After an armed robbery of sports memorabilia that he says belongs to him. Was this a cry for attention... or for the punishment he knows he deserves?
One of the items he sought to repossess is a picture of himself with J. Edgar Hoover.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
Ann said...Was this a cry for attention... or for the punishment he knows he deserves?
How about "just one more celebrity that doesn't think the law applies to them"
I would add a celebritney tag to the post as well.
I vote for door number three; he's a thug.
Of far greater interest to me is the question:
What did _I_ do to deserve more punishment.
I thought he was getting way more attention than yhe deserved when he was jumping over suitcases.
No more!
hdhouse is right. Simpson is a thug.
There are very few people in this world that disgust me on sight. Simpson is one of them.
The jig is up.
ricpic said...
The jig is up.
Wow. As I've said before, the nudge-nudge wink-wink racism around here is a wonder to behold.
I knew an OJ thread would prove my point, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.
Way to go....
Sieg Heil, Simels!
ricpic, "The jig is up" is a racist comment. You should apologize for saying that.
"The jig is up" is racist? I sure hope that was sarcasm.
BTW, I don't think it was a cry for attention, or any other psycho babble--I think he really believes that this collection belongs to him and he's simply divorced from reality in much the same way other celebrities are who think they can do whatever they damn well please.
Don't look now Ann and Simels...but your prejudices are showing.
Check out this link....scroll down.
The phrase has been used for centuries and does not have a racist origin.
I'm just calling a spade a spade. Please don't be niggardly in your apology.
By Blair Shewchuk
CBC News Online
"The phrase "the jig is up" surfaced more than 200 years ago. The exact origin is unknown, with speculation ranging from the end of a musical performance to the removal of a fishing line (a jig) from water – although the anglers' term didn't catch on until the 1860s, so this seems unlikely.
Some scholars believe it originally referred to the end of either a trick or game, since the word jig (sometimes spelled gig) had acquired this meaning by the time Shakespeare was writing plays.
The first recorded use of "the jig is over" appeared in 1777. About 20 years later, a Philadelphia newspaper published the earliest known version of our current expression – throwing in an extra "g" (the jigg is up) for good measure.
What does "the jig is up" imply today? The Canadian Oxford defines it as a scheme that's been "revealed or foiled," while Webster's suggests it means "all chances for success are gone" – especially when applied to "risky or improper" strategies.
The gigantic Oxford English Dictionary broadens the scope to "the game is up, it's all over." The Gage Canadian Dictionary says the expression is slang for "it's all over; there's no more chance," and The Houghton Mifflin Canadian Dictionary of the English Language offers a similar entry: "the game is up; all hope is gone.""
The phrase has been used for centuries and does not have a racist origin.
I'm just calling a spade a spade. Please don't be niggardly in your apology.
In this instance, our nudge-nudge wink-wink racist ricpic was clearly using jig as a contraction for the racist slur jigaboo.
But of course you -- being another of the nudge-nudge wink-wink racists around here -- already know that.
P.S. Steve Simels is an idiot.
Not only are you ignorant, you are a prick.
And my friends would roll on the floor at you calling me a racist.
Why is it that the Lefty Moonbats almost to a man have no sense of humor?
I like how shocked - SHOCKED - the Blithering Misogynist Mental Patient is to discover her loyal followers are racist punks.
Who the fuck did you think you were courting with the right-wing bullshit, lady? You made your bed, now take a fucking nap...
P.S. Steve Simels i--
BTW, Walt Kelly contacted me from the hereafter.
He said to go fuck yourself.
Wow. This brought out the raving trolls?
On a more serious note, I would like to know why saying "call a spade a spade" is racist. I understand that "spade" is a term used to refer to black people. But it's also a kind of playing card and a gardening implement. What's the derivation?
I take it back. Steve Simels isn't an idiot, he's racist.
Any simple Googling proves the absence of racist meaning, but Steve Simels comes across the term jig and immediately draws a reference to a vile racist term. Only racists do that.
Steve Simels is racist. QED.
In this instance, our nudge-nudge wink-wink racist ricpic was clearly using jig as a contraction for the racist slur jigaboo.
Didn't know this blog's comments section was populated by telepaths. How cool is that!
On a serious note, when did "the jig is up" become a racial thing? I've been using that phrase forever and no one has ever accused me of being racist.
I just find that accusation bizarre.
Hey ! dave is back!
Walt Kelly called me from his grave, and he questions your intelligence, as well as your hygiene. Seriously, dude.
On a serious note, when did "the jig is up" become a racial thing? I've been using that phrase forever and no one has ever accused me of being racist.
It became a racial thing when used in the context of a sneering comment about a black man.
ricpic knew exactly what he was doing.
Like I said, nudge-nudge wink-wink racism. It's how you assholes get to say somebody's a dumb nigger without actually getting your hands dirty.
Any simple Googling proves the absence of racist meaning, but Steve Simels comes across the term jig and immediately draws a reference to a vile racist term. Only racists do that.
Steve Simels is racist. QED.
Res ipsa stupido.
Man, I hope Ann is proud of you guys.
Good evening fellow republicans.
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.
No one even commented about my fantastic ensemble last night.
Steve simels,
You seem rather niggardly with the truth when it comes to smearing others with racism.
Do you have no decency? BTW, thats a rhetorical question.
As for OJ, I don't like racist comments directed toward black folks but for him - I'll make an exception.
He killed 2 people and got off because he and 11 jurors had the same skin color.
To the poster who used "jig": probably a poor choice of words at best.
To Steve Simels, highly esteemed rock critic: why are you able to use the outright racial epitaph nigger? Doesn't that make you shamelessly racist.
Yes, it does. You are a racist twit. Congratulations.
Like I said, nudge-nudge wink-wink racism. It's how you assholes get to say somebody's a dumb nigger without actually getting your hands dirty.
What's your opinion of OJ Simpson Simels? Do you think he killed Nicole and Ron?
1. Pogo provides a link proving absence of racist content to "jig is up" phrase.
2. Simels counters with "Yer all stupido", in fake Latin.
3. Pogo wins. Simels grinds treeth, adds simpering but meaningless "I hope she's proud".
4. Pogo wins by a country mile.
O.J. should say he was making a citizen's arrest of the suspected real killer.
Apparently, the congnitive dissonance brought on by the fact that Althouse agreed with me that ricpic's use of the phrase "the jig is up" was in this context obviously a racial slur has caused several of the regulars heads to explode.
Good times....
Here is what ricpic meant. Steve, you need to stop projecting and start Googling, you might learn something.
When someone says the "jig" is up, it indicates that a scoundrel has been found out, and the forces of law and order are on their way.
Seems to fit OJ pretty well.
Simels: don't you have a Radiohead CD that will sell 143 copies to call totally awesome?
Face it, Steve, you're 100% wrong. And unable to admit it.
Then you yourself use the worst possible epithet against blacks in your defense. Disgusting.
Apparently, the congnitive dissonance brought on by the fact that Althouse agreed with me that ricpic's use of the phrase "the jig is up" was in this context obviously a racial slur has caused several of the regulars heads to explode.
Not at all, but casually calling people you disagree with racist does tend to piss me off, and I'm not even a regular poster to these parts.
And your obviously hostile, holier-than-thou tone clearly indicates you're not open to discussing anything because you are simply smarter than the rest of us.
I guess this is the part where we bow before the great Simel and beseech thee for mercy.
Were you born an arrogant ass or did you work up to it?
Dogwood -- Simels worked for years at a small record store where he stood behind a cash register on a slightly raised podium and scoffed at the little, uninformed people.
Sadly, that little place closed down recently and he hasn't been able to find meaningful work.
Thanks for the explanation, at least I understand where he's coming from now.
Fellow republicans,
Ignore the liberal unamerican trolls-they just come to this site to try and disrupt-not worth our time.
So anyway, about OJ.
Seems he's finally figured out how to transfer all of his remaining wealth to his attorneys.
P.S. Titus
Come on. Decide which guy you're gonna be: gadfly gay who talks about breasts, or faux Rethuglican.
Or else quit letting your roommate access your account.
Look, "the jig is up" is an old expression and not originally racist, but saying it in a response to this post is playing on the double entendre and therefore racist. What's with all the strenuous denial? It's damned obvious.
Titus is a faux rethuglican and and a gadfly. He also cleans floors in his day job.
I suppose it's obvious if you're either racist or so attuned to political correctness, that just about everything is racist.
The phrase has been used for centuries and does not have a racist origin.
Look up "pun" and you'll understand that the phrase's origin doesn't stop it from being racist in this usage.
Althouse said....Look, "the jig is up" is an old expression and not originally racist, but saying it in a response to this post is playing on the double entendre and therefore racist. What's with all the strenuous denial? It's damned obvious."
Not necessarily. It could very well be nothing more than just a nudge-nudge wink-wink kind of sarcasm directed towards those who have the burning need and desire to see stealth mode bigotry and racism all around them :-).
New rules:
1. Avoid not only homonyms, but portions of homonyms that might give offense.
2. Avoid even the appearance of a pun.
3. If someone thinks you're racist, you are. They don't even have to think it. Because you just are.
W.F. Buckley on the phrase:
"Some years ago I was a defendant in a lawsuit brought by a creepy fascistic outfit (they are now out of business), and the question before the jury was whether I and the magazine I edited were racist. The attorney had one weapon to use in making his point, namely that we had published an editorial about Adam Clayton Powell Jr. when he made a terminally wrong move in his defense against federal prosecutors. The editorial we published was titled, "The Jig Is Up for Adam Clayton Powell Jr.?" On the witness stand I argued that the word "jig" could be used other than as animadversion. The feverish lawyer grabbed a book from his table and slammed it down on the arm of my chair. "Have you ever heard of a dictionary?" he asked scornfully, as if he had put the smoking gun in my lap. I examined the American Heritage College Dictionary and said yes, I was familiar with it. "In fact," I was able to say, opening the book, "I wrote the introduction to this edition." That was the high moment of my forensic life. And, of course, the dictionary establishes that the word “jig” can be used harmlessly."
Not necessarily. It could very well be nothing more than just a nudge-nudge wink-wink kind of sarcasm directed towards those who have the burning need and desire to see stealth mode bigotry and racism all around them :-).
Yep. That's why serial nudge-nudge wink-wink racist ricpic skulked away after your hostess accurately called him on the obviously intentional racist double entendre.
Isn't the same crowd that just had a collective grand mal seizure over an ad that had a rhyme play on a person last name, that had a Latin root if used backwards had 1 of 7 definitions that could mean the word traitor?
I guess Simels is right; no defense is possible because to be white is to be racist per se, so the accusation can be thrown at any time and be irrefutable.
Thank you, Steve, for your heroic attention to outing the inherent racism of all speech arising from white Americans. You do God's work.
Isn't it obvious folks,
ricpic = Steve S. sock puppet.
The old lefty trick. Have a sock puppet make a racist comment, then raise a stink and try to smear Althouse and everyone else as a racist.
Thats why "Ricpic" disappeared. He'd served his purpose.
Simels said...."Yep. That's why serial nudge-nudge wink-wink racist ricpic skulked away after your hostess accurately called him on the obviously intentional racist double entendre."
Look, I have no idea at all if "ricpic" is a racist or not...and neither do you. I was just trying to expalin my belief that in todays political enviornment, words like hate, bigotry and racism are used all to frequently to describe those who may disagree with ones point of view. And that kind of sucks, dont you think? Thanks for responding.
garage mahal:
1) Why ddid they call him General betray-us if they weren't accusing him of betrayal?
2) Just who was it that the general was supposed to have betrayed?
3) How did he commit that betrayal?
4) How was his betrayal different from the actions of a traitor?
6) Why has the Left changed it's position on the general? Six months ago he was your hero, and the Left was demanding that we listen to him. Now the left labeles him a betrayer and demands we ignore him.
7) Since we are now supposed to ignore the general, who are we supposed to pay attention to?
8) Do you see any hypocrisy in attacking someone for using a phrase that has no racist history or denotation as a racist, but defending someone for using a word that has both a denotation and a common connotation that is offensive?
It never would've occurred to me that it's racist, so I'd never accuse anyone of racism for saying it. (And would probably say it myself, think more of '30s-era mystery/crime dramas.)
I don't believe I've ever heard the term "jigaboo" before. It's nice to know that I'd be jumped on for having used a phrase.
(That is, a phrase that used part of that word.)
I'm not saying it couldn't have been used to evoke that word. I have no idea if ricpic meant any racism by using the phrase, but I don't recall him ever saying anything that would suggest so in the past.
It's just like Simels to flame here and then leave, after promising never to come here again.
Oh well. I'm sure he's doing something useful, like calling the latest Bjork album a brilliant classic along the lines of Antony & the Johnsons for his six readers.
I'm with Blake. My immediate thought was it had to do with OJ as a confirmed criminal now finally caught. Not racist, just old crime movie lingo.
Funny thing is that I just type in "the jig is up racist" into Google and this very post comes up number 2.
Maybe if you're more focused on racism issues this might be the case, but I would certainly think that OJ and this present armed robbery thing would provoke an equivalent to 'finally he's caught'.
It would have never occurred to me to think it was a racist phrase, let alone so clearly and obviously one that it sparks immediate outrage.
Words are funny things. We all have our own meanings and history we bring to them, making for a different tone to every ear.
These comments threads are becoming unreadable. Is this what you want?
Hey! They've got some high-class trolls over here!
First, we've got Steve Simels, a real Pop Music Critic! He's in the music business. He can always use a little extra traffic. Is Ann helping? Do you make carfare to stir up a little brouhaha here, Estéban?
Then, there's Ann Althouse, trolling on her own blog! She finds a racist reference where most nomal people go, "What the...?" She feeds Simels's oh so fough outrage, and it's off to the races, so to speak. Too bad she doesn't seem to notice all her comments otherwise. Plenty of tossed bricks in these threads, and she "can't read all the comments." Ha! Don't blame her. Who can stand it? Ignatz might hit her on the head!
What about ricpic? "Ricpic, threat or menace?" Theme, meme, or scream o' this thread?
(Sotto bocce: Iz he reallly a sock pupppet? Could he be Offica Pupp in disguise?)
Pogo!! Get back in the boat! You gotta a whole damn swamp to pole across to get outta here! And watch for Allahgators while you're at it!
Anyway, let's not get too carried away with badness about O.J. O.J. didn't do it. It's taken him a long time, but O.J.'s finally named the real killer: Ignatz Mouse. He meant to use a brick, but accidentally picked up a kife.
You know how Ignatz can get.
I mean, knife.
Mebbie he did pick up a kife, but you can't prove it by me.
Second Palladian.
I know you disagree, Althouse, but what made this place unique was the great give-and-take. Possibly I am remembering falsely. Here in Chicago, there is a radio station that always "used to be great" because people only remember the great music.
But it's getting frustrating.
Age-old wisdom, if there are no differences, people will create them, just check out the comments on this youtube video link to mulatto race issues. I didn't even know there's was a race called mulatto. It'll be interesting to see what the world would be like in 75yrs time.
I think Ann's firm rebuke is evidence that deep down, she is still fairly liberal.
I am another who thought the phrase was totally appropriate and didn't give it a second thought until someone cried "racist" over it. Maybe I am not smart enough to interpret all the code words and phrases properly. Nevertheless, the whole thing seems to point out, at least to me, one of the big differences between liberals and conservatives.
The liberals here grant some group official victim status, and then someone in that officially sanctioned victims group cries racism, sexism, homophobism, etc., and everyone falls in line condemning that person for the vile act.
Then, those of us who don't go around assigning people to groups with differing degrees of official victimhood, say "What?"
And so, we get to the question of where should the burden of proof be when there is a charge of racism, sexism, etc. On the one side, you have those who look at things from the victims' point of view, and accept that if they are offended, that is sufficient. The other side takes the view that intent is what is important, and thus the burden should be on those claiming racism, etc. Some few terms are now de facto, and likely de jure, racist. But mere offense at words, terms, and phrases used in context are not.
It's possible that ricpic wasn't making a race joke, but why post that otherwise? Ricpic -- who is generally an excellent commenter here -- is always writing one-liners that aim to be pithy and clever. (I can do a search that shows me all a particular commenter's postings.) I think it is unlikely Ricpic would post just to say the equivalent of "He got caught." I note that he hasn't come back and said it was an accidental double entendre.
Anyway, let's get back to the subject of OJ.
Ann Althouse said...
"Anyway, let's get back to the subject of OJ."
Is it worth it to talk about OJ without being called a racist?
It's sort of amazing that after 13 years, so few of the people connected to the case are in any way admirable or sympathetic. So many odious or stupid people. The judge, both sides lawyers discrediting their professions. The jury of South Central cretins. OJ and his posse. Nicole Simpson and her sisters and friends all dedicated to coke, breast implants, and hooking up with pro football or basketball players or Hollywoood "players". Even the elder Goldman seems more interested in grubbing for OJ's money than going after his reputation.
Even the TV pundits that got their start with the OJ Trail seem like D-list commentators.
1.Kato luckily got through thought of as a nice guy.
2. Mark Fuhrman was set up and ripped apart as a bad, bad racist pig...But then he resurrected himself as an expert celebrity investigator and commentor. He has made a ton of money, bagged a Kennedy, and exists now to show us that a LA Homicide detective does appear to be smarter than the usual lawyers he goes up against.
3. Goldman's sister, who appears to be a genuinely nice gal and without the Father Goldman's moneygrubbing obsession.
As for OJ, you kind of wished that it would just be a matter of time before fate caught up with him when he screwed up again. hopefully without hurting someone badly. Plenty of athletes are dumber than him, but he is still not that smart and had a long history of acting impulsively and physically without thinking.
Just as I predict the drug-abusing prostitute and welfare leech that made the false rape accusations against the Lacrosse players is to be found OD'd in a ditch somewhere or busted hard for a felony.
Why is Steve Simels an apologist for OJ? He came into this commentary and deftly (well, for him) changed the subject.
I wonder if the publisher of OJ's book paid him to do this to increase book publicity -- doesn't it come out soon? Even if they didn't (I doubt they did), they must be happy with his foolish actions.
Not his publisher, Bush put him up to it to distract from the war. All OJ all the time again.
Then before he leaves office, he'll pardon him.
Whew, where's the aluminum foil?
as I understand it, and I haven't followed it, Goldman's father attached the book as part of the unpaid judgement from OJ. He published the book: "If I Did It"
with the "if" in micro type
with the "if" in micro type
That is one great looking cover.
rdkraus, Bush should pardon OJ at the same time he pardons Scooter Libby! What could be more outrageous!
I think before you accuse some one of making a "racist" comment when the terms are indirect, at best, you should at least give then the benefit of the doubt and a chance to clarify. I don't expect more from Simels, who is a identified idiot and not worth siding with, but since when are we so quick to pass judgement?
If it was an accidental double entendre, ricpic should say so and apologize. That's what I'd do. I'd be embarrassed about the slip.
Regarding "the jig is up" stuff:
Beth's post (at 10:37)is right on. It's a pun, and not a very good one. "The jig is up" doesn't even make sense as a posting without the double meaning; would ricpic have simply posted "We caught him!"? He wasn't even on the run.
And, on OJ:
I don't know the details of the case, but to borrow a favorite tactic of these forums, imagine if Charleton Heston was the celebrity who had reclaimed his stolen property from a thief, possibly while carrying a gun.
It's easy for me to imagine such a figure being lionized by the right, for not relying on the government to protect him and not allowing himself to be pushed around by hollywood scumbag paparazzi. That's about all the closer I can get to defending a cold-blooded murderer. But I agree with Ann's suspicion that this uproar has more to do with 1994 than 2007.
And, mostly off topic, but just priceless:
A close friend of mine with a healthy disdain for pop culture heard the news of Anna Nicole Smith's death:
"She's been alive this entire time? Oh, my god, poor O.J.!"
Re: "It's easy for me to imagine such a figure being lionized by the right"
Of course it is, as your first impulse is suspect the worst of them. In the real world, this hasn't happened, however.
Similarly, you are convinced that there can be no reasonable explanation for the comment "the jig is up" simply because you can't think of an alternative.
But your lack of imagination doesn't require me to accept being called racist or a hypocrite. Much less to apologize because you think a partial homonym was inappropriate, even if accidental. To suggest that black people cannot have the phrase used about them is infantalizing.
That said, I'll drop the phrase myself. As usual, self-censorship is easier than defending oneself against the charge that one is racist by definition, because it is indefensible; you cannot prove you aren't racist.
That "institutional racism" theory is irrefutable conspiracy thinking, and needlessly destructive to race relations. It makes me just sick, and mad as hell.
I wonder how black fishermen describe certain lures? If white guys sell them to black men, are they required to use some safer made-up term?
"For me or a Bruce Springsteen to sit up in our ivory towers and make comments about racism, well, we're not really in it, are we?"
John Mellencamp. "By the way, don't call me John Cougar you
douchebag simels!"
Oh, come on Pogo.
Don't drop the phrase, that's ludicrous. Just think with a modicum of depth on the subject.
When you see a boat full of black fisherman, don't lean over, nudge someone and say, "Look, a boatfull of jigs."
Even though there are jigs on the boat! I know, what an assault to truth and public discourse.
Don't drop "the jig is up"! It's the perfect thing to yell when you finally collar a bank robber.
But if you say it and laugh every time you see a black person on an elevator, people are going to think you're a racist.
We have all become so painfully politically correct and backwards bending not to offend anyone in the whole wide world.
I'm just greatful that Mel Brooks was able to make classic movies like Blazing Saddles, History of the World Part I, The Producers, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Young Frankenstien and many others that poke fun at ALL of us before the PC and thought control police have put the hammer down on all of us.
Can you imagine anyone making a movie like those or Airplane in today's repressive environment?? Equal opportunity offending and laughter is what the world needs now. What the Hell, happened to our sense of humor?
DOH>>>>> Grateful.
Dust Bunny,
Where have the PC thought police put the hammer down? YouTube up some Carlos Mencia. If you want jokes at the expense of "retards" and "beaners" there are plenty to go around.
Roost on the Moon, proving the left has no sense of humor or sense of proportion. There is a difference between being grossly offensive and being amusing.
We could all get our panties in a bunch like Roost about making fun of people with congenital deformities or just laugh at a mildly funny scene in a movie. Just try to make a movie like this in today's environment.
Carlos Mencia is on the approved list of minority victims; he can say anything he wants.
And "Don't drop the phrase"?
You must be joking. Of course it's ludicrous to do so. This whole episode is ludicrous. White people calling other white folks racist about partial homonyms. Criminey. Me? I'll do the Orwell thing and self-censor like a good midwestern boy oughtta do. Keeps you out of unnecessary trouble. Why waste my time trying to figure out if there's some hidden racist pun or double-secret racism hiding in a metaphor whenever I want to talk?
1. Don't talk about race. Ever.
2. Just agree and move on.
Better not to speak at all. The ballot box is the only place to speak your mind anymore. Defunding universities where this nonsense is taught would be a good start.
I like Mel Brooks as much as the next guy. Blazing Saddles, History of the World. Still funny, and that's no easy feat. (Men in Tights is kind of tired.)
I'm just saying that when Carlos Mencia's show is enjoying the support of mainstream advertising, you've got a hard case to make that the liberal thought police are oppressing you.
1. Don't talk about race. Ever.
2. Just agree and move on.
Fair enough, and it doesn't bother me any. But these are self-imposed. If you want to fight "infantilization", the war starts at home.
Re: "But these are self-imposed. If you want to fight "infantilization", the war starts at home."
Correct. I have to treat all victim groups and leftists in general like children, because they are, as demonstrated here, unable to handle adult converstaion without getting the vapors.
The entire world is starting to feel like the work world, where only happy talk is allowed. Don't mention appearance, ever. No mention of sex or gender or politics. Just weather, your kids, and all those minor urban life complaints. Maybe TV or sports.
No substantive conversations allowed , because someone somewhere might take offense. Me, I am sick of it, but tired of bitching about it and finding it ever easier to never have an actual adult discussion again.
What a stupid world.
"and it doesn't bother me any"
Of course it doesn't. Eliciting self-agnegation and censorship are the entire point of these tirades by the left.
"What's your opinion of OJ Simpson Simels? Do you think he killed Nicole and Ron?"
Obviously, "money-grubbing" Fred Goldman killed his son, Ron, & Nicole in order to take OJ's manuscript from him and make a million dollars. Beware of anyone with the word "gold" in his last name.
In general, who are more detestable, blacks or Jews?
Got ya thinking, didn't I? The correct answer is: the racist commentators on this blog. It really is beyond the pale to listen to this crap over and over again. If OJ Simpson is your continual justification for hating blacks, you have a serious problem. One solution is to leave this blog for good and take your honky, cracker, dumb white ass with you!
Re: "The correct answer is: the racist commentators on this blog."
Roost, see what I mean?
"P.S. Steve Simels is an idiot."
Takes one to know one.
Re: "Takes one to know one."
No; not really. Based on my considerable experience in the various types of dementia, I can safely conclud that Simels is an idiot. I mean clinically.
Don't mention appearance, ever. No mention of sex or gender or politics.
And I say again, if this is your world, it's one of your own design. You seem to want a world where it is against the rules to point out that a joke is cheap and racist. Nobody is arresting ricpic. Nobody is censoring him. The "leftist tirades" you imagine just aren't there.
It was a few people remarking in passing that the racism in a chortled "the jig is up" when nobody is even on the run is, in the words of our hostess, damned obvious.
But nobody is claiming they've been hurt, that their rights have been trampled, etc... Well almost nobody. Reread the thread; who is oversimplifying? Who is playing the victim? Who is pretending that adult conversation is impossible?
You seem to want a world where it is against the rules to point out that a joke is cheap and racist. Nobody is arresting ricpic. Nobody is censoring him. The "leftist tirades" you imagine just aren't there.
True he isn't being arrested. But he is being called a racist and it is demanded that he apologize. It isn't censorship, but it is Damned close.
Whether he meant the phrase "The jig is up" to be racist or not is unknown. But it is immediately assumed that it is. Just in the same way that the use of the word niggardly, caused a white DC staff person to be fired.
The use of common words and phrases by anyone with more than a 100 word vocabulary is likely to get you in trouble with the thought police. Pointing out that you find an utterance offensive and unfunny is not the same as demanding a person grovel or lose their livelihood, like Larry Summer, because they have not spoken truth to power or whatever the latest politically correct slogan is nowadays.
You want a world where we have to self censor every thought and utterance that might on the off chance that it will offend the delicate sensibilities of the permanently offended and (as Pogo says) also the designated victim classes.
Re: "You seem to want a world where it is against the rules to point out that a joke is cheap and racist."
No. You misread.
I want a world where a comment correctly describing a thief and murderer who has long escaped real punishment is now finally apprehended with "the jig is up" is not miscontrued by people who draw strained connections to some word with totemic powers as having told "a joke" that is cheap and racist. (I must have missed how ricpic "chortled" it; clearly your imagination is better than mine. I heard nothing.)
And that somehow he should apologize for their error, that is, making them think of a naughty word.
Larry Summers found out the hard way. Now he's so evil that he "has come to symbolize gender and racial prejudice in academia",
and he " conveys the wrong message to the University community and to the people of California"
And all he had done was intimate that maybe maybe maybe men are better at math than women.
So what part of this did I invent?
Be content this is all my imagination, if it so pleases.
Larry Summers used to be that content, one day, not so long ago when he ran a University.
Little known fact: In the picture of O.J and Hoover, O.J. is wearing a much nicer outfit, but the bag doesn't go with the shoes.
Who knew...??
steve simels said..."Wow. As I've said before, the nudge-nudge wink-wink racism around here is a wonder to behold."
You got that right.
Have you heard any more from Palladian?
He seems to really like you...and me.
Dear luckyoldsohn,
"Imitation is the sincerist form of flattery..."
I certainly appreciate the added attention, sound even creepier than Seven Nachos w/Cheese and Pogo.
Luckyoldson said...
steve simels said..."Wow. As I've said before, the nudge-nudge wink-wink racism around here is a wonder to behold."
Ah yes. I see the doddering and befuddlement that occupies your nascent thoughts is once again hoping beyond hope what you've always suspected was within yourself, but gladly deride other for doing, and when they do it, in your opinion, stealthily.
The fact of the matter is, is that OJ, like you continually seem to do, is living up to his stereotype. That isn't racist, that's a matter of public record. For both of you.
The argument over whether or not "the jig is up" was racist seems so bizarre to me.
The man murdered two innocent people, one of them the mother of his children... and we're spending our time arguing over whether someone called him a "jig"? Even if ricpic did mean it as a racial slur (and personally I think he did), is worrying about whether or not Simpson was the victim of insensistive remarks really on anybody's Top One Million list of things to worry about?
"Yes, yes, the man killed two people and was recently arrested for armed robbery, but you called him a 'jig'. The correct term is 'rat bastard who should die like a pig in Hell'".
Revenant, a racial slur hurts us all. Simpson isn't reading this. It's not hurting him. It's hurting me and my readers. This is my blog and I do not accept racial slurs here.
Althouse said...."Revenant, a racial slur hurts us all. Simpson isn't reading this. It's not hurting him. It's hurting me and my readers. This is my blog and I do not accept racial slurs here."
I was sorry (but also a bit puzzled) to read that you seemed personally hurt by "ricpics" comment. You most certainly have the right to make and enforce the rules here, and I have nothing but respect for you, your writing and your blog, but could you please explain exactly why his at least perceived racist comment is "hurting you and your readers"? Whatever happened to the old sticks and stones mentality? Have we as individuals, as well as a society really become this weak? If indeed ripic is a racist, it will come out eventually and then we can all laugh at him ;-).
This is my blog and I do not accept racial slurs here.
That's an entirely reasonable attitude, Ann. I was referring more to the huge argument which then ensued.
I was about to post every racial, religious, ethnic slur I could think of a la Lenny Bruce or George Carlin(N, K, S, W, RH, C, RN, P etc)--Since our hostess as asked we refrain, I will--although with great regret and leave it as an exercise to the readers to complete the words above.
It seems that Mr. Simpson was set by his co-conspirators who taped the whole incident:
(What they do)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)
All you fellows who have someone
And you really care, yeah, yeah
Then it's all of you fellows
Who better beware, yeah yeah
Somebody's out to get your lady
A few of your buddies they sure look shady
Blades are long, clenched tight in their fist
Aimin' straight at your back
And I don't think they'll miss
(What they do)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)
I keep gettin' all these visits
From my friends, yeah, what they doin to me
They come to my house
Again and again and again and again, yeah
So are they there to see my woman
I don't even be home but they just keep on comin'
What can I do to get on the right track
I wish they'd take some of these knives off my back
(What they do)
(They smile in your face)
All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers
(Back stabbers)
Low down, dirty
(What they do)
(They smile in your face)
Smiling faces
Smiling faces sometimes tell lies (back stabbers)
(They smile in your face)
I don't need low down
Dirty bastards (back stabbers)
(The O’Jays)
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