Q&A How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?
Answer: PALIN Veep!”
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Q&A How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?
Answer: PALIN Veep!”
८१ टिप्पण्या:
If I may take the liberty of quoting something I recently read:
"If John McCain doesn't choose Sarah Palin, he might have to plead temporary insanity."
That photo is worth 1 million votes.
If he's going to pick her, he ought to do it before Obama makes a pick. It will come with more advantages then.
I also love her. True conservatism, or devotion to personal liberty, is the basis of feminism, isn't it? Maybe she would be the one to educate a few veteran pols on conservative principles.
Beldar makes a good case for Palin. It would certainly generate excitement, which is something that McCain needs.
Beldar was spot on writing this about Thompson: much as I love him, isn't going to be the Veep nominee; he and McCain together would look like they're running on the Whig ticket.
Absolutely correct, John McCain needs to move fast: If it looks like it’s going to be McCain/Palin anyway (and that should be a “no brainer” for Team McCain), McCain should announce NOW or VERY SOON, rather than later towards the convention. There’s currently a growing chorus for Obama/Hillary (as VP) ticket (in fact the Dems are likely aware of the Palin phenomenon). If the GOP waits while movement for Hillary as VP grows — even worse until after it is solidified that Hillary will/could be VP pick — selecting Palin will be portrayed by Dems/liberal media more as a reaction by GOP selecting its own female (overshawdoing Palin’s own remarkable assets), rather than McCain taking the lead on this. Selecting Palin now or early (contrary to the punditocracy) will mean McCain will be seen as driving the course of this campaign overwhelmingly, and the DEMS will be seen as merely reacting. And, there’s absoultely no down-side to this because even if Hillary is a no-go as VP for Obama, the GOP gains by acting early. McCain the maverick. Palin the maverick. Do it now!
There’s no reason, and actually substantial negative, in McCain waiting to see what the Dems do first insofar as his picking Palin as VP, because, no matter who Obama picks, Palin is by far (and I mean far) the best pick for McCain and the GOP, especially in this time of GOP woes. The GOP can be seen as the party of real ‘change’ (albeit I hate that mantra, change, change, bla bla), while not really having to change from GOP core conservative values, which Palin more than represents.
In light of the current oil/energy situation, as well as the disaffected female Hillary voters situation, and growing focus on McCain’s age and health, Palin is more than perfect — now.
(Hopefully Team McCain is already on to this.)
If she were elected, that would do more for women in the workplace than either Clinton or Ferraro (had she been elected). The reason for this is because she is the mother of young children and an infant, whereas Clinton's child raising is (basically) done.
If America is ready to accept a woman President who lets others (including the state) take such a large role in raising her children it will say quite a bit about how things have changed over the last generation or more. Even if her husband takes a very prominent role in taking care of the children, that would go some way to changing attitudes.
I get a better hope vibe from Palin thn BHO!
Maggie Thatcher needed no fish.
Let's keep some standards. This looks like a best you can do under the circumstances considering the state of feminism pick.
Something's wrong in the picking of narratives for women.
A guy with a fish wouldn't go anywhere, for instance.
At first I thought Palin was too inexperienced being only two years as a governor. But, she isn't any less experienced than Obama. Therefore, she would qualify as a pick. I am not sure if Palin would bring more woman voters, but she will be attractive to the conservative base. Thus, a Palin pick would not be pandering. Plus, her knowledge about energy issues might be very in play for this election.
When it comes to young potentials, I would prefer Bobby Jindal. He is brilliant and more experienced than Obama at age 37.
Rhhardin -
Since they sport the "A bad day fishing is better than a good day working" bumper sticker, a "guy with a fish" wouldn't need to go anywhere.
Seriously, however, read the comment in the link from Gregory Koster. I think he makes some very thoughtful points about why McCain / Palin may not be the best ticket or best for the GOP in the long run. This Palin fan was impressed.
If you read on, someone posted a comment about Palin's husband slaving away as a blue collar driller in the oil fields of the north shore. This would bring something unique to the race. Palin is definately a new face. She would be a great asset for McCain.
McCain could use a Palin pick as cover to reverse his damaging position on ANWAR ("I had extensive conversations with my VP, the Governor of Alaska, and I now see that drilling can be carried our responsibly. And we need this domestic production to address high gas prices and our dangerous reliance on foriegn oil").
she is a couple of years younger than Obama, and started he political career 5 years before him (as I count it).
Illinois Senate for him and City Council for her.
I think she can help with Reagan Democrats (aka Hillary supporters)
I could see her being a plus in the following states
Make that "carried out responsibly".
If McCain, who has never shown any talent for recognizing talent, picks Graham as his VP, it will make the choice in November very easy.
I want to catch a salmon like that. If my brother and sister can do it, I can too. That does it!
*snaps shut laptop*
*opens it back up to continue typing*
I'm going fishing.
*snaps shut laptop*
I'm liking her more and more as a VP candidate. My only concern, and I suppose I'll be thought hopelessly old school for this, is that it would be extremely hard on her young family if she were to become President. (I think this of Obama as well.) Being President appears to be a complete time sink, and I have trouble picturing how one balances that well with family life.
Random: That photo makes me want to learn how to fish.
Does one fry salmon?
The pictures of Palin in the Beldar link are much more flattering than the ones linked to last week.
Palin seems to be the latest shout for many posters here. First it was Giuliani, then Thompson (F) and now Palin. That does say a lot about the putative nominee.
Most of us grill salmon on the barbie (cedar planks are great), however, I have some good recipes for:
- poached salmon with basil pesto
- salmon in a pouch
- baked salmon with a honey mustard glaze
- smoked salmon and pasta in a creme sauce
and of course smoked or marinated cold salmon things
fried no. trout yes, salmon no IMHO
Palin seems to be the latest shout for many posters here. First it was Giuliani, then Thompson (F) and now Palin. That does say a lot about the putative nominee.
- Rudy as a VP? no, though I lke the guy as a mayor, his person life is too complicated and would not allow good comparisons to Dems :)
- Fred, like him also, but as a VP of McCain, too much old white male for this old white male
Palin however does make a nice match for the tactical environment that McCain finds himself.
I like her as a pick for VP if for no other reason than we could look at Todd Palin, who is a real hunk! Yummy
Sorry, I was unclear. I was writing about the entire nomination fight, not just the VP slot. Giuliani was it for a while, then Thompson. Now that McCain is it, all the hopes and dreams swirl around his VP choice, it seems.
Is that a salmon that Ms. Palin is holding (Did she get it from John Cleese?) in the Big Fish to Fry picture? I couldn't tell if it was that or trout. Anyway, bad sentence to superimpose on it if it's salmon.
I'd have prefered Giuliani, MM, but you go to election with the candidate you have, not the one you wish you had (or something like that). I find McCain acceptable, though I don't agree with him on everything (starting with the abomination called McCain/Feingold). He can enhance his attractiveness for me by a good VP pick. And so far, I'm liking Palin.
Q&A How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?
Answer: PALIN Veep!”
clearly Salmon (my whoops). IMHO.
You must have big trout in WI. I have never caught a lake/stream trout (not Steelhead, which are ocean trout) I could not manage with one hand.
I cant tell you off hand what kind it is. My guess is Coho, but I don't know Alaskan fish.
There is no finer fishing than in Alaska. Salmon, halibut, pike, greyling, and my personal favorite, the lake trout. I had a pod of killer whales pass within 50 feet of my 20 foot boat one time. It was awesome.
Fresh water fishing in the lower 48 no longer has any appeal to me. I am spoiled for life.
I had a pod of killer whales pass within 50 feet of my 20 foot boat one time. It was awesome.
I was out in a small boat off Whidbey Island in WA one time when a pod came by. We were fishing for Salmon, so were they. I swear one was looking in the boat and planning dinner.
awesome was not how I would describe it. Humbling perhaps, scary, sure.
You people are insane. A inexperienced person from a state with three electoral votes that is guaranteed to go Republican anyway? Give me a freaking break.
He needs someone with good economic bona fides from a purple state--which is why my money is on Pawlenty--or maybe Steele if he does want to pick a minority.
Palin for VP would attract women voters as much as Katherine Jean Lopez (NRO) as VP would attract Gloria Steinem to vote for her.
1) In four years the Republicans are not going to Nominate Palin as their front runner for POTUS so why put her on the ticket now on the no. 2 slot?
"motherhood and conservatism" What about those two are inconsistent? or is it only "feminism" that is inconsistent with the previous two?
republicans are just playing into dem. stereotypes if they talk like that, "Look we aren't really troglodytes!"
Was Maggy Thatcher not proof that those three were "inconsistent"?
How is motherhood conservative or liberal? What does motherhood have to do with marginal tax rates or appropriation bills?
Mccain will pick Lieberman (if the party bigwigs don't know who to run after mccain's only term) or they will put the putative nominee for 2012 as VP.
that putative nominee is not Palin nor Jindal no matter how much republicans want to be cool like the dems and show that their party too, can look like a United Colors of Benetton ad.
I have never, nor will I ever, want to be "cool like the Dems".
You people are insane. A inexperienced person from a state with three electoral votes that is guaranteed to go Republican anyway?
She would certainly clarify how inexperienced Obama is. Looking at Palin's record makes Obama even look worse. How did Obama ever get nominated. They guy has no experience?
Pawlenty would be an alright pick too, but he wouldn't energize conservatives as much as a Palin or Jindal.
You people are insane. A inexperienced person from a state with three electoral votes that is guaranteed to go Republican anyway? Give me a freaking break.
Picking someone for who they are, not what they can get you. I'm not surprised you don't understand.
A bit off topic, but:
Drill SGT, you have shattered my illusions- Drill SGT's are suppossed to eat their meat raw, not have recipes!
At least, that's the way I remember my Drill SGT.
But maybe the USAF DIs are tougher?
I hereby claim both the grill exemption and the "caught meat" exemption.
grill exemption. Guys can have recipes for things on the barbie without shame
caught food exemption. anything, meat, fowl or fish that you catch can also be cooked without guilt.
I was an Army Drill SGT. Fort Lewis Washington, where I fished for salmon BTW.
At the moment, I might vote for McCain, as long as it isn't raining or there is nothing good on TV or if it isn't too dark come election night.
On the other hand, I could get excited about a McCain\Palin ticket. As importantly, it would give the press some meat to chew on for a while.
For me, individual liberty starts with the right to life, the principle from which all else derives. Picking Palin would shore up McCain's pro life creds - and his conservative base.
The fact that she hunts, fishes, kicks corrupt butts and is good looking doesn't hurt.
So we've gone from choosing a candidate based on whom we like to have a beer with, to choosing a VP based on who we'd like to go out on a date with?
Republicans are not gonna get very far if they think their ticket to national office is first finding someone who's young and attractive.
Don't tell me that's not playing into your math, I've seen lots of posts here (and in the previous Palin post about how cute she is).
If your candidate is cute...
Republicans are not gonna get very far if they think their ticket to national office is first finding someone who's young and attractive.
Irony alert! Irony alert!
Dril SGT- you are correct; as long as real flames do the cooking it takes real men to do it- and it tastes better when you have caught it as well.
And I suppose only a real man can manage a creme sauce on an open fire...
Gee, Reps, the Dems really don't want you to pick Palin for Veep. You probably should listen to them.
As for Thompson, he was never a VP (or cabinet!) possibility according to his own self.
Oh, that woman you repulsed me with by showing her wearing fur the other day? Well, I guess Michelle Obama wears fur sometimes, too, so it's a wash in the lack of taste department.
But, as far as I can tell, the main reason the Republican base is rallying behind Sarah Palin is because they're finding lots and lots of photographs on Google of her holding up the corpses of freshly killed animals. Apparently this woman has a sick fetish for the "Look, I'm holding a dead animal I just killed!" campaign photo-op. Which, in combination with her attractive physical features, will cause the NRA crowd to enter the voting booths with hard-ons.
I worry about this woman undertaking a national campaign. It was bad enough when John Kerry came to my state for a photo-op where he was skipping out of the woods swinging a dead goose by the neck. How many animals will Sarah Palin wind up killing across the nation if she runs for VP? She must be stopped.
LoafingOaf has just made Palin 10x more attractive.
I just deleted my skeptical comment. Good idea to read the link first, comment after. Beldar's post actually answers many of my questions.
She would be a smart choice. Combined with McCain's military background, the GOP would be presenting a pretty grounded couple of folks who showed courage in the real world before tackling national politics.
I still assume a major vetting has to be done, going much deeper than Beldar's survey. But she seems viable and a hell of a lot more interesting than McCain's other possibilities (excepting Jindal).
Plus, picking her might force Obama to pick Hillary, guaranteeing this would be the most interesting election, ever.
It was bad enough when John Kerry came to my state for a photo-op where he was skipping out of the woods swinging a dead goose by the neck.
The difference, of course, is Kerry's photo-op was phony. In Palin's case, her running would probably decrease the carnage, which seems like something you'd support.
Why is Sarah Palin holding Lindsey Graham by the neck?
My one fear with Palin is that her husband's ties to BP would prove too obvious a smear opportunity.
Before her husband left his job, Ms. Palin was quite literally "getting into bed with big oil." It also feeds into the 'Bush III' mantra - Cheney : Haliburton :: Palin : BP.
Not that I think any of that should take her out of the running for VP, as the Democrats will demonize anyone who gets the position.
I like Jindal as well, but I think it's too early for him to take a national role, especially considering the state of politics in Louisiana before his election.
Of course, she probably will have to morph into the Stepford Candidate once she signs on.
"It's not amnesty!"
wow....let's see because Obama is not ready for prime time all of a sudden the Republicans are OK with-"experiencing" down.
This gal would be closer to the Presidency given McCain's age than most should be comfortable with-GIVEN that her foreign relations experience would be what exactly?
Gee, maybe before being Alaska's governor for all of two years as mayor of one of the smallest towns before that she "negotiated" with those troublesome Canadians...
This reminds me when conservatives on the internet all jumped on that juggernaut Fred Thompson which turned out to be an Edsel.
Talk about losing the argument, and giving up one of your few advantages...
Nominate Palin for VP!
Trooper York said...
Why is Sarah Palin holding Lindsey Graham by the neck?
I am unaware of the existance of feckless little crap weasels in Alaska, Trooper York.
It's just that the physical resemblance is uncanny Cerd. The scaly skin, beady eyes, pursed lips. I just thought she was wrestling him for the VP spot.
madawaskan said...
wow....let's see because Obama is not ready for prime time all of a sudden the Republicans are OK with-"experiencing" down.
- Palin has of course more public service experience than either Obama or Hillary and is younger than both
- Palin has executive experience, legislative experience and appointed experience
- she has produced a budget,
- she has fought corruption
- veto'd stuff
- appears to be a real person
- and has a popularity approaching 90%
So it's OK for the Dems to nominate an inexperienced rookie to be President, but a mistake for the GOP to nominate a VP who has more than the Dems
bring that argument on. McCain will eat Obama's lunch with that argument.
Prof. A: Thanks for the link.
BJK wrote: "My one fear with Palin is that her husband's ties to BP would prove too obvious a smear opportunity."
I don't think so. As I understand it, the ethical improprieties whose revelation by her eventually led to the resignation and fining of her fellow Conservation Commissioner (who remains head of the Alaska GOP, incredibly) had to do with his company, as BP's drilling contractor, dumping unsafe waste down-hole. So she was basically exposing something illegal that BP was responsible for not detecting and preventing. As governor, she's raised state taxes on the big three who do business in Alaska -- BP, ConnocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil -- on grounds that they'd been systematically undertaxed by over-cozy Republican state leaders in the past. And she's pushing hard for legislation to compel them to participate in a cross-state natural gas pipeline to bring natural gas supplies to Alaska's high-population areas (especially around Anchorage) and to the continental 48 states; the oil companies are resisting, hard.
She's got a pretty good record, in other words, of being the first Alaska politician of either party to stand up to the oil companies instead of getting into bed with them. This is one source of her state-wide popularity, based on what I've read.
Ya but Drill...
Isn't there anybody else?
Sure she has more experience than Obama but-oh hell -I like Ridge.
Take that for experience-plus a damn Bronze Star.
Plus born in Pittsburgh...the electoral map...
Take 'em to the hoops.
Alaska? What've they got-
one electoral college vote?
"Before her husband left his job, Ms. Palin was quite literally "getting into bed with big oil." It also feeds into the 'Bush III' mantra - Cheney : Haliburton :: Palin : BP."
Maybe not. People are finally waking up to the fact that it is our own Government and Congress that is responsible for this current and latest oil crisis and not completely the oil companies.
British Petroleum also is quite active in promoting alternative energy such as solar. At this point anyone who can offer a lifeline to people looking at $5.00 a gallon gasoline right now will be pretty popular. ($4.98 for regular and $5.26 for diesel at the local station)
Oh ya Beldar-
OK well...that me be one source of her enormous popularity-
I got your other one right here-
Sarah Palin Ain't Maggie Thatcher
Look, the majority of Alaskans are you know DUDES and the blood leaves their brain and they're voting with their...trouts.
madawaskan said...
Take that for experience-plus a damn Bronze Star.
Plus born in Pittsburgh...the electoral map...
By the time of the election Ridge will have a BSM from 40 years ago and Palin may have a son in Iraq. a Blue star sitting in the Governor's window means more to this BSM winner than one on Ridge's lapel.
PA matters sure, but as I said up thread, I think Palin plays well with Reagan Dems and helps in many states in play, PA, OH, WV, MI, MN, WI for example
am not sold on Plain, but she deserves a strong look.
madawaskan: Lack of foreign policy experience is an endemic problem for all governors who seek to become president or VP. Fortunately for McCain, that's genuinely his own longest suit. Similarly, I think his age, life experience, and general gravitas give him more flexibility in choosing someone young than Obama will have. (He practically has to pick an elder statesman of some sort to cure his own thin credentials and lack of experience.)
Beldar said...
madawaskan: Lack of foreign policy experience is an endemic problem for all governors who seek to become president or VP.
except for the Governors of California and the mayor and Governor of NY which have long had their own foreign policies.
Yeah well maybe she doesn’t have a lot of foreign policy experience but she knows a dead fish when she sees one. Obama would want to negotiate with it.
BJK:Before her husband left his job, Ms. Palin was quite literally "getting into bed with big oil." It also feeds into the 'Bush III' mantra - Cheney : Haliburton :: Palin : BP.
Right, because we all know that Cheney was an hourly-wage worker. From DBQ's linked article:
Until recently, he [Palin] earned hourly wages as a production operator in a BP-run facility that separates oil from gas and water. Palin was making between $100,000 and $120,000 a year before he went on leave in December to make more time for his family and avoid potential conflicts of interest. London-based BP is heavily involved in the gas pipeline negotiations with his wife's administration.
The guy doesn't even have a college degree. I'm sure that salary reflects the location: everything in Alaska is expensive, and skilled oil & gas workers make very good money. But do you really think anyone is going to buy into the equivalency you're trying to draw?
To be fair, Bill Clinton knows about that too. He was married to one. Or is that a cold fish? I get confused about that.
Well sure- she deserves a strong look.
Two years!? Oy!
Afmittedly I have dyslexia-
I get this exactly backwards;
I think his age, life experience, and general gravitas give him more flexibility in choosing someone young than Obama will have.
For exactly this reason McCain cannot in my view make a frivolous choice.
We are at war-on two fronts, Mccain and Republicans have to play to their stregnth-National Security-and illustrate that they take that very, very seriously.
Plato said it best and said it first raison etre number one for government is to insure the very preservation of the nation state-the restr is gravy.
Or maybe he said frosting, whatever-the rest is optional..
Carp I can't keep up.
You know I think she's all green and catching , releasing.
{I'm off to search my pantry for vodka-sheesh maybe my typing will improve.}
I figured Trooper would go all Godfather on us and say that Palin was sending a message to her opposition:
sleep with the fishes:
"It's an old Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes." -Sal Tessio in The Godfather
She'd probably be a good choice if McCain wants a good conservative legacy pick. I suspect he'll go with someone more well-known, though, like Mitt Romney (good fundraiser, regardless of whatever else people say about him) or Joe Lieberman (looks bipartisan, emphasizes unity regarding foreign policy).
All the comments on salmon and nobody likes it smoked?
I like Sarah Palin as VP. Bobby Jindal would be great too. I think they both are up coming stars in the GOP.
Beldar said...
"She's got a pretty good record, in other words, of being the first Alaska politician of either party to stand up to the oil companies instead of getting into bed with them."
Much to the chagrin of the oil companies, one imagines.
I suspect he'll go with someone more well-known, though, like Mitt Romney (good fundraiser, regardless of whatever else people say about him) or Joe Lieberman (looks bipartisan, emphasizes unity regarding foreign policy).
The problem with Romney is that a lot of conservatives suspect him of being a liberal. The problem with Lieberman is that he really IS a liberal -- he's conservative for a Democrat, sure, but he's still to the left of most Republicans. McCain has enough credibility trouble with the Republican base without nominating a VP with similar problems.
McCain needs a pick who is solidly conservative and either female or a non-Hispanic minority. Palin seems like a pretty good option so far.
Got one!
McCain ought to pick Palin. Pawlenty may throw Minnesota in play, but I wouldn't bet on it, and he's not exactly an exciting figure.
Quite a few people pointed out that Palin has more executive experience than Obama. True. It's also true that she has more executive experience than McCain.
Somebody upthread thought that McCain picking Palin would force Obama to pick Clinton. Wrong.
As I said last week, Obama has two very good female governors who could be his VP. Advantage goes to the first candidate to add a female governor to his ticket. Makes the other guy look like he's playing catch up if he does the same.
Someone nailed your pathetically obvious lying ass again at Belmont Club. I thought you'd like to know since you're too chickenshit and gutless to hang around.
I'm not sure I would even want an experienced, establishment Republican at this point. Haven't they proven beyond a doubt that they don't care about conservative principles? In that light, Palin's "inexperience" is a plus to me. "Experienced Republican" practically equals "Washington Insider Butthole" at this point.
I'm pretty much going to vote for McCain regardless, but having Palin on the ticket would probably make me a lot happier about doing so. But I'm sympathetic to the idea that she and Jindal needs more seasoning before putting the spotlight on them.
That being the case, if she's not McCain's running mate, I know I want her running for President in 2012.
I think this is interesting. Palin is backing the TransCanada pipeline proposal and now Russia's Gazprom wants to join Alaska's pipeline party ..Gazprom executive saying his company wants to partner with ConocoPhillips and BP on their pipeline.
They better be leery of the offer. Russia plays nasty.
A commenter on another post says it much better than I can:
"They say McCain reads the blogs, so here goes --
Senator McCain- Don't let the campaign kibbitzers muddle things up.
First and foremost, Sarah Palin shares your values. She killed the bridge to nowhere. Need we say more?
As for the politics, Sarah Palin transcends geography. Her constituency, like yours, goes beyond state lines.
She will get your ticket access to voters all over the country based on who she is and what she stands for. Because she's young, a woman, a mother with young kids, she will grab media attention more than any other potential candidate.
Gov. Palin also has a son in the active duty military. You have very wisely taken your son's service in Iraq off the table as a campaign talking point. That is and should be respected. But others can talk about it and reflect on what it means.
A McCain-Palin administration would be the first in memory which has family members in uniform during wartime from both the President and Vice President. That would be a powerful statement as to the importance of national service, especially in uniform.
Most importantly, any Vice President should be ready to step up and serve in the event she is needed. Frankly, who is really ever ready? Gov. Palin is as ready as anybody, she is a quick learner, and in her public career has exhibited the courage and decisiveness needed for a great leader.
Godspeed to you in your campaign and in making this important decision."
I can see it all now, Alaska Gov Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, introducing Sarah as the next Vice President of the United States at the Republican National Convention later this summer, to the tune of Shania Twain’s “She’s Not Just a Pretty Face”.
Here it is:
Just imagine!!! (Dems, eat your heart out)
Doesn't Palin look just like Tina Fey? LOL
Seriously, though...I am so happy to see a REAL woman running for office. I never really believed Hillary was real. I mean, I WANT the 1st woman President, or VP in this case, to be someone who has 5 kids and has been to the grocery store in the last 20 years.
I've been trying to find out more about her today. She seems to be an upstanding individual, believes in the free market, is financially conservative and socially moderate. McCain-Palin has my vote!
Lisa Landry
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