November 12, 2024

"She ain’t going. Jill Biden’s husband authorized the FBI snooping through her underwear drawer."

"The Bidens are disgusting. Jill Biden isn’t someone Melania needs to meet."

Meanwhile, "Melania’s husband, President-elect Donald Trump, will sit with President Biden in the Oval Office Wednesday for a traditional post-election meeting."


FormerLawClerk said...

Melania is taking this all very, very personally.

And rightfully so. Scorn a woman. See what happens to your ass.

Wince said...

Oh, how the Deep State wanted the FBI to find a dildo in that underwear drawer.

Narayanan said...

did they give FJB any panties to sniff after raid?

LuAnn Zieman said...

Isn't Melania on a book tour at the moment?

Peachy said...

Joe, His brother and Hunter still need to be prosecuted for their illegal Ukrainian money laundering for personal profits - using shell companies to hide it all.

Make the corrupt left PAY.

Original Mike said...

Wise choice. The lawfare visited upon Trump by Biden has been despicable. I would eschew all the social niceties.

Todd said...

She was already "First Lady" so even if a sit-down with Jill wasn't right up there with a root-canal, what would be the point? Jill can't tell her anything she does not already know from experience and intelligence.

Peachy said...

While they call Trump a felon - the real criminal is Joe Biden.

Jupiter said...

"A source", hey. I'm guessing a rather well-informed source.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yes, the behavior of the Biden's was outrageous. Approving a Gestapo raid on Trump's private residence over a phony-baloney document "scandal". And of course, Biden is a hypocrite, since he was keeping classified documents in his house and garage after he left the VP's office in 2019.

It just rolls off Trump's back. But the 1st lady is different, and I don't blame her. In fact, I respect her even more. You can't make any excuses for Joe Biden. He not only didn't stop the raid, he refused to condemn its excesses AFTER the raid occured.

Biden also refused to extend to Trump "executive immunity" when Trump's administration was being investigated by the House. This is in violation of every previous administration since Eisenhower. This resulted in people like Bannon going to Jail.

AMDG said...

Only if they searched the room of one of Trump’s granddaughters.

Jupiter said...

I doubt very much that this will be the first time Donald Trump has sat down and had a chat with a gangster. It comes with the territory. But he tries to keep it away from his family.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It’s the raid that keeps on giving, years later. That the Trump campaign didn’t even pay 50 cents for it, is not the best part. The best is a woman defending her man the best she could. To paraphrase MC Hammer, Jill and Emhoff couldn’t touch that.

RCOCEAN II said...

We also, have every reason to believe, Biden knew about the wiretapping of Trump's campaign in 2016, and knew Hillary had financed the Steele Dossier, and the charge of "Russian Collusion" was a complete lie. Not to mention, going along with Trump's skimpy Secret service protection in 2024. Which almost resulted in Trump's assassination.

Joe's not a nice guy. But no matter what a jerk he is, people refuse to call him on it. And Jill is the same.

cfs said...

I don't blame Melania at all. Look at what the Bidens have put Melania's family through over the past 8 years. I'd send Jill Biden a nasty note telling her to enjoy her retirement and remind her that she'll never be invited to a WH event while Melania is in charge of invitations. It's called giving Jill the "direct cut" indicating that she is no longer of any importance.

tcrosse said...

It is being bruited about that Biden could resign and thus make Kamala the first female president. I doubt that Joe would do it, or that Jill would allow him to do Kamala any favors. But what scares me is that Kamala were president she could appoint a vice-president, subject to approval by the House, and this appointee would have the job of certifying Trump's election. Suppose she appointed Pelosi or Hillary? That could create a very ugly situation.

Sally327 said...

I assume the invitation was pro forma and the rejection expected. That's one of thing about Trump, he and his family mostly don't have to do any of the typical political B.S.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Love it! Glad that Melania finally gets a chance to snub some of the scumbags who have treated her so despicably. Democrat Party members, in addition to being completely immoral, unethical, dishonest, deceitful, criminal baby-killing pedophiles, are also the pettiest, most childish pieces of shit imaginable. I'm sure the lowlife Biden pukes are scheming how to punish her for this.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The risk is that some men will not see it for what it was, a political overreach of nuclear proportions, and the temptation will be to attempt something even riskier. It’s why gambling is so popular.

Trump has been given a mandate, what he will attempt to do with it is not entirely clear.

David53 said...


Peachy said...


Doug said...

I think the link to the NY Post article is broken.

GatorNavy said...

Why would a fashion forward, accomplished woman be seen with a woman who wears couch covers

mikee said...

Dr. Jill Biden has a PhD in Education! She has a seat at the table in Cabinet meetings! Respect her authoritay! And stop laughing at her!

Peachy said...

I hope someone has the balls to prosecute Merrick Garland.

Krumhorn said...

I'm sure Dr. Biden is googling how to introduce swarms of bed bugs into the White House master bedroom.

- Krumhorn

Bill R said...

Mrs. Biden - I mean Doctor Biden, of course - speaking as a friend, I would advise you to keep a very low profile for the next four years. I am utterly certain that Melania Trump is a very dangerous enemy to have made. She's beautiful, elegant, ambitious,, and accomplished, exactly the sort you don't want to cross.

Saint Croix said...

I like how she doesn't think of "First Lady" as a job.

Hillary wanted to run all of healthcare.

Melania won't even show up to work!

Skeptical Voter said...

Melania sez--I'm healthy, I don't need an appointment with a doctor. Melania is also not a rookie First Lady. She hardly needs an orientation from Jill Biden in how to do the First Lady job.

Saint Croix said...

I think Kamala spent $2 billion + dollars in her campaign so that Joe and Jill wouldn't have any of that money left. "Make sure we owe money when it's over." (It would be funny if the Bidens had to pick up that tab). So you can get mad at the red team, but blue on blue violence is way funnier.

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to the 2025 White House Christmas decor, design chosen by Melania Trump. Gonna be interesting, I bet.

Skeptical Voter said...

That is an Ed. D degree. That and five bucks will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

The Drill SGT said...

docs from his time in the Senate as well

The Drill SGT said...

NYC trade unions and Refuse companies?

rehajm said...

Yeas please…

J said...

Which by statute Brandon was not supposed to have.

Levi Starks said...

It’s more likely I think that it was actually Jill who called the shots.

The Drill SGT said...

and to leave the knick knacks, unlike the Clintons

J said...


mccullough said...

All the agents on that raid are getting reassigned to Alaska

tcrosse said...

There probably won't be a large Hollywood contingent at the Inaugural Ball.

Mary Beth said...

It seems that it's an assumption that Dr. Jill's husband authorized the FBI to paw through Melania's drawers. Hasn't Jill been running things for some time now? If she isn't, then who?

rehajm said...

The Bidens ARE disgusting…

Mary Beth said...

The red outfit that Jill wore when she went to vote was one of the few outfits I've seen on her that looked nice.

MadisonMan said...

And not Anchorage. Juneau. Nome. Utqiagvik.

Leland said...


Jupiter said...

Nah. If DeepState wanted FBI to find a dildo, FBI would have found a dildo. Or at least, took a picture of one. Or maybe just a picture of an empty box with "ACME Dildo" written on it.

paminwi said...

Interesting thought!
She needed to bankrupt the election money fund so Biden will have nothing to disburse after he’s out of office to give to his key supporters.

Dr Weevil said...

Isn't the whole point of the traditional invitation to the incoming First Lady to show her around the White House? As Todd notes, she already knows her way around, and doesn't need a tour any more than Frances Cleveland would have needed to be shown around the White House by Caroline Harrison in 1892, even if Mrs. Benjamin Harrison hadn't died two weeks before the election.

Melania was probably too polite to say what Frances said at the end of Grover's first term: "As Frances Cleveland left the White House, she told a staff member, 'Now, Jerry, I want you to take good care of all the furniture and ornaments in the house, for I want to find everything just as it is now, when we come back again.' When asked when she would return, she responded, 'We are coming back four years from today.'"

Has anyone asked Melania why she refused the invitation? I bet she would be polite and say that a tour was unnecessary in her case, and not that she doesn't ever want to be in the same room as the &*&^*&^.

Doodad said...

"The Bidens ARE disgusting…" Greatest quip evah!

Bruce Hayden said...

I disagree with the latter. Biden very likely doesn’t, and didn’t, have the intellectual capacity to realize that skimpy USSS protection for Trump might result in an assassination attempt. I don’t think that many of the orders coming out of the WH have really come from him, for years. His handlers just give him ice cream cones, to keep him quiet, and do what they want.

What is still suspicious though is that one of the excuses for staffing the Trump event was staff availability - because Jill had, at almost the last minute, decided to attend an event fairly close to the Trump event. HSA apparently substituted their own officers, without giving them adequate training.

Bruce Hayden said...

Not going to get House approval.

rehajm said...

I was reminded of a Boston sports celebration long ago, much like all the other Boston sports celebrations, but one where, out in the crowd, one of the jokers made a slightly off color sign what caught the eye of one Larry Bird, and motivated Larry to confirm Moses DOES eat shit

walter said...

Maybe Melania, having been there/done that, realizes it's an overhyped unelected "position". But apparently it puts one at risk of raids and having her husband killed. It would be a nice gesture if Garland would return Barron's underwear, but it should be thrown out at this point.

Bruce Hayden said...

The laughing is because she is so pretentious. In the Bell Curve, it was pointed out that the mean IQ of every Doctorate degree category was roughly one standard deviation above the population mean (100), except for EdDs (~100) and PhDs in Physics (which are higher). EdDs are clued Summer School Doctorates for good reason - most of the coursework is done in summer school, when the applicants are not working as teachers, and they are far from rigorous. No attempt is usually required to find even remotely representative people in the studies or their dissertation, and often, apparently their research involves talking to a small number of close friends, very often other teachers.

Realistically, the JD degrees held by both Joe and Hunter are more rigorous, and if anyone in their family should be called “Doctor”, it is they.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Skeptical Voter is incorrect.
The Ed. D. degree (+/- $5) qualifies her to be behind the counter at Starbucks.

john mosby said...

Jupiter, I am now visualizing Wile E. Coyote watching the Acme Dildo fail to get the Roadrunner, then walking over, picking it up, and shaking it, only to have it immediately start vibrating uncontrollably, fly out of his hands and up his ass, and detonate. When the smoke clears, his seared butt flesh is peeled back like a cheao cigar, with black smoke pouring out of his now sewer-sized butthole, as the Coyote breaks the fourth wall and fixes the audience with an exasperated stare….

Maybe AI can draw that.


Ann Althouse said...

Link fixed. Sorry.

TaeJohnDo said...

Oh no! Now Jill can't show her the sofa covers that inspired her wardrobe.

Bruce Hayden said...

On the flip side, one of the First Lady’s real jobs is entertaining. Melania did it frequently, and elegantly, while First Lady. “Dr” Jill did it rarely, and rarely with any class. Remember, Jill was the one who frequently showed up dressed like a sofa. Melania was never underdressed, bringing an elegance back to the White House, unseen since Jackie Kennedy. And it wasn’t just her dress - she made the White House more elegant too, with her fine eye for design.

Readering said...

Mrs Trump wasn't a gracious hostess 4 years ago; why would she be a gracious guest now?

Iman said...

Federal funding for Handmaid’s Tales outfits will be eliminated on January 21, 2025.

doctrev said...

It's quite possible for Joe Biden to simply be allowed a quiet retirement. Jill Biden and Kamala Harris, however, might be well served to look into non-extradition countries. Bragging about your lawfare doesn't make you bulletproof. In the legal sense, of course.

doctrev said...

An interesting theory, but if an incoming DOJ is motivated to put you into prison it's an astonishingly stupid move. A Trump AG wouldn't even have to be particularly bright, just minded to go after every single person in the campaign jointly and severally until they either cough up their share or drop dime on their superiors.

walter said...

The one where she is pro choice despite her husband's desire for federal ban on abortion and contraception..or something....

Skeptical Voter said...

Damn! What a shame.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Maybe Melania isn’t going back the White House at all.

walter said...

We should be moving away from the credentialled class BS at this point. But, indeed, Hunter should have at least an honorary degree in chemistry.

tcrosse said...

Civility bullshit.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...

Speaking of fashion modeling, I am pleased that at this point in the story we can ditch the fusty brown uniforms and break out the black ones.

Granted, I'm no fan of jodhpurs, but Hugo is timeless, and those full length black leather coats are to die for. Perhaps Melania could add a red tie to provide some extra pop.

I just hope Elon can design a super sized 3-D printer to get the barracks built for the camps in a timely manner.

There's a lot of work to be done. Lets get going.

Kevin said...

Garland - "Did you sniff Melania's panties?"

Wray - "Did Trump tell you that? Fuckin' baby!"

Narayanan said...

may be Dr Jillie wanted decor advice before she left WH? but ungracious Mellie declines!!

Narayanan said...

hillbillies and amish show up in their wagons

tcrosse said...

Antifa already have it covered.

JIM said...

If you want to know the true soul of leftist fashion mags and leftist mass media, look no further than how they treated Melania. They treated her like she was a Leper.
And now all I see on social media is leftists telling me I am a horrible person, immoral, and evil for voting for Trump. Never in my lifetime did I ever expect that type of nonsense over an election.
Trump appealed to a fairly broad coalition, the only demographic to reject him by a wide margin were college educated women.
How sad for them. Hearing their lamentations is like music to my ears.

Lawcruiter said...

This story feels made up. I get that Melania has no love for the Bidens, but there seems to be no upside (for anyone) to creating a story (with such an outrageous quote!) out of this.

No Name said...

Hell hath no fury like a scornful Eastern European woman. Melania's not going to acknowledge either Biden ever again .

Mr. T. said...

Readering is still mad that Ms. Trump won't date him.

Good news though there is worthy substitute right up his street: Rachel Dolezal -the verybfrst OnlyFans DEI hire!

No Name said...

Joey, knew it, enabled it, encouraged it. He certainly isn't a nice guy. Too bad we can't ask his 1st wife, poor woman.

No Name said...

Vogue magazine cheapened its brand by putting Jill Biden on its cover, along with flattering article about our trampy Dr Jill no-MD.

No Name said...

Her Reagan-red pantsuit worn on election day was the first sophisticated outfit Jill's ever worn. She's a "couch-cover floral" tennis mom, more "mutton dressed as lamb", her frumpy floral dresses ill-fitting and unflattering. Jill needed a seamstress to tailor her clothes, instead she often looked like she shopped at Ross for Less.

wendybar said...

The Bidens are disgusting human beings and can't leave the White House in disgrace fast enough.

Nick Sortor

REPORTER: “Mr. President, do you think you can get a ceasefire deal done by the end of your term?”

BIDEN: “Do you think that you can get hit in the head by the camera behind you?”

wendybar said...

Quaestor said...

Readering libels, "Mrs Trump wasn't a gracious hostess 4 years ago..."

Do tell us about your horrid afternoon tea with the First Lady. The watercress was a bit stale? Got served Lipton's rather than Harney and Sons oolong? Did a servant pour?

Quaestor said...

wendybar reports: BIDEN: “Do you think that you can get hit in the head by the camera behind you?”

Yet another plaque attack... they tend to come on more and more frequently until the lucidity ceases altogether. However, for decades, Biden has carefully nurtured a reputation as a "tough guy", or, more correctly, his warped notion of a tough guy derived from reading Mickey Spillane novels. Consequently, whenever the Orax wears off Biden reverts to his invented "hardboiled" personality that threatened Trump with a beating. (Trump would take him in Round One, btw -- Donald or Melania.)

Why would anyone voluntarily occupy the same room with Joe Biden? To sit and smile vacantly at Joe's incomprehensible blather, or risk being on the receiving end of one of his rages?

pacwest said...

Bethel. That's where they belong.

Rocco said...

The FBI after the raid:

Another old lawyer said...

Can Trump also dis-invite Obama to the inauguration? With that recent report about President Obama pushing the Russia hoax to the media before Trump's first inauguration when Obama knew it was false, it's the least Obama deserves.

Clyde said...

Sundown comes early at the White House.

john mosby said...

I’m a Trumpist, but I dont hold Joe’s hit-by-the-camera crack against him. I could easily see Trump saying the same thing. It would be funny for either one - the Boomer’s parents/Don Rickles kind of humor. Notice that for once he’s not threatening to do it himself. It’s kind of like the “go play in traffic” rejoinder, or Al Jaffee’s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions.


Roughcoat said...

I see, after a long absence, the Althouse blog is still swarming with rightwing squatters.

rastajenk said...

West TX: You beat me to it. By about 5 hours.

Drago said...

The bitter-clinging deplorables simply won't learn their place, will they?

Drago said...

Perhaps the cucumbers in the cucumber sandwiches were of an inferior variety.

Drago said...

"Why would a fashion forward, accomplished woman be seen with a woman who wears couch covers"

Can you imagine the scandal if Melania, thinking Jill was a sofa, sat on her?

Iman said...

Two snaps up!

Iman said...

No bigger dildos than Garland and Wray.

Big Mike said...

@Bruce Hayden, +1

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Were you one of the progs, Roughcoat? We've had a few old-timers suddenly resurface and I don't remember everybody's orientation. Anyway, we need more Lefty's. Cookie has become incoherent and Inga is hiding from the Trumpist door-kickers.

Christopher B said...

I was under that impression too but should have realized the authors of the 12th Amendment used "President of the Senate" rather than "Vice-President" for a reason. The President Pro Tempore can execute the duties of the President of the Senate in the absence of the VP so no new VP would be necessary.

I am still under the impression that at least some of the push to get Harris out of the VP slot is so she won't have to rule on whatever antics the Democrats have planned for the certification vote.

rhhardin said...

Jill Biden’s husband authorized the FBI snooping through her underwear drawer

"To respect feminine modesty is to know how to stick to appearances, to question endlessly the infinite enigmas of Sphinx-nature, without seeking, even out of prudence, to "reveal" the truth." - Sarah Kofman

Big Mike said...

@Drago, that’s bitterly clinging Deplorable Garbage to you, buddy!

walter said...

We missed your pithy observations. Welcome back.

Readering said...

She didn't invite Mrs Biden. Keep up.

Mary Beth said...

If it wouldn't reflect badly on the staff, I'd say that Trump ought to claim the Bidens left behind an infestation.

Roughcoat said...

ME a prog? It is to laugh! I'm as hard right as they come!

Aggie said...

House approval is only needed for the 25th A. If Joe wants to leave the plantation and steps down, nobody can say 'no'. There would be some furious footdragging over Kam's coronation, though.

Jim at said...

Mrs Trump wasn't a gracious hostess 4 years ago; why would she be a gracious guest now?

Maybe you should try killing her husband again.

Drago said...

"Drago, that’s bitterly clinging Deplorable Garbage to you, buddy!"

I stand corrected.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"Dr. Jill" has nothing of value to offer Melania. She's been there before.

Refusing to normalize the corruption of the Democrats is good.

Here's hoping Trump helps Biden show off his dementia

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Have you not seen the latest "Dr Jill snubbing Kamala" video?

There's no way she's allow Joe to resign

No Name said...

Maybe the reason Harris Campaign spent $1+ billion is because the 1st $200 million went to the Bidens. Don't be surprised if it's true. To get Jill to let Joe relinquish the 2nd run for presidential office took some HARD work, and some HARD cash. Biden Family is very cash-orientated. Jill seems not only cash-hungry, but also a hardcore status-seeker. She's spent her entire life floating in a world of Federal largesse, fast-flowing campaign donations, honorarium professorships and honorary doctorates, government-paid staffers and babysitters, chauffeurs and towncars, and plenty of hired help to boss around.

Bidens have a reputation in Delaware for never paying their contractors, or their household bills.

narciso said...

After all this time, they still dont know us

Greg The Class Traitor said...

1: I note Readering provides no source for this claim
2: I must admit, I couldn't give a shit

Hey, it was Covid! No personal meetings!

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oso Negro said...

Nah, there is a whole spinoff site for the hardcore.

Oso Negro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

Would any sane person (and I include within that group any woman or man for whom the prospect of a woman becoming the First Woman President is an important one) want it to happen that way? That the First Woman President is someone who never came close to winning even a primary election, and who got to serve two months of lame-duckery?

Jaq said...

If you follow Stephen McIntyre's twitter feed, you learn interesting stuff, like hidden in a FOIA release that just recently came out, I think it was last week, but anyway, the fact is that the FBI knew within a week that Hillary had made up the whole Russian dossier thing.

So Hillary misreported the expense for fabricating the dossier as "legal expenses" and was fined for it.

That misdemeanor legal expense, though, in New York State, becomes a felony, because it was to try to steal the election by falsely tarring Trump as a tool of Russia. I wonder why she wasn't prosecuted?

I wonder why New York State hasn't combed through the financial history of all of the billionaire and near billionaire real estate developers to uncover the heinous crime of agreeing wit a lender the market value of certain assets that is different than what a prosecutor thinks that they should have been...


Jaq said...

I guess that "squatters" is better than "reprobates," which is what gadfly called us as he flounced off last week.

Jaq said...

Yeah, there are a lot of made up stories going around right now trying to paint Trump into a corner on a lot of issues.

Narayanan said...

does that mean for Biden need to get hit in head before he would insist Hamas cease fire at Israel

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I could easily see Trump saying the same thing"
I couldn't, because it would be completely out of character for Donald Trump to be mean and insulting to someone asking him a good faith question. Maybe you could point to something Trump said to someone that was nasty and insulting when they didn't insult Trump first, but I don't think you could.

Christopher B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...


Mr. Majestyk said...

Rendering, Trump was contesting the election, so naturally he didn't invite Biden to the White House. And since Joe wasn't invited, why would Melania invite Jill?

Readering said...

More reason to be a gracious guest this time.

Rusty said...

Why? The Bidens didn't belong there in the first place.

Rocco said...

The Drill SGT said…
and to leave the knick knacks, unlike the Clintons.

And to leave the knickers alone, unlike the FBI.

Nicholas said...

To paraphrase the Vogue front cover, “We will decide if you have any future”

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