Add: repeating himself in his efforts to talk over and shut down the reporter.
Flipping out = "loosing your cool."
Dude lost his cool. And if you check out the link I helpfully provided above you'll see how he contradicted himself from his earlier denials that the conversation took place.
Here is McSame caught in another lie: "Asked if Senator Kerry had made such an offer, Mr. McCain said no without hesitation. But asked if the two men had ever discussed it, even casually, he paused for a moment. 'No,' he said finally. 'We really haven't.'"
Real question, will this dampen the media love affair with John McCain? Maybe that's why he's so angry about one of his paramours revealing on of his lies might unravel his tangled web.
You have zero credibility if you think I flipped out, Doyle. I didn't lose my mind. I got angry and expressed it. You're repressed and a prude if you have such a big problem with that that you think it's going crazy. It's not. But I could just as well say that tight-ass repressives like you are crazy. They are more in need of psychological care, for sure.
No, you'd lost your mind long before. It was just on full display when you screamed at GFR just for having the temerity to mention the incident where you gained your reputation as a misogynist harpy.
That's the only thing a lot of people know you for, and that's as it should be.
Look, the real point is that John McCain lied. That's where Marshall missed the boat.
From this exchange: McCain: “I mean, it’s well known. Everybody knows. It’s been well chronicled a thousand times. John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate.”
Bumiller: “Okay.”
McCain: “And I said categorically no, under no circumstances. That’s very well known.”
From the above link: The 2004 New York Times piece in question ends in this way: "If Mr. McCain is offered the vice-presidential spot, people close to Mr. Kerry say, the request will come from the candidate himself and not through the campaign's vice-presidential vetting process."
"Asked if Senator Kerry had made such an offer, Mr. McCain said no without hesitation. But asked if the two men had ever discussed it, even casually, he paused for a moment. 'No,' he said finally. 'We really haven't.'"
If that is McCain flipping out, that is the calmest most measured flipping out I have ever witnessed. When so-called adults like Bumiller and Franke-Ruta and Doyle and alphaliberal intentionally push buttons hoping to get emotional reactions from others and then ask "hey man, why so angry" when they get what is a reasonably irritated response, I have little doubt about who it is who has the unaddressed mental health issue.
Senator John McCain got a question at a town hall meeting this morning in Atlanta that he never has addressed publicly before: Since Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, had approached Mr. McCain about being his running mate for the White House in 2004, would Mr. McCain now return the favor?
And later in the post, she documents McCain's lie: In May 2004, in a Times article about prominent Democrats who wanted Mr. McCain to be Mr. Kerry’s running mate, Mr. McCain was asked by The Times if he had ever discussed the offer of the vice presidential spot, even casually, with Mr. Kerry. Mr. McCain paused for a moment and then said “no, we really haven’t.’’
Funny how the Con's here keep ignoring McCain's lie. O mike, maybe he should have attacked the voter as you suggest. Or maybe you can explain why asking someone about two very conflicting statements on the same issue is being "an ass."
"Is it too much to ask that the guy with his finger on the button not have volcanic temper?"
No, it isn't too much to ask. Nor should it be too much to ask that you stop being such an ass and take your passive aggressive manipulative hyperbole and shove it.
Funny how the Con's here keep ignoring McCain's lie.
Can you prove it was a lie? After all, McCain made that statement in May, and Kerry didn't pick a running mate until July. If the conversation with McCain happened between May and July then there was no lie.
Of course it is entirely possible that McCain did indeed lie back in 2004, and equally true that his reputation as a "straight talker" owes little to reality and everything to his habit of bashing fellow Republicans to the adoring liberal press. But you haven't established that he definitely lied in this case.
The exchange was with a New York Times reporter. You know that rag that tries to bring it self up to the high journalistic standards of the National Enquirer.
Media reaction to McCain's behavior is just a symptom of a larger phenomenon. Anger is not allowed anymore. Neither is outrage. Or irritation. Or even "strong" words. Looks too judgmental, too much like intolerance.
The West has been lobotomized, Ann. No emotion is appropriate anymore except for deep, deep understanding and walk-all-over-me tolerance. It's why we're handing over our culture and our nation piece by piece to people who mean us harm. We've been neutered.
Well, I have about three times. One more time for our slower readers.
In 2004: Mr. McCain was asked by The Times if he had ever discussed the offer of the vice presidential spot, even casually, with Mr. Kerry. Mr. McCain paused for a moment and then said “no, we really haven’t.’’
In 2008: McCain: “I mean, it’s well known. Everybody knows. It’s been well chronicled a thousand times. John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate.”
Bumiller: “Okay.”
McCain: “And I said categorically no, under no circumstances. That’s very well known.”
"Maybe a better question is what sort of person views that as "flipping out"?
A: An overly sensitive pussy trying desperately to change the subject from the Wicked Witch of East and the Wizard of Oz running in his party's primary.
Also, Alpha Loser, we can read, so your link to the Urban Dictionary doesn’t support your contention, per these definitions:
1. flip out - what ninjas do right before they kill people
I once had a ninja P.E. teacher, but then he flipped out and killed half my class.
2. FLIP OUT - The act of losing total control do to stress-overload or substance overdose.
Shit man, if all this work gets any harder and we don't get a raise, I'm gonna fucking FLIP OUT.
3. flip out - To panic, become frustrated or angry; to react irrationally to an event
My mom would totally flip out if she caught my boyfriend in my bedroom with me.
"Losing your cool" should require some sort of yelling or unusual motion.
I thought McCain did a good job considering that there is almost a 100% chance that a reporter from the NY Times will make something up about him.
How can they even relate to McCain? They guy has been tortured will standing up for the honor of his country. The closest thing to torture the NY Times reporter has been to as a luke warm espresso.
Too bad Obama doesn't even talk to reporters, maybe we could learn more about him - like how he received ownership over a bunch of Illinois senate bills that were not his.
Yes, I've noticed the way you keep reposting the same quote.
It was safe to assume that you have nothing to offer about the two-month gap between May and July of 2004, but I thought I'd give you the opportunity to offer something up.
'"Losing your cool" should require some sort of yelling or unusual motion. '
As opposed to repeatedly and rudely interrupting someone trying to have a civil conversation, I guess. Or saying the same thing over and over again.
Whew, the hostility here from a little joking around! The con's sure are thin-skinned. Lighten up, it's Friday. --------- And, revenant, your excuses for McCain don't pass the laugh test. You're saying that Kerry approached him around the same time that Kerry announced his pick rather than earlier in the process?
Doylealphaliberal, I watched the video of Ann's allgeged flipping out that you so vilely provided. It was not flipping out. It was righteous anger, the best kind.
What I found amazing was the physical reaction of Garrance Franke Ruta. She looked as if she were about to cry and piss her pants at the same time.
So, the only one who flipped out was Ms. Ruta through her outwardly cowardly, shameful, body language.
As to the McCain issue at hand- the reporter was being a pain in the ass. He politely, I thought, treated her like the pain in the ass she was.
Look what happened to that poor woman who told the truth about Hillary. She was forced to quit for calling Hillary a monster?
I was on a plane about a year ago and a high level staff member for a republican congressmen told me that he personally witnessed McCain lose it, in a very bad way, like McCan was babbling incoherently, and that's why congressional republicans would never support McCain.
However, I personally think the clip from an anger angle is nothing. That's not losing your temper, at least where I come from.
Your vow of cruel neutrality seems a little transparent with your last two posts.
McCain is visibly as angry as any politician can ever get with a reporter without doing himself irreperable harm. Flipped out might be a stretch, but he was definitely pissed off.
A neutral spine does not get shivers from empty war promotion, odd imagery of war heros and celestial bodies linked together with traffic.
Come out and say it Ann. McCain is your man. Claiming to be neutral is going to become quite tedious in the coming months if you are going to fawn over ads and over analyze characterizations of anger.
I've seen this McCain, before. It looks quite similar to Jon Stewart's interview with him. He just won't give an inch. I wouldn't call it flipping out, but I would call it immature....not exactly what I want in a leader.
I get a whole lot louder than that saying grace at the dinner table. When I get mad people know it because I am going to holler and yell some. The dog runs for cover and people start heading for the exits. So i would say to anybody that gets upset with this, you really need to toughen up. And if you think someone is yelling at you, yell back. I think every American that lived in the first one hundred and fifty years of this country's existence would roll over in their grave at the number of Americans who are such wusses.
An example of 'flipping out' is when Hillary threw the ashtray at Bill.
Coming out of the Arkansas governor's mansion early morning on Labor Day 1991, Hillary screamed: "Where is the goddamn f*cking flag? I want the goddamn f*cking flag up every f*cking morning at fucking sunrise!"
“F*ck off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too! Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut” (Hillary to her state trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”)
Speaking of "flipping out," it seems our allies are on verge of doing so, based upon the ever-so-astute and sophisticated foreign policy pronouncements of national Democrats, per this week's issue of The Economist magazine:
Cyclical slowdowns are one thing. What depresses politicians in both countries is their biggest trading partner's protectionist mood. A Mexican minister who is a strong supporter of NAFTA and who has been dealing with Washington for the past two decades says that on a recent visit to the United States' Congress he found an “almost xenophobic” mood of a kind that he had never before encountered.
That chimes with the frustrations of Colombia's government, which having negotiated a free-trade agreement with the United States has found it blocked by the Democrats in Congress. The message from the Democratic campaign is that “America is an unreliable ally”, says a veteran Latin American diplomat who spent many years working closely with the United States' government.
Excellent. Democrats pissing off allies to win elections. Worse yet, should they win, they'll maliciously erode both our soft power and hard power capabilities.
Harry said... I think every American that lived in the first one hundred and fifty years of this country's existence would roll over in their grave at the number of Americans who are such wusses.
Who cares if that was flipping out or raging like a loon or calmly discussing something? I loved every minute of it!
The reporter was left with nothing to say and nothing to ask. It was great. If you want some emasculated, weenie-boy who can't say a cross word to anyone even if they slander him and drag his name through the mud, go vote for Obama.
"Middle Class Guy" Doylealphaliberal, I watched the video of Ann's allgeged flipping out that you so vilely provided. It was not flipping out. It was righteous anger, the best kind.
I didn't post that, you jerk. I just tried to make light of it and change the subject. I was embarrassed for Ann by that video, quite frankly.
Spartee, an ad hominem attack such as yours and others here is the mark of someone without a defense against an argument.
Unlike the con's here, I've posted links to back up my assertions and, until reading the latest conservative attack drivel, refrained from name-calling. Even tried some humor.
If you're offended by hearing something outside your narrow little world, it's no reflection on me.
...every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.-From the book ‘Inside The White House’ by Ronald Kessler, p. 244
...just do your G*damn job and keep your Mouth shut. -From the book ‘American Evita’ by Christopher Anderson, p. 90
Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail: Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?” - book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139
Late to discussion. He didn't raise his voice. He showed no signs of bulging veins, turning red, straining neck muscles, etc. I don't even think he was angry, just overly annoyed. Not worth getting angry over. Just anothre stupid reporter
I am no fan of Hilary's but I actually like to hear a woman say fuck and get "emotional" or "angry" or "flip out" or whatever they hell you call it.
It's called emotion. Everyone does it. It's called life.
Mccain seemed disturbed. Who gives a shit? Obviously, many.
OK. Enough about that. I went out to dindin last night and then had a sex with the waterboy in a cab.
As a result, I have made a decision not to have any sex this weekend.
They want will Titus do you are all thinking to yourselves.
Well I am going to be reading books all weekend. And of course going to the gym-cant miss that.
Next question, of course, is what books will you be reading titus? Thanks for asking.
Tonight, will be Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin.
Tomorrow, will be reading Mona and Other Tales by Reinaldo Arenas.
Sunday, I will finish the weekend with Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietsche.
I will check in perodically this weekend fellow republicans but when I do don't expect the usual sex talk. That will be not a topic of conversation-sorry to disappoint.
Also, I will be taking the rare clumbers for long walks and getting a fabulous bottle of wine tonight.
AlphaLiberal said..."I'm a "weasel" because I disagree with you over whether McCain's bluster and intemperate honesty constitutes a "flip out?" For Pete's Sake, blondie, chill out! (Don't flip out!)"
Alpha, I was obviously talking to Doyle. It's not all about you, you nut.
Getting back to the original purpose of the post. I don't see the "anger" here. In fact I was licking my chops to see a good throw down from the thin skinned McCain, but alas just saw a peevish exchange. I would expect a hack like TPM to stir the pot,but not sure what others see in this exchange (shrug)
McCain is visibly as angry as any politician can ever get with a reporter without doing himself irreperable harm
Oh, really now.
Here is a clip of Bill Clinton laying in to Phil Donohue back in 1992. Here's Hillary snapping at her Democratic opponents earlier this year. On the Republican side of the fence, here is Rudy Giuliani cutting loose on David Dinkins.
Get serious. Politicians can get a whole lot angrier than McCain did in that clip without doing themselves irreparable harm. If you think that refusing to answer a reporter's questions is "as angry as any politician can ever get" I can only assume you slept through the last 230 years of American history. :)
The dumbest part of this argument is that we know what John McCain looks like when he does flip out. It isn't pretty and one reason I don't support him (though I may vote for him since I detest both democratic possibilities.)
Another point; discuss is not the same thing as ask. A discussion is to consider something by conversation or writing.
It should also be pointed out that the notion of McCain being Kerry's running mate was much more a fantasy of the press than anything seriously contemplated or discussed by either person.
I don't think he was particularly angry, either. Fox used the term "loses his cool", which is ridiculous, too.
As far as flipping out goes ... that's just beyond explanation.
For the record, I'm not a McCain supporter, but I can see the truth.
What John was doing was dealing with an idiot reporter who apparently didn't understand what "private conversation" means, along with a lot of other words, apparently. Presidential campaigns bring every nitwit reporter out of the woodwork, and it's only March.
I am thinking Ann and AlphaLiberal should take baseball bat to each other - apparantly, from reading recent stories, this is how folks who disagree with each other politcaly handle disputes - \\ My money is on Ann, as anyone who has the word "alpha" in their handle, ain't no where an Alpha of any sort.
This is hilarious. It's not just Josh Marshall, Ann. Mark Ambinder, a reputable Republican reporter, said McCain "lashed out." The AP said he "snapped." Drudge said he "flashed his temper" and on and on and on.
And now that I've watched the video, I can say conclusively that I was right to be skeptical that Marshall was just being a prude.
Given how meek and mild Bush has been in dealing with calumnies from the press and his opponents, I'd LIKE to have somebody who's willing to let it show when he's ticked off.
Ya know, you say that but I'm sitting there watching the video and to me it looks like a 71 year old man in an airplane being confronted with a false statement he definitely made, and then him getting angry about it. That man looks either dishonest or senile to me. Neither's gonna do him much good with independents.
Actually, he wasn't even as bad as Danny Noriega when he got eliminated last night. But he has to work on moving his head from side to side and snapping his fingers.
Testy, yes. Angry, possibly and perfectly understandable. Flipping out? Ridiculous.
Bumiller: “Okay. Can I ask you about your (pause) Why you’re so angry?”
Why not ask him how long he's been beating his wife?
Middle Class Guy said...
He treated the reporter like any NORMAL person would treat an annoying, churlish, pain in the ass.
He looked more like a suffering adult dealing with a foolish child.
Or like a teenager deliberately being obtuse. Like alphaliberal and doyle. Ann's own Axis of Weasel!
[Macaulay] has the journalist's air of being a specialist in everything, of taking in all points of view and being always on the side of the angels: he merely annoys a reader who has the least experience of knowing things, of what knowing is like. There is not two pence worth of real thought or real nobility in him. --C.S. Lewis
hey alphaliberal, don't flip out but the truth of the matter is that in '04 McCain didn't want to make Kerry look like an ass because he believed in civility and Senate collegiality.
I kind of agree tho, he was stupid for not hanging the truth on Kerry then. Tha lets morons like you call him a liar.
No good deed ever goes unpunished...
PS- Alphaliberal resorts, like all liberals when he loses an intellectual battle, to the ubiquitous "screw you'. How original Brainiac. You libs really need to lighten up and learn to embrace your funnybone.
All hail kingronjo, conqueror of petulant adolescents!
hey alphaliberal, don't flip out but the truth of the matter is that in '04 McCain didn't want to make Kerry look like an ass because he believed in civility and Senate collegiality.
I kind of agree tho, he was stupid for not hanging the truth on Kerry then. Tha lets morons like you call him a liar.
No good deed ever goes unpunished...
PS- Alphaliberal resorts, like all liberals when he loses an intellectual battle, to the ubiquitous "screw you'. How original Brainiac. You libs really need to lighten up and learn to embrace your funnybone.
It wasn’t easy being a prisoner of war for four years on Hogan’s Heroes. Trying to keep a calm demeanor while all the time living the life of a sex machine like Bob Crane. And the rest of the cast was no help. Ivan Dixon was the dignified black man who everyone sort of liked but who we didn’t know anything about. He was from Chicago and was definitely involved in some crooked stuff. Just like everyone else in Chi town. We always had to cover up his past. Bob would often get exasperated. Especially at John Banner who was the portly and foolish prison guard Sergeant Schutlz who always made excuses. When ever there was a cock-up it was always some staff members fault. And his secret was even bigger. Sgt Schutlz was actually a woman, and her real name was Hillary.
(Bernard Fein and Albert S .Ruddy, The E True Hollywood story of Hogan’s Heroes)
Wow. In my world that was calm and collected. The reporter is a dip stick. I honestly don't know how anybody has that much patience, I sure don't. Flipping out means sputtering red-hot irate. It's where you have to stop before you physically attack someone. It's throwing things at someone for the satisfaction of the sound of breaking ceramic. Com'on there wasn't a single swear word in that. I hope this guy gets elected, it'd be fun to see him really unload on someone in the press corps. They all so richly deserve it.
The reporter, Elisabeth Bumiller, is an idiot. I'd be embarrassed to be her. The only way her interviewing technique could be worse would be for her to start babbling in tongues. No wonder the Times sucks now.
Alpha Liberal, even with your carefully tailored quotes, you haven't proved a lie. Note that in the quote "John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate" it's not stated who John Kerry asked.
I admit, I'm parsing, which I normally find annoying. But if you're going to accuse someone of a lie based on quotes four years apart on a totally irrelevant issue, I'll choose to parse.
This is unfortunately typical. They want to call this "flipping out" so they can hold it against McCain.
"McCain Gently Chides Idiot" isn't much of a headline.
I don't know if any of you, you know, follow the news, but every time I see someone responding to allegations or rumors, it's reported as "lashed out", "angrily denied", "hit back", etc.
And these are primarily responses in PR releases.
Seriously, dudes. The guy is flawed in so many ways it's not funny. And painting him and his supporters as "cons" is funny. You lefties are gonna end up driving the people who hate him to vote for him.
I am not much of a McCain fan but I thought a little better of the man after watching the clip. He was clearly annoyed but handled it well. The reporter was obviously baiting him and probably had her "angry" question planned in advance. Putting a NYT reporter in her place doesn't carry much negative baggage for a lot of people.
Well, this thread sure shows that the Dem's meme troops are out in force - McCain's a hothead, a liar and going senile. Saul's post - I was on a plane about a year ago and a high level staff member for a republican congressmen told me that he personally witnessed McCain lose it, in a very bad way, like McCan was babbling incoherently, and that's why congressional republicans would never support McCain. - gets this thread's Beauchamp Fantasy Fiction Award.
Do you remember the ridiculous picture of himself Marshall used to have on his website? That and the fact that he refers to himself as Joshua MICAH Marshall is all you need to know about him.
People who cite the NY Times for "facts," need to try to keep up. They haven't been the "paper of record" for a loooong time. Just another unreliable rag, really.
Ya can't prove anything by saying that "X" appeared in the NY Times.
The Urban Dictionary linked above has this as part of their "Flip Out" entry:
The act of losing total control do to stress-overload or substance overdose.
I dunno if I'd quote as authoritative a dictionary that doesn't distinguish between "do" and "due".
Clearly McCain is irritated but that isn't flipping-out. He isn't raging on her, he doesn't blast her, he just insists on his version and refuses to be taken down the path the NYTimes reporter wanted to take him.
And can you blame him? Politicos have to deal with this stuff every day. Reporters want a story - they want him to react and flip out so they can get their drivel on the front page.
And in case anyone hasn't been keeping up with current events McCain has ample reason to be angry with the NYTimes. Hell if I were him I'd throw the the NYTimes off the campaign plane and be done with it.
And even that wouldn't be flipping out it would be a reasonable way to deal with damn liars.
Pogo: Some of my favorite Hillary! quotes. Thanks. It got kinda quiet after you provided sources, didn't it? Typical liberal response to facts.
Hillary's army. A horde of faceless henna-haired women, adipose tissus quivering in cadence, baggy support hose drenched in sweat, wide feet firmly implanted in worn Birkenstocks, eyes alight with feminist truth - marching, marching, marching...
He did seem a bit defensive because maybe he doubts whether he ever did talk to Kerry about the VP spot and only heard others say it was a possibility or maybe at his age he doubts his memory and he's resentful of this age based condition.
Or maybe it's just that he's mostly Irish.
He didn't seem all that angry but why waste any emotion with some ditz reporter on this 4 year old non-issue.
I never got the big deal about the A Althouse/Garrance F Ruta throw down.
Watching my mother/sister battles makes that one seem kinda tame.
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१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Combative, testey, interrupting. The reporter on the scene refers to him as "angry."
Bumiller: “Okay. Can I ask you about your (pause) Why you’re so angry?”
So, yeah, Marshall is right.
Flipping out means going crazy. Getting angry does not equal going crazy.
And this clip is out of context. The one statement of Bumiller's suggests that she was goading him.
Of course, reporters are going to goad him, and he shouldn't be giving them material to cut to make him look like a hothead.
Add: repeating himself in his efforts to talk over and shut down the reporter.
Flipping out = "loosing your cool."
Dude lost his cool. And if you check out the link I helpfully provided above you'll see how he contradicted himself from his earlier denials that the conversation took place.
Here is McSame caught in another lie:
"Asked if Senator Kerry had made such an offer, Mr. McCain said no without hesitation. But asked if the two men had ever discussed it, even casually, he paused for a moment. 'No,' he said finally. 'We really haven't.'"
Real question, will this dampen the media love affair with John McCain? Maybe that's why he's so angry about one of his paramours revealing on of his lies might unravel his tangled web.
I am victorious over the definition of "flipping out."
All hail AlphaLiberal!
Ann you have zero credibility on this issue.
Remember, you didn't even think you "flipped out" on Garance Franke-Ruta on bloggingheads. That was a fliping out of epic proportions.
He comes across as kind of whiny, in my opinion. But "flipping out"? He doesn't even raise his voice.
Here's a link for anyone who wants to relive Ann's humiliating meltdown.
The press seems over-sensitive if that is what passes for "flipping out."
If that's flipping out, then Bill Clinton goes psycho-batshit-bonkers every time he confronts a 9-11 truther.
You liberal tools are pathetic.
You have zero credibility if you think I flipped out, Doyle. I didn't lose my mind. I got angry and expressed it. You're repressed and a prude if you have such a big problem with that that you think it's going crazy. It's not. But I could just as well say that tight-ass repressives like you are crazy. They are more in need of psychological care, for sure.
I didn't lose my mind.
No, you'd lost your mind long before. It was just on full display when you screamed at GFR just for having the temerity to mention the incident where you gained your reputation as a misogynist harpy.
That's the only thing a lot of people know you for, and that's as it should be.
It's not "screaming" either, you little weasel.
Look, the real point is that John McCain lied. That's where Marshall missed the boat.
From this exchange:
McCain: “I mean, it’s well known. Everybody knows. It’s been well chronicled a thousand times. John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate.”
Bumiller: “Okay.”
McCain: “And I said categorically no, under no circumstances. That’s very well known.”
From the above link:
The 2004 New York Times piece in question ends in this way: "If Mr. McCain is offered the vice-presidential spot, people close to Mr. Kerry say, the request will come from the candidate himself and not through the campaign's vice-presidential vetting process."
"Asked if Senator Kerry had made such an offer, Mr. McCain said no without hesitation. But asked if the two men had ever discussed it, even casually, he paused for a moment. 'No,' he said finally. 'We really haven't.'"
"Straight talk," my royal dutch ass. Dude lied.
Feel free to think human emotion and passion are off limit. I will continue to regard you as a repressive cold fish.
And a weasel.
I'm a "weasel" because I disagree with you over whether McCain's bluster and intemperate honesty constitutes a "flip out?"
For Pete's Sake, blondie, chill out! (Don't flip out!)
Is it too much to ask that the guy with his finger on the button not have volcanic temper?
If that is McCain flipping out, that is the calmest most measured flipping out I have ever witnessed. When so-called adults like Bumiller and Franke-Ruta and Doyle and alphaliberal intentionally push buttons hoping to get emotional reactions from others and then ask "hey man, why so angry" when they get what is a reasonably irritated response, I have little doubt about who it is who has the unaddressed mental health issue.
When Bumiller asked: Can I ask you why your so angry?
Did McCain respond?: If I can ask you why you're such an ass.
I think he kept his cool just fine.
Here is a blog post from Bumiller which explains why she raised the question. It was brought up in a town hall meeting earlier.
Senator John McCain got a question at a town hall meeting this morning in Atlanta that he never has addressed publicly before: Since Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, had approached Mr. McCain about being his running mate for the White House in 2004, would Mr. McCain now return the favor?
And later in the post, she documents McCain's lie:
In May 2004, in a Times article about prominent Democrats who wanted Mr. McCain to be Mr. Kerry’s running mate, Mr. McCain was asked by The Times if he had ever discussed the offer of the vice presidential spot, even casually, with Mr. Kerry. Mr. McCain paused for a moment and then said “no, we really haven’t.’’
Funny how the Con's here keep ignoring McCain's lie. O mike, maybe he should have attacked the voter as you suggest. Or maybe you can explain why asking someone about two very conflicting statements on the same issue is being "an ass."
"Is it too much to ask that the guy with his finger on the button not have volcanic temper?"
No, it isn't too much to ask.
Nor should it be too much to ask that you stop being such an ass and take your passive aggressive manipulative hyperbole and shove it.
McCain sounded more annoyed than angry.
Usually when McCain is actually angry he drops the F-bomb or some other profanity. Its the Navy training.
Funny how the Con's here keep ignoring McCain's lie.
Can you prove it was a lie? After all, McCain made that statement in May, and Kerry didn't pick a running mate until July. If the conversation with McCain happened between May and July then there was no lie.
Of course it is entirely possible that McCain did indeed lie back in 2004, and equally true that his reputation as a "straight talker" owes little to reality and everything to his habit of bashing fellow Republicans to the adoring liberal press. But you haven't established that he definitely lied in this case.
"Is it too much to ask that the guy with his finger on the button not have volcanic temper?"
You mean like Wild Bill Clinton? Or his ashtray throwing wife? You people are such transparent hypocrites.
Be fair, Paul. I don't want Hillary or Bill to have their finger on the button! :)
Ann calls Doyle a weasel. Alpha Liberal replies "I am a weasel...
Are Doyle and alphaLiberal one and the same psychopath?
Because the NYTs said so? Ha.
Josh Marshall must be kidding. I thought McCain was way too patient with a NYT reporter. He ought to give her the finger as he walks by.
Credibility bout: John "seared into my memory" Kerry vs McCain.
The exchange was with a New York Times reporter. You know that rag that tries to bring it self up to the high journalistic standards of the National Enquirer.
Media reaction to McCain's behavior is just a symptom of a larger phenomenon. Anger is not allowed anymore. Neither is outrage. Or irritation. Or even "strong" words. Looks too judgmental, too much like intolerance.
The West has been lobotomized, Ann. No emotion is appropriate anymore except for deep, deep understanding and walk-all-over-me tolerance. It's why we're handing over our culture and our nation piece by piece to people who mean us harm. We've been neutered.
Flipping out is still better than flip-flopping about.
Flipping out? No. Testy? Yes.
"Can you prove it was a lie?"
Well, I have about three times. One more time for our slower readers.
In 2004:
Mr. McCain was asked by The Times if he had ever discussed the offer of the vice presidential spot, even casually, with Mr. Kerry. Mr. McCain paused for a moment and then said “no, we really haven’t.’’
In 2008:
McCain: “I mean, it’s well known. Everybody knows. It’s been well chronicled a thousand times. John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate.”
Bumiller: “Okay.”
McCain: “And I said categorically no, under no circumstances. That’s very well known.”
"Maybe a better question is what sort of person views that as "flipping out"?
A: An overly sensitive pussy trying desperately to change the subject from the Wicked Witch of East and the Wizard of Oz running in his party's primary.
Also, Alpha Loser, we can read, so your link to the Urban Dictionary doesn’t support your contention, per these definitions:
1. flip out
- what ninjas do right before they kill people
I once had a ninja P.E. teacher, but then he flipped out and killed half my class.
- The act of losing total control do to stress-overload or substance overdose.
Shit man, if all this work gets any harder and we don't get a raise, I'm gonna fucking FLIP OUT.
3. flip out
- To panic, become frustrated or angry; to react irrationally to an event
My mom would totally flip out if she caught my boyfriend in my bedroom with me.
Better luck next time re-defining reality.
The West has been lobotomized, Ann.
Nah, it's just you.
"Losing your cool" should require some sort of yelling or unusual motion.
I thought McCain did a good job considering that there is almost a 100% chance that a reporter from the NY Times will make something up about him.
How can they even relate to McCain? They guy has been tortured will standing up for the honor of his country. The closest thing to torture the NY Times reporter has been to as a luke warm espresso.
Too bad Obama doesn't even talk to reporters, maybe we could learn more about him - like how he received ownership over a bunch of Illinois senate bills that were not his.
Well, I have about three times.
Yes, I've noticed the way you keep reposting the same quote.
It was safe to assume that you have nothing to offer about the two-month gap between May and July of 2004, but I thought I'd give you the opportunity to offer something up.
Jesus Christ, Sloan. The press loooves John McCain.
It doesn't mean they can't also occasionally ask him about lies he's told.
'"Losing your cool" should require some sort of yelling or unusual motion. '
As opposed to repeatedly and rudely interrupting someone trying to have a civil conversation, I guess. Or saying the same thing over and over again.
Whew, the hostility here from a little joking around! The con's sure are thin-skinned. Lighten up, it's Friday.
And, revenant, your excuses for McCain don't pass the laugh test. You're saying that Kerry approached him around the same time that Kerry announced his pick rather than earlier in the process?
Your spin carries a whiff of desperation.
I watched the video of Ann's allgeged flipping out that you so vilely provided. It was not flipping out. It was righteous anger, the best kind.
What I found amazing was the physical reaction of Garrance Franke Ruta. She looked as if she were about to cry and piss her pants at the same time.
So, the only one who flipped out was Ms. Ruta through her outwardly cowardly, shameful, body language.
As to the McCain issue at hand- the reporter was being a pain in the ass. He politely, I thought, treated her like the pain in the ass she was.
Look what happened to that poor woman who told the truth about Hillary. She was forced to quit for calling Hillary a monster?
"The press loooves John McCain. "
No kidding!
I was on a plane about a year ago and a high level staff member for a republican congressmen told me that he personally witnessed McCain lose it, in a very bad way, like McCan was babbling incoherently, and that's why congressional republicans would never support McCain.
However, I personally think the clip from an anger angle is nothing. That's not losing your temper, at least where I come from.
For someone who (allegedly) has a major temper, I expect more from a "flip out". He didn't even raise his voice!
If that is flipping out then I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' gentleman, sir! Every time I hear another brain-dead customer call, I'm Superfly T.N.T.,
--Pulp Fiction 1994
AlphaLiberal -- you may not realize it, but those two quotes don't actually create a lie. Read and think.
Not that it matters a whole lot.
Your vow of cruel neutrality seems a little transparent with your last two posts.
McCain is visibly as angry as any politician can ever get with a reporter without doing himself irreperable harm. Flipped out might be a stretch, but he was definitely pissed off.
A neutral spine does not get shivers from empty war promotion, odd imagery of war heros and celestial bodies linked together with traffic.
Come out and say it Ann. McCain is your man. Claiming to be neutral is going to become quite tedious in the coming months if you are going to fawn over ads and over analyze characterizations of anger.
If you don't kiss the Times' tuchas you're angry.
I've seen this McCain, before. It looks quite similar to Jon Stewart's interview with him. He just won't give an inch. I wouldn't call it flipping out, but I would call it immature....not exactly what I want in a leader.
"...He just won't give an inch. I wouldn't call it flipping out, but I would call it immature....not exactly what I want in a leader."
Indeed. Our enemies hope you get what you want - a "leader" willing to concede everything.
AlphaLiberal said...
Whew, the hostility here from a little joking around! The con's sure are thin-skinned. Lighten up, it's Friday.
A litle joking around is OK. Being an insufferable little prick, is well, being an insufferable little prick.
I get a whole lot louder than that saying grace at the dinner table. When I get mad people know it because I am going to holler and yell some. The dog runs for cover and people start heading for the exits. So i would say to anybody that gets upset with this, you really need to toughen up. And if you think someone is yelling at you, yell back. I think every American that lived in the first one hundred and fifty years of this country's existence would roll over in their grave at the number of Americans who are such wusses.
Actaually, MaCain was mildly annoyed.
An example of 'flipping out' is when Hillary threw the ashtray at Bill.
Coming out of the Arkansas governor's mansion early morning on Labor Day 1991, Hillary screamed: "Where is the goddamn f*cking flag? I want the goddamn f*cking flag up every f*cking morning at fucking sunrise!"
“F*ck off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too! Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut” (Hillary to her state trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”)
Where did you dig up those gems pogo?
Speaking of "flipping out," it seems our allies are on verge of doing so, based upon the ever-so-astute and sophisticated foreign policy pronouncements of national Democrats, per this week's issue of The Economist magazine:
Cyclical slowdowns are one thing. What depresses politicians in both countries is their biggest trading partner's protectionist mood. A Mexican minister who is a strong supporter of NAFTA and who has been dealing with Washington for the past two decades says that on a recent visit to the United States' Congress he found an “almost xenophobic” mood of a kind that he had never before encountered.
That chimes with the frustrations of Colombia's government, which having negotiated a free-trade agreement with the United States has found it blocked by the Democrats in Congress. The message from the Democratic campaign is that “America is an unreliable ally”, says a veteran Latin American diplomat who spent many years working closely with the United States' government.
Excellent. Democrats pissing off allies to win elections. Worse yet, should they win, they'll maliciously erode both our soft power and hard power capabilities.
F*cking idiots.
Harry said...
I think every American that lived in the first one hundred and fifty years of this country's existence would roll over in their grave at the number of Americans who are such wusses.
Amen, brother, amen.
Gee, when uncle Festus gets mad and starts pointing his finger and yelling in that mountain twang defending his or Hillary's record, everyone cheers.
Go figure.
Who cares if that was flipping out or raging like a loon or calmly discussing something? I loved every minute of it!
The reporter was left with nothing to say and nothing to ask. It was great. If you want some emasculated, weenie-boy who can't say a cross word to anyone even if they slander him and drag his name through the mud, go vote for Obama.
Go McCain!
Just "flipping" through the comments, I strongly suggest you guys ignore that Doyle/Alphaliberal amalgam.
They are either baiting people or not able to take a step away from red-mist-across-the-eyes partisanship.
In either case, best to simply ignore such people. Just a thought if you want to improve the quality of the other posters who come here.
A woman comes up to me a propositions me. I turn her down flat cold. She tells my wife, "Your husband and I discussed sleeping together."
My wife comes to me and asks, "Did you discuss sleeping together with so and so?"
Am I right in answering, "No?" I think I am.
"Middle Class Guy"
I watched the video of Ann's allgeged flipping out that you so vilely provided. It was not flipping out. It was righteous anger, the best kind.
I didn't post that, you jerk. I just tried to make light of it and change the subject. I was embarrassed for Ann by that video, quite frankly.
Go screw yourself, twit.
Spartee, an ad hominem attack such as yours and others here is the mark of someone without a defense against an argument.
Unlike the con's here, I've posted links to back up my assertions and, until reading the latest conservative attack drivel, refrained from name-calling. Even tried some humor.
If you're offended by hearing something outside your narrow little world, it's no reflection on me.
...every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.-From the book ‘Inside The White House’ by Ronald Kessler, p. 244
...just do your G*damn job and keep your Mouth shut.
-From the book ‘American Evita’ by Christopher Anderson, p. 90
Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail:
Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?” - book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139
Recent headlines declared this as flipping out. Pretty different than Senator McCain.
You're saying that Kerry approached him around the same time that Kerry announced his pick rather than earlier in the process?
I'm not saying that, no; I'm just asking questions. I asked if you could prove McCain was lying. It turns out you can't.
Unless you've got something new to offer on the subject, we're done here.
AlphaLiberal said...
Go screw yourself, twit.
Are you looking in the mirror and talking to yourself again?
Maybe a better question is what sort of person views that as "flipping out"?
One that thinks getting people talking about McCain's "temper problem" scores political points for his side?
Late to discussion. He didn't raise his voice. He showed no signs of bulging veins, turning red, straining neck muscles, etc. I don't even think he was angry, just overly annoyed. Not worth getting angry over. Just anothre stupid reporter
"where you gained your reputation as a misogynist harpy."
Actually, that reputation is what I like best about the professor, that and the American Idol blogging and the pictures of dogs urinating.
I am no fan of Hilary's but I actually like to hear a woman say fuck and get "emotional" or "angry" or "flip out" or whatever they hell you call it.
It's called emotion. Everyone does it. It's called life.
Mccain seemed disturbed. Who gives a shit? Obviously, many.
OK. Enough about that. I went out to dindin last night and then had a sex with the waterboy in a cab.
As a result, I have made a decision not to have any sex this weekend.
They want will Titus do you are all thinking to yourselves.
Well I am going to be reading books all weekend. And of course going to the gym-cant miss that.
Next question, of course, is what books will you be reading titus? Thanks for asking.
Tonight, will be Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin.
Tomorrow, will be reading Mona and Other Tales by Reinaldo Arenas.
Sunday, I will finish the weekend with Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietsche.
I will check in perodically this weekend fellow republicans but when I do don't expect the usual sex talk. That will be not a topic of conversation-sorry to disappoint.
Also, I will be taking the rare clumbers for long walks and getting a fabulous bottle of wine tonight.
Everyone have a lovely weekend.
It is supposed to be rainy in NYC.
AlphaLiberal said..."I'm a "weasel" because I disagree with you over whether McCain's bluster and intemperate honesty constitutes a "flip out?" For Pete's Sake, blondie, chill out! (Don't flip out!)"
Alpha, I was obviously talking to Doyle. It's not all about you, you nut.
Getting back to the original purpose of the post. I don't see the "anger" here. In fact I was licking my chops to see a good throw down from the thin skinned McCain, but alas just saw a peevish exchange. I would expect a hack like TPM to stir the pot,but not sure what others see in this exchange (shrug)
McCain is visibly as angry as any politician can ever get with a reporter without doing himself irreperable harm
Oh, really now.
Here is a clip of Bill Clinton laying in to Phil Donohue back in 1992. Here's Hillary snapping at her Democratic opponents earlier this year. On the Republican side of the fence, here is Rudy Giuliani cutting loose on David Dinkins.
Get serious. Politicians can get a whole lot angrier than McCain did in that clip without doing themselves irreparable harm. If you think that refusing to answer a reporter's questions is "as angry as any politician can ever get" I can only assume you slept through the last 230 years of American history. :)
The dumbest part of this argument is that we know what John McCain looks like when he does flip out. It isn't pretty and one reason I don't support him (though I may vote for him since I detest both democratic possibilities.)
Another point; discuss is not the same thing as ask. A discussion is to consider something by conversation or writing.
It should also be pointed out that the notion of McCain being Kerry's running mate was much more a fantasy of the press than anything seriously contemplated or discussed by either person.
I don't think he was particularly angry, either. Fox used the term "loses his cool", which is ridiculous, too.
As far as flipping out goes ... that's just beyond explanation.
For the record, I'm not a McCain supporter, but I can see the truth.
What John was doing was dealing with an idiot reporter who apparently didn't understand what "private conversation" means, along with a lot of other words, apparently.
Presidential campaigns bring every nitwit reporter out of the woodwork, and it's only March.
I am thinking Ann and AlphaLiberal should take baseball bat to each other - apparantly, from reading recent stories, this is how folks who disagree with each other politcaly handle disputes - \\ My money is on Ann, as anyone who has the word "alpha" in their handle, ain't no where an Alpha of any sort.
This is hilarious. It's not just Josh Marshall, Ann. Mark Ambinder, a reputable Republican reporter, said McCain "lashed out." The AP said he "snapped." Drudge said he "flashed his temper" and on and on and on.
And now that I've watched the video, I can say conclusively that I was right to be skeptical that Marshall was just being a prude.
Given how meek and mild Bush has been in dealing with calumnies from the press and his opponents, I'd LIKE to have somebody who's willing to let it show when he's ticked off.
Give 'em Hell, John!
I just saw it again. He treated the reporter like any NORMAL person would treat an annoying, churlish, pain in the ass.
He looked more like a suffering adult dealing with a foolish child.
Oh please, most of the press needs to be bitch-slapped at least once a week. This isn't flipping-out.
Try to grab onto something else libs . . . this isn't working for you.
this isn't working for you.
Ya know, you say that but I'm sitting there watching the video and to me it looks like a 71 year old man in an airplane being confronted with a false statement he definitely made, and then him getting angry about it. That man looks either dishonest or senile to me. Neither's gonna do him much good with independents.
Actually, he wasn't even as bad as Danny Noriega when he got eliminated last night. But he has to work on moving his head from side to side and snapping his fingers.
TROBlog said...
Oh please, most of the press needs to be bitch-slapped at least once a week. This isn't flipping-out.
And some of them, like Bulmiller, once a day just for general principles.
And now that I've watched the video, I can say conclusively that I was right to be skeptical that Marshall was just being a prude.
I like that "and now that I've watched the video" comes several hours *after* he started arguing with Ann about its contents. :)
John McCain was offered a chance to leave the POW camp. He turned it down, and was tortured for 4 plus years. Honor. Credibility.
Kerry lied under oath about war crimes, and still hasn't filled out his SF form 180 to release his records.
Credibility? Honor?
Testy, yes. Angry, possibly and perfectly understandable. Flipping out? Ridiculous.
Bumiller: “Okay. Can I ask you about your (pause) Why you’re so angry?”
Why not ask him how long he's been beating his wife?
Middle Class Guy said...
He treated the reporter like any NORMAL person would treat an annoying, churlish, pain in the ass.
He looked more like a suffering adult dealing with a foolish child.
Or like a teenager deliberately being obtuse. Like alphaliberal and doyle. Ann's own Axis of Weasel!
[Macaulay] has the journalist's air of being a specialist in everything, of taking in all points of view and being always on the side of the angels: he merely annoys a reader who has the least experience of knowing things, of what knowing is like. There is not two pence worth of real thought or real nobility in him.
--C.S. Lewis
hey alphaliberal, don't flip out but the truth of the matter is that in '04 McCain didn't want to make Kerry look like an ass because he believed in civility and Senate collegiality.
I kind of agree tho, he was stupid for not hanging the truth on Kerry then. Tha lets morons like you call him a liar.
No good deed ever goes unpunished...
PS- Alphaliberal resorts, like all liberals when he loses an intellectual battle, to the ubiquitous "screw you'. How original Brainiac. You libs really need to lighten up and learn to embrace your funnybone.
All hail kingronjo, conqueror of petulant adolescents!
hey alphaliberal, don't flip out but the truth of the matter is that in '04 McCain didn't want to make Kerry look like an ass because he believed in civility and Senate collegiality.
I kind of agree tho, he was stupid for not hanging the truth on Kerry then. Tha lets morons like you call him a liar.
No good deed ever goes unpunished...
PS- Alphaliberal resorts, like all liberals when he loses an intellectual battle, to the ubiquitous "screw you'. How original Brainiac. You libs really need to lighten up and learn to embrace your funnybone.
All hail ted, conqueror of petulant adolescents!
It wasn’t easy being a prisoner of war for four years on Hogan’s Heroes. Trying to keep a calm demeanor while all the time living the life of a sex machine like Bob Crane. And the rest of the cast was no help. Ivan Dixon was the dignified black man who everyone sort of liked but who we didn’t know anything about. He was from Chicago and was definitely involved in some crooked stuff. Just like everyone else in Chi town. We always had to cover up his past. Bob would often get exasperated. Especially at John Banner who was the portly and foolish prison guard Sergeant Schutlz who always made excuses. When ever there was a cock-up it was always some staff members fault. And his secret was even bigger. Sgt Schutlz was actually a woman, and her real name was Hillary.
(Bernard Fein and Albert S .Ruddy, The E True Hollywood story of Hogan’s Heroes)
Wow. In my world that was calm and collected. The reporter is a dip stick. I honestly don't know how anybody has that much patience, I sure don't. Flipping out means sputtering red-hot irate. It's where you have to stop before you physically attack someone. It's throwing things at someone for the satisfaction of the sound of breaking ceramic. Com'on there wasn't a single swear word in that. I hope this guy gets elected, it'd be fun to see him really unload on someone in the press corps. They all so richly deserve it.
The reporter, Elisabeth Bumiller, is an idiot. I'd be embarrassed to be her. The only way her interviewing technique could be worse would be for her to start babbling in tongues. No wonder the Times sucks now.
Alpha Liberal, even with your carefully tailored quotes, you haven't proved a lie. Note that in the quote "John Kerry asked if I would consider being his running mate" it's not stated who John Kerry asked.
I admit, I'm parsing, which I normally find annoying. But if you're going to accuse someone of a lie based on quotes four years apart on a totally irrelevant issue, I'll choose to parse.
I suspect Ted has the correct answer.
This is unfortunately typical. They want to call this "flipping out" so they can hold it against McCain.
"McCain Gently Chides Idiot" isn't much of a headline.
I don't know if any of you, you know, follow the news, but every time I see someone responding to allegations or rumors, it's reported as "lashed out", "angrily denied", "hit back", etc.
And these are primarily responses in PR releases.
Seriously, dudes. The guy is flawed in so many ways it's not funny. And painting him and his supporters as "cons" is funny. You lefties are gonna end up driving the people who hate him to vote for him.
I am not much of a McCain fan but I thought a little better of the man after watching the clip. He was clearly annoyed but handled it well. The reporter was obviously baiting him and probably had her "angry" question planned in advance. Putting a NYT reporter in her place doesn't carry much negative baggage for a lot of people.
Well, this thread sure shows that the Dem's meme troops are out in force - McCain's a hothead, a liar and going senile. Saul's post - I was on a plane about a year ago and a high level staff member for a republican congressmen told me that he personally witnessed McCain lose it, in a very bad way, like McCan was babbling incoherently, and that's why congressional republicans would never support McCain. - gets this thread's Beauchamp Fantasy Fiction Award.
Flipping out?
Where's his ninja sword? Where's his electric guitar?
By that pitiful standard, Bill Clinton "flipped out" on Chris Wallace.
By that pitiful standard, Senator Obama had a "mental breakdown" when he fled a press conference after taking only 8 questions.
Alphaliberal wrote: The reporter on the scene refers to him as "angry."
Then it must be true!
Jim C., that's an awesome quote from C. S. Lewis. Any idea where it's from?
"He just won't give an inch...not exactly what I want in a leader."
I guess Jimmy Carter is your kind of "leader".
Do you remember the ridiculous picture of himself Marshall used to have on his website? That and the fact that he refers to himself as Joshua MICAH Marshall is all you need to know about him.
What a tool.
this fella is wound tighter than an 8 day clock.
People who cite the NY Times for "facts," need to try to keep up. They haven't been the "paper of record" for a loooong time. Just another unreliable rag, really.
Ya can't prove anything by saying that "X" appeared in the NY Times.
The Urban Dictionary linked above has this as part of their "Flip Out" entry:
The act of losing total control do to stress-overload or substance overdose.
I dunno if I'd quote as authoritative a dictionary that doesn't distinguish between "do" and "due".
Clearly McCain is irritated but that isn't flipping-out. He isn't raging on her, he doesn't blast her, he just insists on his version and refuses to be taken down the path the NYTimes reporter wanted to take him.
And can you blame him? Politicos have to deal with this stuff every day. Reporters want a story - they want him to react and flip out so they can get their drivel on the front page.
And in case anyone hasn't been keeping up with current events McCain has ample reason to be angry with the NYTimes. Hell if I were him I'd throw the the NYTimes off the campaign plane and be done with it.
And even that wouldn't be flipping out it would be a reasonable way to deal with damn liars.
Pogo: Some of my favorite Hillary! quotes. Thanks. It got kinda quiet after you provided sources, didn't it? Typical liberal response to facts.
Hillary's army. A horde of faceless henna-haired women, adipose tissus quivering in cadence, baggy support hose drenched in sweat, wide feet firmly implanted in worn Birkenstocks, eyes alight with feminist truth - marching, marching, marching...
I respectfully restate my comment from some time ago in this blog, "You're a Republican, John, dammit! They hate your guts!"
I will drag that one out from time to time during the election campaign in case it isn't blindingly obvious to everyone.
This verbal battle-royal in the aisle set me to banging out a screenplay!
He did seem a bit defensive because maybe he doubts whether he ever did talk to Kerry about the VP spot and only heard others say it was a possibility or maybe at his age he doubts his memory and he's resentful of this age based condition.
Or maybe it's just that he's mostly Irish.
He didn't seem all that angry but why waste any emotion with some ditz reporter on this 4 year old non-issue.
I never got the big deal about the A Althouse/Garrance F Ruta throw down.
Watching my mother/sister battles makes that one seem kinda tame.
Did you people grow up in the Cleaver household?
I never got the big deal about the A Althouse/Garrance F Ruta throw down.
Its about the Valenti crowd attempting to rewrite the narrative of why she was criticized. Thats why it continually brought up.
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