Funny that she has never said a word about Soros, who has cumulatively put a hundred times more money into elections than I have 🤔
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 4, 2024
If I can figure out 🚀science with SpaceX and 🧠surgery with Neuralink, then maybe I can figure out politics too 🤷♂️
Funny that she never said a word about Reid Hoffman, Mark Cuban, or Sam Bankman-Fried.
That sort of "disinformation" that Musk is spreading would be OUTLAWED if Kamala Harris becomes President of the United States.
They will absolutely END the First Amendment in the United States and then begin confiscating guns as soon as we start SHOOTING them with them.
The hubris is whats done us in.
They hate Musk because he's better at politics than anyone slimey enough to appear on MSNBC.
Musk is a powerful voice on the side of freedom. That’s what they hate most about him.
"He thinks because he can do rockets and electric cars, that he can figure out how to get people to vote."
We've been doing GotV for generations, Claire. It's not rocket science
No, they'll start confiscating guns, then we'll start shooting them with them
And because there's more than 300 million firearms in private hands in the US, and most are with the people the Dems hate, the result will be a lot of dead Dems.
So if you don't want a lot of dead Dems, vote Trump. Because otherwise you're voting for civil war
I’ve been saying since Elon jumped in the mosh pit that he’s the one that needs extra Secret Service protection. Lots and lots of hired guards.
It's expected from politicians that they only worry about the actions of the other side. They will never call out their own.
It is also expected (which is sad) that journalists will largely do the same, calling out their favored side only when forced and even then to the smallest extent they can get away with.
Reminds me of a line from the excellent movie Margin Call, where they ask the junior analyst what his background was prior to being in their risk department. He mentions his extensive education and work experience in rocket propulsion and the exec says..."So...a rocket scientist." lol
She does seem upset that a US citizen is involving himself in US politics.
How dare he!
It's closer to something like 450 million I believe. Any federal nationwide and universal attempt at weapons confiscation is civil war, period. They know that. Millions of us know that. The only ones dumb enough not to know that are the ones clamoring for it.
Claire McCatkill(D) reminds me of Hillary. Hillary reminds me of the what hell might smell like.
So what you are saying is that if you things don't go your way, you are going to start killing people. Good to know.
Musk is not a rocket scientist, or the inventor of electric cars. He is a venture capitalist who has made a lot of money, much of it through government contracts or outright lying. (How many self-driving cars are supposed to be on the road right now?)
Unlike most of those on the Right, I don't give a good Goddamn what Leftists say. If tommorrow Musk changed back to a liberal Democrat, all the Leftist would stop attacking him and go back to ignoring him or praising him. Everything they say and do, is predictable and consists of following 'the party line". leftists don't think or act independently. Its just robot behavior.
Claire McCaskill, (D - defeatd 2018), does not know how to get people to vote either.
It is good to know, isn't it, Fred? No one on our side is going to start anything, but if your side does, we will finish it in the same manner our Founding Fathers would have. If I were a cop, I would want the powers-that-be to know that with crystal clarity.
Why so much attention on Musk? Where is your attention on the 50 million Bill Gates just plunked into Kamala's campaign? or the Soros Billions given to Democrats - much of it used for the corrupt leftwing Secretary of State project.
They attack Elon like the Catholic Church attacked Galileo and Martin Luther.
I get it. It's really hard to get low propensity "bros" to vote so we shouldn't do it. I don't think Musk looks at the world that way. "Oh, that looks hard. Forget it then."
Claire McCaskill is the one who helped Todd Akin win in the Missouri US Senate primary so she could defeat him in the general election - and boasted of it on Politico. I think this was a test run for the 2016 Presidential election.
Remember when big money was subverting our democracy. Now the left is giddy about Kamala raising a (*Austin Powers voice/pose*) ONE BILLION DOLLARS!
Didn't Bill Gates just give $50 million in "dark money" to Harris, like two weeks ago?
I simply wish Claire McCaskill would apply her logic in reverse. Simply because you can win a popularity contest, that doesn't make you an expert in running a business. A more limited government restricted from managing things that it is not good at would be a great platform for someone to use for a campaign.
Freder - We have Musk.
You have the Cheneys.
Great, that's a lot of IOUs for her to redeem with taxpayer money, probably at a return of 100-1 or more.
Yeesh, Freder. Tired of ranting about how American workers pricing power on wages should be undermined by unlimited immigration, you know, to break the "wage price spiral," so now you are on to Elon Musk?
It's a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice redistributive change scheme. Democracy, demos-cracy are aborted through dictation.
Men can do a great deal with very little if they have high morale and determination.
George Marshall June 7, 1950
Not MSNBC's Claire McCaskill they should always say Fmr Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill. I hate how they pretend these people are the newsmen of old.
Claire McCaskill is the child of politicians and has spent her entire life in politics. She's never invented or created anything, unlike Musk. Her problem is that she thinks politics is an exclusive club where outsiders aren't permitted because people like her just know better. She just doesn't know shit about anything other than politics.
The difference is someone like Musk can enter politics due a successful career in the private sector where she's won't ever be anything in the private sector beyond a talking head.
it warms the cockles or my Trumpian heart to see how worried they are.
I don't know much about Tesla, but I follow SpaceX closely. Musk is very much on top of the rocketry. He's not a figurehead, he's running it.
Claire who went to the Russian ambassador to negotiate the iran deal
Because all they do is LIE....
No event in recent memory has spawned as many lies and as much mendacious reporting as the Capitol brouhaha on January 6, 2021. Indeed, citizen journalists and the alternative media are responsible for all honest reporting on this epic subject. Yes, all.
Oh huh:
"Admits he quietly donated $50 million..."
So what you are saying is that if you things don't go your way, you are going to start killing people
…isn’t this a line from King George in Hamilton? lalala ‘…but when poosh, comes to shove…’. lalala. Pretty sure it tis…
Looks like Harris is having trouble figuring out how to get people to vote...for her.
"Columbus didn't build those ships, you know!" --FF
Yes link below. Like RFK Jr. I believe Gates and Fauci should both be tried for fraud.
America has just had the worst hack ever in her history. China has hacked into every phone company, has access to virtually ALL communications (including intelligence-related). The biggest story that has happened for quite a while and nobody is talking about it. Except Josh Rogan.
McCaskill, of course, is a complete hypocrite. Even worse, she is just like Bich, Freder, and Lefty Mark in thinking she is so much smarter than Elon Musk. None of them are even as smart as the guy who comes to pick up their garbage every week.
Josh Rogin…
“Last week, the Chinese hacking and spying operation known as “Salt Typhoon” was revealed to have targeted former president Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, as well as staffers for Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign and for Congress. The Post has reported that the hackers were able to collect audio and text messages from their targets in a wide-ranging espionage operation, which likely began several months ago.
But what is less well understood, according to six current and former senior U.S. officials I spoke with from both parties, all of whom were briefed by the U.S. intelligence community on the operation, is that the threat is much broader. The Chinese hackers, who the United States believes are linked to Beijing’s Ministry of State Security, have burrowed inside the private wiretapping and surveillance system that American telecom companies built for the exclusive use of U.S. federal law enforcement agencies — and the U.S. government believes they likely continue to have access to the system. Millions of mobile-phone users on the networks of at least three major U.S. carriers could thus be ongoingly vulnerable to Chinese government surveillance.
The U.S. government and the telecom companies that are dealing with the breach have said very little publicly about it since it was first detected in August, leaving the public to rely on details trickling out through leaks. If millions of Americans are vulnerable to Chinese surveillance, they have a right to know now. More information needs to be shared, despite the sensitivity of the issue, the close timing to the election and what remains unknown...”
The closest Freder came to being a rocket scientist was when he stuck a firecracker in his ass and lit it at age 6.
Field Marshall Freder: "Musk is not a rocket scientist, or the inventor of electric cars."
Musk is most certainly a rocket scientist. And Rocket design engineer. And visionary leader. No, Musk didn't "invent electric cars". Can you show us where anyone has ever made that claim?
Elon is just the ONLY visionary to completely and massively alter the landscape of electric vehicle design, advanced manufacturing and commercialization at profitable levels...and the electric vehicle division is just ONE of the Tesla's multiple operating divisions that is revolutionizing industry, and that's before you even get to SpaceX, xAI (just listen to Nvidia CEO Huang rave about Elon's engineering prowess and leadership), Neuralink, Boring Co, etc.
Yep, according to moron Field Marshall Freder, its all just luck or lying or something else baby! There's not really any "there" there.
Reading Freder speak about Musk is like watching a caveman point at the sky while grunting as a comet flys overhead.
At this point, I'm infinitely less concerned about the spying the Chinese do on me than I am the spying done on me by my own government, and I consider the Chinese efforts to be less malevolent too.
Do you ever tire of being predictable, FF?
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang on Elon Musk: "Never been done before - xAI did in 19 days what everyone else needs one year to accomplish. That is superhuman - There's only one person in the world who could do that - Elon Musk is singular in his understanding of engineering."
Anyone can look up the testimonials of the engineers and physicists who have spoken publicly about Elon's understanding of the physics and engineering of spaceflight based on his long term vision of a permanent Mars Colony and working back from First Principles.
Dunning-Kruger types like Freder are so astonishingly ignorant across the board they can't even begin to develop a the bare outline of a framework to begin to understand what is happening at macro and micro scales of Elon's businesses and what the intended synergies are intended to deliver.
Elon, barring a kamala-la-la-la-la "victory" and full lawfare assault against Elon which would be guaranteed, will be at a $1T valuation with all of his companies delivering massive increases in value because every single one of them was meant to solve existential and human civilizational issues.
Remember when Claire McCaskill lied about using taxpayer money for a private plane while also lying about traveling on the ground during her phony RV publicity tour?
At least Musk uses his own money.
At this point, I'm infinitely less concerned about the spying the Chinese do on me than I am the spying done on me by my own government, and I consider the Chinese efforts to be less malevolent too.
Agreed. This notion that Putin or Xi or Kim are uniquely evil is a joke.
Our own government is packed with people who would behave the very same way if they could get away with it.
They are, by orders of magnitude, more of a threat to my freedom and prosperity than all the foreign dictators put together.
I have considered getting an encrypted Huawei phone, because I hate and fear my own government far more than the Chinese.
" (How many self-driving cars are supposed to be on the road right now?)" I don't know, but I think all of us would be relieved to know if they could all be permanently assigned to your neighborhood, since that's apparently your dream. It'd be Win - Win! It's be so much Winning - like nobody's ever seen before !
Musk is very much on top of the rocketry.
I heard Musk talking about rocketry on one of the space-science podcasts. He was discussing physics at about the same degree of sophistication as a 400-level Newtonian mechanics class I had as a senior in college.
Politician McCaskill was known as the kind of oily individual that hosts had to don a hazmat suit and wipe down the chair she sat in with bleach to disinfect it for the next visitor.
"[Musk] was discussing physics at about the same degree of sophistication as a 400-level Newtonian mechanics class I had as a senior in college."
IOW, way over Fred's head.
Freder the best you have is "Not a thing that comes to mind".
Kamala's only spoken truth 2024.
Has Claire ever had to make a payroll?
Strange how the left is always obsessed with money. Back when Republicans were the favorite party of big corporations, media was obsessed with campaign finance reform. Now that Dems dominate in corporate and elite money, their obsession is with Elon Musk. One would think an honest press would be more focused on the party that can outspend their opponents by a 3 to 1 margin (and that ratio is probably generous to Reps)
“Delightful subjectivity”? More like situational ethics.
McCaskill is known for leaving an oily, snail-like trail wherever she sits.
Yes, Freder, we've learned well from you
Money given to Democrats is good, money given to Republicans is bad.
So what you are saying is that if you things don't go your way, you are going to start killing people. Good to know.
No. We're saying 'don't start nothing, won't be nothing.'
But it's quite obvious your side DOES want to start something.
And you'll pay for it. Hard.
Freder, Musk is indeed a "rocket sceintis"t. He used to be SpaceX's Chief Engineer. Listen to him here:
Yeah, he's also a venture capitalist. Your complaint is, he's one smart sumbitch who opposes you malingering, talentless malcontents.
Comparing SpaceX to the NASA-Boeing partnership, I wouldn't be that dismissive of Musk's accomplishments in that arena. Granted that today's NASA is nothing like the NASA that sent Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins to the moon and returned them safely to earth, filled as it is today with Affirmative Action and DEI hires. But let's not allow Musk's success to lead us into mistaking that it's as easy as he makes it look. It's hard and he's good.
I see that Elon Musk won his case in a PA court in providing $1 million lottery.
Musk is still Chief Engineer and CTO at SpaceX.
Freder. Did you always want to be a dumbass?
Ford didn't invent the automobile. He invented a new way of producing automobiles.
So Musk is a rocket engineer. The science part was largely accomplished by Robert Goddard. He was the first rocket scientist.
EVs were invented over 100 years ago yet no company made a profit selling them to the general public until Musk took over Tesla. Not sure why commies have to denigrate him but my hunch is their classic motivation dating back to Marx: envy and fecklessness. But mostly envy.
You should look at the evolution of his main engines. He posted photos on X of course. The elegance of the current design is beautiful. Yes he's an engineer. And a visionary.
If you want to know why all the Lefty Little Brains are attacking Musk its because their ChiCom allies are now in Full Blown SpaceX copy mode and our Althouse lefties will do anything to serve their ChiCom heroes over Musk and the US by cheering on the lawfare and calling for Musk to be arrested and deported.
Only 450 million? I'm thinking more like 800+. The only enemy (aside from gun-confiscating idiots) of a firearm is corrosion. And ATF application approvals have been running 5-6 million a month for at least the last 5 years, IIRC. So, 60 million more purchases a year?
And pleased note, these are LEGAL purchases, done through the ATF system.
He was fine as long as he was reliably left. However... he's no longer reliable as far as they're concerned.
For Claire, it is. We're hitting a point where the talking heads are really showing just how little they really know. And the sad part is, they've likely been this ignorant all along - we just overlooked it because "Well, they wouldn't be there if they were stupid, would they?"
And in a lot of cases, the answer is... yes.
Our American Political Aristocracy. Once Cheney was Hitler and evil, now he's a dignified, sensible elder statesman, worthy of respect because he's going up against the New Hitler.
Goddamned Trump. He's just a jumped-up 'businessman' - what the hell does he know about running a country, anyway? He's not supposed to 'solve' problems, he's supposed to 'manage' them, make sure there's little to no change. You don't talk to your 'enemies' in other countries, you wait for them to die of old age! And the economy - why, he's actually making things better for the peasants! They're going to expect positive results going forward, and where will the 'elite' be if they don't get them?
That's their problem with Trump, too. He's 'not their kind', you know? He's just a businessman, he doesn't understand how vital it is that politics be done by the old political families...
You know that sounds awfully familiar. Aristocrats, peasants... hmmm. Something something French, I think it was...
SpaceX is willing to take risks, while NASA and Boeing are very much risk-adverse. Better to spend a lot more time to have it perfect on paper and in simulations before building - while SpaceX goes "Meh, good enough, let's launch it and see what happens, then fix whatever goes wrong."
NASA was that way - but when the money gets tight there's no way to fix what might go wrong. Ergo - the extremely fragile tiles on the leading edges of the shuttles would likely have been modified in later versions of the shuttle, but what they ended up with were prototypes pressed into service far beyond their design life. The cost of keeping them going killed off any hope of a Shuttle Ver.2...
Right now, there seems to be a denial of service attack on various search engines for information about him. Finally got to his Wikipedia article, and it’s been heavily loaded with pretty much anything negative that the left can cobble together. Hard core leftist drivel, from his stance on COVID-19 (it’s stupid) to transgenders. Nevertheless, dig through it, and it’s clear that he has earned his place as maybe the richest man on the planet by being a very good venture capitalist, as well as a tech pioneer - in numerous fields.
Here is a list of his current positions:
Founder, CEO, and chief engineer of SpaceX
CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.
Owner, CTO and executive chairman of X (formerly Twitter)
President of the Musk Foundation
Founder of The Boring Company, X Corp., and xAI
Co-founder of Neuralink, OpenAI, Zip2, and (part of PayPal)
Don’t see StarLink there.
In any case, he started with essentially sweat labor 30 or so years ago, and parlayed it into maybe $256 billion today, with suggestions that he could top $1 Trillion by 2030. So far, he has revolutionized the following:
- design, manufacturing, and sales of electric vehicles
- battery technology
- manufacturing, testing, launch, recovery, and reuse of space ships. Cost to launch per kg to orbit is already 10% what it used to be even a decade ago. And his super heavy will cut that even more.
- space based telecommunications. SpaceX allowed him to put thousands of StarLink satellites into orbit.
In addition to those technologies and industries, he is also pushing in these areas:
- Neurolink -human/machine interfaces
- self driving vehicles
- underground tunnel boring, and high speed underground transportation.
And what has Freder done comparable?
Most right wingers are willing to acknowledge that their candidate has some flaws, and that in a perfect world, they'd have a candidate less prone to hyperbole, and less egoistic. Freder, Inga, et al. would never make a comparable admission. It would be apostasy, and what's more, it would miss the point of the Harris candidacy. Her many and obvious flaws are irrelevant to the Freders and Ingas because they are trying to convince us (perhaps even trying to convince themselves) to vote for the unnamed leftblob of power that is trying to put her in as the seeming leader.
The next 10 weeks will be tough to endure. This nation, warts and all, is the last best hope.
“ And pleased note, these are LEGAL purchases, done through the ATF system.”
And, of course, a lot of those gun owners also have a couple of (very legal) unregistered guns, JIC. Just in case, Harris, etc manage to break the current registration system, which leaves gun purchase records with the dealer the gun was bought through, and the registration records are supposed to be deleted soon after the background check is completed, and the sale approved.
Ghost Guns are just not that hard to build. Comparable to building a computer 30 years ago. You may start with an 80% complete (lower for AR-10s and AR-15s) receivers, finish them by adding the proper holes, then assembling the parts, all able to be purchased over the Internet) according to well tested plans, on paper or through videos. Personally, I am not dyslexic, but the videos were actually better, for me. My view is that you should probably have an unregistered AR-15 for use potentially as a militia weapon, and maybe a Polymer-80 handgun, like a Glock G17/19 clone. Glock clones are nice, because everything, except for the receiver, is readily available online.
I should add that this information is all hypothetical, and doesn’t apply to my personal situation in any way. If I ever built a Ghost Gun, it was lost in a tragic boating accident a year or two ago.
“ SpaceX goes "Meh, good enough, let's launch it and see what happens, then fix whatever goes wrong."‘
As SpaceX has recently shown, it’s more than that. They expect to lose rockets up front. They instrument the heck out of the test rockets. Tied, interestingly through StarLink. And whether they succeed or fail, they get copious amounts of data to analyze. Things go wrong that don’t terminate the test, and they are looked into and fixed, along with the stuff tha destroyed the test vehicle. Each failed test rocket, in its test flight then tells them what went right, and what wet wrong. One of the big differences tween Space testing and NASA and Boing testing, is that the former fully expects to lose several early test vehicles. I think with Falcon Heavy, they lost the first three test vehicles, expected to lose the fourth, ad didn’t.
As a note, DOD signed contracts for 12 flights. SpaeX got their 6 up, but Boing hasn’t gotten any. So several have been reassigned to SpaeX already, and may get the rest. Boing has lost some $2.5 billion so on rockets that haven’t flown yet, and is rumored to be putting part of their space business up for sale. Despite having the inside track, they can’t compete with SpaeX. Meanwhile, SpaceX now has the contract to Doritos the ISS, and will be rescuing the America astronauts currently stranded there.
Claire and Hillary are second cousins to Mr Toad of Wind in the Willows.
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