August 21, 2007

Welcome to paradise.


Why so grim?

Beer paradise


Crazed rabbit

No fair.

No (f)air


Trooper York said... found the Gowanus Yacht this is bad..worlds collide...the internet touches the dive bar next to the bagel store

Ron said...

ah, New York....gotta love it!

Trooper York said...

Don't's a lot more fun later in the evening...wait until they move the sign out on the sidewalk next to parking meter over by the dashboard light.

Maxine Weiss said...

When a woman out, after dark, goes to report a crime to the police....the first question they ask her is: "Where was your husband?"

The second question is: "What were you doing out, after dark, alone"?

Love, Maxine

Palladian said...

"When a woman out, after dark, goes to report a crime to the police....the first question they ask her is: "Where was your husband?"

The second question is: "What were you doing out, after dark, alone"?"

Really? In New York City that would be grounds for a civil suit against the police.

Repeat after me: T-I-R-E-S-O-M-E

Trooper York said...

Maxine..we know what your answer would be...that one of your fifty cats has gone missing

From Inwood said...


'Fess up, Prof A has found where the rats breed!

And your comment about Maxine was extremely witty & impossible for her to answer. Perfect squelch.

See, wit is more effective than cussin!


Dr. Cookie said...

Ann, is there still an Italian restaurant next to the Gowanus (or nearly so) on DeGraw Street? I went on one of the first dates with my husband there. White tablecloths, fish tank, waiters in black bowties. Classic Brooklyn.

From Inwood said...

Trooper Y

Speaking of cats, cussin, & Maxine, once, long ago my relatives moved my aunt (always referred to as "poor ______" & her beloved cat from one apt to another 1/2 mile away, but still in Inwood. (It was used for the chase scene in the movie "The Devil's Own" with Brad Pitt & Harrison Ford). Cat jumped out window on to fire escape & kept climbing. Auntie took off for roof of tenement, um, apt house, via elevator. Teenage moi was selected for aunt detail & when I got to the roof she was shouting "pussy, my pussy" to some disreputable looking guy. I dissuaded him from considering the scatological implication of this synonym for cat.

We then considered whether the cat had leapt to the next building or whether it had jumped to its death. Auntie was not too happy with my indifference & wishing to get back to the Yankee game on TV.

Ultimately (the next day, alas requiring another trip to the roof & the staircase street & much keening), the guy in the apt immediately above found the cat & called down. I was sent to pick it up & was tempted...Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Age Group Mom—
Is there an Italian restaurant? Italian restaurants used to be the only game in town. Mr. York already mentioned Monte's, there's Marco Polo on Court, the mysterious Two Toms' on Third Ave...and on Smith, by the "Gowanus Yacht Club," there's the Red Rose, which matches your description. The maitre'd/manager is Santo, son of the restaurant's founders; his dad, Tony, still makes the rice balls and they're remarkable.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maxine Weiss said...

When the Police Man asks the Little Lady what she's doing out at that time of night, he's simply looking out for her and trying to protect her virtue.

I'd be flattered someone so big and strong cares about my well-being.

There's no grounds for a civil suit. The Policemen have the right to be proactive, and try to stop a future, potential crime BEFORE it occurs.

Trooper York said...

Age group mom...the restaurant is called Red Rose and is still going strong...Santo (the son) is in charge now...but dad still makes his rice balls and mom still sneaks a cig at the front table...I first met the family when the had a shop on Cheever Place around the corner from Sacred Hearts...they had a 25 cent potatoes and sauce hero to die for...but as you know they stepped it up a lot since then

erictrimmer said...

The man-shaped sign is advertising Gaffel Kolsch.

That's enough to draw me in.


"A "Beer Garden" with no restroom is an Accident... too late. I wet myself. Hey, when I was 22 watering a nearby tree was kewl but at 28... Not So Much. Especailly since I live near the GYC. But the customers they get who are NOT from Carroll Gardens don't care where they leave their mark especailly when they are encouraged and/or dared by the GYC workers."

Anonymous said...

Gowanus Yacht Club is one of the best bars in New York.

I hear they finally were allowed to turn their grill back on as well . . .

Trooper York said...

They originally had the sign around back....but they paved over the area and made it into a parking lot...that's the place to pee...just don't touch Jerry's SUV...because there is a good chance you can get an STD from that SUV.

rcocean said...

Althouse, would you quit posting interesting photographs and comments.

We need turn away from things of interest and discuss more important matters - like Scooter Libby. And what did Karl Rove say to Robert Novak 2 years ago.

Jeff said...

Bunnies are very upsetting.
I've got a theory

erictrimmer said...

Trooper, Downtown:

Is GYC busy during daylight hours?

I'm planning to visit some relatives in NYC soon, and a visit to Brooklyn Brewery and a Polish deli down the street is a definite.

A sidetrip to GYC is a maybe. I don't know if my Aunt Millie will dig the no bathroom scene.

Maxine Weiss said...

Notice how Althouse doesn't post in the evening. Her last post was at 2:25 pm.

That Althouse---completely caught up in the New York social whirl !

Spending her evenings out and about. Making the rounds of New York nightlife...

Good for her. And we were all so worried that she'd batten down the hatches with a self-imposed curfew.

Apparently, that's not the case. Evidently, that she's not afraid to venture out to points unknown, after dark. --As evidenced by the lack of evening postings.

ricpic said...

The city is gritty,
Its harm is its charm:
A ditty of pity:
Alarm into balm.

FGFM said...

Apparently, that's not the case. Evidently, that she's not afraid to venture out to points unknown, after dark. --As evidenced by the lack of evening postings.

She's putting on tights and fighting crime.

From Inwood said...

Your visit to this somewhat unprepossessing place, ironically named, one supposes & Maxine's overblown fears reminded me of Auden's opening lines (tho, of course his uncertainty & fears related to Herr Hitler):

September 1, 1939
by W. H. Auden

I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street
Uncertain and afraid....

Trooper York said...

Eric the Gonwanus Yacth Club is only open during the day on weekends and it is closed when there is inclement weather...but you can find it at 323 Smith St, corner of President, which is the Carroll St stop on the F or G line...but just to be sure for a good time call 718-857-6309.

erictrimmer said...

Thanks, Trooper.