NEWSOM: "I'm literally talking to the President to specifically answer the question of what we can do...."
WOMAN: "Can I hear? Can I hear your call? Because I don't believe it."
NEWSOM (showing her his phone): "Um, I'm sorry. There's literally — I've tried 5 times. I'm walking around to make the call."
WOW. This woman literally ran up to Gavin Newsom on the street and demanded answers on his disastrous wildfires response — and she was NOT taking no for an answer. Good for her.
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) January 9, 2025
৫৫টি মন্তব্য:
As a follow-up she might ask what earthly good it would do to talk to President Biden. Or maybe he was trying to get in touch with Trump.
The incompetence and impotence of our elite on full display.
Anyone that says literally is lying. Literally lying.
I appreciate that she doesn't believe one word coming out of the Governor's mouth. Too bad there isn't film from when he shut the car door. The expletives were probably glorious.
We're literally witnessing the literal collapse of leftist governance literally across the globe.
it's literal, and obvious, and like you said
It's literal, and it's spectacular.
Where we are now. It's not even important to me that you agree with me. Just go up to whoever you voted for and demand answers. That's a good start.
Newscum lying.........well I never!!!!!!!!!!
How do know when a democrat is lying........their lips are moving!
They're all lying and doing their best to cover their asses there.
Joe says they are literally, literally doing everything they can.
Too bad there isn't video of that silly bitch voting the straight Democrat ticket for her entire life.
Anyone remember Maui?
Where are the national guard? Have i missed them? During the Cedar fire in 2003 and Witch Creek fire in 2007 the national guard were deployed right away. During the 2007 fire was still burning and the national guard was there patrolling our neighborhood/blocking roads and protecting the remaining homes from looting.
I was literally going to point out his overuse of the word literally, but literally almost every other commenter already made the same point. Figuratively speaking, of course.
It is "literally" too late for these folks; they've already been burned out of their houses and surrounding communities (schools, stores, friends, etc.) Nothing now can fix that. They will be unable to rebuild their houses, because of red tape and regulations, probably for years to come. If they had insurance with a real company (and not a state agency, which, like the state, is broke), they may have the money to rebuild, but it will still take forever to clear the red tape. Insurance companies are probably going to pull out; how could you possibly charge a big enough premium to take the risk in that location with that government being in charge of fire protection? A government that hasn't added one drop of water storage since promising to do just that 14 years ago, while no doubt collecting the taxes for those non-existent projects.
Forget it, Jake. It's California-town.
If you think things are bad now just wait until the smoke clears.
Don't waste your breath asking the pols what they are going to do to fix things cause they ain't gonna do nothin honey. You are on your own. Don't believe that ask the people in North Carolina.
Victor Shi on X claims:
"For fact’s sake: There was NO $17 million cut to the Los Angeles Fire Department budget this year. In fact, there was a $50 million INCREASE in the Los Angeles Fire Department. Cold, hard facts. Full stop. Period.
To those who spread misinformation: issue corrections. Now."
Community Notes issues the correction:
"The city's fire department budget for this fiscal year was cut by more than $17.5 million":"
And she's probably some Trump hating Democrat who will vote Straight "D" party ticket in the next election. But, y'know now, she wants ANSWERS. Go ask the People in Maui - they will tell you how long it will take to get action.
I see that the president of Mexico, in response to Trump's comment about the Gulf of America, has said that Mexico is renaming Texas to Washington State "Mexican America" since the US took all of it from Mexico at the point of a gun. I say we mollify her by giving Mexico the State of California in an act of experialism, and rename the Gulf "The Gulf of Depends Undergarments"
Very obscure joke, sorry. The thing is, if a joke is going to be that obscure, it should at least be funny, well, my apologies.
I'm so old I remember Newsom literally not dining at the French Laundry during COVID lockdown.
They had a chance, and every reason in the world (San Francisco & Oakland being only two) to recall Gavin Newsom two years ago. They didn't do it. In fact, they resoundingly reelected him.
axis tilt of earth rotation changing earlier than astronomers!! grave consequences for climate
Oct 2019
Moody’s Investors Service raised the State’s general obligation (GO) rating to ‘Aa2’ from ‘Aa3’. Moody’s announced that the upgrade reflects the continued expansion of the state’s massive, diverse and dynamic economy and corresponding growth in revenue.
why do every one think there is no election fraud in California??
thems all could be innocent victims of R ineptitude
These are Hollywood libtards though. VIP for Democrat Party politicians. I'm assuming that California politicians like Pelosi and Schwarznegger will call in some favors to get their millionaire friends back on their feet.
How could Newsom had known what Biden was doing at that time? Oh yeah, everybody knew.
If Newsome doesn't stop demonstrating such gross incompetence as governor, we may have no choice but to make him president.
— and she was NOT taking no for an answer. Good for her.
And it’s about time. Men and women alike should be making it tough for politicians to fob them off with vague assurances (or with veiled threats to call them racists or sexist or homophobic or some other name).
You'd think a guy so much a big deal as Gavin Newsome would have at least one trusted friend to tell him the aviators make him look like an infected dick sack.
He is living up to the nickname Newscum.
Before I get outraged about cutting $17 million from the Firefighters' budget, I'd have to know:
-What is the full budget for Firefighters, and how has it grown in the past decade ?
-Would those funds gone to actual firefighting infrastructure, or rather gone to pensions and other firefighter benefits ?
My guess is that the answers would have tempered any anger.
since the US took all of it from Mexico at the point of a gun.
That idiot is lucky we didn't take all of Mexico, too ... including burning Mexico City to the ground.
Many similarities: 1) no preplanning for known weather threat; 2) absent chief local government leader; 3) no hydrant water, poorly equipped and deployed fire fighters; 4) no on-ground evacuation announcements; 5) poorly executed evacuations, immense traffic jams, abandoned cars blocking traffic. And later, news black-out on accurate death and missing person counts, lots of real estate speculators preying on displaced homeowners.
Newsolini will soon be hoisted with much disregard.
The difference is that the people in Western North Carolina are Deplorables who bitterly cling to their guns and their religion — and who vote Republican — while the good people of Palisades mostly vote Democrat. Money will be found.
Say what you will, but demanding the governor put you on speaker phone with the President of the United States (even to call BS on the governor) has to be the ultimate "white woman Karen" flex in history.
Reply to Temujin,
And they just sent Adam Schiff to the Senate with 60%. They seem to live a different world.
A hot, fiery world right now. I'm trying to feel sympathy but it takes a lot of mental effort to do it. Maybe later.
You get the government you vote for good and hard- good and hard.
In Newsom's defense, Biden was heavily involved with an ice cream cone when he was calling.
I'd call it absolute moral authority.
Top Three List,
--- the check is in the mail
--- I'll love you in the morning as much as I do now
--- anything a Democrat pol passes off as the truth
One stray ember and the oily bastard would go up with a whoosh.
Newsom has got one thing working for him: Karen Bass. Mayor Bass cut the budget of the LA Fire Dept and took a trip to Ghana at the fire's outbreak. With all due respect to Newsom's ineptitude, it's hard to top Karen Bass. The cutting of the Fire Dept.'s budget puts her in Nero's territory. Her stupidity is legendary and will be remembered for generations.
Given the LAFD's leadership, the funds would have gone to DEI training and hiring, gender sensitivity training for firefighters, with a hefty percent skimmed off for extra goodies for those leaders.
We didn't take it from Mexico at the point of a Gun. We paid Mexico 15 million dollars after they attacke US Troops in Texas. Poor little Mexico, run by the Dictator started the war, and thought they could win it. And if they had, not only would've taken back Texas but had other territorial demands.
But mea culpa, mea culpa. Fake tears and rent garments.
"has said that Mexico is renaming Texas to Washington State "Mexican America" since the US took all of it from Mexico at the point of a gun."
I know you're making a joke, but Texas took Texas from Mexico at the point of several guns.
I'm sure that weasel had non-flammable hair gel on his head.
A Sky reporter confronts LA Mayor Maren Bass and then this. Pinch me.
"Good God, these people have destroyed our beautiful state!
We must elect different Democrats!"
Gaviin's only skill is hair maintenance.
Newsome prefers his Let's Go Brandon on the Darkside, seared, burnt to a cris.p.
Newsom has a remarkable talent. He can, for example, be filmed in a disastrous homeless encampment and say, with a straight face that he needs a huge pile-o-cash to combat this. Totally ignoring his time as mayor and governor and the billions spent while the problem escalates. And push back? Nope, nope, nope.
Any hope Newsome had for 2028 just went up in flames.
Why is Newsom so dependent on Biden in the first place? Compare his responses to Desantis during the hurricanes. Desantis didn't require help or direction from the Federal Govt, he had his own plan on how to deal with the situation. Newsom seems to have absolutely no idea what to do except to get money and assistance from the Federal Govt. Almost seems like that is the whole plan all along.
as if FJB knows anything about disaster recovery??
More than 9,000 homes and one Governor destroyed.
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