११ फेब्रुवारी, २००८
"Not many 21-year-olds start their Monday with a personal breakfast with Chelsea Clinton, as Rae did this morning at the student union..."
But Rae is someone we call a "superdelegate," and Chelsea is someone we call a... uh... whatever they tell us we're allowed to call her... whatever nice people say about the nice people who are doing whatever they can to close their grip on the most powerful position in the world.
५४ टिप्पण्या:
Whatever word we call it and whether we're allowed to use it or not, its not very flattering. Of course for a 21 year old to be in that position, he's surely done his share of it, whatever we call it.
Having a breakfast date set up with someone she never met before to secure a vote for her mother...."Doesn't it seem like Chelsea is being pimped out in some weird sort of way?"
oh...David Shuster already said that............
Instapundit: WANT TO DINE WITH CHELSEA? Bill will set it up, if you're a superdelegate.
fstop -
You think Chelsea might have loaned her mom the $5 million for her campaign?
What's the University of Milwaukee?
Looks like a blogger we know is being a fos ho!
N.B. It's in the urban dictionary!!
Is Hillary going to decline and/or return all campaign contributions from individuals who profit from "pimp and ho" music? You know, because it's such offensive language?
And if you are a super-duper delegate, you might just get an all-nighter or a trip around the world.
There are worse things than having to sit through a breakfast date listening to Chelsea Clinton drone on and on about how her mother should be running the country. Link.
You could call her Hillary Clinton's daughter. You can certainly choose to call her a whore, and say working for her mother's campaign is the equivalent of turning tricks on some street corner. But you'd be an asshole for doing that.
You can certainly choose to call her a whore,
You don't have to have "sex" to be a whore.
I actually feel sorry for the young woman. She is about the same age as my daughter. I would NEVER "sell" or exchange my daughter's time to be with strangers for my own benefit. This is pimping in the purest sense of the word.
Chelsea is lonely.
Chelsea Clinton is an adult, making big bucks as a hedge fund manager in New York, and certianly capable of deciding on her own to help. Don't denegrate her by thinking she's just a child at her mother's beck-and-call.
In other words, she can pimp herself.
In other words, she can pimp herself
True you can pimp yourself just as well as anyone else. Doesn't make the process any less attractive or demeaning.
She is NOT a hedge fund manager. She works for Avenue Capital Group which is a hedge fund management group.
Just working at a hedge fund group doesn't mean you are personally managing money.
Before working at McKinsey, Clinton graduated from Stanford University in 2001 and then studied philosophy at Oxford University.
Avenue Capital founders Lasry and Gardner both donated to her mother's New York Senate re-election campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
She is a philosophy major!!! and undoubtedly got her job through strings pulled by her parent. Pinocchio never had it so good.
If they are allowing twenty year old philosophy majors to run hedge funds and manage money....no wonder many hedge funds are in trouble and have returns that look worse than my cat's litter box.
Most likely she is a glorified assitant.
No, I think it's more likely that there is a business-interest confluence between Avenue Capital and her parents. Or, it could be that philosphy majors make good accountants (its possible, they do make good hamburgers and fries).
I didn't read the whole article. Did it have a "happy ending"?
dbq: Chelsea's job description has never been made public.
You could call her Hillary Clinton's daughter
Even if you're a reporter, and Chelsea won't talk to you? What's a guy to do?
Ann's right, if you can't call Chelsea a whore, what CAN you call her?
You can call Chelsea a whore. Just not working in the media.
They have their audience, and the Chelsea narrative cannot be spoiled.
Some future twist may someday be permitted if it yields audience numbers.
dbq: Chelsea's job description has never been made public.
This is true, but I would be willing to bet...a lot... that she is not a hedge fund manager. A hedge fund manager is registered with the SEC as an Investment Advisor which requires a Series 66 and Series 7 or a Series 65 license and requires an extensive background in mathematics, portfolio managment and other skills that are not those of a philosophy major.
A multibillion dollar hedge fund is NOT going to turn over the management of assets to a young girl with no formal training in portfolio managment or any other credentials like a graduate degree in business or economics; sometimes, engineering, or mathematics. Most hedge fund managers have a CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) designation, which is not easy to obtain.
She merely works there. Nothing wrong with that. It takes a lot of people to run a fund. BUT she is NOT NOT NOT a hedge fund manager and to portray her as one is ridiculous.
Just as ridiculous as getting all pixilated over the word pimp, when it is obvious that Chelsea is not really a whore (despite my argumentitive posts) anymore than she is a hedge fund manager.
I basically wanted to point out the hypocrisy of the Clintons and the leftist toadies always willing to fall in line when the Clintons are outraged over nothing.
You could call her Hillary Clinton's daughter.
Or you could call her the one intern that Bill will never sexually abuse. We hope.
I would NEVER "sell" or exchange my daughter's time to be with strangers for my own benefit.
You're not running for office, so I'm underwhelmed by your firm resolve.
McCain's whoring out his old wrinkled mom these days, too.
The Guiliani kids refused to be pimped, no 'hos they.
Romney's sons were humonguous rent boys.
W did his little turn in the bordello foyer for his daddy, too. He's a big slut. I think Bab's the pimp in that family, though. She's got whorehouse madame written all over her.
Fen said...
Or you could call her the one intern that Bill will never sexually abuse. We hope.
He is from Hope. Hope is in Arkansas. Rumors abound what those type of people do.
You're not running for office, so I'm underwhelmed by your firm resolve.
No.. not running for office, but my daughter's job entails fund raising and hob nobbing with people who have money.....lots and lots and lots of money.
I "could" try to pimp her for referals for my business. Ask to be introduced and put into an advantageous position to bring those people in as clients. I wouldn't ask my daughter to put herself into such a position, no matter how lucrative it might be for myself. I "won't" do such a thing.
I have too much self respect and respect for her individuality and her own career goals. The Clintons, who are classic sociopaths, have no such compunctions about using anyone. Including their own family members.
If Chelsea wants to do these things for her parents, more power to her. BUT you can't have it both ways. Pimp your daughter out and then complain when people notice.
I wonder if Chelsea is on unpaid leave from her job to go campaigning? I wish I could remain employed and go around as a full-time campaign worker for my favorite candidate.
I'd buy that for a dollar!
The Clintons bring out the lowest instincts in conservatives. Call the Clintons names for doing exactly, precisely, what every candidate in the history of elected office has done. Speculate on Bill fucking Chelsea.
Assholes. That sums it up.
Blogger Beth said...
The Clintons bring out the lowest instincts in conservatives. Call the Clintons names for doing exactly, precisely, what every candidate in the history of elected office has done. Speculate on Bill fucking Chelsea.
Assholes. That sums it up.
Fen said...
Or you could call her the one intern that Bill will never sexually abuse. We hope.
The irony is that some months ago, the usual wingnuts here got their knickers in a twist when a commenter pointed out that Lucianne Goldberg had publically speculated on Bill finger-fucking Chelsea in a NYC free paper.
Lucianne would never say anything so vile, they all screamed. That's disgusting. You're making it up.
And now one of the same wingnuts is doing the same vile speculating. And thinks its funny.
Assholes isn't the word....
You can call her anything you want. That's your right. And she, and others, can object. That's their right (although it appears most here, including the proprietor, appear to believe otherwise). The right of free speech does not preclude consequences. In the end, what you do call her, what you choose to defend in the false name of free speech, says everything about you, not her.
I would NEVER "sell" or exchange my daughter's time to be with strangers for my own benefit. This is pimping in the purest sense of the word...No.. not running for office, but my daughter's job entails fund raising and hob nobbing with people who have money.....lots and lots and lots of money. I "could" try to pimp her for referals for my business. Ask to be introduced and put into an advantageous position to bring those people in as clients. I wouldn't ask my daughter to put herself into such a position, no matter how lucrative it might be for myself. I "won't" do such a thing.
Oh, please. She went on what was essentially a prospecting lunch for the family business. That's not pimping any more than when a young lawyer who works in their parent's law firm goes out to lunch with a prospective client to drum up business which will primarily go for the parent's benefit. It's not pimping or anything unseemly or inappropriate, and it's not analogous to what you're talking about because she is working with the campaign itself. And what the hell makes you think this isn't something Chelsea Clinton isn't willing to do of her own choice. Meeting and greeting the political stars and their proxies is part of the political game, and people in both parties do it all the time. Welcome to life in the major leagues. Oh, and thanks for the pop psychoanalysis about how the Clintons are sociopaths. I'm surprised you know a word that big.
Its not unreasonable. Chelsea is an attractive young lady, and we all know how Bill lets his dick screw up his life. If his judgement is so poor that he'd jeapordize his Presidency over a piece of ass, its not a stretch for him to do the same to his family. I sure he's at least thought about it.
Beth: The Clintons bring out the lowest instincts in conservatives. Call the Clintons names for doing exactly, precisely, what every candidate in the history of elected office has done. Speculate on Bill fucking Chelsea.
I'm sorry, did you think the last 8 years of BDS would just be forgotten and forgiven? That there was no consequence? I'm just getting warmed up.
And while you never instigated any of the BDS rants, you stared down at your shoelaces while it went on around you. Please Beth, stay true to form and keep looking away. Your "outrage" is situational, like the Clinton ethics.
By the way, what DOES a young attractive lady without a finance background actually do for a hedge fund? Hmmm?
Fen really thinks its cool and funny to speculate about Bill fucking Chelsea.
But of course, Lucianne Goldberg would never have done anything so vile. I think he told us so...
Fen, I don't stare at my shoes; I've pointed out the idiocy of the many, many times you and others have labeled perfectly fair and accurate criticisms of Bush as "BDS." And there's nothing funnier than someone defending the filth they spew about Clinton by blaming it on "BDS" -- you're in a time warp.
What you've said here about Bill Clinton and his daughter is filthy. That's the content of your mind. What a tragedy for you.
Randy, bravo.
By the way, what DOES a young attractive lady without a finance background actually do for a hedge fund? Hmmm?
To you, apparently only one thing. That says a whole lot more about you Jack. Think about it.
It's not the Clintons that make people say evil things, it's politics. I've seen plenty of vile things said about the current President and his family, as well as plenty of vile things said about the Clintons, the Reagans, etc.
One "side" of the political spectrum doesn't have a monopoly on vileness.
Fen, don't let politics steal your soul. Look what it's done to the Doyles and AJDs of the world. You've crossed the line on your insinuations about Bill and Chelsea. If you want to trade in filth and evil, go ahead. But don't assume that anyone else here wants to go along for the ride.
phantom, I'm supposing that's meant as a back-handed compliment, but if you didn't see that coming, you really haven't spent much time reading this blog or its comments. Palladian is a thoroughly decent person, if wrong-headed about dachschunds.
Palladian, Randy and Beth, bravo.
Fen, dude, come on. You're speculating about Bill Clinton having sex with his daughter and you're talking about other people having some sort of a derangement syndrome? If you heard some guy talking like that in a bar about your local mayor or someone like that, would you think that guy was just passing along some political commentary, or was in the grip of something else?
Climb down and admit that was over the line. You say you were a Marine and a Texan. I'd expect better from someone who was one or both of those things.
Also, if Beth or anyone else was silent during someone else's tirade, that might have been because they didn't think the tirade to be worth commenting about, not because they agreed with the tirade.
Beth said...
phantom, I'm supposing that's meant as a back-handed compliment, but if you didn't see that coming, you really haven't spent much time reading this blog or its comments. Palladian is a thoroughly decent person, if wrong-headed about dachschunds.
Well, the dachsund thing sounds inexcusable, but perhaps you're right and I've snarked the guy unfairly.
If so, my apologies.
Group hug, everybody!!!!!
"Palladian is a thoroughly decent person, if wrong-headed about dachschunds."
Beth is right. Many say that my hatred for dachshunds the only dark spot on my soul.
Palladian, it just makes you human. You'd be intolerable otherwise.
Jason Rae (the Super Delegate from Wisconsin in question) in his own words (from two years ago):
One of the things I am going to be doing this afternoon is meeting with officials from the College Democrats of America and discussing more ways for the party to reach out to the newest generation of voters. Being only 19 (as of last week Friday), I am one of the youngest DNC members in the nation. When running in Wisconsin at age 17, I ran on the issue of having the party reach out to America's newest generation of voters. I found it outrageous that the party did not have more representation from this younger generation. That is why I am here, to ensure that my generation does everything possible to reach out the newest generation of voters.
So, young people are just another underprivileged interest group? Every identity requires identity politics?
He won his spot back in 2004 when he was only 17, and kept it in 2006 when challenged by more experienced pols. So he's a remarkable person in many ways, but the potentially pivotal role he could play in the process of selecting the next Democratic standard bearer says an awful lot about the Democratic party in general.
And speaking of Super Delegates, someone at Wikipedia has a sense of humor. In its list of the SDs, it mentions whether or not they've gone on record endorsing Obama or Clinton, and by Pres. Bill Clinton's name for his status of endorsing Hillary it states, "citation needed".
Do you think Sen. Obama can convince Bill to swing his way?
"Ann's right, if you can't call Chelsea a whore, what CAN you call her?"
A young woman who will potentially outrank Ann? (The ultimate enemy in other words).
somerfeller: Also, if Beth or anyone else was silent during someone else's tirade, that might have been because they didn't think the tirade to be worth commenting about, not because they agreed with the tirade.
No. There have been hundreds of opportunities for longtime commenters like Beth to step in and call out uncivil partisans like Doyle and AJ, and school them on ther curlish behavior. She chose to remain silent. I'm only yanking her chain re Chelsea because its obvious she's emotionally invested in defending her, and because she seems oblivious to the vitriol thats been tossed our way over the last 8 years. She claims to care about civil discourse, but the only time people like her speak up is when someone they like [ie. a Democrat] is attacked. Rebukes carry more weight when they come from your own "team". She has every right to look the other way, but to then get upset when the other "team" does it is simply not credible.
It similiar to the "I may disagree with what you say but I'll fight to defend your right to say it" model. If you're sincere about it, you don't just defend your friend's rights, you defend your enemy's too. If you want a more civil discussion, you start by checking yourself, then your allies, then your enemies. Otherwise, you're just exploiting the concept to shield your "team" from criticism. Thats what passive enablers like Beth do here, and its dishonest.
As is her "outrage". Shuster's context was pimpimg = exploitation [the attack was aimed at Hillary, not Chelsea, who is Hillary's victim]. But Beth has to devolve it further into pimping = whoring, to deflect the attack on Hillary and redirect it toward Chelsea. Now all of a sudden Shuster is an "ass" because he's calling a Chelsea a whore, which is NOT what he did.
Same with my attack: Bill is the perp lacking self-control, Chelsea is his victim. Beth has to morph it into something worse, imply that I'm also attacking Chelsea, to maintain her "outrage".
Climb down and admit that was over the line
Of course it was, deliberately so. But that was just a snippet of what the Left has been dishing out on these very pages over the years. I'm simply exercising the Left's First Principle: We believe the other side is worse, so that justifies similiar behavior on our part". If Hillary can attack Bill's victims as "trailer trash" [Jones] and "deranged stalkers" [Lewinksy], then we can return the favour.
Oh, and then we'll complain that the discourse has become hateful, that POTUS is a divider, and pretend we want to nominate a man who will bring civility back to politics. Sound familiar?
Palladian: Fen, don't let politics steal your soul. Look what it's done to the Doyles and AJDs of the world.
Thanks, good advice. But you already know I don't intend to devolve into what I believe the other side is.
I WILL admit to growing frustration - our perception is naturally biased, but mine has been that [in general, with exceptions] the Left plays dirty, the Right tries to stay out of the mud. Compare the behavior of the Left here [hdhouse, doyle, lucky] against people like Simon and Bruce. The latter take great pains to ignore the hatred and remain civil, but still get tagged with the both sides are just as bad tu quoque. I've merely given a preview of what it would really be like if that were true. If people like Beth are going to whine about the tone of politics, they shouldn't be selective in their outrage.
And do you get what I'm saying to somefeller?
Just out of curiosity, do you believe that the Clinton response to the "pimp" thing was a spontaneous gesture of concerned parents, or a much chewed-over deliberate plan with effects deliberately considered?
While I get what you're saying, I'd advice going down that path. You will convince no one and the cost is too dear. I'd advise others the same way but there's little chance they'd listen.
(Wailing and crying) Leave Chelsea alone! Leave her alone! Please, leave Chelsea alone!
Not the finest thread I have seen on Althouse. Yuck.
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