Get it?
When's the last time we had a VP with bangs?
And some cheeky people are typing: VPILF. Oh, no! That's so wrong! But, that said, I don't think it would be so unusual to have a VPILF. Why I dream of Dick Cheney every night! j/k.
ADDED: Sorry, I said "a couple" and then had some internet troubles. Here's another:

AND: Here's Palin:
AND: Where I see Audrey Hepburn, Neo Neocon sees a different movie star.
३७४ टिप्पण्या:
374 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»She has kind of a sexy librarian look going on.
There is a web site called http://www.vpilf.com featuring Palin.
You and Craig Ferguson think alike, Revenant! :-) (Oh, me too.)
p_bain: oh my goodness, that's awesome.
Well, the bangs certainly beat Biden's hair implants.
Which "lefty" bloggers? The ones I'm reading are talking about how she doesn't even know what the VP does.
But that's one reason why it works. The pick works on many levels, because one can imagine there being some young male voters who were going to sleepwalk into voting for Obama because he was cool, and now they've been slapped awake by the undeniable fact that there is a slamming hottie on the GOP ticket, and there is nothing cooler than a slamming hottie. Young voters are back in play.
Really? They are giving her crap about her hair? I'm guessing their saying how much more "qualified" Hillary's do looked.
Ugh - I really do hate how some people make everything political.
Palin's selection is nothing more than an attempt to put lipstick on a pig.
The pig being the GOP.
You might want to use this link that Victoria provided to the Palin acceptance speach
I was impressed.
look at Cindy behind them. Cindy clearly is happy with the pick. Contrast that to how we think Michelle felt about picking Hillary
Yeah, but bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.
Yeah, if the lefty bloggers want to go mano a mano on Palin vs. Biden anywhere in the looks department, I say bring it on.
I don't see a problem with her hair, it looks like something manageable for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to futz with her 'do.
Trevor, that's the best you folks can muster against Palin? You take an obviously rhetorical question and try to spin it as asking a question that she doesn't know the answer to?
Lame, desperate, pathetic, and even, I dare say it, Obama.
No doubt. She's a babe.
And, so is Michelle.
Michelle is attractive, no doubt, when she wipes that friggin' scowl off her face.
Here is how the non-biased MSM compared Palin's and Obama's experience.
via the AP: Palin is 44, Obama 47. She served in her statehouse 20 months. Obama served in his statehouse for eight years. Obama and Palin are running less on their resumes than on they are on their promise. The promise of change and new politics.
Wow, notice the use of the word "statehouse." One should know that Obama was a "legislator," while Palin is a governor. There is obviously a huge difference between the two. One is a full time job managing thousands of workers,etc... The other is a part time job sharing an office and a secretary. Palin probably logged more hours of work being a governor in 3 months than Obama did in 8 years.
Wow, the MSM!
By the way, while I'm feeling bipartisan, that picture of the Obama family on Drudge right now is killer. It beats the Palin photo above it (though there are better).
When's the last time we had a VP with bangs?
Since Gerry Ferraro? :)
I hadn't seen a younger portrait of Rep. Ferraro in years. Man, was she a looker or what?
Ann, sharp-eyed association to Audrey Hepburn. Gays, women, and libs love her.
I adore Audrey Hepburn. If James Bond is the man all men want to be, she was the woman every woman wants to be.
Don't feel sorry for Hillary. The woman is getting more powerful in the Senate.
Somebody needs to retire Harry Reid. Who would be next in line for his job?
The Illinois legislature is a part-time legislature, BTW.
sloanasaurus: that article was written by the same Robert Fournier that the left literally wanted strung up just a little while back.
The "Harriet Miers" of VP picks. Is how Sullivan puts it.
She named her kids after characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer....
dude wtf...
Alaska NewsReader has a collection of news article from various papers.
re: Michelle, she has a face with a beautiful bone structure and a terrific smile.
I wonder if the Obama campaign is going to end up regretting beating up on Geraldine Ferraro earlier this year. Probably not, but...
AlphaLiberal said...No doubt. She's a babe. And, so is Michelle.
Ah........no. Let's be honest. Michelle Obama looks like a tranny compared to Sarah Palin.
Talk about affirmative action. All this talk about Michelle Obama being good looking is the ultimate in affirmative action for ugly women.
But she has other qualities.
AlphaLiberal said...
"No doubt. She's a babe. And, so is Michelle."
Different kind of babe. Michelle comes across as likely to take out that seething anger she struggles to contain on you with some serious femdom, and that's nice, but the rough stuff has a shelf life. It'll do you for a spell. But Palin comes across as having matured, and women who've gotten past their issues are even hotter. They're the keepers, and they're certainly the ones you want in political office.
I think Michelle Obama is rather beautiful. So is Sarah Palin. So can we get over the looks thing now?
Right, Simon. Her rhetoric implies that it's a position with far less importance and responsibility than her current position.
So, then either she has since learned that she's incorrect and now knows all that the VP is responsible for or has decided she'd rather do less.
"The "Harriet Miers" of VP picks. Is how Sullivan puts it."
When will that tiresome old queen just shut the fuck up? I mean, really, Mary.
jdeeripper: I'm certain we could find similarly unflattering photos of Palin. Then again, maybe not. As a former beauty queen she probably knows better than to let herself out of the house looking unkempt, as Michelle clearly is in that photo.
By the way, while I'm feeling bipartisan, that picture of the Obama family on Drudge right now is killer.
MCG, you know the best part of this campaign? That all 4 candidates have KILLER looking families.
Obama, Michelle and their girls make for a gorgeous, greyhound-sleek family.
Joe Biden holding and being surrounded his blond children and grandchildren were the best part of Day 3. His wife, Jill, is a total hottie.
John and Cindy McCain, and their family? Spectacular. Moving. Inclusive..
But for me, Sarah and Todd Palin, and their kids are on a league of their own.
They're the typical American family next door.
We are a very blessed country, where 4 families of this calibre can be vying for the Top 2 First Families of the land.
UWSguy, Sullivan pegs his dismissal to the same failed quote that Trevor did. If the best you can do is represent an obviously rhetorical question as a serious interrogatory, you've lost the argument.
Trevor Jackson said...
"Right, Simon. Her rhetoric implies that it's a position with far less importance and responsibility than her current position."
No, Trevor, that is not what it implies at all. The Vice-Presidency is a role that has as much or as little power as the President chooses to give her; Palin's rhetoric implies that she wants an assurance that she will be given real power and responsibility rather than being purely ceremonial. I can't believe that that's anything other than obvious.
Ok...creationist? That's it for me honestly.
She's the GWB of female VPs. How about that? A regular joe, short term governor of a rural state? God+Guns+Country?
I liked GWB, but we don't need more rednecks running our foreign policy.
Blogger mcg said...By the way, while I'm feeling bipartisan, that picture of the Obama family on Drudge right now is killer. It beats the Palin photo above it (though there are better).
Nope. Palin and kids win again.
Michelle Obama is a very unattractive woman.
Not that this should be a beauty contest.
...And the fact that she accepted implies that the McCain camp got the message and agreed to her terms.
Simon said: Michelle comes across as likely to take out that seething anger she struggles to contain on you with some serious femdom..
That's why Barack's history is like the "Story of O"*
*riff off Trooper York
Victoria: uh oh, now you've done it. You've posted that picture of Palin's family with her older daughter in a Jessica Valenti pose! :-)
And dude...
she named her kids off of TV shows...
Not only do I intend to vote for this ticket;
I intend to actively support it.
she named her kids off of TV shows...
Better than naming them for TV shows :) Besides, they're cool names.
Gays love Audrey Hepburn? Since when.
But anyway, Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007.
Heh. Just... heh. The Republican convention will be a crazy standing-room-only barn-burner. They should consider renting Delaware in order to accommodate all the newly interested attendees. Save a seat for Joe B., brief one-time VP candidate.
lutherm: indeed. I've been holding off on giving money until I learned the pick. I'm satisfied with this one, that's for sure. It's not perfect but none of them were, and the advantages of this pick are delicious. :-)
"But anyway, Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007."
You voted for George W. Bush, going all the way back to 2000. Did you hit your head or something since then?
@Luthern, "Not only do I intend to vote for this ticket;
I intend to actively support it."
That is funny. It's the religious republicans who have been trying their best to force themselves into fervor for McCain, it's borderline delusional.
DTL said: Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007
DTL you weren't suppose to get that memo detailing why he picked her.
republican males just want to fuck her.
It's amazing how blatent they are on that fact. Women are chattel, even the ones in office.
What does VPILF mean?
Well, if that's the case let's hope that whatever power she's granted comes nowhere near foreign policy.
Which brings us back to the question of whether McCain should be anywhere near that power either.
"Next stop, Moscow!"
Typical, the nutroot libtards can only talk about hairdos.
Here it is folks
Trevor, I'll make a concession on that point, I really think that McCain and I have a fundamental disagreement on how to handle Russia. But that doesn't incline be against him because I think Obama's just as bad on that front.
Vice President I'd Like to Fuck.
a play off of MILF = mother I'd like to fuck.
which taps into men who are drawn to married women with children who are still sexually appealing.
But for me, Sarah and Todd Palin, and their kids are on a league of their own.
Victoria - Does that flag pin look photoshopped? Just wondering.
They're the typical American family next door.
Precisely. That's why she is so dangerous, and the partisan Democrats here so angry and upset. The big question is can she hold her own over the course of the campaign. It is a positively stunning choice, upsetting the norms of candidate selection as well as the self-importance of the beltway. Like Obama, Palin will have to prove she's up to the job. Given that she's runnning for the #2 slot, I'm far less concerned about her relative lack of experience than I am about Obama's relative lack of experience.
"republican males just want to fuck her.
It's amazing how blatent they are on that fact. Women are chattel, even the ones in office."
I'm not a Republican nor do I want to fuck her, yet I'm a male and I like her so far. So your theory falls apart, Ultimate Wine Saving guy.
The Republican convention will be a crazy standing-room-only barn-burner.
Translation: They'll have to abduct fewer homeless people to fill the 10,000 seat venue than they might have otherwise.
jdeeripper said...
"Michelle Obama is a very unattractive woman."
No... She has great legs, she's very pretty when she doesn't contort her face into a snarl, and she comes across as quite overpowering. She looks like someone who just doesn't back down, and that can be attractive in a woman who can pull it off (some can, some can't).
Michelle Obama is not a babe. Her ass is the size of an aircraft carrier. Not that that makes her a bad person. But the mamouth BWA she has diqualifies her from being a babe with anyone other than Sir. Mixalot.
The media is now attacking Palin for running for office rather than giving more attention to her new baby.
Apparently Obama came out and belittled Palin for being a mayor of a small town and working on insignificant issues like property taxes.
I am sure he thought about how that helps him connect with small town Americans.
chickenlittle said...
Somebody needs to retire Harry Reid. Who would be next in line for his job?
I believe Dick Durbin, or Durbin the turban as we call him in Illinois, is in line. Another corrupt Illinois politician.
I have some vague recollection that you had an unsolicited website pushing a candidate (Olympia Snowe maybe?). If my recollection is correct you might get a kick out of this story, if you haven't seen it yet.
The advantage of that hair style is that for a busy woman, half the do can be a hair piece. Not that I have a clue as to whether her's is or not.
Didn't she veto legislation denying benefits to same sex partners? Where does the anti-gay meme come from?
Her hairdo is just as important as Dan Qualye's was. Not at all.
He was a pretty boy, she is a pretty girl.
He was ultimately an embarassment; she soon will be.
McCain boldly flunked his first (and only)presidential decision.
p.s. Has Cindy gotten back from assessing the situation in Georgia, or have they decided to stop mentioning THAT folly!
Why are the republicans in this thread happy to objectify Michelle Obama and Sara Palin?
Are you guys seriously debating which one you'd rather fuck?
calling Michelle obama ugly and talking about her "big ass" is racist.
there, I said it. She's not as good looking as that nice clean white woman /rollseyes.
The ones I'm reading are talking about how she doesn't even know what the VP does.
He/she waits for the President to die.
Oh, and breaks a tie in the Senate once or twice, if it is an unusually exciting Vice Presidency.
Wow. I don't believe you guys the way you're trashing Michelle Obama.
What assholes.
VPILF==Vice President I'd like to fuck
I first saw that when "host with the most" posted it on a previous thread earlier today.
Incidentally, "host with the most" this week pointed out how awful the Democratic Parties' family values are by insinuating their desire to have a wife swapping orgy right there on the stage at the convention.
This is why I like visiting this blog. Sometime I need to be reminded just how deep in the gutter Democrats really are.
Oh no!
She used to be against HRC identity politics, before today when she came to love both HRC and identity politics.
Why are the republicans in this thread happy to objectify Michelle Obama and Sara Palin?
I don't accept the idea that it is "objectifying" to talk about women's sex appeal.
calling Michelle obama ugly and talking about her "big ass" is racist.
Racist? Sure, why not. What isn't racist, these days. Personally I thought she was fairly attractive before I heard her speak.
If we're going to talk about her hair, we should say she looks sharp in black, too. So does McCain. I like his purple tie, too.
Jim, great memory. And I loved that story - Brickley did yeoman's work and deserves major kudos.
republican males just want to fuck her.
Interesting the first VPILF riff I saw was on Huffpo. The truth is it probably sprang up simultaneously on blogs across the world.
It's amazing how blatent they are on that fact. Women are chattel, even the ones in office.
Women are chattel? Hillary couldn't even get on the ticket does that make her cattle?
I viewed the acceptance speech. It was gracious and hit theright points. McCain picked right.
Also, McCain has way, way more class than Obama. He was gracious and complimentary about the Biden pick.
Obama is critical of Palin. Typical childish response. I hope the adults win.
"Wow. I don't believe you guys the way you're trashing Michelle Obama."
You're the asshole. I said Michelle Obama is beautiful, as did other people here so shut your yap.
I'm sure Hillary is off for greener pastures now anyway.
If McCain had a heart attack tomorrow, would Palin be the nominee for the republicans?
If McCain had a heart attack tomorrow, would Palin be the nominee for the republicans?
We can only hope.
Hee--perfect timing by McCain. Everyone's talking about Palin now, and no one's talking about that other guy. Whatsisname. O-something.
No, she wouldn't be my pick for President. But in the unfortunate event she needs to be, she will be just fine. I am more comfortable with Palin than I would be either Obama or Biden.
"...so shut your yap."
Gee, and I was just closing out this tab. Can you read? There are many personal, nasty, insulting and childish posts here towards Michelle Obama.
I can't think of one lib post that hasn't criticized Palin on her policy stands, or actions in public office.
Liberals, please don't slither int eh conservative sewer with the low class conservatives here. Keep it to the public issues. There's plenty to work with.
Typical, the nutroot libtards can only talk about hairdos.
You picked rather an inopportune post to attach this comment to, don't you think?
Actually, I first posted VPILF on this blog, but I stole it from Ace of Spades. Oh, and it is a joke, though there is no denying Palin is very cute. Michelle Obama is also quite good looking. though she tends to get caught with exagerated expressions on her face which look funny when frozen, hardly a crime. I personally feel that she's the real radical lefty in the relationship, but she is a pretty striking looking woman and uses her height well.
One of the posters made a very good point about another benefit of choosing Palin over Romney, Rudy or Fred: "McCain can keep running those Biden-attacking-Obama ads, with little worry that he would get the same back had he nominated a primary rival with a Biden-like campaign trail."
republican males just want to fuck her. It's amazing how blatent they are on that fact. Women are chattel, even the ones in office.
Maybe you have difficulty respecting a woman you happen to find sexy. If so, that's too bad, both for you and your prospective partners. You're missing out.
But in any case, don't presume that all of us have the same problem.
neil k. said...
"[Typical, the nutroot libtards can only talk about hairdos.] You picked rather an inopportune post to attach this comment to, don't you think?"
I don't think there's anything wrong with talking on a shallower, more stylistic level as long as that's not all you're doing. The criticism of the left for attacking her appearence is that (for now) that's all they've got. One of the things that's nice about this blog is that the regulars here can and do talk on several levels in one thread - it isn't all dour and serious all the time, there's some serious discussion, but there's also a sense of fun. I think it's a very rare atmosphere, and it's great.
Neil K wrote:
You picked rather an inopportune post to attach this comment to, don't you think?
Since Ann posted this as a response to liberal sites ("I hear some of the lefty bloggers are having trouble with it, even daring to mock it"), I think your point looks silly.
Her husband's not bad either
DTL said: Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007
Palin's first veto was used on legislation that would have barred the state from granting benefits to gay state employees and their partners. In effect, her veto granted State benefits to same-sex couples. The veto occurred after Palin consulted with her attorney general on the constitutionality of the legislation.
And, how many women vote for someone just because they're of the same gender? That strikes me as more than a bit patronizing.
Women, beautiful as they may be, do think beyond a person's gender.
And people will be talking about that excellent convention night last night for a long time. (Did McSame fill his Nutter venue after all?)
she tends to get caught with exagerated expressions on her face which look funny when frozen, hardly a crime
That's her strongest qualification to be First Lady.
Creationist? No.
Anti-Gay? No.
Any more myths you'd like to push into memes, my liberal friends?
bearbee: in fairness to DTL, Palin said that she vetoed it because it was her constitutional responsibility: that the Supreme Court had already spoken on the issue. She also said she disagreed with the Supreme Court's decision. So yes, certainly by DTL's standards, she is anti-gay. But she is also pro-rule-of-law and that is to be commended.
Ann posted this as a response to liberal sites ("I hear some of the lefty bloggers are having trouble with it, even daring to mock it")
Ann's the only blog post I've seen today which focuses on the subject of Sarah Palin's hair. If it's such an unworthy subject of discussion, why would Ann put her two cents in?
That's her strongest qualification to be First Lady.
Laura Bush would make a better US President than Hillary Clinton.
A more ethical one, for certain.
Republicans Don Young & Ted Stevens sponsored the $223,000,000 bridge to nowhere.
Democrat Barack Obama voted to build the bridge to nowhere.
Republican John McCain voted against building the bridge to nowhere.
Republican Sarah Palin killed the bridge to nowhere.
Who demonstrated political courage and who played politics-as-usual?
why would Ann put her two cents in?
To inform. To correct. To Debate.
We can do this all day, but I feel badly as you are probably unaware of how blogs work.
Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms.
If this doesn't make her a creationist I don't know what it does make. Somebody who thinks they should teach things in school that they don't think are true, I guess?
No revenent, Palin's entire appeal is to white male voters who have a hard on for a women who pops out babies and hunts...
I mean, what else is there? Y'all can't stop talking about her babies and how many guns she owns in addition to her being a MILF.
It's not the left that is fixated on these non issues.
I mean did democrats crow that John Edwards had nice hair? I mean WTF.
It's like the mancrush everyone had when bush wore his flight suit with the bulge. Republicans talk about taxes but they're happy to run on tapping into the reptilian portion of the hippocampus.
Here's more on the scandal involving Alaska gov Sarah Palin, which is apparently called "Wooten-gate," after the brother-in-law she apparently tried to have fired.
The link shows how she denied involvement, but a recorded phone call (audio at the link) has her appointee saying:
"The Palins can't figure out why nothing's going on,"
Just the type of ethically challenged person needed to carry on the Bush-Cheney legacy!
I'm still waiting to hear which lefty bloggers were criticizing her hair.
Alan posted a link to a palin interview that said, "both sides should be taught."
How is that not creationism?
why would Ann put her two cents in?
To inform. To correct. To Debate.
So it's a worthy subject, then.
No revenent, Palin's entire appeal is to white male voters who have a hard on for a women who pops out babies and hunts...
Wishful thinking. There are women around the country right now who are absolutely ecstatic about this choice. Not just comfortable, not just happy, but excited. You'd like to reduce to a simple equation of hormones but you ought to be scared.
To inform. To correct. To Debate.
Honestly, I thought it was just an excuse to close off one 200-comment thread and kick off another one. (Due to quirks in Blogger's formatting, posts with more than 200 comments aren't easy to read).
Neil K & UWS, keep reading that article. It was already quoted by me and another Althousian.
I likened it to suggesting an alternative energy source than gas.
Your logic seems to be suggesting that if someone says, "let's try hydrogen and gas", that they automatically believe that ONLY hydrogen should be used.
Read it. Carefully. Again. Pretty Please.
Alan posted a link to a palin interview that said, "both sides should be taught."
How is that not creationism?
Read the whole article and you'll answer your own question.
But anyway, Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007.
One of Gov. Palin's first actions was to veto a law that would prevent benefits to same sex partners.
She has stated several times that she is opposed to gay marriage, but is not anti-gay. There are millions of us who think exactly like her.
No revenent, Palin's entire appeal is to white male voters who have a hard on for a women who pops out babies and hunts...
Sorry, UWS, but you lot are the ones who think "sexy woman" is synonymous with "chattel". Apparently you can't get it up unless the woman is inferior to you.
Me, I see a woman I'd be happy with as either President or a bed buddy, the former being substantially more likely. :)
Honestly, the more I hear about Sarah Palin the more I like her. McCain picking her pretty much ensured my wife's vote as well.
Add to it, she's exactly the kind of role model we should want our daughters to aspire to, strong, independent, willing to fight for what she believes in. I think a kind thought or two should be spared for her husband. Even in these days, it's unusual for a man to be able to stand comfortably in his wife's shadow. The fact that he can do it with grace speaks well of his character and her taste.
The comments of our liberal colleagues are rapidly descending into farce when they launch into attacks on hair styles and support aborting down syndrome babies. I suspect their votes for McCain were problematic in the first place, so we will put the liberals down as undecided for the time being.
Silly liberals--this VP pick wasn't aimed at you. It was aimed at those bible toting gun toting middle americans, women, hillary supporters and the conservative base. You should look at the comments on the hillary forum if you don't think that contingent of democratic women likely voters isnt excited. This one pick will herd that constituency back to the corral. It also will deflate the coverage of whats his names speech last night in Denver and compete with the Obama speech for Sunday talk show fodder.
Of course, from the liberal narcissistic perspective its all about them anyway, so its easy to understand why they don't see the importance of this pick--or at least dont want to talk about it. Biden gave Obama no bounce; lets see if Palin does. I am betting 3 to 5 point bounce.
that is a horrible analogy.
Hydrogen = real
gas (I'm assuming you mean fossil fuels) = real
That's a whole different order than debating between science and magic.
Do you understand that? Hydrogen exists...it's real...Nobody says we should debate the benefits of running our cars off of unicorn tears do they?
What if Sara Palin came out and said we could end hunger in the world with one of two choices...we could use science to genetically modify better food, or we could carve the cheese out of the moon to feed Africa.
Hydrogen = real
coal = real
oil = real
Evolution = real
creation = fantastic shit.
And, how many women vote for someone just because they're of the same gender? That strikes me as more than a bit patronizing.
And, how many (insert ethnicity here) vote for someone just because they're of the same ethnicity? That strikes me as more than a bit patronizing.
Sorry, that's just the way it is sometime.
Let's see, before today she had been the part-time mayor of a small town in Alaska, then that state's governor for LESS than one term (she's still the incumbent), she has NO policy experience on a national, let alone international, level, has been attached to a few scandals in Alaska, and, oh yeah, she was a beauty queen in the mid-80s. Very reassuring bona fides for a VP candidate.
"Michelle Obama is also quite good looking. though she tends to get caught with exagerated expressions on her face which look funny when frozen, hardly a crime. I personally feel that she's the real radical lefty in the relationship, but she is a pretty striking looking woman and uses her height well."
I definitely agree with all of this. People who are constantly photographed are often caught making weird faces. Photojournalists (or their editors) sometimes use these bad pictures to slyly editorialize about politicians. I don't think this is quite fair. Some people have the uncanny ability to always photograph well. Michelle Obama isn't one of those people, though her husband is. Actually, when he's not deliberately smiling or posing, he often looks like an emotionless robot, so I don't know if that's actually better than making more human faces.
Anyway, when Michelle isn't scowling or fuming, I think she's beautiful. I think Hillary is beautiful as well, even more than she was when she was first lady.
Simon, not only does trevor jackson not have the ability to understand a rhetorical question -- neither does Tim Egan at the New York Times.
Here's a bit more of Palin's "vp" quote:
"As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration."
This is totally on point. Some VPs, like Cheney, have a big portfolio. Some, like LBJ and Truman, are kept totally out the loop.
2:53: I have never seen anything more funny.
This fish in a barrel stuff is fun.
No doubt she's a babe.
And so is Michelle
A babe? Michelle is a babe? She's a man, baby!
I agree that Evolution makes more sense to ME, to you no doubt, but it without the Missing Link, it's a theory same as any other.
Did you read the article yet? She said she wouldn't insist on it, and she hasn't.
Case closed, no?
I am betting 3 to 5 point bounce.
she has NO policy experience on a national, let alone international, level, has been attached to a few scandals in Alaska, and, oh yeah, she was a beauty queen in the mid-80s. Very reassuring bona fides for a VP candidate.
Wow, for a second I thought you were talking about Obama.
"theory" doesn't mean what you think it means.
Hydrogen = real
coal = real
oil = real
Evolution = real
creation = fantastic shit.
The problem with that argument, UWS, is that the overwhelming majority of Americans in both parties think God exists. They're wrong, but that doesn't change what they believe.
So the debate over evolution vs creationism is, to them, a debate over which of two things that actually do exist created life as it exists on Earth today: natural selection, or God. This is why the "ZOMG he supports creationism" attack never works in politics. I wish it did; it doesn't.
Besides which, as others have pointed out, Palin didn't support adding creationism to the curriculum. She supported discussing it in school, which isn't a horrible idea even if it gives creationism more credit than I think it deserves.
UWS: perhaps you don't recall Candidate Kerry's comment about "we have better hair." That and the extended amount of time Edwards spent arranging his locks.
Say--whatever happened to John? don't recall seeing him at the convention.
Isn't it fun watching the Democrats flop around like fish? It's also amusing that you can tell when each wave of talking points is released, they all come by and leave their little droppings. So how many "scandals" have the Obama Army ginned up and fished out of the bottom of the (Alaskan oil) barrel by now?
Republican Sarah Palin killed the bridge to nowhere.
Yes, she killed the bridge to nowhere, but she kept the money. Hardly noble.
Ah, Palladian regales us with a sexual orientation slur.
Funny that Althouse allows that.
I guess she will forgive anything that might help maintain her wingnut readership.
Re: comments. This is a beaut:
Watch out Cindy. Looks like another BJ in the oval office to me!
Which is why, I say this now, with my powers of ESP.
Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs will Vote Obama/Biden.
You heard it here first.
UWS guy knows about inert gasses, both from his product and from the politicians he supports.
Here is some Newsweek video with Palin.
vbspurs - MCG, you know the best part of this campaign? That all 4 candidates have KILLER looking families.
Yeah, as if American going down the tubes need yet more KILLER-looking families beamingly clustered around the inept leader. A trend since 2000 when the "family" of Bush was deemed as deserving of the White House as Gore and the Gore-babe blondes. Then there was 2004 with the KILLER-looking Edwards family led by pretty boy himself but with plump but cute Elisabeth, and the children of the mill workers son who were also gifted with great hair except the dead one who adds even more worthiness to Edwards through "family tragedy".
Yeesh, soap opera for the soap opera gay and bitch voter crowd.
Give me a leader. I don't care if their wife is as ugly as sin - Eleanor, Beth Truman, Maimsey Eisenhower. Or near-ugly -Hillary and daughter, or off-putting as Plastic Pat Nixon, Plastic Nancy Reagan.
I agree that Evolution makes more sense to ME, to you no doubt, but it without the Missing Link, it's a theory same as any other.
What Link do you think is missing? Apparently you don't know the first thing about evolution or what "theory" means in the sense of a scientific theory.
Ultra Wine Saver uses unicorn farts to protect your wine!
"Anti-Gay? No."
Well, she did veto a bill that would have further stripped gays of their rights to health benefits for partners, so that's to her credit. (But read on for a flip-flop).
But she supports the marriage ban consigning gays and lesbians to second class status. Bad for her.
We'll learn more and should listen to the gay and lesbian community for their thoughts:
'Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “Sarah Palin not only supported the 1998 Alaska constitutional amendment banning marriage equality but, in her less than two years as Governor, even expressed the extreme position of supporting stripping away domestic partner benefits for state workers. When you can’t even support giving our community the rights to health insurance and pension benefits, it’s a frightening window into where she stands on equality.”'
So she's tried to have it both ways on the partner benefits. Why, she'll fit right in with McCain!
p.s. Turns out she was also head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Talk about carrying on that Bush-Cheney record!
If you just take out the gender aspect alone, then reading Palin's resume would make one think that McCain just picked some looney ex-Admiral to be his VP...
No wait, we did that already...
Yes, she killed the bridge to nowhere, but she kept the money. Hardly noble.
Really Fred? A link would be nice, by the way how did she spend all that money she kept?
No way I'm wading through all these comments, but anybody raising Palin's hair as an issue is a fucking idiot.
Turns out she was also head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Talk about carrying on that Bush-Cheney record!
Yeah. Ain't it delicious?
Isn't it fun watching the Democrats flop around like fish?
I have to say, it is.
It is infinitely more satisfying, for example, than hearing that "Whitey" alleged tape of Michelle's (I don't believe it exists).
Because they are flailing around trying to find all the reasons why she is not a good idea for VP, really unaware that every time they do so, it goes back to Obama and Hillary.
Inexperience? Obama.
Woman? Hillary.
Affirmative Action? Both.
So what do they concentrate on? Her hairdo. Blowjobs. Myths about her beliefs.
Yes, my liberal friends. Keep punching. Round's over. We won. Not saved by the bell.
(John McCain = George Foreman? He grills!)
"Ah, Palladian regales us with a sexual orientation slur."
What sexual orientation slur, AJD? You mean when I called Sullivan a tiresome old queen? Sullivan himself used the same term to refer to Gore Vidal on his old weblog years ago (and which he subsequently changed to the word "snob" when he realized it might get him in trouble) so it's fair game.
Anyway, I'm a faggot myself so I'm allowed. That's the excuse I always hear from you "identity politics" people.
Wait, why am I responding to you? So what will be your screen name when you change it again today?
downtownlad said...
Gays love Audrey Hepburn? Since when.
Since you don’t like or love anyone but your self, you would not know.
But anyway, Palin has a vehmently anti-gay voting record, going all the way back to 2007.
Look, I'm happy to concede that by Solomonese's standards she's anti-gay. It puts her in rather large company in both parties.
In Palladian's defense...Sullivan is a tired old Queen.
for a second I thought you were talking about Obama.
Oh please. Putting Palin's resume next to Obama's is the best way to make his look more impressive. Eight years in the Illinois state legislature is a much bigger deal than the mayor of a rural town. And being the United States Senator from Illinois is certainly a bigger achievement than being the Governor of Alaska.
Palin's rapid rise is very impressive, but I think her pick signals that McCain is going to abandon the experience argument.
without the Missing Link, it's a theory same as any other.
If you think that the theory of evolution is waiting for a "Missing Link", vb, I think you don't quite understand the issues involved.
The idea is that an earlier primate's descendants gradually, through mutation and selection, became closer and closer to what we would call "human" over the course of generations. We don't know exactly how many generations. At least a few, based on the fossils we've found. Probably many, based on what we know of mutation. Quite possibly "tens of thousands", if gradualism is correct.
We don't need a missing link, per se. What we do "need" is for the fossils we find to remain consistent with the general path of increasingly human-like primates.
Damn I'm not getting crap done today. I mean, normally I can code with one side of my brain and read blogs with another. But today I can't multitask. I'm focused.
And no matter what UWS guy thinks my figurative hard-on is not for Palin the woman. It's for McCain-Palin the ticket, and its potential to deflate this ludicrous dog and pony show that is the Obama campaign.
So far all these trickling out bits of info is a bad sign for JSM.
We will find out if they new about all of this, and they have a preplanned strategy. So far, they're already calling the gender card, which is a bad sign for JSM.
For the record, I do know that she is better than she showed this morning. So she will exceed that performance. But, the more we learn, the less there is. Literally, we can sum up her experience in a few sentences. And, if you take out 19 months as Gov of Alaska her experience bio is the equal of tens (hundreds?) of thousands of living Americans. Is 19 months as Gov of Alaska the tipping point to run the federal government and be the CIC of the greatest military force that has ever existed (by a factor of ten?)
Wow, for a second I thought you were talking about Obama.
Sloan, you're a quick one. If they're indistinguishable, please explain why she's so fabulous?
I agree with you, particularly about the offensive remarks about Palin's Down Syndrome child. It seems to me that it reflects their world view: taking the easy way out is not just the best way but the only legitimate one.
I haven't noted any women making such derisive remarks, however. (I'm sure there are a few but they are exactly that: a few.) The average mother, regardless of her views on abortion, is well aware just how courageous Palin's decision to keep that child and not abort it was. True, some might have denied her the choice. At the same time, about 80% in the same position do not make the same choice. With that in mind, very few can fail to admire her for what she chose to do given the lifelong responsibility that comes with it. Were I a partisan Democrat, I'd stay as far away from this subject as possible.
neil k. said...
"Eight years in the Illinois state legislature is a much bigger deal than the mayor of a rural town."
Not when you're running for an executive post. If Obama were running for Senate against Palin, I'd say he has a much better resume. He isn't, and so he doesn't.
"And being the United States Senator from Illinois is certainly a bigger achievement than being the Governor of Alaska."
No it isn't. And see above.
And being the United States Senator from Illinois is certainly a bigger achievement than being the Governor of Alaska.
Uh, that might be true, except that by his own admission he hasn't done much of anything as U.S. Senator, because he effectively had to start campaigning from day one.
AlphaLiberal said...
Wow. I don't believe you guys the way you're trashing Michelle Obama.
What assholes.
For once, you and I agree on something!
Gallup has the latest poll taken yesterday before the Obama speech and obviously before the Palin selection:
Obama 49%, McCain 41%.
Really Fred? A link would be nice, by the way how did she spend all that money she kept?
Here you go.
That hair is ugly too :P
The real difference between Palin's and Obama's experience?
She was the point guard for her basketball team - the floor leader who made the decisions.
He is the shooting guard - the guy who waits for the ball and gets all the glory.
"But she supports the marriage ban consigning gays and lesbians to second class status. Bad for her.
We'll learn more and should listen to the gay and lesbian community for their thoughts:"
First of all, twatrocket, there is no such thing as the "gay and lesbian community" and anyone who uses that term is just a panderer and an idiot. Second, the HRC is not the voice of the "gay community". Third, while Sarah Palin doesn't support marriage rights for gay people, your vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden signed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Obama also opposes extending civil marriage to gay people. So the issue is moot as far as using it to attack McCain and Palin since your side has essentially the same beliefs. Go back over to Josh Marshall or Kos and let them dispense some new talking points kibble for you before you scurry back over here.
Eight years in the Illinois state legislature is a much bigger deal than the mayor of a rural town.
A much more financially lucrative deal, at least.
Not when you're running for an executive post. If Obama were running for Senate against Palin, I'd say he has a much better resume. He isn't, and so he doesn't.
Really Simon, you are beginning to be a parody of yourself.
I agree with you on the families...it's actually quite nice to think that either way they'll be small children in the White House. It just makes it seem more alive and less distant.
Liberals are either totally ignorant about the distinction between legislator and executive, or as more likely, simply being obtuse. Yeah a part time Illinois legislature that featured a lot of "present" votes by Senator Obama--spent a small part of his first being a senator, and the remainder, the last 17 months, running for president. Yup: a real public servant, that Barack.
And, how many women vote for someone just because they're of the same gender? That strikes me as more than a bit patronizing.
Polls show that Barack Obama will get at least 86% of the black vote in the election.
Why it that?
Obama also opposes extending civil marriage to gay people.
That's assuming he's telling the truth about that. I don't. I honestly think he's pandering.
"Sloan, you're a quick one. If they're indistinguishable, please explain why she's so fabulous?"
Because she's the Vice-Presidential pick for the Republicans and Obama's the Presidential candidate. See, there's a difference! Obama is fine Vice Presidential material for the Democrats.
AlphaLiberal said...
And, how many women vote for someone just because they're of the same gender? That strikes me as more than a bit patronizing.
Do you really think they voted for Hillary Clinton because she was an experienced and qualified candidate?
"Really Fred? A link would be nice, by the way how did she spend all that money she kept?"
Here you go.
According to that article it was Stevens and Young who kept the money in the budget after the earmark was removed (and, apparently, refused to account for how it would be spent).
I'd be careful pushing this one too hard until you find out where the money went. It'd be really embarrassing if it turned out Alaska spent it on education or health care or something. :)
being the United States Senator from Illinois is certainly a bigger achievement than being the Governor of Alaska.
No it isn't.
Just in terms of getting elected to the office, Obama received over thirty times as many votes in his Senate election as Palin received in her gubernatorial election. For that matter, Obama's Illinois senate district had nearly half of the population of Alaska.
If Obama were running for Senate against Palin, I'd say he has a much better resume. He isn't, and so he doesn't.
Hmm, who else is running for president with no executive experience? His name is on the tip of my tongue...
it's actually quite nice to think that either way they'll be small children in the White House.
Sheesh, the VP doesn't live at the White house. If she was elected she would live at the Vice President's resident on the grounds of the Naval Observatory.
You seem to know about as much about the vice presidency as Palin (I kid).
From Freder's Link: Under mounting political pressure over pork projects, Congress stripped the earmark -- or stipulation -- that the money be used for the airport, but still sent the money to the state for any use it deemed appropriate....On Friday, Leo von Scheben, commissioner of the state Department of Transportation, said the bridge money could be used to build roads in Alaska.
You think the state should have sent the money back? Is there a money-return department in the basement of Congress? Sounds like a no-show job.
"Obama also opposes extending civil marriage to gay people."
That's assuming he's telling the truth about that. I don't. I honestly think he's pandering.
Pandering or not, that's the platform he's running on. What's he going to do, get elected and then say "Psych! Gay marriage FTW!"?
AlphaLiberal said...
Here's more on the scandal involving Alaska gov Sarah Palin,
How long are you going to beat that dead horse and how much mileage do you think you will get out of it?
Fact, the trooper involved beat up his wife. he should have been fired. I guess protecting people who hit their wives is one of those liberal family value kind of things. Next, you will find some link that claims he was a victim of some sort and should get treatment.
I would bet that a lot of women would vote for her just on that alone; trying to fire a wife beater.
Because she's the Vice-Presidential pick for the Republicans and Obama's the Presidential candidate. See, there's a difference! Obama is fine Vice Presidential material for the Democrats.
Agreed. I mean, I genuinely think that the best way Obama could have assured his eventual ascension to President is if he had fought to become someone's V.P. pick---likely Hillary's. A Clinton-Obama ticket would have been unstoppable and she'd likely do a good enough job to preserve his opportunity later. On the other hand, he's got a real good chance of losing here, and I don't think he'll get another winnable opportunity if he does. Hillary will make sure to remind voters of his loss come 2012 and/or 2016...
Thanks for the link Fred. Palin's idea of possibly using that money for road improvement is a much better idea.
Pandering or not, that's the platform he's running on. What's he going to do, get elected and then say "Psych! Gay marriage FTW!"?
Yes, actually, I do. Though I admit he'll find a better way to say it :)
Yeah a part time Illinois legislature that featured a lot of "present" votes by Senator Obama
I wonder if anyone has matched up the time-stamps of those votes in Springfield with Obama's scheduled law classes at the University of Chicago.
"What's he going to do, get elected and then say "Psych! Gay marriage FTW!"?"
He's a Democrat, I wouldn't put it past him. Clinton did basically that when he said his first official act in office would be to allow gay people to serve openly in the military and then ended up giving us DADT.
That's assuming he's telling the truth about [being opposed to civil marriage for gays]. I don't. I honestly think he's pandering.
I also don't think he's personally against gay marriage, but rather than pandering I'd say he's respecting the will of the people. Of course, I think the same thing about John McCain, George Bush, Dick Cheney...
According to that article it was Stevens and Young who kept the money in the budget after the earmark was removed (and, apparently, refused to account for how it would be spent).
It would still have to be spent on some kind of road project since it was part of the Highway Bill.
And while it is true that she was not responsible for keeping the money in the bill, the point is it is disingenuous to claim you canceled the bridge (the implication being that you were turning down the money that came with it), if you still took the money--no matter what it was spent on.
Just in terms of getting elected to the office, Obama received over thirty times as many votes in his Senate election as Palin received in her gubernatorial election.
George Bush got more votes in 2004 than any candidate in the history of America. Does it follow that he's the most qualified President in the history of America?
"Do you really think they voted for Hillary Clinton because she was an experienced and qualified candidate?"
Yes. And a woman.
AS we are on the second 200 post thread and the liberals stomp and spit about this, does anyone remember there being some kind of speech last night?
If nothing else, McCain just stopped Obama's momentum out of Denver dead in its tracks.
FF, some of McCain's kids are quite young as well and that's to what I was refering...
he point is it is disingenuous to claim you canceled the bridge (the implication being that you were turning down the money that came with it), if you still took the money--no matter what it was spent on.
Uh, no, it's not. It's the facts. It's not like it was hidden that the money was kept; that was well-reported.
It would still have to be spent on some kind of road project since it was part of the Highway Bill.
States have a habit of getting around restrictions on what area money can be spent in by cutting funding to the area in question. For example, the California Lottery is supposed to go to education, so the legislature just trimmed the education budget and spent the "savings" on pork. But I've no idea if that's what happened in Alaska.
And while it is true that she was not responsible for keeping the money in the bill, the point is it is disingenuous to claim you canceled the bridge (the implication being that you were turning down the money that came with it), if you still took the money--no matter what it was spent on.
Yes, it is disingenuous, although since most of the outrage over the BTN stemmed from the perceived stupidity of the specific project (rather than the notion of sending road-building money to Alaska) it still works out to be a public relations win even if it is known the state kept the money.
Let's not overlook the fact that Palin represents the Terry Schiavo wing of the GOP. Those who are for federalism until they're not.
George Bush got more votes in 2004 than any candidate in the history of America. Does it follow that he's the most qualified President in the history of America?
No, because he's already served two term. This quite literally disqualifies him.
(As a side note, he's less qualified to be President than any living natural-born American citizen over 35, except for Bill Clinton.)
NeilJ has demonstrated conclusively that Illinois' population is larger than Alaska's! tell you what NeilJ: the way you compare disparate populations is to use rates. That's normally how you compare two different sized things.
Mother Gaia: The talking points being cranked out by team Obama are simply ridiculous and by this rate they will have used them all up by 9 AM tomorrow.
Peter Bella:
"Fact, the trooper involved beat up his wife."
Why do you say it is a fact? Could you please provide a link to a news source or the court records showing his conviction?
Or is this just more character assassination against an inconvenient person from Republicans?
And, again, you guys don't seem to grasp that using public office this way (for personal gain or benefit) is not ethical. If he committed violence against his wife, she should seek recourse through the justice system, like anybody else does.
I guess this explains how McCain will handle the scandal. An emotional appeal that she mis-used her office just to protect her sister. Awww.... ain't that nice.
Heard that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front got real pissed off today.
I'll get me hat.
I think it's more than a P.R. gambit, I think it's an entirely reasonable move. I mean, the money is allocated. It's there. If the state of Alaska came upon a financial windfall of that magnitude in any other way that bridge never would have been built (under her administration), but it would have been spent somewhere. I think the real test is to find out where it went.
the point is it is disingenuous to claim you canceled the bridge (the implication being that you were turning down the money that came with it), if you still took the money--no matter what it was spent on.
Yeah, what mcg said. Please explain where you get the implication that the money would be returned to the feds. I didn't see that in the article.
(As a side note, he's less qualified to be President than any living natural-born American citizen over 35, except for Bill Clinton.)
Come again? And again.
Uh, no, it's not. It's the facts. It's not like it was hidden that the money was kept; that was well-reported.
Really? Apparently lawgiver hadn't heard about it. He made me provide a link.
I would think when someone says they cancel a project, most casual listeners assume that the money is returned to the treasury.
does anyone remember there being some kind of speech last night?
I think the forty million people who watched it on TV probably remember. But I agree, if Obama's plan was to get uninterrupted news coverage of his speech from the close of the convention until election day, it's gone badly awry.
Clinton did basically that when he said his first official act in office would be to allow gay people to serve openly in the military and then ended up giving us DADT.
Sure, but that was an example of Clinton suckering Democratic special interests and then triangulating against public opinion once in office. Obama would be irritating Democratic special interests and then irritating public opinion once in office -- the exact opposite. He would get completely destroyed in 2012 if he pulled that. He'd even lose a chunk of the black vote, since blacks are on average even more anti-gay-marriage than other Americans.
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