February 17, 2006


The big snow came just at the time that I'm having the gutters on my roof replaced. The gutterless roof edge is a prime breeding ground for icicles.


These things will have to break and fall. I plan to dart out the front door more quickly than usual for the next few days.


chuck b. said...

When I lived in Georgia and people found out I was from California, I frequently heard things like, "Oh I could never live in California. I'd miss the seasons." I'd always be like, yeah, uh-huh, whatever.

David53 said...

Nice picture, I lived in Omaha for three years and Fairbanks for three years. I am thankful every winter that I am back in South Texas, I hated shoveling snow and breaking off killer icicles.

Ann Althouse said...

Rogera: The new type of gutters avoids the ice dam problem, for reasons that were explained to me, though I've forgotten.

David: I'm moving to a condo, where these things will be non-issues. At the house, I've simply hired people to do the shoveling. I'm sure there are some extra expenses you incur living in the south, like the cost of gardeners and pest control. It's a matter of facing up to paying for chores that you don't want to have to do.

Pete said...

A very dramatic photo. You almost expect to hear shrieking violins as an underscore.

Gaius Arbo said...

I used to work next door to a building that routinely had very large sheets of ice fall off. These things were enormous. They used to rope off whole areas, but when the ice fell, chunks about the size of my head would land across the street. Nobody ever got hit by them while I was working there, but it has probably happened by now. It was only a matter of time.

Meade said...

That's a great shot! What an incredible eye you have.

jeff said...

Go buy a few baseballs. Just try not to hit the window.

Then you can walk out the door with impunity and grace.

SippicanCottage said...
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Anonymous said...

Time to break out the blow dryer.

Ann Althouse said...

Sippican: Whatever you're talking about, I just hire good people and have them figure out how to do it right. They are very experienced with the conditions and the old houses here. (And I've never had an ice dam problem, btw.)

sonicfrog said...

Jeff said:

Go buy a few baseballs. Just try not to hit the window.

Better idea. Get a shotgun and some bird shot, and try not to hit the window or a vice president (lawyers revenge).


Those are some menacing looking icicles!

SippicanCottage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

I'm reminded of the old Peanuts strip: Saved By a pizza!!

Anonymous said...

i found the best solution to icicle and ice dam problems. www.rooficemeltsystems.com
this system solved my problems.

Live Oak Construction said...

The looks of those stalactite-like icicles are pretty dangerous. People living in that house should be completely aware of those icicles. Funny thing is, you actually nailed a perfect shot for having an image like that. I definitely love it. By the way, it's an important factor to clean the gutter immediately because water or snow will cause moisture build up in the roofing structure and that is definitely dangerous to our health in the long run. Not only does it attract pests but also it can lead mold formation.
Mariam Freame