১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০০৭

What did Ann and Rush and Jimmie talk about?

As long as we're reading the gossip column this morning, let's keep going:
Talk about random: Jimmie (J.J.) Walker of "Good Times" fame dined at Elaine's with Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.
So... what did they talk about? Ann's latest publicity baiting? Rush's eBay auction? (He's got one of the great documents in American history for sale over there with the bid up over $2 million now.) But what about Jimmie? Will Ann and Rush help him dream up a scheme to rake in millions?

Is Jimmie a right winger? Let's see. He's got a website with a tab for "Jimmie's Views." Here he is on Barack Obama:
" Nothing from nothing leaves nothing"... That sums up the " Golden Boy" of the Democratic Party... Barack Obama... Obama has been annointed the Savior of the Democratic Party... But what has he done or said?... NOTHING... Until the Democratic Convention of 2004 when you mentioned the name Barack Obama... people thought you talking about Osama Bin Laden... Obama doesn't seem to be a bad guy...but there's nothing of substance in anything he's said or done ... maybe that's what so appealing about him to so many people ... he's managed to say a lot of nothing... His best selling book doesn't have any policies or new ideas... it's more like a Tony Robbins feel good book...Barack is Tony Robbins on speed...There are tough decisons to be made as president of the United States... and not everyone is going to like you... Unlike Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Mr. Obama is a candidate white America can live with, like Colin Powell... But unlike Colin Powell, Barack Obama is more than willing to accept whatever the party will give him... with the Black critics using the " He's not Black Enough" card ...He is the Johnny Mathis of candidates to Black voters...... But that's more than enough to get the white liberal establishment behind him... Ivy league educated and the first Black editor of the Harvard Review...Obama hasn't used the Black card... but he's let others around him play it ... to the point of " All In "... Every Democrative operative From Hillary Clinton to John Kerry to James Carville has mentioned it ... Every news organization has run with the Black card... But never Barack Obama...He has learned his lessons well ... never speaking about policy... but instead giving feel good Tony Robbins speeches...getting into the Senate was a lucky break for Obama... he was elected on a pass... late in the race, his opponent was caught up in sex scandal with a vengeful ex-wife, and dropped out ... Ultra conservative Alan Keys was brought in to as a carpet bagger to run against Obama on short notice... and was soundly defeated... Two schools of thought come in... With Hillary Clinton being the clear front runner... what is her real chance of being elected... why not have the " Star" of the 2002 Democratic Convention make a run.. Or with Hillary Clinton it would be great to have the fair haired boy run with Hillary... to have a woman and a Black running together... Barack Obama hasn't been in the " cess pool of American Politics"...He hasn't had to defend his record or policies... 'cause he doesn't have any...the American Public hasn't seen nor heard a negative word or political ad from Obama and the American people have no Idea what he stands for ... Maybe that's good... but is it good enough to be President...
So what's the scheme here? Is someone writing for Jimmie (and taking the trouble to misspell Keyes and insert typos to throw us off the track)? Did Rush/Ann spot this writing — which I note is dated "11-21-07" — and pounce on an opportunity? Or are we to think this dinner at Elaine's was just a wacky, "random" meetup that belongs in the gossip column?

১০২টি মন্তব্য:

AllenS বলেছেন...

Jimmie: "I love eating onion rings."

Ann: "I really enjoy eating carrots."

Rush: "Ann, I've got an idea..."

Unknown বলেছেন...


rhhardin বলেছেন...

Alas I don't know Jimmy.

Rush's deal is a larger-than-life-persona act that's actually self-deprecating. Americans love self-deprecating humor.

Rush goes off the rails when he starts moralizing, but, while that can occupy a couple of bad weeks, usually his show is entertaining.

Coulter is a wordsmith in the style of Mencken or early R. Emmett Tyrrel (RET is an old woman today, but early was great). Nobody gets more hostility than a wordsmith.

On the left, Wonkette is equally good.

The interesting thing about the letter auction is that Rush promised to match whatever the winning bid is ; so there's an opportunity for a Soros attack here.

The way ebay works, it takes two bidders to make that go, but that should be easy.

Adrian বলেছেন...

i just hope either rush or jimmie managed to sneak some brownies into ann's spinach

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Rush's eBay auction? (He's got one of the great documents in American history for sale over there with the bid up over $2 million now.)

One of the great documents? I don't think so. Its value will surely diminish with time after Rush and the Senators are long gone. (And of course, the US will still be in Iraq then).

Ralph L বলেছেন...

MM, I suspect sarcasm.
Walker probably got tired of watching his earnings go to taxes.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

On the other hand, what's the record sale price of an American document? In that sense it might be the greatest.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

what's the record sale price of an American document?

Well, it certainly is costing more than the french toast with the Virgin Mary on it. So in that sense I guess you're right!

A fool and his money are soon parted. At least Rush is matching the funds and sending it to an organization that helps Marines. Good.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Not sure but it is certain that every sentence started with "I".

Bob বলেছেন...

The letter may become famous in a small way, similar to the sack of flour that Mark Twain wrote about in Roughing It, that last sold at the Columbia Exposition for a huge sum and ended up as an image on the Nevada state seal, if memory serves me.

The Soros angle has occurred to me as well. Rush is rich, but if Soros wished to throw his money into publicly embarrassing Rush he could bid the letter to the point that Rush couldn't match the bid. Interesting to speculate about, and the money would end up with a good cause; Soros would throw egg on Rush's face, and the nutroots would dance in glee.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Every other Walker word about Obama's blackness. And whites are the racists. Ha.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Seventies TV show...political figures interacting with silly pop icon.....pop culture leaking into political culture....head going to explode....arrrrhhhh!

hdhouse বলেছেন...

pass the clorox pls.

Rich B বলেছেন...

How often do you get a letter signed by 41 of our most distinguished Senators, trying to intimidate a private citizen? Sounds like one of a kind.

Bob - I gather you haven't listened to Rush the last week.

DaLawGiver বলেছেন...

The Soros angle has occurred to me as well.

I don't think Soros will be an issue. You have to be on a preapproved list to bid and there are only three hours left in the auction.

I can't listen to him but he does know how to milk the publicity cow.

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

Jimmie's got his talking points down, that's for sure. I don't know what those three were doing together, but you know what they say..."People who regurgitate the talking points which appeal to the most uneducated, base, and racist instincts of a society together, dine together."

As a former server, I never spit in peoples' food no matter how much I hated them. I always considered The Golden Rule. However, if I had ever had to wait on these three...oh my god. I would've spit in their food. Sorry.

If you were their server, what would you do to these three maniacs' food?

Palladian বলেছেন...

"If you were their server, what would you do to these three maniacs' food?"

Serve it well and hope for a nice tip?

It's funny that you high-handedly talk about base and uneducated instincts and then you go on to tell us that you couldn't resist expectorating into someone's meal. Très amusant!

Rich B বলেছেন...

Come to think of it, I would love to hear a reporter ask Harry Reid how proud he is to have triggered such a large donation to charity. Or maybe Frank (I have a pulse!) Lautenburg. Or maybe best of all, America's sweetheart, HRC.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

J.J.: Van Gough, and Rembrandt, don't be uptight, cause here comes KID DYNOMITE

AllenS বলেছেন...

I would never even think about spitting in someone's food. I would, however, spit in ZPS's face.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Sorry, ZPS? In a sane world you'd be arrested.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Michael Evans: Today is the first day of Black History Week.
J.J. Evans: [about his painted portrait] Sweet Daddy Williams is black.
Michael Evans: But you should be painting someone more relevant to black history.
J.J. Evans: Relevant? Are you jiving? Sweet Daddy Williams owns three apartment houses, two Cadillacs and a Lincoln. He ain't never worked a day in his life and he never been to jail. He's the SAME DUDE that got shot five times and ran seven miles to the hospital. Now if that ain't black history, I don't know what is.
(Good Times 1974)

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

Hey, it's better than ejaculating! Though MAnn would like that...wouldn't she?

You people are lovely...coming to the defense of MAnn and Rush! Bravo!

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

However, if I had ever had to wait on these three...oh my god. I would've spit in their food. Sorry.

Spoken like a true liberal. Don't dare criticize anything they say, that's tantamount to censorship or crushing dissent.

But any opposing view they don't like gets a loogie in their dinner.

You people are lovely...coming to the defense of MAnn and Rush! Bravo!

As usual you miss the point. You confuse disapproval of your disgusting behavior as defense of two controversial figures. I personally can't stand Al Franken or Jeneane Garafolo but I wouldn't stoop so low as to spit in their food.

Then again maybe because I was raised by my mom and dad and not by a village.

TJ বলেছেন...

Glad to see the same folks who freaked out about those nutjob celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell are condemning fellow nutjob Jimmie Walker for meddling in politics.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

I think Jimmie Walker and Rosie O'Donnell should be the international symbols for ying and yang.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Actually that's yin and yang. Sorry but Jimmie has put on a few pounds and I was confused.

Trooper York বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Trooper York বলেছেন...

Now back to Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen nightmares, already in progress.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Walker's been very conservative for years.

Sucking up comes to mind.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Speaking of black people and white morons:

Nobel laureate biologist Jim Watson, 79, an American who won the 1962 Nobel prize for his role in the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA, told the Sunday Times he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really."

Watson also asserted there was no reason to believe different races separated by geography should have evolved identically, and he said that while he hoped everyone was equal, "people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true."

His comments were met with an avalanche of criticism, and London's Science Museum canceled Watson's planned Friday appearance, saying his remarks had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate."

The British government's skills minister, David Lammy, who is black, called the comments "deeply offensive."

"It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices," Lammy said.

Watson's remarks to the Sunday Times were the latest in a number of controversial comments from the eminent biologist.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Interesting as that quote was, I just am willing to bet the farm that wasn't what these folks talked about.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Speaking of black people and white morons:

Jim Watson won a Nobel prize. Get over it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Winning a Nobel Prize doesn't mean you'll never utter hurtful and moronic comments.

Arafat won one.

By the way, are you implying you agree with Watson?

X বলেছেন...

at least Watson wasn't proposing spitting in black people's food because he disagreed with their politics, LOS.

By the way, are you implying you agree with ZPS?

Zachary Sire বলেছেন...

"I would, however, spit in ZPS's face."

"In a sane world you'd be arrested."

Althouse commenters heart MAnn and Rush.

True Love Always.


"But any opposing view they don't like gets a loogie in their dinner."

"two controversial figures"

Brilliant! The things that MAnn and Rush do and say have never been "views" and have never been "opposing"...they are in a universe all their own, the opposite of nothing and offering no perspective (view). But nice job at attempting to categorize them! Also nice job calling them "controversial figures"!

Hoosier Daddy and Rush and MAnn, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...first came pills, then came short black cocktail dresses, then came babies in a baby carriage!

Allthouse commenters listen to Rush and own MAnn books! Embrace it...love it...savor it!

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Arafat won one.

Sure did didn't he? Kinda makes the whole thing something of a joke.

By the way, are you implying you agree with

No but considering you attacked anyone who questioned or criticized Gore's Nobel prize, I assumed you were applying some absolute moral authority on Nobel prize winners.

Kinda funny when you look at it. What was supposed to be an award for great achievements is given to a terrorist, a racist and a charlatan. At the rate they're going, I'm figuring Paris Hilton is due.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Reading the comments: just proves again that the sexists and racists are on the left now.

According to Rush the party lasted until 4 am, because of the great time. Would have loved to been seated next to them to hear the conversation.

Agree Rhhardin, RET has turned into a tired old lady. too bad.

I wonder if J.J. is a perfected Jew.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

A few more rather conservative-based Walker quotes:

"He says rather than send troops to Iraq... we should send divorced women with children...they're the angriest...meanest segment...of American society."

"Discipline and respect should be bought to our schools…Teachers can’t teach with one arm tied behind their backs…and students can’t learn in a climate of disruption …if it takes handcuffs to learn the three "R’s"… So Be It… "

"When in Rome... do as the Romans do... Keith Ellison is a newly elected Congressman from Minnesota... He is also a Muslim... In January, when the new Congress is sworn in... He wants to be sworn in not with his hand on the Bible but with his hand on the Koran... Breaking with the "American" tradition... Mr. Ellison will be paid by the American People... he will be voting on American Law... and he will be sitting in the American Congress... Enough said...If Mr. Ellison would like to vote on Muslim law and place his hand on the Koran...perhaps he should go to Turkey."

"Black folks have been led, like sheep to the slaughter. For over fifty years, black people have voted in monolitic masses for the democratic party."

"As our society becomes more and more racially splintered, there is a stark reality...white people can't speak or register their thoughts about race nor can they have an open dialog without being considered racist."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hoosier Daddy said..."...considering you attacked anyone who questioned or criticized Gore's Nobel prize, I assumed you were applying some absolute moral authority on Nobel prize winners."

I never said anything of the sort. Winning and award of any kind has nothing to do with "absolute moral authority," and in Gore's case, he won because of his beliefs regarding global warming...not morality, religion or personal belief.

I applauded Gore's victory and, as an American...you should, too.

It's too bad people like yourself are so full of shit that you can't even let go for a single day to celebrate a fellow American winning a Nobel Prize.

By the way...how many have YOU won?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Comrade X,
I have no idea how you would come to the conclusion that I agree with zps about anything.

I referred to Watson as a white moron because he made a shameless and thoroughly ignorant comment.

Especially considering the man is a scientist.

Does that clear things up for you?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

rcocean said..."Reading the comments: just proves again that the sexists and racists are on the left now."

Could you explain that?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

rhhardin said..."Rush's deal is a larger-than-life-persona act that's actually self-deprecating."

You actually think Rush Limbaugh's daily bullshit is based in "self deprecation???"

Like when he says his messages are the voice of God?

And yet another "dittohead" rears his ugly and uninformed head.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Look at John Kerry's signature on Smear Rush document. More proof that he really is French:

Reid smear letter

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

If you were their server, what would you do to these three maniacs' food

Um... serve the food? If I felt that strongly about it I would quit my job or ask another server to take my station.

I would act rationally. How about you?

ricpic বলেছেন...

The truth must be repressed! Why? Because it's "hurtful."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

rcocean said..."Look at John Kerry's signature on Smear Rush document. More proof that he really is French:"

Are you still boycotting French Fries, too?


Christy বলেছেন...

For what it's worth, Watson has apologized saying he doesn't know how he could have said what has been reported. Sounds like senility imho.

Whether he meant it or not, his science will get a lot more scrutiny from now on and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

If we do find out he is a racist, does this mean we should reject his body of work? Is he any less brilliant?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Look at John Kerry's signature on Smear Rush document

I don't understand how Rush was smeared. His comment clearly implied that any soldier who criticizes the war (up to and apparently including LTG Sanchez) is a phony soldier (much like Butt-cyst Rush himself). Instead of apoligizing when he was caught for his odious statement, he instead tried to claim he was talking about one person in particular by releasing a badly edited tape where he erased two minutes of conversation and made it appear he referred to a particular person immediately after the "phony soldiers" (and he did use the plural, not singular--he was not referring to one person) comment, when he had done nothing of the sort.

This is typical of the mindset of the right. If someone in the military, a family member or former member is against the war, they must be a "phony soldier", a coward or a traitor. It is impossible that they came to their conclusion honestly and feel let down by the administration (or perish the thought, there are actually liberals in the military).

Rush and Ann are nothing more than lying hate-mongers.

American Horse বলেছেন...

Hell, J.J. said more in this short bit than Obama Osama has in his whole tenure at the public teat.




Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

"His comment clearly implied that any soldier who criticizes the war (up to and apparently including LTG Sanchez) is a phony soldier "

No it didn't. Of course repeating a falsehood ad nauseum and taking comments out of context will eventually make your statement defacto true. The statement was clearly referencing the Beauchamps etc who are phonies and was referencing his program of the previous day about that same topic.

There are several conclusions we can make:
1.You are being completely dishonest in your statement. Spreading falsehoods and distortions on purpose and with malice.
2. You are intellectually lazy and merely repeating talking points from others without reading or researching the entire transcript of the program
3. You are just plain ignorant.

Disclaimer: I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh and find him an odious gasbag, but the Media and the Left's technique of taking comments out of context and ignoring the statements you don't like in favor of those that support your bias is even more odious. Read Sanchez's speech for the full lambasting of the media which they conveniently buried like a cat covering up it's own stinky scat.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"But by such abuses
As smack of spite and the overscrupulous
Twisting of thumbscrews: one soul tied in sinews,
One white horse drowned, and all the unconquered pinnacles
Of God's city and Babylon's"

American Horse বলেছেন...

What a pant load... Rush, if you bothered to listen to the sound bite, singled out the phony solder Jessie MacBeth... you moonbat libloons get a bone to chew on and you won't give up till the truth actually gags you...




Cedarford বলেছেন...

Lucky comments slightly off-topic - (DNA Nobel Laurate Watson said) told the Sunday Times he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really."

Watson also asserted there was no reason to believe different races separated by geography should have evolved identically, and he said that while he hoped everyone was equal, "people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true."

Watson was actually doing well until he applied the general, though highly un-PC observations with some validity to them to the specific - ergo, by Watson the general becomes universal to the specific, so all black employees you personally meet will be sub-par.

He should apologize for the bad science of ignoring the nature of bell curves and concluding all black employees are less preferable than whites or Asians. Just as it would be ignorant to issue a blanket statement that the top 100 fastest personal sprint times in 100M automatically go to blacks of Congolese ancestry on their fast-twitch muscle DNA advantage (two whites and one Asian are in the top 100).

But Watson is correct that it is horrificly bad policy to predicate all functions in a society can be done equally well by anyone of any race or ethnicity, on the premise that all are absolutely equal in ability by group.

Beginning with the lower IQ and different behavioral indices of blacks causing failures in African development policies that worked great in Asia, E Europe, Latin America. Assuming equality of results across racially/ethnically different locales and the same MGMT techniques leads to failure, in many examples...

(A water purification plant may be up and running in 3 months by 12 of 15 Thais starting training - with 3 dropping out of the program on behavior, reliability grounds - selected from 100 candidates. In Africa, it may take 7 months of training 24 Ivory Coasters - with 8 dropping out - selected from a field of 620 candidates - to run the same facility with 16 workers)

Also, in professions and job skills, where the rise of certain groups and ethnicities exceeding their population percentiles is considered discrimination because those groups were somehow favored.....while failure of other groups to excel is taken as legal proof of discrimination that a government is obligated to remedy by coercive measures of reverse discrimination.

Watson's point about humanity diversifying as it went out of Africa and subgroups evolved differing abilities and adaptations to local environments is becoming more of a consensus by anthropologists and DNA researchers - many who came out of the 60s school of belief in absolute equality of man, with all differences explainable with a "nurture over nature" model.

They now know that DNA differences between races are not "So insignificant as to not matter", No difference but skin color", but instead can vary by as much as 1%, with significant intellengence and physiological differences. That man is evolving faster than they thought with 2 major brain mutations in the "out of Africa" group shared only 40% and 2% with native Africans. That certain group mutations in small populations confer great advantage, but haven't spread out...and perhaps they should be deliberately spread and all men get the gene. For example, the gene that a small population in N Italy have evolved that blocks coronary artery disease....

Genetic engineering to spread healthy genes, high IQ genes now confirmed by studies?
Or, selective breeding by societies?
Controversial, obviously.

Breed or engineer out "undesirable" genes that predispose subpopulations to lower IQ and higher prediliction for crime? For less likelihood of having homosexual children? Eliminate most genetic diseases? Cull out genes that cause high cancer rates?
Even more controversial.

But many, not just Watson, believe that is where humanity will eventually head - categorizing our local human subpopulations for "good and bad" DNA traits globally, and improving our species as we have done with other species.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Man, that is one long paragraph.

So let me get this straight, Jammie probably isn't going to vote for Obama, right?

This is proof of an insidious underground right-wing conspiracy of second and third-tier celebs.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

What a pant load... Rush, if you bothered to listen to the sound bite, singled out the phony solder Jessie MacBeth... you moonbat libloons get a bone to chew on and you won't give up till the truth actually gags you...

Gee, you and DBQ can't even agree on who Rush was talking about. And of course if you listen to the unedited sound bite, without the two minutes taken out, it is clear Rush wasn't talking about MacBeth with the original statement.

There are all kinds of after the fact explanations and excuses he came up with. He would have been better off if he had just apologized. But I guess that is just not his style.

But many, not just Watson, believe that is where humanity will eventually head - categorizing our local human subpopulations for "good and bad" DNA traits globally, and improving our species as we have done with other species.

I for one can't wait for the day when we can eliminate the violent, xenophobic, racist gene from the pool and we won't have to listen to Cedarford's rantings anymore.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Christy said..."If we do find out he is a racist, does this mean we should reject his body of work? Is he any less brilliant?"

No telling...but considering the man is a biologist...it makes me wonder what other theories he might hold.

Laura Reynolds বলেছেন...

Wow Freder, we agree

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Dust Bunny Queen: said..."No it didn't. Of course repeating a falsehood ad nauseum and taking comments out of context will eventually make your statement defacto true."

It most certainly did.

Have YOU ever actually heard the ENTIRE tape or read the ENTIRE

If you had, you'd know.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Freder said: This is typical of the mindset of the right. If someone in the military, a family member or former member is against the war, they must be a "phony soldier", a coward or a traitor.

It’s typical of partisans on both sides Freder. The left is hardly innocent and does the same thing. Case in point is Joe Lieberman. Excluding the war, his voting record is right up there with Ted Kennedy, but because he dares stray off the farm on the war, he’s labeled as a ‘wingnut’, in the pocket of the GOP, etc. Zell Miller dared to support the war and was treated pretty much the same way.

Might need to have your side look in the mirror from time to time.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Hey Cedarford, are your little anecdotes true or did you just pull them out of your ass? I know the one about the sprinters with the Congolese ancestry is bullshit. Nobody can pinpoint the African ancestry of North Americans of African ancestry who were brought over as slaves with that level of precision to say they came from the Congo. Or did you just go down the list, look for the Black runners, and say, hey they must have that Congolese fast twitch DNA?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Zell Miller dared to support the war and was treated pretty much the same way.

After Zell Miller's frothing at the mouth speech at the RNC, he deserved to be treated that way. The man is off his rocker.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

After Zell Miller's frothing at the mouth speech at the RNC, he deserved to be treated that way. The man is off his rocker.

Thanks for making my point.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Thanks for making my point.

I didn't impugn Zell's patriotism, service to his country, or his bravery. I will however question his bona fides as a Democrat (and his sanity after that performance and the followup, especially challenging Chris Matthews to a duel). Same with Joe Lieberman. He after all, instead of doing the noble thing and conceding gracefully after losing the Democratic primary, turned his back on the party and ran as an independent.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Same with Joe Lieberman. He after all, instead of doing the noble thing and conceding gracefully after losing the Democratic primary, turned his back on the party and ran as an independent.

Well some might argue that the Democratic party turned its back on him. Was that the noble thing to do? You can vote yea for tax increases, SCHIP, every enviro regulation under the sun, minimum wage hike but if you're pro-war, then its leper treatment. Not a 'true' Democrat.

As I said, its a typical mindset on both sides. Just because you think your side is right doesn't make you immune from doing the same thing.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Well some might argue that the Democratic party turned its back on him. Was that the noble thing to do?

Really now? Did the party abandon him in the primary? Lieberman didn't simply support the president on the war, he vocally criticized those in his own party who were against the war. On the war, he more than turned his back on his own party, he questioned (and continues to question) the patriotism of those who opposed him and the president. Was that the noble thing to do?

Rich B বলেছেন...

Just heard Harry Reid audio clip on Rush. He sounds like he was just beaten by Nancy Pelosi.

reader_iam বলেছেন...

I think the auction idea is hilarious. I'm no fan of Rush Limbaugh, but it is an inspired idea and a great radio stunt (for charity, no less!).

Also, I now feel much better about my own disgracefully sloppy signature. Under what system of handwriting were these people taught? OTOH.


John Stodder বলেছেন...

(Lieberman) after all, instead of doing the noble thing and conceding gracefully after losing the Democratic primary, turned his back on the party and ran as an independent.

Oh, gag me. Seriously. Are you 13 years old?

Ned Lamont was a preppie neophyte who would've quickly become a joke in the Senate. He had the gravitas of a helium balloon. What kind of a Democrat runs a company specializing in advanced communications for residential gated communities?

Lieberman saved the Democrats from indulging in a trendy frolic that they would've come to regret. Or haven't you noticed there is no longer a viable "out of Iraq now" contingent in either the House or Senate? That all the leading Democratic presidential candidates now concede to the reality of a long-term military presence in Iraq? And that the success of the surge isn't possible to ignore any more?

Lieberman did his party a huge favor, and did his state a huge favor. If he was so lacking in "nobility" (really, I almost spewed my lunch when I read that -- too funny!), why do you suppose he crushed Lamont?

It's ridiculous to say he turned his back on his party. His roots in the Democratic party were far deeper and more authentic than the KosKids who engineered his primary defeat.

Skyler বলেছেন...

I find it curious that the letter from Reid is so haphazardly supported that they couldn't even type in the names of the signers. They didn't have any idea who would sign or not sign, so they didn't type in the names. It would have looked terrible to have the letter drafted and half the signatures in place when one person changes his mind and doesn't sign. It would look very bad to see that blank signature line.

This is more proof that puts the lie to the claim that the senate is a deliberative body.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

If I wasn't a Limbaugh fan before, I am now. He's made lemonade from a lemon whilst bitch-slapping Harry Reid. The survivors of Marines and law-enforcement officers are the better for it. HAR HAR HAR

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

JJ Walker gets criticized for leaving the liberal plantation and sounding like a conservative.

Pogo- get to work on your Underground Railroad to safeguard these blacks (like Walker and Clarence Thomas) who have their own (non-liberal) opinions! It think you are going to need more than one railcar.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

It just gets better and better....turns out Jesse McBeth's real name is Jassim al-Zayed. He changed it before enlisting and failing as a man in boot camp. His tales of infidel American atrocities against "innocent Muslim civilians" may just his Jihad-sanctioned Taqqiya lies meant to discredit enemies of his people in Islam and on the Left...

"Rush, if you bothered to listen to the sound bite, singled out the phony solder Jessie MacBeth... you moonbat libloons get a bone to chew on and you won't give up till the truth actually gags you..."

Freder - Gee, you and DBQ can't even agree on who Rush was talking about. And of course if you listen to the unedited sound bite, without the two minutes taken out, it is clear Rush wasn't talking about MacBeth with the original statement.

There are all kinds of after the fact explanations and excuses he came up with. He would have been better off if he had just apologized.

Apologize for what, Freder? Telling the truth about your disgusting, lying, fake soldier colleagues?

Rush is looking better and better everyday in this Democratic blunder that tried to make Rush and the "phony soldiers" comments the moral equivalent of "Gen Betray-Us" moveon.org fiasco.

Rush was right.

Doesn't that just suck for you, Freder???

Centrist Democrat and Vet John T Salazar introduced the idea of a law in 2005 to criminalize phony soldiers, calling it a rampant problem. He was also upset by the Ward Churchill business - where it was discovered much of Churchill's Vietnam record was of fake valor, his medals were fake. He was an Army base driver and projectionist for audiovisual presentations, not "a killer on recon missions with multiple medals for valor."

The Stolen Valor Act is now Public Law. Signed by Bush in Dec of 2006. Co-Sponsored by 111 other members of Congress who agreed phony soldiers were a huge problem and national disgrace, including 68 Democrats with the likes of 2-faced Hillary, Daniel Inouye, Nancy Pelosi.

For added amusement, Freder, look who voted for the Phony Soldier Law and then who went on to denounce Rush for saying there were phony soldiers out to discredit the troops.

(Hillary is absolutely Nixonian in this matter - except that Nixon was a true patriot who served in the Armed Forces with distinction and had his moral lapses in other areas.)

The need for the Act came about because of large numbers of fake military heroes in the United States. For example, as of June 2, 2006 there were only 120 living Medal of Honor recipients, but there were far more known imposters. There are also large numbers of fake Navy SEALS and Army Special Forces, among others.

By taking credit for the heroism of others, they diminish the sacrifices and achievements of others. Especially when these imposters use false tales of heroism joined with concocted atrocity tales to discredit the real troops reputation. The law currently does not allow us to go ever these individuals who impugne the good names, achievements, and reputation of far better men and women than themselves.

Salazar introduced evidence of the hundreds of conformed phony soldiers - the thousands of ones yet to be caught - in his legislation, as reason it had to be stamped out.

As did B.G. Burkett in his best selling book, "Solen Valor". Burkett notes that phony soldiers did not start with anti-American Leftists staging "Winter Soldier" with fakes claiming atrocities and high valor medals in elite units...but was all too common with losers in the WWII generation that felt inferior because they didn't contribute as much as they felt they could have if only commanders had put them in a position to be a hero...or just lied to get women, prestige from peers, even jobs...

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

And that the success of the surge isn't possible to ignore any more?

Talk about moving the goalposts and things being sent into the memoryhole.

Anyone remember the goal of the surge? Anyone? Bueller?

If you redefine success to be reduced casualties, even though that was never the goal of the surge (remember it was about creating the conditions for political reconciliation), then I guess it is a success. But you could also claim that after a long hot summer, the weather in Baghdad is finally getting cooler, therefore the surge has been a success.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

Oh Lars and AJ...

You get right back out there and get those sheets you left out last night. Shwwww. I swear. I din't recognize y'all with out 'em.


hdhouse বলেছেন...

Freder....if they redefine success by reduced casualties, does it not stand to reason that absolute 100% victory will automatically occur when we pack up and get out?

just curious. i have a little trouble figuring out how the right wing thinks....its rather sporadic and with no clear cut pattern that i can see.

"Sloan..oh sloan darling...gotta kiss for daddy?......"

Cedarford বলেছেন...

For added amusement, I list the co-sponsors of John T. Salazar's law criminalizing phony soldiers:


With the list of the 41 Democratic Senators denouncing Rush for saying there was a phony soldier problem.


What nice thing to see that several Democrats, besides Hillary, signed BOTH letters. Isn't blind partisan politics a laugh?

Besides Hillary, I see Ken Conrad, Blanche Lincoln, Frank Lautenberg, John's own brother Ken Salazar proving he is becoming a whore to Hollywood donors, John Rockefeller.

Not on the co-sponsors list but willing to be a 'Ho to Harry Reid's pimp act - is James Webb - who himself could have written Rush's script on phony soldiers, and did, in his previous books and op-eds.

Rush is savoring his ongoing embarassment of this pack of 2-faced scumbags whose public approval is close to going into single digits out of their blind partisan hatred of Bush, Rush, the US military, etc.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Rush is savoring his ongoing embarassment of this pack of 2-faced scumbags whose public approval is close to going into single digits out of their blind partisan hatred of Bush, Rush, the US military, etc.

So there you go, Cedarford, like Rush, has shown his contempt for veterans by calling James Webb, decorated Vietnam Vet, former Secretary of the Navy (under Reagan no less), who has a son who is currently a commissioned Marine Corps officer just back from a tour in Iraq a US military hating "2-faced scumbag". Shows you how much Cedarford respects the military.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...


Screw you cretin - you are the closet racist - you are the one who won't tolerate diverse opinions among minorities unless the opinion is in lockstep with yours.

Justin বলেছেন...

hdhouse said...

if they redefine success by reduced casualties, does it not stand to reason that absolute 100% victory will automatically occur when we pack up and get out?

If by "casualties" you mean "American military casualties", then yes, you are correct. On the other hand, if you mean casualties in general, then it is likely that an immediate American withdrawal would result in 100% failure.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

If by "casualties" you mean "American military casualties", then yes, you are correct. On the other hand, if you mean casualties in general, then it is likely that an immediate American withdrawal would result in 100% failure.

So then how can you possibly say the surge has been a success since it has not engendered any political change at all? If anything, the Iraqi government is in even worse shape and less capable of governing than when the surge began.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Salamandyr বলেছেন...

Freder Frederson said...

So there you go, Cedarford, like Rush, has shown his contempt for veterans by calling James Webb, decorated Vietnam Vet, former Secretary of the Navy (under Reagan no less), who has a son who is currently a commissioned Marine Corps officer just back from a tour in Iraq a US military hating "2-faced scumbag". Shows you how much Cedarford respects the military.

Freder, that dog won't hunt, and you know it. James Webb is all the things you said, and can still be a 2 faced scumbag. It's not "an attack on our proud men and women in uniform" to accuse a particular one of perfidy. Unless you believe that serving in the military imparts some sort of metaphorical "get out of insults free" card. You don't believe that; I don't believe that; I'm sure Cedarford doesn't believe that. It would only be a lie to call him unpatriotic or anti-American, something nobody's done.

Personally, I don't think James Webb is a scumbag, just a bit opportunistic in this case. I'm not sure of Harry Reid's service in the military, and I don't think it's really germaine to anything. He's lying and smearing a private citizen. That at least should invalidate any right he has to hold power in a democratic system.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Rush called a group of soldiers "phony soldiers"--not one in particular, it was an extemporaneous comment about soldiers and veterans in general who opposed the war. Listen to the damn tape, not the edited one Rush is flogging to cover his ass.

Now Cedarford has declared anyone who disagrees with Rush's statement and decided to sign a letter protesting his statement a U.S. military hating 2-faced scumbag. So obviously Cedarford thinks U.S. Marine Corps Veteran (and Annapolis Grad) James Webb is a U.S. Military hating 2-faced scumbag because James Webb doesn't like draft-dodging butt-cyst Rush. That is an odd standard on which to judge someone's devotion to the U.S. military.

Salamandyr বলেছেন...

re-read Cedarford's post, and you're right, he did, at least inadvertantly, call Jim Webb a military hating scumbag. I don't think he quite meant that, but maybe he did, I'll let Cedarford call that one.

But I think you just want to play gotcha. Which is fine; it seems like a perrennial favorite game on both sides of the political aisle. CF attacks a group. You point out that someone in the group has done this something else that makes him a hero, so ergo an attack on the group is an attack on heroism in general. Feh.

Do you disagree with Rush's statement, Freder? Do you believe that criticizing people like Jessie MacBeth, who was referred to by name by Limbaugh, and who is NOT a veteran, who has never been to war, and who has misrepresented his service is the same as criticizing actual combat veterans, something that it's clear to anyone without an axe to grind Limbaugh hasn't done? Are liars and charlatans like MacBeth so important to the anti-war cause that it's worth defending them? Or is attacking Limbaugh so important that you'll make common cause with those types?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

LarsPorsena said..."If I wasn't a Limbaugh fan before, I am now."

Right. Rush calls a soldier a phony and you're "suddenly" a fan? We ALL know you've been a fan for quite some time. Why lie about it??

AJ Lynch said..."...you are the one who won't tolerate diverse opinions among minorities unless the opinion is in lockstep with yours."

Right. The Republican party and the ol' "big tent" routine...and God knows the Republicans are very popular with all "minority" groups...because they L-O-V-E diversity.


hdhouse বলেছেন...

AJ Lynch said...
"Hdhouse: Screw you cretin - you are the closet racist - you are the one who won't tolerate diverse opinions among minorities unless the opinion is in lockstep with yours."

no. i'm not. no run along AJ. get that sheet clean. hubba hubba big boy.

you really need to watch what you write and who you agree with and support. people are starting to talk. ... and you never know who...so the old NSA could be in your closet right now.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Salamandyr - I would not put Ken Salazar in the scumbag category for denouncing Rush for saying what his own brother John T. Salazar wrote in his "Stolen Valor Act". However, I would put James Webb in the scumbag category because he RAN as a Vet who would stand up to the Democratic Left and not let soldiers honor be usurped in false atrocity tales. Webb had a long history as a writer/journalist denouncing "phony soldiers" and even wrote an endorsement of Burkett's book "Stolen Valor" documenting 1700 phony soldiers, or fake atrocity tellers, medal-embellishing Vets.

Former Navy Secretary James Webb called Burkett's work "one of the most courageous books of the decade." In STOLEN VALOR, Burkett tells the story of more than 1700 people who tried to steal the valor of others or to disgrace the service of those who did their duty in Vietnam by distortion and lies.

So yeah, in this case, James Webb acted like a scumbag, going back on all he wrote or campaigned on in the past to play Harry Reid's little bitch servicing Moveon.org's demands.

Which is a huge disappointment for me, because I admired the guy as a "New Red State Democrat" and rooted for him to beat Allen.

Freder, though, Salamandyr, will not be deterred in his efforts to give aid and comfort to the enemy and support terrorist rights. Notice he had no reaction to Jesse McBeth's real name being Jassim al-Zayed.

BTW, Freder, you ARE aware that Congolese refers to a genetic subgroup of people of African ancestry from West Africa? Not people of nationality in the Nation of Congo (actually two Congos). Africans have high genetic diversity, and East Africans, Nihilotics, Pygmy, Xhose lack the West African genetic component of high fast twitch muscle fiber. The genetic basis of fast sprinters is well documented in studies, and like so many other human endeavors, follows a bell curve of abilities that - only a little difference between groups confers great advantage to one group dominating top performers.

There are fast whites, Japanese, Nihilotics, Peruvians....but relatively rare against the slight shift in the bell curve of fast muscle performance that makes W Africans dominate over other groups.

Justin বলেছেন...

Freder Frederson said...

So then how can you possibly say the surge has been a success...

I didn't.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Now when I see such a strange grouping, I often doubt if it was truly political. Opposites attract, so it must be sexual. So say they had a few cocktails, some dinner, some cocktails, dessert, more cocktails, a cigar and cordial, then more cocktails, then the house had to buy a couple of rounds. Then they had a few more cocktails at last call. Rush would suggest that the all adjourn to his palatial pied-à-terre at the Carlyle which of course has a fully stocked bar. When they get there Jimmy and Ann start arm wrestling which leads to wagers about athletic activities. Then next thing you know, everyone is naked and writhing on the bed. The possibilities seem endless. But I have a picture in my mind of Ann Coulter using Jimmie Walker as a strap on while she ravishes Rush as she gives him the reach around. The sweat soaked bodies trashing and heaving across the room as grunts, gurgles and gasps escape each participant in turn. Then.... then...…then.....oh well it was probably just political. But next week we will examine the legendary three way of Abe Vigoda, Burt Young and Mortimer Breznzy

reader_iam বলেছেন...

In the announcement of the winner:

... We broke eBay! I don't know that anybody has ever broken eBay. ...

How freakin' 2007 is that, for crying out loud?

If "We broke eBay!" doesn't become some sort of popcult saying /rallying cry /sarcasm-shorthand, then I fear for the future of our American-catchphrase juiciness.

reader_iam বলেছেন...

And now--late to it--I see that TMZ has put on eBay the sock worn by the photog over whose foot Britney Spears ran! (Side note: The guy was wearing socks--white, it appears--with sandals, according to the TMZ spokesperson talking in the background.)

Go for broke! Can they, too, "break eBay"???

reader_iam বলেছেন...


reader_iam বলেছেন...

I must say that what I am assuming are profs, though they may be grad students or professional staff (or even undergrads, though I rather doubt it), of my alma mater are being impressively polite.

Excessively polite, even.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Then next thing you know, everyone is naked and writhing on the bed.

Aaaa! My MIND. You have broken my MIND!

reader_iam বলেছেন...

May I just point out that my 10:37 and 10:41 posts were in response to (lengthy) post, deservedly deleted, and not my (now) just previous ones of 9:21 and 9:28.

It's utterly what you get, and what I deserve, for responding to a ... troll? Still, just for the record--though I must say, the current sequence is rather amusing in its own right, especially in light of Rev's 1:05 kicker.

Tank বলেছেন...

I disagree with Rush on the Iraq adventure (and lots of other specific issues), but the way he so nimbly handled this soldier make-believe controversy is why his listeners (including, occassionally me) enjoy him so much.

Every time I think about this I start laughing. The idea that Rush is anti-soldier? LOL. It's just stooooopid. Then these dopes in Congress try to make some hay on it, and he turns it around into a fundraising opportunity for ... ta da ... soldiers.

And it succeeds beyond all expectations.

Omigod, I gotta stop laughing, I'm gonna give myself a stroke.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Phony soldier.

What soldiers are honored for is being called and going. They're not honored for dying, they're not honored for getting wounded, despite what the various holiday and memorial day commentators would have you believe.

They're honored for being called and going because that's the form of ethics in general. It's moral because being called, being addressed, is the thing that makes you unique and irreplaceable. Before that you are nobody in particular. Going is responding to that call.

It happens to be a moral event with highly visible costs, and so stands in for morality in general.

A phony soldier, meaning one who does not deserve honor, has to be one who did not go, one who gets out of it somehow. One who does not feel called by the cause but does feel called by his duty and obligations, is as called and honored as any. Even if he stumbled into his obligations inadvertantly.

Somebody who feels soldiers deserve honor is not likely to get that wrong, even intuitively.

So the guy who pretends to have gone, is the phony soldier. ``I deserve honor for going'' when he did not go.

There seem to be a lot of these.

It's perhaps the same lowlife sort that tries to get handicapped parking stickers, to solve the parking problem. The phony crippled.

There's nothing wrong at all with not going - after all the point of the event as defining is that it has very high costs : most people do not go - just with pretending to deserve the honor without going.

Curiously, the same people who get the honor don't particularly want it. If you do it for the payback in glory, you did it for the wrong reason ; and don't expect people to care for long. Veterans are simply forgotten and always have been and always will be, after the initial spate of baseball stadium namings.

You do it because that's who you are.

I don't know if it's an actual paradox, that you're both honored and forgotten, since I think both are in fact required, for it to work.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

rdkraus said this about Rush..."the way he so nimbly handled this soldier make-believe controversy is why his listeners (including, occassionally me) enjoy him so much."

Rush calls American soldiers "phony"...and this yahoo thinks it's just a "make-believe controversy." (Try to imagine if Al Frankin had said it...)

And yet another loyal, uninformed, right wing "dittohead' rears his ugly head.

Keep on suckin'...

Lonesome Payne বলেছেন...

Hey luckyoldson - going back to a comment of yours way back -

You provided a list of quotes from Jimmy JJ Walker that were intended, I assume, to show something like his right-wing-nuttery or hatefulness.

The first three - on divorced moms with kids, on teachers using handcuffs if need be, and on Ellison using the Koran - we could have a conversation about all of them.

It would touch on humor and your lack of it for the first two (among other things).

For the third, we would explore your thorough lack of understanding regarding the highly problematic nature of Islam when it comes to democracy: how it seems indeed to be a basic belief for the large majority of adherents that religion, or to be more precise Islam, should not be split from politics and governance. Then we’d move on to how, given that, in a democracy that takes itself seriously, we should be able to discuss the implications of using the Koran for a Congressional oath.

Of course you’d be shrieking epithets the whole time, so we could also how it’s useful for the left to shout down any attempt even to bring up these difficult issues.

But it’s the last two quotes that get me.

Lonesome Payne বলেছেন...

Part II:

Those two quotes, l.o.s. –

"Black folks have been led, like sheep to the slaughter. For over fifty years, black people have voted in monolitic masses for the democratic party."

"As our society becomes more and more racially splintered, there is a stark reality...white people can't speak or register their thoughts about race nor can they have an open dialog without being considered racist."

The fact that you find these sentiments beyond some kind of pale is all the proof we need that you are almost entirely divorced from reality. Or that you’re just not very bright.

Lonesome Payne বলেছেন...

and l.o.s. -

You have absolutely no idea, substantively, of how rdkraus might perceive the recent Limbaugh episode.

And if it's ever laid out for you - it probably has been - it has no effect. You hear but do not see, or something. (I never understood the implied slam at 'hearing' in that line but still the point comes across I guess.)

The chemical essence of the other side of this issue, and hundreds like it, could be distilled into tiny particles that would penetrate the skin and be rubbed into a washcloth and slathered all over your head and it would have no effect.

Blog commenting has sunk in my priorities. But once in a while, on a particular morning in a certain mood, it has to burst out: would you and your peace-loving compadres f***ing get your s**t together!