Let's look at the statement published at Kos under the name of Elizabeth Edwards:
Our family has been through a lot. Some caused by nature, some caused by human weakness, and some – most recently – caused by the desire for sensationalism and profit without any regard for the human consequences. None of these has been easy. But we have stood with one another through them all. Although John believes he should stand alone and take the consequences of his action now, when the door closes behind him, he has his family waiting for him.So he wasn't at the hotel with the child? Or he was there with the child that he didn't father? Blah. Did you watch him on "Nightline." I didn't. I never watch "Nightline."
John made a terrible mistake in 2006. The fact that it is a mistake that many others have made before him did not make it any easier for me to hear when he told me what he had done. But he did tell me. And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well. Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private.
UPDATE: A partial transcript of the "Nightline" interview. Excerpts:
[BOB] WOODRUFF:& How long did it last and when exactly did it end?Probably the most admired and beloved person in this country.... Where did that come from? Woodruff is a ninny. "How could you have done this?" is a pretty silly question anyway. Why doesn't he just slap Edwards in the face and shout "you beast!"? Edwards gives a long answer that boils down to the fact that he was selfish and egomaniacal — and running for VP can do that to a man.
JOHN EDWARDS: [refuses to answer.]...
WOODRUFF: I know this is a very difficult question, but were you in love with [Rielle Hunter]?
EDWARDS: [Answers in the present tense that he is "in love with one woman," his wife Elizabeth. Woodruff doesn't figure out that he should insist on an answer to the question that was asked in the past tense.]
WOODRUFF: Your wife, Elizabeth, is probably the most admired and beloved person in this country, she's had enormous sympathy because she's also gone through cancer, how could you have done this?
Woodruff asks about the picture of Edwards holding the baby, and Edwards goes on about how he can't say what that picture is. Woodruff has the wit to ask him, "But are you saying you don't remember holding that child of Miss Hunter?" Edwards, tellingly, goes back to the photograph:
EDWARDS: I'm saying you asked me about this photograph, I don't know anything about that photograph, I don't know who that baby is. I don't know if the picture has been altered, manufactured, if it's a picture of me taken some other time, holding another baby -- I have no idea. I was not at this meeting holding a child for my photograph to be taken I can tell you that.Pay attention here. He does not say he didn't hold the child. He only says he didn't pose for a photograph and is refusing to authenticate the photograph. This has a real smokescreen feeling to it that to me this suggests that he did hold the baby.
Woodruff follows up:
WOODRUFF: You did say you did meet her at a hotel in California.Finally, cornered, he says "no." A lie?
EDWARDS: She was there, Mr. McGovern was present, and that's where the meeting took place.
WOODRUFF: But you don't remember a baby being there?
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
Yea, I've been shamelessly pimping a National Enquirer story, but really, I'm not paying attention to this sex scandal on this Democrat I hate. It's so beneath me!
If you had read the Nightline transcript, Ms. Althouse, you would know he says the child was not present for the Bev Hills meeting. His purpose in that meeting was to convince Ms. Hunter not to go public with the story of the affair.
And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well.
So, you conspired with your husband to deceive supporters who placed their faith and money in his campaign? Elizabeth, I've lost all respect for you.
Lisa said..."If you had read the Nightline transcript, Ms. Althouse, you would know he says the child was not present for the Bev Hills meeting."
I would? I think you mean I would know he asserted that. The National Enquirer asserted that the child was there. Maybe the child was taken out of the room for the "meeting" part. Why should I believe anything he says when one of the things he's saying is that he lied?
Elizabeth, I've lost all respect for you.
Yep, how dare they not come clean [unlike every other living politician in history] to the National Enquirer sooner!
Althouse: Did we find out definitively if sperm was left behind by a Democrat? Dress color?
C'mon we depend on this from you.
Ann Althouse said...
"Why should I believe anything he says when one of the things he's saying is that he lied?"
Bingo. There's a common jury instruction that says that if a witness is shown to have lied about anything, the jury can infer they lied about everything. That seems highly applicable.
Love the Kos comments,they are eating each other.
Yep, how dare they not come clean [unlike every other living politician in history] to the National Enquirer sooner!
That's an interesting world view: "it is OK for a politician to sleep around, provided that only the National Enquirer mentions it".
What does any of this have to do with the fact that Obama was doing blow while he was in college?
The best part about this is that Kos just fired one of his writers for writing about the brewing Edwards scandal. Two days later Edwards confirms it; oops.
That's an interesting world view: "it is OK for a politician to sleep around, provided that only the National Enquirer mentions it".
Bzzzt. Not even close, try again.
Simon said:
There's a common jury instruction that says that if a witness is shown to have lied about anything, the jury can infer they lied about everything. That seems highly applicable.
That pretty much is the definition of the National Enquirer now, isn't it? How many libel lawsuits have they lost?
If anyone believes everything the Enquirer says, then THAT belief is a scary thing.
Looks like a tale of 2 lying entities.
Get a life.
I read the transcript and updated.
You can see why I think he's lying when he says the baby wasn't there.
What was Edwards thinking? Are these candidates so disconnected from reality that they think they will get away with this stuff?
Maybe we should start taking bets on Obama's chances to have an affair if he is elected. I mean what are the chances that a young liberal/non-religious conservative will bang one of his aides while in office. Lets see: we have Bill Clinton, JFK, hmm... So based on historical comparisons, the chances are 100%.
If anyone believes everything the Enquirer says, then THAT belief is a scary thing.
Yeah, except the Enquirer has been right so far on this one. Contrast that with the NY Times when the Times "broke" McCain's fictional affair earlier this year. The Times lied about that one.
So, his story is that he was at the hotel at 2 am this July to try to convince Ms. Hunter not to talk about a two-years-ended affair to the press?
Well, if you're dead set on believing whatever lies spill out of Edwards's mouth, that's probably good enough.
This is a tough one.
On the one hand, Mrs. Edwards is dying.
This isn't like Hillary Clinton ironically standing by her man, after a faint-hearted show of being hurt and having Chelsea walk between them to the Air Force chopper in that photo op. That whole scene was as scripted as this famous little "hugging" session -- not unlike this one.
The Clintons' whole marriage was and is a sham, but then, we all know that.
The Edwards presented a more united, more real partnership than the Clintons.
This is what makes this story sleazier, and far more disappointing to his supporters, in large part due to Elizabeth Edwards' reaction.
Senator Edwards was not like Clinton who couldn't moralise about extra-marital affairs, because of the sheer number of them. Edwards always emphasised his family, trotting them out for photo ops, and worse, condemning marital lapses in others' marriages.
On the other hand, I'm glad the story finally made MAINSTREAM headlines (it was the centrist ABC who did).
So far, it's been a tabloid and blogger story until now. It's impossible not to be laughed at when you cite the National Enquirer as your source.
Blogging is like living in a parallel journalistic world, where people online know stuff months, if not a whole year ahead of others, talk about it at length, but it has no credence because no major entity had the guts to talk about it.
I'm sorry for Mrs. Edwards that the end of her life has just been handed an added emotional burden, but it's not to the National Enquirer that she should be angry at.
It's at her husband, solely, and absolutely.
David53 wrote:
Love the Kos comments,they are eating each other.
Shame on you!
Seriously though, that took guts to write on that site, and I'm impressed it was updinged at least 82+, as of posting.
... the truth, 99% of the truth, and, except for 1%, nothing but the truth.
Ann has always hated Edwards, so I'm surprised we haven't seen more posts about him.
But, in fairness to her, she did a zillion posts on Larry Craig, so a couple of posts on Edwards and 250 comments isn't that bad.
Maybe we should start taking bets on Obama's chances to have an affair if he is elected.
I would be very shocked if Obama ever lapsed this way. I think most of us know a truly genuine marriage between two solid people, like GW & Laura Bush or Al & Tipper Gore have, and I think the Obamas are one of those couples.
I never got that vibe from the Edwards. She was an ambitious enabler, just like Hillary.
I've long believed the National Enquirer should not be lumped in with other tabloids. One thing the Enquirer has in common with other tabloids is that they are sleazy. The way they distinguish themselves from other tabloids is that most of what's in the Enquirer is actually true.
Based on my experience with the Enquirer being a sleazy but accurate tabloid, I believed their Edwards stories from the start, and I think that people who try and tell me something can't be trusted because it was broken by the Enquirer just haven't paid attention to the fact that the Enquirer usually gets their stories right.
I feel a bit weird when I buy an Enquirer at the supermarket. But at least - when I do - I'm buying the one tabloid that has accurate (though sleazy) stories!
one tabloid that has accurate (though sleazy) stories!
I believe their stuff when they present evidence. Places, photos, times, dates -- like the whole Frank Gifford story, with overhead camera shots.
I don't believe them when they claim Bush is back on the sauce (I read that claim here, and researched it, nada), or that Elvis is alive and Princess Di just had his love child.
I don't believe them when they claim Bush is back on the sauce (I read that claim here, and researched it, nada),
I'd have to see that story, but I could think of no better explanation for Bush's pretzel incident than that he was drunk. Not that I think there's be anything wrong with that. My take on Bush's heavy drinking days was that he went totally dry to please his wife but that he was never really an out of hand alcoholic. People wanna label anyone who likes to get a buzz in the evening as alcoholic nowadays. (Yes, I am speaking as someone who has been mislabeled an alcoholic by people who think I "drink too much" regardless of the fact that it hasn't had negative consequences on my responsibilities. I think people some people are just too puritanical nowadays.)
or that Elvis is alive and Princess Di just had his love child.
I'm not a regular reader of the Enquirer, but I associate these sorts of stories with their competitor tabloids. Every issue of the Enquirer I have read has not had this sort of story and has instead had stories which, as far as I know, turned out to be accurate. I could be wrong, though, and I'll stand corrected if they actually do deal in this sort of thing.
But I confess that my comments on blogs are so filled with typos because I'm usually drunk when I'm posting.....
Apologizing is not enough. Edwards needs to RESIGN. Now.
Anyway, I think its disgusting how he could do this to his sick wife. I'm sure McCain would never cheat on his sick wife with another woman. Ever.
This is obviously bad for Obama. Everyone knows that Obama is a womanizer and is porking Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. But then again, we know he's a womanizer, because he's black. All black men are sexual animals who can't control themselves.
McCain on the other hand has only slept with one woman, been married once, and never had an affair.
We need honest, ethical men like John McCain in the White House.
dtl, this is what is known as Flailing Wildly. Keep it up if it makes you feel better or you need the exercise.
Edwards was irrelevant long before this story broke. And it's entirely in keeping with my original impression of him as smarmy and vain. The story doesn't interest me in the slightest because he doesn't, and never has. It's not a fall because in my book he had nowhere to fall to.
But the politicians cheating on sick wives meme (which also includes Newt Gingrich, don't forget) is sordid and saddening. Are they just ordinary people whose peccadilloes get more exposure than the rest of ours, or are they worse?
It's perfectly OK to be filthy rich, but not filthy horny? You have a filthy mind, all of you, especially #1 moralizing prude Victor Victoria. Get off your high horse you cross-eyed, cross-legged slutty wench! Yeah, tell Miss Althouse to delete my post will you, you sorry excuse for a censorious, censurable, censorial tramp. Don't call me mean spirited, call me Mr. Earl.
Edwards needs to RESIGN. Now.
Sarcasm aside... does he have a job to resign *from*?
"I never got that vibe from the Edwards. She was an ambitious enabler, just like Hillary."
Like the Svengali, Victor Vitoria, that you are, you know an enabler when you see one.
Would you want to screw someone who is dying of cancer? That sounds gross. Even Titus might have trouble getting it up. I rest my case and my loins. (Don't ever say that in court.)
You know that scene in "Men in Black" where Tommy Lee Jones explains that supermarket tabloids had the finest investigative reporting in the country? I'm starting to wonder if that was actually a joke.
But the politicians cheating on sick wives meme (which also includes Newt Gingrich, don't forget)
According to the previous thread, no, it doesn't.
The papers arrived when she was sick, the decision to split made well before.
(Not that there aren't conservatives cheating on their sick wives. Come to think of it, it's probably remarkable that most politicians spouses aren't ill.)
You know what I've been noticing about the lefty trolls of late?
Frustration mixed with desperation. I mean, about politics.
I'm starting to feel REAL good about McCain's chances.
I hope McCain wins. It'll be enjoyable to watch the shithole of a country known as America sink even further into the ditch.
For those disparaging the Enquirer, they get sued fairly frequently, but almost never lose. They are sensationalist and wildly speculate based on limited facts, but those facts are almost never wrong. The few times they've gotten in trouble -- at least since the Burnett suit in 1981 -- it has mostly been from publishing stories based on unreliable paid sources, not because they were lying or making stuff up themselves.
As for the Enquirer coverage of the current story, they seem to be playing a little fast and loose with the "love child" conclusion. But I would be very surprised if any of the actual facts they have reported are false.
Gawker sums it up best:
I thought we'd see some change in the angry leftists that posted here after the Dems one in 2006--yet, they seem to be angrier than ever.
I don't know that it's indicative of anything about current events, though.
Well Blake and vbspurs you're both morons. I'm not a leftist and I'm not angry.
I actually enjoy mocking America and watching it become a pathetic country. That's why I moved.
You have major economic problems (clueless as to how fast the rest of the world is passing you by) and an idiotic war, and all you pathetic Americans can do is talk about Paris Hilton and John Edward's love child.
Really. It's pathetic.
I'm not a leftist and I'm not angry.
I never mentioned your name, DTL. Neither did Victoria. Some reason why a non-leftist, non-angry, non-troll would think that messages about angry, leftist trolls applied to him?
I'd have to see that story, but I could think of no better explanation for Bush's pretzel incident than that he was drunk.
You know, Bush is the archetypical reformed rake-type: those men who were wild in their youths but had an amazing mid-30s personality reversal.
Before Bush was messy, loutish, and didn't care about form and protocol, to his mother's irritation.
Today, he is a neat freak, in control of his emotions, and a stickler for punctuality and respect (both given and received).
In short, he's done a 180 from the guy he used to be in his youth. He attributes the change to his wife putting her foot down about his drinking, and his faith.
But actually, he's very similar to JFK in that HE underwent an almost identical personality shift, save for his womanising and lack of converted religiosity.
Jack Kennedy, the kid who hated clothes and was a slob at boarding school, became the man who changed into crisp shirts and suits maniacally several times a day, and had his desk photographed so that the White House cleaners knew where to put everything back JUST RIGHT, once dusted.
Like all reformed rakes, they love nothing more than to shove their new controlled habits into other people's faces, because the way they were irritates them deeply inside.
I often think this is why older men are really irritated by young guys. They see how they used to be 20 years back, and they don't like it one bit.
Now Blake is lying.
For those disparaging the Enquirer, they get sued fairly frequently, but almost never lose.
I know that's true, but...
Skipping past the Britney aborted baby story -- what do you think about item number 3 in this Obama exposé?
"Screaming Matches with Wife -- Over other women"
You'll notice items #1 and #2 turned out to be true. Interesting.
yet, they seem to be angrier than ever.
Blake, I think it ebbs and flows. The best time on lefty blogs, or comments left by left-leaning commenters was when Obama was riding high and America was riding low.
Right now, it's the exact opposite.
So McCain's version of "riding high" is being 1-7 points down in the polls.
Talk about low expectations.
And if anyone really wants to know what's going on in the campaign, they would look at the political markets, which have barely moved.
McCain still has a 1 in 3 chance of winning, which is not that bad. But it hasn't moved much since he got the nomination.
And it's not until after the conventions that this race will actually take shape.
Again - it's just pathetic that the debate is targeted at 2-year olds.
I'll be voting for Barr anyway, so I'll just continue to mock from the sidelines.
I don't get the sick wife storyline, unless it's the soap opera kicking in to sell the thing.
Probably a wife not getting her job done is even worse when sick.
Cheating on your wife is the story, not the sick wife part.
I don't recall seeing the I'm skeptical flag before.
Man, oh man, oh man!!!
I am totally, completely, absolutely all consumified by the ugliest jealousy you can imagine!
I am jealous with a capital J and that’s JEALOUS!!!
If only Mrs. Bissage would get struck down with life-threatening cancer then I could step out and get me some of that fine, high-class poon tang.
A big league mistress like Rielle Hunter will meet you in a fancy hotel for a quickie and she can put her ankles behind her head and she’ll let you pump her while she rubs your prostate like a she’s trying to get a genie out of a magic lamp!
She’ll push her jugs together and let you grease her up and stick it right in there! Hell, if you want to, she’ll let you finish up on her face and she’ll wear a smile!
But not so fast, cowboy! She can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch and she’ll blow you with ice cubes in her mouth and afterwards you can do her doggy style while she does military-style hand-clap pushups! Hold on, baby, because that’s some wild ride!
God, and to think it was only a year and a half ago I paid real money to have a lump removed from my wife’s breast.
*bangs head repeatedly with both fists*
Am waiting for Mickey Kaus's first bloggingheads.tv appearance after this...
99% honest isn't enough?
Okay then, 99.5% but I'm not going a percent higher.
The interview on Nightline showed me that John Edwards is just plain nuts. Why lie some more while supposedly coming clean about previous lies?
Ann, the passages you excerpted were the perfect ones to demonstrate John Edwards' absurdity. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth either.
His poor, dying wife, Elizabeth. Wasn't it enough that she's suffering? That her husband betrayed her at this time must be crueler to her than the cancer ravaging her. How terribly, terribly sad.
The National Enquirer was plenty credible when it was smearing Rush Limbaugh after conspiring with his maid to buy her crazy-assed lies.
Had Edwards been The Candidate, who's to say he wouldn't have disclosed this information early-on, to prevent all this handwringing?
So, you conspired with your husband to deceive supporters who placed their faith and money in his campaign? Elizabeth, I've lost all respect for you.
garage mahal: Yep, how dare they not come clean [unlike every other living politician in history] to the National Enquirer sooner!
No, moron. Elizabeth and John had a duty to their supporters, not the media. Their base had a right to know his electibility was handicapped by this affair, so they could consider investing their time and energy in someone else.
Elizabeth: This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage
Right. I'll try that line out next time my security clearance is up. "Mr FBI Agent, its a private matter, none of your business".
Am I the last person to realize that trumpit = dtl?
or maybe trumpit = titus = dtl
I've been seeing some patterns lately... just speculating.
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
"If you had read the Nightline transcript, Ms. Althouse, you would know he says the child was not present for the Bev Hills meeting. His purpose in that meeting was to convince Ms. Hunter not to go public with the story of the affair."
Lisa, you seem to be taking what John Edwards says as an indication that it is truth.
I suggest to you that experience dictates that the opposite might be more appropriate- that when he says something, it makes more sense to presume the opposite is true.
All humans are subject to the thought that doing X will make them happier than not doing X, even though they know they shouldn't do it, and after they do it (or get caught) they find out that the cost was too high and their life is miserable.
So, on that account I can be sympathetic to Edwards.
But the real display of his character is that he'd cover it up and keep trying to fool the voting public.
There is a Mormon scripture that teaches that men are really going down hill, not when they sin, but when they undertake to cover their sins, or to gratify their pride, their vain ambition, or when they exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men (i.e. are controlling of others.)
Anyway, I hope Edwards can get back on track with his wife, so he doesn't have to live one day more at odds with her.
That is more important than his political ambitions now.
It'll be enjoyable to watch the shithole
downtownlad says "I'm not a leftist and I'm not angry".
The body of your postings here suggests that the former part is a lie. You are pretty far to the left.
The second part is also disproven by the body of your postings here, but probably best exemplified by a comment on this very thread-- "It'll be enjoyable to watch the shithole of a country known as America sink even further into the ditch."
If you aren't angry, then you have about the worst communication skills known to mankind.
Bissage, I bow to you. The best post you have ever made in all of the time I have spent here at Althouse. I salute you.
You're right Trooper York. Bissage's post reveals, in graphic detail, exactly how disgusting John Edwards' betrayal is. It's unforgivable.
"People wanna label anyone who likes to get a buzz in the evening as alcoholic nowadays. (Yes, I am speaking as someone who has been mislabeled an alcoholic by people who think I "drink too much" regardless of the fact that it hasn't had negative consequences on my responsibilities. I think people some people are just too puritanical nowadays.)"
LoafingOaf has it exactly right. This is all of a piece with the nanny statism where the liberal elitists don’t want you to smoke or drink or eat donuts fried in Tran’s fat. They are the direct descendants of Carrie Nation and those other fucking stupid Protestant assholes who wanted to control everyone. Now the cliché is that conservatives want to control people’s behavior. Bullshit. Conservatives like nothing better than smoking cigars and swilling cognac as we oppress the working man and live fat off the sweat of his brow. It's the fucking tofu eating, prius driving, carbon offset buying, Che t-shirt wearing, Kos posting, social worker cocksuckers that want to take away our cigars, booze and donuts. It is our duty to stand united against this pestilence. Go out have some fun tonight and show them that they can't kill our buzz.
I will be right back. I have to go to Dunkin Donuts and the liquor store.
Edwards is just a name on some leftover bumper stickers now.
The only important story here is the MSM cover-up and conspiracy. Let's hope the exposure continues. The country will be all the better for it.
ABCNews has story up now with the younger sister of Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, defending her honor. WHAT HONOR?
The tramp had an illicit affair with a prominent MARRIED politician whose wife is dying from cancer. How could she have done this to a wife in such horrible circumstances???
Here's the link:
I will be right back. I have to go to Dunkin Donuts and the liquor store.
May I suggest a nice German wheat beer and chocolate instead of donuts?
You haven't lived till you washed down some pumkin spiced munchkins with tequila. I wouldn't steer you wrong.
How about them Cowboys!
I did a shot of jager every time Edwards answered one of Woodruff's questions with "Can I explain it to you?" Or, "Well, first let me explain something."
And did he apologize to his supporters at any point? (I got drunk and passed out.) I feel he owes me an apology for being a TOTAL DOUCHE and lying and leading me to believe that he wasn't a prick. I want an apology.
That's a very dangerous game Zach. If you did a shot every time a politican lied your liver wouldn't last out the week.
The only important story here is the MSM cover-up and conspiracy
I may have to cut ABC some slack. Weren't they also the only MSM outlet to pick up the CBS Memo Hoax from Drudge after he got it from LGF and FR?
PSA Shoot.
Hello, my name is Hillary Clinton. I am sitting here with my friends Silda Sptizer and Elizabeth Edwards, the most admired woman in America, next to me, of course.. Since my political career is over, I have decided to channel my thirty years of service into a new and exciting challenge. Today I am announcing the formation of a new organization for the empowerment of women and families. The American family is the bedrock of our civilization and the American woman, the wife, is the bedrock of our society. Sometimes we face challenges that are hard to overcome. To help face these challenges, I have asked Elizabeth and Silda to join be in the formation of the Stand By Your Man Organization. This organization’s sole purpose is to empower women to stand by their husbands and keep their families together, no matter the challenges facing them. Please look for our ads in all the major media and contribute.
Thank you.
This PSA was produced and shot by Rielle Hunter.
He Trooper, remember the difference between and alcoholic and a drunk; alcoholics go to meetings.
Bissage you are the absolute best.
Trumpit said...
Yeah, tell Miss Althouse to delete my post will you, you sorry excuse for a censorious, censurable, censorial tramp. Don't call me mean spirited, call me Mr. Earl.
Nah, we’ll just call you Mr. Splooge.
"And did he apologize to his supporters at any point? (I got drunk and passed out.) I feel he owes me an apology for being a TOTAL DOUCHE and lying and leading me to believe that he wasn't a prick. I want an apology."
You're the one who said you'd "hit that". Ick.
.,Edwards explains it all: "All my life I have been a nookie magnet--even in college before I had the big bucks. With looks like these how could I be otherwise. See this hair. Even when I don't have time to brush it one hundred times, it still stays lustrous and soft. That forelock that falls just so across my forehead? I asked Gerard to cut it just so in order to emphasize my sincerity. OK, it is Gerard's artistry, but it was my idea. I have taken to pushing it back from my forehead with my left as opposed to right hand. Did you notice how much more thoughtful this make me look......Do you know any other fiftyish lawyers who look this good in a pair of tight jeans? Well, that's the other shoe to fall. When it comes out that I have had silicon implants in my butt, the tabloids will go wild. But really, just as much as an actor, a tort lawyer's body is his instrument. It is important to always look your best.....That's where I feel Elizabeth let the home team down. I don't mind her being overweight and rather plain looking in relation to me. In fact, that's why I married her. Nothing is so damaging for a man of gravitas as having the crowd pay more attention to his wife than to him. I pity that Kucinich character....No, you only have to look at her to see that I'm a man of substance who pays more attention to brains and character than good looks. The Hillary defense it's called.....But then instead of being plain and smart and in the background, she turns into Camille. At all the press events, she takes center stage...Can anyone blame me for turning elsewhere to seek attention?
Yeah, the interview killed it for me. Not sexy. Are there any politicians worth "hitting?" Hmm...Harold Ford? Maybe.
Are there any lady politicians that are hot? Isn't the governor or Michigan (Granholm?) sort of pretty?
California's not looking too good: Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Schwarzenegger.
I've been seeing some patterns lately
Me too...
Did you guys check out the LAT Blog on the interview? Apart from the tortured writing...it captured Woodruff's emotionally-charged questioning:
Of the two, Woodruff was so obviously more upset by the situation that it became, at times, just plain weird. "Were you in love with her?" he asked, his voice shaking, and I thought the man would burst into tears. Not Edwards, but Woodruff.
Nothing like a spicy SEX scandal to spike the ratings. My what's all the fuss? Democrat pols having affairs and lying about it? I thought it was SOP.
Dems - let's breakout the 1997 talking points. And where's Lanny Davis when you need him. Its "Deja Vu" all over again.
Who among us is shocked, truly shocked, to have it confirmed once and for all that Edwards is a plastic and phony POS? Or even needed this story for that? Me, I personally had it fully confirmed in February of last year when I saw the original five minute video of him and his hair.
What came as a surprise to me was the role of Elizabeth. She's complicit here. But, then, cancer or not, the truth is she's always been fully participatory as a partisan hack.
Now the size of their house makes sense. Even though Elizabeth was going to live with him for the sake of the campaign, she didn't want him any closer than absolutely necessary.
"Who among us is shocked, truly shocked, to have it confirmed once and for all that Edwards is a plastic and phony POS? Or even needed this story for that? Me, I personally had it fully confirmed in February of last year when I saw the original five minute video of him and his hair. "
Not I. I quote my favorite Althouse commenter, me, here:
"If Edwards is anywhere near that ticket, I am voting GOP or staying home, depending on who they nominate."
Ironically, I have ended up at the same place, either voting GOP or staying home. But the fact remains, it was obvious for a long, long time that Edwards is nothing more than a creep.
But the fact remains, it was obvious for a long, long time that Edwards is nothing more than a creep.
Yup. Even Kerry complained about having Edwards on the ticket.
But this is hillarious:
Conservatives like nothing better than smoking cigars and swilling cognac as we oppress the working man and live fat off the sweat of his brow. It's the fucking tofu eating, prius driving, carbon offset buying, Che t-shirt wearing, Kos posting, social worker cocksuckers that want to take away our cigars, booze and donuts. It is our duty to stand united against this pestilence. Go out have some fun tonight and show them that they can't kill our buzz.
I take it you haven't spent much time around some seriously born-again Christians, particularly of the Southern Baptist variety, eh, Trooper York? I'll agree with you that there are some major buzzkill people on the left, but there's no shortage of them on the right, also, and from what I've seen (being someone who has smoked, drank, and eaten a lot of beef and pastries at various liberal events, as well as more than a few conservative ones - I get around), the lefty buzzkill types don't have much sway outside their small but intensely dedicated circles. They certainly don't get invited to the fun liberal parties.
Oh, and one more thing. Fuck John Edwards. He could have sunk the whole Democratic Party if he got the Presidential or VP nod with this thing hanging over him. He should have just stayed on the sidelines, made money and screwed whoever he wanted without any of us caring or it affecting anyone outside his family. And for that matter, I'm not very happy with Elizabeth Edwards encouraging him to get back into the political fray if she knew this had happened, but I'm not going to criticize her much because of what she's gone through and because she wasn't the one who started this whole chain of events.
A mere two months ago:
But the fact remains, it was obvious for a long, long time that Edwards is nothing more than a creep.
Agreed, creeps like Edwards and McCain cheating on their ill wives is reprehensible. What kind of person could cheat when your wife has cancer or disfigured from a car accident?
I just read the transcript, and now I know why you never do an interview after you've been caught lying about an affair. I am not a lawyer, but evasiveness was about as clumsy as I've ever seen.
Is Washington Monthly now The Onion of The Beltway?
Is Washington Monthly now The Onion of The Beltway?
Could be. Could be. Heh. Everything's turned on its head, with the National Enquirer having more cred than MSM.
I kinda feel for the guy who wrote that article. He had some good points...
Here's what I found most remarkable:
7. Because running with someone who repents his pro-war vote throws Obama's skills into full relief, and keeps the focus on 2002.
Keeps the focus on 2002?
Is that really what you want? "We're the party of SIX YEARS AGO!"
That'd be like McCain running on the Lewinsky scandal.
"The lefty buzz kill types don't have much sway outside their small but intensely dedicated circles. They certainly don't get invited to the fun liberal parties."
Well I live in New York City and we don't see many Southern Baptist types here since they have been outlawed except as tourists. But your basic commie liberal scumbags here in New York are the ones behind the no smoking, close down the bars at midnight and no Tran’s fat in your food movements. They are the goo-goo types on community boards and the local committees who work in a nefarious underground way to take the rights of the hard working degenerate population who want their shot and a beer while smoking a lucky strike and eating a mozzarella stick. I grant the point that there are plenty of those no good protestant blue noses out in the sticks, but here it is the lefties that want to kill our buzz. And they are all prime hypocrites of the John Edwards/Bill Clinton type who will carry a bible into church on Sunday to see if there are any more commandments to break. We need an honestly corrupt mayor like Jimmie Walker who only wanted to bang chorus girls, drink gin and take bribes and let the good times roll. Nanny Bloomberg should be impeached. As a drunken Papist sot I demand my rights to go to hell in the way I choose, not in the way that douche bag Bloomberg wants, watching tennis and choking on a tofu burger. Commies.
Could be. Could be. Heh. Everything's turned on its head, with the National Enquirer having more cred than MSM.
Makes you wonder why the MSM hasn't picked up any of the other revelations by the Enquirer like Bush's Booze Crisis doesn't it?
Faced with the biggest crisis of his political life, President Bush has hit the bottle again, The National Enquirer can reveal.
Bush, who said he quit drinking the morning after his 40th birthday, has started boozing amid the Katrina catastrophe.
Family sources have told how the 59-year-old president was caught by First Lady Laura downing a shot of booze at their family ranch in Crawford, Texas, when he learned of the hurricane disaster.
His worried wife yelled at him: "Stop, George."
There you have in black and white. Why is the MSM covering for Bush?
"We need an honestly corrupt mayor like Jimmie Walker who only wanted to bang chorus girls, drink gin and take bribes and let the good times roll."
JJ was mayor of New York? When?
He was mayor from 1926 to 1932 unitl he moved to projects of Chicago one step ahead of an indictment. Dyno-mite!
I guess you don't believe in people learning or growing or changing. I do. It takes me a while to believe a change is real, though.
The McCain that I have seen has been a pretty stand-up guy for most of his life, and especially in the last 20 someodd years.
That said, I have no love for John McCain. If I vote at all, it will be because Obama and his cult have convinced me that they are too untrustworthy. My candidate was eliminated long ago.
Trooper York said...
Well I live in New York City…
Yeah? You should try living in the United Socialist Soviet Republic of Chicago in good old Crook County Illinois. We have a Tsarist dictator for a mayor and a rubber stamp politburo for a city council. If you look up crooks, thieves, or despots, Chicago politician is the first definition. Everything is slowly being forbidden here. Everything is being taxed, fined, regulated- appropriate fees demanded of course, or confiscated. Small business is the enemy and corporate is in. Da Mayor, Richard Cranium, is now in Bejing. He is taking lessons from his mentors, the Chinese, on how to control citizens and deny them more rights, human or otherwise.
Trooper York said...
It's the fucking tofu eating, prius driving, carbon offset buying, Che t-shirt wearing, Kos posting, social worker cocksuckers that want to take away our cigars, booze and donuts. It is our duty to stand united against this pestilence. Go out have some fun tonight and show them that they can't kill our buzz.
I’m with you Troop. I’m on the way out now!!! Of course, I have skulk and sneak around. Fun has been outlawed in this Democratic Socialist paradise Chicago. But, I know where to go. There are still a few places left where the smoking ban is laughed at, the beer is cold, the booze flows free, and the food is great- everything that is SUPPOSEDLY bad for you. The only music allowed is C&W and Rock and Roll. Every now and then there is even a major sporting event; a good, old fashioned, knock down, drag out bar fight. It is the ultimate dive.
Thanks you guys. You are the most bestest EVAR!!!!1!1!!
Respect your opinion, but disagree totally. I'd be cool with Cindy McCain as President, John McCain, never.
As a drunken Papist sot I demand my rights to go to hell in the way I choose ...
Amen, brother! Sing it!
(And, damn it, I was NOT flirting in that airport bar. Sheesh. He was too young.
Onlookers: Just wanted to make sure Troop saw my reply to something he posted elsewhere.
Move along, as you were.)
Admit it. You are a cougar!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, sometimes, one size fits all. Hee hee.
The Messiah cheat on his beloved? What? I was going to say that Michelle has his genitals in a lockbox, but then I realized that Chris "Tingle Up My Leg" Matthews probably has dibs on them.
donuts fried in Tran’s fat.
Hey, McCain said we should reconcile with the Vietnamese already. Cannibalism is NOT called for.
Bissage, I love you.
"liberal elitists don’t want you to smoke or drink or eat donuts fried in Tran’s fat."
Who in God's name is Tran, and please don't tell me that all my years of donut-eating mean that I'm some kind of cannibal!!!
Toto Coelo.
But Trooper, you're giving him a run for his money.
Ole Uncle festus is going to give a speech at the Democratic convention. Here is a man with no shame who has done nothing but benefit from his serial infidelity. His so called wife, Senator Satnd by your man is now a haqs been.
I have an idea. He, Eliot Spitzar, John Edwards, and Jesse Jackson- all paragons of honesty, morality, and ethics, should give a joint appearance and speech. You know, kind of like the Three Tenors. They could be the Adulters Lying Quartet.
Given that what he said last night is already being shown to be lies, I doubt highly uncle fetus is going to be speaking anywhere for any party any time soon.
I've witnessed the way people crash and burn. They deny, and then they "come clean" by doing nothing of the sort. Then some of them eventually hit bottom and learn from it. The rest never learn.
Edwards hasn't hit rock bottom yet, probably because the millions upon millions he won with his 'sincerity' as a trial lawyer mean that he has much further to go to hit the bottom.
But I wonder how many of those millions were won by him having a wonderful ability to lie-- meaning that he swindled companies out of millions to enrich himself and others?
No, that's wrong of me to think. He was a populist, after all! He was for all of us! And despite his frailties, he did good by all of us!
Especially by Rielle. He did really good by her. I love the $3m house Edwards' pal, Fred Baron, bought for her. I'd love to live there. But I just live here in podunkville with my wife and two kids.
Both the NY Post and the NY Daily News did stories on Ms. Hunter. Evidently, according to them, she was a major party girl. In effect a sticky headed ho. I guess somethings never change as one matures.
Why not add Jim McGreevy to that group?
Then the Dems will have sewed up about 100 or more electoral votes from their states combined: NY, NJ, NC, IL, AR for Spitzer, McGreevy, Edwards, Jackson & Clinton. Heh.
I guess I should feel foolish now.
I guess I need the nickname explained to me?
Um, Ole Uncle Festus is the alias of Billy Bob Clinton, you know, the guy who was getting blown by that whore Monica. She, who saved his splooge on her dress?
What is it with Republicans and their fascination with Democrat semen?
Oh, ugh.
MCG et al, predictably enuf, are gonna go for the "well-the-woman-was-a-ho!" thang.
They might not like Edwards, but even so, they're gonna close ranks and go for the woman, because in the end they'd prefer the 'ho' narrative, even at the expense of loosening the hook on an Edwards.
Some folks are just "like that."
"They might not like Edwards, but even so, they're gonna close ranks and go for the woman, because in the end they'd prefer the 'ho' narrative, even at the expense of loosening the hook on an Edwards.
Some folks are just "like that."
Isn't it just possible that Edwards is a complete scuzz-bucket and totally culpable for this whole mess AND Hunter is a big 'ho?
It seems to me that there's both necessary and sufficient evidence for the description you offered with regard to Edwards. Also, he offered himself up for public consumption (yes, that would be one of my understatements).
Not so much so with regard to Hunter (in reference to sentence one of the previous graf). Also, not so much with regard to Hunter (in reference to sentence two of the previous graf).
Isn't it just possible that Edwards is a complete scuzz-bucket and totally culpable for this whole mess AND Hunter is a big 'ho?
Isn't it just possible that Edwards is a complete scuzz-bucket and totally culpable for this whole mess AND Hunter is not a "ho" (big or otherwise) though, at the same time, not without a certain culpability (and certainly not without a certain responsibility: it's just that it's not equivalent to his)?
C'mon, Palladian, you're better than this. And that.
You also know--or so I've always assumed--the difference between truly public figures and those who are not truly public figures.
Edwards was running for POTUS. 'Til just less than a month ago, he was still running for VPOTUS.
It seems to me, given your choice of response here, in context, that you have more distinctions to sharpen than do I.
That surprises me. And so I ask you: Why?
So your wife's cancer is in remission? Alright then YOU GO BOY!!!
Amba, I am positively blown away by your 9:10.
And that has everything to do with my warm personal regard for you.
Thank you very, very much.
"Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication...."
What Elizabeth Edwards surely meant was
"Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies, published in a tabloid publication....".
It lacked an important comma. But punctuation isn't everyone's strong suit.
Bissage and Trooper are on fire.
I hope this isn't a crowded theater; doubtful as I come into it the morning after.
And what gives? A bacchanal against against socialists, and I wasn't invited? But I hate nannystaters, too!
Goodbye Johnny, ye of the Silky Hair; we hardly knew ye. Of course, neither did Elizabeth, apparently. Maybe if you do that lawyer thing again, where you channel the voices of the infant hurt by the evil transgressor (this time, you), maybe she'll forgive you.
"She speaks to you through me," the lawyer went on in his closing argument. "And I have to tell you right now — I didn't plan to talk about this — right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Hell, it's worked before.
Meade, the doctor was some kind of general surgeon/oncologist and she said the lump was benign but it should come out anyway. We didn’t ask any questions. We just showed up at the hospital on time.
It was done in a special breast surgery ward and I took Mrs. Bissage home after about four or five hours, IIRC. Cost about $8,000 but insurance paid for almost all of it.
(I just confirmed the bill with my lovely and talented wife who’s cutting flowers in the garden as we speak. I yelled out the window, “Hey, how much did that surgery cost?” Who says I’m not chock full of couthie goodness!)
Anyway, to tell you the truth, the hospital experience was actually kind of fun for me because I got to keep the patients and nurses and aides entertained in the post-op with a little comedy routine.
I know, I know . . . I’m kind of selfish, that way.
Nobody’s perfect.
lol. (And I don't lol lightly).
"Nobody’s perfect."
Some of your posts come pretty close.
I heard Edwards met her in an airport bar. Just sayn'
You're saying what? That reader_iam and Rielle Hunter read the same blogs? Fly the same airlines? Know the same politicia...
Those cougars have an underground organization.
I telling ya they got websites and a newsletter and everything.
Althouse sends out secret messages in her posts like the Allies did before we invaded Normandy.
They just had their big conferance in LA.
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