১১ অক্টোবর, ২০০৬

Plane crashes into a NYC building.

NYT report.

৭টি মন্তব্য:

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

How awful. It does raise the obvious question, too.

I notice the article quotes one person as saying the plane hit the 20th floor, and someone else says the 40th floor. Would it be so hard for the NYTimes to send someone out to count the storeys?

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Anybody else think that the CNN.com front picture looks a little strange? It's a split picture of Lidle (in the left panel) wearing a large frown and looking off to the right while the other panel is of the burning building. It makes it look like Lidle is reacting to his own crash.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

I just spun the dial while in the car and Hugh Hewitt was suggesting that this might sort of help the Republicans because, you know, the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear something like this is terrorism, and that's a whole different topic than Foley.

Go team!

Ron বলেছেন...

"Too bad A-Rod wasn't on the plane -- it wouldn't have hit anything."

-- Gothamist

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

I just spun the dial while in the car and Hugh Hewitt was suggesting that this might sort of help the Republicans

It is too bad that even in a situation like this the talk shows have to focus on the political implications.

I remember the day that Thurman Munson died. I was in high school, and all of a sudden I had one of those life moments, when you realize that larger-than-life heroes are just ordinary people, and they can be laid low in a moment just like anyone else. And when you realize that, your own mortality is put sharply into perspective.

I've always 'hated' the 'damnYankees,' but it's hard to feel anything other than compassion for them right now. I hope the people in their organization who are close to Corey Lidle work through this. And I know he's married, I hope his family is getting the support they need. And the prayers.

Telecomedian বলেছেন...

To MadisonMan-

Regarding the reports of what floors the plane crashed into: this is from Yahoo.com - Wednesday afternoon, his plane came through a hazy, cloudy sky and slammed into apartments that were 30 and 31 stories above the street, but the floors are numbered at 40 and 41, and go up to 50, even though the building is technically about 40 stories high.

It's a vanity real estate thing - saying you live on the "50th floor" can increase the property's value more than "40th floor."

Pretty cheesy and confusing, but that helps account for the number differences.

DaveG বলেছেন...

I just want to know who's stupid idea it was to let light aircraft have an unrestricted zone around NYC.

What gives you that idea? The airspace around New York is very tightly regulated as Class B airspace, which requires explicit ATC permission to enter. There are corridors and "shelves" under which planes can fly without ATC permission, but to say that the airpace is unrestricted is not accurate.

I'd also say that at this point, he's been pretty much "held accountable" as possible.