Are you disappointed that feminists haven't stuck by you? After all, you were groped by Bill Clinton and unquestionably, the Clintons have worked to destroy your reputation. Do you ever sit and wonder, "Gee, where are all these feminists who are supposed to be looking out for ordinary women like me..."
Of course, I did. Every night, when I was being raked over the coals by the Clintonistas, of course I did. Believe me, I appealed to the feminists. I called the National Organization for Women. I asked for their help. But, they weren't going to criticize him. He was their guy. He was their man. He was pro-choice...they were in no position to criticize him or validate me and they didn't.
You know, think about it: where are they today? You don't see representatives of NOW. Where are the feminists? Where are they? I think Bill and Hillary Clinton pretty much shut them down. The feminists, NOW, they're all about one issue: abortion. They're not talking about women's rights, being an advocate for women, or equality in the work place. Those aren't issues anymore. It's abortion, plain and simple.
Along similar lines, a big part of Hillary Clinton's campaign for the presidency has involved playing up her gender and promising to stand up for single mothers. Yet, you're a woman who was a loyal Democrat and a Clinton supporter and after you were victimized by her husband, Hillary helped work to try to personally destroy you. What message you give to women who are considering voting for Hillary in...
Well, that's one of the reasons that I wrote my book. I hope that women, men and women, but women especially, young women, first time voters, who are excited about voting for a woman for President for the first time in our history -- this woman claims to be a champion for women, a women's advocate, a feminist, but look what she has done to me. Look what she has done. And believe me, when I say look what she's done, she gears up the war room. She enables his behavior, she cleans up after him. It has been going on since before they were married and it will continue because his behavior has not stopped. This is no advocate for women. If this is what she's going to do to women like me, who unfortunately, crossed paths with her husband, a sex addict and a predator, she is not a champion for women and she is not a women's advocate. I hope that young women will at least read my book, read my story, and think about what it would be like to be caught in the crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
१४ नोव्हेंबर, २००७
"This woman claims to be a champion for women, a women's advocate, a feminist, but look what she has done to me. Look what she has done."
John Hawkins interviews Kathleen Willey.
६४ टिप्पण्या:
This book will go nowhere. Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Maureen Dowd, et al, will not be interviewing Kathleen Wiley.
Hillary pretends to be lots of things. I guess you can get a book out of each with Hillary, assumming the publisher doesn't wind up in Fort Marcy Park first.
"This book will go nowhere. Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Maureen Dowd, et al, will not be interviewing Kathleen Wiley"
Bimbo eruption successfully squashed?
I wouldn't be so sure.
God Save The Al.
Now, wait a minute, pls, Althouse.
Willey was known to have a crush on Clinton, deliberately flirting with him and at least one of her testimonies has to be a lie because they contradict themselves on important details.
Why would anyone want to interview her now, if not to hurt Hillary in any lying way possible? Why do you think this is an important story? And why do I commet here again, knowing very well you're just another one of those horrible conservatives?
Ok, ok, I know the answer, to the last question at least. Must be your good looks...
Hey, caffeine, you're committing feminist heresy! You're questioning the victim!
Oh, wait. The victim's accusing Clinton. Sorry. Carry on. Open season. All previous rules suspended until threat is neutralized.
She complains about pizza boxes and suggests the Clintons killed her husband.
Yep, she's credible.
Looks like the 11... thing is imminent.
Ah, Kathleen Willey, the woman who lied to the FBI and whose claims were so nutso not even Ken Starr believed them. A true feminist icon!
She was "a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty"... or... oooh.... wait... that was Anita Hill... and that showed how the patriarchy crushes women.... and then... we got confused... something happened in the 90s.... what was it?
Ann Althouse said...
She was "a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty"... or... oooh.... wait... that was Anita Hill... and that showed how the patriarchy crushes women.... and then... we got confused... something happened in the 90s.... what was it?
Hitting the winebox a little early, are we?
She was a cat lover. She got what she deserved.
Shoot the messenger. Kill the message. Move along.
I find it interesting that the Bimbo Eruption character assassination is already at work here with the woman. The amazing thing to me is how far the feminists moved from Anita Hill to the Clinton presidency. They went from the woman is always right to all these women are drunk, scheming, mercenary, and love Bill anyway. And how much of what we (or at least some here) apparently "know" about Wiley, Broderick, Jones, etc. is accurate, and how much is Clinton machine spin, misdirection, and character assassination?
I find it interesting that Clinton Derangement Syndrome drives people to accept wild claims and draw terrible analogoies.
Willey was known to have a crush on Clinton, deliberately flirting with him
[liberal mode] Shorter christopher: bitch was asking for it. Whoops! I forgot it was Clinton. Never mind. [/liberal mode]
then... we got confused... something happened in the 90s.... what was it?
Any Gloria Steinem type should have been proud to impale herself on Bill's Little Bill. The man was a Democrat, and he was hot. (Although, his oral and dress-staining activities with Monica strongly suggest Bill suffered from ED, and couldn't impale anyone.) Now feminists must support HRC to atone for their unashamed lusting after her husband.
Bad link.
At 10:22.
"Shorter christopher: bitch was asking for it. Whoops! I forgot it was Clinton. Never mind."
Who is christopher, and wtf is the rest of your comment about? I just pointed out she had a motive for lying to the FBI: She was gutted when her love turned her away. A real classic.
"... and that showed how the patriarchy crushes women...."
And so, you trying to crush Hillary is simply your male side showing, right, Althouse?
caffeine soldier: Sorry I confused you with another pro-HRC commenter. Liberals never question the victim's good faith. Except when it comes to WJC.
former law student:
I posted the following.
She complains about pizza boxes and suggests the Clintons killed her husband.
Yep, she's credible.
You then translated it as
[liberal mode] Shorter christopher: bitch was asking for it.
Go fuck yourself.
"she may be a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty" but how is it that only Bill is the only one who has actually be proven to be a liar in a court of law? And disbarred? Being found to commit perjury by a federal judge is no small matter. Had he not been a president of the US and just another high profile "celebrity" figure he would have probably done a little bit of jail time for contempt. Perhaps it might have been referred to a US Attorney for prosecution. But Clinton did something the right wing conspiracy could not do on their own: he "castrated" the NOW and pretty much prostituted the feminist movement. And Hillary is now nothing more than a Manhattan elitist Tammy Wynette standing by her man without any of Tammy's charm.
Personally I hope she does not get elected president. I don't need to suffer her tax increase and her ruining the economy and harming the national interest. Bad as that could be worse than that is what Bill will do. He is what he is and he will never change. He will embarrass her and humiliate her any number of occasions. Except that as President the embarrassment and humiliation will also be the nation's as well. As a human being as much as I dislike her she does not deserve that kind of public humiliation.
"Liberals never question the victim's good faith. Except when it comes to WJC."
Ah, k, thx. Damn, five years of liberal commenting, and I still don't know all those Rules of Engagement. Yup, it's pathetic.
christopher: sorry, I quoted caffeine soldier but mistakenly put your name down.
caffeine soldier: real liberals still believe the Durham stripper was raped by the Duke lacrosse players.
He will embarrass her and humiliate her any number of occasions. Except that as President the embarrassment and humiliation will also be the nation's as well.
Huh. Hadn't thought of that. It's like Billy Carter for embarrassment factor, but with charm. More seriously, there's a point here. He could cause yet another major national distraction with various shenanigans.
Why couldn't she have been a good girl like Susan McDougall?
He will embarrass her and humiliate her any number of occasions. Except that as President the embarrassment and humiliation will also be the nation's as well.
Well, of course the rest of the world still thinks it was the worst embarrassment and humiliation for the US when their president deliberately started an unnecessary war and provided a whole bunch of lies as a reason (disclosure: I'm from the rest of the world).
Hell, I don't even know if Clinton was really worse than Bush I. puking into the japanese prime minister's lap. But, ok, we all know, the US mileage may differ!
caffeine soldier: real liberals still believe the Durham stripper was raped by the Duke lacrosse players.
You have poll numbers for that?
Or has Gallup taken up residency in your sphincter?
Even that heinous Linda Tripp said Wiley lied in her deposition.
I did like it when SNL had Jon Goodman play Linda Tripp, that was hilarious.
To be fair to Bill Clinton, he wasn't disbarred, but rather was suspended for five years. Most states only allow a three year suspension, so it can be seen that his discipline was right between suspension and disbarment. It is significant enough that most states would not allow him to be licensed, even after the suspension expires, as it has.
The basic difference between disbarment and suspension is that in the former case, the law license is revoked (though occasionally, it can be reclaimed), while in the later case, it is suspended for a period of time. Of course, if you practice law on a suspended license, you are likely to get disbarred.
And, he was not convicted of perjury, but rather was found in contempt for, among other things, lying in court (again, sufficient for most jurisdictions to bounce a bar application). The type of contempt involved would not typically result in real jail time. That is typically reserved for instances where someone is defying the court (though attorneys have spent the night in jail for much less), and the jail time is being used as an inducement to comply with the Court's orders.
The five years have been up for a while now. Bill's eligible for reinstatement; I wonder why he hasn't applied.
caffeine soldier: Willey was known to have a crush on Clinton, deliberately flirting with him and at least one of her testimonies has to be a lie because they contradict themselves on important details.
Right. Because if you have a crush and flirt with a guy, you deserve to be sexually assaulted....
Feminism. You've come a long way baby. Now suck harder please. I need you to bring me last weeks sales figures when we're done here.
caffeine soldier: Well, of course the rest of the world still thinks it was the worst embarrassment and humiliation for the US when their president deliberately started an unnecessary war and provided a whole bunch of lies as a reason (disclosure: I'm from the rest of the world).
See LuckyTroll? This is why we don't give a rats ass about the "goodwill" or "respect" of the world. Caffeine Soldier here has swallowed the Big Lie that Bush Lied - so he bases his opinion of us on leftist bullshit propaganda.
In doing so, he makes his opinion worthless. So why would you seek to curry favor with such sheep?
Hey Fen, if Willey was sexually assaulted, why did Robert Ray conclude she lied to the FBI? Do you also buy her claim that the Clintons arranged for her house to be burglarized? Is there any anti-Clinton BS you won't shovel into your mouth with both hands?
"Caffeine Soldier here has swallowed the Big Lie that Bush Lied - so he bases his opinion of us on leftist bullshit propaganda."
I didn't say Bush lied, I said he provided lies as a reason for war. It might be true that he really believed the BS. But pls show me any confirmation for the crap that Powell or any other of the gang presented. Nothing of it was true, all fairytales. And consequently, the Bushies shifted the goalposts so often that nobody knows anymore what the most recent official reason for the war is. Is it still 'bringing democracy to Iraq'? Who knows, who cares.
Am I the only who remembers the Clinton crowd starting to use the "nuts and sluts" tactic on Monica just before she produced the blue dress?
What do you think people like doyle and caffiene soldier would be saying about her now if she hadn't have kept the dress?
caffeine soldier:
You can safely ignore Fen's ravings about fictional WMDs. He's a pro-torture sociopath with very thin skin....
Kathleen Wiley is to Bill and Hillary conspiracies as the 9/11 truthers are to conspiracies in general. No one will listen, no one will really care and even if either were true, there is nothing that can be done about it anyway. It's to much on a personal level for any real action to be taken. So she writes a book about being a Clinton target, big deal. Most people already know what a pair of miscreants the Clintons are. So why is another book needed to highlight and illustrate this. Sound and fury signifying nothing. It's a shame too, because I do believe in what happened to this woman, but her methods of highlighting them really need to be put under the microscope and questioned.
So, I'm still waiting for one of the Clinton-haters to explain why this poor upstanding victimized woman's truth telling was rejected by the Independent Counsel. I expect I'll be waiting forever.
Joshua said...
So, I'm still waiting for one of the Clinton-haters to explain why this poor upstanding victimized woman's truth telling was rejected by the Independent Counsel. I expect I'll be waiting forever.
I suspect you'll hear on the day frozen yogurt goes on sale in Hell.
Joshua probably doesn't believe that the Durham sex worker was raped, either. I pity his inability to recognize that his mistaken beliefs stem from his male privilege as well as (most likely) his white privilege. He obviously doesn't realize how much he's done to oppress women of color by discounting the real suffering of all rape victims all over the world.
As penance I can sentence him to read a number of feminist blogs maintained by woc.
So, I'm still waiting for one of the Clinton-haters to explain why this poor upstanding victimized woman's truth telling was rejected by the Independent Counsel. I expect I'll be waiting forever.
I guess it comes down to what federal law was in question then. The IC was limited to just that - finding violations of federal law. Mere being a boor or sexual harassment are not typically crimes, and thus out of the jurisdiction of the IC. Even attempted rape is problematic. Besides, in order to proceed, the IC would have to have a reasonable belief that he could get a conviction, i.e. prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt.
So, the fact that Clinton was not indicted by the IC for Willey does not mean that there wasn't anything there, but rather, that he couldn't prove it at that standard. Just have a majority of the evidence on his side was not sufficient.
I don't know whether anything happened between Bill Clinton and Kathleen Willey, and neither does anyone else here. All we can really say is that the IC didn't have enough evidence to convict.
Looks like former law student can't answer the question, preferring to blather on about a completely unrelated matter. Maybe he needs to go back to law school for a refresher course. Any other takers?
Good heavens! A Clinton is running for president and OJ is in court.
Somebody please stop this ninety's rerun.
Thanks for at least trying, Bruce Hayden. Unfortunately, you fall quite short. As you would know if you read the Ray report, Ray was considering whether Clinton's testimony about the Willey encounter was true. He concluded that Willey's account was too weak and unlikely to be considered credible by a jury. He also unequivocally stated that she had lied to the FBI about another incident. In other words, he didn't think he could get a conviction because, as well as he could tell, Willey was a liar.
But I guess Robert Ray was just part of the Clinton spin machine, right Bruce?
I just followed the Amazon link at the bottom of the post, to Willey's book.
That cover is furkin' hilarious.
It's so far into self-parody, it looks like it was designed by Jon Stewart.
Lets see, enjoyed by members who enjoy...
blah blah blah. All I hear is a racist, sexist, oppressor.
So, I'm still waiting for one of the Clinton-haters to explain why this poor upstanding victimized woman's truth telling was rejected by the Independent Counsel.
Well, aside from the question of there being no apparent federal crime in Clinton's actions, there's the fact that Wiley has a history of legally and ethically questionable behavior. She'd make a lousy witness, especially with no supporting evidence backing her up.
"He will embarrass her and humiliate her any number of occasions. Except that as President the embarrassment and humiliation will also be the nation's as well.
Well, of course the rest of the world still thinks it was the worst embarrassment and humiliation for the US when their president deliberately started an unnecessary war and provided a whole bunch of lies as a reason (disclosure: I'm from the rest of the world)."
Being Cuban I love my espresso. The stronger the better. And I drink it completely unsweetened (best way to taste the coffee) in American coffee size cups in the morning so I am wide awake in the am. Funny thing back in '99 when I was in Italy on business I don't remember the "love" for Bill when the USAF was bombing Serbia. Or the "love" when for Bill when he invaded Haiti. Clinton lied a lots of Serbs and Haitians died.
I'm not a revisionist like some commenter's here. Even though I never voted for Clinton and am more than a bit pissed at him for raising my taxes, nevertheless I did support him in both the Haitian and Serbian situations and I have not revised my position at the time. And if Bush lied about Saddam's WMD all he was doing was regurgitating Bill's lie about the same.
Being "cursed" with lawyers in the family, no practicing lawyer would consider having your law license suspended for 5 years to be anything but a de-facto disbarment. Like I said before he did not go to jail or get formally disbarred due to the fact he was a president of the US. And that is as it should be out of consideration for the office and not the man.
As for the coffee, forget that overpriced Starbucks **** and even the OK Lavazza. Bustello Supreme. Cheap enough and strong as it should be. No ridiculous thousand dollar high end coffee maker required. Only a good stove top maker. Any bodega will sell you one for ten bucks. They do also make a decaf version for the over forty crowd for evening drinking.
Ms. Willey is under the misapprehension that the phrase "The winners write the history books" is just an expression.
Doyle's dismissive "yawn" says it all. To believe any part of what she has ever said about any of this requires putting too many other cherished verities in doubt. "Yawn" is a hell of a lot easier than having to entertain the possibility that someone close to Clinton hired someone to go scare the shit out of a defenseless widow.
Let's say, though, that it was proven. A deathbed confession by this Cody Shearer fellow, or whoever paid for him. Pellicano's in a legal stew -- maybe he's got proof. Let's say the fact of her harassment because established and unshakable.
How's Doyle, etc. going to react? Prediction: "Yawn."
That's why the Clintons play only to win.
Doyle's dismissive "yawn" says it all.
Well, in fairness to Doyle -- little as he deserves it -- Wiley's not a terribly credible witness. Juanita Broaddrick she ain't.
Sure, the story she tells is entirely consistent with Bill's behavior and with how the Clinton attack machine has treated Bill's other "conquests". But it is also entirely consistent with how anyone familiar with Bill and the Clinton attack machine would know to tell the story, even if it was made up.
That's a problem with Bill Clinton's habit of treating women like toilet paper -- any woman who accuses him of mistreating her sounds at least somewhat credible, even if, like Wiley, she's got a history of lying and cheating people.
Ann, do you believe the Clintons had Willey's husband murdered? That they hired someone to break into her house and steal her book manuscript? Killed her pet?
I will destroy feminism; see below:
jewsyonkersislam # 440 Address on Yonkers schools to Yonkers Board of Education and supporting newspaper documentation
" We're getting old, retiring. Yet you teachers have done such a poor job teaching that we have no competent-enough workers to help pay our retirement costs. All you teachers with cushy retirement packages, you who have failed utterly, do not deserve such largess. And you will be one of the first groups targeted to have your benefits reduced. According to your own statistics, Yonkers Public School students are 82% minority. But despite billions, Yonkers schools continue to fail -more and more each year. Special Ed students are now 16% or more and cost far more than regular students. Everybody knows it is harder to teach kids from single-parent -fatherless- families. But why do we have these problems ? Harvard Medical School Psychiatrist Dr. Alvin Poussaint noted that 80% of black children born in 1940 were to 2-parent families, but that percentage dropped to 30% in 2003. Commedian and TV star Bill Cosby said "lower income people are not holding up their end of the bargain". Why ? I'll tell you why. It is the nonsense you teachers teach. Male and female, boys and girls are not equal. "
Taken from Westchester Times Tribune,10-31-07; supporting documentation.
" Status of the Yonkers Public Schools
The Trustees are absent and disengaged.The Superintendent is simply
the Mayor's de-facto department head Mayoral / City Council actions
continue to politicize the school system for obvious personal gain....
Funding shortages persist and funding allocations are being misdirected or covered up.... Collapse of the Adult Basic Education program... no audit by Phil 'see no problem' Zisman, the same I.G. who found nothing in the YPA/college scamming tuition program. Overstaffing at Central Office of political friends on the business side and personal friends of the Superintendent on the academic side... Return to yesteryear, as Pierorazio pulls in every retiree from his
bygone days into his inner circle to watch his back as the ***school system
slowly deteriorates.*** Senior Central Office staff, along with senior administrators with experience, are nearly all gone; Pierorazio's answer is to restaff with out of towners.Teachers continue to run most schools, especially the elementary."
Is there hope for the Yonkers BoE. Not with the feminist way they're going.
Beth said..."Ann, do you believe the Clintons had Willey's husband murdered? That they hired someone to break into her house and steal her book manuscript? Killed her pet?"
The real question on my mind is: if, as Wiley claims, the Clinton White House was indeed "like Animal House"... well, Clinton's obviously Boon, and Al Gore would be Hoover. I like to think that Carville would be D-Day, and surely there can be no doubt that Ken Starr is Dean Wormer. But who's Bluto? If we go by the movie he should probably be someone who went on to become a Senator...
My god. Hillary Clinton is Bluto! How did we not see it?
Revenant, I'd have thought Clinton was Pinto -- distinguishing characteristics and such.
Hm, would Bill Clinton turn down sex just because the woman was unconscious and too young for him? :)
Ouch! I forgot that scene! Well, I walked right into that one.
That's a problem with Bill Clinton's habit of treating women like toilet paper -- any woman who accuses him of mistreating her sounds at least somewhat credible,
The fact that fools will find anyone who accuses Clinton of wrongdoing credible, no matter how ridiculous the accusation or suspect the accuser, actually says more about the credulous fools than it does about Clinton.
The fact that fools will find anyone who accuses Clinton of wrongdoing credible, no matter how ridiculous the accusation or suspect the accuser, actually says more about the credulous fools than it does about Clinton.
There's nothing "ridiculous" about Wiley's accusation. The woman herself just isn't trustworthy.
I bet you think everyone is picking on O.J. also....
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