३ जून, २००८

The man who invented Pringles is cremated and buried in a Pringles can.

Fredric Baur. RIP.

४२ टिप्पण्या:

Joaquin म्हणाले...

I like that! Something new and different.

George M. Spencer म्हणाले...

The Afterlife?

Crispy and Stackable!

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

A local blogger had some funny comments on this:


अनामित म्हणाले...

...and he's thankful he didn't invent the condom.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I heard that the guy who invented the vibrator was cremated and his ashes were......ah...never mind.

UWS guy म्हणाले...

Good thing he didn't invent the sapository.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Or the plunger.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Did he invent Pringles too, or just the can?

Those cans are darn useful, though.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

To confornm with US product standards, it should contain the disclaimer "The soul is sold by weight, not volume".

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Those cans are darn useful, though.

Well, at least Pringles have one redeeming quality (why anyone would do that to the revered potatoe chip has always been beyond me).

अनामित म्हणाले...

Flash forward 10,000 years. What are anthropologists going to dream up about our society, based on finding human remains housed in a container with nutritional information on the side?

Trooper York म्हणाले...

What are they going to do when the guy who invented hot pockets dies?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

LOL! I mean, RIP. I love it. If only every inventor had this sense of humour.

- Henry Ford buried inside the trunk/boot of a Model-T

- Thomas Alva Edison's cremated remains housed within a victrola.

- The creator of Barbie, when she goes, is buried with a Malibu Barbie house set, complete with Ken and all her outrageously leggy friends.

Come on. It was your baby. Honour it!

Victoria (Never had a Pringle)

Tibore म्हणाले...

There's a Soylent Green joke in there somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

अनामित म्हणाले...

From the obituary: "

His ashes were interred next to a 32 ounce plastic container holding the ashes of Clara Brownlee, the woman credited with inventing the snack dip. In a poignant note, neither container was stamped with an expiration date"

Bissage म्हणाले...

This is just like the Ted Kennedy thing.

It’s in the news only because Fredric Baur’s a celebrity.

I know a guy who’s got a trophy case full of Pringles® cans full of dead people.

Is he in the news?

He is not.

Ron म्हणाले...

and when George Foreman goes will he not be cremated so much as grilled, really, really well?

Unknown म्हणाले...

I'm thinking that this person's death could top Mr. Baur's. (Not that I'm seeking to hasten it along or anything.)

अनामित म्हणाले...

They had an awful time trying to bury Charles Winslow, the man who wrote the song 'Hokey Pokey'

The trouble started when the morticians tried to place his remains in the casket. First they put his left foot in...then the trouble began.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Mr. Oreck will be spinning in his grave.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

The rumor is that they didn't bury Mr. Whipple, they just flushed him.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

The commentariat is on a roll today!! this is almost as good as Sat nite live.

अनामित म्हणाले...

They stoled the idea from the guy who invented the can to hold tennis balls

ricpic म्हणाले...

He took the potato chip, rugged and wild,
And reduced it to one shape that nestles inside
A can that is shaped like a tennis ball canister,
Like hookers set to slide down a whorehouse bannister.

Ron म्हणाले...

What ethnicity was Mr. Baur? Nacho Cheese? Sour Cream and Onion? Just plain, or low salt?

roger j: The Althouse CommentCzars are way funnier than those SNL hacks!

Or at least our bad jokes are much quicker!

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
KCFleming म्हणाले...

Dr. Kevorkian's ashes will be diluted to half strength and injected directly into the ground, killing off all nearby plant life.
But they wanted to die.

Al Gore will attempt to be buried in the shape of a carbon footprint, but the gas released on cremation left only enough solid matter to form a semi-colon.

Bill Clinton in a cigar box, lined in blue.

Tom Cruise in a closet.

Pat Buchanan in a Volkswagen.

Peter Frampton to be buried in you, in me, in yooouuuuuu, in meeee ee heeee.

Why didn't Mapplethorpe get buried in a lab jar full of urine?

Madonna's ashes will be placed in two bra cones sewn back-to-back.

blake म्हणाले...

What do they do with the guy who invented the slinky?

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Pity the poor soul who developed Depends 'undergarments'.

ricpic म्हणाले...

re: Bissage

If you can fill a trophy case with Pringle cans stuffed with dead people
And still lose out to Kennedy, that @*!#*& celebrity,
And go on stuffing more people into more Pringle cans
In proud anonymity --
THEN you are a man, my son.

Ron म्हणाले...

The voodoo witchcraft of Ozzy will reanimate the corpse of Peter Frampton in the low-budget horror indy, Frampton comes Alive!

Zombie Frampton will sing very slowly with that wierdo mic effect...

I....waaaannnnttt....yooooouuuuu...toooo...shooow ...meeeeee....theeee....waaaayyyy.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Thomas Crapper, the Brit who invented the flush toilet, died January 17, 1910.

[Insert your own punch line here.]

He spoke of having a fever, and appeared to be flushed.

Trooper York म्हणाले...

When Sarah Jessica Parker kicks the bucket, it's straight to the glue factory.

AllenS म्हणाले...

A picture of the urn that will hold Ann's ashes, will be taken with a fisheye lens, prompting commenters to exclaim: "Wow! She looks like she was really big!"

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sarah Jessica Parker walks into a bar and the bartender says 'hey buddy, why the long face?'

Trooper York म्हणाले...

Reprise from another post I did today:

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says "Hey why the long face." The horse said,"Someone told me I look like Sarah Jessica Parker."

knox म्हणाले...


blake म्हणाले...


Heh. The variants are endless, aren't they?

"SJP broke her leg today. Doctors immediately shot her."

By the way, SJP circa L.A. Story? A pretty cool reinvention of her persona up to that point, IMO. Also, I think it's impressive that she's got any cachet at all as a sex symbol, don't you?

From a career standpoint, not an aesthetic one.

And look, she's dominated Althouse today!

Mr. B. म्हणाले...

This is what is called, in computer science, recursion...

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Posted on this last night. Not a single comment yet. Guess I need blond hair. :-)

John Kindley म्हणाले...

Now that's taking your work home with you to an extreme.

Elliott A म्हणाले...

The world's largest potato chip is a pringle, preserved in the Idaho State Potato Exposition in Blackfoot, Idaho. Admission is $1 and you get a baked potato with all the fixins after the tour.