८ मार्च, २००८

There's a break in the clouds for sunset.

sunset skyline


It's stormy again now.

ADDED JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT (on the verge of springing ahead to 1 a.m.): This seems to be an especially popular sunset, so let me fill in the sequence. First, I noticed the break in the clouds, and I thought this looked subtly pretty and possibly a sign that things would shape up especially well this evening, so I got out the camera:


This is next. It's taken before the 2 pictures in the original post, and it's zooming in much closer to the Statue of Liberty (from my terrace in Brooklyn):


And this is the last one. It's zoomed in, but the clouds were already closing up:


It wasn't long after this that a storm rolled in, and that storm is still howling out there now.

NEXT MORNING UPDATE: The night of vigorous rain cleaned my windows!

१८ टिप्पण्या:

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Blizzard in Ohio

Dan from Madison म्हणाले...

That second photo is impressive, did you photoshop it?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

I only use iPhoto, and on that one I did only one thing: I clicked "boost color" 1 notch.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Number two is fantastic. time for your table top book to come out.

titusbatementin4thposition म्हणाले...

Wasn't it nasty today?

Very depressing.

I finished Giovanni's Room and am onto Mona and Other Tales.

I didn't even go to the gym today.

I just wanted to stay inside and cuddle with the clumbers-and they actually let me!

By the way I am excited about HBO's John Adams 7 part movie coming out. I read the book and absolutely loved it.

Rick Lee म्हणाले...

Holy crap that's a dramatic sunset.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Wow! Spec-tacular!

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

Are we live blogging SNL again? It's starting with a skit about the 3 am phone call.

Matt Brown म्हणाले...

Wow. Amy Poehler pretty much nailed Christian Siriano's look and speech, but she over-used his catchphrases ("fierce", "hot mess"). Then again, so did he.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Oh nooos! Ur clowdz iz brokin.

Peter Hoh म्हणाले...

On Weekend Update, Seth Meyers quotes Hillary saying that she's just getting warmed up. Then he asks how we can be sure that she'll be ready on day one if it takes her 31 primaries to get warmed up?

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

They used to hand out poster size pictures of New Testament scenes to us each week in Sunday school class. We littered the family car with them for years.

That's Jesus in the middle with his arm up, innit?

Rick Lee म्हणाले...

Re: the Project Runway sketch... I haven't laughed that hard at SNL in years.

joated म्हणाले...

Wow! You got some great color in these shots. I especially like the second from the bottom. All that warm yellow and orange around Miss Liberty and then bursting through the clouds above...just WOW!

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

I noticed a particularly dramatic sunset last night here in western Ohio, too.

I'm certainly no expert, but your photography is really exceptionally good -- very artistic and expressive.

Omaha1 म्हणाले...

These photos are lovely. You are lucky to have such a nice view from your apartment.

I take a lot of sunset pictures too. Here is my best one:

Memphis Nebraska Sunset

Elliott A म्हणाले...

With a little photoshop, it could serve well as the ending of a presidential ad. Otherwise, the sunglow adds an etherial feel to Lady Liberty. If you keep taking pictures like this, you may need to quit your day job.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I think you're suppose to wait until 2 am to spring ahead. You jumped the gun.