২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০০৬

"He missed the state of the union address one year."

Chief Justice John Roberts said about his predecessor William Rehnquist. "When asked why, he said it conflicted with a water color class at the YMCA he had signed up for."

Roberts was giving a speech at Middlebury College. One student said: "The thing I was intrigued by was not necessarily what he said, but how he said it. Questions I assumed he would say he could not answer, he would find a way to answer." Well, he's got a way with words... and knows how to frame answers to difficult questions.

১০টি মন্তব্য:

Kirby Olson বলেছেন...

Rehnquist was a Lutheran. I didn't realize he was also interested in the arts. It's a quite rare combination.

Has anyone seen his watercolors?

Are they as good as Carter's poetry?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

You're assuming he loved watercoloring. It's more likely a wisecrack about hating going to the State of the Union.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Because reading only parts of a joke outside of any context is really the best way to get a feel for the degree of humor involved and therefore, the joke-teller's fitness for sitting on the SCOTUS. Well done, edward. You're awesome.

Can't we just all agree that State of the Union addresses are boring without devolving into bitter partisans?

Bourgeois Boy বলেছেন...

I think the joke's pretty good. The bit about the YMCA gives it away. Roberts is known for his dry sense of humor and this is a good example. The best quote from the article is on a different subject:

"I think this is the greatest challenge for emerging democracies. In some sense, getting to the point of free election is the easy part. What's hard is establishing an independent judiciary that can enforce the rule of law against the government as well as against the governed."

That's a very astute observation.

Kirby Olson বলেছেন...

Rehnquist was quite involved in the arts, Ann. The following is by Mary Deibel, a journalist for Scripps Howard News Service. It's part of an overview article she wrote on Rehnquist. It appeared on September 4, 2005:

"Rehnquist also pondered writing a murder mystery set at a favorite hiking spot on the C&O Canal, but his book agent suggested otherwise.

A devotee of Broadway show tunes, patriotic songs and Gilbert and Sullivan (to the point he had gold-braid stripes sewed onto the sleeves of his black robe in the style of the Lord Chancellor in "Iolanthe"), Rehnquist is known for leading court sing-alongs.

So firm is his belief in music's charms that he ended a particularly divisive court term that included key flag-burning and abortion cases by leading fellow justices and court employees in a rousing chorus of "It's a Grand Old Flag" at the end-of-term party. One court employee's son who has attended court parties thought for years that Rehnquist was court musical director instead of his mother's boss.

Rehnquist also enjoyed painting, so much so that he skipped a presidential State of the Union speech that interfered with watercolors class at a neighborhood high school.

As speaker at that high school's commencement, Rehnquist urged students to develop a life outside their careers and to "try some things you haven't tried before." He cited his own life as example, recalling his own middle-age introduction to art and music, thanks to his wife Nan, who died in 1991 after a long bout with cancer."

The arts are crucial not just to the Executive and the Legislative, but also to the Judicial Branch. They provide a lesson in aesthetic distance.

JorgXMcKie বলেছেন...

I think it's pretty obvious that anyone who doesn't share edward's political beliefs must by definition be devoid of a sense of humor. Or have only a 'perverted' one.

OTOH, I find edward's posts highly amusing. Keep 'em coming, guy.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Jorj: Amusing is not the first word that comes to my mind, but I guess maybe you are right. Edward has almost single-handedly convinced me that I ought to toss out whatever remnants of principle I retain and vote for the neanderthal Bible-thimping idiot of a congressman who represents the area in which I live (one of the top 50 endangered incumbents, and deservedly so, I might add).

If the Democrat running had more than half a brain, I would not be so inclined, but as he doesn't, casting a vote to spite Edward's sanctimonious twaddle has its appeal.

Maxine Weiss বলেছেন...

Vermont is the prettiest State in the Union, unquestionably---we all know that.

It's not surprising that living there, all he'd want to do is paint water color scenes of beauty.

Peace, Maxine

Kirby Olson বলেছেন...

I'd like to see the watercolors. I ran a google search and couldn't find any Rehnquists.

SWBarns বলেছেন...

The entire Supreme Court skipped Clinton's 2000 State of the Union Speech.

Rehnquist, Scalia, O'Connor and Souter gave no explanation. Breyer and Ginsburg gave illness as an excuse. Stevens had his wife's illness. Thomas was attending his brother's funeral. Kennedy was to deliver a speech the day after the speech.

When asked later, Rehnquist gave his watercolor excuse which translated into "none of your damn business" or "I'm not going to directly criticize the President."