The far more important question is: Who is COUNTING the votes tomorrow. Do you know who they are? Do you know who they donate to? What party they belong to?
It's not about who votes. It's about who COUNTS the votes and who REPORTS the person who won.
Which side is the media on who will tell you who won?
Why? I've never seen anyone make a single coherent argument in favor of Harris. It's all "TrumpHitlerRacistIHateAmericaREEEEE!" stuff that we hear as reason to vote Commila.
Georgetown University's school of public policy is preparing for the election aftermath by organizing "self-care suites" for students featuring coloring books, Legos, milk and cookies.
They seem to know who is going to win the election and that the children attending their school of PUBLIC POLICY will be needing some LEGOS to play with tomorrow.
Here in Oklahoma today was the storm before the calm before the storm. Tornado sirens don't usually sound early on a November morning, so I was surprised to have to jump out of bed to take shelter. Fortunately, the storm cells didn't produce any tornados.
Not me. Wife and I voted last week. Good news: in the trash can on the way out from the early voting facility I saw that Republican sample ballots outnumbered Democrat sample ballots 12 to 2. Bad news: how’d we get as many as 2 Democrats in the Shenandoah Valley?
I voted last week, in anticipation of being on jury duty this week.
Welp, I waited in the jury pool of 300 people from 9am to 330pm, during which they called the names of about half of us for three judges who needed jurors, all before lunch.
At 330 they told the rest of us we were done for ten years--no more jurors would be required tomorrow or for the rest of the week.
Not what I anticipated, but no disappointment either.
Wife & I got it out of the way last week, and it's been a nice and peaceful feeling since. Somehow, it has stripped the effectiveness of any political subject discussion or ad - it's been nice just to receive what interests me and tune out the political races completely.
I wonder if the person, who didn't even live in New York State, who called in the death squad on P'Nut the Squirrel because his account was "right wing" think it all worked out great for them.
It's hard to sanction a country to its knees when it is sitting on way more resources of every kind than it needs for its own use, and you desperately need to buy those resources yourself.
If Trump wins, I will buy a new firearm. I wile while away the days of legal challenges trying to decide which one is worthy of the occasion. Or, perhaps a Vortex scope….
My wife and I, both. We will not be cancelling each other's vote. She'll be voting the straight Republican line and NO on Proposition 1, the extra special rights amendment for the mentally ill. I'll be voting the straight Republican ticket- on the Conservative Party line. And No on Proposition 1. TBH- I'd be really happy if the Conservative line got more votes then the Republican line for POTUS so they would take 2nd place on the ballot instead of third. The rules for a party to automatically get a ballot line line were rejiggered a few years back specifically to knock the Working Families Party from their automatic line. Threaten to run a different liberal candidate against Schumer? Well, we'll see about that!
I have a Facebook friend who friend requested me from a genealogy group- we're not face to face friends. He decided to post a missive on his feed explaining who he was voting for and why. Second paragraph gushed about Kamala and all her great accomplishments! As far as I read. And I replied and told so- couldn't get past the idiocy he expressed. Well, he replied back, of course, accusing me of not wanting to address his reasons for not wanting Trump. My exact reply was- "If your opening argument is delusional, there's no reason to believe that anything that follows is not also delusional!" He took down his post. I don't know who all his Facebook friends are, but my comment got more likes then his post...
I don't write long missives on Facebook. IMHO, the vast supply of photomemes liberals have provided us with for this election are more then enough argument to vote against them at every level of government. And this is addressed in a previous Althouse post- A First Amendment montage. Only one side in this election wants to demolish the Bill of Rights. The Democrats. At every level of government. The lightbringer™, IIRC, refers to our rights as "Negative rights" and has stated they should all be replaced with "positive rights". Problem with positive rights- someone else must pay for them.
Everyone at the New York Department of Environmental Conservation needs to be fired, the agency abolished, the building razed to the ground, and the fields sown with salt.
The lightbringer™, IIRC, refers to our rights as "Negative rights" and has stated they should all be replaced with "positive rights". Problem with positive rights- someone else must pay for them.
That was one of his stupidest notions. The rights in the Bill of Rights are not "negative." Free speech, the right to bear arms, are not "negative." The 3rd and 4th are basically about the sanctity of the home (and private property more generally). The 5th-7th involve the right to due process. And so on. The only thing negative about the BoR is that it restricts the government from infringing on these rights, something no doubt he and other would-be authoritarians find irritating.
So Hugh hewitt walked off a WaPo show on Friday, and later quit the WaPo. So, after remaining silent I was curious what he would say today. And he posted a Youtube video called "Hugh Hewitt on Anger and the Whole Story". I watched it, reminded me why I dislike Hugh Hewitt. After a lame joke, talking about current events, and blah blahing about he's a Catholic and Midwesterner, and he doesn't get angry blah, blah, he finally got to the point.
And said, he loves Ruth Marcus, he has tons of Leftwing friends, and he hopes they all love him. And that quitting the WaPo had nothing to do with the walkout. And talked about how he admired everyone at the WaPo and the Show first things and named everyone except the host Capehart.
And that's it. A complete cuck as usual. The Controlled opposition that had to kick back (a little) or be a complete laughing stock.
Me. Hoping for split federal government with at least one branch of the legislature different from that of the president. No on the local school money grab (it was only three years ago that they convinced we locals to approve a $120 million tax hike for those same schools). I suppose it's rational for them to keep coming back, especially if they get more money every time. Lotsa lefties in the community now, and nearly every house with a Harris sign has a "Vote Yes!" sign too. Speaking of signs, at least around here, the lefties fill the yard with them. It must be social capital to them. Or maybe its a religion where they feel the need to proselytise. Certainly the door knockers were all D's, just like the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists. At least the regular religious types are interesting to talk with. The political religionists are tedious and I pity them. The houses around here that don't have signs are presumptively R households, and the American flag is now a reliable indicator as well. Crazy it's come to that.
I understand exactly what you mean. But I also understand the concept expressed by the lightbringer™. The Bill of Rights says what the government can't do to the people. Not what the government must do for the people. Actually, Article 1 Section 8, if it were followed, would severely reduce the size of government. No Department of Education, no .. no lots of things. In fact, for fun, got to and decide on many of these should be just plain out eliminated. Over half on the first page.
Obama called us Clingers. Hillary called us Deplorables. Kamala called us Fascists. Walz called us Nazis. Biden called us Garbage. Mark Cuban called us Weak & Stupid.
Now Kathy Hochul says we’re Un-American.
They want division. We want unity. And tomorrow we will UNITE AMERICA.
And none of what Biden and Obama have inflicted on us will go away. For that we would need at least 55-45 in the Senate and about a 20 seat margin in the House, given all the RINOs who are afraid to go against the Deep State.
Whether it’s Harris calling the United States the greatest country in the world or Trump calling it a giant trashcan, both candidates have expressed provocative opinions about this country of ours.
I was very "impressed" by the half-filled high gymnasium that kamala-la-la-la filled by paying and bussing in "supporters".
A scenario not unlike the paid astroturfed "harry sisson's" of Teh Interwebs posting the most inane gaslighting nonsense that wouldn't pass muster on an elementary school playground........
Looks like the reports of the kamala-la-la-la meltdowns behind the scenes which began last week are true and are accelerating.
Not to worry LLR-democratical Rich. The deep staters have your back with their latest Russia Russia Russia lies launched just today.......launched in desperation and as the first step in the potential post-election fall back strategy outlined by none other than Jamie Raskin.
I'll be replacing my flags tomorrow- the wind does a number on them. If after the vote counting is over Trump wins, I'll order a 50 star flag to replace the Bennington 76 flag I've been flying since early 2021. I'll put it up inauguration day.
We've been in a state of ethnic Springs since Obama/Biden, sustained under Biden/Harris. Black lives... no lives matter. Hate has been a progressive condition under Divesity ideology that discriminates by race, sex, age, and other classes. All's fair in lust and abortion?
Bacon as a spice. Jeebus Crisp on a stick, the woman is so FUCKING STUPID she cannot grasp the Muslim's abhorrence pork. Spare us another moron in the White House, I pray. Wasn't Biden sufficiently destructive through sheer idiocy to appease the most vengeful gods?
Heh… yes, that they do. Placing a Ring doorbell at our main gate is one of the best decisions we’ve made in the last few years. We miss all of that “interaction”.
Joe Rogan @joerogan · Follow The great and powerful @elonmusk. If it wasn't for him we'd be fucked. He makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you'll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way. For the record, yes, that's an endorsement of Trump. Enjoy the podcast
Now the lying left is trying to say that Doug impregnating the nanny is "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!!!" Those Damn Russians are always bursting the truth about corrupt, lying, cheating Progressive men.
Your dishonesty is breathtaking. In context it’s obvious he was deploring the way shithole countries use us as if we were a trash can for all their worst criminals and layabouts, and the Biden-Harris administration urges them to do it, and he’s going to put a stop to it because we very much are NOT the receptacle for the world’s trash that Biden and Kamala seem to think we are.
Now the lying left is trying to say that Doug impregnating the nanny is "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!!!" Those Damn Russians are always bursting the truth about corrupt, lying, cheating Progressive men.
Witness Hussein liar (spokesman) Bill Burton going after Megan Kelly who went after lusty Dougie about his Nanny humping pregnancy/abortion...... When Kamala loses tomorrow, he will be rioting in the streets with Antifa and BLM burning down the country for their dear leader to finish the fundamental transformation whilst they still can. Bill Burton @billburton · Follow Replying to @megynkelly and @Timodc It’s so sad that your career is sunsetting in Russian disinformation - which has been widely reported about this story.
Well not that sad. But still kind of disappointing. 3:07 PM · Nov 3, 2024
Dr. Richard Harambe @Richard_Harambe · Follow Replying to @billburton @megynkelly and @Timodc How many former intelligence officials said this? 7:43 PM · Nov 3, 2024
THIS is how delusional the activists at NYT's are......DELUSIONAL... They need to get help, or get better glasses because they are blind, and they must not see what is happening all over the country in small towns everywhere.
There are some who will need to be locked up in mental institutions. Case in point. (Her moral core is MAGNIFICENT!!! (GAG!! PUKE!!)
Greg Price @greg_price11 · Follow Whoppi Goldberg says to Liz Cheney that she wants her to be Kamala Harris' Attorney General and that she would "feel a lot better with you leading the FBI or the CIA."
If you want Cheneys in control of foreign policy, vote for Kamala Harris.
Too bad she joined with them, because she isn't a conservative, and has the SAME view as they do. Maybe she should have a sit down with her friends Whoopie, Joy and Sunny and find out why they do this every election year???
JayJay McMaster, CD @tantrumblue1 · Follow I remember when leftists weren't so bat shit insane, too, Alyssa. Alyssa Farah Griffin @Alyssafarah I remember when we didn’t need to board up Washington, DC because of Presidential election. I hope we get back to that America. 12:08 PM · Nov 4, 2024
I can say the same to the 1/2 black progressive messiah..... Has that lazy ass ever had to lift a finger at a real job ever?? With his fake Connecticut Social Security number??
Guy Who Lives in Mansion on Martha's Vineyard Wonders If Donald Trump Has Ever Changed a Flat Tire Bonchie @bonchieredstate · Follow Obama: “Do you think Donald Trump has ever changed a tire in his life?"
When did tire changing become a cornerstone of political qualification?
ZUBY: @ZubyMusic · 6h I'm in Dubai. Most people I've spoken to here want Trump to win and think the world (including the Middle East) would be safer under his administration.
Noah Pollak @NoahPollak The spiritual leader of the Iranian nuclear program that is intended to wipe out the Jewish state is lecturing us about antisemitism today.
I rather doubt Cornel West, Jill Stein, or Kamala Harris have ever changed a flat tire either. What matters at this point is that the people who have changed their own oil and changed a flat tire support Donald Trump at nearly a 100% level.
Lithuanian police arrested a suspect who sent four incendiary devices, including two from a DHL shop in the capital Vilnius, a European law-enforcement official said. The suspect identified himself as Igor Prudnikov, but his real name is Alexander Suranovas, the official said. Investigators said they believe he was used as a proxy by Russian spy services.
Lithuania. It figures that Stephen Green would swallow this one whole. And maybe Green can explain when Ukraine didn't shut down their air space when multiple transport planes had been shot down there over the previous weeks.
Lithuania is also one of the few countries where neo-Nazis are free to brandish swastikas on the street. Its northern neighbor, Latvia, is the only European country where veterans of the Waffen SS are allowed each year to march on main streets and commemorate their comrades, who are venerated as freedom fighters against Russia. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
@Big Mike, Shepherdstown is reliably blue, but the rest of thePanhandle overcomes those votes. Kanawha County is also majority blue, but in the rest of the state, Mountaineers come through. Montani Semper Liberi!
Long line at the polling place before the doors opened. Still a bit crowded at 10 when we voted here in South Central PA. One SUV in the parking lot had a badge kind of like those "Special Edition" ones from the manufacturer, but it said, "Let's Go Brandon Edition."
Example of how Meta/Facebook uses its platform for election interference. I was notified yesterday that a comment I made on someone's post three weeks ago "violated community standards" and I was now in FB jail and can't use groups.
(What did I do to offend their "standards"? I called someone a baby killer on their pro-abort post, something done regularly with no notice from the censors prior to this week.)
I am forbidden to make comments in groups until.....Nov 5. After the election.
I would say I'm being suppressed at that exact moment when I may be using their platform to encourage others to vote GOP.
As with the mainstream media, no matter how much you hate Meta, you don't hate them enough.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Who is voting tomorrow?
Today feels like the calm before the storm.
Me. I intended to vote early but the line was out the door. Maryland voters want to get over 80% for Harris.
The far more important question is: Who is COUNTING the votes tomorrow. Do you know who they are? Do you know who they donate to? What party they belong to?
It's not about who votes. It's about who COUNTS the votes and who REPORTS the person who won.
Which side is the media on who will tell you who won?
Why? I've never seen anyone make a single coherent argument in favor of Harris. It's all "TrumpHitlerRacistIHateAmericaREEEEE!" stuff that we hear as reason to vote Commila.
Let them waste their efforts. The popular vote means NOTHING in a Constitutional Republic.
Georgetown University's school of public policy is preparing for the election aftermath by organizing "self-care suites" for students featuring coloring books, Legos, milk and cookies.
They seem to know who is going to win the election and that the children attending their school of PUBLIC POLICY will be needing some LEGOS to play with tomorrow.
Here in Oklahoma today was the storm before the calm before the storm. Tornado sirens don't usually sound early on a November morning, so I was surprised to have to jump out of bed to take shelter. Fortunately, the storm cells didn't produce any tornados.
I'll be voting tomorrow. The big question: WILL THERE BE A BAKE SALE!?
Not me. Wife and I voted last week. Good news: in the trash can on the way out from the early voting facility I saw that Republican sample ballots outnumbered Democrat sample ballots 12 to 2. Bad news: how’d we get as many as 2 Democrats in the Shenandoah Valley?
I voted last week, in anticipation of being on jury duty this week.
Welp, I waited in the jury pool of 300 people from 9am to 330pm, during which they called the names of about half of us for three judges who needed jurors, all before lunch.
At 330 they told the rest of us we were done for ten years--no more jurors would be required tomorrow or for the rest of the week.
Not what I anticipated, but no disappointment either.
We’re going to try our little community voting precinct. Will see how it goes…
I did see more yard signs today than usual. Quite a few for Harris, not so many for Trump, but more than either for some of the downticket races
50 years ago this would have been high satire in the National Lampoon.
That explains the spanish floods also valencia is red barcelona is blue
Wife & I got it out of the way last week, and it's been a nice and peaceful feeling since. Somehow, it has stripped the effectiveness of any political subject discussion or ad - it's been nice just to receive what interests me and tune out the political races completely.
My wife and I
Well that explains why they threw mud at the king and queen there. I didn't like it when I heard about it, but it makes perfect sense now.
I voted two weeks ago. I couldn’t wait… for the election season to be over. Nor could I wait in long lines tomorrow.
I wonder if the person, who didn't even live in New York State, who called in the death squad on P'Nut the Squirrel because his account was "right wing" think it all worked out great for them.
They're now in hiding and will be hounded out of the United States of America.
As they should be.
It's hard to sanction a country to its knees when it is sitting on way more resources of every kind than it needs for its own use, and you desperately need to buy those resources yourself.
"Bad news: how’d we get as many as 2 Democrats in the Shenandoah Valley?"
Decedents of JEB Stuart left behinds?
Remember ... businesses don't board up their windows because they think a bunch of Reagan Republicans are going to burn them out.
If Trump wins, I will buy a new firearm. I wile while away the days of legal challenges trying to decide which one is worthy of the occasion. Or, perhaps a Vortex scope….
If Trump wanted to do harm to America, he would’ve done it during his term.
If Kamala Harris wanted to do good things for America, she would’ve done SOMETHING/ANYTHING good during the last 4 years.
My wife and I, both. We will not be cancelling each other's vote. She'll be voting the straight Republican line and NO on Proposition 1, the extra special rights amendment for the mentally ill. I'll be voting the straight Republican ticket- on the Conservative Party line. And No on Proposition 1. TBH- I'd be really happy if the Conservative line got more votes then the Republican line for POTUS so they would take 2nd place on the ballot instead of third. The rules for a party to automatically get a ballot line line were rejiggered a few years back specifically to knock the Working Families Party from their automatic line. Threaten to run a different liberal candidate against Schumer? Well, we'll see about that!
Excellent point… humorous and true, as well.
It figures that Barthelona would be blue.
I have a Facebook friend who friend requested me from a genealogy group- we're not face to face friends. He decided to post a missive on his feed explaining who he was voting for and why. Second paragraph gushed about Kamala and all her great accomplishments! As far as I read. And I replied and told so- couldn't get past the idiocy he expressed. Well, he replied back, of course, accusing me of not wanting to address his reasons for not wanting Trump. My exact reply was- "If your opening argument is delusional, there's no reason to believe that anything that follows is not also delusional!" He took down his post. I don't know who all his Facebook friends are, but my comment got more likes then his post...
I don't write long missives on Facebook. IMHO, the vast supply of photomemes liberals have provided us with for this election are more then enough argument to vote against them at every level of government. And this is addressed in a previous Althouse post- A First Amendment montage. Only one side in this election wants to demolish the Bill of Rights. The Democrats. At every level of government. The lightbringer™, IIRC, refers to our rights as "Negative rights" and has stated they should all be replaced with "positive rights". Problem with positive rights- someone else must pay for them.
Mohammed Malvo demonstrated how you can bring Washington DC to a complete standstill.
Just don't WANT anything. That's how they catch you.
Everyone at the New York Department of Environmental Conservation needs to be fired, the agency abolished, the building razed to the ground, and the fields sown with salt.
The lightbringer™, IIRC, refers to our rights as "Negative rights" and has stated they should all be replaced with "positive rights". Problem with positive rights- someone else must pay for them.
That was one of his stupidest notions. The rights in the Bill of Rights are not "negative." Free speech, the right to bear arms, are not "negative." The 3rd and 4th are basically about the sanctity of the home (and private property more generally). The 5th-7th involve the right to due process. And so on. The only thing negative about the BoR is that it restricts the government from infringing on these rights, something no doubt he and other would-be authoritarians find irritating.
close italics?
I am. Ground Zero, south of Pittsburgh.
So Hugh hewitt walked off a WaPo show on Friday, and later quit the WaPo. So, after remaining silent I was curious what he would say today. And he posted a Youtube video called "Hugh Hewitt on Anger and the Whole Story". I watched it, reminded me why I dislike Hugh Hewitt. After a lame joke, talking about current events, and blah blahing about he's a Catholic and Midwesterner, and he doesn't get angry blah, blah, he finally got to the point.
And said, he loves Ruth Marcus, he has tons of Leftwing friends, and he hopes they all love him. And that quitting the WaPo had nothing to do with the walkout. And talked about how he admired everyone at the WaPo and the Show first things and named everyone except the host Capehart.
And that's it. A complete cuck as usual. The Controlled opposition that had to kick back (a little) or be a complete laughing stock.
Around here, it's actually election day dinners at local churches. I'll have to see if there are any turkey dinners tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder!
Me. Hoping for split federal government with at least one branch of the legislature different from that of the president. No on the local school money grab (it was only three years ago that they convinced we locals to approve a $120 million tax hike for those same schools). I suppose it's rational for them to keep coming back, especially if they get more money every time. Lotsa lefties in the community now, and nearly every house with a Harris sign has a "Vote Yes!" sign too.
Speaking of signs, at least around here, the lefties fill the yard with them. It must be social capital to them. Or maybe its a religion where they feel the need to proselytise. Certainly the door knockers were all D's, just like the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists. At least the regular religious types are interesting to talk with. The political religionists are tedious and I pity them.
The houses around here that don't have signs are presumptively R households, and the American flag is now a reliable indicator as well. Crazy it's come to that.
The Ballad of Pnut Squirrel and Fred Raccoon
Pnut Squirrel and Fred Raccoon
They were the best of friends
And when Pnut got murdered one day
Fred, too, quickly met his end
The End
A split legislature ensures that all demoncRAT policies will be enacted.
If I can remember it, I'll put my flag out tomorrow.
Joe Rogan just endorsed Donald Trump (via CFP). Great news.
The phrase “I’m the type of person” should be retired from the English language. Immediately! 😑
I understand exactly what you mean. But I also understand the concept expressed by the lightbringer™. The Bill of Rights says what the government can't do to the people. Not what the government must do for the people. Actually, Article 1 Section 8, if it were followed, would severely reduce the size of government. No Department of Education, no .. no lots of things. In fact, for fun, got to and decide on many of these should be just plain out eliminated. Over half on the first page.
Kinda late.
I have no more knuckles to chew.
Joe was probably hoping to have Kamala on.
From Byron Donalds via X:
Obama called us Clingers.
Hillary called us Deplorables.
Kamala called us Fascists.
Walz called us Nazis.
Biden called us Garbage.
Mark Cuban called us Weak & Stupid.
Now Kathy Hochul says we’re Un-American.
They want division.
We want unity.
And tomorrow we will UNITE AMERICA.
He’s a very articulate man. Yes,
And none of what Biden and Obama have inflicted on us will go away. For that we would need at least 55-45 in the Senate and about a 20 seat margin in the House, given all the RINOs who are afraid to go against the Deep State.
It’s too quiet.
I don't believe the choice has ever been this clear.
So my daughter tells me that Joe Rogan just announced he’s a Trump supporter in 2024. Anyone else hear or read that?
I just read Eva Marie’s post. Excellent!!!
Hugh is old guard. No one cares about him anymore.
Whether it’s Harris calling the United States the greatest country in the world or Trump calling it a giant trashcan, both candidates have expressed provocative opinions about this country of ours.
"or Trump calling it a giant trashcan"
I was very "impressed" by the half-filled high gymnasium that kamala-la-la-la filled by paying and bussing in "supporters".
A scenario not unlike the paid astroturfed "harry sisson's" of Teh Interwebs posting the most inane gaslighting nonsense that wouldn't pass muster on an elementary school playground........
Looks like the reports of the kamala-la-la-la meltdowns behind the scenes which began last week are true and are accelerating.
Not to worry LLR-democratical Rich. The deep staters have your back with their latest Russia Russia Russia lies launched just today.......launched in desperation and as the first step in the potential post-election fall back strategy outlined by none other than Jamie Raskin.
I'll be replacing my flags tomorrow- the wind does a number on them. If after the vote counting is over Trump wins, I'll order a 50 star flag to replace the Bennington 76 flag I've been flying since early 2021. I'll put it up inauguration day.
Yep - It's true.,
watch the truth. watch the whole thing.
"The war profiteers hate Trump"
"If Trump doesn't win, this is the last election"
Only hivemind loyal corruption-supporting, corruption-ignoring democrats care about your petty BS and lies - Bich.
We've been in a state of ethnic Springs since Obama/Biden, sustained under Biden/Harris. Black lives... no lives matter. Hate has been a progressive condition under Divesity ideology that discriminates by race, sex, age, and other classes. All's fair in lust and abortion?
Yes, it does seem calm. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Amen, Lem!
“Certainly the door knockers were all D's, just like the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists.”
No idea about Seventh Day Adventists, but in your experience, Mormons are “all D’s”? That’s about as far from my experience as you can get.
Harris botched interview with Muslim inflencer...
Bacon as a spice. Jeebus Crisp on a stick, the woman is so FUCKING STUPID she cannot grasp the Muslim's abhorrence pork. Spare us another moron in the White House, I pray. Wasn't Biden sufficiently destructive through sheer idiocy to appease the most vengeful gods?
Imam - bad sentence by me. I meant the D's, many of whom who eschew religion, are are knocking on doors like the evangelical religionists
bacon bits as salad topping just as salt and pepper. = prosecutorial reasoning!
Heh… yes, that they do. Placing a Ring doorbell at our main gate is one of the best decisions we’ve made in the last few years. We miss all of that “interaction”.
If Harris wins we get to see what happens when Tony Stark goes Galt.
Me. I am up and ready to go!!!
He gave her a chance Lem. She "blew" it!!
Joe Rogan
The great and powerful @elonmusk.
If it wasn't for him we'd be fucked. He makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you'll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way.
For the record, yes, that's an endorsement of Trump.
Enjoy the podcast
Now the lying left is trying to say that Doug impregnating the nanny is "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!!!" Those Damn Russians are always bursting the truth about corrupt, lying, cheating Progressive men.
Trump calling it a giant trashcan
Your dishonesty is breathtaking. In context it’s obvious he was deploring the way shithole countries use us as if we were a trash can for all their worst criminals and layabouts, and the Biden-Harris administration urges them to do it, and he’s going to put a stop to it because we very much are NOT the receptacle for the world’s trash that Biden and Kamala seem to think we are.
Now the lying left is trying to say that Doug impregnating the nanny is "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION!!!" Those Damn Russians are always bursting the truth about corrupt, lying, cheating Progressive men.
Witness Hussein liar (spokesman) Bill Burton going after Megan Kelly who went after lusty Dougie about his Nanny humping pregnancy/abortion...... When Kamala loses tomorrow, he will be rioting in the streets with Antifa and BLM burning down the country for their dear leader to finish the fundamental transformation whilst they still can.
Bill Burton
Replying to @megynkelly and @Timodc
It’s so sad that your career is sunsetting in Russian disinformation - which has been widely reported about this story.
Well not that sad. But still kind of disappointing.
3:07 PM · Nov 3, 2024
Dr. Richard Harambe
Replying to @billburton @megynkelly and @Timodc
How many former intelligence officials said this?
7:43 PM · Nov 3, 2024
THIS is how delusional the activists at NYT's are......DELUSIONAL... They need to get help, or get better glasses because they are blind, and they must not see what is happening all over the country in small towns everywhere.
"This is so stupid we had to share it with you. "
There are some who will need to be locked up in mental institutions. Case in point. (Her moral core is MAGNIFICENT!!! (GAG!! PUKE!!)
Greg Price
Whoppi Goldberg says to Liz Cheney that she wants her to be Kamala Harris' Attorney General and that she would "feel a lot better with you leading the FBI or the CIA."
If you want Cheneys in control of foreign policy, vote for Kamala Harris.
Too bad she joined with them, because she isn't a conservative, and has the SAME view as they do. Maybe she should have a sit down with her friends Whoopie, Joy and Sunny and find out why they do this every election year???
JayJay McMaster, CD
I remember when leftists weren't so bat shit insane, too, Alyssa.
Alyssa Farah Griffin
I remember when we didn’t need to board up Washington, DC because of Presidential election. I hope we get back to that America.
12:08 PM · Nov 4, 2024
I can say the same to the 1/2 black progressive messiah..... Has that lazy ass ever had to lift a finger at a real job ever?? With his fake Connecticut Social Security number??
Guy Who Lives in Mansion on Martha's Vineyard Wonders If Donald Trump Has Ever Changed a Flat Tire
Obama: “Do you think Donald Trump has ever changed a tire in his life?"
When did tire changing become a cornerstone of political qualification?
I'm in Dubai. Most people I've spoken to here want Trump to win and think the world (including the Middle East) would be safer under his administration.
A perspective worth sharing.
Noah Pollak
The spiritual leader of the Iranian nuclear program that is intended to wipe out the Jewish state is lecturing us about antisemitism today.
American Thinker is posting continuously all day today. Some really great articles there if anybody is interested!
Hassayamper, instead of the trashcan analogy, Trump should have said the rest of the world treats the US like a fuckboy.
Can you imagine the merch? “TRUMP: Not Your Fuckboy, Europe!”
And the landslide.
I rather doubt Cornel West, Jill Stein, or Kamala Harris have ever changed a flat tire either. What matters at this point is that the people who have changed their own oil and changed a flat tire support Donald Trump at nearly a 100% level.
Me. Went at 6:30 and the line was already through two rooms at the banquet hall polling place. Parking lot was full.
Lithuanian police arrested a suspect who sent four incendiary devices, including two from a DHL shop in the capital Vilnius, a European law-enforcement official said. The suspect identified himself as Igor Prudnikov, but his real name is Alexander Suranovas, the official said. Investigators said they believe he was used as a proxy by Russian spy services.
Lithuania. It figures that Stephen Green would swallow this one whole. And maybe Green can explain when Ukraine didn't shut down their air space when multiple transport planes had been shot down there over the previous weeks.
Lithuania is also one of the few countries where neo-Nazis are free to brandish swastikas on the street. Its northern neighbor, Latvia, is the only European country where veterans of the Waffen SS are allowed each year to march on main streets and commemorate their comrades, who are venerated as freedom fighters against Russia. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
With whom have we crawled into bed?
and Black Jack Pershing awoke from his eternal slumber, let out a humongous fart, cackled and fell back to his eternal slumber.
@Big Mike, Shepherdstown is reliably blue, but the rest of thePanhandle overcomes those votes. Kanawha County is also majority blue, but in the rest of the state, Mountaineers come through. Montani Semper Liberi!
Long line at the polling place before the doors opened. Still a bit crowded at 10 when we voted here in South Central PA. One SUV in the parking lot had a badge kind of like those "Special Edition" ones from the manufacturer, but it said, "Let's Go Brandon Edition."
Example of how Meta/Facebook uses its platform for election interference. I was notified yesterday that a comment I made on someone's post three weeks ago "violated community standards" and I was now in FB jail and can't use groups.
(What did I do to offend their "standards"? I called someone a baby killer on their pro-abort post, something done regularly with no notice from the censors prior to this week.)
I am forbidden to make comments in groups until.....Nov 5. After the election.
I would say I'm being suppressed at that exact moment when I may be using their platform to encourage others to vote GOP.
As with the mainstream media, no matter how much you hate Meta, you don't hate them enough.
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