৫ জুলাই, ২০০৮

The Saturday vlog.

You gave me questions. I picked 4:

৪০টি মন্তব্য:

Simon বলেছেন...

1) re Obama prosecuting Bush, see http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/Barack_on_torture.html

2) perhaps it's just me but the video and audio seem somewhat out of sync. Looking good and sounding good, but not quite in the same instant!

Simon বলেছেন...

On prosecutions of war crimes, see also http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/04/war_crimes.php and http://www.stoptheaclu.com/archives/2008/06/09/obama-prosecute-war-crimes (particularly the link to the Obama flyer reproduced by LGF. Not a reputable source, to be sure, but little reason to imagine that they forged it.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Re out of synch: It was working right, then suddenly it went wrong. I'm uploading another version that I think will solve the problem. So hang on. It had a good ending that is currently cut off ... annoyingly enough.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Try it now. It's fixed.

Simon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
stoqboy বলেছেন...

Cliff Kresge finished his round at 7 under, 1 under for the day. He's tied for 6th and 3 strokes off the pace.

1775OGG বলেছেন...

Interesting VLog! Personally it would be great to see your collection of photos about the Brooklyn Bridge. Just finished David McCullough's history of that bridge, a fascinating read.

A question: what about Obama would entice you to vote for him? Are Obama's policy positions ones you agree with?

ricpic বলেছেন...

There are a few plants that are so tough that you hardly need do any weeding once you've planted them; they hold their own against weeds and even colonize new areas well: coneflowers and most strains of lilies, for instance.
So you just have to get your hands dirty once...when you plant them.
That's been my solution since I agree that weeding is the pits.

UWS guy বলেছেন...

gardening plants is a chore, cultivating veggies? Worthwhile. You should get a little tomato plant. Swiss Chard?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Charming. First one I've watched.

Ron বলেছেন...

Thanks for picking my question, Miss Annnn.....oops, Professor Althouse! I won't call you Miss Ann until you start actively disliking people, then I'll call you Miss Ann Thrope!

How about a vlog while cooking?

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Oh, demure one, when you linked to Bill Cunningham's video about the gravity-defying pants worn by these kids today, there was another video on the NYT site, no longer there but on YouTube about street photographer Bruce Gilden and his in-your-face-style. Seeing that video helped me grow a pair and start asking people if I may. That leads directly into, "stand here." Here's my first one.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Then again, you could pretend you're just examining your camera and fidgeting. You've also managed some excellent surreptitious photos, like the woman reading in the restaurant and looking over the paper checking out the other woman on the street. Score!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Thanks for linking to that video, Chip. That was really encouraging!

You'll notice anytime I post a picture of a person, at least one commenter will act as though I've done something wrong.

I passed so many people today that I'd have liked to photograph...

Beth বলেছেন...

Ann, you must never move South. Everyone is Ms./Miss/Miz here. My students frequently call me Miss Beth. When my cat (named Cat) hit the age of 15, neighbors starting calling her Miss Cat. We do the same with Mr., of course.

Ron বলেছেন...

You'll notice anytime I post a picture of a person, at least one commenter will act as though I've done something wrong.

You can't get a thicker skin about taking photos, which you're really good at? What happened to that artist we love a lot, she let a commenter taunt her out of going where her art goes? Tsk, tsk...

1775OGG বলেছেন...

AA: Since you're a lawyer and a law professor, what's the law regarding photos of people out in the public, say on a street, in a public park, in a restaurant, etc...? Do they have an expectation of privacy under the law?

john marzan বলেছেন...

From the List of ethnic slurs by ethnicity on Wikipedia

A white woman to a black person — or a black woman who acts too much like a white one. While Miss Ann, also just plain Ann, is a derisive reference to the white woman, by extension it is applied to any black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like Miss Ann.

john marzan বলেছেন...

i see you got the michelle obama look today.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Old Grouchy, there are plenty of places on the web that lay out the standards.

Joe M. বলেছেন...

Interesting to see how your manner of speaking relates to your manner of writing.

The flowers/gardening answer reminded me oddly of the scene from Boogie Nights with Julianne Moore and Heather Graham high on cocaine ... any chance of an Althouse cocaine vlog? No?

As an occasional commenter, I still haven't figured out the proper form of address here: Althouse? Dr. Althouse?

Bissage বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rhhardin বলেছেন...

I've had, what, four different neighbors to the east since 1975. Each set has rototilled up a square of backyard for a garden project. Each set within a month had a spectacular unattended weed garden.

Gardens are like badminton nets out back. The idea that it's going to promote healthy family activity doesn't work out. Better a video terminal.

I like, in any case, the treatment the garden gets today, where an original prophylactic rabbit fence serves to remove the garden from the actual backyard. I must have a recent photo in that direction....here.

I recommend the rabbit fence approach to gardens for everyone.

Bissage বলেছেন...

(1) I’d like to get a jump on the next vlog. Since you don’t hire cleaning people, how do you clean your johnnies?

To prove my good faith, I'll go first. I do it naked with my bare hand and one of those sponges with a scruffy pad on the other side. I prefer to use some ordinary bathroom cleanser, like Comet®, but Soft Scrub® will do it a pinch. Sometimes I’ll clean it bareback. It depends on my mood, really.

Anyway, I reach right in there. Straight down. Get the very bottom first. Then come up to go around the inside rim. Back and forth because there’s nooks and crannies up there. Then I work my way back down and around to the bottom again. Firm pressure is required.

Squeeze out sponge.


Lick forearm. (Just kidding.)

Rinse out sponge in sink, squeeze dry and position it for good air circulation so it can dry without getting all smelly. (Me no like!)

HOP DIRECTLY INTO SHOWER and scrub, scrub, scrub.

(2) That Bruce Gilden video was educational but I couldn’t help but notice he never took the picture of anyone who looked inclined to punch him out. I’ll respect him more when he’s an obnoxious bully less. What is it with these New Yorkers making it a point of pride to get in someone’s face?

(3) I liked Chip’s photo.

(4) It’s an old joke. Sex is dirty only if you’re doing it right.

I started out a squeamish gardener. I’ve been pretty serious about it for about ten years and I’m still a squeamish gardener but I come inside sweaty and cruddy from head to toe with ticks and poison ivy and spider webs across my face and God knows what else all over me – odd cuts and punctures and scrapes.

That is teh SEXY!


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"As an occasional commenter, I still haven't figured out the proper form of address here: Althouse? Dr. Althouse?"

1. Althouse
2. Professor

"reminded me oddly of the scene from Boogie Nights with Julianne Moore"

I've been hearing that for years and years... ever since the movie came out.

(And I've never taken cocaine.)

Joe M. বলেছেন...

Thanks for the answers. I think I'll go with "Professor."

I've been hearing that for years and years... ever since the movie came out.

Glad to know I'm not alone making the connection. It did seem a little strange.

(And I've never taken cocaine.)

That can only be a good thing.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Gardening is my mistress. Ten hours on Friday, and another 5 or 6 on Saturday, including moving a lot of dirt and rock in buckets. (I got paid for that part, as I was working on a project for a client.) I woke this morning aching all over. Feels good. Or not.

Weeding gets easier if gardening is done right. Watering is an essential chore, especially this summer in St. Paul. We've had very little rain, and the soil is quite dried out.

Dirt under the nails is the easiest objection to handle. Atlas nitrile gloves.

I've never gotten used to being called Mr. Peter. I accept that's how some people want their kids to address me, but it still seems weird.

What would make me vote for McCain? He needs to show more of his independent streak, which he could do with an awesome VP pick. Conversely, Obama could lose my vote by picking an awful VP, like Clinton.

bearbee বলেছেন...

I must have a recent photo in that direction....here.

What a cutie, but his collar looks a tad tight.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I love your blog and your vlog here. I think you are lovely and I even like the way your video trailed off. I think it's funny that your readers are encouraging you to try gardening after you have made it abundantly clear you don't want to! Sheesh!

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Just to be clear, I am not trying to encourage Althouse to take up gardening.

I don't buy into the idea that everyone needs to enjoy what I enjoy. In fact, I don't want everyone to take up gardening. It works out quite well for me that there are people who pay me to work in their gardens. It's a classic win-win.

kjbe বলেছেন...

I share your enthusiasm for gardening. So much so, that my sister once sent me a birthday card that read: "I was going to get you a plant for your birthday, but couldn't find one that would take itself to the sink and water itself."

Meade বলেছেন...

I wish Peter would make a trip down to Madison and properly prune the Professor's redbuds for her. And that the Professor would pay him handsomely for it, of course. Win win win win win.

XWL বলেছেন...

Prof, you escaped a lot of bad stuff since you didn't have much wealth back in the 70s.

(Shag rugs, and cocaine should probably be close to top of that list)

Barry Shushkin বলেছেন...

The sterile, antiseptic, dresser doesn't add any visual interest.

A tall armoire would add much more variety and flair to your room.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

A tall armoire would add much more variety and flair to your room.

The Horse

...A little lost on an elephant, man is seen to his advantage on a horse, a throne truly to his measure...

...Out of your stall, high-spirited over-sensitive armoire, with round, well polished knobs!
Antique console, great and beautiful!
Polished ebony or mahogany.
Stroke the withers of this armoire and immediately it has a faraway look...
A stool is needed to look on the upper shelf...

Francis Ponge

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

There's a reason God invented Gardening Gloves. But the best way to clean your hands after gardening is to make bread. Kneading is very cleansing.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Ha ha.

Well, occasionally I do garden, and the best way to get dirt out from under my fingernails, I've found, is to wash my hair.

Joe M. বলেছেন...


The Althouse-Moore comparison is about to get sooo much better. Vision Quest! Leader of the People! As long as her fingernails stay clean!

(I've been reading Tom Wolfe!)

Joe M. বলেছেন...

Make that:

Watch this trailer, Professor.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Ha ha. I'm glad you like my work.