Said Donald Trump, quoted in "Trump suggests 'war hawk' Liz Cheney should have guns 'trained on her face'/The GOP nominee has long vilified the former congresswoman over her criticism of his role in fomenting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol" (WaPo).
Liz Cheney is, of course, campaigning with Kamala Harris. The Democrats turned into the Republicans and the Republicans turned into the Democrats. Ask Tulsi Gabbard.
Meaning, she has no problem sending YOUR kids to fight the wars they get rich from, but would be a chickenshit to actually fight herself.
It's just missing some apostrophes. I'm sure someone can fix it.
She should be the first person up against a wall. She joined Democrats to open gulags in Washington DC to house political prisoners in their concentration camps - all crimes against humanity.
When he was of age, Donald Trump got himself a medical exemption with bullshit bone spurs, risking the dangers of unprotected sex in NYC instead. He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place.
Caught the Morning Joe show on the radio this morning. Joe was claiming that this quote meant that Trump was threatening to have Cheney shot by a firing squad. Willy tried to walk it back but Joe was having none of it.
One might call it self-serving, but the fact is that you'd have to go back to Theodore Roosevelt to find someone who reacted better under gunfire than President Trump. Even having girly bodyguards gave him a chance to be part of a seriously iconic photograph in American political history. I might not have let the NYT cameraman with a suspiciously high-speed camera leave the rally alive after that, but then I'm not him.
Could any Democrats or LLRs face conviction over their many, many crime switch as much calmness? Of course not, they know they're going to die if their links to Epstein are exposed. Courage under fire? Again, how could they have it? At best, they can expect the void. At worst, Christian belief is true (it is) and they're facing the big fire down below. Yet as Zuckerberg and Zaslav show, Harris can't even keep her own media/ tech coalition together.
Glenn Greenwald quotes Bob Dylan
Liz Cheney is another turd that won't flush. Too many to count at this point.
Of course Liz only uses a few words of the entire quote on X to claim Trump, the dictator, was threatening her.
They only use part of the quote: "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her. Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face." They skid the accusation of being a war hawk (which she is).
I think the Cheney family is now the #1 scumbag family in American history.
Yeah-yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes
Hoo, they send you down to war, Lord
And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?"
Hoo, they only answer, "More, more, more, more"
Trump didn't say Cheney "should have guns trained on her face," as the WaPo headline bleats.
Despite staff protestations, in actuality the WaPo publishes an editorial endorsement of Harris everyday throughout its supposed news pages.
The press reaches new lows every day.
Absolutely. She's garbage and a traitor. Hopefully she's the last we have to hear about the Cheney family. What trash.
NOBODY should have ever been sent to Viet Nam. An no American kid should be asked to die for our corrupt elite anymore. Been there done that. But I suppose Freder you're ok with the 55K Americans that died needlessly in Viet Nam, and the 1 to 3 million Vietnamese. Good for you!!!
Cheney was chicken-hawk, stayed safe at home during Vietnam and never met a war he didnt like or a war he didn't want to lie us into. His daughter is the same, only much dumber.
I will she has a smidgen (sic) of honesty. Her father probably wouldve worked behind the scenes as the No. 3 house Republican, being a "maverick". Cheney went full neo-con retard, and more or less forced McCarthy and the House R's to bounce her from her post. She's now a full throated liberal Democrat, which she was probably was privately all along.
She should just run for office in VA or MD, that's her REAL home. Not Wyoming.
The media is trying to pretend that Trump calling Cheney a chickenhawk was really Trump saying she should face a firing squad.
They have no shame. They'll say anything at all if they think it will help Harris.
"War is a place where the young kill one another without knowing or hating each other, because of the decision of old people who know and hate each other."
The Democrats turned into the Republicans and the Republicans turned into the Democrats. Ask Tulsi Gabbard.
It's especially funny because for years the Democrats lied about this mythical "party switch" where all their racist KKK members magically turned into Republicans in the late 1960s. They can only name two who did, and only after they renounced their prior racist ways. But now, because Democrats have gone full totalitarian and embraced the Cheneys there actually is an historic realignment where classical liberals who believe in free speech and patriotism are pushed out of the D and into the waiting arms of R. Anyone who still believes in the Bill of Rights is welcome in MAGA America.
Biden family is more corrupt and criminal, doing dirty business with our nation's enemies, selling America out. Americans haven't learned a fraction of the damage that Joe Biden has brought on our country.
Thank you Freder for pointing out how consistent Trump's anti-war stance has been. You are correct. He didn't go and he doesn't want our children and grandchildren to go to war unnecessarily. Cheney does. And she has no fear she will have to go. I'm pretty surprised you didn't pop in to prop up the "he wants her in front of a firing squad" lie that Harris's campaign mangler Ian Sams is pushing with a deceptively edited video made by Aaron Rupar.
Of course there's plenty of time in the day for some idiot to repeat the lie. No doubt it'll happen here.
"When he was of age, Donald Trump got himself a medical exemption with bullshit bone spurs, risking the dangers of unprotected sex in NYC instead. He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place."
The position taken at the time by opponents of the Vietnam War — the vocal protesters — was "Hell no, we won't go."
Did you mean to insult all of them?
Activists helped all draft eligible men come up with ways to get out of the draft. I went to college with these people.
The same activists denounced the politicians who support the war as chicken hawks --- voting for the war without themselves facing the violence of war.
The world is full of politicians like Liz Cheney who want to profit off wars that kill other people's children.
How do you Lefties like cheering for Liz Cheney and her Dad?
Isn't it great how she's campaigning for Harris?
Don't you just love having her dad the Dark Lord himself telling you how to vote?
Maybe she can get all the Bushitler votes too!
These are the people that Bob Dylan wrote "Masters of War" about
Read all 8 verses if you don't know the words:
What Trump is saying is what thousands of protestors were saying back in the Bush/Cheney years, but Democrats will frame his comment as a call to violence.
P.S. Those of us in the bone-spur community resent the insinuation that our malady somehow isn't real.
Did Eisenhower get into battle at any point? Seems like he would have been the most realistic candidate since Teddy.
JFK had no chance to respond, of course. And Reagan did ok when he was shot.
How did anyone avoid the argument "He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place"?
You were supposed to serve because otherwise someone would have to go in YOUR place. So all must go.
If you were around then and draft eligible, what did you do?
Morning Joe and the View turn the retard meter to 11 everyday. I'll include Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell. Is mental illness contagious?
"...Donald Trump got himself a medical exemption with bullshit bone spurs...". And you know this is BS how, exactly? Or are you venting an opinion, dressing it up as if it's fact? What was your military service?
The Democrats turned into the Republicans and the Republicans turned into the Democrats. After the GOP base absorbed that fact that the we were lied to about Iraq and WMD, we abandoned the Neocons, took over the party, nominated and elected Trump.
The Neocons have now successfully took over the Democrat Party. NONE of the abortion loving liberals with fighting age children what their kids to fight needless wars. But, they have been brainwashed to believe inching toward war with Russia over bullshit Ukraine is "protecting democracy".
You have to be brainwashed to believe that. I don't want any American kids dying for our corrupt gov't. And I don't want foreign and innocent civilians kids to die by the hands of our corrupt gov't.
Who wants their kid to fight for Liz Cheney?
How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?
The war machine pays.
As I recall from those days, we weren't asked. We were commanded. That's what conscription was all about.
oh look - Lying liars who lie - caught - lying again!
AP sources: White House altered record of Biden’s ‘garbage’ remarks despite stenographer concerns
I just went to university without a deferment. Having a father who flew in three wars and growing up on military bases I would have went. They never called me up to go. Lucky!
She let thousands of americans boys be mauled in iraq at the hands od suleimani
Btw her security detail was linda cheadle
Freder Frederson
When he was of age, Joe Biden got himself a medical exemption with bullshit Asthma; which unlike bone spurs, is easily faked
In 1972 Trump was classified as 4-F (not qualified for military service).
Freder's rants are once again, "fact free"!
"Glenn Greenwald quotes Bob Dylan"
I'm seeing that AFTER pointing to the same song ("Masters of War").
I'm not copying Greenwald. The aptness of the song is crushingly obvious.
If Trump loses this election, he is only going to have himself to blame. He is his own worst enemy.
Much more even handed headlilne since Bozos angle for neutrality.
So what position in Kamala admin does Cheney get for her efforts?
I enlisted in the Air Force. Ended up Thailand during the war.
Just watch Kamala's remarks gloating over the pain she caused parents of truant children when she was DA to understand how she will view sending young men into battle.
She scares the shit out of me. She really does.
Ike did not see time in direct battle. "During World War I, he was denied a request to serve in Europe and instead commanded a unit that trained tank crews." Between the wars, he served in the Philippines.
Yep. I was all in the Iraq. Fooled me once not again. Ukraine is pure BS too. NATO had zero need to expand after the Soviet Union collapsed.
"Did you mean to insult all of them?" Althouse! At this late date, you're not assuming lefties might argue in good faith, are you? Anyway, as always, the insults only go one way, depending on political advantage. Progs don't do foolish consistency.
I graduated high school in 1975, so I missed it. I remember discussing it with my friends in 1971-2, and we all expected to end up there, in one way, or another. We were living on a SAC base at the time. My Dad was in deployed to Guam, planning Operation Linebacker 1 and 2. Flight crew that left from our base, well, some of them didn't come home. I ended up going to West Point, and that started a completely different path.
She is weak. Weak-minded, weak-willed. Weak leaders are BY FAR the most dangerous. Bobby Kennedy sounds serious and worried because she is manifestly dangerous to the entire world. I agree--she is terrifying.
some of us recognized trump was running as a howard dean democrat in 2016
Freder: "He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place." Did he mean Biden? Clinton? No? He meant Trump. And note the illogic: "in his place."
I joined ROTC in college, if I had to go I was going as an officer. They stopped the draft my junior year and I immediately left ROTC.
We saw it as a duty, an obligation, back then. Nobody had to ask.
If only he hadn't moved his head, eh?
How's that finger, buddy?
What Gusty said. Amazing how the neocons took over the Democrats. It makes you wonder if the people posting here are the genuine peace promoting types who hated George W Bush (They were right, I was wrong) or are commenters like Freder (Ayn Rand) Frederson and Robert (The Poor Must Pay the Price!) Cook are just identities as part of an information op. The answer is not obvious to me.
“We killed more Iraqis than Saddam ever did”. My goodness 😧
“Did Eisenhower get into battle at any point? Seems like he would have been the most realistic candidate since Teddy”
Part of why, apparently, he wore a minimal number of ribbons.
Speaking of apostrophes, what is it with the scare quotes in ads? I just saw one for "Toasted" subs! What is this process they use that they are afraid they might get in legal trouble if they directly call it "toasted"?
None of the supporters of the war in Ukraine ever comment on the videos I post here of the press-gangs dragging young Ukrainian men off to fight on the front.
I volunteered to go to Iraq. I thought I could, at least, take the place of someone who really didn't want to go.
Strange how often Trump the billionaire speaks for the commoners. He/we see what the Democrat elite and their moronic minions don't. I recently read that progressives know the agenda, but are oblivious to the consequences. (Probably an Instapundit link.) Seems evident.
Then this ought to worry you even more.
And now, just in time for the election, the Department of Defense has issued directive 5240.01. This unprecedented decree broadens U.S. military intelligence-sharing and cooperation with domestic law enforcement, empowers lower-level officials to act independently for up to 72 hours without obtaining approval from the Secretary of Defense, and permits our military to employ lethal force against American citizens “when lives are in danger” during undefined “national security threats.”
The people in charge want to make sure there can be no opposition.
I really don't get it. Shouldn't we all be on the anti-war/bring 'em home side now? The left was right about Iraq - I will be ashamed of supporting that war til the end of my days. Many on the right have learned our lesson on sending our kids to die in foreign wars; I will never support this gov't sending troops anywhere other than our own borders ever again. So, again, why are we still bickering on this?
Also, Metallica's Disposable Heroes is the greatest anti-war song, in my humble opinion. Strong lyrics and an absolute aural assault with a lightning-fast guitar solo. *chef's kiss*
This brings up a point that I make to everyone who listens. We make it way too easy to achieve power in our government. Elected officials at the national level should have at least some idea of the sacrifice and horror that war brings. Military service, or some civilian equivalent, should be a requisite for those positions. Hell, I would go as far as taking the Heinlein position. Citizenship, and voting priviledges, must be earned, not given freely. Solving a quadratic equation to get a ballot is a fine idea!
Trump should keep his mouth shut because his words might get twisted to mean something completely different than what he meant when heard in context.
"And every word you say today...
Gets twisted round some other way...
And they's hurt you if they think you've lied."
It's from Jesus Christ, Superstar. I know that there are commenters here who will twist this to mean that I think that Trump is somehow Christ, but that's not what I mean, what I mean is that his detractors keep working hard to make him into the ultimate mythic hero.
I have to say, that's some lame doggerel. Not up to his usual standard at all. Now that I think about it, his "protest" songs were mostly like that. Written in haste, with no poetic insight, full of cheap rhymes. I guess he felt obliged to say certain things, without necessarily saying them well. I mean, compare that sophomoric garbage to a polished gem like Tangled Up in Blue. Hard to believe its the same guy.
Liz Cheney never served a day in the military. Keep that in mind when you spew your usual shit, Freder.
The same way you ask the first man. FWIW, I along with many others, was not drafted or commanded. We volunteered. Because we were lied to
Trump is not describing her execution - he is describing a war like setting - with the enemy pointing guns at her.
The media (D) are lying liars who lie.
The draft came after me in 1967, so I joined the Navy, and spend three years in the UK.
"Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her."
I'd love to hear from the Althouse lefties of a case where the person on the receiving end of a firing squad was armed with a rifle. I really would.
Dropped out of Gustavus Adolphus. Enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1968. Ended up in Vietnam. No surprises there.
I didn't think Vietnam was a mistake. Still don't.
No, I just meant to insult those who were privileged, who ostensibly supported (or at least were not vocally against it) the Vietnam War, but used their privilege to avoid service, which by all accounts is exactly what Trump (and Michael K while we are at it) did, getting a doctor to diagnose him with imaginary heel spurs.
Kind of like you with the second Iraq war. You believed all the bullshit that Trump, Cheney and Rumsfeld spewed (even that torture was necessary), while you knew that your sons would never have to actually serve in Iraq.
Lonejustice is being treated for PTSD over that cut finger.
I haven't settled onto the Edwin Starr position, but well i see it's the very last tool in the tool chest,
why are americans fighting vietnam war again and again in political discussion?
I lived in New Hampshire in the early '90s. This story is going somewhere relevant, I promise. Anyway, suddenly unemployment spiked and housing prices collapsed. There was one couple who bought back a home they had sold two years prior for $200K less than they sold it for. Why did the "Massachusetts miracle" collapse? What dark force had dealt such a devastating blow to the New England economy? The peace dividend. The Soviet Union had collapsed, and our need for weapons drastically dropped. Now me, being a powerless nobody took my lumps, was devastated financially, lost my home to a forced short sale, but I simply set off to start a new life, which worked out great for me.
Now the owners of local factories like Honeywell, Raytheon, etc, manufacturers of weapons, with hundreds of billions at stake, well, they didn't take it lying down like I did. They said "We need an enemy or the country will go broke from the economic shock." Actual participants in the Cold War, Ronald Reagan's people, George H. W. Bush, they told these arms dealers that this was the new reality. Russia actually tried to join NATO, as a way to guarantee peace in Europe. Well, we can't have that! So the military industrial conglomeration, who have employees in every Congressional district in the country (on purpose) said no way! We need to have a scary enemy!
You know who gets really rich off of this "defensive" strategy? Nuclear Weapons manufacturers. George H.W. Bush was looking at reducing the number of warheads, and these billionaires said "We will see about that, George," and got Clinton elected, who set us up in a hostile posture towards Russia and China. The neocons had a plan for endless war, and the weapons people have funded them generously. They have now taken over the Democrats. We don't just innocently stumble into one war after another; Bob. Dylan is exactly right.
What an idiot. Yes, instead of the traditional cigarette, Trump proposes to give her a rifle instead.
If Trump had kept his mouth shut as you suggest the movement he is leading would have suffered the same fate as the TEA Party. The unitary would be in complete control.
"How did anyone avoid the argument "He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place"?"
According to these links:
here are the results of the lottery held on December 1, 1969, for men born from 1944 through 1950. Trump's number was 356, the highest lottery number called was 195. It appears Trump would not have been drafted, so nobody was sent in his place.
I’m somewhat encouraged by the frantic objections from the Trump/Putin team here.
Born in 1952, my draft lottery number was over 350. Saw no need to volunteer. Didn't want to drop out of college to get on the bottom
of the military as a PFC. I wasn't antiwar. I thought everyone was lying, particularly the left.
"By all accounts"
Prove it, Freder.
Sorry, not Trump, but Bush, in the previous post. Although of course now Trump claims, falsely, that he was always against the Iraq war.
Which objections, Bich- I don't see any. Enlighten us, you dumb fuck.
Prove it, Freder.
I'm sure the only proof you would accept would be a direct quote from Trump saying "yeah, daddy pulled strings with his podiatrist to say I had bone spurs, I fucked over the draft board good", but here you go
How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?
So are you now telling us you have become a pacifist and you regret your support of the Iraq War?
The desire for revenge after 9/11 killed all anti-war sentiment. All the lessons of the Vietnam War were forgotten. I got caught up in the war hysteria, too. Since 9/11, ruthless militarism has become the common political outlook of U.S. politicians. Trump is the only one still holding the anti-war line.
Freder is a warmonger now. He is using all the same lines the warmongers used in the 60's/70's talking about Vietnam.
Joe Biden used Asthma for his multiple deferments. And Freder supports the wars Joe started. The Cheney's and the Bushes are now on Freder's side. So Freder is now just a full out Neocon Warmonger.
And Freder is letting everyone know who the true enemy is. The true enemies are the Nazi Fascist Garbage people that support Trump. He would have volunteered to be in the National Guard at Kent State.
I volunteered in 2007 when I decided I supported those wars.
Being involved taught me I was wrong to support those wars.
I admit my support for, and volunteering to fight in, and actually fighting in the Iraq war were a mistake.
I also admit that hypocrites like Freder who support Joe Biden make me very unhappy.
Having cunts like you attacking us over BS like Abu Ghraib and Iraq war crimes now you are taking the exact opposite line attacking us and calling us Putin puppets because we don't support your current war mongering is admittedly infuriating.
You are a soulless husk. You have no integrity and you are completely driven by a will to power over other people.
Freder is a more honest person than lonejustice.
Freder that bone spurs slur is simply tiresome. If you actually had them, the Army and the draft did not want you. I did draft law work back in the late 60s and early 70's. Bone spurs were a valid exemption. Now whether you have bone spurs or not, only a doctor and X ray can tell. Slow Joe was also medically exempt--I think his problem was asthma. Physical fitness is a requirement for military service--particularly in the infantry. And today the military tells us that 70% of the American military aged population is unfit to serve.
Yeah, I was there. Some politicians put their sons in the military, but not many. George H. W. Bush, then a Congressman, seems to have pulled strings to get his son into the Texas Air National Guard. The joke was on him — the F102 was a uniquely dangerous aircraft to fly and the son might have been safer dropping napalm over South Vietnam from F100s. Albert Gore, Jr. was open about enlisting because his daddy, a Senator, was in a tough re-election fight and his son not serving would have been held against him by the voters (his Dad lost anyway, and Albert, Jr. who had been in stateside billets, got orders for Vietnam as soon as the next Congress was sworn in). Al Gore’s Wiki page dryly notes that he was almost alone among his Harvard classmates in serving in the military.
I was drafted in 1969, but got lucky and stayed stateside. I served in the Pentagon, from which I developed my mantra: “They all tell you ‘Duty, Honor, Country’, but first comes their career.”
And as for Freder, he is insulting all of the people, like me for instance, who suffer from bone spurs. There have been mornings when the act of getting out of bed and touching the floor with my foot sent enough pain through my feet that I was literally driven to my knees in agony. If Freder thinks this is all so funny, perhaps he can tell me where to meet him and I can apply my 5 pound sledge to his heels. Then he can decide whether foot pain is as funny as he thinks it is.
We managed to get this far in a discussion of chicken hawks without mentioning Tim Walz.
“How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” ~ John Kerry
What did I do? I got drafted. And then got lucky with my assignment. I was sure I would be dead before the next two years were over, but here I am today, a septuagenarian.
Biden: “Trump supporters are garbage.”
Media: “It’s out of context because there was an apostrophe!”
Trump: “Liz Cheney is a Warhawk. How would she feel if she was being sent to fight in a war?”
Media: “Trump just called for Liz Cheney's execution!”
Freder is not interested in facts, nope, as far as I can tell, any of our resident trolls. He sure as Hell would not call bone spurs “bullshit” if he had them.
College 68-72. The panic set in right after the 68 election, with a Republican in the White House. Which was silly, because the top war fatalities were in 67 and 68, under LBJ. He essentially refused to fight the war to win. Nixon did fight to end the war, and by 72, when I graduated, fatalities were down to the levels we recently saw in Afghanistan. I was esp bothered by LBJ, running against Goldwater, in 1964, who said to fight to win it, or get out. The Dems called him a warmonger for that, and showed the Daisy commercial (ending in a mushroom cloud). Right after the election, LBJ put another half million troops in Vietnam - plans that had been in place for months. Well, Nixon did what Goldwater had promised - he fought to win, and did.
I was 2S (student deferment given to all full time undergraduate students) for those 4 years, until 6/72. I felt that legitimate - it was a delay, only, and all I did to earn it was stay in college. Halfway through, we got the lottery. I got 138, which would have been low enough to get called up in 71, but by 6/72, they had quit shipping new soldiers and Marines to Vietnam, and nearby Fort Carson was filling up with those who had been scheduled to go. Got my 1A then, and still expected to be called up, but they stopped drafting in maybe 9/72. So really only eligible for being called up for three months.
I remember the intense discussions, in winter and spring of 1969, in the halls of our freshman men’s dorm, about what we (they) were going to do when we got our induction notices (none who stayed in school ever got them - see above). Canada? Conscientious Objector? (Manufactured) 4F? I didn’t participate. If I got an induction noticed, I was going to go. My father was drafted out of college in 1942, and you went because it was your duty as a citizen (And, yes, I resented the hell out of all the women being solicitous and concerned, because it didn’t affect them - they were exempt, based on not having a Y chromosome. They demanded equal rights, but didn’t have equal responsibilities). Both grandfathers had enlisted for Wilson’s War, and came out officers. Father came out a sergeant, and was never really respected by my grandfather, who had spent FDR’s War as the CO of various Army camps, then was on a Nazi War Crimes Tribunal afterwards. 3rd Brother was ready to go the Canada, but missed Vietnam and the draft by a year or so - which is probably why he’s the only Dem in the family.
I was not making fun of people who have bone spurs, just those who get a doctor to say they have bone spurs when they don't.
this is the best hot take they got, Steven Scalise nearly died in a DC hospital, because of a Maddow inspired psycho, Rand Paul nearly had his ribs crushed,
so tell about your phantom delusions,
The left was right about Iraq - I will be ashamed of supporting that war til the end of my days. Many on the right have learned our lesson on sending our kids to die in foreign wars; I will never support this gov't sending troops anywhere other than our own borders ever again. So, again, why are we still bickering on this?
There's big money in supporting perpetual war overseas and a police state at home. The Democrats have sold out to the military-intelligence-security-industrial complex. All the warmongers on our side have jumped ship to join them.
Same John Kerry who sent US troops to Syria in order to occupy their oil fields and grain producing areas? Yeah. I've heard about him.
Is he wrong? We killed more Iraqis than saddam Hussein. Wow, we are no longer the good guys it seems.
gilbar writes, "Joe Biden got himself a medical exemption with bullshit Asthma."
Biden claimed, "I was the runner-up in the state scoring championship."
Yeah, asthma, sure...sure.
Well, not all the warmongers. The Lindsey Graham gang is still putatively Republican.
Pretty amazing that the Democratic Party is now on board with warmongering and rule of government by the intel agencies.
Keyboard warrior Rich, reporting for duty! I hear he got a Purple Heart for carpal tunnel from defending the US "Special Military Operation" in Syria. You know, the one with zero U.N. sanction. Just a war we decided to start because we wanted to divide up Syria.
I missed the draft by a few years, but planned to join the Air Force right out of high school. Took the ASVAB and was told my score qualified me for every single job in the military, and was high enough to get the Air Force Academy to take a very serious look at me, but my myopia and astigmatism disqualified me for service unless I got a special waiver. Never got around to it. These days I suppose I could get LASIK.
John Kerry then, now on the neocon side, plus demanding we all just obey his crazy climate rules.
Trump is against any war, thoroughly believing they are all avoidable through negotiation either directly or via economic, um, encouragement. Cheney is not into battle avoidance.
Ditto, OM. The glee in her eyes was pure evil. She must savor the J6 defendants’ agony.
I volunteered for the Army in 1970. Was not sent to Vietnam. Spent time stateside and in Germany as an MP. My kaserne was bombed by the Baader-Meinhof gang just a few days after I arrived in country. Three soldiers died in the bombing. My unit (529th MP) had VIP security responsibility among other roles.
I joined because I felt I owed it to my country. I've always been aware of how lucky I am to have been born with the gift of Liberty.
P.S. I also hid my allergy-driven asthma so I could serve, Mr Biden.
I'm certain he reads this blog. He used to get erections reading dingabat's comments, but now Doc Jill won't have it.
This is all on good authority.
I got into the presidential race because I was alarmed by the disgusting food Americans are putting into their bodies. Here’s why I’m endorsing the McDonald’s guy. ~ RFK Jr
I admire this guy. Respect.
There are still American soldiers in Syria, as we speak.
As mentioned Ike was stateside as a trainer in WWI--like Bradley and others who rose to high command. In the early 20s he led the first coast-to-coast convoy of army vehicles, and later was appointed to the US Battle Monuments Commission where he had the opportunity to study west European geography.
He served in the Canal Zone and later the Philippines, and expected to retire as a colonel after 30 years, until Marshall (who was at Pershing's side but not leading troops in 1917-18) plucked him from the pack.
Freder claims not to be making fun of bone spurs, but then why did he call them “bullshit”?
Freder also displays his ignorance of how the pre-induction physical works. Having gone through it myself, I know that Army doctors do not have to simply take the word of the draftee’s personal physician. They could, and in the cases of everyone I knew who was draft-eligible but had health issues, they certainly did, verify the conditions themselves. And unlike asthma, bone spurs cannot be faked. I have seen my heel x-rays and the spurs are highly visible and very obvious.
Try getting your facts straight before you lip off, Freder.
Before Vietnam, most people were OK with the draft and trusted the Government. The power elite abused that trust, and got us in a no-win war, that they had no idea how to end, and were completely indifferent to the thousands of average American boys coming home in body bags.
Now, killer-clowns like Lindsey Graham and Liz Cheney don't even pretend to care about the USA or how many people (even kids and old ladies) get killed by US supplied weapons and bombs. Literally tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed because we've given them hundreds of Billions in weapons. And why did we do it? "To kill Russkies" and because "They" don't like Putin. Meanwhile over 40,000 Gazan civilians have been killed by US supplied bombs and weapons since October 7th. All because "They" want to "Stand by Israel" no matter how many war crimes they commit.
These people aren't just wrong, they're immoral and indecent.
Shorter Internet: Trump wins the news cycle for yet another day.
I graduated from high school in 1967. Joined ROTC while protesting the war at the same time. Figured if everybody else had to serve I should too. Besides I came from a military family. At my army physical exam before going on contract in my junior year, the doctors found a problem with the bones in my left wrist and declared me 4F. I've had mixed feelings about it ever since.
It's comments like this for which I wish there was an upvote button.
@ Freder
I remember when the Democrats and those on the left thought draft dodging was a good thing, the only moral thing to do.
There are a lot of guys who served when drafted and even more who volunteered to fight America's foreign wars. Despite having an enormous personal investment in the ideas they believed they were fighting for, these men and women are capable of questioning the wisdom and the morality of those wars and the wisdom and morality of keeping them going. To me, that's a good thing.
"Ian Sams is pushing with a deceptively edited video made by Aaron Rupar." Or just as likely a deceptively edited video by Harris's campaign and laundered through Aaron Rupar.
“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay?”
No rifles involved but this is how it might go down:
Someone call Trump’s parole officer. He is this close to actually shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue after all.
So...Freder's "proof" Trump got a bogus deferment is based on 2nd-degree *hearsay* from the daughters of the podiatrist that (wink wink) it was a "favor" to Trump and his family.
You couldn't get that into court as "evidence"......but it's good emough for Field Marshall Freder!
cfs said…
Biden: “Trump supporters are garbage.”
Media: “It’s out of context because there was an apostrophe!”
Trump: “Liz Cheney is a Warhawk. How would she feel if she was being sent to fight in a war?”
Media: “Trump just called for Liz Cheney's execution!”
Hey, at least they’re being consistent. They’re misrepresenting both sides.
Yeah OCL. I dropped my deferrment in 1972 and automatically was reclassified as 1A. The Dr. giving me a physical asked if I knew I had a heart murmur. Nope. Went to my regular Dr. He never told me. The guy at the draft board told me its almost over anyway just wait for the lottery. They'll probably reject you anyway.
No Democrat has ever felt bad about sending somebody elses kids off to die.
What most people would take away from the Trump quote is Trump saying that it's easy to be a war hawk in a cushy office, but how much of a war hawk would they be if they were the ones sent into battle and the enemy's guns were trained on them? It's obviously not a personal threat against Liz Cheney.
As we get closer to the election, everything Trump says will be distorted and criticized in the news in hopes of chipping away at his popularity.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said…
“Liz Cheney never served a day in the military.”
Being a Cheney, she probably would have shot the guy next to her.
"I'm sure the only proof you would accept would be a direct quote from Trump saying "yeah, daddy pulled strings with his podiatrist to say I had bone spurs, I fucked over the draft board good", but here you go"
LOL. Shorter Freder: "I ain't got no proof but here is a link to a story of some people who ain't got no proof either."
You are such a hypocrite. You don't have a single principle you would not discard immediately if you could gain power over other people by doing it.
You are are doing exactly the same things the people that helped the Nazi Party take over Germany did. Censorship. Warmongering. Political Violence. Racism and blatant anti-semitism.
But even the German National Socialist Party would have eschewed shipping in cheap labor and child slaves to replace working class americans that oppose the regime.
Just terrible.
Everyone knows exactly what Trump said and what Trump meant.
This is just a test of honesty at this point.
So the bar is set at “a snake’s belly” level?
"You believed all the bullshit that Trump, Cheney and Rumsfeld"
Trump opposed the Iraq war, and took some shit over it.
Somewhere, in a dimly lit room, sits Inga. Alone and afraid:
"The women did not offer any documentation to back up their claims..."
Not only that, but it was just a family story, you know, like the one where Liz Warren is an Indian when actually she is descended of the soldiers who drove the Indians out of Oklahoma. That kind of story. Even so, at least, unlike Five Deferments Joe Biden, he isn't trying to embrangle us in any war that he thinks can make his son's clients a buck.
" now Trump claims, falsely, that he was always against the Iraq war," Freder claimed without evidence:
There is no evidence that we could find, however, that he spoke against the war before it started, although we did find he expressed early concerns about the cost and direction of the war a few months after it started. - Snopes
That's the best that Snopes can come up with. So there is zero evidence that he supported the war at any time.
once again, the left simply can't criticize Trump for what he actually said. They have to make shit up. These people are fucking despicable liars who shouldn't be trusted with power.
My personal favorite was the one taunting Putin that Russia didn't have McDonalds, like Ukraine with the tagline "Things they don't have in Russia" and in the background was a press gang seizing a man to send him to die to prevent his neighbors from speaking Russian and his country from being neutral.
Freder So are you now telling us you have become a pacifist and you regret your support of the Iraq War? Yes. The MAGA portion of the GOP that voted out the neocons in favor of Trump openly regretted their support for the Bush/Cheney clans and the Iraq war. They lied about the WMDs which was the basis for the support. Now we realize they lie about EVERYTHING. As does the MSM.
Had a college classmate who partially cut-off his ring finger (to 1st joint) so that he wouldn't qualify for draft. That's stuck with me.
WaPo edited it sub from this ; "The GOP nominee has long vilified the former congresswoman over her criticism of his role in fomenting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol" (WaPo).
To just now this ; "The GOP nominee often describes graphic and gruesome scenes of crimes and violence, real and imagined." (WaPo)
"his role in fomenting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack" - talk about "without evidence".
why !!! is he talking about > The Gatling gun is operated by a hand-crank mechanism, with six barrels revolving around a central shaft (although some models had as many as ten).
When he was of age, Donald Trump got himself a medical exemption with bullshit bone spurs, risking the dangers of unprotected sex in NYC instead. He was perfectly willing to let other kids go to Vietnam in his place.
Maybe you could remind us what elected office Trump held back then.
I’m somewhat encouraged by the frantic objections from the Trump/Putin team here.
Frantic? We're simply pointing out you're a bunch of fucking lairs.
Relax everyone, Trump was talking about the automotive industry.
Yes, it would appear that there is a 'purity test' for people that are exempted from the Draft, according to the Field Marshall. Only some are honored - and a select few are judged a disgrace.
I’m old enough to remember when Bill Clinton was celebrated for evading the draft. And since military service is now so desirable for Presidents, perhaps Obama deserves criticism. He couldn’t be bothered serving even though there was no threat to his life.
Inga says, regarding Althouse(and millions of others) changing her opinion 18 years later after what this world has been through. Funny, in a sad way.
Good lord, the hypocrisy. From then to now, what changed? The candidate she was supporting.
11/1/24, 12:03 PM
I, and almost all my closest friends, registered for the draft in '71, and enrolled in college/university with holding or student status (1-H, 1-S IIRC). After several semesters some had secured legitimate medical exemptions, none had volunteered, and I and most of them just waited for the lottery.
My number was in the low 300s, so I never had to find out if my various imperfections--lousy eyesight, chronic allergies--would bar me from serving.
I have friends and family members who took deferments until the drawdown was well underway, and then signed up.
My friends include both VN combat vets and guys who avoided the service, and they get along just fine for the most part.
Is he the one who wrote the executive order making it all but impossible to continue making gasoline powered cars after 2030? Oh no, that was Joe Biden.
I suppose I'm not surprised that Trump's comment directed at Liz Cheney created such a stir, but I inferred that he simply meant she wouldn't be so reflexively hawkish if she had been in combat--good point, I think. Of course, Trump being Trump, he felt compelled to spice it up with a vivid description of the guns trained on her face, which maybe is too graphic for many of our civilians.
They don't ask anyone to die for their country. I didn't take Advanced Infantry Training (thankfully!) but like everyone else I went through a ten week cycle of in-processing and Basic Combat Training (aka BCT or "Basic"). They taught us the the victor is not the side that kills the most but the side that has armed soldiers standing on the ground unopposed after the shooting is over. And they spent a lot of time teaching us how to survive in a combat situation. Of course that was 1969, they may have changed in 55 years (though I doubt it).
@NorthoftheOneOhOne, I'd settle for a bulletproof vest myself.
The coast-to-coast convoy exercise may well be why he excelled at logistics. There is a saying, "Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics."
Referencing a different New Soviet Democratical Rupar-ed hoax is not going to convince anyone that this latest New Soviet Democratical Rupar-ed hoax is legit.
Well, Sprezzatura, actually, yes I do think he was referring to a combat situation, and, frankly I cannot imagine any normal person caring very much about what it appears to the likes of you. There is nothing magical about the number nine. There is certainly no requirement of which I am aware that a firing squad consist of 9 riflemen. There are plenty of YouTube videos capturing the execution by firing squad of German spies, and while some have 9 members in thee firing squad, others have 7, others have a full dozen, I have seen one that had only 5.
You're simply wrong as a statement of fact.
@Wendybar, responding to your specific comment, of course Lizzy has no qualms about sending soldiers to die for no good reason in far-off wars. Given the class of people from whom our enlisted troops are drawn, I'm certain that she agrees with her friend Hillary Clinton that they're all just Deplorables anyway. You know, the kind who if they come back alive will just bitterly cling to their guns and their religion. Or, as our sitting President so succinctly put it, they're just garbage.
Former IL Res: A full ring finger is required for military service? I could see the trigger finger, or even the middle finger (we need our boys to be able to gesture defiantly at the enemy!), but i cant see why the ring finger is important. The trigger weight on the M16 and M1911 is light enough that you dont need a lot of grip strength.
This and some of the other draft-physical anecdotes I’m reading in these comments make me think that at some point the draft boards were looking for reasons to disqualify guys. Maybe because of the VN drawdown.
We would have similar problems if we brought back the draft today: fhe draft-age cohort is much bigger than any military needs, so the system would have to be truly Selective Service. Which then of course raises the issue of who decides the standards and exemptions, and why.
What pissed me off was three years of ROTC shot to shit.
One who has been accused of being a war criminal, no less.
Naranayan, Americans are still litigating the Vietnam War because it is such a dividing line between various factions.
The draft with its educational and fakeable medical exemptions, plus the opportunity for guys with high test scores to get safer assignments, glaringly highlighted class differences.
The overlap of anti-war politics with anti-LBJ and anti-Nixon efforts, culminating in the post-Nixon Congress defunding South Vietnam and sealing its fate, is still in the cultural memory of the political parties.
Finally, there is sort of a Roman Empire thing going on with war nerds arguing over how the war could have been won. Or pointing out that we won the Cold War by facing down commies worldwide, draining commie resources overall even if we lost local campaigns. Or even claiming we eventually won in VN. The present-day commie VN government wants to be our best friend because they are even more afraid of the Chi-Coms than we are. And South Vietnam was never very democratic, so that’s a wash; whle modern unified VN may be more of a free enterprise economy than South VN ever was, so the net freedom score may be higher than the status quo ante.
This comment by Trump is genius. Calling Liz Cheney a chicken-hawk and traitor and reminding us how ass-ugly she is with a nod to her father's own shooting incident in just a few sentences. Brilliant!
@tim in vermont, what’s even scarier is the push towards electric-powered school buses. Someday there’s going to be a lithium battery fire in a bus loaded with children, and if they all get out safely it will be a miracle.
I was directing my question specifically to Althouse. She has not gone full MAGA yet. We are supposed to believe she was still undecided as she stood in line to vote early, even though she has only published posts critical of Harris and dismissing any criticism of Trump.
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