১৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০০৭

"Who's the Conservative Now?" - a new diavlog.

I'm on Bloggingheads.tv again, this time in an extra-long diavlog with Bob Wright. So set aside an hour and a quarter and launch in, or proceed segment by segment:
The scourge of anti-Althousiana (03:04 minutes)

Iraq: Hangings, Hillary, etc. (13:48)

A Gore-Obama ticket? (05:37)

Non-Barack-backing blacks (04:17)

The Duke Case: Race, gender, and jocks (09:31)

Ann the feminist vs. Bob the reactionary (20:45)

The American Idol freak show (11:52)

৬টি মন্তব্য:

Simon বলেছেন...

When you say that you don't think Congressional Democrats can or will pass anything binding re Iraq, do you mean that you think it isn't politically feasible ("they can't if they want to get re-elected") or that you think they, the democrats qua the controlling majority in Congress, lack the Constitutional authority (Biden's position)?

LOL at Bob's comment about getting some bad feedback from the first BW/AA diavlog. I think Bob's great, but he scares the hell out of me. ;) I can never quite tell when he's kidding. He does rather seem to have backed himself into the corner of supporting the surge though, dudn't he?

Maxine Weiss বলেছেন...

Too many books.

All those books----how distracting for the viewer.

And, what on earth is She laughing about? And yet, He never laughs.

Granted, I only watched the first 3 minutes, and as usual without sound, but still...I can usually, in most cases get the gist of it.

Not this time.


1. If the University didn't provide dental....would Ann be so eager to show her teeth?

2. Where are Robert Wright's teeth? I can't find a single picture of him with an open-mouth smile. You'd think a published author could afford dental.

Too many books, and not enough teeth.

Peace, Maxine

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I predicted weeks ago, along with others, that Hillary would loose her Kathleen Willy stalker private detectives on Obama and we'd see. Well his Muslim ties are now there for all to see. Let's see how this card gets played.

Jacob বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
Jacob বলেছেন...

Wright smiles here.

Simon বলেছেন...

Daryl, that's a different issue. Whether the profs behaved appropriately in signing that letter or not is really quite separate to the question of whether one of them can be sued by their students on a tenuous theory of retaliatory grading when it's apparent that the poor grading is in fact a consequence of their failure to attend class, a significant and pre-announced component of the final grade.

It's perfectly possible to think that the professors' conduct in this sad litany was poor, and that the plaintiffs have been done over by this experience, and even think that they might have remedies available against the prosecutor or accuser, yet still think that a lawsuit against the prof is misguided.