८ जुलै, २००५

Rehnquist retiring?

Drudge has the siren going.

UPDATE: And the whole day goes by with nothing more than Rehnquist saying "That's for me to know and for your to find out." What a card! How near death can he be if he's horsing around like that? But wasn't the original rumor that he'd retire by the "end of the week"? Presumably, Saturday counts, and Saturday is presidential radio address day. Other things inopportune about today: Bush spent most of it traveling; it's too soon after yesterday's terrorist attack in London.

४ टिप्पण्या:

JLP म्हणाले...

Rehnquist retiring shouldn't be big news. I don't mean to be rude, but my guess is that he doesn't have that long to live.

I wish him and his family the best and will be praying for them.



Matt म्हणाले...

Then again, what doesn't Drudge get the siren going for?

MommyLydia म्हणाले...


In my house, Dad was the tone of moderation...

I want the President to pick the best person for the job. Not the best Hispanic or the best women or anything. Simply the best person. Because as far as I'm concerned we need to get back to more hiring based on ability to do the job and content of character. Not gender. No race or skin color or disability level.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

I loved the "That's for me to know and you to find out" comment. It's not often that anyone in Washington says something that sounds like something a person would say in regular conversation. Usually everything sounds so prepared and canned. That tiny comment seemed so human. And very funny by its lightness in the face of everyone's being so tense about the issue.