१ सप्टेंबर, २००५


It's hard to fathom the suffering in New Orleans. I spent yesterday evening watching the TV news, seeing weary, confused people wading through water, trying to figure out where to go, how to begin to deal with their problems. One woman who walked down the Interstate held a feverish five-day-old baby. I heard someone say that hundreds of people were still on rooftops waiting to be rescued. An old man cried when a reporter asked him if he had to swim to save himself.

What of all the people without water? What about the sick and the elderly and trapped somewhere? What about those who are injured and inside buildings where they cannot signal for help? Will we not eventually discover many dead bodies of men and women — of children — who wondered for days if anyone would ever get around to looking inside their place?

It's hard to think about the city of New Orleans gone. One expert opined that only a small central core of it will be rebuilt.

I heard the word "refugees" over and over again. It's hard to believe this is happening in our country. How can there be so many people suffering and in need of help, waiting for days for the most basic aid — in America?

Here's the link to make a donation to the American Red Cross.

1 टिप्पणी:

goesh म्हणाले...

- now we know how the Cherokee felt on the infamous Trail of Tears. My Mom often told of being on the road in the Depression and how there were hundreds and hundreds of cars of displaced people with no real place to go, no work, no welfare or disaster relief and little hope. Hope is two-fold, that something bad won't happen and that something good will come of the bad. Katrina has left those suffering people with but the latter. This nation has endured much worse, and we will all be reaching out each with what he/she can give. I recall fighting a brush fire one time, by no standard a disaster, but as we stood on the line fighting the fire, men and women, all of a sudden this little kid comes running up with a darn water pistol and starts squirting it. A huge cheer went up and we all redoubled our efforts and the fire was stopped. Such is the human spirit and no damn hurricane is going to stop us.