২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০০৬

"A conservative gets up early to be productive, driven by the pure instinct to be self sustaining...."

"... A liberal thinks they can sleep in, and someone will cover their lame ass.” So said Ted Nugent, who came to Madison, Wisconsin last night.
UW senior James Sands said the strong-willed speaker made several inappropriate comments.

“I think he’s a moron — he’s a raging idiot,” he said. “He just likes to do it for the publicity.”...

Clearly expressing his Republican leanings, Nugent riled up the crowd with conservative credo....

“When I see a beggar on the street, I say, ‘Hey asshole, there’s a help-wanted sign right over there!’” he said.

The already rowdy crowd at the theater erupted when a member of the audience criticized Nugent’s non-involvement in the Vietnam War.

Nugent ended the prolonged verbal exchange between the two with the short demand, “Eat shit and die.”..

Nugent praised political activism with his unique brand of lobbying.

“It’s time to break out the crowbar of independence and bop some politicians on the head.”
Apparently, no one stormed the stage or started a fistfight. I'm glad there was good security, no violence, but still some rowdiness. "Where's the raucous activity?" I asked last week, inveighing against campus politeness. It's great that the kids let go the disrespect in the theater of free speech on campus.

CORRECTION: That's Ted Nugent, not Todd Rundgren. I've mixed those two guys up for decades, ever since the 70s... when I hated a lot of the music.

ADDED: Now that I've got the names straight... my blog search should work better. Before I was all why is no one blogging about the big "God, Guns, and Rock, & Roll" speech last night? Ah, no, actually I still can't find anything. Doesn't anybody blog anymore??

MORE: Rising Jurist was there -- unlike me -- and has this. Excerpt:
It wasn't anywhere near the fracas that The Badger Herald is reporting. Nugent was overwhelmingly applauded and cheered for his ultra-conservative commentary. Save the occasional heckler—"More money for corporations!"—and foolish question-askers, it was an Uncle Ted lovefest.

৩৫টি মন্তব্য:

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Re: "Apparently, no one stormed the stage or started a fistfight. "

I would guess this was not due to a sudden outbreak of politeness or a rediscovery of 'the right to speak' unimpeded.

They feared him, and rightly recognized that Nugent would probably beat them up if they tried it.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I thought it was the security... which included at least one dog.

tiggeril বলেছেন...

I'm tired of raucous activity. I'm tired of people thinking their political opinions make them unique and beautiful snowflakes. I'm tired of people venting their spleens. I'm tired of conspiracy theories. I'm tired of people trying to find the one true Scotsman. I'm tired of binary thinking.
I'm tired of people.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

The crowd kows him from MTV,where he proudly displayed his weaponry.

Concealed carry (even if presumed) = No stage rush.

"I'm tired of people thinking their political opinions make them unique and beautiful snowflakes."
Three cheers for tiggeril.

J বলেছেন...

""... A liberal thinks they can sleep in, and someone will cover their lame ass.” So said Todd Rundgren"

I assume you mean Ted Nugent, though it's interesting you put Rundgren's name instead. Were you listening to Rundgren at the time, or do you otherwise associate the two?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

LOL. I've mixed those two guys up forever!

SWBarns বলেছেন...

I expect Todd Rundgren to comment on this, but it will probably be sometime after noon.

Doug বলেছেন...

I am not a fan of Nugent(or his music, Wang Dang Sweet Puntang? WTF) or of making huge generalizations , so I have no desire to defend his statements. But I find them to be very similar to those that have come out of the mouth of Howard Dean, with his crack about republicans never working an honest day in their lives.

bill বলেছেন...

Ted Nugent profile, Better Environmentalism Through Killing, Outside Magazine, March 1998. Very entertaining.

As we drive, he coolly lays out the arithmetical gospel of the pro-hunting case: the 18 million whitetails that make up the nation's expanding deer population, the absence of natural predators, and the millions of dollars lost annually to habitat destruction. He brings up the 7,000 elk that starved to death in Yellowstone two winters ago and insists that hunting would have caused less pain and waste. He quotes studies that meat procured from the wild uses fewer resources than store-bought meat or even vegetables, when you factor in habitat loss and the pollution costs. Which leads him to the point that it's considerably more eco-sensitive and efficient for him to shoot, gut, and cook his meat than to buy it in a grocery store; which he hasn't done, he says, since the Nixon administration. He acknowledges the similarities between his views and those of environmentalists, particularly when it comes to his hatred of mindless development and his obsessive desire for habitat protection.

See? He's a friend of the organic, eat what you see (buy local, not imports), movement.

Icepick বলেছেন...

Bill wrote: See? He's a friend of the organic, eat what you see (buy local, not imports), movement.

Bill, I think Ted's more "Kill local, dont buy imports".

Doug wrote: I am not a fan of Nugent(or his music, Wang Dang Sweet Puntang? WTF)....

Let me translate:

Wang Dang Sweet Puntang = I love female genitalia, especially that of pretty young women who do me the favor of having sex with me.

I'll say this for Ted, he's not one to forget that at the core, rocl & roll is about sex.

bill বলেছেন...

Bill, I think Ted's more "Kill local, dont buy imports".

Degrees of difference. All part of the current discussion of should we really expect to buy fresh tomatoes in January and is buying Wal-Mart's organic produce raised on factory farms in China better than buying from local markets that may not be organic?

A bit off topic from the actual blog post content, but I bet many of his protestors would find much to agree about if they looked past the political rhetoric and his confrontational presentation.

Anthony বলেছেন...

I'm tired of people trying to find the one true Scotsman.

I don't get this.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

I believe it refers to The No True Scotsman fallacy, "when someone defends the entirety of a group by excluding one thing or person from that group, someone or something that is part of the group on some reasonable conception of what the group consists of."

"1. Suppose I assert that no Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge. You counter this by pointing out that your friend Angus likes sugar with his porridge. I then say “Ah, yes, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Worn out ageing old rocker for sale.

Call Ted Nugent.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Larry, no didn't see it.

Pretty bad?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ann: You aren't the only one who mixes the two up in their mind. I've been doing the same thing myself for years.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

I get the same feeling watching the Nuge as I do watching Gary Busey...they've both got craziness in their eyes.

And it's completely mesmerizing.

Revenant বলেছেন...

"When I see a beggar on the street, I say, 'Hey asshole, there’s a help-wanted sign right over there!'" he said.

I always kind of want to say this, since I'm surrounded by both beggars and help-wanted signs where I work. Hell, sometimes the guy's begging right in FRONT of a help-wanted sign. And people still give him money... sheesh, yuppie guilt at work.

dave বলেছেন...

I've mixed those two guys up for decades, ever since the 70s...

What more would you expect from The Stupidest Place on the Internet™?

dave বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
Troy বলেছেন...

It's even better out here in SoCal Rev. The white guy is begging right next to the poor Hispanic guy who is at least selling me some flowers for 5 or 10 bucks.

dave... why bother...

Revenant বলেছেন...

It's even better out here in SoCal Rev

That's where I am, actually. I've seen the immigrant/beggar contrast too.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

"When I see a beggar on the street, I say, 'Hey asshole, there’s a help-wanted sign right over there!'"

This sounds much like what Jesus taught us. Have a Chapter & Verse for this?

Revenant বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
garage mahal বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
garage mahal বলেছেন...

Revenant said...
The father, of course, famously welcomes him back, kills a fatted calf in his honor, et al.

The hero is the not the son, it tells us rather about a father's love, than a son's sin. It is about being lost, and then being found. The father did NOT bring the calf forth because the prodigal son agreed to work, you are missing the entire point of the parable.

Moreover, what can we take away from the older brother's self righteousness about the feast for the prodigal son in the first place???

Revenant বলেছেন...

The hero is the not the son, it tells us rather about a father's love, than a son's sin.

The story doesn't have a "hero". It's a parable. The point of the story is that a sinner who ceases to sin and asks for forgiveness should be welcomed back to the fold and forgiven -- not that a sinner who plans to keep on sinning should be forgiven.

It is about being lost, and then being found.

And a person who begs for money so he can drink instead of work isn't looking to be "found". He wants to stay lost.

The father did NOT bring the calf forth because the prodigal son agreed to work

Being willing to work was the sign that the son actually was rejoining the family. There's a reason the story doesn't feature the son coming back to say "dad, can I have some more money to go whoring".

Moreover, what can we take away from the older brother's self righteousness about the feast for the prodigal son in the first place???

The elder son was not willing to be forgiving once the other son returned to the family. That was his flaw. Face it, your belief that Jesus taught Christians to throw money at every lazy asshole who doesn't feel like working has no Biblical support.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10

As I recall, Jesus was all about associating with sinners to convince them to turn their hearts and all about helping those unable to provide for themselves. But I cannot recall a single story where Jesus indicates that it is a good idea to enable idlers.

Jazz Bass বলেছেন...

hilarious. not ted and his patented schtick but the thing about mixing up rundgren and nugent. i was miffed at the dismissal of post-tommy "the who" as a few good songs but the progenitors of arena rock but now i'm convinced that there are some things the dear professor is off base about.

by the way, the story about nugent going to the draft board in feces filled underwear is a lie concocted by a notorious rock writer. so the Veteran that thinks Ted is a coward is misinformed, ergo nugent telling him to f--- off.

btw, ted doesn't have gary busy or runaway bride crazy in his eyes, he's got confidence and arrogance.

Gahrie বলেছেন...


You're a pretty brave asshole over the internet.

I will grant you one point...the IQ of this site drops every time you post......

Revenant বলেছেন...

Hmm... you left the best part out of the story. Crap-caked pants and piss-soaked warriors make great copy.

Except that, as noted earlier, there's no independent evidence that any such thing happened, and Nugent himself denies that it did.

Nugent's a putz, but the crap-caked pants story shows every sign of being libellous.

Revenant বলেছেন...

We're not in court but the crap-caked pants story is all over the place, with no refutation noted.

You mean this refutation?

As for the story being "all over the place", the truth value of a statement is not a function of how widely repeated it is.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Tell us again how Nugent avoided service?

If you can't be bothered to follow the link I posted I certainly can't be bothered to selectively quote from it for you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nugent's a moron and a draft dodger. The next good song he writes will be the first one.