Was it that guy's goal to piss Obama off and get him looking bad on camera? I'd say Obama kept his cool and handled it well, but I'm sure there will be people who will say this is Obama losing his cool. To that, I'd say: If this is Obama losing his cool, Obama is very cool. Perhaps a better question is whether Obama is too cool — too bland and unemotional to enthuse us. But we've already gotten overenthused at Obama. Some day, we'll look back on these scenes and puzzle over the enigma of Obama.
Damn, that guy was annoying. He was a bit like a Sacha Baron Cohen character... except he was not funny.
NOTE: I've replaced the embedded video with a link. People continue to have problems with Redlasso video — I think because it's high-quality video.
११९ टिप्पण्या:
I don't know how "cool" it is to first say "no" while grumbling that "you're wearing me down, brother" (Don't tase me bro), then given in with, "but I won't be smiling." That comes across as wimpy to me.
He was a bit like a Sacha Baron Cohen character... except he was not funny.
If he was unfunny then he was exactly like a Sacha Baron Cohen character...
It still doesn't change the fact that Obama only rolled a 37 in his bowling appearance earlier this week. How pathetic and revealing.
Well Sloan it was only 7 frames, had he done 10 he'd broke 50, much better huh?
I'm not sure of the guy's motivation but he was a jerk, I'm surprised they didn't get rid of him earlier. Too close and too confrontational for someone in Obama's position.
What part of no doesn't that mook understand? Annoying? That guys whining was like chalk screeching on a blackboard. I wonder why the Secret Service guys did not nicely guide him away from Obama?
As to Obama; his reaction was nothing compared to ole Uncle Festus when he lost his cool in a meeting of superdelegates the other day. The yelling and finger pointing and all that. He had to send a grovelling functionary to call the delegate to apologize on his behalf. Clintons do not apologize personally.
He needs those delegates to win- oops sorry- for Hillary to win. Why would he show such a lack of disrespect and class?
Sloanasaurus said...
It still doesn't change the fact that Obama only rolled a 37 in his bowling appearance earlier this week. How pathetic and revealing.
But can Hillary shoot hoops?
Revealing of what, Sloan? That he can't bowl? Who cares?
Hey Mr. Photo seeker: Get a real life!
Hey! It's Philly, whadduya spec?
It still doesn't change the fact that Obama only rolled a 37 in his bowling appearance earlier this week. How pathetic and revealing
Not as embarrassing as ordering a Philly Cheese-steak with Swiss cheese :)
Damn, that guy was annoying.
Hold on while I play my violin.
Maybe Obama was upset that it wasn't some 20 something hottie fawning over his messiah like aura rather than an Al Bundy clone.
Too close and too confrontational for someone in Obama's position.
You're right. If it was John Kerry, he would have been thrown to the ground and tazzed. Repeatedly.
None of the top candidates has had a single word to say about the tragedy of Tibet.
Even Ralph Nader has turned away from it.
Lutheran Surrealism has declared a boycott of Chinese goods.
Will you join us?
So what is the difference between an annoying photo-hound and a an aggresive lobbyist?
Oh, yes - the lobbyist gives the candidate money so the candidate doesn't mind being bothered by him.
Got it...
The man was not annoying. He was rude. No means no. I'm not a Obama guy, he's my least favorite of the three candidates, but he didn't do anything wrong here.
The rude guy should have been escorted off the premises. He was very aggressive and confrontational. Security should have been worried.
Wait a minute - what is the difference between a Lutheran and a Surrealist Lutheran?
They're already pretty divorced from reality. I mean look at Garrison Keillor...
None of the top candidates has had a single word to say about the tragedy of Tibet.
There is only one tragedy and that is the plight of the Palestinian people suffering under the yoke of Israeli occupation.
Those uppity Tibetans should just STFU, submit and appreciate being under the governance of those progressive Chinese who just want to sell us shoes like Ted Turner says.
Revealing of what, Sloan? That he can't bowl? Who cares?
It's similar to Ford falling down a few times. Getting a 37 in bowling is equivilent to being a wussie.
It still doesn't change the fact that Obama only rolled a 37 in his bowling appearance earlier this week. How pathetic and revealing.
Yes indeed. Thank goodness Earl Anthony was around in 1945 to roll a 297 game and an 846 series to beat the Japanese Champion Yoshi Tokumori and give the US the big victory in WWII!
Step right up and miss the point Anne.
The clip begins with BHO denying a photo request because, "You're an eBay guy and I know it."
The guy tells BHO he's not asking for an autograph but a picture.
All of the rest of the clip is about exactly that.
This is significant because autographs have value on eBay while that pic had none. Though that may have changed given this clip.
It's Obama's choice if he doesn't want to enable autograph pros. And I don't care which side he comes down on.
But a simple two-shot? During a Presidential campaign?.
In the end O-man relented because he saw he was wrong.
Stop defending his first, bad choice.
Getting a 37 in bowling is equivilent to being a wussie.
No kidding. Steve Wonder could do better than that.
The clip begins with BHO denying a photo request because, "You're an eBay guy and I know it."
Yet more evidence of Obama's Marxist bona fides. Crushing the entreprenurial spirit of the little guy.
I don't think you should be able to comment here unless you've rolled a 200. I bowled a 204 once -- just one open frame! You should also be able to say why moving the Bowler's Association to Texas is a bad idea.
If this is how Obama handles a patriotic American who just wants to take his picture imagine how he will handle I'm a Dinner Jacket.
This is awful and we need to highlight to show that he is unfit to be president.
Also, another Jeremiah Wright posting would help.
"It's similar to Ford falling down a few times. Getting a 37 in bowling is equivilent to being a wussie."
I'm going to assume you're making a joke. Was Ford a bad president because he was clumsy? Would Obama make a bad one because he threw too many gutterballs? You've got to be kidding.
Should we find out Obama's batting average? Or his free throw percentage? Does basketball not count in your view? How about marbles? As in, you're missing some, Sloan.
If Obama cant bowl I cant vote for him.
It is that simple.
I was going to vote for him too until I saw that bowling score.
Also, if Obama would of been a cheerleader like our masculine amazing president George Bush than I could vote for him.
But, alas, Obama wasn't a cheerleader.
I was going to vote for him too until I saw that bowling score.
Heh, you think its funny? Maybe it is because you don't get it. Obama is a wussie. To win, he needs to convince voters that it is okay to have a wussie as a president.
If you need more analysis, read Michael Barone's article today on the democratic primary voting patterns, and you will see that Obama is winning the wussie voters, while Clinton is winning the "Jacksonians."
As Barone put it, Clinton and McCain are fighters who don't want to stop fighting - Obama is one who doesn't want to start a fight.
Obama alludes to the clown's bothering him previously, when some kids were trying to talk to him. The pesterer was rude and selfish, and could have had a gun. Giving him the photoop he claimed to want was the simplest way of dealing with him.
Bowling is for chunky factory workers to do after work in the winter, while sucking on longnecks. I'm not surprised someone who grew up on tropical islands would suck at bowling.
"Bowling is for chunky factory workers to do after work in the winter, while sucking on longnecks. I'm not surprised someone who grew up on tropical islands would suck at bowling."
I haven't worked in a factory since I made those films for Wahol in the early '70s...but I guess the rest is on the money.
Oh, I get it, Sloan. Bowling is maybe not the best indicator of whether someone is tough enough to be president.
But here's the thing, per your link, the time of the macho cowboy president is over. Do you really think a majority of Americans want four more years of "My way or the highway" diplomacy? Look at what it's got us.
You and your bowling buddies have had their chance, Sloan. You guys blew it. Now the "academics" will clean up your mess. Like we always do.
Sloan, you are insane and have no sense of humor.
And Sloan you take this shit too serious.
Relax, take a deep breath, now stretch and exhale.
Bring your chest all the way to your knees and hold it there. Feel the tension releasing from your bitter angry body.
Do something nice for someone today. Say something nice to someone today. Perhaps do a split leap. Or maybe a tandue in fourth position with your arms in port de bras. Sing a song, make is simple, to last your whole day long. Sing of good things not bad. You will feel so much better and you will have all the anger and hatred off your shoulders.
My sense is that your chakras are out of aligment and
And you haven't seen your third eye in years.
Open up, widen your second, let the air and the land and the physical space envelope your second position.
Take it in and feel its power.
The Power of Love. Make Love your Goal.
This is for your Sloan:
The sun shines warmly,
The spring snow clears;
The jaws of the plum
And the face of the willow
Vie with their fragrant freshness.
The occasion for poetry
And spiritual divertissement
Holds boundless meaning
Permitted to the person
Who wanders in the fields
And arduously composes poetry!
I hope in some way I have offered you some enlightenment and calm.
My work is done.
Thank you.
And for you Trooper we can work on your Chaka Khan's too if you think it will help your Karma.
I'm ok on my Chaka Kahn this morning Titus, thank you. It's warm and chocolate brown and curvy mounds of goodness that feels for me. Ahhhhh!
Now the "academics" will clean up your mess. Like we always do.
Oh my! Now there is a sidesplitter if I ever saw one! Academics cleaning up a mess!!! LAWL! Last time I saw an 'academic' clean a mess was telling Juanita his maid to clean up the caviar he dropped on this carpet.
Good one though! Keep em coming, its been cloudy all week and I need a laugh.
What part of no doesn't that mook understand?
That's the sort of langauge that got McCain in trouble.
OK, Trooper. If you ever need any help let me know. I am hear and listening.
I my role here on Althouse is to enlighten, calm and relax much of the vitrolic debate.
I am the Althouse Zen Master.
I just took a walk for lunch and just a couple blocks away on Washington street, Bambi set up his voter registration HQ and all the kiddies are out standing in line huddled in their North Face jackets (its still cold here) and chatting away waiting to be registered. Lots of hot chicks which probably explains the equal number of guys lining up hoping to score a number. Well, not all. There were a couple of fetching specimens which I'm betting Titus would go hog wild over. In a manner of speaking of course.
Where was Obama's security? This guy should have been hustled away after the 2nd encounter. And his staff should have intervened.
And why doesn't anyone ever speak up about obnoxious and rude behavior? Everyone just stood and stared like stupid cows.
Also, I recommend that everyone smell a flower, or say hello to a tree, or appreciate a little squirrel or observe a robin or play with a hog.
You will appreciate many of lifes wonders by reaching out and touching and experiencing one of these pleasures.
Thank you.
I think this video makes him seem too soft. If he didn't have time for the picture, he should've found a way to get rid of the guy, or signal someone else to do so, rather than continuing to engage with him. He ends up wasting far too much time on the issue. I think he comes across as passive here.
Or perhaps bite into a cherry and feel the explosion and sensations of all the flavors the cherry has to offer.
The cherry has taken over your mouth and you are enjoying every taste of the cherry.
By the way, I like the fact that he bowled a 37. I find that charming, but I'm terrible at bowling too.
I am going to now go take the rare clumbers to day care where they will be participating in the agility course.
On my walk I will breath deeply, inhale the fresh air and exhale and release any unhealthy toxins.
With each step I will appreciate my surroudings in sometimes difficult circumstances. People can be rude and it can be crowded but this will not interrupt my karma.
After I drop off the dogs it is onto Yoga where I will release my energy to my fellow Yoga classmates as well as attach myself to their positive energy.
Than, it will be my intense workout at the gym which will consist of back, tris and abs.
But before I go I am going to pinch a loaf.
thank you, as always fellow republicans, thank you.
The guy got his picture, didn't he.
He almost certainly works as a cold-call stockbroker.
Everyone just stood and stared like stupid cows.
Kind like they do at one of his speeches.
Christopher Althouse Cohen said... I'm terrible at bowling too.
You have an excuse if you didn't grow up in the Bowling Zone: roughly the quadrant of the US north and east of Kansas City. But how are you at three-on-three hoops?
You lose the mook vote you lose what? 15 - 20% of the country? Hell, you lose my vote! You just lost my vote Obama, you supercilious twit! So there.
And Sloan you take this shit too serious.Relax, take a deep breath, now stretch and exhale.
Wow I think I am on to something.
Obama is a wussie. The late night comedians have been looking for a way to make fun of Obama, now they have found it.
By the way, I like the fact that he bowled a 37. I find that charming, but I'm terrible at bowling too.
Being terrible is different from being a wussie. Anyone with any sliver of athletic skill who is not crippled should be able to bowl more than 37.
Bowling, like chili dogs, Pabst Blue Ribbon and professional wrestling is at heart a working class endeavor. The academic class would not indulge. It is funny that hipster's pick these pursuits as "cool". There are more bowling shirts and bars serving Pabst in a can than you can shake a stick at in Williamsburg and Fort Greene and other outposts where the tragically hip congregate. We can only hope that as they age they will return to Scrabble, Brie, chardonnay and women’s tennis so we can get the Raccoon Lodge league the primo spots on the lanes and go back to competitive farting to settle any ties.
You and your bowling buddies have had their chance, Sloan. You guys blew it. Now the "academics" will clean up your mess. Like we always do.
The last academic we elected got us into a war that killed 120,000 american boys, and worse yet, helped set the stage for the next war. I would take our record with cowboys over that record.
The academic class would not indulge. It is funny that hipster's pick these pursuits as "cool".
It reminds me of the famous quote from that New York Elitist Pauline Kael "I don't know wnyone who voted for Nixon."
"Wow I think I am on something."
Fixed that for you.
"The last academic" = Kennedy? Johnson?
Read a book, Sloan. Kennedy was no academic.
He means Woodrow Wilson dude, he just read an older book.
What an academic dope. First he bowls like a girlyman and then he blows a perfectly good Sister Souljah moment in which he could have publicly dissociated himself from squirrelly little whiney white boys who think they're entitled to own images of themselves basking in brother-love with B.O.
If he'd been on the ball, he would have ripped the dude's tiny little head off, cooked him in a popcorn popper, and served him up to Ted Turner.
Undecided working class centrists like me would have no choice but to vote for his sorry feel-good ass.
I would take our record with cowboys over that record.
Well considering those progressive Dem's were the ones that got us sucked into WW1 WW2, Korea and Vietnam, I'd say you have a point. If we're keeping score as the progressives are fond of doing, Bush has lost a lot less soldiers in 5 years than FDR did in a month in Belgium in 1944.
then he blows a perfectly good Sister Souljah moment in which he could have publicly dissociated himself from squirrelly little whiney white boys who think they're entitled to own images of themselves basking in brother-love with B.O.
Heh. Can you just picture the photo-op with Armageddonjad after some strenuous negotiations?
"Oh ok, Mahmoud. You can keep your nuclear weapons but I won't be smiling."
Bush has lost a lot less soldiers in 5 years than FDR did in a month in Belgium in 1944.
More soldiers died in accidents while in the army in 1980 (when there was no war) then have been killed in Iraq during 2006 or 2007.
Actually, I have never liked Senator Obama more than after seeing him deal with the asshole. He was assertive, patient, to the point.
Can you imagine McCain in that situation? Or Hillary! Or even Al? I think only the sadly departed Fred could have carried it off better.
Kennedy was no academic.
Of course not. That would have interfered with his skirt chasing.
Glenn Reynolds notes the important thing about this video and that is Obama's security kind of sucks. I noted that too when I viewed it and having some experience in doing protective service ops I think suckage is a good term to use.
Granted, the candidate needs to meet and greet and shake hands with the public, but when you have a guy that looks even this mildly agitated the Secret Service agent should have kept him further back and much sooner than he did.
I wonder if McCain can bowl. I suspect not. Is he therefore a wuss?
I wonder if McCain can bowl. I suspect not. Is he therefore a wuss?
I think he would get a pass for the Hanoi Hilton. What do you think MadisonMan?
I was just in the snack store and heard a couple of young thangs saying that they got free Dave Matthews tickets from Bambi's HQ when they registered today.
I think that sucks myself. If they'd been Rob Zombie tickets, I would have been in line too. Dave Matthews is a tool.
That 37 bowling score is the equivalent of Dukakis in the tank.
Truly, he is in America, but not of it.
As for McCain, he probably cannot bowl due to his permanent injuries from torture, but he does know how to press that button that launches air-to-air missiles.
If BHO is elected, I think this pest should register as a foreign lobbyist and seek retainers from Iran, N Korea and Venezuela.
Who needs a WMD program or narco-insurgency if you've got this guy work'n for ya?
I wonder if McCain can bowl. I suspect not. Is he therefore a wuss?
As long as he doesn’t try to prove his bona fides as a regular guy by bowling, no one will give it a second thought. It is the condescion of politicos who parachute in and pretend that they are hunter’s or bowlers or Nascar fans or Yankee fans that sets peoples teeth on edge. The master of this bullshit was Nelson Rockafellar who used to eat a slize of pizza, a knish and corned beef sandwich when he campaigned when everyone knew he was a hoity-toity cavier kind of guy. You only look ridiculous when you pretend to be something you’re not. Barrack Obama is an exotic, not a regular guy. He can’t appeal to regular white working class guys by bowling just as he can’t appeal to women by getting in the stirrups at the gynecologist. It just ain’t right dude. Stick with what you are good at.
Trevor: As the old saw has it: "I Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than opening your mouth and proving it." Wilson was a PhD political scientist at Princeton and the President that Sloan notes; the total casualties of Viet Nam were in the approximately 55K. There are a couple of clues to help you out.
I'm with Obama on this one. I mean, yeah, he could have handled it better, but he did OK.
Believe it or not, a couple of news commentators on Fox News this morning said the same thing.
What do you think MadisonMan?
I defer to sloan's expert knowledge re: bowling and wussiness. Perhaps he'll deign to chime in again.
If McCain can routinely break 100, even with limited arm motion, that's impressive.
I wonder if McCain can bowl. I suspect not. Is he therefore a wuss?
I'd be quite surprised if he could! But I imagine he's smart enough to know that, and keep it to himself---instead of proving it in a preannounced public stunt. To me, Obama's bowling stunt was stunning not in his lack of ability, but rather in his lack of self awareness. Maybe he had the audacity to hope he'd break 100.
I can't wait until Obama goes hunting! Perhaps Dick Cheney could invite him on a trip.
I wonder if McCain can bowl. I suspect not. Is he therefore a wuss?
I don't know if he is right or left handed but he has limited movement in one arm due to injuries he received while in captivity in Vietnam. And even with that fact, he probably couldn't bowl any worse.
I defer to sloan's expert knowledge re: bowling and wussiness. Perhaps he'll deign to chime in again.
Sucking horribly at bowling doesn't in and of itself define wussiness, it is merely a symptom of being a wuss - evidence that not only have you never bowled before, but evidence that you may have no athletic prowess at all.
Maybe Obama is not a wuss, I hear he can play basketball. Maybe we will see some of him playing basketball in the near future....maybe we won't.... maybe basketball isn't the 1st choice game of blue collar Pennsylvania.
Besides, I am not the only one who may see Obama as a wuss. Go read Barone's article, and see who is voting for Obama and who is voting for Clinton.
That 37 bowling score is the equivalent of Dukakis in the tank.
Actually his handlers took Dukakis to a bowling alley but they couldn't find a bowling ball light enough for him so they settled for the tank.
Roger, so we know Sloan can read and I have trouble sometimes, but can you read? Trooper York set me straight hours ago. And was much classier about it. He even managed to avoid bungling a cliché while doing it.
As for your hope that the vice-president shoots Obama, I can only say that was even classier than your "old saw." Prick.
Apologies, Sloan. I admit when I'm wrong or overzealous in my responses. This was one of 'em.
"Sucking horribly at bowling doesn't in and of itself define wussiness, it is merely a symptom of being a wuss - evidence that not only have you never bowled before, but evidence that you may have no athletic prowess at all."
I don't know that there's a direct correllation between athletic un-prowess and wussiness. I unfortunately have always sucked at baseball, basketball and golf. On the other hand, I lettered all four years in high school wrestling (in a winning program that has won our state championship several times in the last 10 years or so) and won the sectionals each time. I was undefeated in college intramural boxing (2-0 . . . woo hoo!). I did lose my only Savate match to a guy who'd been practicing that martial art for several more years than I, (and 13 years later have a recurring pain from a kick to the thigh in the first seconds of the match to remind me) but believe based on how the match was going that if we'd had another round I would have kicked his ass.
All of the above does not by any means prove that I'm a bad ass, but it does suggest that I'm not as much of a wuss as my golf swing might indicate.
That was a gracious and classy move Trevor. You don't see much of that on the internets. Some times we want to argue a point so much we can mangle it a little. It takes a big man to admit a mistake. Good show.
Those who want something about Obama that's more substantial might want to read how his "honest conversation" included dishonesty and a false choice.
Another recent lie - and what appears to be confirmation of something heretofore dismissed as a conspiracy theory - here.
All of the above does not by any means prove that I'm a bad ass, but it does suggest that I'm not as much of a wuss as my golf swing might indicate.
Except you are probably overestimating what being horrible at golf means. Perhaps in your mind horrible at golf is you shanking your drive into the woods. That does not equate to wussiness.
Obama's 37 is the equivilent of standing at the ball and whoofing 5 times in a row before dribbling it short of the woman's tee.
It's comforting to see that the Althouse gang is still drooling. When Sloan finishes babbling about bowling, maybe he can repeat his claim of a few months ago that the US economy is going strong. Keep the laughs coming, Sloan!
fellow republicans I have something to admit.
I am a really good bowler.
Growing up in Wisconsin it was a requirement. What the hell else are you going to do in January when is is 10 below zero.
I had really good form (of course) and a fabulous curve ball. Also, my bowling ball was the prettiest in the league-swirls of green and white. I bowled Saturdays in league and Sundays for practice.
My parents bowled on Tuesday (mens night); Wednesday (womens night) and Saturday (couples night).
The couple they bowled with would come over and get drunk before they bowled. Kind of like The Ice Storm but in the midwest and not as fabulous and sucky houses.
I ended my career with a 189 average, at the age of 17.
My parents don't bowl anymore and they tell me that it has lost its popularity in the Midwest and it is hard to fill leagues in their small town.
I also curled-you should see me work that broom.
fellow republicans, do you know what a "turkey" means in bowling?
When I moved out to Boston they had candlepin bowling which I had never seen. Little pins and balls that were small with no holes.
I tried to candlepin and hated it.
I did do it with a hot Irishman in a candle pin alley once in the bathroom and I then kind of liked the game. It was so Goodwill Hunting but more like Good Cock Hunting staring me. He as all drunk and told me he knew all these politicians and that I needed to not tell anyone. I was like don't worry Sully I am not going to call the Boston Globe. He wasn't that good. Also, unfortunately he had the Irish curse.
The Irish curse? There was an Englishman in the bathroom?
Hey Cyrus is back. It must be spring break at Hogwarts.
irish curse small dick
A couple of commenters mentioned Secret Service protection. Presidential candidates do not receive Secret Service protection until 120 days before the general election.
Andrew Stevens said...
A couple of commenters mentioned Secret Service protection. Presidential candidates do not receive Secret Service protection until 120 days before the general election.
Wrong. It is mandatory 120 days prior to election. They get it if they ask for it. Obama has had protection for quite awhile.
Trooper York said...
Hey Cyrus is back. It must be spring break at Hogwarts.
Most people go to great drunken party places for spring break. Those Hogwarts students are sure strange. You would think they are wizards or something.
Jeez, Barry's a black guy from Hawaii. Bowling isn't part of his roots. Lets see him hang 10 when the surf is up.
When's his next visit to SoCal?
Barry is a 10 hanger?
Hey Cyrus is back. It must be spring break at Hogwarts.
I read that as Cyrus is black. Couldn't figure out the Hogwarts connection. Need bifocals.
Cyrus, bro: please convince us you arent amanda marcotte--publish your real name and we can google you (mine is on my profile--and you can even google it and get several pages of his). Tell us where you got your PhD in physics and what the dissertation topic was. Otherwise, we will assume you were and are a pathetic phoney. What a pathetic bastard.
Trevor, sweetie: here's how that that works: You make a really stupid mistake. Trooper did, in fact, call you on it. Ahh--then, my boy--your task is to make a post that says "thanks trooper, sI am wrong. Sorry." You instead, chose to remain quiet and not ackknowledge your error. A real man (0r woman) owns up to his mistakes. That apparently lets you out. Prick. Oh--and have a nice day.
Don't embarrass yourself further, Roger, by assuming you know how I spend my time. I admitted my error when I discovered it. You missed your opportunity. Too busy fantasizing about the death of a presidential candidate?
tandue = tendu?
I scanned thru the comments, and didn't see this point, so I figured I would highlight it.
Several comments on other blogs indicate that the fellow on the tape makes a profession out of getting his photo taken with celebrities, then selling stuff on eBay. I don't recall offhand if he sells the photos, or uses them to establish his "credibility," but either way it sounds pretty slimy.
So, yes, Obama handled it pretty well. I still get a bigger kick out of McGovern's classic response to a persistent heckler... :)
Middle Class Guy: you're right. Thanks for the correction. Sloppy research on my part.
Hey Trooper! How 'bout them Yankees, the best second place team money can buy...
Cyrus, bro: please convince us you arent amanda marcotte
Roger, bro: who, exactly, is "us?"
I'm perfectly content if some Althouse readers believe I'm Amanda Marcotte. I have no reason to want to deny you or anyone else the simple pleasure of that belief.
Tell us where you got your PhD in physics and what the dissertation topic was. Otherwise, we will assume you were and are a pathetic phoney.
Roger, bro: who, exactly, is "we?"
Bro, considering that you were pimping for David Kane six months ago, you obviously aren't prepared to comprehend advanced mathematical and scientific topics. Why don't you just wait for the Michelle Malkin version of my dissertation?
Speaking of displaying a complete lack of understanding of war casualties, Roger, you wrote this:
the total casualties of Viet Nam were in the approximately 55K.
The total number of deaths from the Vietnam War are "approximately" in excess of three million, not 55K. In fact, the total number of US Armed Forces KIA (which is apparently what you meant) from the Vietnam War is closer to 60K than 55K. If you include MIAs, the total exceeds 60K. And if you include WIAs, the total number of US Armed Forces casualties exceeds 350K.
Sorry if introducing a few facts from the reality-based community interrupts an otherwise fascinating discussion of bowling.
Casey, my point exactly.
Lobbyists can be just as agressive (in different ways), and are getting paid to be such. The only mistake this guy in the video made was to just be a bit too obvious.
Candidates tolerate lobbyists - so whats the outrage about here?
Barack Obama has had Secret Service protection since last year.
If you include MIAs, the total exceeds 60K. And if you include WIAs, the total number of US Armed Forces casualties exceeds 350K.
Regarding your stats on Vietnam, you left out the 3 million killed by the leftist Khamer Rouge. You know... the killings that Noam Chomsky said would never occur once we pulled out.
ann althouse said...
Barack Obama has had Secret Service protection since last year.
Compare and contrast.
"Hey Trooper! How 'bout them Yankees, the best second place team money can buy..."
Now, now Cyrus, the season just started. Mariano and Joba are looking pretty good and Hughes did the job last night. Let's give it a little time and enjoy the season. Nice to have you back.
Sloan wrote:
Regarding your stats on Vietnam, you left out the 3 million killed by the leftist Khamer Rouge.
It's truly amazing how much misinformation you can pack into a single sentence, Sloan.
First, I "left out" the Cambodia Genocide death count because it isn't strictly part of the Vietnam War death toll. In other words, I was striving for accuracy.
Second, the best estimates for the number of Cambodians killed by Khmer Rouge "policies" come from R.J. Rummel (2 million), Amnesty International (1.4 million), and the Yale Cambodian Genocide Program (1.7 million). According to Bruce Sharp who has written extensively about recent Cambodian history:
As of this writing (April 2005), the most commonly cited estimates of the death toll fall in the range of 1.5 to 1.7 million.
Accordingly, your claim of 3 million deaths appears to be a roughly 100% exaggeration of current best estimates of the death toll in Cambodia.
Accuracy counts, Sloan. Maybe you should go back to parroting Rush Limbaugh on the topic of Obama's bowling.
Hey Trooper, I was actually referring to last season's glorious second place finish by the best second place team that money can buy. The fact that the Yankees are already comfortably in second place this year behind the Red Sox is just a happy coincidence.
Very early there Cyrus. Although your man Beckett is the best pitcher in baseball, he always alternates a good year with a bad year and it's time for the bad year. Plus both teams have intergrated young stars into the lineup, I just like our young pitchers better (no cancer, hee hee). But we will see what we will see and I think we can anticipate that Joe Giradi won't take shit like St Joe did. So expect Big Pappy and Manny to be ducking a lot at the plate this year. The fire and hunger is back as the vets can't count on a free ride. It will be interesting times this year. Let's get it on.
First, I "left out" the Cambodia Genocide death count because it isn't strictly part of the Vietnam War death toll. In other words, I was striving for accuracy.
That's my point. Maybe they should be included since the rise of Khmer was brought on by the Democrat's willingness to let South Vietnam fall to the Communists in 1975. I'll accept your 1.5 million since my 3 million came from memory.
These events in history tend to repeat themselves. Thus, if you are a jew living in Israel or a middle-class Iraqi or Lebanese who supports freedom and democracy, beware the rise of Barack Obama and get out while you can.
Blogger Meade said...
ann althouse said...
Barack Obama has had Secret Service protection since last year.
Compare and contrast.
A little thought on the anniversary of MLK's assassination would show why the first black Presidential candidate might want Secret Service protection.
a jew living in Israel or a middle-class Iraqi or Lebanese who supports freedom and democracy
A middle-class Lebanese might wonder why Israel bombed orphanages and destroyed airports in his country in retaliation for two soldiers' being kidnapped by terrorists. While sweeping his olive orchard for cluster bombs, that middle-class Lebanese might wonder why Israelis' copy of the Old Testament didn't include the "eye for an eye" force response limitation present in everyone else's copy.
By that logic, a little thought on the assassination of a former PT boat commander and POTUS might lead one to wonder why another naval veteran doesn't want USSS protection.
And if that fellow who wanted the photo with BHO had been a jihadi with a bomb or a Travis Bickle with a derringer, no doubt you would place the blame on the Secret Service rather than the killer. No doubt it is the candidate's preference for the mix of accessibility vs. security that dictates how close one can get to him, but anyway it will of course be all their fault.
Besides, BHO as a martyr would probably do more for his causes, whatever they are besides the cause of BHO, than BHO as a primary or election loser. Getting knocked off could be a good career move.
(Note to USSS: That cannot possibly be interpreted as a threat, but anyway I declare it is not. Don't shoot or bomb Obama, everybody.
Now please do not come a-visiting, as I have not had time to clean.)
A middle class Lebanese, concentrating his mental efforts on the questions as you pose them and inferring what you imply, is a rather stupid or ill-informed man.
Given the persistence of calls and efforts to free the monster Samir Kuntar, Israel's desire for the return of Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, as well as other unfortunate people such as Gilad Schalit and Ron Arad, would be quite clear to an honest and intelligent person.
Perhaps that excludes you.
On the other hand, of course, I can certainly understand why this fellow would prefer the Israeli version of Samir Kuntar to come to their homes and kill them and their families by such clinical methods as smashing their infants' skulls.
Or Israeli suicide bombers, IEDs, VBIEDs, etc., targeted at public civilian targets in Arab neighborhoods. Yes, that would be much more suitable, in terms of an-eye-for-an-eye, than the IDF's best efforts to target only active hostile combatant foes, especially those shooting rockets at Israel.
I don't really want Titus banned, but I would be quite content for Ann to exercise her freedom of taste and shut you down, you wretched sophist.
Of course the question is whether you would recognize the social contract and go away, or troll more under another nick. As a former law student, perhaps contracts aren't your thing, especially those not written down.
PS The Allies used more force than the Axis in WWII. THAT'S WHY WE WON. (Too bad, eh?)
PPS See the legend of Daphne and Apollo for why your logic is a crock. (Or if pagans don't appeal, read an actual Torah and not the Chomsky-Zinn Cliff's Notes. I won't trouble you to study Talmud But that would doubtless require gifts you don't have, being a former law student.
Now let me conclude before I tell you what I really think of you and blow netiquette all to hell.
Oh -
PPPS Don't tell anyone I said this, but good for you, Obama, blowing that guy off as far as you did. With Spread Eagle you were better being firmer, but since he evidently didn't get the pic in the event, all's well that ends well.
However, former human being will probably vote for you, so I can't.
Actually, fhb, I exempt you from fiddling with holy books. Upon contact no doubt either you or the Bible would go up in flames, causing a fire hazard.
Feel free to read the Koran, of course.
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