January 29, 2025

"Karoline Leavitt, the new White House press secretary — at 27, the youngest person ever to hold the job — kicked off her first briefing on Tuesday afternoon..."

"... by reminding all the veteran reporters in assembly that they had become more irrelevant than ever. 'Americans’ trust in mass media has fallen to a record low,' she said right off the top. Twisting the knife, she added: 'Millions of Americans — especially young people — have turned from traditional television outlets and newspapers.' The place was packed with network television anchors and rumpled newspaper reporters who had been slinging questions around that cramped room since before Ms. Leavitt learned to walk or talk.... Smiling, ever-so-sweetly, she told the old-timers they’d have to make room for all the flashy new bloggers, influencers, 'content creators' and podcasters she planned to invite to her briefings on a regular basis. It was, she said, high time that the White House 'adapt' to the 'new media landscape.'... Mr. Trump’s top flack wasted no time throwing down the gauntlet in her first performance behind the lectern. She was steely.... She betrayed no fear and little ambivalence and she seemed quite confident speaking on her boss’s behalf...."

NYT White House correspondent Shawn McCreesh gives credit where credit is due, in "White House Press Secretary Makes Steely and Unflinching Debut/Karoline Leavitt used her first briefing in the role to warn veteran reporters that they were increasingly irrelevant" (NYT).

I like the phrase "all the flashy new bloggers."


Leland said...

Let us know when you get the invite!

Leland said...

Leavitt wasn't wrong. Look what happened to the former Chief CNN White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta.

Enigma said...

"Steely and unflinching" -- words the NYT nor anyone on planet earth said with sincerity about her predecessor JKP. NYT is trying to hold onto their prime seat in the press room, and this story probably won't help them keep it.

Gusty Winds said...

She was awesome yesterday. Kicking ass today as well. Great Trump pick. Plus she's smokin' hot!!!

Dave Begley said...

Ann Althouse needs a seat in the Brady Briefing Room. Althouse should be seated right next to the failing NYT "reporters."

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The place was packed with network television anchors and rumpled newspaper reporters who had been slinging questions around that cramped room since before Ms. Leavitt learned to walk or talk

Only when there's a Republican president
When there's a Dem one, they just suck up

victoria said...

We will see how long she lasts. If she is as nasty and snarky as she was during her first press briefing, she wil be eaten alive and spit out by Trump himself. Watch out, Karolyn. you may meet the same fate as Sean Spicer... Adios

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She is a happy warrior! No big binder to reference at every simple question. Facts easily at hand. She is a breath of fresh air compared to the DEI hire she replaced.

gilbar said...

don't hold back vicky! tell us how you REALLY feel?
we WANT to hear about your fantasies and nightmares..
fess up! what's it Like? living in a imaginary world?

Peachy said...

When Democrat media hacks spread lies - and then spread more lies that the truth-tellers are the liars - at some point the dam will break.

gilbar said...

Serious Question:
y'all (Most of y'all) are Even Older, and More traditional than me..
How Many of YOU listen to or watch the network news?

Personally, if i'm in my car, and i notice that it's 16:00; i'll listen to NPR's 4pm newsheadlines at the start of All Things Considered.. But i only listen to those 4 minutes, and Only so i can laugh.

How about the rest of you? 10pm local news? 5pm national news? Any TV at all?

Peachy said...

She isn't nasty - Vic - YOU are. She's delightful and honest. Unlike big binder loyalist to the lies- Jean Pierre.

Tom T. said...

Very confident performance. One hangup: No one seems to be able to identify any expenditure where the "$50 million for condoms in Palestine" reference came from.

Owen said...

I saw several clips of her handling Q&A. She brought her A game: spoke with substance focused on exactly the issue at hand, in full sentences, no drama. Bam. Bam. Bam. Most impressive, especially in contrast to her predecessor.

Drago said...

victoria is positively psychotic.

Joe Bar said...

I'm 67, and I only watch the morning local morning news to see the traffic girl. She brightens my day. I get the headlines from Mike Baker's podcast, done twice a day.

Curious George said...

"Mr. Trump’s top flack" sheez

Enigma said...

I stopped watching network news decades ago, as the 30-minute programs had 7-8 minutes of commercials, a bunch of human-interest touchy-feeling stuff, a bunch of "important issue" propaganda, and just 5-10 minutes of NEWS. The quality fell as cable TV rose (the old CNN Headline News), and then as Fox turned news into scream sessions. Old-school NPR was decent for news but very urban/left for other content. Old-school PBS with The McLaughlin Group and McNeil-Lerher News Hour was solid.

Read news and watch video clips. It's 10x faster and 10x higher quality.

Owen said...

Gilbar at 11:20: My news gathering routine is like yours. NPR is good for basic "facts" (which I then must verify before I rely on them) but on anything involving opinion it would be against my doctor's orders to listen for more than 30 seconds or so.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'd recommend the veteran reporters all chip in and try to palm her with a gift certificate to Ruth's Chris

mindnumbrobot said...

The Left is, naturally, apocalyptic about the NYT article.

'Written by children': Critics slam New York Times' glowing coverage of Trump official

hombre said...

Wow! Just wow! They are already peeling back the veil of lunacy created by the media and the Democrats.

Tom T. said...

She has an eight-month-old baby and a sixty-year-old husband! She's living the life.

mccullough said...

Throw Down The Gauntlet rankles as cliche.

Peachy said...

She is impressive. She is also a reminder that Trump has learned his lesson.
No hacks this time.

wendybar said...


n.n said...

Journolism, or the one step, is in progressive demand.

n.n said...

She's competent, confident, and that is a refreshing change.

FormerLawClerk said...

If YouTube and OnlyFans have taught us nothing it's that if Ann wants to be a "flashy new blogger" she's going to get more butt pics into her thumbnails.

Paul Zrimsek said...

All the young dudes carry the news now.

Kevin said...

I like the phrase "all the flashy new bloggers."

All the young dudes (hey, dudes!)
Carry the news (where are you?)
Boogaloo dudes (stand up, come on!)
Carry the news

Aggie said...

The 'Flack', as labeled by the Hack, who then proceeds to solemnly intone that governing is different to campaigning. Who knew? We have to go to the NYT to glean these edifying gems, before the Hack labels us all as Hicks.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I'm only exposed to CNN and not by choice. Unfortunately some of my family seem to believe it's still 1962 and they can generally trust what the media says.

Old and slow said...

Made me think of The Clash.

All the young punks, laugh your life
'Cos there ain't much to cry for

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I stopped watching TV news about the time of the second gulf war. It isn't the bias. I can filter that and the absurdity is a form of news in itself. It's the absolutely formulaic nature of it. Republicans want to steal your womb/killer bees/adopted puppy. Wash, rinse, repeat. Anyone with their brain switched on can recognize it.

I, too, miss the Mcneil-Lehrer News Hour. Yeah, it skewed a little Left, but in a calm, semi-rational, way that vanished from television news sometime during the first Clinton administration.

Danno said...

The only thing NPR is good for is the occasional Tiny Desk Concert, which I catch on youtube.

Aggie said...

That's like the old guy that married a nice, luscious young thing. One week, he heads into the Confession booth. 'My God, she's wearing me out, I can't stand it!', he tells the priest. The priest, noting the thick Yiddish accent in the older gentleman, doesn't recognize him, and doesn't remember a May-December couple from his normal attendees at mass, so he says, 'Well, you have to talk to God. When was the last time you attended mass?' 'Mass !?' says the guy. 'Never ! I'm Jewish !' Confused, the priest says, 'Well.... why are you here in confession, telling me these things?' The guy says, 'I'm telling everybody !'

Old and slow said...

The last time I regularly watched television news was in rural Ireland in the late 1990's. I only had 2 channels and programing didn't start until 11:00am, so I wasn't spoiled for choice. They DID show Dallas reruns after the farm report, so that was cool.

Lawnerd said...

I am 60. Watched network news growing up. Used to read papers even given their liberal slant. Now I get my news from X.

Caroline said...

NBC news was the staple in our house, growing up during the Wonder Years. I kept that going until the Obama administration, about the last time i went to a movie theatre, come to think of it. That’s when The Narrative overtook reality. I watch bret baier, read the WSJ, and listen to way too many podcasts. I love America This Week with Matt taibbi and Walter Kirn.

Gravel said...

Which speaks to her qualifications or performance how, exactly?

Rocco said...

victoria said...
Watch out, Karolyn (sic). [Y]ou may meet the same fate as Sean Spicer...

Do you mean get a parody account? You know you’ve become famous when you get one on X.

And Sean Spicier was a classic; it was entertaining watching unhinged lefties go after him thinking he was Spicer.

Leland said...

It's been a layered drop off. I quit cable news in 2008. I had quit broadcast national news long before. I don't even listen to local news radio in the car. The only time network news is on the TV is during a major event such as last year when Hurricane Beryl was still going over the house, and that was local network news.

It's the "if it bleeds it leads mentality" which morphs into every story has to be overly dramatized. Bleh. The reason these Senators are acting like asshats grilling RFK Jr. is because they know the more dramatic they appear, the more likely they'll be shown on a news clip. Related, I'm getting annoyed by blog posts that read something like "Y destroyed Z" in some discussion. Unless someone went to a hospital or mortuary, nobody did anything but make a point the other ignored.

Iman said...

As I mentioned yesterday morning, her performance was a thing of beauty.

planetgeo said...

Gusty winds, smokin' hotness of conservative women is a standard feature.

Howard said...

Another Trump DEI hire

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

Her performance really highlighted Karine Jean LePew’s ineptitude and how ill-served the puppeteers of Dementia Joe allowed him to be.

Enigma said...

Hot and competent, yes. Polar opposite of KJP, yes too. Conservative? Her look is just that of a natural woman! Riley Gaines and JK Rowling are also natural women, and left-wing if not for Woke bullies forcing them out. Oh, the shock of withdrawal after seeing too many purple-haired Woke rant videos!

rhhardin said...

All she has to do is say stuff I've been saying in the comments for years. Cancellation is just something more to mock.

rhhardin said...

Althouse would be a throwback to the old media. All about feelings, which is the market for the traditional media.

Quaestor said...

I'd be happier if the K was dropped in favor of C -- Karoline has a nervy Valley Girl ring to it... fer sure.

rhhardin said...

Who spells Karoline with a K

rhhardin said...

"oline" shows up in holiness. Also unholiness.

planetgeo said...

Enigma, FYI Riley Gaines and JK Rowling are now "honorary conservative women". Once conservativized, they get smokin' hotness automatically retro-conferred on them too. (See Gabbard,Tulsi, cf.)

grog said...

I'll watch local TV for the weather occasionally, particularly if something significant is predicted to happen. Other than that, no. Gave up national TV news a long time ago.

Quaestor said...

I have only two strong memories about James Cameron's "Titanic"... one is the preposterous plot, the other is the "Hi! My name is___" badge worn by the twenty-something working the cinema box office. Her name was Genniphur, I swear to God. Genniphur.

Caroline with a K isn't quite that noxious, but still...

Enigma said...

Her mother.

Wilbur said...

i thought Karine was pretty cute, especially when she smiled.

She had the hardest job in the world, trying to explain/justify the utter mierda of the Biden Administration. Poor woman didn't have much to work with, even with ther MSM press corps on her side.

grog said...

Howard, do you really believe that?
Or is that comment another one of your rhetorical "flash-bangs", just to see if you can get some attention?

Quaestor said...

Of course Karoline may be on her birth certificate. Probably is and the Press Secretary retains it out of filial piety, which is laudable no matter how ludicrous or quixotic the burden one carries thanks to parents infected with the mind virus.

K. I'll try to get over it. Genniphur has spawned enough clutter.

Rocco said...

Her name was Genniphur, I swear to God. Genniphur.

Jennifer + Sulphur? She probably inspired Key and Peele’s De-Nice skit.

RCOCEAN II said...

Acosta is now after the Keith olbermann audience aka the "Lunatic fringe". She did a good job. Need to hear more from the new media and less from the DNC-MSM.

Earnest Prole said...

I haven’t owned a television since 1999. I used to be like you, listening to NPR news for a few minutes if I happened to be in the car, but post-George Floyd it became unbearably pious. For years I listened to news on the local communist radio station, KPFA, because it’s non-corporate, honest about its left-wing bias, and skeptical of the Democratic Party line. Now I collect my information online, from podcasts, and from links texted to me by left-wing and right-wing friends.

ColoComment said...

I really don't understand why y'all are carrying on about the spelling of her given name, esp. in these "modern" times when creative spelling of given names has almost become a "thing." [See ref. herein to "Genniphur").
Karoline v Caroline is little different than Katherine v Catherine, or Karl v Carl or Klaus v Claus. ...just a bit less common.
One example: we named our daughter Katrina, because it was a form of my mother's name, Katherine*, that comported nicely with our Swedish surname.
...only to fnd out much later, when I had reason to request a certified copy of my mom's Maryland birth certificate, that her 100% German parents had named her, yup, Katrina Susannah.
* my mother went by Katherine all of her life

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

NY Post columnist Karol Markowicz. Might be an ethnic thing.

Enigma said...

Puppies are cute too. But, they don't have the language skills or brains to field tough questions either.

Quaestor said...

"Jennifer + Sulphur?"

Thanks, Rocco. It's been a while since that one brightened my day. Insubordinate and churlish. No doubt Genniphur intended both.

BTW, Sulphur is the county seat of Murray County, Oklahoma. According to the IUPAC, only sulfur is accepted as the name of Element 16.

Enigma said...

I think it was meant to be absurdist satire, but Howard needed another fact for it to be clear, funny, or incisive.

Tom T. said...

"Overcoming obstacles" is actually a very common framework to help assess someone's abilities. To hit the ground running right after having a baby, and to balance this demanding job with caring for an infant (and an elderly man :-p), all makes her sound quite formidable.

Her husband having a wife half his age is indeed a matter for jealousy on my part. ;-)

RCOCEAN II said...

We cut the cord in 2016. I finally realized that Cable TV news was worthless, even Fox News. Just jabbering about the same 5 issues on every show every day. The only one that was worthwhile was Tucker, and I could use the interent to get his stuff.

NPR/PBS is also worthless. Yes, McNeil Leher was good. But that's been what, 20 years?

Earnest Prole said...

Perfect, “That’s not funny” has fully migrated from left to right.

RCOCEAN II said...

NPR news was always leftwing. But now, they dont even hide it, and its 2nd rate. Good only for comedy relief. David Brooks is their "conservative" which tells you everything.

Earnest Prole said...

Democrat or Republican, everyone knows the job is telling the press “Those aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”

M Jordan said...

Karolyn hit a home run yesterday. Though I like Sean Spicer as a person, he was in way over his head. Even still he’s in over his head, working with Mark Halperin and Dan Turrentine who totally outshines him.

walter said...

Says that on her WH credential..

BUMBLE BEE said...

CNN recently polled below The Hallmark Channel.

Peachy said...

Genniphur. Stop it. LOL. You needed to march her home to interrogate her parents.

loudogblog said...

I actually had a far-left friend of mine bloviating on facebook about "HOW DARE SHE WEAR A CRUCIFIX! THAT'S A TOTAL VIOLATION OF THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE AND SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED!"

It's a shame that they haven't taught civics in the schools for so long.

Steve said...

I’m on my late 50s and read the Post and the Washingron Times cover to cover every day. National news and then the McNeil Lehr News hour on PBS almost every night, if I was him from work on time and then one or two of the Sunday shows. I haven’t read or watched any of those in the last 20+ years. I have read almost every word on Instapundit, Althouse and, until the great Trump schism, National Review (and I was a 20 year subscriber). I think I am better informed now. Long form articles are far more informative than anything on TV or in a Newspaper. I just watched a 2 hour YouTube lecture by a professor from the naval war college. If you look even a bit you can always find better sources than those traditional outlets. Couldn’t be happier to break those old habits.

Bruce Hayden said...

Well, her immediate predecessor (for Trump) was Sarah Huckleberry Sanders (now gov of Arkansas). Not really in the hot category.

Fred Drinkwater said...

On Reddit, stop by r/Tragedeigh

DINKY DAU 45 said...

The new girl says we are just saving $$$ after flying 80 undocumenteds on giant planes for $800,000 when normal extraction at$100,000 kind of easy to see why this perp claimed bankruptcy so many times let me see 11,000,000 times 80@$800.000.00 hmmmm that math stinks huh? Of course you wont get the Dr. Phil show with normal way BUT..

Jupiter said...

You have to apply.

Jupiter said...

I was wondering when someone would mention that. Her outfit was very carefully designed to create a small, dark-colored, triangular field on which the shining crucifix was prominently displayed.

William said...

I caught part of the conference. She seemed earnest and sincere and very young--like a the high school valedictorian talking about climate change or world peace. I don't mean this as a knock. She's quite likable. After this gig, she could probably go to Hallmark and play the role of the small town Mayor who helps the old man who turns out to be Santa Claus.......If some news person goes full Acosta on her, he or she will look like the bully.

Big Mike said...

Just ignore Icky Vicki. She’s yet another lefty harridan who hates women who are (1) younger than her, (2) blonder than her, (3) prettier than her, (4) smarter than her, and (5) more capable than she is.

A10pilot said...

Isn’t “flack” a pejorative? The New York Times couldn’t put out an even-handed article on a Republican administration on a bet.

Sydney said...

I stopped watching network news in the late 1980's, mostly for the same reasons you all mention - the sensationalism. I stopped reading newspapers more recently. Our local newspaper got bought by USA Today and it is no longer worth reading. It is very light on local news. My father lived in a town two hours away from us, and their paper was also bought by USA Today. When I would read his paper, it was the exact same paper as ours. I tried a subscription online to The Wall Street Journal, but didn't feel it was worth the price of $40 per month so I cancelled it. I get my news now from the internet - either GoogleNews or the BBC, or GroundNews.

Sydney said...

She's right about the legacy media - both print and network news. The Free Press had a video of a discussion with young voters during the campaign season last year from both sides of the political spectrum, and one of the questions they asked was where they got their news. Not one person listed newspapers or any traditional media outlet. They all got their news from internet sites.

Jamie said...

The "grizzled but experienced reporters vs flashy new bloggers" thing reminds me of those bygone days when they - the same "they" - would protest that if we were going to criticize Biden for being "too old," we should look to our own guy, who was only a couple of years younger. As if age was the salient factor.

Blogging has been around for literal decades (as we can all attest). It's not the newness or, God forbid, the flashiness of the bloggers that's important here. It's their independence and commitment to telling the truth (which we hope they will both have and retain).

Mason G said...

So- all of them, then?

Mason G said...

"How about the rest of you? 10pm local news? 5pm national news? Any TV at all?"

I'm 70, I used to read the newspaper but gave that up 25 years ago. I can't remember the last time I intentionally turned on the TV to see the news. I used to watch 60 Minutes years ago, before I realized they were full of shit. The only TV I watch now is sports (NHL and college football) and Two and a Half Men reruns. And maybe a movie now and again.

rehajm said...


MadisonMan said...

@Earnest, LOL.

William50 said...

Bruce Hayden said...

Well, her immediate predecessor (for Trump) was Sarah Huckleberry Sanders (now gov of Arkansas). Not really in the hot category.

Actually that was Kayleigh McEnany, 2020 - 2021.

hawkeyedjb said...

If the president can command a constitutional amendment by tweet, then the press secretary can certainly establish a state religion by wearing a crucifix.

hawkeyedjb said...

After Tom Homan is done with his border gig, Trump should appoint him press secretary. I think he would be difficult to intimidate.

Hassayamper said...

I haven't watched a full half hour of news on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, or CNN since the mid-2000s. Once Dan Rather's astonishingly blatant, inept lies and forgery were exposed just before the 2004 election, I started to notice the dishonest bias infecting the rest of them too. They have utterly squandered any trust I used to have in them. Fox is only marginally better, and it is quite rare that I watch their newscast. Usually only on a big news day when my wife has it on.

The only newspaper I read anymore, and not very often at that, is the London Daily Mail. It is mostly middlebrow British news, with a heaping helping of saucy but vapid female-oriented fare, but it does fearlessly publish uncensored U.A. news that the American press memory-holes or sanitizes to protect Democrats and minorities.

Much of my news comes from link aggregators, for many years primarily the Drudge Report, but Matt Drudge sold out eight or ten years ago and now I use Citizen Free Press and Rantingly. And X/Twitter has really become a valuable source of information over the past two or three years, far more than before Musk.

One Fine Day said...

And in front of a quarterback in football. All QBs need a good oline. Not all have one.

traditionalguy said...

Lea it is a perfect Press Secretary. She has it all. Intelligence, beauty, toughness and a warrior persona. She could easily be the first female President one day.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Those 80 terrorists, rapists, murderers, and Democrat Party voters cost the USA taxpayer over $2,000 a month each, and that doesn't include the trucks, houses, and businesses that the Biden administration was gifting these scumbags. I know that you are a libtard, and adding, subtracting, and multiplication are endeavors beyond your intellect, but I'm gonna help you out here, libtard. Follow me- Using your utterly false and inflated figure of $800,000 per flight for 80 Party members/foreign scum = a cost of $10,000 per scumbag. Since each of these greasy, filthy illegals cost Americans a minimum of $2,000 a month, in less than 6 months, America comes out ahead in the deal, and that doesn't even take into account all the court and social costs we save by not having criminal illegals running around committing crimes, robbing, stealing, raping, murdering, things which you cannot put a monetary value on, like your personal liberty and feeling of security and safety.

JIM said...

The NYT issues a "critique" of the new Press Secretary confirming her allegation that they do indeed suck. They just haven't figured out what those 6 shiny handles are for yet. Maybe the flashy new media will tell them.

Lazarus said...

"Steely and unflinching" is a way of saying "competent and unflustered." Those are bad things when the MSM is talking about Republicans.

Lazarus said...

Millions of Germans.

They did lose the war, though, so point taken.

Lazarus said...

Shiny happy bloggers holding hands ...

Kevin said...

Catherine Duke: Catherine with a C is regal. Katherine with a K is a two-bit biker chick from Jersey.

john mosby said...

Hayden, ref Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Glad she doesn't impress you. Just leave her to me!


Kirk Parker said...

I'm a never TV news - - never watched except little snatches here and there by accident.

But that's because I've one of those weird outliers who has never owned a television with an antenna or with a cable connection - - the only TVs we've ever had have been used as monitors for VHS and DVD systems.

Narayanan said...

per dictionary meaning = : one who provides publicity
something like evangelize? not journolize

Narayanan said...

Steely and unflinching would be great blurb for ED cure?

boatbuilder said...

...Who was really in the hot category.

Marcus Bressler said...

I had to search my memory, but I believe I haven't watched a television newscast since the second Desert Storm

Nice said...

"Flashy new Bloggers". Althouse is not flashy, or new.

Rusty said...

Mike, her cats adore her.

Rusty said...

I'm in Sydney's group.

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