२८ ऑगस्ट, २००५

The Amsterdam Notebooks—Page 28.

It's Day 28 of this 35 day project. (The set thus far.) I'm still at the Stedelijkmuseum, where we saw that video installation yesterday. Today, I look at a huge collage by Henri Matisse and draw a tiny detail, and then I go on to the sort of thing that makes people think sculpture is just terrible:

Amsterdam Notebook

Amsterdam Notebook

This sculpture was room size and not made of any fine material like marble or wood. It was just a shoddy assemblage. And, yes, the devil is sitting on a toilet. The angels are holding it aloft. It's called "The Triumph of Love." Doesn't that give you a wonderful opportunity to think deeply about... what? How crappy your last relationship was?

1 टिप्पणी:

Simon Kenton म्हणाले...

Well, it's theologically sound, in an allusive way - Dante associated the center of Hell with the devil's asshole, and Luther ranted scatologically about the devil. So I get the point. That said, I don't get the point.