June 14, 2006


Is there anything good on? I kind of like to watch an hour or two of TV at night, but everything I was watching just ended. "American Idol," "The Apprentice," "Top Chef," "The Sopranos," "Big Love" -- all gone. I'm reduced to watching episodes of "I Shouldn't Be Alive" the TiVo dragged in weeks ago.

UPDATE: "So You Think You Can Dance?" is on. Shall we watch?

Sorry, I originally put this update on the next post by mistake.

There's one thing about "So You Think You Can Dance?" that scares me off: Mary's teeth. I can't understand them. Are they plastic teeth that fit on over her real teeth? She seems to need to bite them together to keep them in place. And they are so huge. And so white.

Why don't they make a reality shows about teeth? "Top Teeth," "So You Think You Have Teeth?," "America's Scariest Teeth"....


XWL said...

Should I admit to liking "So You Think You Can Dance"?

It's a competition show, it's dancing, it's got the usual mix of talented and not so talented kids with stars in their eyes.

Joan said...

The History Channel has a new series called "The Revolution," about the American Revolution. The first two episodes were quite good.

Other than that, I've been watching TiVO'd documentaries on things like Krakatoa (in spite of the "volcano of doom" subtitle, it was a compelling show) and Stonehenge.

There really isn't anything on. Ah, summer!

Ann Althouse said...

Oh, yeah. I put in a season pass for that and watched a bit. I could do that! Not dance, I mean. I could put up with watching it.

Ann Althouse said...

I set to record "Krakatoa" too. I'm glad to see there's so much shared taste around here!

altoids1306 said...

Isn't nothing to watch a good thing? That's one to two more hours in your day.

My Mouth said...

"Hell's Kitchen" may be the best reality TV show out there.

Ann Althouse said...

Is anyone watching "Lucky Louie"?

Ricardo said...

Rock Star Supernova begins on July 5th. But that's still three weeks off.

Joan said...

I watched "Entourage" for the first time last night, and I could definitely get hooked. I've always been a huge fan of Jeremy Piven. I confess that I'm wanting "Aquaman" to be a huge hit for them, but from the previews things did not look so good -- but I am more than familiar with the way those preview-editors at HBO spin their little webs, so I'm not expecting any particular outcome...

Anyway: "Entourage" cracked me up, especially "Jimmy" Woods going over and threatening to beat up the two guys who got his tickets for the LA premiere.

The Commercial Traveller said...

I like "The Closer" on TNT. And "Deadwood," which was already mentioned.

I generally tend to use the summer to give shows a chance that I might now have watched during the year.

Through Netflix, I started watching "House," season 1. And I also started watching an old BBC series--"The Prisoner."

Bailey Quarters said...

I'm finding a lot to watch:

"The Closer," "Rescue Me," "5 Takes: Pacific Rim," "Hex," "Deadwood," "Entourage," and reruns of "The Wire."

I TiVoed the premiere of "Saved," but haven't watched it yet.

Nothing on network TV yet, but "Treasure Hunters," which starts Sunday, looks promising.

Maxine Weiss said...

Don't you have a video place? We can check out DVDs at my public library!

Why don't you catch up on your cinema?

We were talking about Marilyn. Start with 'Some Like it Hot', and work your way to 'The Wayward Bus'.

I like the one with her and Olivier...'The Prince and the Show Girl'...I think it was.

If you want something a little more current, and you are into kitsch.....Russ Meyer's 1970 'Return To the Valley of the Dolls'...just came out on DVD.....it's a cult classic.

Peace, Maxine

Terry Grant said...

Entourage is the only bright spot on the horizon. Lucky Louie was pretty stinky in my opinion.

XWL said...

Mary on So You Think You Can Dance has teeth that are truly astonishing, but I think her cackling laugh and propensity to whoop and holler are equally disturbing.

The dancers seemed pretty good this time around though (especially the two that did the Fosse routine).

Krakatoa was entertaining.

As far as other TiVo fare for the summer television doldrums, may I suggest unleashing your inner teenage geek and record Cowboy Bebop and Paranoia Agent. Good Anime takes some getting used to, but can surprise with its depth.

Finally, the Russ Meyer directed, Roger Ebert penned, Strawberry Alarm Clock music featuring film camp classic was titled Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, but if you really want to do the Russ Meyer thing, Faster, Pussycat Kill! Kill! plus the Vixen trilogy are really the ones to see (the last Vixen pic was also Ebert penned, plus all the dialogue is in rhymed couplets).

homericsimile said...

Here's a vote for "So You Think You Can Dance." I like seeing the different styles of dance and watching everyone struggle with hoity toity ballroom. You're right though - the one downside is that we have to listen to freaky Mary every once in a while. Nothing a mute button can't fix!

Ann Althouse said...

Maxine, XWL: If I was going to watch movies on TV, I must have 50 DVDs I've bought and not watched. I have so many movies I'd like to watch, but some mystical force prevents me from watching movies. Why I put up with "The Sopranos" but won't watch a 2-hour drama in movie form is a mystery. I tried to watch "The Last Picture Show," a DVD I bought years ago recently. I got about a half hour in, was enjoying it, but paused -- maybe for a phone call -- and never went back.

I've tried to watch Entourage and Deadwood and have never been able to get into it. They seem good enough, but I just don't feel like watching.

KCFleming said...

Isn't it about time someone did the Superior dance about avoiding TV?

Matt Brown said...

Ann: You didn't live-blog that new AFI show - "100 Years, 100 Cheers." I thought for sure you would since you did last year with the "100 Quotes."

knox said...

David Spade's Showbiz show is great, but it's only 1/2 hour once a week.

[Wasn't too impressed by Krakatoa.]

BBCAmerica's Monday Night Mysteries are insipid but really fun. BBCAmerica's What Not to Wear (avoid TLC's show) is not insipid and even more fun.

Some people supposedly love Deadliest Catch... I don't get it. It's the same exact show over and over.

Project Runway starts July 12...

Ann Althouse said...

Matt: I didn't realize it was on. But I asked what's on in this post! Funny that no one mentioned it.

sonicfrog said...

New "Stargate SG!" starts next month.
New "Venture Bro's" a send-up of the original Johnny Quest, starts this week-end I think. Yes it's a cartoon, but it's very funny.

Funny, TiVO has made knowing the actual air times of programs obsolete, kinda in the same way the cell phone has made it unnecessary to remember the phone numbers of family and friends.

Damned Cell Phones!!!

Anthony said...

Good, someone else mentioned Stargate so I don't have to be the only SciFi-geek.

I usually end up on Mondays with Science Channel's prehistoric lineup, their Tuesday evening astronomy/space lineup, and/or whatever else is on History Channel or PBS. Thursday is up in the air, but Friday has Survivorman and the Stargates come July.

Anonymous said...

I'm catching up on reading. Veronica by Gaitskill was very good.

Hgtv is about it for me, and Lost reruns occasionally. Medium is good but incredibly violent. I will try the Krakatoa and History recommendations, though.

Tried to drop my premium channels and the cable people said, no, we'll give you 25% off your bill if you keep it! So they are paying me. Does this mean something? Is cable in LA Times freefall?

Beth said...

Though I've had mixed feelings about Queer Eye, I'm enjoying it again this summer. And the June 20 episode will feature someone I actually know, weirdly enough. So, I've got my Tivo set on a season pass for the Fab Five.

Thanks for reminding me of Hell's Kitchen! I missed the opener but I've got that set now, too.