Yikes! It's Camille Paglia!
(Via Instapundit.)
ADDED: So I'm mentally sorting through the Hillary men and trying to decide which ones are slick, geeky weasels or and which ones are rancid, asexual cream puffs.
ADDED: Rush Limbaugh read the whole passage and said: "It is an interesting question, and it is interesting to note that all of these guys in Hillary's orb, you know, would be in Revenge of the Nerds 10 — and that's even being charitable towards them, in terms of being men."
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
She is more manly than the men she surrounds herself with.
Not that there's anything wrong with it.
Rush is covering it at this instant (2:22).
Well they are Democrats so Paglia is being redundant here.
Has she never noticed this wimp factor about Dem men before?
Let me add I mean Dem "leaders" not all Dems (did not want to get Madison Man all upset heh).
So I'm mentally sorting through the Hillary men and trying to decide which ones are slick, geeky weasels or and which ones are rancid, asexual cream puffs.
Some could be both.
Which one is Bill?
Maybe Camille couldn't decide either?
aj lynch, have you ever been to Madison. There are very very few men. Well few that don't mince about anyway.
I believe Barry Alvarez scares the daylights out of most Madison Men.
Uh-oh. Don't your sons work for the Hillary campaign ????
"Madison Man" is the blogger name of a regular commenter here. He is a true, blue Dem but a reasoned thinker too. I did not want to paint him and other regular Dems like him with the "wimp" brush.
And no I have never even been to Wisconsin.
Paglia unfortunately is the norm in the pundit class. The type of people that run over small animals with lawnmowers and pour gasoline on the family cat. She has no idea what compelled her to write this, exactly who she was talking about, or any earthly idea if any of it were true.
Kindergarten Art Class with Camille Paglia. Anything splattered on paper gets an A+!
"The men you always see under her are to a person passive-aggressive, sadistic, mean, little, petty beta-male pieces of work who would not naturally succeed in a common male-type hierarchy. By that I mean an environment that values straightforward achievement rather than the darker political arts."
That description perfectly describes Harold Ickes. The left made an art out of demonizing Karl Rove. Compared to Harold Ickes and what he did in the shadows during the Clinton Administration and what he is doing undercover of darkness for Hillary now, Karl Rove is a saint and a martyr.
I just finished a beginning Italian course and the correct pronunciation of her name is Ca-mee-lay Pal-yee-a, no "g" sound at all! The 3-letter combination "gli" is special in Italian. Figlia is feel-yee-a and means daughter; figlio (feel-yee-oh) is the word for son. And the correct pronunciation of Giovani is Joe-va-nee. The only purpose of the i after g is to make the "g" sound like a "j". Italian is a close relative of Latin and is a very pleasant sounding language. Time for pizza (peet-za)!
Paglia nailed it.
Paglia's conclusory analysis is satisfying only to reflexively anti-Hillary types. IOW, what is Paglia talking about?
I read that same piece. When Camille gets on a scathing roll, she is absolutely hilariously spot on.
AJ Lynch: Thanks!
I love her--no matter if shes right or wrong--
More simple minded other-bashing. Ann, you said you'd be neutral. Not so much, I guess.
Mark Penn. Slick? No. Geeky? No. Weasel, sure. Cream puff? Well, he may have eaten a few (hundred) but there's no basis for that.
And how woul Paglia know who is asexual? Did she try and seduce them all or does she just judge by pictures?
If the first, tossing Camille out of the sack proves only good taste. Judging people from pictures is stoopid.
I think her piece on wimpy Rodham man/boys is mean.
Can we sort through Bill's women next?
Let's look at the neo-Confederate traitors in the Republican Party. From a Red State Email:
Clearly McCain was talking about a peace time standing presence ... Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan.
So the southern USA is occupied, eh? Because it should actually be the CSA?
Traitors! Burn that Confederate flag! It's the flag of treason!
So which one is Bill?
Bill is both slick and rancid (not geeky and certainly not asexual -- those remind me of Hillary.)
MadisonMan said...
I read that same piece. When Camille gets on a scathing roll, she is absolutely hilariously spot on.
Now stand by for the simpering squeals from the creampuffs saying how mean and homophobic she is..
Paglia can't be talking about the Old Horndog or staunch man's man guys like Ed Rendell.("Fuck you, I said I'd back Hillary in Pennsylvania and I will. I'm no Richardson that caves like wet Mexican tacos.")
AlphaLiberal, do you work for Rodham.
Not that you fit the profile, but....
Mickey, no, I don't. I've decided to back Obama, actually.
Isn't this post by Althouse lame? I mean, it was bad enough for Paglia to print this superficial idiotic tripe to begin with, but to repeat it...
You almost don't want to watch such mediocrity in action.
Alpha, do you realize that your italicized quote makes the point that saying Japan or Germany is occupied is just as stupid as saying the South is occupied? Presumably this is in reference to the McCain 100-year thing, when he was talking about Japan-style basing in Iraq long-term, which libs argued was "occupation." Only communists think South Korea is occupied by the US.
Ah, you can't fault Paglia for half measures.
I started reading her when I was an art student, and still try to read here (though now she's on Salon I find it viscerally painful).
She's never been one to speak quietly when screaming would suffice. Thus, her commentary about men, women and civilisation:
"If civilisation had been left to women, we'd all still be living in grass huts down by the river."
Man, you're right.
I mean, you couldn't tell anything about Robert Byrd from his pictures, could you?
Alan Aldas and Phil Donohues, every one.
Plus the occasional Abbie Hoffman, but just for sex.
AlphaLiberal, you seem more like the Rodham type. Or are you a lady?
johnannarbor, do you think for a moment liberals are interested in the truth?
That is not a rhetorical question.
lance, Bill doesn't have any women.
It was all a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY started by the SNIPERS who were shooting at Rodham as she played high school SOCCER with Sir Edmund Hilary down at the MARINE CORPS recruiting station, where she negotiated the IRISH PEACE TREATY, with that miminum wage Pizza Hut employee who was turned away from the HOSPITAL because she didn't have $100 or insurance, and whose fetus (not a baby) died, before she was airlifted to Columbus.
I love Rodham. She knows how to tell a story.
mickey said: I believe Barry Alvarez scares the daylights out of most Madison Men.
Man, Barry's statue scares the daylights out of me!
"If civilisation had been left to women, we'd all still be living in grass huts down by the river."
knockin you out with those American thighs. I suppose ac/dc is talking about the south american amazon variety? Girls, who know how to play drums can do math because playing drums involves learning fractions and stuff and that kind of math lets you beat a hell of a drum.
Hillary (okay she got the thighs), Michelle (do you have the rhythm), Condi (can you do the math)
Or are you just tools?
The South may not be occupied by troops, but aren't there multiple southern states still under Federal injunction/control of local policies? such as limits on changing voting rules (the North & West don't have to clear changes to voting the way that some southern states do).
johnannarbor, the comparison of the Iraq occupation to the US forces South Korea, Japan, and other countries to bases in the domestic US is just dumb.
Here, let me help you. Germany and Japan = other countries. Former confederate states = part of the US.
And McCain's efforts to run away from his own words about staying in Iraq for 100, 1,000 or 10,000 years is idiotic. We are nowhere close to having a situation like we have in South Korea or Japan in Iraq.
AND he is feeding al Qaeda propaganda as they say we want to stay there indefinitely. He provides the proof for their propaganda.
Left unsaid is how many years of bloodshed and Treasury depletion we will have to endure before we reach a Japan-style presence in Iraq. Both Bush and McCain promise it will be a long time.
How about the Prince of Slime, the ultimate Weasel:
Sidney Blumenthal
"The male staff who Hillary attracts are slick, geeky weasels or rancid, asexual cream puffs."
That oversimplified dichotomy doesn't leave room for Bill--a slick yet ungeeky, rancid yet sexual, creampuff.
AlphaLib, it appears you are stuck on stupid.
You know what McCain said, I know what McCain said.
I'm still getting the impression that you are a Rodham boy, cause you sure have that dishonesty part down pat.
garage mahal said...
Paglia unfortunately is the norm in the pundit class. The type of people that run over small animals with lawnmowers and pour gasoline on the family cat.
Are you sure you are not talking about Keith Olbermann?
This thread is great. It captures how conservatives think in fantasyworld caricatures.
In the conservative fantasyworld, con-men are very manly and tough, as shown by their ready willingness to start wars that other people fight (and finance). (And they don't sign up to fight in their epic wars, oddly enough).
To the con-mind liberals are weak as shown by their reluctance to invade and occupy other lands.
Reality is irrelevant to the con-mind.
In computer terms, the con-mind only has 16 shades of grey. Any suggestion there might be other colors is greeted with jeers.
Meanwhile, the troops know the occupation is a crock and want out.
Here is a manly he-man conservative leader. We fondly call him Doughboy Pantload. He is signing up to go fight in the great epic battle any day now.
Clint Eastwood, step aside!
AlphaLiberal said...
Mickey, no, I don't. I've decided to back Obama, actually.
Isn't this post by Althouse lame? I mean, it was bad enough for Paglia to print this superficial idiotic tripe to begin with, but to repeat it...
You almost don't want to watch such mediocrity in action.
What, the truth hurts? Bill and Hillary have run the most rancid, dirty, and low life campaigns in recent history. They make even Nixon look clean. Even JFK is clean compared to these two pikers and their evil followers.
As I said earlier, people thought Karl Rove was evil. They should be ashamed of themselves. The Clintons and their geeky asexual weasels are the lowest of the low. I forgot about that other evil Clinton minion, Sid Blumenthal.
Are you sure you are not talking about Keith Olbermann?
No, he's just a sleazy opportunist. He knows full well a Clinton administration will give him ZERO access. And I'm sure that's already been made abundantly clear. An Obama administration will bring them all kinds of opportunities though. That's why Olbermann is shilling for Obama, because Obama told him he has their back if he can get him elected. Simple!
That's 95% why the press corps doesn't like the Clintons. They've told them many times before to fuck off and find their own story, and the old D.C. punditry rules are off.
Mickey, I know what McCain said. He wants to keep US troops in Iraq for 100, 1,000 or 10,000 years.
It's a dumb statement and efforts to explain it make McCain look more and more clueless and unprepared for the helm.
It's also politically dumb because he is at 180 degrees with public opinion. Not to mention common sense.
Fiscal conservatism, my ass. This will bleed out treasury dry while enriching GOP cronies.
An Obama administration will bring them all kinds of opportunities though.
I can see it now. Keith Olbermann as White House Press Secretary.
When I was in Providence at a gay bar (a gay bar, I want to meet you at a gay bar, a gay bar) the queen handing out the Hilary buttons said half her staff is gay.
He was probably BS'ing me thinking that I would vote for her and was from RI. It was during RI's primary when I was there.
As I stated in a previous post, this guy is paid by the Clinton staff to travel around the country and go to gay bars and hand out Hilary buttons. I would totally do that but would probably ditch the buttons and just go find some flyover hog.
What, the truth hurts? Bill and Hillary have run the most rancid, dirty, and low life campaigns in recent history. They make even Nixon look clean. Even JFK is clean compared to these two pikers and their evil followers.
Spoken like a true Kossack! Nice work. Conservatives and DU, and Kos all agree on something. That's cute.
So, Althouse, which one is that Hillary delegate from Texas that you like to pimp on this blog?
MCG hyperventilates:
Bill and Hillary have run the most rancid, dirty, and low life campaigns in recent history.
You must have been out of country for Saxby Chambliss' Senate campaign, Dubya's 2000 campaign (esp SC in the primary), etc....
AlphaLib, it seems you are quite adept at fairy tales.
Rodham staffer?
"Alan Aldas and Phil Donohues, every one"
What about Robert Deniro? He seems kind of butch or is he a pansy ass also?
Olbermann rocks.
Pictures of all the guys would be helpful.
Many of her guys that work for her in the senate are pretty hot.
Not the ones on the campaign though.
Camille still dreams of bumbing beavers with Madonna. I think she loves Madonna more than me if that is possible
What about Robert Deniro?
He's the Abbie Hoffman I wrote about.
AlphaLiberal said...
Olbermann rocks.
I think he just has a rock habit- maybe dix to eight a day judging by his erratic on air behavior.
Hillary and homos: made for each other:
Terrible, her sadistic dildo penetrates
The pleading butts they offer up to her.
I do love the Camille posts.
You didn't mention that in the post the living person she most despises is Dick Cheney.
She loves Kate Bush-me too. This Woman's Work is a hauntingly beautiful song.
She thinks Madonna has a new face. I don't. Madonna has an amazing body but I don't think she has done anything with her face.
Had Madonna had her face done?
Ricpics is major gay hater.
I am a homo and I don't like Hilary and I don't have a bleeding butt. I have never been penetrated up the ass by anything.
My doc told me I have a prostate of a young boy.
Not all homos take it up the ass. You see, some homos have to be giving it to the homos that take it up the ass. Otherwise, it would be a fight for the bottom and nothing would get done.
I don't have a pleading ass either.
I fuck guys up the ass though. My straight male friends fuck women up the ass too. I don't know if those womens' ass are more pleading than the gay ones but for one reason or another they get it up the ass too.
Madonna has an amazing body
Except ...MAN HANDS!!
OK, I am back to my center now.
Where my body, mind and spirit are one.
"We should have much peace if we would not busy ourselves with the doings of others".
{I fuck guys up the ass though}
Thanks for sharing.
I guess I have never noticed that Madonna has man hands.
I have noticed in her videos when she is motioning to me by pointing she seems to have long fingers.
Still she is very fuckable, man hands or not.
Could you imagine the positions you could get into with her and her Yoga flexible body?
You could fuck her every which way.
I am thinking of her hanging from my ceiling legs spread, beave ready, dripping even, and me pounding her upside down. That would be very hot.
I fuck guys up the ass though-that is kind of funny and very hot.
Titus said: (My doc told me I have a prostate of a young boy.}
I bet you've had the prostate of many young boys.
I cannot conceive of the day when I would want my body, mind and spirit to be "one".
One what?
I hate meditation, chakras, all new agey things.
I do not want to live longer if meditation is required to do so. That would merely mean I am living longer and having to suffer through meditation, in which case I would very much want to die.
And now back to your show.
On a very rare occassion I will eat an ass too. But that doesn't happen very often.
The ass has to be a beautiful bubble but, no hair and pass the smell test.
The smell test is where I stick my finger up it dig around and then eventually (not drawing any attention to the act) bring it to my nose. If there is no scent of shit or any klinkers or dingleberries I will begin my meal.
Oh Christ.
Titus said: {On a very rare occassion I will eat an ass too}
Could you eat Obama, he's an ass.
The whole thing, ears and all?
I'll bet Titus has eaten Cap'n Crunch with dingleberries.
Mikey, I am not a pedephile. I don't like boys. I want men, who work out, and look like men-not boys.
I have to be the one seeked out, desired, wanted, pursued and hunted. I could never pursue anyone and I would think for an older man to want a "young boy" he would have to purse them. I can't have that because it has to be all about me.
How long have you been around here? You should know that if you have been here for any amount of time.
Yoga does help me Pogo-I feel rejuvenated after and it gives me a rocking body which entail gives me hot tail so it is a winwin.
If I conduct the smell test and bring my finger to my nose and it reveals something nasty the trick will immediately be shown the door and I will run screaming to the shower.
One time when doing the smell test I actually pulled out a little piece of brocolli-all whole and everything-like it went down the mouth right into the stomach and onto my finger-a piece of brocolli-in its original state.
The color of the brocolli had changed though.
It wasn't green anymore.
Howard Wolfson and Mark Penn.
In that order.
One time I was doing it with a Pig Bottom and it was nasty for awhile but then he wanted me to shit on him.
I left.
I draw the line on shitting on someone.
A little tinky winky here or there is fine but shitting is gross.
Titus said: {I draw the line on shitting on someone.}
I guess that's what separates you from the Clinton's.
Hey Mortimer, Lanny Davis is right up there too.
Oh and no doing it with animals.
I met a really cute guy at the dog park about a year ago and he really liked my dogs. He kept up saying, "they are like teddy bears", "do you sleep with them"-all harmless I thought.
Then one day out of the blue he told me they had nice butts and asked if I had ever done them and said he thought they would be fun in bed.
I was like good day sir.
I have never seen him again.
Mickey, I know what McCain said. He wants to keep US troops in Iraq for 100, 1,000 or 10,000 years. It's a dumb statement and efforts to explain it make McCain look more and more clueless and unprepared for the helm.
The notorious Republican mouthpiece CBS News cleared up that particular myth a while ago. You're welcome to keep repeating it, though, since it really drives home the point that you're not to be trusted. :)
Revenant, are you stupid or dishonest.
You can choose one or both.
I'll bet you miss that Dan Rather and his hard hitting newscasts huh?
Titus, you are a foul-mouthed person who lurks in the gutter. When my dogs lick their behinds they outdistance you by light years you in civility and decorum. You are simply disgraceful and worthless.
Mickey, you are badly misreading Rev.
"Paglia" (pal-yee-a) means "straw" in Italian. Now you and I know that she is in reality Ms. Straw. I looked it up.
Sober up, Mickey.
Rush and Paglia got seated next to each other by a perverse hostess at some function or other, and they hit it off with each other immediately.
Which is what I'd expect; the hostess must have been thinking that received feminism is what you have if you're a woman.
Some little bunnys are kind of hot though.
I might do a little bunny.
Camille likes beaver.
it is essential in Italian to distinctly pronounce each consonant, even if in succession. If you pronounce penne (type of pasta) as in English, you will be understood as having said "pene" which is the object of titus's desire. It will also draw much laughter. Ciao!
I don't know if what Camille writes is necessarily true, but I appreciate the way she crafts her sentences together. Très amusant.
trumpit, just ignore the posts you find distasteful. And here, have some broccoli.
Titus may be, ah, distasteful(?) at times, but he does not have a mean streak, never intentionally insults people, and celebrates and shares his lifestyle. He is not cruel, demeaning, or demanding. He does not whine, piss and moan, or demand anything from anyone. Aside from his somewhat graphic misadventures, he is a gentle soul.
BTW, if you insult him again, me and trooper and a few others may have to pay you a visit. LOL
Really? I wonder if the next people that hostess will seat together will be Michael Moore and Ann Coulter? Or maybe Michelle Malkin and Ted Kennedy?
Sounds too much like the late and not missed Jerry Springer Show to me.
Mmm... broccoli!
Paglia: "How anyone could confuse Hillary's sourly cynical, male-bashing megalomania with authentic feminism is beyond me."
Oh it is not beyond Paglia.
Even I know that authentic feminism has primarily to do with sharing. That can be extremely challenging for narcissists like Bill and Hillary Clinton. So they learn highly nuanced methods of exploiting others that can appear to be non-zero sum ways of relating: saying he feels someone's pain instead of actually feeling it... "looking out for ya" when, in fact, she is looking out only for herself.
Many geeky weaselly males, suffering from excess stores of oxidized off-smelling body fat and very possibly Skoptic Syndrome, are drawn to father-hating power hungry castrative females, mistakenly thinking by doing so they are serving an ideal of authentic feminism: equal opportunity and sharing power.
In fact they are simply trying to assuage their shame for having been born with penises like their archetypal Bad Daddy. It's the hate that they share with Hillary and that they confuse with authentic feminism.
Paglia knows that.
I've got twenty bucks that says Camille Paglia couldn't identify any of Hillary Clinton's senior male staff if their pictures were put in front of her, except for Mark Penn (admittedly, something of a smarmy chap) and maybe Terry McAuliffe. Once again, she's just writing her standard nonsense without the benefit of actual factual knowledge. By the way, if we are talking about people who haven't done anything worth talking about since 1993, I see that Blind Melon is back on tour again. Maybe Camille can get a gig as their opening act, as a spoken word performance.
Incidentally, I've seen Terry McAuliffe in action in a room full of money people. I can tell you that he's a lot more comfortable in an alpha male environment (to use the terminology that Paglia's questioner used in her piece) like a boardroom or country club lounge than a second-rate art teacher like Camille Paglia ever would be.
Revenant, one liners from liberal jokesters like you, do not substitute for thoughtful commentary.
E.G. "Sober up".
Revenant, the fact that your Mommy was a lush, isn't my problem.
If you'd care to refute what I say, have at it son.
Until then, I hope your Mom has completed all 12 STEPS. Or at least 11. Godspeed Rev.
Revenant, I wish you a COMPLETE RECOVERY!
Revenant, one liners from liberal jokesters like you, do not substitute for thoughtful commentary.
I'm sure all the regulars got a nice chuckle out of the idea of "liberal jokesters like Revenant".
I sure did, Rev.
N.B.: Mickey, the people here aren't easily caricatured. Most of them.
What really amuses me is that, as far as I can tell, Mickey is calling me a "stupid and dishonest liberal" for pointing out that the Democratic attacks on John McCain are dishonest.
Maybe he wasn't bright enough to understand my original post -- or figure out that the line about "notorious Republic mouthpiece CBS News" was sarcasm. Either way, he served the useful purpose of making my day a little more surreal. :)
Speaking of cream puff slimey girly-men, did anyone catch Douglas Feith on the talk channels last week?
No wonder Tommy Franks despised the little weasel.
Whether we are talking about Abbie Hoffman, De Niro, Lanny Davis, Sidney Blumenthal, cream puffs or weasels, the common thread that groups them all together is that they are self-hating men. They hate themselves and Hillary hates them too. Yes, that includes her husband.
This is absurd. General Wes Clark does not fit that description. Neither does Lanny Davis, who despite his slightly nerdy demeanor was in Deke house with George Bush at Yale, which was known as the jock house.
Lanny Davis fights like a girl. He's a petty little bitch.
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