Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.That is: Put aside your plans to vote for Hillary Clinton and take advantage of this rare opportunity. Believe in the possibility of believing.
I have spent the past five years working in the New York City public schools and have three teenage children of my own. There is a generation coming of age that is hopeful, hard-working, innovative and imaginative. But too many of them are also hopeless, defeated and disengaged. As parents, we have a responsibility to help our children to believe in themselves and in their power to shape their future. Senator Obama is inspiring my children, my parents’ grandchildren, with that sense of possibility.The children need to believe, believe in the possibility of believing in... themselves!... or something. And that's why Obama should be President! Don't you get it?
AND: Bill Clinton says Obama is like Jesse Jackson.
IN THE COMMENTS: Palladian says:
Why do so many of Obama's supporter's statements remind me of an NPR pledge drive, where marginally talented radio personalities have to fill five hours with repetitive pablum that ends up portraying NPR programming as a kind of corrective laxative?
With a little effort, you could turn the narrative of the Obama campaign into a collection of secular carols to be sung at UNICEF non-denominational holiday events.
६५ टिप्पण्या:
There is a generation coming of age that is hopeful, hard-working, innovative and imaginative. But too many of them are also hopeless, defeated and disengaged.
The Ambivalent Generation!
The Ambies?
The children need to believe, believe in the possibility of believing in... themselves!... or something
What happens when The Children [tm] discover that Change [tm] is not always for the better?
Related: Did anyone catch the farce that was the Miss America Pageant on TLC? Horrid. And evidence that Change [tm] is not always desirable. Who would have thought the show could get worse?
we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible
The liberal Second-Person We in action! You need to put aside your plans in favor of my plans!
Why do so many of Obama's supporter's statements remind me of an NPR pledge drive, where marginally talented radio personalities have to fill five hours with repetitive pablum that ends up portraying NPR programming as a kind of corrective laxative?
With a little effort, you could turn the narrative of the Obama campaign into a collection of secular carols to be sung at UNICEF non-denominational holiday events.
Yes, Obama is exactly like Caroline's dad--except for all the specifics. On the issues--which at SOME point need to influence people, right????--these two men couldn't be more different.
Caroline's Daddy couldn't get anywhere near the nomination in today's Democrat party--not even with his own Daddy using big bucks to wield influence. If he were alive today, JFK would have to run as a Republican.
For the record, I'm one of those "young people" Caroline claims are "inspired" by Obama. But I'm not one of the heretofore apolitical, naive, indoctrinated-by-academe young people who get so caught up in the oratory that they overlook the fact that it's actually soaring vapidity.
I look at the specifics--and I see Jimmy Carter redux (complete with retread advisers from his administration, evidently). And by that I mean a Pres. Obama would be a BAD thing. I want to be clear, just in case anybody longs for the misery of the Carter years that my "elders" tell me were even worse than they're made to sound in the history books.
Everyone needs to put aside their differences and agree with Obama. (Who, by the way, boasts of being opposed to every Bush and Republican idea that's come along since he was 4).
If you don't agree with Obama, you're being partisan.
Sorry, that's not being bipartisan.
Anyway, my generation (I'm on the latter edge of the Baby Boomers) was motivated or instilled with hope by people like parents, teachers, clergy, little league coaches...
Whatever happened to them?
Just Like Her Daddy and Worse
The Princess Royal of the Kennedy clan, who has herself accomplished nothing in life except being born to wealth and privilege, has draped her father's moth-eaten cloak on Barack Obama, who, in her father's White House, would have been a footman or cook. Say what you will about Obama, he got there himself without the benefit of a rich daddy or corrupt political machine. He may be more unprepared to be president and more disastrous for this country than was JFK, but we hope, at least, that he will be impervious to "love notes" from middle-aged political camp followers who are still trying to be influential without ever being relevant.
But I'm not one of the heretofore apolitical, naive, indoctrinated-by-academe young people who get so caught up in the oratory that they overlook the fact that it's actually soaring vapidity.
Alot of the Dem party's allure is based on branding. Hence the vapidity. We should all embrace liberalism because its where the hip cool crowd is. You get invited to the right parties, meet the right people, land the right job [in metropolitan blue city-states]. You also get Moral Superiority credits for believing in World Peace, Global Warming, Gay Rights. Conservatives are wise to keep their beliefs in the closet. Experience reminds them that they will be ostricized by the "tolerant" and cool peeps if they speak up.
Do we have any Obama voters here? I'd be curious to know what his specific positions are. Beyond "change".
Your elders are giving you the pretty picture. It was worse than worse than worse... not so much in terms of the reality of "stagflation" and the rest, though that was bad enough, but more so in terms of the self-inflected aspect of it.
What struck me was that yesterday's NY Times 'officially' endorsed Clinton, and yet the opinion pieces in today's NY Times were mostly negative towards her. Interesting.
I wonder if Mrs. Kennedy's three children are in the New York City public school system or elite private schools....
What struck me was that yesterday's NY Times 'officially' endorsed Clinton, and yet the opinion pieces in today's NY Times were mostly negative towards her. Interesting.
Simple explanation: the Op Ed writers don't have FBI files.
I'm sure Hillary will rectify that mistake once she gets the keys to the Office.
Accurate or not, Obama is being perceived as someone who can be a leader, as opposed to the sniping, spinning snotty wonk-bureaucrats who are running beside him and in the other party.
Which, oddly, makes his campaign something like those of JFK and Reagan - a rejection of pinheads for a hope of leadership.
Often hopes are dashed though.
This election will be great spectator sport, but the probability of a good outcome is very low.
The Miss America pagent was really wretched, too wretched to watch, but the selection of Miss Michigan was a small victory for the rustbelt. :)
Tomorrow the job cutting continues though :((
Accurate or not, Obama is being perceived as someone who can be a leader, as opposed to the sniping, spinning snotty wonk-bureaucrats who are running beside him and in the other party.
On that basis Obama is almost spectacular. That's the essence of his allure, along with his initial ice-breaking appeal as a "clean and articulate" black man. Even if he doesn't win it this year, and I'm one who doesn't think he will, his future is golden.
A little too far left for me on policy questions, but he scores lots points with style and grace.
Palladian, you don't like the earnestness of an NPR pledge drive? How about the enthusiasm of a cable shopping network host? That's the vibe I get when I read Kathryn Jean Lopez or Hugh Hewitt effusing about Mitt Romney.
Conservatives nominated their empty vessel of hope 8 years ago.
Remember compassionate conservatism? What was that, but a clever bit of rhetoric. Now that someone else is borrowing from the same playbook, conservatives are crying foul. Wish they had been so vigilant in 2000.
Of course, the Clintons have been borrowing from the Bush/Rove playbook, too. They tried to establish the aua of inevitability, and when faced with an upstart primary opponent, they've spread lies about him.
Oh cripes-
Obama is on CNN right now trying to out sob story Edwards.
Gawd damn it you don't get to use these people's stories unless you do something specifically for them or you pay them.
Crap I'd like to start a bidding war but then I think edwards has the market covered.
that little freak-jeebus he keeps saying how he could save all these people but then what did he do for the one person who's story he's using?
Jeebus and oh by the way I think Clinton owns the "I feeel you pain" quote.
So don't go there or he'll call you Jesse or somethin'.
Obama is just like her dad? So he’s a sex-crazed half a cripple with Addison disease who had an affair with a German spy and is accepting help from the Mafia to win the West Virginia primary?
According to news reports, Ted Kennedy is going to endorse Obama. That seals the deal for the Kennedy clan, the establsihment Democrats. Maybe those super delegates pledged to Hillary might get pledged to Obama.
Mr. Obama, a piece of advice, never, ever, get into a car with Ted. It leads to a one way ride.
Image-wise, doesn't the Kennedy analogy apply far more to Romney than Obama...
Son of millionaire father....
Massachusetts...huge family (5 sons, 11 grandchildren)...lovely wife, equestrienne...
sporty guy (Olympics, skiing)...prep school. Harvard...
Fen said:
I'm sure Hillary will rectify that mistake once she gets the keys to the Office.
Oh, I think she has files on every single person she needs to. Just because she gave back FBI files, doesn't mean she did not keep copies. Plus, the Clintons are notorious for using campaign funds to hire private investigators to do dirty work. Just ask Anthony Pellicano. If you can get a visitors pass to his prison.
Palladium and Peter Hoh--
My reaction to Obama is that I'm listening to a really well-produced late-night infomercial. Like if you just listen to him, and buy his book (and, uh, vote for him), you'll make a killing on the stock market / a fortune in real estate / permanently lose weight / save your soul. . . .
I look at the specifics--and I see Jimmy Carter redux
I'm genuinely curious. Which of Obama's policy prescriptions are identical with Jimmy Carter's. Please be specific.
(Waits, watches grass grow and tumbleweeds go by)
Hey, it was a great line anyway.Nothing like an empty invocation of Jimmy Carter to get the Republican blood pumping.
Obama's a pretty inspirational candidate who I can see credibly giving an updated version of Kennedy's New Frontier speech . Can't see any Republican candidate doing that, sorry
The Princess Royal of the Kennedy clan, who has herself accomplished nothing in life except being born to wealth and privilege,
I enjoyed the book she co-wrote on the Bill of Rights. I think that's an accomplishment.
The Princess Royal of the Kennedy clan, who has herself accomplished nothing in life except being born to wealth and privilege...
Let us give credit where credit is due. Unlike her brother, uncle, and cousins, she has led an exemplary life. There have been no scandals- sexual, alcoholic, drugs, fooling around with baby sitters, rapes, or vehicular homicides.
She is a writer and a teacher. She is a wife and a mother. Whatever she does, she does it with quiet grace and class. Unlike the rest of her family and other wealthy individuals.
Since she comes from such a dysfunctional family, I would say she has led a life of quiet accomplsihment. Some people do not have to blast their accomplishments on the front page of every tabloid.
ODS. Obama Derangement Syndrome. It's just od.
I'm genuinely curious. Which of Obama's policy prescriptions are identical with Jimmy Carter's. Please be specific.
Both are abysmally ignorant and naive vis-a-vis international relations, and have nearly identical views about how they believe the US ought to submit itself. That's for starters. Mmmm-kay?
Obama is just like her dad? So he's going to appoint his brother attorney general and use illegal wiretaps against political opponents and get us bogged down in an unending land war in Asia? This sounds familiar.
The Princess Royal of the Kennedy clan, who has herself accomplished nothing in life except being born to wealth and privilege...
Still angry about the Bay of Pigs, eh?
In both Michigan and S. Carolina Romney promised former manufacturing workers he would return their jobs.
So is Romney:
1) an idiot, or
2) a liar
Reality has very little to do with this, voters form perceptions and vote on those perceptions.
Most Americans are too busy working and raising families to be policy wonks.
Perception is everything. Obama might ride that to victory. Or he might not.
Obama is just like her dad? So he is going to try and kill Fidel Castro with an exploding cigar and acquiesce while his sister gets a lobotomy and is shut up in an asylum?
I believe Romney said he would return jobs, not their jobs. Those are dead and gone. It is not idiotic or lying to suggest that with the proper help, the US auto industry could be a leader in 21st century automotive technology along with other emerging technologies. South Carolina has been chosen by several international companies for the location of their US plants, and Michigan has the infrastructure already in place for automotive enterprises. The bigger question will be whether the Congress will allow the necessary tax changes which would make the US and then consequently, our industries competitive.
GReat job- you hit almost every liberal sacred cow in only about 100 words.
Caroline Kennedy says she works in NY public schools as if she actually goes to a real school.
I believe her function is best described as unpaid fund raising luminary.
A few years ago, she wrote a sequel to "Profiles in Courage". It was full of stories about libs who did things like stand in front of a bulldozer to try and protect an endangered swamp. Was the only book I almost took back for a refund. Heard her on the radio a few weeks, she a sounded ancientbut is barely 50 years old.
Such a shame - her father was a great great American.
The bigger question will be whether the unions will allow the necessary work and pay changes ...
Of course, that's beyond the government's effective control.
sounded ancient
It's those giant Fitzgerald teeth.
Sure, we all know that candidates in primaries have to appeal to a harder, more ideological element. Bash the other side, especially if it's the party in power.
But I've never fully understood why a candidate running for President doesn't try to sound more like and act more like he is President.
Whether Obama realizes the appeal of this or whether it's a heartfelt outreach to the other side, it's working.
Who isn't tired of the bombthrowing? How many times does one have to read that the other side are idiots or worse?
"You're an idiot", "No, you're an idiot".
I'm tired of it.
Walter Neff you're being too subtle.
I doubt many people know what his involvement was in the war you mentioned, or for that matter which war you're talking about. That fact didn't even make it out of the sixties.
How many times does one have to read that the other side are idiots or worse?
"You're an idiot", "No, you're an idiot".
I'm tired of it.
Could be worse.
"Your an idiot", "No, your an idiot"
"Obama is just like her dad? So he is going to try and kill Fidel Castro with an exploding cigar and acquiesce while his sister gets a lobotomy and is shut up in an asylum?"
No she's talking about the TV Dad - fictional but beloved, like Ward Cleaver.
"Caroline Kennedy says Obama is like her dad."
Caroline's Daddy couldn't get anywhere near the nomination in today's Democrat party--not even with his own Daddy using big bucks to wield influence. If he were alive today, JFK would have to run as a Republican.
Does this assertion have any basis in anything? Or is it just glossolalia?
JFK offered little besides good looks, a hero image, and inspiration. He was a Big Picture guy. My pragmatic independent dad wanted Tricky Dick to win. In renouncing their former political positions to appeal to the great mass of Republicans, both Giuliani and Romney resemble Nixon, although only Giuliani seems scary vindictive like him.
In ensnaring us in a forever war in the Middle East while the dollar sinks like a stone, W. has been the least effective President since Carter, so comparisons to Carter hurt the Republicans more. Remember, Carter botched the Iranian hostage rescue, a botch about 0.01% the magnitude of W.'s Iraq botch.
In ensnaring us in a forever war in the Middle East while the dollar sinks like a stone, W. has been the least effective President since Carter, so comparisons to Carter hurt the Republicans more.
What kind of dopey statement is this? We will be involved in the middle east as long as oil runs the world economy. Unlike you, at least Bush thinks it would be better for the middle easterners to share in the wealth and have some human rights while they were pumping oil for us.
It's a definte coup for Obama to get the Kennedy's to back him.
But in the end, Obama stands for more government in our lives and less freedom. Moreover, like all liberal democrats, he pooh poohs personal responsibility. sickening...
Former Law Student: I do agree that JFKs views were much more akin to GOP positions. Here two examples: an interventionist foreign policy based on a strong military. (The Missile Gap)and JFK's willingness to cut taxes to achieve economic growth--And if JFK were not a republican, he would be more like a Scoop Jackson Democrat today, and that approach doesnt seem to get much traction among today's democrats.
FLS: Since you mentioned speaking in tongues in your post, I will put my tongue in my cheek and suggest that JFKs sexual escapades might have more in common with the GOP than the Dems (Bill Clinton excepted, of course).
But in the end, Obama stands for more government in our lives and less freedom. Moreover, like all liberal democrats, he pooh poohs personal responsibility. sickening...
You're describing the last 7 years of Republican (cough) leadership in Washington DC as well, you know.
We will be involved in the middle east as long as oil runs the world economy.
We used to be involved in the middle east the way we're involved in China: as consumers. Now we're involved in the middle east the way Israel is: as suicide bombing victims.
roger: the world and nation quite different now from how it was in 1960. A strong military was essential during the height of the Cold War, when people built and stocked backyard fallout shelters, and the best deterrence was Mutual Assured Destruction. Tax cuts are a lot easier to make when the top marginal rate is 90% instead of 28% or whatever it is now. I assume JFK would have changed his positions to be congruent with the times.
Palladian said...
Why do so many of Obama's supporter's statements remind me of an NPR pledge drive...etc"
I generally read what Palladian writes with interest but rarely with agreement. This is a perfect case in point.
While he likens Obama to an NPR pledge drive what is, then, his reaction to Ruthless Rudy's Perpetual War Campaign or Mitt's "Outside the Looking Glass Looking In", or Sen. McCains "I get it posture - and if you disagree I'll bite your head off" next to HuckFinn's "Baptisima Uber Alles".
As candidates distill themselves and are otherwise "reduced to sauce" in this political kitchen, Obama seems to have caught fire with with those who are tired of mantra politics - "i'll cut your taxes...i'll keep the bad guys from your door....".
Is it a bad thing that people now react to Obama as Kennedy-eske...? Why is that either bar or inaccurate? I listened to talk radio last night while doing work and it was full of pundits talking about Kennedy the womanizer. Ok. yes he was. But I failed to hear him being described as Nixon the crook or Bush the liar.
Hey. I just want a president who sees things in broader terms and has some sort of vision...I want the captain of the galley fleet, not the best slave oarsman.....I want the guy who says we need to go over there and accomplish that...and have it right and noble and honest for a change.
Caroline Kennedy is a classy woman, smart and sensible. She appears to be the real deal. I'll listen to what she has to say and take it into account.
Julie Eisenhower is endorsing Hillary today. She said Hillary reminds her of her father. You know the scowl and the five o’clock shadow.
Janet Reno just endorsed Mitt Romney. She said Mitt reminded her of her father. Her dad used to put her in a traveling cage and strap her on the roof of the family station wagon when they went on vacations.
Susan Ford just endorsed Fred Thompson. She said he reminded her of her father. He's dead too.
Suri Cruise just endorsed Dennis Kucinich. She gurgled that he reminded her of her father. He believe's in UFO's too!
hdhouse said:
Hey. I just want a president who sees things in broader terms and has some sort of vision...I want the captain of the galley fleet, not the best slave oarsman.....I want the guy who says we need to go over there and accomplish that...and have it right and noble and honest for a change.
You and everone else- Cons and Libs. We will not get that with the current crop of candidates from either party. Once again we will be faced with the choice of the lesser of two evils, or worse, the lesser of two mediocrities.
Maria Burton has just endorsed Rudy Giuliani. She said he reminded her of her mother, Elizabeth Taylor. But only when he wears a dress. And when she was between her third and fourth marriage. Before she got fat.
"A President Like My Father"
You mean cute, overrated, and one who will take us to the brink of nuclear war?
Has anyone noticed that the Senator from Illinois has a campaign (and supporters) that is starting to morph into some sort of creepy-Up With People-kind of cult? Sometimes, I wonder if I am looking at a campaign rally or a Scientology meeting. Just a thought....
Alice Roosevelt Longworth just endorsed John McCain. She said he reminded her of her daddy Teddy. But that is only natural since they went to grammer school together.
>"Sometimes, I wonder if I am looking at a campaign rally or a Scientology meeting. "
Or Amway. I walked by an Obama rally the other day and someone offered me great deals on products I use everyday
(well, not really)
sordid: I remember just where and when the obama cult started:
Sometimes, I wonder if I am looking at a campaign rally or a Scientology meeting.
And the question is, does Obama believe, really believe, or is a brilliant (and all the more dangerous for it) demagogue? Does he really think it's winning him brownie points to one day talk about sitting down with Ahmadinejad and Assad, and another day talk about invading or nuking Pakistan. If this a real reflection of the Senator's thinking, he's like Kennedy in more ways than one, and I am not talking about oratorical skills.
Though, personally, sign me up for a beet bash with him any day. In fact, I'd be glad to buy him a beer if he trounces Clintonistas-in-Chief in a few more states.
I wonder why is it that only people who are pro-Mrs. Clinton (or people like me who can go either Mrs. Clinton OR Mr. McCain) are the only people willing to call Obama on his shiftyness. He refuses to speak to the press (I heard the "You're better than that" comment he made when a reporter asked him about Mrs Clinton). He will only take softball questions from supine journalists (I use that term loosely). He refuses to add meat to the bones of what he proposes in speeches ("we have a position paper on that"). He admits in print that he's not a great manager (and you want me to help hire you to be THE manager?)...and to cap it all, Obama-ites become UNHINGED when you DARE ask something even mildly unpleasant about the candidate. This is a cult based on an empty suit. Why are some people so blind to what is right in front of their eyes? Is the dreaded "white guilt" that strong?
This is a cult based on an empty suit.
I don't see how that makes it any different from the Clinton campaign.
That's a cult based on a sexual harassment suit.
This is a cult based on an empty suit.
I don't see how that makes it any different from the Clinton campaign.
The Clinton campaign is a Tupperware party based on an empty pantsuit.
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