७ डिसेंबर, २००५


Yeah: -5.

१६ टिप्पण्या:

Matt Brown म्हणाले...

Ha, ha! Here in Indianapolis, we're 12 degrees warmer than you are.

I'm busting out the shorts! Oh, wait, you don't like that, do you, Professor.

Ron म्हणाले...

Ann, just imagine all those germs you might have who aren't tough enough to be a Wisconsin Lawprof, and choose death over mere shivering! It's a win for you!

Here in balmy Tree Town it's 8! Break out the flip flops!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

And we have an appointments candidate coming through today! We'll all tell him this is by far the coldest day yet this fall -- it's still fall! -- and that this is quite unusual.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Hey, its already warmed up to -4 in Madison, and we still have -9 in Breckenridge, CO. Probably a couple degrees warmer on the lake here in Dillon. No way are you going to find me on the mountain today skiing - if it is -9 at Breck, it is probably -15 (w/o wind chill) at the top of the mountain.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Should I add that we had category 2 hurricane strength winds (> 100 mph - almost cat 3) around Denver Monday as a predecessor to this storm?

Paul Worthington म्हणाले...

Same story in Centennial, CO. It's -5 at 8AM, and the high is supposed to be only +5. In typical Colorado fashion, however, tomorrow's prediction is sunny and 31. :-\

Joe Giles म्हणाले...

Gonna need some bigger squirrels to measure the snow.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Gee, and I was considering moving back there!! Brutal.

When I was in college in Illinois, they would provide buses from the dorms to classes if it was 10 below. Five below? Balmy. Deal with it. No wonder Midwesterns are such hearty folk!

Pat Patterson म्हणाले...

You should be in your backyard now emptying all your aerosol spray cans into the sky.

Stiles म्हणाले...

And isn't it grand? What a pretty day!!!

Susan म्हणाले...

In August and September at the height of the hurricane season I keep saying "I'm getting the hell out of Florida". But then December rolls along...current temperature: 70.

Icepick म्हणाले...

Pat, emptying the aerosal cans will destroy the ozone layer and expose the Earth's surface to more UV radiation: more cancer, etc. It WON'T increase global warming. f that's the goal, burn down some trees, drive non-hybrid vehicles (especially SUVs), and use more electricity.

Susan, it's all about the winter months.

Pooh म्हणाले...

Wow, it's close to 40 degrees warmer in Anchorage...makes me not miss the Mini-Apple. For a day at least.

Pat Patterson म्हणाले...

OK, burn more coal and spray aerosol cans into the ozone, which according to the hysteria of just a few years ago also contributed to global warning, or was that nuclear winter, or was that Skittles rainbows. I can't keep them straight anymore.

stealthlawprof म्हणाले...

Five below zero and a faculty candidate visiting -- great timing. I love those sales pitches -- "Oh! This is so unusual; it is never really this (cold / rainy / windy / hot / miserable / humid / whatever) here." Even when you are telling the truth, you can see the candidate thinking your nose is growing a foot per minute.

chuck b. म्हणाले...

I remember getting something in the mail from a graduate program in Minnesota that came right out and said something very close to "We have blistering summers and bone-chilling winters."

Okay, thank you, Buh-bye!