১২ এপ্রিল, ২০০৭

Haley's gone.

Sanjaya remains. I'm amused, Googling for news of last night's "American Idol" results, to see that every story highlighted what happened to Sanjaya, which was what happened to every contestant other than Haley Scarnato: nothing.

This season's show is pretty boring, and the contestants just aren't that good. The focus on Sanjaya is supposed to distract us from that.
[T]o help pad things out for the full hour, Ryan Seacrest performs man-on-the-street interviews, lending even more credence to the fact that SANJAYA IS FOR THE CHILDREN.... The last spot at the center of the stage comes down to Sanjaya or Chris, and after some tooling around and making Sanjaya even more the center of attention than he usually is, beautiful Chris is sent to join the other two....
I'm not sufficiently distracted. Sanjaya is not bad enough for it to be bizarre that he's there -- and the others aren't so fantastic that it's obvious they deserve to be there. The whole thing is getting old, and at this point we're being played by Fox for ratings.

I know, I know. I watch. That is, I TiVo'd through an hour show in 10 minutes.

৯টি মন্তব্য:

Laura Reynolds বলেছেন...

Yes, the overall talent of this group has not left Sanjaya sticking out like some joke, although he's clearly not very good. If you're "voting for the worst" you may want to reconsider..

kimsch বলেছেন...

TiVoing through the results show is the only way to go, except that I was recording two shows last night and had to go into another room to watch the results show. Agony without TiVo. If you haven't deleted it yet, watch the lighting on Jennifer Lopez's song. It's kind of scary.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

Howard Stern was saying that yesterday was a great day because his two predictions -- Sanjaya would not be in the bottom three and Imus would not come back from hiatus -- both came true.

Jennifer বলেছেন...

Sanjaya seems to be growing on me in spite of the ridiculous pimping by the show. He does seem like a very sweet boy. And he does very much seem like a boy. Haley might have had a slightly better voice than him, but she gives me cavities.

So far I've been 0 for 3 with my predictions. Trying again...

Phil, Lakisha, Chris R., Sanjaya, Blake, Melinda, Jordin to win.

Joan বলেছেন...

I was reading some blog or other that revealed that Haley got the boot before I had a chance to watch the TiVO'd show. I didn't even bother to watch it, since I knew what the outcome was. That was a good thing because it freed me up for the phenomenal Friday Night Lights, slightly improved over recent horrorible outings Lost, and an ultimately OK season finale of Top Design. (I was literally covering my eyes before they named the "top designer", praying they would choose the right one.)

It turns out that having TiVO really does increase the amount of tv I watch.

MGK821ZA বলেছেন...

"I know, I know. I watch"

Sort of like Meg Ryan and her fake orgasm, sounds good but nothing to it actually.

trev বলেছেন...

I know, I know. I watch. That is, I TiVo'd through an hour show in 10 minutes.

Actually, 'to tivo' means to record or tape. What you meant was that you fast-forwarded through a Tivoed show. I would think law professors use precise language.

Jennifer বলেছেন...

I think what trev means is You, a law professor, should use precise language.

Galvanized বলেছেন...

Haven't been as interested since Gina the Rocker Chick left. She'll get a good contract.

Lakisha is a surety to win with the formula that has worked to present. She deserves it. She's a real talent.

Sanjaya will have a successful debut album but maybe nothing notable afterword. But you've got to admit the kid has worked hard and taken a lot of criticism for his fame. For simply keeping his smile and his head up, I'd love to see him in the top three.