NYT columnist Bob Herbert gets embarrassingly mixed up about the image of the Victory Column in Obama's "biggest celebrity" commercial.
Hey, what about the use of Britney Spears in that ad? Spears!! Get it? Everyone knows spears are a phallic symbols!
Racist too, I might add.
Come on, Bob. Don't give up just because you got the monuments wrong. It's still a phallic symbol, and that ad is full of symbols that just won't quit.
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
Brit + Paris = Europe!
-ney + Hilton = knee + hotel = blatant sexual imagery.
१५८ टिप्पण्या:
I keep seeing this big round circle. A big "O". A womb symbol. It keeps showing up through the whole commercial.
Those GOP bastards are trying to emasculate the man!
Leaning Tower of Pisa? Maybe Obama shouldn't have just urged Americans to learn foreign languages. How about just plain ole geography...
Herbert's conclusions sound like those of a professor of African-American studies, trying to make a historical link between slaves being bought for their physique and the imagery presented subliminally behind Obama.
The only problem is having a huge towering penis is a GOOD thing...right? It's a sign of power, masculinity, strength.
Dare we say it, of Victory.
What is Herbert trying to say? That Obama is presented as wanting to rape those two white women? And then, insidiously, that was because that's what black men were lynched for?
Oh, I know, McCain is subliminally urging his fellow Americans to lynch Obama! Horrors!
Blimey, there is something very wrong with Herbert and Jesse Jackson. They have their minds on Obama's privates just a tad too much.
Herbert is such a tool.
I'm absolutely sure it was Freud who said:
Sometimes a race card is just a race card.
Àpropos to my post, I present you with...
The Rape of Europa
That's Britney before she got all buff again. She clearly needs a Brazilian bikini wax or SOMETHING down there. That's some furry target those cherubs have to shoot at.
Speaking of which, the cherubs have BLACK WINGS.
Someone save America from these black men who want to pierce white women with their extra-long victory arrows!!
oh bob...it happens to the best of 'em. this pre-mature eja...err, ranting.
anyway, someone please tell bob that it was obama wh first compared himself to paris:
maybe he can talk about that in his next (big, monstrous, girthy) column.
O BAM ! dayitiz AAAAH.
So Althouse why don't you do a vlog on affirmative action at the NYT and Bob Herbert?
Does he represent mission accomplished or does the NYT need a surge in its HR dept?
John Stewart did a funny take off on this that explained the two microphones represented two black balls.
The microphones were very big and had large heads and were black and there were two of them-get it two black balls.
While Herbert's analysis is over the top, 22% of Americans apparently agree with him, according to Rasmussen. And, Ann seemed to see racist imagery in Hillary's 3 a.m. ad, which was tamer than this ad.
In a related story, 22% of Americans think the moon is made of cheese. That doesn't prove anything.
(Most of the 22% live in Wisconsin)
22% might have agreed on the racist crap but I think we can knock that number down more than a few points if you throw in the phallic business. Let's face it, Pat Buchanan was right for once in his life: when people are looking at Paris Hilton and Britney Spears they're not looking at what's going on in the backgroun!
While Herbert's analysis is over the top, 22% of Americans apparently agree with him, according to Rasmussen.
That leaves 78% who don't agree with him. Continued harping on such a theme does not appear to be a recipe for electoral success.
Don't laugh, this is calculated and how these things get going.
I have a feeling in 4 years these ads will be brought up and discussed as racist, and it will be the prevailing wisdom.
It is important that McCain and the citizenry push back on this, I am so sick of this tactic.
That leaves 78% who don't agree with him. Continued harping on such a theme does not appear to be a recipe for electoral success.
No shit, Sherlock. But the point was that when approximately 75 million people think your ad is racist (assuming perfect dissemination of the ad), you probably have a problem and a person who says he thinks it is a racist ad is likely not crazy.
Mortimer, you forgot to mention this part:
As for Obama’s comment, 53% of white voters saw it as racist, as did 44% of African-Americans and 61% of all other voters.
As I said, not a recipe for electoral success.
Four out of five Mortimer Brezny's agree that a commercial that tells you that "Crest toothpaste can get you teeth the whitest they can be" is racist.
By the way, the entire population of the United States of America is said to be 301,000,000. 22% of the voting population is nowhere near 75,000,000.
That 22% are people who can't transcend race. Like Herbert they need Obama as a victim of racism. Since most of the country has transcended race, the charges will not work and all Obama has is a teleprompter.
While Herbert's analysis is over the top, 22% of Americans apparently agree with him, according to Rasmussen.
The poll also found that 22% of those surveyed think most Americans are racist. It is unsurprising that this group would find that ad racist, as they obviously have a knack for seeing racism where none exists.
What's more interesting is that the same poll found that 53% considered Obama's remarks about not looking like the people on "the dollar bills" to be racist. Worse yet, independents found Obama's comment racist by a 3:2 margin; the same group found McCain's ad to NOT be racist by a 5:1 margin. If this poll is accurate, it means that independent voters see Obama's complaints of racism in the McCain ad as not only wrong, but hypocritical; the guy who makes racist remarks, accusing an innocent man of racism.
So like I've said before -- please, Obama supporters, please keep crying "racism!". You couldn't help the Republican Party more if you wrote it a donation check.
By the way, the entire population of the United States of America is said to be 301,000,000. 22% of the voting population is nowhere near 75,000,000.
obama thinks there are like 58 states. so there could very well be 75M.
But the point was that when approximately 75 million people think your ad is racist (assuming perfect dissemination of the ad), you probably have a problem and a person who says he thinks it is a racist ad is likely not crazy.
As of last September, 33% of Americans -- or "approximately 100 million", as you might put it -- believed Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
36% -- another 100 million -- think the government either carried out the 9/11 attacks personally or deliberately let them happen.
I could go on, but I think that adequately addresses the issue of equating "lots of people believe it" with "people who believe it are rational".
Althouse trivializes another serious subject.
Does she give a damn about racism in politics? If she does, she gives no sign. She engages in typical right wing juvenile taunts.
triviality, thy name is Althouse!
It's not just Althouse. It's Jon Stewart, too. And he does it a hell of a lot better than any of us.
"Why are you so hard to get back into the bottle, Race Genie?"
"Because, I am an explosive accusation that can almost never be proven or disproven. Am I an intrinsic tendency to be with one's own, or a pernicious fear of the other? [shrug]"
"Wow, Race Genie, that was, that was, really smart and learned."
"Well, I went to an all-white school."
There is still about 20% of the population that still think doing Iraq was good idea. I have to go with Revenant on this one. Some people are obviously not rational.
Hey 22% of the people in Boston believe that the Patriots went undefeated and won the Super Bowl.
Then again they also believe in Ted Kennedy, so there you go.
Hey Alpha -- Are you aware that Instapundit immortalized your tripe by singling out a comment of yours as ridiculous. That's right. Thousands of people clicked over to an Althouse comment thread just to see you look look silly. You are the poster boy for the Shrill Left.
An intrinsic tendency to be with ones own is just that, intrinsic.
Fear of the other - if you leave out the pernicious, which is an editorial add on - is natural.
Intrinsic. Natural. You can terrorize a people into disavowing the intrinsic and the natural. But you can't stamp them out . Therein lies the growing anger and desperation of the antinormative Left.
There is still about 20% of the population that still think doing Iraq was good idea.
40%, according to last week's Gallup poll. 56% think it was a mistake.
Another day, another series of posts criticizing Obama. Wasn't there someone tracking Ann's "cruel neutrality"? I'd love to see a current tally.
As a "feminist," I wonder what Ann thinks about John McCain offering up his wife to be "Miss Buffalo Chip" (essentially calling her a piece of shit--hey it's better than a cunt!) in South Dakota yesterday?
Yeah, it might be just another frivolous blip on the campaign trail, but since all of her posts are frivolous quips about Obama, you'd think she'd be compelled to say something.
Zachary -- Tell us. How is a comment calling Bob Herbert wrong and silly a comment against The One?
The next time we dumb, stupid, hick Republicans who cling to guns and religion write something wrong and silly, maybe Althouse will criticize us. Will that do as criticism for McCain for you?
Zachary, I never took Althouse's claim to being neutral seriously. She falls for almost every Republican attack line and relies on the right wing blogs for traffic.
Here's some links to some "funny" videos on McCain's not-so-funny humiliation of his wife. See the reader post from SD.
Take My Wife, Please!
What a cad!
Q: How many liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: That's not funny!
John McCain:
"I'm the one."
They're scrubbing those comments from the McCain web site.
Anyway, I liked this comment today from Obama:
"It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant."
Way to punch back.
She falls for almost every Republican attack line
That's rich. You are exactly the person who comes to her blog spouting the inane leftist meme of the day.
Don't give up, though, dude. Maybe one day one of them will stick. Besides, your shrillness is hilarious.
First of all, I'm simply not responding to Fritz, who, if I recollect correctly, Cedarford accused of racism.
As of last September, 33% of Americans -- or "approximately 100 million", as you might put it -- believed Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
That is a perfectly rational belief to have. The Bush administration told the American people that, and the mainstream media aired the charge uncritically for months upon months.
36% -- another 100 million -- think the government either carried out the 9/11 attacks personally or deliberately let them happen.
That is a perfectly understandable response as well. People often assume that government takes reasonable precautions, and if reasonable precautions were not taken, there must have been malfeasance. For instance, New Yorkers were shocked to find out after 9/11 that the police and fire department had separate dispatchers and lacked walkie-talkies to communicate with each other in case of natural disasters. Likewise, New Orleans residents were shocked to find out that the Army Corps of Engineers had recommended years prior that the levees be reinforced and a fund had been set aside for that purpose, but local politicians had raided it for other purposes. Back to 9/11, people were shocked to hear that the FBI and the CIA and NSA could not share information due to a firewall set up by Jamie Gorelick, and that inability to share information led to a blind spot that permitted the 9/11 attacks to go unfoiled. It is not surprising that faced with these facts, people would believe that the government let 9/11 happen, because the alternative narrative of widespread government inefficiency and incompetence that ends in fire and death is too stupid to be true.
Q: How many conservatives does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: They don't use light bulbs. They use nuggets of nuclear waste, like real men.
Mortimer -- Your second proposition is sad. The fact is that government is inefficient and incompetent. Thank God it does not manage the health care system.
mcg, so, a Presidential candidate representing the so-called "family values" party offers up his wife for a strip contest and you think it's funny?
Do you like wife-beating jokes, too?
p.s. conservative humor is an oxymoron. See: "Mallard Fillmore." Case closed!!
P.S.: Mort -- Calling conservatives real men is a good thing.
As a "feminist," I wonder what Ann thinks about John McCain offering up his wife to be "Miss Buffalo Chip" (essentially calling her a piece of shit--hey it's better than a cunt!) in South Dakota yesterday?
His wife was right there, and she laughed at it. By the way, there's nothing wrong with being Miss Buffalo Chip. The pickle licking contest looks like fun and so does the bikini contest with the banana sucking. That's not sarcasm. I'm headed out to Sturgis next year.
oh! And the News Half Hour thing! That was funny -- when it was canceled!
Alpha -- What, really, do you have to offer to this conversation?
mcg, so, a Presidential candidate representing the so-called "family values" party offers up his wife for a strip contest and you think it's funny?
Yep. Go wrap your mind around that one. Might take you awhile.
P.S.: Mort -- Calling conservatives real men is a good thing.
P.S. Playing in nuclear waste is a bad thing, thus the invocation of real manhood was sarcastic. I don't think stupidity is masculine. Indeed, one of the marks of manhood is intelligence. Another is courage. A stupid coward is not a real man, and too many conservatives tosay are stupid cowards who remind me more of frat-boy pranksters than anything even coming close to masculinity. Oh, and heading out to a biker rally doesn't do it. And, yes, I hunt and skydive. No, the biker rally don't mean shit.
It is not surprising that faced with these facts, people would believe that the government let 9/11 happen, because the alternative narrative of widespread government inefficiency and incompetence that ends in fire and death is too stupid to be true.
You've got to be kidding. Assuming government competence is right up there with believing in astrology.
"The fact is that government is inefficient and incompetent. "
Under George Bush, absolutely. Con's hare government and are determined to demonstrate it won't work.
I'm glad Tony Frank wrote a book along those lines.
Mortimer -- Your second proposition is sad. The fact is that government is inefficient and incompetent.
I didn't argue to the contrary. I noted that when people are shocked at how inefficient and incompetent it is, they often develop a counternarrative that allows them to pretend that government is very efficient and competent at achieving ends that only appear to be disastrous but are truly devious, e.g., 9/11 was done on purpose to further Bush's political career.
Mort -- We agree. That's really a very brilliant insight. Conspiracy theories develop because people want to have control in their lives. If there is a conspiracy controlling things, then the reality of chaos is overcome.
You've got to be kidding. Assuming government competence is right up there with believing in astrology.
You are aware that liberals believe government is competent when staffed by other liberals, right? These people are approximately 50% of the country.
Conspiracy theories develop because people want to have control in their lives. If there is a conspiracy controlling things, then the reality of chaos is overcome.
You baffle me, Mort. I like that.
I was unaware that belief in astrology was up to 50%!
His wife was right there, and she laughed at it.
Like the good, subservient cunt that she is! She is a beacon of hope for women everywhere.
When will Ann put up a post criticizing McCain? It's not as if there isn't a wealth of material. The clock is ticking...
Again, Zach: Criticizing someone who criticizes McCain is not the same thing as promoting McCain or criticizing Obama.
I'm saddened but not particularly surprised that I have to explain elementary logic to you.
Like the good, subservient cunt that she is! She is a beacon of hope for women everywhere.
If you think a millionaress is anywhere she doesn't want to be, you're an idiot.
This is my wife Cindy
"Now show 'em your tits you trollop!"
40%, according to last week's Gallup poll. 56% think it was a mistake.
How much of that 56% think it was a mistake because we were much too timid and restrained in fighting a PC war? How many of those 56% were actually opposing what appeared to be squandering American blood propping up a corrupt government overseeing a people who wouldn't fight for their own freedom? How many of those 56% wanted it to be a much more of an all-in ass-kicking on the way to a decisive victory? How many of that 56%, when they saw that the war wasn't going to be prosecuted that way said, "hey, why bother?" This is a cohort gets blindly lumped in with the overall population of those who supposedly disapprove of and oppose the war. Once you identify them and and isolate them out, my guess is then you're down to and left with the 20% Bush lied and people died Bu$hilterMcChenyHaliburtonDiebold! standard issue hate-America first window-licking leftoids.
"Con's hare government and are determined to demonstrate it won't work. "
Jimmy Carter must have REALLY hared (sic) government then!
I'm so glad that our resident leftist trolls and troll-like figures are above pornographic insinuation, disgusting name-calling, and negative campaigning. It just goes to show you how well a Democratic victory would unify the country and stop all the carping.
Again, Zach: Criticizing someone who criticizes McCain is not the same thing as promoting McCain or criticizing Obama.
No kidding. This isn't even close to the point I was making. (And where is Ann's criticism of McCain?) The point is that McCain has had hilarious and ridiculous moments over and over again, but Ann doesn't mention them. She said she writes about Obama because he's more "interesting" but I'd say this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVQHJd_3J7g) of the contest that McCain wants to send Cindy to is pretty interesting.
Why say you're neutral if you spend all day on Obama. Is Alpha right? Could it be that Ann doesn't want to upset her right wing traffic (after all, she does like checking her site meter statistics)?
I'm saddened but not particularly surprised that I have to explain elementary logic to you.
Spare me.
Yeah, those hilarious embarrassing moments of McCain's are all over the press.
What's that? They aren't. Oh well, it must be because the press has a huge crush on McCain and overwhelming give money to his campaign.
Yeah, those hilarious embarrassing moments of McCain's are all over the press.
What's that? They aren't.
Try again.
From viagra and applesauce to dermatology lectures and long, awkward pauses...McCain has been a laugh riot and an embarrassment, especially this past month.
Although, you are right that the media aren't covering these as much as they are Obama's gaffes, because they are so afraid of seeming "pro-Obama." If they show how ridiculous McCain is, they might be accused of being "biased."
Zach -- Maybe the things you call ridiculous that McCain is doing aren't generally seen by reasonable people as ridiculous. You remind me of one of those people -- and you probably are one of those people -- who denigrates Fox News as biased. Your ultimate argument boils down to the contention that news should be reported with your slant. Any other slant is...bias.
Obama's campaign should be all broad strokes and big picture.
It must inform voters about the BOLD CHANGE he is bringing.
They have not done that. He is running like he is an incumbent. That is why Althouse is frustrated with Obama.
Good thing that ad didn't have any onion rings in it.
Phallic symbols and racism everywhere! Oh my!
This is what happens when you let a thousand lefty professors bloom in college campuses. Everyone learns to see through foucauldian lenses and suddenly everything you look at -everything- has a racist tint, or misogynist tint, or anti-whatever tint, according to the wavelength chosen.
There is no longer any objective reality, and a cigar is no longer ever just a cigar. It is forever a penis. Any and all criticisms of a black person are racist by definition. Heads I win, tails you lose.
What a waste of time.
All identity politics ever begets is more balkanization. It isolates and breeds contempt. The 24 hour lefty bra depresses and separates.
We can thank our lefty professors.
They have succeeded in making the nation an ungovernable mass of whining children in need of a big swipe on the butt.
AJ -- But that's the problem. Name one bold change Obama will bring. Better tire pressure? A tax on oil companies that will be passed onto consumers, like all taxes on corporations?
The fact is that change no longer resonates when it comes to policy prescriptions because, invariably, the policy prescriptions are either mundane and silly or likely to create bigger problems than they solve.
I do agree, though, that Obama is really dumb to run as an incumbent. You'd think he would have learned from Hillary Clinton's mistakes. Instead, he is emulating them. Weird.
We don't do any criticizing of Mccain or George W ever here.
If you don't like it go to another site.
This is a republican site.
Also, you can never criticize Obama enough. Please most postings about how Obama is awful!
Pursuing this "government can't do anything right" meme from the con's.
If you all believe that, then why do you want to expand the government's ability to spy on citizens, seize our property, etc?
You have this idealized view of how those powers are used. As in "we can trust the CIA and NSA and other alphabet spy agencies to do the right thing."
Many conservatives say "well, if you've done no wrong, you have nothing to worry about being spied upon." Uh-uh.
The gulf between your rhetoric and your policies is immense. Can you even see this point?
Honestly, I can't even imagine how this thinking process works! It doesn't make sense!
Wow, that phallic symbol link is da wackness.
Didn't Melanie sing about that? "They know it's a phallic symbol, 'cause it's longer than it is wide."
I was not suggesting Obama had any bold strokes. Cause I don't think he has except for re-divvying my money to someone else.
But to get someone like Althouse's vote, Obama has to pull some rabbits out his hat. She is patiently waiting.
You remind me of one of those people -- and you probably are one of those people -- who denigrates Fox News as biased.
And you remind me one of those people who gets their news from Fox News.
Don't waste your time trying to tell me about the media and who is or isn't biased. I've studied it and written about it long enough to know that all of them are equally biased.
Obviously, Bob Herbert was an affirmative action hire. He has no intellectual acumen. He can only respond that if you don't agree with him or any other black, that you are a racist.
That thought will eventually sink Barack H. Obama. Nobody likes to be called a racist, especially from a racist of whatever colour.
Another day, another series of posts criticizing Obama.
Maybe all black men look alike to you, Zach, but the guy in that video is named "Bob Herbert". He's the one Ann is criticizing.
The last post Ann wrote criticizing Obama was last Friday, when she noted his campaign had conceded that the "dollar bills" remark was about race. Like I noted above, most Americans think it was not merely "about race" but actually racist, so I don't see how Ann is being non-neutral pointing it out.
That is a perfectly rational belief to have. The Bush administration told the American people that, and the mainstream media aired the charge uncritically for months upon months.
I'll skip addressing the outrageous lie you're telling there. Let's pretend it is true.
Americans are told throughout their lives that Americams in general, and Republicans in particular, are horribly racist. The media both repeats and hypes these charges. So it is no surprise that 22% of Americans would be dumb enough to believe a harmless ad is racist, especially with a Genuine Black Leader telling them to think it. That's how those things work.
So the same explanation works; 100% of Americans have been repeatedly told to think of Republicans as presumptively racist, and 22% were dippy enough to fall for it.
OK, I just had a chance to see the video.
Let me get this straight. Ann Althouse famously accused a young woman of thrusting her breasts forward while standing in the company of Bill Clinton, routinely claims she knows other peoples' motivations, finds subliminal messages in videos and images (from Democrats) etc.
This Ann Althouse is mocking Herbert for saying that phallic symbols in a commercial immediately following 2 sexy young women is intentional subliminal messaging?
Ann Althouse: "The sleeping child is black, so I would agree that if the image was deliberately created, this was part of the idea."
Ann Althouse: "I doubt if any blogger will disagree with my assertion that, coming from Bill Clinton, the "O" of an onion ring is a vagina symbol."
More Althouse: "Here, Bill, in retaliation for all of your excessive "O" consumption, you may have a large bowl of phallic symbols!"
There's a long list of this, actually. When Ann wants to knock Dems, subliminal messages in ads are the rage. When she wants to mock Dems and shield Republicans, not so much.
Neutral, my ass.
We are republicans here and any liberal who comes on here and posts anything is a troll.
Now go away moonbats.
We believe Jesse Helms should of been president!
Paris Hilton responds.
If you all believe that, then why do you want to expand the government's ability to spy on citizens
The fact that the government is incompetent is one of the reasons I'm not very worried about them "spying" on me. If they actually started using the information to do something bad to innocent Americans half the Executive Branch would be tripping over themselves racing to be the first to leak the story to the Times over cocktails in a Georgetown bar.
I don't get what the lefties are bitching about here as far as the "cruel neutrality" thing goes.
Nowhere did Althouse suggest that she was going to spend equal time on the candidates.
And let's face it, McCain is--fairly boring. Nobody's really covering him. He's unlikely to do anything surprising. He's not running on being different.
His campaign is almost corny. The Reps in general are fractured, dispirited, expecting to lose--boring.
You guys have the more interesting candidate--and people (like Bob Herbert) are saying really, really interesting things about him.
Great job, Alpha. Maybe Ann's just jealous because someone else pointed out the phallic symbols first. Oh no!
And Rev...I don't know what you're smoking, but Ann's been going after Obama all day today, yesterday, the day before, etc. Either she "calls him to account" for something or she points out how someone else is criticizing him or she talks about some aspect of his campaign in a negative way.
Still nothing to say about McCain and his stripper buffalo cunt wife...tick tock tick tock tick tock...
OK, I just had a chance to see the video.
... he says, at the beginning of his eighth comment in the thread about the video.
And Rev...I don't know what you're smoking, but Ann's been going after Obama all day today, yesterday
Your paranoid delusions are not my problem, Zach. I'm sober and rational; look into it.
Did you folks know about the plans to erect (?) a Martha Washington Monument? They're going to dig a hole on the Mall 560 feet deep and install a flashing red light at the bottom.
What would a cruel neutrality monument look like?
I really do wish the left had better representation here more of the time.
Come on guys. AlphaLiberal is the consummate quazzer. He just spews, squirts, and oozes is leftist diatribes to anyone who will read it and reply. He hasn't contributed a single thing to his entire tenure on Althouse and that's saying plenty. He's already reached Titus status by now, don't you think?
Zachary Paul Sire said...
Still nothing to say about McCain and his stripper buffalo cunt wife...tick tock tick tock tick tock...
When was the last time you saw one. A cunt that is. Yeah, I'm sure the clock will tick on into infinity at that one. tick tock tickity tickity, tock tock, boing!!!
I think it's fair to say that when you start calling a presidential candidate's wife a cunt and insulting her, you are not only tiresome and vacuous but you are more than a little worried about your sure-thing candidate's chances.
McCain called his wife a cunt and a trollop. Do try to keep up!
Could you be any less trenchant, Garage? Could you write anything less worth writing?
When was the last time you saw one. A cunt that is.
Not interested! Sorry!
Could you write anything less worth writing?
You're doing a fine enough job for all of us.
Ann, here's more about the stripper/banana sucking contest that John McGoo wants to enter his cunt wife in (just in case you're already preparing a mega-post about it):
"Buffalo Chip has a reputation for that sort of thing. It holds a Miss Buffalo Chip contest every night, which is essentially a topless beauty pageant. And occasionally bottomless, too. During a drenching rain Wednesday night, the contest broke up into smaller groups and one woman wound up dancing naked on a bar top. Her boyfriend/husband saw her and angrily dragged her away as she struggled to put her pants back on and muttered something about how, 'It's only this one week a year.'"
"I really do wish the left had better representation here more of the time."
Let's see:
Humorless. Check.
Makes ad hominem attacks. Check.
Illogical. Check.
Thin-skinned. Check.
Emotionally unstable and projecting. Check.
I'd have to say the Modern Left is pretty well represented here most of the time.
This is really a winning issue, guys. No question Americans are going to get all atwitter because of this terrible, terrible charge, whatever it is, exactly.
"I'd have to say the Modern Left is pretty well represented here most of the time."
I think by better represented he meant he wants a better class of Modern left. Kind of like the Joker wanting to provide a better class of criminal.
But you don't get a website with the left you want, you get a website with the left you have. So we'll just have to make due with Doyle as best we can.
Surely there are people who are similar in intelligence and belief to Mickey Kaus, Marty Peretz, and Bill Clinton who could come here and argue. Where are they?
Seriously. I don't like echo chambers. That's one of the reasons this blog is so great. But the general quality of the left here is sad lately. Maybe it's always been thus. Maybe I am remembering halcyon days of yore that were never of yore.
I'm afraid so, Seven.
Lefties are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known lefties; there are lefties we know we know. We also know there are known unknown lefties; that is to say we know there are some lefties we do not know. But there are also unknown unknown lefties -- the ones we don't know we don't know.
Where are they? We don't know.
Commenting is supposed to be fun, but instead you plod through these threads hulk smashing all the strawmen you erect when you don't get what you want.
Even Meade who's occasionally funny in his own wingnutty kind of way seems a bit weepy and lost tonight.
Alright, "weepy and lost" is sort of funny.
But that's garage.
We occasionally know him.
Althouse, you have to post Paris Hilton's video response to the celeb ad.
It's good and she is hot.
I would fuck her.
Right, Garage. You are hilarious. Say cunt again. It's a laugh riot.
"Surely there are people who are similar in intelligence and belief to Mickey Kaus, Marty Peretz, and Bill Clinton who could come here and argue. Where are they?"
Running the blog?
Unfortunately, Ann has vowed cruel neutrality, so the best you are going to have are those indecisive middle-types like me who distrust both sides.
Wow. I did not realize just how deep the left's depression has become until I read this.
We're talking clinical. Suicidal. Hospital.
Alex Castellanos is one of the Republican party’s best known and most successful media consultants and strategists. Mr. Castellanos has served as media consultant to 7 U.S. Presidential campaigns, and is currently volunteering on the John McCain for President Ad Council. Previously, he served as a senior strategist for the Romney for President Campaign
-- from his bio at the website
You knew Castellanos is a Republican didn't you?
Meade, the author there isn't a lefty. He's a Republican, partial to Mitt Romney.
Or are the comments (which I avoid at the Huffpo like a plague) what you were talking about?
Zachary Paul Sire said...
When was the last time you saw one. A cunt that is.
Not interested! Sorry!
Now see, if you were oriented correctly, the proper answer would have been, "your mom. OHHHH!!!" but alas, your orientation has failed you again. It's like your smarm gene is misaligned or turned off.
Seven Machos said...
Seriously. I don't like echo chambers
Then take both tin cans away from your ears. That should right what was once wrong.
Sorry, I should have linked to this.
That was almost like a witty line. Almost. All it was missing was the wit.
Still nothing to say about McCain and his stripper buffalo cunt wife
Zach, just because black people sometimes call each other "niggers" doesn't make it ok for white people to do that. Similarly, repeatedly calling Cindy McCain a cunt is wrong even IF you're credulous enough to believe McCain called her that in front of a couple of reporters.
So no matter how much you might enjoy referring to women as "cunts" -- don't.
So no matter how much you might enjoy referring to women as "cunts" -- don't.
Uh, is that an order?
What about men...can I refer to men as CUNTS?
Zachary Paul Sire said...
Uh, is that an order?
That makes you sound to feisty, RAWR!!! Besides, not least of which, I suspect you might like that.
What about men...can I refer to men as CUNTS?
Considering the circles you run in, I'm sure you already do call them that. Some of them might actually have one and the ones that don't wished they did. Shocking.
If you like coming across as a douche, then by all means!
Yes, Z, you could.
But that would be so gay.
"What about men...can I refer to men as CUNTS?"
Yes, but you have to be looking eye to eye with the man you're calling a cunt. Otherwise, you're a pussy.
Considering the circles you run in, I'm sure you already do call them that. Some of them might actually have one and the ones that don't wished they did.
The circles I run in! The word cunt is used affectionately in the circles I run in. It does make me feel feisty when I say it.
Where is Palladian?
7 machos:
"Hey Alpha -- Are you aware that Instapundit immortalized your tripe by singling out a comment of yours as ridiculous."
No, I didn't know that. Got a link? A search on his site turns up nothing.
It would be a hoot to see one of my posts misrepresented by one of the biggest wankers on the web.
Ann sure relies on him for site traffic.
p.s. Do we need the c*nt language? I don't think it's much removed from n****r.
Didn't find the InstaPundit post but did find that I was in the NY Review of Books! Kewl!
Maybe you meant "InstaPutz." In like that site, too.
BTW, I don't think you guys know what "troll" means.
I'm here to help. You're welcome.
Uh, is that an order?
It was an explanation.
What about men...can I refer to men as CUNTS?
Not unless you're British. If you're American you'll just sound confused.
p.s. Do we need the c*nt language? I don't think it's much removed from n****r.
Apparently we do. Zach thinks it makes him sound grown-up or something.
The Instapundit link is here. He linked and quoted your line "that ad was blatantly racist. Putting a black guy up alongside white women sends a strong racist message.".
Fellow republicans let's just ignore the liberals on this site.
They are obviously so wrong in everything they say that it is not worth responding to them.
We are right and they are wrong. Nothing else needs to be stated.
Also, because we don't get any sex does not negate the fact that we are always right all the time.
And...George Bush has been the best president this country has ever had.
Also, if we could continue to hate the NY Times and continue to read it that would be incredibly helpful to our cause.
In addition, if we live in liberal cities and point out all of the liberal evilness that would be helpful. Yes, we patronize their cafes and shit but we still hate it. More videos of liberals protesting, marching, not serving us, being unamerican, not respecting our great president would be greatly appreciated.
It allows us to be angry, and we defintely need that in our life because if we our happy in life that actually sucks.
For example, I was in NYC, and went to a bookstore, and asked for the latest Ann Coulter book, and the clerk gave me an evil eye.
Can you imagine the indignation I suffered. It was horrible. I felt like a scum.
Also, I went to some art opening, again in NYC, and it was about how horrible George Bush was. I made a comment that he was the best president we have ever had and the rest of the participants looked at me like I had three heads. I was demoralized but fortunately knew I was right and that history would prove me right.
That is the shit we have to suffer fellow republicans.
I am not whining though, mind you. But I am tempted to move to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Granted, I won't find WiFi but at least I won't have to endure the evil liberals.
Also, Mississippi hates gays but I am ok with that.
At least they hate liberals.
But if they hate gays more than liberals that suits me just fine-even if I know a few gays.
Thanks, Revenant. Yeah, I probably could have written that one better.
But that's why I linked to Herbert. He's great.
It's pretty clear that someone who repeatedly says "cunt" likes to say it because it is highly offensive to women.
McCain's joking remarks which were apparently not found to be out of line by his wife in the context of the moment are merely an *excuse* to give permission to use hateful words.
Who enjoys hate that much? Who looks for excuses like that?
And yes, if someone found an excuse to repeatedly use the word "nigger" it would be just as hateful and just as out of line.
And if we're looking for examples of seeing things that simply are not there... making a big deal about McCain's remarks is an excellent example.
We can find sexism in anything if we WANT to find it. We can find racism in anything if we WANT to find it.
I'm rather tired of the whole contest to see who can be the most offended most often and I'm fairly certain I'm not alone in this. It's getting old. It's getting OBVIOUS.
Not that there isn't a whole lot of racially charged speech going on. Our local paper carried an opinion piece by Eugene Robinson (which I haven't been able to quickly find on-line, though I'll look again) which presented Obama's recent (?) statements that "they" are going to try to use his race against him, going to point out his funny name, etc. (if he said this recently he's certainly said it before as well) and Robinson says no sooner did Obama say that then "they" started doing *just that* by taking offense at pre-emptively being called racist!
No, those aren't the words he used. Robinson seemed not to understand at all that Obama saying what people were *going* to do, that they were *going* to make racist attacks was calling people racists. And Robinson seemed not to have the merest notion that this might be OFFENSIVE to people... being called racist.
In FACT, being upset at being called racist IS racist!
Got it now?
Yes... I'm wholly tired of this. I really don't give a flying fig any more if someone thinks I'm racist or not. This is not a bat I will allow myself to be beaten with any longer.
And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.
Zachary Paul Sire said...
The circles I run in! The word cunt is used affectionately in the circles I run in.
Yes, I know. That's why I said.
It does make me feel feisty when I say it.
Where is Palladian?
Yes. It's all about the feelings isn't it. Palladian is probably getting his Brazilian done right now.
AlphaLiberal said...
I'm here to help. You're welcome.
Hey, thanks for letting us in on your (obvious) secret, you human dish-rag.
I leave to work out and excitedly click to read 138 posts on this topic.
Only to find a food fight in the cafeteria instead of our typical Althousian discussion where one commenter outdoes the other in insight and profundity.
Ah well. We can't hit each thread out of the park.
You know, for the longest time I've been wondering what an 'alphaliberal' is. I know what an alpha male is or an alpha wolf or an alpha chimp. They're the one who most clearly represent the essence of their type. Therefore, I guess an alphaliberal is the most clueless weenie in the bunch.
Q. How many liberals does it take to screw in a lightbulb.
A. Two. One to assure you that everything possible is being done with an affirmatively action based team following a bureaucratically perfect plan and one to screw the bulb into your faucet.
Dave, I like it. But let's tinker with it!
Q. How many liberals does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. A village. A big heterogeneous, multi-cultural, Fair Trade village where no one judges anyone, and each takes according his needs, in non-gender-appropriate ways. We are ALL the lightbulb's Keeper.
As a "feminist," I wonder what Ann thinks about John McCain offering up his wife to be "Miss Buffalo Chip" (essentially calling her a piece of shit--hey it's better than a cunt!) in South Dakota yesterday?
Never hung around sailors much I take it. They are well known (in some circles) for their crude humor. And on other days they just try to be offensive.
Simon - Reactor Operator USS Bainbridge DLG(N) - 25 '66.
And yes, if someone found an excuse to repeatedly use the word "nigger" it would be just as hateful and just as out of line.
You are not a fan of rap music I take it.
I was watching a video earlier today and Paris Hilton called our precious candidates "bitches".
The horror.
The shame.
People often assume that government takes reasonable precautions,
What government are you living under?
mcg, so, a Presidential candidate representing the so-called "family values" party offers up his wife for a strip contest and you think it's funny?
Rumor has it that he offered his wife up for a three way with Paris Hilton.
How low can you go?
"Con's hare government and are determined to demonstrate it won't work. "
Jimmy Carter must have REALLY hared (sic) government then!
Then we are agreed. Carter was a con.
When was the last time you saw one. A cunt that is.
Not interested! Sorry!
And that is why liberals are dying off. They don't reproduce.
Good thing too.
Simon - Reactor Operator USS Bainbridge DLG(N) - 25 '66.
Wow. Thank you for your service, M. Simon.
Zach, just because black people sometimes call each other "niggers" doesn't make it ok for white people to do that.
What ever happened to equal opportunity? Don't leftys believe in that any more?
It looks like whitey needs a lot of affirmative action in this dept.
Wait 'til we start marching. You'll be sorry.
I can truly say it was an honor.
Late to this thread so I went through the entire thing. From Mort's analysis that the 22 percent that saw the add as racists must mean....well, what? to Zachary's first use of "cunt" (a particularly egregious word IMO on par with "nigger'). Why is it that it is our our sensitive and politically correct liberals are the ones who go to the sewer first? As Mr. Spock would say: fascinating.
As of last September, 33% of Americans -- or "approximately 100 million", as you might put it -- believed Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
That is a perfectly rational belief to have. The Bush administration told the American people that, and the mainstream media aired the charge uncritically for months upon months.
This is complete, total, utter unhinged leftist bullshit.
Prove it. Prove that the Bush administration and/or the MSM ever told the public that Saddam was behind 9/11.
You can't. Because it didn't happen.
You lefties kill me. Your fevered, delusional brains come up with this cotton-candy nonsense, and then you repeat it to each other so often that you think it's undisputed truth.
You'd be laughable if the thought of your kind in power wasn't so frightening.
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I agree it's a phallic symbol. But Obama gave a huge speech in front of it, so it's not a case of going off looking for a phallic symbol to juxtapose to him. Obama is largely responsible for it. I'm making fun of Herbert for thinking McCain had completely irrelevantly inserted images of the Washington Monument and the Leaning Tower of Pisa!
What would a cruel neutrality monument look like?
FDR in a wheelchair with his balls cut off?
Oops, sorry. Cruel NEUTRALITY, not cruelly neutered.
Speaking of phallic symbols, what the hell is this -- "open up and say ahhh"????
swallow him in all his glory:
I swear, veni, I see that...
...and I think "goatse".
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