June 29, 2007



MORE: Wait?


The Drill SGT said...

First Breast porn,

Then Flower and vegetable porn,

Now the ultimate: Kitty porn

blake said...

Spooky. I just found this site...(ICanHasCheezeburger.com) I mean.

Revenant said...

I assume the iPhone will make a bunch of money for Apple, but I really don't see the point of one. I don't use eighty percent of the features my low-end cellular phone has.

Ann Althouse said...

But it's so beautiful! The iPod, not the kittycats.

TMink said...

I have the most vanilla phone I can find. It does not take photos (why would I want to take bad quality snaps on my phone) it does not play music, it does not have Waylon Jennings ring tones. I pay a little extra to have a phone that does nothing.

I have an iPod, it is wonderful and life changing, I absolutely love and depend on it. But I do not want it to ring and bother me.


Ann Althouse said...

But the email and the wifi...

Unknown said...

I am an ubergeek. I like features. I will buy.

Anonymous said...

Like mcg, I'm a gadget-guy, so I'll probably break down and buy one eventually. Two reasons why not now:

1) AT&T sucks.
2) The network used is decidedly lo-fi. (Did I say AT&T sucks already?)

Gahrie said...

Apparently my goal to be the last person in the US forced to own a cell phone is preceding apace.

blake said...


Could be. I held out until last year, when my job required me to carry one.

Unknown said...

IR, your reasons just prove why you're not an ubergeek :) If you were, you'd buy it now, and buy it again when your issues were resolved :)

Kev said...

I have a six-month old video iPod, a very nice RAZR (I even like the pictures it takes), and thirteen months left on my current cell contract. To quote the old movie, Kevin can wait.

Kev said...

"Spooky. I just found this site...(ICanHasCheezeburger.com) I mean."

Blake, I guess you missed this post on lolcats that appeared here a few weeks ago. I'm glad that our bloghostess turned me onto that site, because lolcats are great (or possibly even "teh funneh").

Unknown said...

OK, I must admit I'm not an ultra-ubergeek. I mean, I didn't camp out at the local AT&T store, though I checked to see what the line was like :) But I did order it online the moment the store opened.

Actually, I ordered two. My wife wanted one too. I love my wife.

SGT Ted said...

i luvz icanhascheezburger.


Palladian said...

MUST HAVE!!!!11one

Bissage said...

Philly’s down to 6th most populous city in America but it will always be good for a laugh.

(Such as it is.)

paul a'barge said...

Don't toy with me, Althouse. I'm already twitching from desire.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I thought you would celebrate your 10 millionth hit with the iPhone.

TMink said...

Ann wrote: "But the email and the wifi..."

It made me shudder to read that! I guess I just hate carrying my phoe with me in the first place! It leaves me too accesible and somehow vulnerable.

I am a mess!


reader_iam said...


In fact, I waited to read and then to respond to this post until I could do so from my iPhone.


JRR said...

Honestly, I couldn't care less about the iPhone. I just want to make calls.

But as a long-term 4-channer, I hate icanhas and all the other "lolcat" sites that ripped off a year's worth of Caturday posts then slowly added their own half-assed attempts. Screw you, lolcatters. Anonymous does not forgive.


seq said...

iWant one too. But I'm stuck with T-mobile for another year. On the other hand, 2nd-gen iPhone would be better!

Beth said...

I'm no longer an early adopter, though I can't say I regret getting one of the first Tivos (it's still running after 7 years). If I had a bit more discretionary income, I'd go ahead with this first iteration iPhone. But I have to be more careful, so I'm waiting on a few things, not limited to:

1) more than 8gb or an expansion slot
2) a chat program
3) a SDK so it's more like a little computer
4) a better camera, with video, and the ability to mail photos and videos
5) a quick-charge battery (really quick, like a few minutes)
6) ATT improves its network speed

Meanwhile, I wish much enjoyment to those of you who have gone on ahead and bought one. Thanks, even. The better it succeeds now, the more chance they'll upgrade these features soon.