November 18, 2024

"Trump’s team is already thinking about how to craft executive actions aimed to withstand the legal challenges from immigrants' rights groups..."

"... all in hopes of avoiding an early defeat like the one his 2017 travel ban targeting majority-Muslim nations suffered. This time, Trump may have friendlier arbiters. These fights will be refereed by a federal judiciary that he transformed during his first term, including by appointing more than 200 federal judges himself. And at the very top — the ultimate decider of these questions — is the Supreme Court, to which he appointed three conservative justices...."

From "Trump’s immigration crackdown is expected to start on Day 1/The president-elect is expected to take a series of actions aimed at restricting immigration and ramping up deportations" (Politico).


Aggie said...

High Time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Restricting illegal immigration” - fixed it for readers.

Lilly, a dog said...

Hawaiian judges hardest hit.

Peachy said...

De-fund and Deport--> All of the illegals. They were allowed in by Crook Joe and his puppet masters as a giant FU to our once sovereign nation.

All those who were involved in breaking our immigration laws must also be punished.

Peachy said...

Leftwing Democrat Party press working over-time on sob-stories.

Quaestor said...
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Quaestor said...

Leftists have been the power-wielders most of this century. Why didn't they repeal the immigration laws that will soon be used to deport millions of criminal aliens whose transgressions were instigated and abetted by those same leftist power-wielders? From an outsider's point of view their actions and policies look like a vile scheme to harm and humiliate those who would have been much better off staying home.

narciso said...

we now have evidence of what happens when policies are repeated 12-14 million examples,

Iman said...

Criminals get tossed first and then the over 1M illegals that remain in country after having their day in court and had their request for asylum denied.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Politico is really on top of things. DUH!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

1: Terminate ALL gov't support to illegals on day 1, including to everyone given Temporary Refugee Status from eh Biden Admin
2: Terminate ALL work authorizations, and send the INS to companies that are known to be employing people who got those
Announce, now, that the work authorizations will all be terminated 1/20/25, that the INS will be visiting and fining ANY employer still employing illegals on that day
3: Terminate DACA on Day 1, and deport the 20 most obnoxious DACA activists that day

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

After the EOs they need to covert he policies into legislation passed by Congress, even if it's not "bipartisan" in the eyes of the DNC Media. The changes must be codified into law, not left in a pile of EOs that the next D president can spend Day 1 overturning.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Oh, and start informing Universities now that absolutely no more student aid, including student loans, will be disbursed to any illegals, including DACA, starting 1/20/25. Let them decide not to renew the students for the new semester / quarter now

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It will only serve to lose more audience for their tripe. Don't sweat the press. Take a page from Trump's campaign where he did not slow down or answer stupid charges or sweat being called Nazi. He simply seized on the viral opportunities like "Garbage people" and made the most of it.

narciso said...

The Muslim pause, followed the statutory language of the 2016 Omnibus, but Ryan and Mcconnell pretended otherwise,

CJinPA said...

A border law with no penalty is not a law.

A border with no law behind it is not a border.

A nation without borders is not a nation.

You can't seriously say you support borders without putting "You have to go home" on the table for offenders. We can debate the scope of deportations, but the debate must be framed by the above equation.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Any business that hires an employee who is not in the US legally will be prosecuted for tax fraud when they try to deduct the wages paid as business expenses.
Clean up the I-9 form process, get a real glassbowl as Sec Labor.
Use the 80,000 new IRS employees to make illegals unemployable and they will self deport.

Todd said...
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john mosby said...

Prof, what is the current status of the universal injunction? Can a federal district judge still keep fedgov from doing something nationwide, not just in their district? This was one of the main tools used to thwart Trump v1.

If it is still around, maybe he can use it as a judo move against his opponents. For example, find one sympathetic district judge in California who can enjoin the whole state government from their sanctuary policies.


hombre said...

Democrats panic! Cartels are demanding a refund.

Tina Trent said...

We’re knee-deep in illegals rapes and murders in Georgia.

Get ‘er done this time, or else.

Tina Trent said...

This too.

Narayanan said...

for some political maneuvers ''hostages'' are useful
any form of leftism depends on there are always hostages

Aught Severn said...

his 2017 travel ban targeting majority-Muslim nations suffered.

It didn't target majority-Muslim nations. The end effect was that several majority-Muslim nations were (would have been) impacted, but the targeting was against nations who did not have records able to prove the identity of their travelers. In order to prevent bad actors (terrorists) from being able to travel here under false identity (though with seemingly valid IDs).

Politico's gotta Politico, I guess.

Todd said...
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Narayanan said...

comments . reactions ??!! the-case-for-open-borders-by-harry-binswanger

Todd said...
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rehajm said...

…ouch. Maybe they forget to deport a few of those fellows so they can collect?

Narayanan said...


Todd said...

Strange, posted the below at 10:27 & 10:42 & 1043 but it did not appear and after refreshing the comments page it is gone so reposting...

This will not stop until it is made too painful for companies/people to ignore the law. Something like the following will solve this issue in fairly short order.

(a) Any/all ill*gal ali*ns that have been convicted of a crime are immediately escorted to the boarder when they are released from prison.

(b) Any ill*gal ali*n arrested for a crime is held without bail until they have their day in court. If found guilty, see (a). If found not guilty, they are immediately escorted to the boarder when discharged from court.

(c) Anyone attempting to immigrate to USA, as one of the requirements must never have been escorted out of USA.

(d) Any company willfully employing an ill*gal ali*n will be subject to a fine of 100% of the salary that would have been paid to a citizen (that they did not hire due to paying an ill*gal ali*n) plus SSN/taxes. The fine is used to help pay for ICE and fund the wall. The SSN/taxes go to SS & general fund.

(e) Any company caught willfully employing ill*gal ali*n(s) more than twice in any 12 month period will be subject to fines equaling 100% of gross profits for that 12 month period and possible imprisonment of president/board.

(f) Any individual caught willfully employing ill*gal ali*ns(s) more than twice in any 12 month period will be subject to fines of up to $50K per ill*gal and up to 5 years in prison (per ill*gal).

(g) End anchor babies.

(h) No benefits of ANY kind except emergency medical, for ill*gal ali*ns. When treatment is done, see (a) and (b).

Harsh? Sure but it is OUR country and we have a right to expect it to be protected. ONCE this issue is under control, we can address the stupidly difficult immigration laws BUT not until the current (Biden/Harris) crisis is under control.
11/18/24, 10:43 AM

mccullough said...

Roberts is such a weathervane. He’ll get with the program

Original Mike said...

How are you going to do that with the filibuster? I think they should try, but I don't see them succeeding.

Peachy said...

All the hack D-governors who attempt to thwart... Expose them for the law abusing cretins they are. WE are looking at you Polis and Pritzker.

Enigma said...

Trump should declare a "national security emergency," and before they can appeal, state that all those ejected from the USA were vax deniers or suspected Russian sympathizers. Then the left will have to go along. (Sarcasm off)

The easiest first step is to repeal every Biden Executive Order and highlight the ways that Biden's creative rules broke the law versus Obama's and Clinton's interpretations of the law just a few years prior.

tolkein said...

Trump seems much more determined and focussed this time round.

deepelemblues said...

Did Trump's "Muslim ban" not in fact get upheld by the Supreme Court? The media still hasn't figured it out that it can't blithely lie and have people not notice now.

cremes said...

He needs to hit the problem from several angles simultaneously and overwhelm the NGOs who will be fighting this. I like the ideas that Greg The Class Traitor, West TX Intermediate Crude, and Todd posted (several times in fact).

Here's a few more:

* Tax any remittances to Mexico or other Central & South American countries at a very high rate. Make it punitive but you can file for a refund on your annual tax return. This would obviously only work for citizens with a real SSN.

* Repurpose some funds freed up by DOGE to restart wall work.

* Any illegals who are being deported need full biometrics pulled such as blood tests, cheek swabs, etc.

* Announce loudly and widely that these people will never be allowed back but if you self-deport you can file for citizenship in the future. Use DNA collected in a prior step to enforce it.

* Offer a small reward for citizens to turn in illegals. Make it so illegals also may receive the award but a) they must already have self-deported, and b) they must not have had their biometrics collected.

* If tent cities and holding areas must be constructed, do it in Blue states where possible and on federal land. Because fuck you.

* Make future disbursement of foreign aid contingent on those countries accepting their illegals back. If they won't collaborate with repatriation of their own citizens, we cut or withhold the foreign payments.

* Deputize all of the ranch owners and other land owners whose land abuts Mexico or Canada. Give them full powers to enforce border controls on their land. Perhaps even give them powers to deputize or cover their employees under the same umbrella.

* Investigate all SSNs that are associated with addresses that are unreachable via USPS. Investigate all addresses that have more than some threshold (100?) SSNs registered there. Hold the property owners responsible for tax fraud if they don't cooperate.

deepelemblues said...

Dr Weevil said...

One law I would like to see. If you're an illegal, you're banned forever from entering the US legally. Are you thinking of sneaking into the US at 20 to make a little money to start a business back home, then make a lot of money, then come back as a tourist at 40 or 50? Too bad, we have your fingerprints on file and you're not welcome. Same if you become a successful politician in your home country. If you want to come back as a tourist, ambassador, or special envoy, you'll be turned back at the airport.

It might be unfair to do this retroactively, but Trump can certainly start it now as a public policy: any illegal is an illegal forever.

Drago said...



Drago said...

"It didn't target majority-Muslim nations."

It targeted those nations, identified during the obambi administration, that had been determined to have no real functioning government and, thus, could not be trusted to carry out sufficient vetting for immigration purposes.

It became a "muslim ban" in the same way the "fine people hoax" and the "suckers and losers hoax" and all the other hoaxes were launched.

Aggie said...

Even if you terminate every single government aid programs, from the 2-year rent-free apartments to the WIC and SNAP food subsidies, what then? You'll have a bunch of illegal immigrants that are too poor to make their way home, not only Mexico, but Africa, China, etc etc. They've been streaming in from all over the globe, then crossing by organized mobs via the Darien Gap through Mexico.

What about the NGO's? Who will stop that funding, the efforts to bring these illegals to the border and usher them across? Will there be sufficient resolve to make those activities highly illegal, tantamount to sedition? (which is what it is, by the way)

Nico ajo said...

Why not pay each potential deportee $20 k on condition that if they come back they can be automatically deported without a hearing. It’ll be cheaper and easier in the long run.

mikee said...

RICO charges come to mind, but IANAL, so ask Althouse about that.

mikee said...

Or charge each potential deportee $20k in court costs, with payment deferred upon condition they cross the border and are in Mexico within 24 hours. Some prefer the carrot, some prefer the stick, both have advantages and disadvantages.

planetgeo said...

They should do it despite the filibuster. It puts the Democrats on record as opposing deportations against the will of the vast majority of the voters. That will provide great value in the 2026 elections.

Tina Trent said...

Good start…

Tina Trent said...

Because they use fake ID.

Narr said...

Maybe we should rethink that whole freedom of religion thing while we're at it.

YMMV but I see no value in Islam, or its adherents, even the ones who haven't broken the law to get here.

Luke Lea said...

"Trump campaigned on mass deportation — something that could affect large swaths of the 11 million people DHS estimates are in the U.S. without legal authorization."

That "11 million figure" I've been reading about for decades now. It never changes. Where did it come from?

MadisonMan said...

ACLU has filed suit, I see, just to see what the Trump Administration is planning. As if what is planned is set in stone. What a waste of the ACLU's money right now. What would be lost by waiting to see the plan? The opportunity to virtue-signal that they're opposed to Trump? *Surprise*!

Big Mike said...

Anyone opposed to commonsense immigration regulation needs to read The Attack, by Kurt Schlichter (available via the Althouse Amazon Portal). Yes, it’s fiction, but, yes, it’s all too plausible.

Rabel said...

Here's the Homeland Security version.

n.n said...

American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Leland said...

I want to play devil's advocate here. Not because I disagree, because I actually agree completely. I just want to do justice to one argument the progressives make in relation to "You have to go home", and that's the issue of seeking asylum for whatever ills of your home.

From the issue of asylum spawns all the supposedly valid reasons for illegal entry. The idea is that if a good Samaritan nation doesn't offer asylum, then these people will be persecuted and destroyed. And the notion is that persecution drives them to seek all manner to gain asylum, even cross a border illegally. I understand this.

What I don't understand and do not accept are the other nations where asylum was actually given, since persecution wasn't happening and they were allowed to enter and travel; how is that not sufficient? Escaping the Trudeau government, welcome to the US. Made it the 90 miles from Cuba, welcome. Travelled through 4 countries on your way from Venezuela, why didn't you stop in one? Why were they not good enough? I ask that last of both the immigrant and that country they travelled.

The same is happening in Europe, as people from the MENA countries travel through the EU to arrive in the UK, several thousand miles past the first country they could legally seek asylum. What that tells me is the asylum argument is not made honestly. It's an excuse given for a crime, but it shouldn't be accepted on face value.

n.n said...

First, illegal aliens were deported from Martha's Vineyard. Now, from rhe rest of America where civil rights have been trampled, redistributed, even aborted.

Emigration reform to mitigate labor arbitrage, progressive prices, Democratic gerrymandering, homicides, rape-rapes, human rites, and other criminal affirmative action.

Kakistocracy said...

I tend to be irrationally optimistic. Sanguine is my default state.

I think tariffs and “mass deportations” will be inflationary and terrible for America. We're obviously going to get in a trade war as a result of Trump's tariffs.

Politicians tend to over-read their mandates. In my experience, the kind of Trump voters who go to Trump rallies are quite different than the kind of Trump voters who don't go to Trump rallies, which is to say the Trump rally goers are into MAGA full-bore. They want the deportations, the retribution, they want the whole package.

A lot of people who voted for Trump just want to return to the economy of 2019, and they do not buy into the broader agenda. So if Trump starts pushing things like deportation, will those Trump voters flee from him? Will his approvals go down to the 30s, say?

And how will Trump, who cares about popularity more than anything else, react? I don't know the answer to that question, but that's my somewhat sanguine approach, that voters, his own voters will walk away.

Mikey NTH said...

What Mike (MJB wolf) said. Stop worrying about what *they* will say or do; make them worry about what you are doing. Or what Grant did to Lee, fasten on so tight they really can't do anything but respond and then hit again.

Mason G said...

"ACLU has filed suit, I see, just to see what the Trump Administration is planning. As if what is planned is set in stone. What a waste of the ACLU's money right now."

Plans? If it was me, I'd tell them a bunch of crazy stuff that would make them lose their shit, run around with their hair on fire and get them to waste a lot of money and time. And at the end of that, once they've got all their objections lined up, just say "Yeah, no. We've changed our minds and we'll be doing something different."

Hassayamper said...

The true figure is undoubtedly north of 30 million.

Gospace said...

I'd be OK with executed after a short but legal hearing.

Gospace said...

I fail to see where they have that magic word "standing" to succeed with such a lawsuit. The transition team and it's planning are a private enterprise until such time as Trump is sworn in. No one has the right to muck around in any private enterprises internal workings to see it they approve or not. The lawyers filing should all be sanctioned for filing a frivolous lawsuit.

Gospace said...

Well, Leland, if they need asylum here it's because they feel their own government is rotten and corrupt. Collect all in camps dedicated to their particular country, and start recruit training for all military age males. After mastering infantry basics, and sorting out who the leaders are, send them back - armed - in company sized groups of about 100 near the capital of the country they fled from. Let them take care of their problem at the source.

Original Mike said...
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Original Mike said...

"Trump rally goers are into MAGA full-bore. They want the deportations, the retribution, they want the whole package. … A lot of people who voted for Trump just want to return to the economy of 2019, and they do not buy into the broader agenda. "

There are poll numbers The majority of Americans want illegals deported.

Achilles said...

You are too stupid to understand why Trump's policies worked in his first term.

- The cheap imported labor is going to get shipped out.
- The regulatory parasites are going to be removed and American business will be allowed to prosper.
- Predatory multi-national corporations are going to pay taxes on things they produce overseas.
- HR/DEI departments will be slashed.
- Fuel and energy prices will be much lower.

Working class wages will go up. Small and medium sized businesses will explode with vitality.

It is going to be like clockwork. And Rich will not know how it worked. Again.

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