१ सप्टेंबर, २००५

Luxuriating in pain.

Times are too troubled for performance art like this:
Tattoo artist Lea Smith will prick [artist Mary] Coble's skin to form the names of hate crime victims from the nation's gay, bisexual and transgender communities....

Once the tattooist etches a name (she won't use ink), blood will well on Coble's skin. Then Smith will press paper against the welts to make mirror-image prints of the first names. As the evening progresses, her prints will wallpaper the gallery with victims' names written in blood.
With ordinary people suffering in New Orleans (and elsewhere), who should care about an artist voluntarily taking on pain for show?

Which is greater, the pain Coble will suffer or her self-indulgence? Her devotion to the anti-hate crimes cause or her devotion to her career advancement?

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Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Mary: The cause may be good, but a self-promoting person can adopt a cause for her own purposes.

D: Well, that's your answer to my questions. Let's see what other people say. I'm more dubious of the motivations and methods of those who call themselves artists.