November 19, 2024

Sunrise — 6:50.



BUMBLE BEE said...

Wai For It...

BUMBLE BEE said...

DOJ doing Spring Cleaning? Pass the BleachBit, please!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Cracker, please. Any business dealing in sensitive information (medical, financial, suppression of political opponents) has regular shredding purges. Even the corrupt, fascist Garland DOJ must generate mountains of legit shredding,

narciso said...

The leonardo doc was good in part because he had keith david narrate it

It doesnt have any woke elements

tcrosse said...

You would think such a large organization would have its own on-site shredding or burning facility.

Leland said...

SpaceX had another brilliant Starship launch flight today. This sixth test was designed to push the envelope for the Orbiter and Booster. The Booster flew back to the coastline of the launch complex but intentionally landed in the water. It looked as good as the capture in terms of control. The Orbiter was in daylight at splashdown, so it was nice see its landing with sunlight. It too landed like it was fully in control, and the TPS seemed to do a lot better.

I would feel sorry for my former colleagues at NASA, but 12 years later, and they really haven't done much but complain about Trump. The 2nd SLS mission didn't even launch this year, as was the plan not long ago. It was supposed to fly even earlier than 2024 back when Trump was last President, but the Resistance wasn't going to let that happen during a 2nd Trump term, but they miscalculated on when that 2nd term would be.

Jaq said...

Stop me if you've heard this one, but Starmer in the UK, who has won complete power with 32% of the vote, has called Farmers "hoarders" and plans to increase the inheritance tax on farms to the point where these farms will not pass on within the family, but will have to be sold.

Now who would have the ready capital to buy up these farms after they are forced to sell? Who could it be...

He's not "collectivizing" the farms the way Stalin did, when he called the farmers "hoarders," no, he's paving the way for a new feudalism.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

An estimated 13000 marched on Whitehall to protest this land grab. The peasants are revolting.

FormerLawClerk said...

You would think a law enforcement agency paid for by taxpayers wouldn't be destroying evidence.

Mikey NTH said...

The skies of November turn gloomy.

FormerLawClerk said...

Those farmers haven't shot any MPs (or whacked any in the head with shovels). Until they do, they should expect to have their farms stolen from their children.

FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. What do they think that means, exactly?

Drago said...

"Obviously you are stating that wokeness is bad. E.g., MTG was on Bannon today jabbering about how she could be physically assaulted now that "Trans Timmy" has been elected to the House."

Hmmmm. Why is it I don't quite believe this is an accurate representation of what MTG actually said?

Oh, that's right. 10 straight years of hoaxes, Rupar-ing and outright making up lies.

But only 10 straight years of hoaxes, Rupar-ing and outright making up lies.

Jaq said...

Biden misses group photo at G7, they take it without him. Photographer: "Where's Biden? He's behind a palm tree."

You can't make this stuff up.

Enigma said...

History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Starmer must go through Stalinism personally to believe that it won't work. But odds are he'll die before he changes his views. In the mean time, the UK will buy its food from...Russia?

Drago said...

"Aside from DJT's conviction,..."


There was no "conviction". At all. Lets see if you can figure out why that is...

I suspect you cannot or, even if you could, your natural Rupar-ing instincts would never let you admit the truth. And, lets face it, given the violation of the Presidential immunity decision issued by the NY judge in the E. Jean Carroll case, the idiotic assertion by Judge Buffoon that Trump is an "adjudicated rapist" (LOL) will be going away in due course.

But it gets better as of today, doesn't it?

With the Merchan Morons declaring a "pause" in their corrupt proceeding which yielded a fake "conviction" which has so many purposefully reversible errors the jerkwads want NOTHING to do with an appellate review (which they will be getting anyway, won't they?), that case will also be going the way of the Dodo birds.

But it gets even better than that as of today, doesn't it?

Did you happen to catch what is happening with Fani down in GA? LOL

So, as of today, fake "adjudicated rapist" is headed for the BS Exit door, the "34 time convicted felon" never happened at all (that's the law in NY amigo) AND Fani Willis is "going down"....but not in a kamala-type way.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Well, I guess you'll always have the "fine people" hoax and the hookers peeing on Moscow beds lie and a few others to keep you nice and warm at night....or something.

Enigma said...

A lot of (routine) shredding happens because government droids generate many draft documents and PowerPoint slide decks that are "classified" per their self-serving rules. Some people still work on paper, and hard copy paper is in many ways more secure / harder to steal than electronic documents.

Still, given the timing and open Democratic efforts to form a parallel government and block Trump, I'd bet a lot of inconvenient material is going away.

Drago said...

It was amazing from start to finish and how the control systems and avionics were still working on starship to make a perfect controlled water entry possible is mindboggling. SpaceX purposefully pushed the craft beyond performance limits AND remove heat tiles in specific locations. The cameras worked throughout so we were able to watch the amazing event.'

So many great outcomes and the telemetry and data feedback for this first generation thermal control system (SpaceX I believe is already iterating on a 3rd generation) is off the charts interesting.

Drago said...

"Wow! He seems totally unable to be POTUS for four more years."

Not even a clever attempt at shifting the relevant discussion. A poor effort on your part, like all your other efforts.

But only all of them.

Kakistocracy said...

Most farmers supported Brexit, and shot themselves in the foot. That led to a disadvantageous deal with Australia.

Jeremy Clarkson (English TV show host and journalist) told The Times in 2021 that he was buying a farm to avoid inheritance tax and now he is leading a protest against the introduction of inheritance tax on farms.

The farm land price has been driven 4x in last 20 years as a result of wealthy (think Jeremy Clarkson) using investment in the farm land as an IHT dodge. Protest is at the prospect of "farmers" losing that gravy train. It has nothing to do with farming. UK citizens don’t want to pay more tax so Jeremy Clarkson can have an exemption.

I suspect the real grievance is the inevitable sharp drop in the price of agricultural land, which has been artificially inflated by APR.

Farmers cannot possibly say this, because it sounds greedy, and moreover it would contradict what they are saying which is that they will never sell; the value of the underlying assets is of no concern to them; they have a deep bond with the land, and they just want to able to die peacefully knowing that their progeny will be able to farm it in perpetuity just like their ancestors did.

But not many businesses would sit quietly by while such a large amount was wiped off their balance sheet, even if it has just been a lucky chance that it was on there in the first place.

Jaq said...

Dale Carnegie, the author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" said that the stuff you say about other people, in the minds of your listener, attaches to you, and not your target. It's human nature.

He also said that you cannot be persuasive without at least giving the impression of being persuadable. Your iron clad hatred of Trump just destroys your credibility with anybody who doesn't already agree with you. This was also gadfly's problem, and why he failed and eventually stormed off calling us "reprobates." It was so clear that he could not even wrap his brain around any argument that he thought might be a threat to his belief system.

You have the same vibe.

Drago said...

You can tell just how discombobulated and disoriented and out of sorts and totally flummoxed the left is after their astonishingly tone deaf, incompetent, fellow citizen hating campaign which led to Trump's victory.

They have nothing else.

The "good news"? Nancy Pelosi is running again! What better sign could the New Soviet Democraticals have that they will be adapting to new political realities on the ground given the clear political realignment that has taken place?

Jaq said...

Yet he just authorized personnel to directly participate in an act of war against a nuclear superpower. He should have been removed when it became apparent that he was not all there, which was apparently some time ago.

narciso said...

Do they ever get better material

Leland said...

I originally missed the callout that the booster self aborted to land at coastline instead of a catch. Good safety system, but they’ll want to solve the anomaly that caused the short.

Jaq said...

OK, I won't waste any more time with you.

tcrosse said...

It's possible that some of Trump's appearance of fat is due to body armor.

Drago said...

I suspect LLR-democratical Rich and adSs (sprezzy or whatever) are feeling a bit irked that incoming border czar Tom Homan has already announced he will be making finding those hundreds of thousands of sex and work trafficked minors the New Soviet Democraticals gleefully allowed into the nation with zero tracking of their whereabouts a primary objective.

If its one thing the groomer enablers do not like, its expending actual resources to located sex and work trafficked minors.

Of course, for tens of thousands of those children, we can already probably guess the gruesome outcome when their location/condition/status is verified.

Jim at said...

Has anyone wondered why DJT is still fat?

Is this the type of stupid shit we're going to have to put up with for the next four years?

For all her faults, at least Inga was smart enough to slink off in silence. Why don't you give it a go?

Iman said...

No, I just wonder why you still bother posting, lol.

FormerLawClerk said...

I'll answer the question, since nobody else will. The reason DJT is overweight is because people are trying to murder him. Nation states have put bounties on his head (Iran, the United States).

Stress has very predictable outcomes on the body; lack of sleep, poor eating habits, relying on food as more than mere nourishment, etc. Trump is said to get 2-4 hours of sleep per night and is frequently Tweeting at 3am.

When you also consider that Trump is forced to eat fast food from public locations to avoid being poisoned by state actors, our own corrupt government, Joe Biden Mafia family assassins, bribe-able employees, then it's quite easy to see how this would wreck his physique.

He does play golf, but that's a lot of sitting riding around in carts, so it's not the kind of cardio that would erase pounds.

The man is literally sacrificing his body for his country.

Hope that answers your question.

FormerLawClerk said...

Genocide Joe has approved the use of land mines in Ukraine.

And it should be pointed out that he's faced not a single assassination attempt from the left side of the aisle. Which is good. We shouldn't shoot at Presidents, or President-Elects. But it should be noted that it hasn't occurred.

FormerLawClerk said...

GLP-1 has some very nasty side effects and hasn't been widely tested. There is nausea, vomiting, etc. as a side effect, which would mean he cannot use it now. I believe he may have tried it (based on some photos of his earlier weight loss earlier in the year.)

It may also be contra-indicated by other medications Mr. Trump is required to use at his age.

Kakistocracy said...

You sound like the kind of person that can’t live within 300 yards of a school or park.

Rusty said...

You're here. Does that answer your question.

john mosby said...

Prof, would it be possible to post a GiveSendGo link in one of these cafe threads? I tried emailing you but got no response. Thanks,


Aggie said...

Maybe Trump's new DOJ head should show up for work in a Tyvek suit towing a woodchipper.....

Drago said...

" can you not know that Althosue is deleting and banning them here?"


Your New Soviet Democratical party pals literally announced their departures!

Thanks for paying attention!..../s off

Christopher B said...

The UK has imported most of its food for years, and largely from Commonwealth and former Commonwealth countries. The EU has huge agricultural subsidies that flow largely to French farmers (and a few others.)
That was one of the reasons the UK resisted joining (along with getting rejected twice by De Gaulle), and only joined after Harold Wilson was able to negotiate special conditions related to the agricultural subsidies. For this reason, and others, the UK was never a good fit in the EU.

Mason G said...

"A lot of (routine) shredding happens because..."

I'm wondering how many leftists would manage to find an innocuous explanation for this very thing should the outgoing president have been Trump and not Biden. I'm thinking the number would be somewhat fewer than one.

Mason G said...

You're doing it wrong. You're not supposed to think of a reasonable explanation when you can think of a silly one instead that will make Trump look bad.

traditionalguy said...

Now that’s a depressing sky.

FormerLawClerk said...

There's good news and bad news on the Morning Joe front. First the good news: Their post-Trump ratings are only down 40% from what they were a few days ago after meeting Literal Hitler at his mountain-top retreat called the Eagle's Nest-A-Lago.

The good news is that Mika hasn't found any more dead female interns under Joe's desk this week.

Duty of Inquiry said...


You said "GLP-1 has some very nasty side effects and hasn't been widely tested. There is nausea, vomiting, etc"

Taking a magnesium supplement cured that for me.


FormerLawClerk said...

So yeah, I guess there's only good news.

FormerLawClerk said...

I hope Trump is able to lose some weight. It would do his golf game some good. As an aging golfer myself, I know how hard a pound is to take off once you've put it on. Very difficult from back when I smoked cigarettes and that kept the weight off.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

AGREE! Warnings about Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump’s shocking nominee to be the next attorney general. He’s toxic. He’s unqualified. He’s an alleged sexual predator.. Don’t confirm him.
I respectfully and strongly disagree. The Senate should not only confirm Matt Gaetz as attorney general. It should also confirm Trump’s three other most controversial nominees: former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as director of National Intelligence; Fox News host Pete Hegseth as secretary of Defense; and Robert Kennedy, Jr., as secretary of Health and Human Services.
For starters, I agree with Joe Biden on the sanctity of the electoral process. That means two things. First, when it’s all over, the loser concedes, and the winner takes office. Of course, Donald Trump’s never agreed to that first rule of elections, but he agrees with the second. Which is this: The winner gets to pick whomever he wants to serve in his administration. We may not like his choices, but elections have consequences, and that’s one of them.
But there’s a more important reason why Gaetz and company, no matter how crazy, should be confirmed. Because that’s what the American people voted for. They knew what they were getting in Donald Trump: A second term built on revenge against his political opponents, carried out by sycophants who are loyal to nobody or nothing but him. That’s what he promised. That’s what they wanted. That’s what they got. Who are we to stand in their way?
Is Gaetz qualified for the job? No way. He practiced law for all of two years. He accomplished nothing in Congress except leading a mutiny against then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) last year. He was under investigation by the House for allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old girl one day and nominated attorney general the next. His stated goal is to weaponize the Justice Department against Trump’s political enemies and “deep state” employees at the Department of Justice.
John Bolton — who was, remember, Donald Trump’s national security adviser — called Gaetz the worst Cabinet appointment “in American history.” The National Review, the conservative bible, slammed his nomination as “terrible” and “foolish.”
Gabbard, Hegseth and Kennedy aren’t qualified, either. Gabbard’s never worked in the intelligence world or served on a congressional intelligence committee. Two years ago, she was accused by Republican lawmakers, including then-Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and then-Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah), of spreading Russian propaganda. Who Cares. Roll em out and lets see what happens, sometimes you do get what you deserve. Next up Bobbert,Taylor Green, Gohmert, might as well spin the wheel. America, has been through worse its just another era, and this one of TV stars in the drivers seat.MEMHET OZ... that's hilarious a fake TV doctor..Let it roll Romans 13-1 says" those in positions of authority have been put there by God" and obviously God has a grand sense of humor and is always sending out lessons to His children! Follow the bouncing ball on this one.. :)

Jupiter said...

There is a concept, in the computer-consulting world, of the "spear-carrier". The idea is, in the old Roman Empire movies, you've got Julius Caesar, or Mark Antony, or whoever, explaining his dick to Cleopatra, or whoever, Whatever. Anyway, there have to be a bunch of guys standing around in leather-and-bronze armor, holding spears. They don't actually do anything, but their presence is the power of the Roman state. The Roman state is powerful because, should anyone challenge it, the spear-carriers will abandon their state of repose.
So, when a "consulting" organization has found a plump victim organization to plunder, they will need a host of supposedly talented employees, that they can affix to the financial veins of the victim. This makes it look as if there is real work going on. I have, on at least one occasion, served in this capacity. Since I was not in on the con, I actually tried to get some traction on the supposed task. I eventually left the building half an hour ahead of the security drones sent to remove me. A friend tipped me off that they were coming, so I left my badge out at the far edge of the parking lot, and moved on.

Jupiter said...

I've seen some dear things in my life,
But none of them was dearer,
Than the sight of fucking Phoenix
In my rear view mirror.

Fred Drinkwater said...

test from laptop

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump himself is an "alleged sexual predator." Of course, it's Democrats doing the alleging and not doing any proving. Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court? Alleged sexual predator.

Every Republican is an alleged sexual predator because Democrats routinely make false allegations that are never proven. It's a meaningless smear.

FormerLawClerk said...

See Boston Consulting Group. Any company that hires them is toast.

FormerLawClerk said...

It works.

Drago said...

Mason G: "I'm wondering how many leftists would manage to find an innocuous explanation for this very thing should the outgoing president have been Trump and not Biden. I'm thinking the number would be somewhat fewer than one."

I'm thinking the Limit as x approaches Full Realization Of All Leftists That The Trump Admin Had Purchased Shredder(s) Under The Same Circumstances And Yield Lefty Innocuous Explanations would equal zero.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It looks like Trump got elected to stay out of jail… and that’s about it.

Drago said...

I noticed this with PwC too to a lesser extent, as a PwC employee. Interestingly, after I left PwC to work corporate for a different company, I was later hired back as an employee for the PwC client where I had been an operational/tactical "spear carrier".

Drago said...

"BTW, there is a way more that 50/50 chance she'll sweep this thread again to delete me."

About 1/3 to 1/2 of my comments end up in the spam filter and later have to be "released" by Althouse (what a drag for her to have to do that all the time thru no fault of her own) back into the "wilds" of Althouse blog.

This happens after I've posted alot from either the laptop or via my phone and if I seem to hit a Blogger "post limits" on either one, I change to the other device to try and get thru.

It's been this way for a long time for me and after I emailed Meade about years ago I simply accepted it and when blogger eats my posts I just wait for release and make sure not to double post.

Nothing nefarious.

Drago said...

The booster water landing looked very controlled so there was probably a small anamoly in the controls/RCS or the like that put the probability of successful catch below some threshold which means success for landing was still very high but less than 98% or something. They would want close to 100% success critiera to execute the landing with the whole world watching and Trump present.

Drago said...

For some very odd, and I mean very odd, reason, you mistake me for one of your thousands of child trafficking and child groomer political allies.

Perhaps that's why you have difficulty discerning reality as you continue to gaslight.

I don't think there is anything that can be done to rectify such a mental defect as you display here. Not to worry though. That condition, amongst others you've demonstrated, makes you a perfect leftist NPC drone!


Drago said...

"Is this the type of stupid shit we're going to have to put up with for the next four years?"

I'm afraid so Jim. Things like that along with 24/7 attempts to transfer responsibility for horrific New Soviet Democratical policy results onto Trump and the republicans.

Given the volume of horrific New Soviet Democratical policy failures, that gaslighting transference effort along with the superficial stuff will be full time jobs for the Althouse blog lefties that have not self-deported off the blog.

Drago said...

"The National Review, the conservative bible,..."


Who is going to tell him?......

Drago said...

Sure pal. That's why all those "Low" and "No" propensity voters crawled out of the wordwork to vote for Trump and why every single demographic group in every geographic area of the nation moved towards Trump...because Trump wanted to "elected to stay out of jail..and that's about it"...and not because Trump represented a way to improve their lives.


wendybar said...

As we inch closer and closer to WW3, Kamala is on vacation in Hawaii. Joe just got back from touring the Amazon rainforest with his granddaughters. Thank God we have Obama in there fundamentally transforming America as fast as he can to destroy as much of it as he can before Trump makes America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

wendybar said...

Benny Johnson

⚡️The Most Chilling Moment From Dinner With Donald Trump

Last night I had dinner next to Donald Trump at Mar A Lago. After being welcomed to the dining area with thunderous applause Trump got out his iPad and began to DJ - as he is known to do. The first song Trump played gave the entire club chills…

Trump played “Justice For All” a patriotic song he recorded with the J6 Prison Choir, a group of 20 men imprisoned after the riot at the United States Capitol. The profits from the song are dedicated to the legal aid for political prisoners incarcerated by the Biden regime.

The entire club stood in reverent silence as the haunting song rung out across the cavernous halls.

This was a defiant message from President-Elect Trump to January 6th political prisoners: ‘We have not forgotten you. Hold on. Justice is coming…’⚡️

wendybar said...

You picked the WRONG loser.....LOSER!! Deep state operatives are going down. What did you know and when did you know it Barr??? Isn't YOUR FATHER the one who hired Epstein to work in that school?? And didn't YOUR father write a graphic novel, about child sex slavery??? Maybe it's YOU that is the problem. What did your Daddy do to you Bill?? Is THIS why you hate Trump so much??? (

I don't say this often, but this video is a must watch, all the way to the end.

As Trump fights to get his picks through, especially Gaetz, people need to remember the despicable, treasonous deep state pieces of sh!t that he dealt with during his first term.

Here is Bill Barr, Trump's own AG, last August praising Jack Smith and his pathetic partisan cases, while absolutely railing against Trump.

wendybar said...

"The bottom line is that it is easy to understand why DOJ dropped its investigation of Gaetz two years ago. It is also easy to understand why the Democrats are seizing on such a weak reed to attack the prospective Attorney General. In their current, desperate mode, any smear is good enough for them."

Jaq said...

If he weren't for Rich's mind reading, and projection of what would have been his own motivations onto others, what would we do for explanations of stuff that the globalists don't like?

Jaq said...

So they say that the true measure of the power is how many people you can keep waiting, well, they stopped waiting for Biden at the G7 and just took the group picture without him.

There is one theory, I don't agree with it, BTW, but one theory that Biden approved the missiles because he couldn't get the G7 to "condemn Russia" for doing the same stuff we did in Iraq, but they have done it on a lesser scale. Nothing has gone his way for the past year, really, and he is just trying to light the match on his own Viking funeral, by setting the whole globe afire.

According to the Russians, and supported by satellite fire data, the first six ATACMS were all shot down or disabled.

So now Biden is reportedly approving anti-personnel mines.164 countries have signed the Ottawa Mine Ban treaty, due to the long term destructiveness of these mines, their indiscriminate nature, and their impact on civilians. The US has not signed this treaty.

Narayanan said...

nice move by DOJ = all in one from ACME >>> shiny object + squirrel for vast right wing media to conspire about!!!

Narayanan said...

The US has not signed this treaty.
I assume neither have Ukraine!!??
what about other NATO?

Narayanan said...

do US landmines come with apple airtags?

FormerLawClerk said...

The young people in the Democrat Party need to take a hard look at how quickly their leaders started to suck up to Literally Hitler the moment he got elected.

The DNC then laid off a bunch of employees with zero notice and no severance pay, right before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays because their candidate gave her good friend Oprah Winfrey $2.5 million in DNC funds.

She is for they/them. Not you/yours.

At some point, you have to admit you got played, sucka.

Rocco said...

tcrosse said…
The peasants are revolting.

That’s what Starmer said.

Kakistocracy said...

The majority of farmers voted for Brexit via the Conservatives removing subsidy and market access. They then voted Conservative on promises of agricultural subsidy, again they lost this and were put in a worse position. Now they want to inherit many millions of pounds tax free. All the Conservatives need to do is promise them something else that is never going to happen and they will come running again trailing the collateral damage behind them.

They wanted Brexit believing that they are a special case and would be protected from EU competition. Well, they are not. What they didn't bargain for was not being protected by the domestic government.

lonejustice said...

In the prosecutor's office where I worked, we shredded almost everything once we were through with it. There was a lot of confidential information on paper. If it was important, we scanned it before shredding it.

Jaq said...

All time best picture of Barron in this tweet

Aggie said...

Thanks for single-spacing your creative efforts. Who won, STINKY ? Donald Trump is soon becoming YOUR PRESIDENT.

Jaq said...

These missiles were programmed by NATO, targeting and mapping data was provided by the United States, and they landed in Russia. The US already admitted that they could not be operated without direct US involvement.

This is how WW3 goes hot

Aggie said...

I can understand why a key risk to the 'chopsticks' maneuver might be the potential for damage to the launch tower. I'd be demanding perfect flight parameters, too.

Kakistocracy said...

Some say Trump called Elon a loser after this failure.

Rusty said...

Clarkson himself said he bought his farm so he could shoot. Taxes were a collateral benefit.
What is it about ruinous taxes that you find so compelling?

Saint Croix said...

I have a theory. If you name your daughter "Joy," or "Sunny," she's going to be a miserable bitch.

You can't manipulate me, mama! I don't want to be happy! Not for you! Not for anyone!

Saint Croix said...

Joy Behar
Joy Reid
Sunny Hostin

(don't yell at me, you happy harpies)

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