November 8, 2007

"Outrage fatigue."

Typical comment on a Metafilter post intended to wow readers with a Keith Olberman rant — "all the verbal flatulence" — and then somebody says "the flowery style makes you think he's going to pull out a lace glove and challenge someone to a fish-slapping dance" and somebody else sends us here....

... and I feel restored and able to get on with the day.


TMink said...

Have you ever seen Olberman without a script? For someone who obviously considers himself quite intelligent, he comes across as stiff, uncomfortable, and slow as concrete on his feet.


rcocean said...

"Have you ever seen Olberman without a script? For someone who obviously considers himself quite intelligent, he comes across as stiff, uncomfortable, and slow as concrete on his feet."

He caught his head in a train door a while back - that might explain it.

Have you seen his C-span interview with Brian Lamb? Its amazing. His self-love, lack of humor, and shallow intellect, all came through. He's a former sportscaster who refuses to have guests that disagree with him.

The rants have kept him employed but what will he do starting Jan 2009. Nobody will watch KO blow kisses to Hilary! for four years.

Pastafarian said...

You know I was reading the comments over there and I just realized something. GEORGE BUSH WILL BE OUT OF OFFICE IN 2008.

So why are so many people running against him? Did I miss something? If someone has ideas about running the country that don't somehow involve..."mistakes this administration has made blah, blah, blah, go green etc. ad nauseam.

Outrage fatigue indeed. And I wasn't even outraged to begin with.

Oh, and no one will ever convince me that John Stewart is funny.

Swifty Quick said...
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Swifty Quick said...

Olberman's whole schtick grows out of his blinding green-eyed envy of all things Bill O'Reilly. Which says a lot all by itself.

Anonymous said...

Other than the standard right wing drivel I expect here...what do you base your charge that Olberman isn't as "intelligent" as he thinks he is on?

He does have a degree from Cornell and has been extremely successful since breaking into broadcasting in 1992. (And yeah, he's been fired, too...just like Rush and others.)

And where do you come up with the "stiff" comment? I've never heard that specific charge from anyone.

Oh, and as for using a script, you've got to be kidding.

Do you actually believe he or any other talking head isn't using a teleprompter or a script?

*Have you ever seen Bush speaking "off the cuff?" Makes one cringe.

P.S. Pastafarian said..."Oh, and no one will ever convince me that John Stewart is funny..."

Well, damn...guess the man should just pack it up and move along.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...Olberman is jealous of Bill O'Reilly.

Now THAT'S funny.

jeff said...

I would guess the idea he is obsessed with Bill OReilly comes from him, well being obsessed with Bill OReilly. Its a wonder to me why no one has punched him in the face when he puts the OReilly mask on and does the nazi salute.
Lucky logic-
Olberman isn't stiff and uncomfortable without a script because Bush always uses a script and would be stiff and uncomfortable without one. Also Olberman is intelligent because he has a degree from Cornell and has been successful as a broadcaster and Bush is an idiot because all he has is a BA from Yale and a MBA from Harvard and only success has been a two term governor and a two term president.

logically deficient and dishonest debater, Lucky actually refutes himself.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot and usual.

Now you're somehow comparing Olberman's career as a George W. Bush's as a politician?


Keep on sucking, Dude...Georgie's got about one more year.