१५ मे, २००६

A wet spring.

It's really soggy around here.

maple seeds

I thought it seemed to be lightening up, but turning my head to look out the window seemed to operate a dimmer switch.

५ टिप्पण्या:

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

That is a great picture. I keep tracking those things into the house.

Eli Blake म्हणाले...

Get used to it.

With the jet stream moving north, you will be getting more of our precipitation (while our prolonged drought in the SW United States will become the new 'normal.')

Matt Brown म्हणाले...

The picture reminds me of looking under microscopes in microbiology class.

sierra म्हणाले...

Sorry I couldn't respond to your post earlier, but I was too busy rechristening storage boxes in my basement as vessels. (Boston is a tad soggier.)

Lance Burri म्हणाले...