in the military. He could've "afforded" to go for a guy or gal who didn't.
The real reader never writes in complete coherent sentences.
God only knows what you say about me, when I'm not around, Troop.
Oh wait.
suspected misappropriation of reader_iam's moniker.
Check the IP on Site-Metre. :(
Track will run in 2032, Piper in 2044.... Of course first Track has to run for city council by 2018 or so. It will be fun to see the Palin kids grow up!
And now over-the-top biased in favor of anything Palin-related!
There is spanish saying - tira la piedra y esconde la mano.
The Code Pinkers are a disgrace to democracy, the way they disrupted the RNC. OTOH, no right-wingers did the same at Invesco.
Well thats because conservatives have jobs they have to be at.
Wendy wrote in her blogpost:
While we were waiting, we saw some protesters, whose song and dance (really, there was music) did little to change the minds of the people waiting in line. One McCain supporter shouted, “Get a job!” and the protester lifted his McCain mask off his face and said, “Believe it or not, I get paid for this.”
My God, this is the biggest open secret in the world. There are such things as professional protesters.
When Bush came to visit Buckingham Palace, there was an aged hippie woman with saggy titties and a pink rucksack who was arrested when she tried to scale the walls of the gates.
A few days later, she was arrested protesting a summit in Switzerland.
That's Capitalism for you, as Wendy said about the parking.
Err, my first sentence sounded abrupt, Wendy. I wasn't suggesting people didn't know.
I was merely reconfirming it. :)
Clinton shares nothing but a chromosome with Palin.
From AP
But then there's Chrissie Peters. The 37-year-old librarian from Bristol, Tenn. has always voted Democratic and supported Clinton. She assumed she'd vote for Obama — until she saw Palin speak. Now she's voting Republican.
"She was so down-to-earth, a regular person," says Peters. "She hasn't been in politics her whole life, so she isn't jaded or tainted. And I love that she's a mom. Yes, I disagree with some of her positions, but that's what this country is about."
Spoken like a true American.
Remember that McCain has two sons in the military. He could've "afforded" to go for a guy or gal who didn't.
Actually at least 3 sons who have served.
He counts 7 kids.
2 adopted kids (Carol is the mom)
1 natural kid with Carol
3 with Cindy
1 adopted with Cindy
at least Doug his adopted son from Carol sevred as a Navy fighter pilot and now flies for AA. He may still be in the reserves, many airline pilots are.
I dont know about the other adopted son. He is the CFO of Henley,
While we were waiting, we saw some protesters, whose song and dance (really, there was music) did little to change the minds of the people waiting in line. One McCain supporter shouted, “Get a job!” and the protester lifted his McCain mask off his face and said, “Believe it or not, I get paid for this.”
That is what the Democratic Party is all about; a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer in your pants.
Oh, for pete's sake. I just (and I do mean just) got home after a full day's drive, only to find someone posing as me. Trooper's right.
I comment on blogs as reader_iam, and only reader_iam. Althouse, you can take this comment as confirmation.
And why would someone want to pretend to be reader_iam, just sorta out of the blue, anyway? What do you think it's going to help you do? Believe me, it's not as if it's going to get you anywhere.
Now, here's what I came into comments to say:
There may be a bias, but they don't go out of their way to print unflattering photos of the candidates they don't like.
I wouldn't bet on that. Really, truly, you oughtn't.
Trooper's commment about complete, coherent sentences is part of a running schtick--one of his running shticks--with regard to reader_iam. I don't think you were back yet for the epithets-in-multiple languages one. Those were the days!
(You just have to roll your eyes and think of him as the fifth-grade boy who smacks the little girls to whom he's partial.)
"Profile not available". Always a sure sign of hijackage.
Hey I never smack little girls.
I might run up to you and knock the books out of your hands.
And I never have to do that with Victoria. You just have to ask her nicely and she will show her frilly white knickers.(that's what I say when you are not around).
Having been to the Cedarburg Fourth of July parade on two occasions, the local folks are used to a packed crowd.
When I saw the backdrop, I assumed McCain/Palin might be speaking about small business. The downtown area is a combo of more "traditional" shops such as a serious meat shop, plus the new type of gourmet candy stores, etc.
BTW, nice old hotel (Washington House Inn, now a B&B) within spitting distance.
Were they denigrating community organizers again? They've been attacking these dedicated community workers all week while piously pretending to support community service.
I back up my statements below. The Republicans should try backing up their claims next they play the victim.
Well, Community Organizers Fight Back
Scorn for community organizers has been a prominent feature of this week’s Republican convention. On Wednesday, three Republican leaders mocked community organizers:
-Former Governor George Pataki said: “[Barack Obama] was a community organizer. What in God’s name is a community organizer? I don’t even know if that’s a job.”
-Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said: “On the other hand, you have a resume from a gifted man with an Ivy League education. He worked as a community organizer. What? [Laughter]…I said, OK, OK, maybe this is the first problem on the resume.”
-Governor Sarah Palin said: “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities.”
Community organizers were quick to fire back.
My knickers are not frilly!
Anyway I went commando at an early age.
Community organisers were sure quick to organise.
BTW, nice old hotel (Washington House Inn, now a B&B) within spitting distance.
Joe, as a person who adores old-time moviepalaces, I loved Wendy's photo of the Rivoli.
They even had their name up on the marquee.
This reminds me that I have a now insatiable desire to know a lot more about Sarah Palin's likes and dislikes. I judge so much by favourite film.
If it's Porky's, she's got my vote.
Hey reader:
Vess du fan ikke kan oppfør dæ årntli så ska æ stapp høue ditt opp i ræva di, så kan du sett dær, aleina i mørtna, å prat mannskit me dæ sjøl.
I will not be bullied into foresaking my spelling heritage.
Is this Alpha Liberal?
No. It's like the Cheers thing. It's who I am.
Pedantic but cute.
CNN refers to an appearance by McCain and Palin in a "small conservative town." Cedarburg is not actually named. I know a few people from Cedarburg. They are not particularly conservative.
Uh oh. Sarah Palin pissed off Catholics, whom Obama worked for. Joe Klein brings a deserved sense of indignation to the mean-spirited attacks from Palin and Giuliani:
Catholic Democrats is expressing surprise and shock that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech tonight mocked her opponent's work in the 1980s for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. She belittled Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's experience as a community organizer in Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago, work he undertook instead of pursuing a lucrative career on Wall Street.
And then McCain has the gall to say he wants to end "partisan rancor!"
So here is what Giuliani and Palin didn't know: Obama was working for a group of churches that were concerned about their parishioners, many of whom had been laid off when the steel mills closed on the south side of Chicago.
Limey spelling is easy, it takes a real man to cut and paste Norwegian.
Ugh, I accidentally clicked on that McCain Magnets ad when c/ping this:
I love how the Chuck Norris jokes have now morphed into Sarah Palin jokes.
Wasn't he on Team Huck? Has he transferred his loyalties to Mac and the Babe?
Lem -- Very likely. I especially like the "in Peru" photo.
AlphaLiberal said...
Were they denigrating community organizers again?
Yes. Being a community organizer is no qualification do do anything, even get a job flipping burgers. They are useless. They help no one and are generally scorned where ever they go. Con artist comes to mind or gypsy. They are nothing more than partisan hacks and many are criminals- ACORN, street gangs, dope dealers, etc.
Nice blog you started. how long did it take to write all those responses to your self.
The fake "Reader I Am" is the same as "Paulie" in this thread. Just look at the profile number in linked name"
This is the person (or persons) I always point out that used to be named "AJD". It was also posting today as "Hockey dad". It changes its name often but the names always link back to that same "unavailable" Blogger profile number 02407299546060974148. I wish there was a way to block this person, but as Althouse insists on using this substandard blogging software, I don't think it's possible.
I think the worst thing you can do is piss off community organizers or social workers. Oooohhhhh scary!!!
FFS, this is an election.
Chances people will be pissed off at some point = 100%.
Besides, someone forgot to tell this guy.
Also, you people who think Althouse is in the tank for Obama don't understand Althouse. I'm not saying I understand Althouse. I'm just observing that we are talking about a person who basically spent her life supporting Democrats.
All of that said, I implore everyone to vote for McCain because of the foreign policy implications.
Nobody is a bigger Palin-fawner then me. I double-dog dare anyone to prove me wrong.
Alex, you can't top me. I just went to the pet store yesterday and brought me a pitbull and named her Palin. I tried to apply lipstick to her but no can do.
Vacuous insults. You fit right in, Lem. Next you'll cry false claims of victimization. Then you'll insult anyone who asks you to back up your claims.
Rinse and repeat.
I tried to apply lipstick to her but no can do.
Wrap some bacon it in.
FFS, this is an erection.
Chances it will be pissed off first thing in the morning = 100%.
Cable is My idea of community organizing.
One bill for my cable, my phone and my internet.
The fake "Reader I Am" is the same as "Paulie" in this thread. Just look at the profile number in linked name"
Wow, nice sleuthing there, Pal(ladian).
However, Paulie must be a known quantity around these here parts to:
Have appropriate the name of a regular after having read she's out of town (or was).
The next question is why...
Your Republican Party: Powerful people deriding those who help people going through a tough time.
Do Republicans also hate the people laid off from the steel mills?
This one is almost too perfect (via the Chuck Norris Facts site):
"Sarah Palin kicked Neo out of Zion, now Neo is "The Two".
Hey if RH Hardin can get lipstick and high heels on a chicken how hard can it be to put lipstick on a pit bull?
I mean a chicken doesn't even have any lips!
Alpha - you are mistaken if you think average union workers like ACORN thugs.
FFS, this is an erection.
Are you in Japan, or just happy to see me?
Get your head out of your ass. If you need help, we will get AAA for you. Being a community organizer does not qualify one to be president. It does not even qualify one to be a janitor. Neither does being a Peace Corps. Volunteer or building homes for Habitat of Humanity; ex president yeah.
That is the crux. Obama touts this as executive experience. It is not. Now, please, give it up. Community organizers are nothing more than neighborhood pariahs. And stop making up fairy tales about so called friends who were organizers and were stabbed with a knife. It only makes you look like a bigger horse's ass than you are. You have no friends.
Good God, Alpha, what a miserable bore you are.
You guys do know that Anne voted for Obama in the primary right?
She is fascinated with the idea of Sarah Palin, a self-made woman. You can't blame her for that.
Good God, Alpha, what a miserable bore you are.
Quite. He needs to get some poke tonight.
You know, that's not half bad an idea for anyone here (all eyes turn to Ruth Anne).
Hey once I heard you go commando I sure wasn't turning Japanese!
I really think so!
You know, it strikes me this is one of those threads, having had that proposed Althouse chatroom, it never would've happened.
Tant pis. That's French for my aunt wants to take a leak.
Trooper York said...
I think the worst thing you can do is piss off community organizers or social workers. Oooohhhhh scary!!!
Yeah. If you work hard, play by the rules, study, and get good grades, you wind up a community organizer in Chicago. The gangs will teach you how to handle weapons and do drive by shootings. You will learn how to raise funds by selling dope, and the homies will protect you. The you will get an education in real crime; vote fraud.
These are scary people Troop. If you piss them off they will protest in front of your home when you are not there.
Alpha is busy trying to find union workers who like ACORN. *crickets chirping*
AlphaLiberal said...
Rinse and repeat.
Hey are you a haridresser or a laundress?
Your Republican Party: Powerful people deriding those who help people going through a tough time.
Do Republicans also hate the people laid off from the steel mills?
Some organiser - can't keep track of a 11O million of others people's money and now wants a pot of over 2 trillion?
Nice. Like aviatrix, it's almost forgotten these days as a word.
Well, chaps and chapettes, I'm off for now. May your Chuck Norris jokes be merry.
RAA, on the Americanization of Victoria's spelling: Vics:
Please, pretty please. Just this one favour?
Alex said...
Alpha is busy trying to find union workers who like ACORN. *crickets chirping*
Only squirels try to find acorns...
No, wait, it can't be? I do not beleive it? Alpha is the mighty modern fighting liberal Rocky the flying squirrel. Poor Bulwinkle.
Alpha said:
"They've been attacking these dedicated community workers"
Dunce. Obama cites this as experience relevant for a US Presidential candidate. That is foolish, but typical. Criticisms all stem from his desperate attempts to appear "experienced". Try harder.
While you are at it, check out Michelle Malkin's comments on the specifics of Obama's "experience" which, mysteriously, never get beyond "Community Organizer" in pathetic Dem talking points. And the MSM is making NO effort to vet Obama. None. For good reason. His background, stripped of the shiny messianic material, can't stand the light.
Hi Professor,
I took your Con Law I class a few years back.
I was also in Cedarburg today. The AP is erroneously stating "hundreds" of people. There were several thousand. I got there 2 hours early and was still one of the unlucky people who got stuck behind the press stand and couldn't see anything!
Oh well. Best slogan sign I saw: "Obama for Prom King"
"Erica Healey, Esquire"
Hey cool, we get to put our favorite magazines after our names. Sweet.
Trooper York, Jugs.
Hah! You think you guys are Sarah fawners?
I'm going to name all my children after her.
Even the boys.
This is a parody site, right?
Simon - the latest RCP average shows Obama down to 2.6% lead over McCain.
Just 3 days earlier it was 6.0%. I'd
Moreover, these polls coming out today are generally three days polling and only include 1 day post palin speech. So unless Repblicans were getting major bounce action from Tuesday night, the real bounce won't show up until Sunday or Monday (if there is a bounce). I expect that the race will remain even.
The greatest benefit of Palin will be to motivate conservatives to the polls.
Trooper York,Jugs.
Doing some of your best work Troop!
Community organizers were quick to fire back.
And the Earth trembled in fear.
Seriously, I'm guessing 90 percent of the population never heard the term community organizer until this election year.
And to think it has been the key qualification for the presidency all these years.
Do Republicans also hate the people laid off from the steel mills?
Not sure, maybe you should ask Mr. Palin, I've been told he is a member of the Steelworkers Union.
If Mrs. Palin really hates Mr. Palin, then you might finally have a scandal that sticks.
Wow, so AJD then comes in as Al Franken?
There is an interesting pathology at work.
Ha Ha that link was a good one. "Community Organizers of America."
What, they have their own union? Do they have conventions in Vegas? Do they have a secret Community Organizers of America handshake?
I organized a community garage sale and am a block captain in my homeowner's association, can I join this group of dedicated organizers?
I mean I am really organized, I have three desk organizers and I have all my tools hung up on a pegboard in the garage.
There is a possibility that Palin could put Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan into play because Palin herself is so genuinely northern. She is the most "genuinely ordinary" person to run for the job since Harry Truman in 1944.
Iowa is out of bounds for Mccain because he is not generally for government subsidies for bio-fuels based on corn. These subsidies are probably the stupidest government program ever devised. Not only do they raise the price of food for poor people who live in places like Africa, they don't do anything for the planet either. Obama's support for ethanol is a gross pander to Iowa's special interests.
The least Obama could do for his brother George who lives in a hut in Kenya, is fight to lower food prices.
This is for all the community organizers…. The pencil neck shrunken chest weenies with the glasses held together with a band aid ….wearing the cardigan with the hole in the elbow…you can’t hold a real job so you pretend to help poor people to feel good about yourself…you condescend to working people who didn’t go to college so you have to tell them how to live their life….you know that life is unfair because you should be making a million dollars and year instead of those stupid jocks who used to give you wedgies in high school…this Budweiser is for you community organizer
….what you don’t drink….well ok …..this bottled water is for you….what that’s not environmentally sound and an abuse of your carbon footprint…ok stand still so I can spit on you….CUT! GET THE FUCKING URINAL CLEANER IN HERE FOR HIS SPOT!!! WE ARE NEVER FILMING IN CHICAGO AGAIN!
Didn't the Dems carry Wisconsin only with the slimmest of margins in 2000 and 2004, and in both elections there were rampant last-minute voter registration irregularities in Milwaukee? Doesn't Wisconsin go in that special column of states where the Dems steal the elections?
Looking at the Palins it's ludicrous to imagine them living in Washington. They would to hate it. I can see Todd Palin hating life as he is forced to attend some stupid cocktail party at Wolf Blitzer's house.
This is exactly why we want the Palins there, because they don't want to be there. The people you want in charge are never the ones who want to be in charge.
McCain is a genius.
Obama pulled out the race card again today.
Can you say scared?
H/T Instapundit
Excellent post Trooper. Although aren't most community organizers grads of public policy graduate programs at ivy league schools, $100k in debt wondering why they can't get a job with the UN?
TheChuzpah award of the day goes to the One who said he would not be bullied by republicans--drudge had the link.
Several of our left of center friends were bemoaning that Palin hasnt given interviews--she will but not to the MSM--she will be giving them to local reporters and bypassing the MSM--very smart move since the MSM is in the tank. And apparently Sally Quinn has apologized for her WAPO hit job--but of course the apologies always come after the hit.
Normally I don't get petty, but I earned that Esq. (as well as my MBA).
Want to disagree? try taking Professor Alt's class and survive.
You want to put Jugs behind your name, that's fine by me.
-E. Healey JD/MBA
Hey Erica I was just being a dick.
Sorry if I offended you.
And normally I like to put Jugs behind my ears, dig my face in there and go:
I can see it now--an opposing group of community organizers forms a 527 called the community organizers for truth and exposes Obama as an inept community organizer.
Catholics would called it penance and Charlie hustle would call it hedging a bet ;)
Normally I don't get petty, but I earned that Esq. (as well as my MBA).
Yes, but do you have a sense of humor? Comes in handy in the Althouse comment threads.
apparently Sally Quinn has apologized for her WAPO hit job
She went on O'Reilly tonight and said she was wrong but then by the time the interview was over a few minutes later she was back to slamming Palin again.
And there I was, on the south side of Chicago, trying to talk my way out of being mugged by a 90-year-old grandmother forced to live on cat food due to Reagan budget cuts...the experienced is seared, seared into my brain.
Look, no one here who is a real lawyer admits it. And those who act like they are, aren't. That's just how the game is played.
Erica--judging from the picture on your profile you are fairly young. May I offer a word of advice? Of course you earned your degees. No one suggested you didnt. But this is a blog and not a scholarly journal. Using titles here will only subject you to a lot of grief. We have MDs, PhDs and a host of other folks with advanced degrees and they dont put them in their posts. If you want to display your credentials, put them on your blogger profile, but not on your posts.
Looking at the Palins it's ludicrous to imagine them living in Washington. They would to hate it. I can see Todd Palin hating life as he is forced to attend some stupid cocktail party at Wolf Blitzer's house.
What a coincidence, Sloanasaurus. The other day I wondered what Sarah Palin attending her first Washington cocktail party would be like.
Bill O'Reilly was once invited to a NYC Power Party, full of the people who absolutely loathe him. He, an Irish-Catholic Long Island guy, is very uncomfortable around those people at the best of times, he admitted.
Being 6'4", he's not exactly hard to miss, but no one was talking to him. So he decides to get up, turns a corner, and ends up in a room where Bill Clinton is holding court in front of half of NY high society.
Clinton stops mid-sentence, and greets O'Reilly effusively. Though for probably for show, Clinton made it seem genuine.
(And therein lies the explanation of Bill Clinton's political success...)
And you know what? The fact that he loves to court these people's good opinions is exactly why I like Sarah Palin.
She looks like she really could care less.
Unlike the Carters, she's young enough not to care if they like her or not, either.
Of course, on the down side we have our liberal trolls whose advanced degee appears to be in invective.
You want to put Jugs behind your name, that's fine by me.
Hey Erica. Always great to see a new face around here. :)
As Roger said, it was really all in good fun. This is a relaxed bunch of people, who poke fun at each other all the time (see above for my frilly knickers).
Absolutely no insult was meant, and certainly no one is casting aspersions!
I am not Trooper, though I play him on TV -- but I'm 100% sure that was the case. :)
Spread Eagle said...
"Doesn't Wisconsin go in that special column of states where the Dems steal the elections?"
You're going to have to be more specific than that. There's 58 of them and I'm darned if I can keep track of them all.
And Erica--its a little known fact that Trooper York is, in fact, a nobel laureate. Being the modest unassuming guy he is, he doesnt advertise it.
"You know, ‘he’s got funny name,’ You know, ‘we’re not sure about him,’” [...] So we’re going to say that you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals or he’s not patriotic.’"
Dogwood, he did pull out the race card, but this is his standard stump speech.
I'm sure I've heard him say it, and have read it many times before.
After being awarded the Good Citizenship Merit Badge for ending the potentially dangerous situation peacefully, I was consumed with rage at the injustice and inequality of it all.
How could I bathe in the warmth of my greatest achievement while social injustice gazed coldly at my stocking-capped head?
I marched indignantly to the Lake Michigan shore and threw my badge into the lake only to watch as it came to rest on the ice.
Damn, justice denied again.
Regardless, I vowed on that cold Christmas night that I would never to accept another merit badge til justice flowed like a fine line of blow.
Alex said...
"BTW, I don't believe for a second that the blog smears that started Saturday morning against Palin weren't ordered covertly by Obama."
Well, we can't possibly know unless we know the identity and affiliations of the Kossack who opened pandora's box. I'm not ready to start making allegations against Obama; there's no evidence he did it, and while we can speculate how entirely in character for him it would be, that's not evidence that he did it.
Well I don't like to talk about it but I was instrumental in the invention of the fart joke. The joke on which all humor and nuclear fission is predicated.
Trooper--nice one dude--here, pull my finger
By the way, I'm watching Craig Kilbourn - remember he coined "naughty librarian"? Sarah has to go on his show!
Hey Fermi pulled that one on me and I ain't gonna fall for that one again!
Erica--if you're still reading this stuff, we havent had the cream of our crop posting yet. You are going to LOVE cedarford, cyrus, and titus (I hope you arent jewish).
I forgot--who won the superbowl last year--it was the colts wasnt it? I mean they have the good manning
Oh dear!
Entire point was just to say hi to a former professor w/ news from Cedarburg.
I post on legal blogs too and don't bother to change my name. Esq. is there b/c it fits (and secretly I'm young and like it.)
Humor, I thought it was there in my suggestion that Trooper, Jugs continue to identify as such.
No offense meant or taken. Chill.
Erica, the Esq. is fine by me, FWIW, although having been raised in Britain and having there internalized it as a masculine title, I do find it strange when female lawyers use it as a title here.
Erica--seriously congrats on what appears to be a very good start on a long successful career--and as Victoria said, welcome aboard. You have to understand that, except for me and trooper, the rest of these people are lunatics
I forgot--who won the superbowl last year--it was the colts wasnt it? I mean they have the good manning
Well, since Peyton taught Eli everything he knows, Colts fans are taking credit for the win, but New York can keep the trophy.
Yeah, I know, Hoosiers are incredibly generous people, thanks for noticing!
And in case you missed it, the NFL championship game has been renamed the Manning Bowl.
...the rest of these people are lunatics
Uh, not yet, I'm still in the apprenticeship program.
It's nice to be a lunatic.
(What IS it with you people that makes me date myself?)
Anecdote time again!
I was at a pizza parlour today, having the 2-slice special.
Suddenly, in walks a tow-headed, middle-aged female journalist looking vaguely like Amelia Earhardt, with a pad in hand, and asks the pizza guy if she could ask the patrons some questions.
I may not be 100% certain of her politics, but I know her kind of reporter.
She had on Birkenstocks, a string vest, and some ratty brown fatigues. I didn't see if her pits were hirsute, but I wouldn't be surprised.
She says to the guy next to me that she's doing a story on the RNC, and could you share your thoughts. He turns out to be one of those jackass loudmouth Republicans, but funny. He talks about Palin, straight off.
"I don't like how Palin's being treated! They're chauvinist pigs! A chick can do anything she wants to!"
I giggle inwardly.
My turn. She asks me if John McCain's speech addressed my "concerns".
I answer truthfully that I am voting for him because I sense a sea-change possible in the Republican Party, with two reformers at its head.
She seems nonplussed, so she asks, "So you're buying that the incumbent Party can be the Party of change?".
(I didn't like her choice of "buying". That's a leading question, plus a dig at my intelligence. The smirk didn't help either)
I reply:
"Change is something you do, like Senator McCain has done for years by bucking his Party. Senator Obama's whole candidacy is predicated as change being something you are. That's not the change I'm looking for."
The lady ain't happy by now.
She's got back-to-back Republicans in a blue-collar joint and she's not getting the "feedback" her article needs.
"How do you think Americans who have lived under George W. Bush's regime see both tickets?"
After pointedly using "regime", I'm thinking this is a libtard journalist, so fed up, I let her have it.
"One is a skinny foreign guy and his Grandpa versus an all-American babe and HER Grandpa."
If looks could kill.
you are a quick learner dogwood, except for the slurs directed at the Giants you cudda been a contenda. When Trooper sees this, you are toast
I do find it strange when female lawyers use it as a title here.
Yes...I admit Erica so do I (I'm British too).
And since I'm being all honest and stuff, what's up with the "III" thing? I love America because it's a republic, but that has always struck me as some kind of royal holdover.
Victoria--was she from the Herald? dont know if there are any other major dailies in miami
I shared my football wisdom with Trooper in a different thread. Still looking over my shoulder, but so far so good.
Imagine dancin' to that song,
drunk on Nun's Oath Ale ...
Imagine dancin' with these peeps
hit me hit me hit me!
you are a marked man dogwood buy life insurance tomorrow
My guess is the headline that finally ran was something like "Morons, Suckers Buy Into Serial Liars' Pack Of Lying Lies".
Victoria--was she from the Herald? dont know if there are any other major dailies in miami
I don't want to say just yet, because I gave her my full name. Let's see if the article appears in the next couple of days, Roger. :)
BTW, we call that paper The Miami Horrible down here...
Imagine why I'm thinking of the "Monster Mash."
(I love mixed [music] metaphors.)
My guess is the headline that finally ran was something like "Morons, Suckers Buy Into Serial Liars' Pack Of Lying Lies".
She did look a little like Al Franken too...wasn't Earhardt from Minnesota?
Damn--past midnite on a Friday night--here I am commenting on blogs when I could be downtown in the newly opened Rumba room salsaing till I puke--talk about a lousy sense of priorities.
Its Victorias fault ever since she revealed she goes commando, I have been obsessing
No, she was from Atchison, Kansas. I must've been thinking of Lindbergh.
BTW, Kansas. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Obama was related to he is to Bush and Cheney? ;)
Forgive my ignorance:
"I do find it strange when female lawyers use it as a title here."
Uh, what do British female attorneys/solicitors use? I know there is a slightly different system, but don't they get anything? :-)
Kansas, Victoria.
you are a marked man dogwood buy life insurance tomorrow
If I buy any more insurance, then Trooper will be the least of my concerns, I'll be looking over my shoulder for my wife.
At some point insurance crosses the line and becomes an incentive, don't want to go there.
Rog, if it helps, I'm fully kitted out at the moment. Including Victoria's Secret bra.
Heheh, Victoria's a blogtease. that sexist?
Erica, I'll leave that to Simon to answer, but I can confidentially reveal that when lawyers are very very good, he or she gets to put two nice initials next to his/her name:
Q.C. - Queen's Counsel AKA "taking the silk".
When she kicks the bucket, it'll be K.C. ;)
Ah, Blake beat me to it.
It's never sexist when the woman starts it. Then it's just sexy.
Anywayyyyyy. Palette cleanser? How about dem Giants!
Damn Victoria--I will never get to sleep tonite thanks to you. time for a good media noche--where is the best on in Miami these days?
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